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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 650x450, Hipster-hair-beard-combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9919779 No.9919779 [Reply] [Original]

when will this IRL meme die out?

>> No.9919793

these big beards are so fucking shit
attempt to hide their shit facial structures

>> No.9919816

confirmed for shitty beard

>> No.9919839

i can grow a beard but i choose not to? I shave every three days because the most I like to have is some stubble.
Rather have people see my sexy facial structure than a big bush

>> No.9919847

confirmed for shit bone structure and bad genes
these beards are walking memes fucking normie

>> No.9919865

The aspect that most people hate about this is the combination of short sides with the large beard. That middle area is very awkward looking, it ruins the unkempt nature of a bearded man when you have to shave your head weekly, it's completely contrasting.

>> No.9919946

This needs to stop, but I like the idea of a beard. At the very least they should stop shaving the sides and slicking back so hard.

Are there any examples of different beard styles?

>> No.9919979

>be in college
>Girl tells me she thinks I'd look good with a beard
>explain to her that beards are basically meme haircuts
>Looks at me like I'm a fucking autist
>Run away in shame
why /fa/?

>> No.9919993

it's even worse when they get the part shaved in their head like a complete fuckwagon.

>> No.9919997

because you probably are quite far down the spectrum if this actually happened

>> No.9920000

she was a pleb anyway

>> No.9920002


a light one is fine

le mountain man viking beard looks tryhard on a guy with a desk or service job

>> No.9920027

quads dont lie

>> No.9920031

she's normie scum w shit taste anyways

>> No.9920036

talk weird post beard

>> No.9920070


>> No.9920132

hopefully after the cuck may may dies

>> No.9920773

I've got long sideburns, makes my jawline even look more cut than it already is.

tired of these shit bush beards. pleb shit genes

Then people telling me to grow it out to a full beard
fuck off

>> No.9920886

Question, is this haircut (or any variation of short sides/long top) acceptable without the beard?

>> No.9920920


>> No.9920924
File: 78 KB, 813x776, 1431070268277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this insecure loser actually hides his deformities behind a tangle of facial pubes

get blacked, cuck

>> No.9920947

Ok that's good. I have to follow some pretty specific hair regulations for my job, and the haircut pictured there is basically the most effay cut I can get while still remaining in those regulations.

>> No.9920997

I'm guessing the average age of beard detractors in this thread and board in general is 16-17. Either that or they just have bad genetics and can't grow a decent beard. There's no reasonable reason to be THIS fucking angry at natural facial hair growth. There really isn't. You can tell me "oh, I can grow a beard, I just choose to shave" and that still wouldn't justify you being so hateful towards, of all things, fucking facial hair.

>> No.9921008

>>Run away in shame
this is the part of your post where i knew you were /fa/

>> No.9921061

I'm 21 and am a "beard detractor." I can grow one, just personally don't think they look good. They look ok if it's not as massive as the one op posted, those look super try hard and meme tier ridiculous

>> No.9921097

Do you think before you type? Would you actually speak like this in public? If I were to ask you in real life what you thought about beards, would you be able to validate your reasoning without using buzzwords like "meme" and "tryhard"?

>> No.9921140

Fair question, but an equally fair question is do you get this buttmad in public?

>> No.9921148

Irl I would say I think these big bushy beards are ugly as shit and looks ridiculous.
Or that they're hoping on a shitty trend

>> No.9921150

No, because normal people that I interact with on a daily basis do not speak or get so hilariously upset over trivial nonsense the way you and some others do over their facial hair preference.

>> No.9921162

Lol you must have a shit facial structure so you hide it behind an ugly meme beard

>> No.9921164

>facial hair
>natural hair growth
>something all men have evolved with

Stop. If anything it's a "trend" to shave.

>> No.9921173

Post your face, fam.

>> No.9921182

LMAO are you seriously saying it's a trend to shave? The lumberjack unkept look is definitely the trend atm, this disgusting beard with a manbun is what tons of people are striving for. I would not say shaving is a trend hahaha
where do you live?

>> No.9921184


>> No.9921187

mullet backlash when?

>> No.9921208


who the fuck cares.

>> No.9922595


>> No.9922612

i think beards look good and my family history suggests I should be able to grow a nice one in my early 20s but i still think this hy/manbun+beard+tattoos+asos clothing meme needs to stop

>> No.9922622

helps me decided who i want to avoid

i can tell their interests just by looking at them

>> No.9922627

>i can grow a beard but i choose not to

so can 49% of the world

>> No.9922650

It's absolutely fucking retarded. It's usually wanna be alpha cunts who think having a beard makes them a man. Or effeminate fags who want to be /fa/.
It's like all the faggots suddenly woke up and thought, being a faggot is acceptable? NO WAY MAN, I'm unique, I'm going to be manly as fuck and grow a lumberjack beard, even though I'm a massive bender

>not shaving one a week
fucking plebs, hope on the new trend already

>> No.9922673

>ppl being elitist about shaving


>> No.9922680

most not good though

only a fraction of men can actually grow an aesthetically pleasing, uniformly full beard

>> No.9922785

I only have a beard because i 'm balding and have a buzzcut :( im not a trend hopper guys I swear.

>> No.9922789

who cares what we think

bitches love it

>> No.9922814

So, you're LITERALLY a knob head? A tiny fat erect penis with pubes on the bottom?

Just kidding, I feel being bald/balding is an excellent excuse for a beard/facial hair.
>im balding as well

>> No.9922841

Y'all pissed cause ya can't grow a full beard with no effort like I can.

>> No.9922862

Not him, but you're an ass for letting that fly over your head. Every man who doesn't have access to shaving tools grows a beard, that is the natural appearance of man. Denying the beauty in that is naively comical.

Then a bunch of people decided to use blades to keep their faces bare. That's been the dominant trend. Beards can look great but they're harder to patiently grow and maintain, its just most dudes who can grow facial hair aren't man enough to handle it and it handles them.

>> No.9922863

First post in this thread - but wtf why does /fa/ hate beards? Like the whole slick back side shave hipster shit I hate too but seems like you guys really fuckin hate beards like just in general (I don't have a beard atm but sometimes I let it grow out, suits me at a good length)

>> No.9922869

iktf.. I had a huge 8 month old homeless looking beard that was really red and I had to shave it because I found the general beard culture to be annoying as fuck.

>"sick beard my brother!"

>> No.9922878


>beard culture

Are you autistic?

It's just a fucking beard holy fuck.

>> No.9922883

because when you see something too much it becomes a meme. so many hacks are walking around getting le hipster cred for looking like a lumberjack. it's a shit meme that needs to die.

>> No.9922889


It's 'cuz /fa/ is mostly edgy 17-19 year old faggots slobbering on rick owen's dick.

>> No.9922894

what if i dont do that trendhopping shit and i just have a nice beard

>> No.9922896

>It's just a fucking beard holy fuck.

I know, I feel the same way. Unfortunately though, being 23 and having a big beard means that every single fucking person is going to make some retarded comment when you see them. It gets annoying af after the 6th month of hearing the same 6 comments repeatedly.

>> No.9922902

generation y is cancer. they don't know how to be men so when their biology grows them a beard they get all hyped up and it becomes fedora tier autism when they see eachother. *tips meme beard* i want off this shit planet full of memeing retards.

>> No.9922904

You have shit reading comprehension, buddeh

>> No.9922911


Never happens to me. I usualy just get a few compliments and that's that. No jokes.. No comments. No annoying questions. It might be because I look aggressive.

>> No.9922919

>it becomes fedora tier autism when they see each other

This is what I was referring to >>9922878
These random faggots would approach me at bars and stuff and try to talk to me solely about beards. 90% of the time they were nice/cool it just got old after a while.

What age group do you usually interact with?

>> No.9922928


But that makes me feel good. It gives me a confidence boost and I like it.

>> No.9922931
File: 31 KB, 460x268, Bomba_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when will this IRL meme die out?
in 1960

>> No.9923120


>> No.9923166

i think even the plebs are starting to realise how fukking dumb it looks. the beardy twats will probably be gone in a year or so, enjoy sniggering at them while you can

>> No.9923169

But beard is ugly unless you are 50 or more, and combined with an undercut it's just... wow.

>> No.9923276

Side burns are always shit, those people are telling you to get rid of them

shave them

>> No.9923287
File: 2.73 MB, 348x275, 1410731486235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like lots of you simply just hang out with the wrong people and project their behaviour on the rest of said 'bearded population'.

If you're constantly surrounded by 'fedora tier beard culture douchebags', that might actually say something about your own personality and/or vibes you're giving off.

Really, it's ">tfw no gf" all over again.

>> No.9923290
File: 26 KB, 527x138, no beard 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can't grow a beard

>> No.9923291
File: 26 KB, 524x161, no beard 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mad!

>> No.9923294
File: 29 KB, 531x157, no beard 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923298
File: 36 KB, 526x206, no beard 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923300

>natural hair growth
>something all people have evolved with

Stop. If anything it's a "trend" to cut your hair.
in short, you're retarded if you cannot differentiate between what is and is not a trend - cutting hair into a HY, that's a trend, as is growing a big beard at the moment

>> No.9923301
File: 38 KB, 514x213, no beard 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923304
File: 33 KB, 522x152, no beard 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923308

>sofia syarial
>giant purple hair and angled pic

>caring about the opinions of monkeys and sandmonkeys

>> No.9923309
File: 29 KB, 525x155, no beard 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923312
File: 37 KB, 523x236, no beard 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad pasty babby sounds mad!

>> No.9923316

>sexualising men


>> No.9923339

shave your sideburns

>> No.9923353

kill yourself.

i understand the hate towards the idea of 'beard culture' and these massive beards with an undercut and slicked back hair. this is indeed a trend.

what i dont understand is the disdain for beards in general, separate of the bacon/craft beer ordeal.

basically this (>>9922862). it is the natural appearance of man.

>> No.9923384

the crazy thing is beard people actually believe this lol

>> No.9923406

I don't mind the beard but I'm pretty sick of the shaved sides slicked back hair + beard combo.

>> No.9923411

No /fa/-girl is actually attracted to bearded scum, who cares about normalfags.

>> No.9923482
File: 129 KB, 723x722, 1430122717440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923501
File: 613 KB, 245x160, 1422584667535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post in thread
enjoyed reading but it so fucking polar of a discussion almost noone really looked at the issue from this angle. the slickback-yeard-look is totally overplayed and maybe a way for goofy looking guys to achieve a manly/badass look, thus an easy target for all the cheeky nandos to hate on. i myself am growing my hair out and have to put my hair back as well because i reached the "awkward" stage between mullet and 90's grunge length. Plus, a beard which i also intend to grow out until the end of the year(d).

>> No.9923517

>something all men have evolved with

:( that feel when no facial hair aside from shit tier moustache and goatie @ 20 y.o

at least decent jaw structure so can keep completely clean shaven

>> No.9923571

these clean shaves are so fucking shit
attempt to hide their shit beard genetics

>> No.9923609

This thread is reaching top tier autisim. The only irl meme they should be worried about is those sailor tats. At least you can grow your hair and shave a beard.

>> No.9923726
File: 487 KB, 1280x1707, Alia Galyautdinova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes who hate on other dudes who have beard only hate because grills love beards nowadays.

t. someone who cant grow a beard.

>> No.9923782 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 600x900, jesus-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you mean beards, they won't die as long as this guy is famous which means never

i hope the the le lumber beard and undercut combo dies though

>> No.9923799
File: 90 KB, 600x900, jesus-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9919779 (OP)

If you mean beards, they'll stay as long as this guy is famous, which means forever
i hope the le lumber beard and undercut combo dies though

>> No.9924174
File: 159 KB, 652x784, 1432755043408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9924205

I love co-op grain elevators. They're the only thing to look at in the midwest.

>> No.9924443

People with tats like this are gonna look so silly when this "urban lumberjack" trend dies out soon

>> No.9924507

Rightful punishment for being a twat

>> No.9924560

Will not having a beard ever be a meme?

>> No.9924596

beards are only acceptable if you are
>chubby but good looking

i hate seeing these baggy tee, skinny jean, hurache wearing top banter lads with beards and manbuns/topknots

>> No.9924625

This makes me laugh because you are LITERALLY CARING ENOUGH TO HAVE A FUCKING NATURAL BODY FUNCTION. Think about that for a moment, you and everyone else who is being vocally outspoken about beards. You are spending time and energy by writing up how much you hate beards. Hair on OTHER PEOPLE'S FACES. Hahaha, damn, that's hilarious. What a sad life it must be to hate something so trivial.

>> No.9924626

>chubby but good looking
pick one

>> No.9924642

chubby but good looking

>> No.9924651

Beard is a certain style anyway, especially if it's like OP-pic.

>> No.9924652

why are you projecting so much

this whole thread is about whether beards look good, my opinion is that they sometimes can.

my opinion is also they some people, like the people i described, cant pull off a beard. i hate seeing it because they have a beard just because its the popular thing to do AND it looks bad on them.

>> No.9924662

being able to grow a beard is like having not evolved from fucking monkeys at all

>> No.9924670


>> No.9924683

I doubt many people are doing it "because it's popular." Maybe you see it more these days because information is being spread like crazy, but I can guarantee that beards were always "popular." Those kids are just doing what they feel like. Every man should try to grow out a beard at least once in their life.

>> No.9924686

>pick one
>only one option
>cries when i pick the one option

pick two

>> No.9924700

Like wearing a fedora and a leather jacket at the same time.
Classy Gentleman meets Hell's Angel.
Am I a growed up manly man yet?

The word that normal human beings used is "fad." Beards are a "fad."

>> No.9924704

i agree about everyone trying to grow a beard once but, actually many people ARE doing it just because its popular. it is a trend.

>> No.9924719

>Beards are a "fad."

A fad that's lasted well over 3,000 years, right, brah?

>> No.9924722

>they sometimes can
If u're over 50

>> No.9924726

Skinnybeard pls go

>> No.9924751
File: 101 KB, 640x480, Ct3pPRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do neckbeards count in this hatred of beards, or just the cool kids?

>> No.9924769

You mean like shoulder length hair, Mr. Natural?

>> No.9924823

Friend of mine has a great jawline but has been growing out his hair and has a huge bears, he's been doing for years and now he's lumped in with the hipsters. How do trends affect people that were there before it was a thing?

>> No.9924842

I get the same treatment as the other anon. People ask me how I maintain it, praise it, call me a fucking wizard. Beard fetishism is fucking weird.

>> No.9924853


>> No.9924870

Nah. The lumberjack thing is just people coming to the 2008 workwear trend late. People with tattoos are just people with tattoos, and where I live, everyone fucking has them.

>> No.9924888

Short answer, yes. If the cool kids move onto your thing, you're one of them. Then, once they move on, you're a hanger on for keeping with a tired trend.

>> No.9926514

Jesus Christ you are trying so hard, good job cherry picking tweets to justify your choice in facial hair. Why would you even want to attract such shitty girls? You've got some fucked up ideas about masculinity if you think something as arbitrary as having the genetics to grow a beard automatically makes you manlier than those who can't; a real man wouldn't save all those pictures just to validate his style choices on a Mongolian knitting image board. You're literally as bad as the fat cunts over at tumblr who claim only real women have curves, maybe even worse. Fucking christ man.

>> No.9926529

Beard culture is IRL shitposting

>> No.9927653

you really think Jesus is going to be famous forever? Kids in like 30 generations will have no idea who he is or even recognize his likeness, and if you try to explain they'll laugh in your face.

>> No.9927665

humans didn't evolve from monkeys

>> No.9927696

are you being intellectual and nitpicky because we evolved from a common ancestor with monkeys or do you not believe in evolution

either way, pls go

>> No.9927703

>you think something as arbitrary as having the genetics to grow a beard automatically makes you manlier
t. asian

>> No.9928013
File: 72 KB, 577x724, jared-leto-jesus-hair-h724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we'll have jared i hope

>> No.9928117

I hate this meme, but think of the wonders it does for us.

>> No.9928120
File: 80 KB, 454x686, Lumber-core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9928314

>naively comical

I think you mean comically naive brother.

>> No.9928510

He looks like a genuine fuccboi or a poser

>> No.9928538

No I am 22 and i am greek I can grow a beard, I don't because it is embarrassing in 2015.


No because i don't speak to "hipsters" in real life.

I'd be like "Epic beard dude, love the flannel you are wearing with it, were did you get those tat's btw. Want to talk about this more over a craft beer or perhaps drop me a pm on Reddit? Maybe we can chat about being "manly".

>> No.9928549

Not when you are 24 and working at starbucks.

Fat people cannot be attractive, that is a literally contradictory. Only people with fetishes find fat people attractive.

I have no problems with beards, i hate beard culture. It is literally reddit: the style that is why /fa/ doesn't like it. Everyone on reddit seems to have a shitty beard, all these faggots think that it makes them "manly" and they love their stupid "artisan" shit along with it, all poser shit.

Grow a beard by all means, but make sure you aren't a mid-twenties city dweller whose biggest struggle is getting tattooed all over your body. Justify it by actually having a difficult job or wait until you are actually an adult (e.g over 35).

>> No.9928556

he looks like a faggot from bear club

>> No.9928563

Lemme see dat E30

>> No.9928569
File: 189 KB, 600x450, frogspag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9928581


>> No.9928583

>I can grow a beard, I don't because it is embarrassing in 2015

lmao u guys are so delusional

>> No.9928624

post face faggot

>> No.9928855

He looks like he has never chopped wood once in his entire life.

>> No.9928884
File: 27 KB, 513x138, no beard 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol low test SO FUCKING MAD!!

>> No.9929223

The amount of times the word "meme" has been said in this thread is disgusting.

>> No.9929239

you're handpicking tweets from basic girls w no fashion sense? how is this proving your point?
if anything it's showing these girls are falling for the lumberjackhipster trend as well as the guys getting these ugly ass big beards

>> No.9929244

AYYYYYYY this is beyond low test

probably as close as NO TEST as you can get

Girls just get moist for dat beard you little insecure fuck, get over it.

>> No.9929268

Shaved head two weeks ago, shaving beard daily

Don't thank me OP, my pleasure

>> No.9929317
File: 20 KB, 300x400, disgustingchimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9929328

i wish i could grow a nice beard

>> No.9929437
File: 13 KB, 257x196, sideburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mattingly I told you to shave those sideburns!

>> No.9929544
File: 14 KB, 224x336, brad pitt sideburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9929915
File: 226 KB, 630x421, 131313141435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20+ years old
>can't grow a beard

Kill yourself

>> No.9929944


spineless cuck

>> No.9930009

at least i'm not a manlet so I have that going for me.

>> No.9930283

I wish I could grow a beard. In my twenties and the best I can do is some shitty whiskers and a patchy neckbeard; nothing substantial grows above my receding jawline. I grew it out for a while because I couldn't be bothered to shave it and people started asking about my opinions on ethics in game journalism.

>> No.9930306

underrated post

>> No.9930622
File: 19 KB, 400x500, 1375597478389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually great

>> No.9930649

>tfw strong jaw structure
>implying I'm going to hide this shit behind a bushy beard
get cucked beardfags, stubble is where it's at.

>> No.9931025

>if you grow a beard and a faded haircut you're a hipster lumber-core wearing poser

Wow /fa/. Just wow.

>> No.9932681

The amount of jealous children in this thread is hilarious.

>> No.9934605

the true true

>> No.9934660

The beard 'trend' is at peak plebosphere right now.
Given they take so long to grow, I imagine there'll be stragglers for a good few years.
But the treatment of beards is just embarassing. Even I'm guilty of it, casually laughing and saying 'Great beard!' when I don't even mean it. It only encourages the late bandwagoners. Worse still are those that think it is the measure of manliness.
As someone said before, it is a fedora for your face.

>> No.9934679

what? that is literally the definition lol

>> No.9934705


if it's endorsed by shit clickbait websites, you should probably ditch the memebeard

>> No.9934719

You just sound like a mad, jealous kid. Everything in your post was just buzzword buzzword buzzword boohoo buzzword.

>> No.9934741

point out the buzzwords in their post, there wasn't any that were unjustified in their context

>> No.9934745
File: 19 KB, 480x320, 22_top25greatestvillains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9935145

And you sound like someone who is eager to be admired.

The only kind of beards I like are the white ones old rich dudes grow when they stop giving fucks.
Beards are inherently fuzzy due to th texture of the hair, so they have a relaxed look and make sense in a relaxed context.

These people pairing them with pompadours are treating them as a phallic symbol. May as well start walking with a cane while chewing on a cigar. These guys would be wearing fedoras or peaked caps if they were so eager to thrust their quiffs forward. It's crude.

Jeff Lebowsky looks alright in a beard. It's way more congruent than the phallus collector's way of wearing one.

>> No.9935150


>> No.9935185
File: 36 KB, 480x270, hayao-miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards were a mistake

>> No.9935244

The beards can go for all I care, but that short-sides-high-top undercut is the best thing to happen to male hair in a while. When done right, it's just naturally flattering to most men since it makes their faces appear more square. Definitely a big step up over shitty short gel spiked hair, faux mohawks, or overgrown-sides-and-shit-on-top that everyone used to rock in the early to mid 00's.

>> No.9935271

>Short tight haircut + short tight beard
>Long unkempt hair + long unkempt beard
>Large quaffed haircut + large quaffed beard
>Fuck hair for life

Choose wisely, /fa/

>> No.9935316

Whether I can grow a beard or not doesn't matter, you're still a fucking try hard

>> No.9935323

I mean seriously, 10 pictures that you went out of your way to save to justify you having a beard. >

>> No.9935339

Confirmed for a neckbeard, I bet you're a virgin.

>> No.9935349

first one, just because my beard gets thick instead of long

though if your natural hair growth is stylish, you can get away with just about anything

>> No.9935856

Beards are definitely trending right now; yes, i get that they grow naturally and so, but the point is, most males are letting their beards grow these days, that's undeniable and why it is "trendy" right now.

And another thing to point is, most men also have shitty beards: bald spots, shitty coverage, bad styling etc. The list of mistakes males do about it is big. While the man in op's picture is very memey, he actually has a pretty damn good beard; few men can grow one at such an age. People may bitch all they want but his beard genes are sick. Even a stubble does wonders to give a more masculine look even on men with good jawlines.

Lumberjack culture indeed is pretty fucking cringey, with all these urban nerds who never did a blue-collar work on their life getting sailor tats, big beards, plaid shirts, craft beer on the hand, the whole package, forcing that masculine appeal you know. It will eventually. But beards won't, since you can have one while not partaking in such subcultures.

To sum up: lumberjack hipster culture is gay; low-test fuccboi culture (who infest this board) bitching about beards is gay too; beards won't die since they grow naturally just like hair but the bigger ones like op will probably go out of style someday.

>> No.9935863

I just hate beards because they make the face look messy and dirty and takes away from its smoothness and sharpness.

Also the face looks too bottom heavy.

>> No.9936084

fuccboi af

>> No.9936165


>> No.9936187

You guys make it sound like you've never seen someone like this?

Is this only a disgustingly popular a style in London? They're fucking everywhere here

>> No.9936198

I like the beard part, just not that hairstyle with it

beards need to look natural and not fussed-over. a fussy hairstyle just makes the beard look ridiculous

>> No.9936204

I have a beard that size. guess what my interests are

>> No.9936412


>> No.9937141


>> No.9937484

lol why do you guys hate beards so much?

did somebody with a beard pick on you?

>> No.9937755

Sorry you have to hear it from me, but in 30 years, there will be (almost) no atheists and no leftists anymore. Because those people don't reproduce and haven't done so for several decades. this will all die out during the next decades.

Instead, you can look forward to a majority of conservative and religious people - those are the ones that actually reproduce.

>> No.9937801

>believe in evolution

fucking people like you are such idiots. evolution for you is basically nothing more than a secular creation story. read a bit, grow out of your scientism phase please. at this point you're no better than christains spitting dogma and blindly believing what you've been taught what happened in the past

the theory of evolution is a predictive and explanatory tool, it isn't some sort of ontological truth

>> No.9938133
File: 25 KB, 640x960, 1428375500628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9938187

>rolls own fags
>smell of sweat and cherry beard wax

Pls, stop it. It's so basic dick.

>> No.9938231

this would look much better if he had any visible traits of muscle

There are some trends that only /fit/ people can pull off, and this is one of them. The fact that he fits in jeans that tight is just fucking wrong.

>> No.9938426

your post is dumb

but it contains a grain of truth. misunderstanding of Christianity--and gross oversimplification of what Christians believe--are becoming commonplace.

The more likely future we face (though not as soon as 30 years from now) is one where everyone recognizes Jesus but few people understand what he represents or what he did, still less any of his teaching.

>> No.9938465


confirmed for not understanding shit about science

>> No.9938586

Beard? Okay. Short back and sides? Basic bitch shit.

>> No.9939378

Are needle markings on her feet?

>> No.9939389


>> No.9939391


>> No.9940271

what dat

>> No.9940304

wrong way round m80

>> No.9941988
File: 301 KB, 500x500, Action-Bronson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a beard and a buzzcut. Am I super meme?

I look like a non-obese Action Bronson.

>> No.9942015
File: 340 KB, 1080x1080, Instasize_0604131741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some OC.

>> No.9942102

Somehow they feminized the beard. What a disgrace.

>> No.9942106
File: 73 KB, 600x771, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9942186

How can you bums not enjoy the feeling of a freshly shaved face? It feels fucking 50s dad incredible, clean and nice.

>> No.9942198

How can you babyfaces not enjoy the feeling of a freshly oiled beard? It feels fucking 1850s dad incredible, soft and nice.

>> No.9942207

This one fucker would look ten times worse without his shitty beard. He looks like effemiate, slightly annoying urban-dwelling young man, clean shaved he would look like a homosexual sperg.

>> No.9942219

You're broken

>> No.9943301
File: 37 KB, 500x738, 32c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw manlet AND can't grow a beard