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/fa/ - Fashion

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9927525 No.9927525 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some dressing tips for fat men other than lose weight?

I've changed my diet and am being more active, but I'd like to stop looking like shit in the meantime.

>> No.9927536

Lose weight faster. Clothes just don't look good on fat people at all.

>> No.9927538

Plain coloured t-shirts and plain coloured chinos. Keep them fairly dark.
Maybe longsleeved pullovers for something fractionally more dressy.

Don't shell out money on dress shirts, suits, or raw denim till you're at a good weight.

>> No.9927552
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Dont dress well. Just presentable.
Anything serious right now is just wasted money.
Get down to your goal weight faster. Faster than you thought possible. Only then can you buy actual human clothes.

Only then can you be EFFAY.

>> No.9927562

>I'd like to stop looking like shit in the meantime.
you can't, period. aspire to dress just ok enough to merge into the background for the next three-four months until the weight is gone and then start buying nice clothes

>> No.9927584

Thanks for the replies

How do I lose weight faster without an eating disorder or fucking myself up in some way? inb4 >>>/fit/

Didn't plan spending too much in the meantime, I'd just like a few outfits that aren't oversized graphic tee + oversized jeans

How should fat dudes go about sizing their stuff? I usually wear slightly oversized stuff (Ex: I wear 3X shirts by choice, but I can fit a 2X easy. I just don't like having my fat so defined and I doubt others wanna see that shit either). Am I just too self conscious or am I doing the public a favor?

>> No.9927600

Ignore the spoiler fuckup, I guess. Can you just not spoiler triple arrows or is the spoiler shit different?


>> No.9927617

If you're in the city, go for action bronson, raekwon kind of stuff. Might be hard to pull off if you're a 4chan weeb

>> No.9927627

>How do I lose weight faster without an eating disorder or fucking myself up in some way?
eat below your maintenance level -- yes, DO check /fit/ to find out how precisely, the sticky is enough
drink a lot of water
start swimming or cycling, whatever you like better. don't run, your joints will suffer.

>> No.9927636

Tell us your current diet, calorie intake, weight, etc.

Are you keeping a log? No, well start keeping one right now and count everything that touches your damn throat (Aside from cock).

>> No.9927647

Actually been aiming to eat below my maintenance level, but I'll check the sticky to make sure I'm not fucking it up.

I've given up soda + most other drinks than water (if I really want flavor, I'll just use a flavor packet or something)

I've actually been thinking about cycling. It'll help lose weight and stop being such a fucking shut in.

Current diet isn't static, but I've just recently started counting calories. As of recent, I intake a little over 1.1k a day. I'm 6'2, 300lbs. I plan on getting MyFitnessPal and keeping track starting tomorrow

>> No.9927650

Wear dark colors but not all black
Light outerwear is slimming
Wear clothes that are your size......that's a very fucking important thing to remember
Nothing looks worse then ill fitting clothes
Bring a few items of clothing to your seamstress
Wait hold up: get a seamstress
Then make sure to get your clothes fit to size
Seams lined up with your shoulders, sleeve length correct
Dude and get slim fitting dress shirts.....they'll look good
Jean wise, make sure they're straight leg

>> No.9927663

These are excellent.

But yeah, get to /fit/. You'll get there, man.

>> No.9927670

well, to be honest, the only clothes that seem to look good on really fat guys are those really loose , silk tommy bahama type shirts. because of the way they drape, they sort of hide your fatness a little bit

>> No.9928051

Spoilers only work on certain boards.
/v/, /tv/, /lit/, /a/, /co/, /tg/(?),
Everything el se doesnt have them.

>> No.9928065

Oh, that makes sense. Thank you

>> No.9928740

You really can't go back from being fat. Your skin is pretty much wrecked. It's sort of like smoking. Once you start and do it for a few years, the damage is done, lungs don't heal, enjoy your poor choices/family.

>> No.9928764

Only count your calories precisely for a couple of weeks. After that you will have a general idea as to what you should be eating in a day.
Diet should be your primary concern, but also start exercising. Cardio for your health and weights for your sex appeal.

>> No.9928813

Not op but can fat people be efffay?

>> No.9928967

What the fuck, I know that guy

>> No.9929088

>tfw fat and more effay than 95% of people in here
>fuck bare bitches too coz of my swagger and gift of gab
>laugh every time some random melbourne meetup-like cucks release their anger at fat people online due to their own insecurities


>> No.9929131

Save the money imo. You won't look good until you've lost most of it and if you're really serious about losing it then you'll be losing it so quickly that all the shit you buy will be unwearable every few weeks.

>> No.9929370
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There are no clothes that look good on fatties. I know this of experience. Fortunately thats a long time ago. What you can change is the impression you make on others.

Tips: Dont wear clothes that are too wide. They make you look like a creep. And they are not hiding anything. If not anything else, tight fitting (not too tight, I guess) clothes give others the impression that you are not ashamed of yourself.

However, you should never accept yourself being a ham planet. Lose weight, become a human being again.

pic related. be like this fat man. He is fat, but despite that he puts his shirt into his trousers.

>> No.9929402

strict no

>> No.9930840
File: 3.63 MB, 1840x3232, Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_Portrait_of_Henry_VIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long gone are the days of being fat and /fa/

>> No.9930846

>yonder codpiece


>> No.9930858

Look at fat Karl Lagerfeld and Gianfranco Ferre. You will still be a fatty but you will look smart. Well kinda smart.

>> No.9930872

Keith Olbermann is fat but knows how to dress himself

>> No.9930879
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>implying the fat, bloated elvis isnt one of the most effay men to have ever existed.

stay butt blasted, skinny people

>> No.9931655


read fit's sticky and come back here once you're not fat

lose weight by doing cardio and eating less calories than you expend

>> No.9932146
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>> No.9932155
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>> No.9932162

He posted this pic on a face rate thread yesterday, yes face rate... He's getting a lot of shit for it now haha.

>> No.9933206

Losing weight can be difficult and demoralising if it doesn't happen as fast as you'd like. Try to dress simply, basic t-shirts, a simple jacket and sweaters/pants. Most of those clothes you can repurpose once you get down to your goal weight. And until then, keep at it! I went from obese to 8% body fat. It's a daunting thing, but nothing's more rewarding, and simple to do as long as you keep at it. Good luck OP!

>> No.9933390


thanks, i needed a laugh

>> No.9933419

As a general rule I stuck by to huge success, always overestimate calorie intake because almost everyone eats more than they think.

Good luck though, I lost 50lb in only a few months and all I did was accurately count calories, start running twice a week, and started walking everywhere so you could do it no sweat.

>> No.9933424

Style wise I would stay far away from slim/skinny fit clothing, and instead stick to loose baggy styles (which luckily are currently in fashion trend).

Generally to properly pull this look off I would recommend higher end brands but since you'll hopefully be ditching your current wardrobe in not too long, stick to lower end stuff for now. Now if you really need advice it'd help to know waist/clothing size since at a certain level you are basically prohibited from a lot of the people i'd recommend due to lack of demand.

>> No.9933497

Impossible these days, wait for the trends to change.

>> No.9933633

What i'm afraid of is buying all new clothes, i'm not rich, and i don't think i can appropriate everything wear now to oversized, it would probably look ridiculous ALSO FUCK CAPTCHA FOR MAKING ME LOOK AT CAKE I'M ON A DIET DAMNIT

>> No.9933647

I'm 105 kg, and i think i look decent with what i wear. I find wide jeans look atrocious on me, so i wear skinnies, tapered shirts to skim my sides but not hug any fat, and wear light open jackets most of the time. I always think that if i could put the effort in dieting and working out instead of clothes i'd be ripped by now.

>> No.9933648



check my dubs

>> No.9933824

dude honestly just dress like a fat person for now until you lose weight.

this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but definitely the type of fits you see on /fa/ will NOT look good on you rn

i'd say work on presentability in terms of keeping your hygiene, taking care of your face, and other types of routines to better your appearance. i know you'd like to stop with the graphic tees and oversized jeans, but you can still be a well-dressed fat person by finding flattering t-shirts, getting your jeans tailored, and just looking like an approachable fat person in the meantime. just because you're obese right now does not mean that you'll automatically look unapproachable or unhygienic.

dress like a fat person people wanna be friends with and are not disgusted by. that's all there is to it.

>> No.9933830

>>9933824 (continued)

>>9927617 THIS THIS THIS
wear cool fat people clothes that make it seem almost like you don't care about being fat/ it doesn't affect your personality. find inspiration from fat people who people admire and think are cool

>> No.9933837

good luck on your weight loss btw. i once had to struggle with severe obesity and honestly my life is so much better now at normal weight.

>> No.9935539

If you're really fat don't lose weight too fast! It will give you more stretch marks.

>> No.9937546

Moot's ghost must hate you. Don't worry about buying all new clothes, just buy new stuff as you progressively lose weight. A t-shirt from now could be a cute oversized top for a gf/bf you get when you're hot. Just get stuff you can use as you lose weight.

>> No.9937982

This is a lie

>> No.9938012
File: 167 KB, 1100x733, 1412989428465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat Fashion is possible, just hard to pull off.
You need lotta confidence, and to embrace it. Losing weight is probably the best way tho, you will probably also enjoy it more.

>> No.9938015

Damn, it must suck to be fat.

>> No.9938033
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Damn. Thats sick

brb getting fat

>> No.9938112
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I get to be the foreign guy and the fat guy of the group.

>> No.9938147

don't listen to this fucker ^
if you eat below the maintenance level you will probably lack nutrients that help the metabolism,vitamins etc
I suggest to have a healthy diet with lots of greens and minimal fat, no sugary shit like fizzy drinks that's the worst and exercise a lot not to the point of fainting but a lot
you can also go for a walk every evening if you find jogging exhausting
a friend of mine used to be 260lbs last summer and now he is 180lbs and fit just by replacing hamburgers with salads and endless hours of sitting on a couch with going to the gym on a regular basis
he didn't do anything extreme
you can make it

>> No.9938157

both are good for health
really who gives a fuck about sex appeal?

>> No.9938214

looking good with a hat tho

>> No.9938363

Do you know what "maintenance level" means? Any given person needs to eat a certain amount to maintain their weight. If you do not eat below this level (or exercise to counter calories consumed), you will NOT lose weight.