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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 602x996, img56592075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9912046 No.9912046 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ just bought a pair of these bad boys! Very excited for them to come in. First pair of boots I have ever owned!

>> No.9912065

Are you the new Ringling Bros addition?

>> No.9912084

congrats man, enjoy them

remember not to baby them like a lot of people tend to do with boots, theyll look better broken in

>> No.9912095

What kind is leather is that?
Looks like a solid pair of boots

>> No.9912097

Holy shit those looks nice. And see >>9912084 - don't baby them, they'll look worse. Abuse the everloving fuck out of them, then apply some sort of treatment (I like Obenauf's LP), and repeat. Over time, they can quickly become the best shoes you own.

>> No.9912098

I am not really sure what that is. I just ordered them from the store I visited. I just wanted to get a good sense of sizes on my feet.

>> No.9912107

I should of noted that these are the Red Wings Beckman round series. I got the cigar featherstone ones.

>> No.9912117

Thank you for the advice

>> No.9912160

this aint a blog m8

ps. nice cowboy boots lol

>> No.9912225

Is this bait? "Genuine leather" is the lowest quality leather.

>> No.9912226
File: 1.69 MB, 3456x2304, wings and horns dayton service boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't baby your boots
>just let the leather dry out
>it'll look better, we promise

>> No.9912257

>just let the leather dry out
like Bateman said, he should treat them with something

that doesnt = babying

>> No.9912298
File: 3.36 MB, 2072x2413, 20150528_214025-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collonil 1909 line has been effective

>> No.9912510

im pretty sure he was making a joke about you having huge feet.
ringling brothers was a circus, your a sideshow freak.
the top left picture makes them look oddly proportioned but im pretty sure its just the camera technique, distortion.

>> No.9912540
File: 41 KB, 660x442, Not sure if i should.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm about to cop pic related, i'm only hesitant because all my wardrobe is black/white with the occasional grey

should i cop navy chinos, dark indigo jeans?

I have more than 6 black pants, but i'm not sure about the black bottom + brown boot combo

>> No.9912551

is it the lighting or are they that light of a shade?

regardless, raw denim always looks nice with brown boots, or just dark indigo like you said if you dont wanna deal with breaking in raws

>> No.9912555

as for black pants with brown shoes, you definitely cant do that in any sort of formal wear, but with boots Its really your call, I doubt anyone will care

>> No.9912557

First things first: leather laces

>> No.9912587


where i live raw denim doesn't exist (and we can't buy from abroad)

I saw them in person and they are the exact same color, but that's the only pic i could find, it appears to be weird just because of the background

i'll get some dark indigo levi 510


i never saw that and i can't find any on my country's ebay

>> No.9912596
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>> No.9912602


lmao he fell for the autistic dad-core meme

>> No.9912613
File: 50 KB, 498x237, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day, another thread about red wing boots

>> No.9912614


i know what they are, but they are not an option. i'm searching but is literally impossible to find them.


search for yourself, "cordones cuero"

they don't exist here

>> No.9912624
File: 148 KB, 500x646, tumblr_ninywrK64N1qc8f6io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad drives a Lexus hybrid
And wears the best reviewed shoes on Amazon
Never actually adhered to this aesthetic beyond high school

>> No.9912627

hi op, its funny i too just recently bought these red wing beckmans. shoebuy is having a 30% off sale rght now, so all red wing haritage is 30% off (they come out to lik $212 (they are normaly like $340.) so it ends up being a pretty sweet deal if you have 200 dollars to drop. its a really good price for red wings.

anyways, i got mine a few days ago, but i must say they feel and fit a little different than my iron rangers. dont seem as comfortable off the bat. oh well im sure they will break in. i do like the soles on these beter than the cork soles on the iron rangers.

>> No.9912634

Would kindly buy/mail them to you, anon
Texasjoeyboy @ aol . com

>> No.9912640

wow its nice to see bros offering to help other bros out. thats really cool.

>> No.9912676


if this is not sarcasm, thank you very much

but we can't receive anything from abroad without having to fill tons of bureaucratic requirements, then paying a base of 35 US dollars + 50% of the package value and also having to waste countless hours in goverment offices just to receive a pair of laces

this is to "make ir fair to the local merchants", even when they don't sell what you are trying to buy

>> No.9912681


>not epitomizing entry-level luxury
>bragging on the internet about his dad's terrible taste

Keep at it, autist, your dad's a loser. Looks like you turned out the exact same.

>> No.9912684

Wow that blows
Offer stands
Can't I just mail it as a "gift?"

>> No.9912688

That was the point =(

>> No.9912712


the first 3 or so months of this system being applied everyone just bought stuff and had it labeled as gifts, so nowadays they have the same requirements as common buys, just to avoid people abusing the import system

it seems that i don't want it, but i've tried everything, i even inscribed myself as an importer and ended up losing 450 dollars and a shipment from grailed

thank you very much for your offer, you are very kind

>> No.9913268

>then apply some sort of treatment (I like Obenauf's LP)
are you a forest firefighter that spends half their life slogging around with water up to their ankles?

or are you just retarded?

>> No.9913271

Eh, at the time I used a lot of Obenaufs I was trudging around a lot of snow and nasty shit.

But also retarded.

>> No.9913277

if you need it, you'll know about it already
but don't prescribe it to fools on here that will not see anything wetter than the flooded mall toilets they spend most of their time in
on their knees at that

don't sandblast a soup cracker.

>> No.9913293
File: 1.31 MB, 3054x2382, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask for this

>> No.9913942

How is using it bad, even if you aren't a firefighter?

>> No.9914615

Is that mold?

>> No.9914635

using obenhaufs, if you plan on being out in the rain, snow and mud a lot is perectly fine. but if not, its sort of overkill. i used it on one pair of boots I have, and i live in cali and it never rains. It doesnt hurt them, however, the obenhaufs is pretty thick and waxy, it really "seals in" the boot. it protects it from the elements. but in doing such, the boot is not able to breathe much. it also darkens the leather quite a bit from my experience. so in summary, if your like most people here, and you work in an office every day, and are wearing these for fashion purposes, you dont really need the obenhaufs. if your actually an outdoorsman who is in the mud and snow regularly, then yes go for it.

>> No.9914697


I think it's dirt or a powder of sorts.

>> No.9914756


If I work in an office and don't go out in the rain what products should I use? And good point.. fucking /fa/ tripfags are the worst and they, trying too hard, sometimes like if they were imitating based slater, except for the degenerate /fa/cist homo.

>> No.9914763

Ah, I use the Obenaufs in liquid form. I used to use snoseal, beeswax, mink oil and the like, but because it's a solid at room temp, it'll dry on the boots if you don't REALLY work that shit in. I find the liquid form does almost as good a job, and looks way better. It will darken suede quite a lot, but it fades close to the original color after a couple days.

>> No.9914766

This is solid advice, agreed 100% - my advice was a bit too presumptuous.

Lots of people I know end up just using leather polish, as if the boots were little more than dress shoes.

>> No.9914774

Try Obenaufs in liquid form with a dauber, shit works great: almost same level leather preservation, water proofing, but breathes perfectly. Tbh, I don't really believe in an overkill product, are you afraid of it doing an even better job than some worthless shit you spray on that you bought from amazon? That silicone shit is nothing more than a gimmik, stay away from it.

>> No.9914907

Mud, diesle then oil dry

>> No.9914942

I understood you anon. It wasn't your fault. Some posters are just retarded

>> No.9915126


>> No.9915615

a little ronald mcdonald-core in my opinion, but the lifespan/use you'll get out of them trumps the looks.

>> No.9916418

well. that was the stupidest comment i've read all day. congrats.

>> No.9916429
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x960, CAM00234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the boots thread?

>> No.9916449

Those look fancy and all, but could you do manual labor in them? That's a requirement all boots should have to live up to.

>> No.9916461
File: 11 KB, 240x196, 1419817854319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing practical clothing

>> No.9917980
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 37898706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey dude

>> No.9918014

Someone pls suggest alternatives to Clarks desert boots, I don't want to wear memes on my feet but I can't find a decent alt to them.

>> No.9918038

Clarks desert malis

>> No.9918075

Are those played out yet? I feel like they are on the cusp of being memes.

>> No.9918103


>Letting your life be this dictated by the internet

If you see something on the internet (read: a japanese cartoon board) a lot that doesn't mean it's "played out" (whatever that means) in real life.

For example: I see a lot of teenage girls in adidas superstars II yet the internet tells me superstars II are less played out than stan smiths. Stan smiths are viewed as a meme even though I don't see them THAT often.

Same goes with CDB's en CDM's. Just get what you like and stop worrying, jeez.

>> No.9918356
File: 61 KB, 610x610, osb-suede-chukka-worn-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9918365

People do manual labor in running shoes. All you need is comfort and a willingness to let your shoes be destroyed.

>> No.9918370

Truth. This board gets weird concepts of what are "outplayed" when, in reality, it's usually far from the case.

>> No.9918456
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got some new boots too; going to require some hefty breaking in I reckon.

>> No.9918466

fa as fuck, wear some tricky ricky with it

>> No.9918472

Those are fucking sexy, good cop.

>> No.9918482

Nice. £8.99 from shoezone yeah?

>> No.9918494

Where did you procure these?

>> No.9918502

these look slick af

>> No.9918512

to "cop" something generally means to steal it. So you're saying, good steal? or?

>> No.9918552

No, it doesn't.

>> No.9918641

depends where you live

in Toronto internet memes tend to be very easy to spot on the street, and things like stan smiths really do get played out

>> No.9918703

Idiot. Boots are literally just shoes with extra leather above the ankles. There is nothing about the form of a boot that automatically makes it suited for manual labor.
This. Any shoes can be used for manual labor.

>> No.9918765

Viberg's website, brown chromexcel service boot

I suppose they do, cheers, and they're far more comfortable on foot than expected to boot.

>> No.9918811

>Viberg's website, brown chromexcel service boot
Hmm. So they really are going goodyear.

>> No.9918822

This is shit advice. Use a leather conditioner every now and then.

>> No.9918824

What fucking shithole country do you live in

>> No.9918845
File: 10 KB, 467x467, large-leather conditioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related works really nicely on several pairs of shoes/boots I own

>> No.9918853

I think he's from Argentina

>> No.9918867
File: 205 KB, 1080x1851, IMG_22975758297419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the home of the whitest people on earth

>> No.9918888
File: 111 KB, 1280x719, barras-futbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the craziest hooligan firms

>> No.9919037



>> No.9921174


>> No.9923484

Hey, I need a pair boot that'll go with any cargo pants.

I'm going for a simple style and I don't have enough shekels to get more than one pair of boots.

Something that'll give a desert adventurer look.

>> No.9924525

Do you work at medieval times or something?

>> No.9924875

New to /fa/ and I want to get something straight: do you guys where work boots in casual contexts, with jeans or khakis? Would you say a nicer pair of boots like that would go with a casual button down shirt or something along those lines?

>> No.9924893


>> No.9925522

Any boots that are like a desert book hybrid.

>> No.9926634
File: 81 KB, 260x200, 1401583664933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like that boot, google it


>> No.9926707



>> No.9928639
File: 1.14 MB, 3128x2398, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diesle plant

>> No.9928642
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulk diesle plant

>> No.9928643

This is after cleaning. They got darker. >:(

>> No.9929384
File: 196 KB, 1500x1500, Hurlingham chelsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I just turned 21, and I feel its about time I get some boots.
What are some nice, entry level brown boots?
Not too big or too high up on the ankle?
Not too expensive as well, I am still a student.
I know you guys love Chelsea boots, but I dont like them on brown color.

>> No.9929431

love brown chelseas personally but different strokes
you can't go wrong with desert boots. try grenson or church's
even clarks if you're super poor

>> No.9929738


>> No.9930279
File: 8 KB, 166x200, 1336331746314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can some of you guys post fits? I can't believe you're wearing these chunky American boots and not looking like a bunch of fat workware fags who browse ironheart forums.

>> No.9930756

The GYW looks a lot better than what I expected from Viberg.

But for the love of god FIX YOUR LACES

>> No.9930893

Yes, dessert boots or chukkas seem like a nice entre level boot. Any ok brands that will last in rainy weather? Have heard the CDBs get worn down quickly in such weather; Clarks have lowered their quality a lot.

>> No.9930988
File: 88 KB, 630x640, ef669f72e8247aa272bbe70cf682d5ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on red wing chukkas? i don't know which colour to grab yet but they look p nice

>> No.9931024

can't go wrong to be honest pretty basic.

>> No.9931727

Bumping this

>> No.9931778
File: 50 KB, 630x425, wolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped these

>> No.9932464
