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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.31 MB, 1910x925, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9922122 No.9922122 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed guys?


>> No.9922129

damn that nigga being stealing a ton a shit

>> No.9922130

thanks ASAP Rocky

>> No.9922137 [DELETED] 

i love watching these dumb fucking 'fashion' coons and geeks on YT, great schadenfreude hit.

always fresh apparel is another good one for those cringe feels.

>> No.9922143

i like how this guy talks tbh

>> No.9922148 [DELETED] 

how can anyone watch this and believe that niggers are people like you and i? lol

>> No.9922152

bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh

>> No.9922153 [DELETED] 

you're part of the problem, cuck is the technical term for your kind.

>> No.9922156

yo whats good with the squad man gang man you know GANG GANG GANG! For real tho TrendyRosi is p chill, he posts on WAYWTs here sometimes.

>> No.9922160

What's wring

>> No.9922161

This nigga knows what he's talking about

Anybody who says otherwise are fedora tipping neckbeards who browses rmfa

>> No.9922168

at least the pieces he got are nice

happy for him

>> No.9922170

facts too many elitist white faggots on /fa/

>> No.9922171

how can he afford all this?

>> No.9922172 [DELETED] 

monkey siding with his own kind

>> No.9922173

Is this nigger speaking english?

>> No.9922178

why do u hate man?? this nigga just out here doing his shit no one bothered u

>> No.9922179

yeah he posted not too long ago. i think he's pretty chill too. Nigga taught me how to taper my pants

>> No.9922184

why is everyone acting like a bitch?

this guys alright by me

>> No.9922187

He says he doesn't have a job and jobs aren't for him, nigga doesn't even have a car how the fuck can he afford all that? he's stealing shit, no doubt.

>> No.9922191

just white people jealous a nigga got more designer pieces than them

>> No.9922197

literally unintelligible

did this dude even finish high school

>> No.9922200

>10 posters
>20 posts

lmao nigger fuck outta here

>> No.9922204 [DELETED] 

>stealing things he buys online

its his parents money.


>rick owens is my furvrute bran breuh

rick owens confirmed for nigger wear finally

>> No.9922207

all these lil dicked cucks hating
we out here bruh beli dat #anotherone

>> No.9922208
File: 133 KB, 666x1000, Kanye-West-Style-Photo-2015-Dries-Van-Noten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck how does it feel that rappers are finding out about your precious OG raf


i bet it makes you super butthurt

>> No.9922210 [DELETED] 

why are there so many niggers on /fa/

tell me jigaboo

how did you find this website?

makes me more money

>> No.9922211

They call me Mr. Dad. I'm pretty important

>> No.9922224

>reselling fashion for profit
>okay with black people when it benefits you financially

denegerate spotted

at least try to be serious about your racism, the KKK were uneducated hicks but at least they weren't cucks about it

>> No.9922226 [DELETED] 

holy shit, kanye is such a manlet in that pic

>those proportions

my sides, niggers truly are subhuman

>> No.9922239



>> No.9922243 [DELETED] 

im not ok with it, its disgusting and makes me wince whenever i see it, but short of flying to the US and executing kanye west theres nothing i can do.

what do you want me to say faggot? i wrote kanye west an email asking him to stop? fucking moron.

please stop culturally appropriating words like degenerate and cuck, we use those words to describe ridicule liberals and niggerlovers.

>> No.9922244

wow it's almost like taking a photo from above head-height makes your legs look short

black people aren't subhuman, /fa/ shitposters are

>> No.9922250 [DELETED] 

dont like it leave, fucking nigger.

>> No.9922251

naw you could leave im not even black and i haven't ever seen a bigger edgy shithead on /fa/

>> No.9922253 [DELETED] 

angry subhuman manlet nigger detected

>> No.9922254 [DELETED] 

>black people
your first mistake

second mistake was defending a nigger who is 5'8, calling him a manlet isnt a matter of opinion.

>> No.9922256

>racism is a culture
it's time for you to stop posting

>> No.9922261 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1405465547192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even black

>> No.9922263

u guys notice how much just PIG FUCK MY SHUT UP is posting against black people here? prolly lost his gf to some BBC

>> No.9922266 [DELETED] 

>denigrating cultural heritage

racist imperialist pig, ugh i just cant even, you make me sick.

>> No.9922269

I'm pretty good with slang and I can barely understand this guy

>> No.9922271

>prolly lost his gf to some BBC
considering how often he uses the word "cuck" this is pretty obvious

>> No.9922273

its a known fact hes the cuck lord
he basically invented internet cuck culture

>> No.9922286 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 378x548, interesting turn of events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, this is the dude.

>> No.9922311 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 378x548, interesting turn of events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that cucks report my posts for free really makes me smug pepe as fuck tbh, ive never reported a 4chan post in my life, you'd have to be a serious cuckold to do so.

>> No.9922347

wow they been getting good at photoshop
how they shop white ppl dicks on blacks and all that
cucks must be raging pretty badly to do that type shit lol

>> No.9922356

Well I don't know if you've noticed but only the post count goes up and no the posters, so it's probably the nigger on the video or another nigger getting buttmad so he's samefagging the whole thread.

>> No.9922365 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 467x700, 1429968319141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers really are pathetic

>> No.9922397

I don't know if u noticed but ur English is seriously 10th grade shit
also ur logic is lol

>> No.9922406

obvious shop lel
>thinking a real nutsack looks like that

were you born without male genitals

>> No.9922409 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 262x300, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least hes not a nigger

>> No.9922429 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 1340x750, 1429968258829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes atrophying due to doing a shitty cycle like the dumb nigger that he is, even then the monkey's got a small dick. sorry jew media told you coons have big dicks.

>inb4 self reported surveys

>> No.9922441

did you just post a collage of dicks to support your argument?

i can't even respond really, the autism is overwhelming

>> No.9922473

>i can't even respond really
truth hurts doesnt it dayquan

>> No.9922525

did anyone see when he posted in a waywt thread like last week? his fit was fire
i know you'll see this rosi
gang gang gang

>> No.9922782

post pic

>> No.9922908


>> No.9922918
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, 8e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this dense

>> No.9924906

How do any of these fashion hypebeast Youtubers that cop a dozen designer pieces every week and show them off to 50k viewers max make any money? I don't get it

>> No.9924915

>all these deleted posts

/fa/ confirmed for worse than reddit

>> No.9924920

they don't make any money from it obviously

they just do it to show off or maybe help people learn about the stuff like franalations does

obviously if they can afford that kind of stuff they don't need extra pennies from YouTube

>> No.9925687

I like this guy he's cool.

>> No.9926298


can someone post the fit?