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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 480x434, tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9911569 No.9911569 [Reply] [Original]

what happens when tattoos go out of fashion as they inevitably will after a couple of years

>> No.9911581

>what happens when tattoos go out of fashion as they inevitably will after a couple of years
This is like saying "T-shirts are going to go out of fashion!" - that is, it's almost certainly not gonna happen. Some styles of tattoos are certainly gonna go out of style, and it's pretty clear there are gonna be a lot of regretful middle-aged hipsters, but the general concept of tattoos isn't going to dissipate.

>> No.9911607

it is gonna be really gross for all the people who have tattoos.

no one will want to see them, people with 0 tattoos will be thought of as very very cool. just completely untouched skin will be very highly valued.

>> No.9911613
File: 20 KB, 498x310, tumblr_ljb186GeOt1qzd6bro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want a Thursday dove tattoo
Literally ten years of want, and I still want it

>> No.9911688

hahaha hey anon is that a tribal version of the shampoo brand

>> No.9911709

Lmao rekt

You've wanted a shitty tattoo for 10 years?

>> No.9911716

Thursday was great when I was fourteen
I think the tattoo would be a constant reminder of how important the band was at that one point in my life

>> No.9911804

tattoos will not go out of fashion because they show edgyness, badboy-nes, a dgaf attitude and risk taking behaviors, all things that women have been attracted to since BC

>> No.9911818
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>> No.9911822
File: 95 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nkyhmb3uov1qmlxzyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive the weird neck

>> No.9911825
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1426220715462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9911826

Very cool, original and creative.
Good work

>> No.9911828
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>> No.9911895

Thursday is a shit band anon listen to real post-hardcore like Orchid and Fugazi

>> No.9911907

I was fourteen
There's a very clear dialogue
Lol who listen to post hardcore nowadays
Powerviolence and post punk are pretty much the only acceptable music choices

>> No.9911926

this is what I hear from the tryhard fags who get tatts in their young age not attributed to military service, gangs, etc:

>its not fashion man! its art!
>my tattoos are meaningful to me, I don't care about trendy fashion, that's gay!
>tattoos never go out of style, they are always cool!

oh I am laffin

>> No.9911974

I really like this one

>> No.9911980


attn: anon


they're all shitlords

>> No.9911986


> so tumblr its in the file name

>> No.9912060


is that what u say about ur virginity 2? :^)

>> No.9912121


in a decade all these tatted up 30 somethings are going to look so fucking stupid and their kids are gonna be embarrassed. non tatted skin will be in and the tatted ppl will be up shit creek. not even lasers are guaranteed to get rid of all the ink.

ppl shouldn't modify their bodies to suit trends when it permanently changes their body (tanning a lot, plucking eyebrows until they only grow back super thin and now tattoos).

>> No.9912169

>non tatted skin will be in
This is such a bizarre sentiment, it's like /r9k/ wishing for purity to be valued so their incel lifestyle won't be so sad. Styles change of course but once something is fashionable for a time it never really becomes unfashionable period, unless it's appropriated by a group society dislikes , like the fedora or the mullet. (inb4 mullets are in now)

>> No.9912192

>what happens

they're just going to be even more unemployable when they go out of vogue. seriously i can't believe all this neck and hand tattoo bullshit the last few years. it's acceptable for gang banger, tattoo artist, rock n rolla, chopper mechanic vocations, but nothing else. at least traditional tats are concealed by a suit.

>> No.9912374

i get what you're saying but i really think new crops of kids are gonna be embarrassed by mom and dad's tattoos, kids rebel against their parents first.

>> No.9912406
File: 53 KB, 376x584, 01142015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this tryhard Zumiez employee-lookin ass motherfucker.

>> No.9912429

Das so gay

>> No.9912437

Does anyone have a pic of that tattoo of two skeleton hands with beer cheers-ing?

>> No.9912439

You act like tattoos are some new thing

>> No.9912457

>highly valued
ill remember that when society completely collapses and all the shit ass nerds who didnt want tattoos all get skinned and eaten by cannibals who wanted their virgin skin.

>> No.9912461

of course they're not but things come and go in cycles.

>> No.9912463

You're acting like tattoos are something new. There are already 30-somethings running around today with tattoos they got a decade ago, and nobody is embarrassed. In fact, there are old people with tattoos today who got them in the 60's. They look gross now but so do their bodies in general. Looking good physically is only important in your 20's anyway

>> No.9912473

u don't understand

this generation of parents is going to be the first to be heavily tatted, both mothers and fathers. suzy and jimmy are going to grow up with that and probably will "rebel" by not getting any themselves.

>> No.9912475
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1426719943187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le meek shall rule the earth

nice try /r9k/, nice guys will always finidh last, women will literally never get tired of bad boys and tats will always be hip

>> No.9912481

>kids embarrassed by their parents
lmao bud, your totally delusional if you think having or not having tattoos is the only thing kids are embarrassed about. it doesnt matter if their parents have tattoos or not, the kids will be embarrassed anyways, its how it works.

>> No.9912489


lol people dont get tattoos to "rebel" thats so lame. Its not 1950 anymore, some people just appreciate art and want it on them, or just know chicks dig them.

>> No.9912491

mhmm and it'll just be another way to differentiate themselves from their parents and the generation that came before them. it will be interesting to see what plays out.

>> No.9912495

lol cmon plenty of people still have that as their motivation.

>> No.9912500

>our kids generation wont like what we like
>we better not do what we like because our kids generation wont like what we like

are you just talking or is this supposed to be a legitimate argument against tattoos? cause your a fucking idiot

>> No.9912509

where did i say ppl shouldn't get tats if they want them? it's likely this will be the attitude of their children. get them or don't.

>> No.9912511


there are two sides of the tattoo community, the artistic, hipsterish side and the side with all the poor, stupid people with tribals, tramp stamps, barbed wire, and "No Regrets". im talking about the first.

>> No.9912514

the point is bad boys has nothing to do with tattoos, every fat loser that thinks he's rockabilly but does't even carry a knife, or dumb middle class bitches, or emo graduates have tattoos now. a lot of tattooed people are even vegans and refuse to smoke cigarettes or even do heroin or coke.

some very hard cold blooded bad boys won't have a single tattoo.

of course they will be embarrassed. when their dad has retarded koi fish and flowers on his arms. that will be such a cringe.

>> No.9912521

>of course they will be embarrassed
this is unique and new in any way how?
kids are always embarrassed of their parents? hell, im embarrassed of my parents sometimes.

>> No.9912533
File: 26 KB, 527x409, 1431842008723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point is bad boys has nothing to do with tattoos

You clearly know nothing about women and risk taking behavior. Ask yourself, who gets more groupies; a professional bowler or a professional skateboarder.

>> No.9912543
File: 36 KB, 251x291, Haro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh most people won't regret them just like most people don't regret eating like shit. You have the "live fast die young" asshats, the people who just trendhop, and those who really don't care to expand their taste.

Read studies, most don't regret it.

40 percent of Americans are apparently tatted up. We are basically starting to hit a point where it is a majority. I don't mind tattoos, but in another 10-20 years, not getting tats is basically going to be the new tattoo.

>> No.9912556

The degenerates will have to lay in the bed they've made for themselves

>> No.9912578

why does not having tattoos feel so good?

>> No.9912594

nobody ever regretted not having a tattoo

>> No.9912635


not after i change the game. *hits behind the back 7-10 split*

>> No.9912638

I just read a study that suggested near to 3 million Australians have a tattoo. That's only about 13% of the population. I believe that statistic would parallel other Western nations. Tattoos themselves are both fashionable and unfashionable, they'll forever be on the fence of looking good or bad because they can contrast nicely with simple outfits but overcomplicate more bold pieces.

>> No.9912642

that's why you actually tattoo something meaningful to you instead of something just "/fa/"

>> No.9912886

Cause actual good looking and /fa people don't need to compensate by covering their bodies with 5 year old color book

>> No.9913957
File: 10 KB, 228x210, 1424882684837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would somebody get any of these tattoos? They look retarded as fuck

>> No.9913970

uhh oh we have some faggot with tattoos here.

admit it, you followed the trend.

tattoos dont even equate with bad boy image anymore. tattoos just tell me your a hipster dick face

>> No.9913988

He has a point, having a lot of tattoos is a fad right now. And they all look meaningless and retarded.

>> No.9913990

Yes, those hipster faggots that I always see them on are complete bad boys, Iel

>> No.9913998

tattoos used to mean something as they were difficult to get. now all a tattoo says is i had a couple hundred dollars and a free night to get this shit

tattoos used to be signs of experience, compassion, and hardship.

now that tattoos are accepted and more common they are simply permanent signs of your trend following mindset.

>> No.9914009

Tattoos have existed since the stoneage. They're not gonna go out of fashion, however certain styles of tattoos will likely do.

>> No.9914011

I think tattoos will probably fade from the the "trendy" area, but I think tattoos will always be around and probably still considered cool.

>> No.9914025


Why do they never show the guys shouting, 'nice earrings, faggot!', in those old photos.

>> No.9914034


>> No.9914035

underrated post

>> No.9914038

When can gauges go away too? Will that day ever come?

>> No.9914053

Ima just wait 10 more years and then get them off by lasers, i've started to appreciate clean, pure skin. Took these when i was 18, not very smart in retrospect.

>> No.9914065

itll just be this easy.............

your scarred hipster trash for life

>> No.9914066
File: 50 KB, 400x411, 1429061352881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



tattoos don't mean much now. i know of a guy who got a tattoo for his parents. he said, and i quote 'this is an emblem to represent my parents for taking good care and not giving up on me ... no worries, i'm right back on track'

>mfw tattoo is of a greek god

>> No.9914090
File: 816 KB, 607x614, 1430025395602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos have been around for hundreds of years, I don't think they're going to go out of fashion too soon.

>> No.9914099

you obviously have no fucking clue, even today's R20 -treatments leave almost no trace of ink at all. 10 years from now and it'll be even better when demand for getting rid of ridiculous tattoos become a bigger thing.

>> No.9914123

so true, why am a republican probably, i feel like people born between 1940 and 1960 are the biggest losers walking this earth, now i guess i know why

>> No.9914125

how is tanning a lot permanent? will my skin actually not revert to porcelain white

>> No.9914130


It's the people who don't carry weapons that are the real bad boys ya wimp

>> No.9914159

tell me exactly how tattoo removal will be better in 10 years? your just talking out of your ass with no real idea on the subject, you think throwing in "R20" will make you seem knowledgeable.

people like you are exactly why tattoos are so fucking hipster douche core
"I can just remove this tattoo hur hurhur"

the point of the thing is its supposed to be permanent. look at you, your already making up fake excuses on how youll get rid of it. pathetic

>> No.9914280
File: 237 KB, 500x375, segseg3e46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was bringing up the fact that if a common term such as "r20" doesn't ring a bell in your head, you probably haven't even googled tattoo removal once. As for how tattoo removal will be better after a decade?
>tattoos get more and more mainstream
>amount of people who regret taking 'em increases
>demand for tattoo removal increases
>people see investment opportunities in tattoo removal
>they seek to develop better and better treatments

how can you be this dumb? It's like saying plastic surgery won't be any better in ten years. It's going to be a lot more common and therefore more developed after years.

already making fake excuses? I already have tattoos, and I'm intending to get rid of them sometime in the future.

>> No.9914289

Have you seen results of R20?

>> No.9914332


>> No.9914364

I hate people like this. Once asked a guy with a full sleve of generic tough guy shit about its meaning. He said it is dedicated to his aunt. The lengths people go to justify painting themselves.
I only got one tattoo but I always tell that doesn't mean jack shit, I just got it cause it looks cool.

>> No.9914377

parents are moving out of/selling my childhood home, is it /fa/ to get house tattoo/r'ing cool house-related tattoos

>> No.9914378

Agreed, it's not like you're just gonna forget your parents.

>> No.9914386
File: 59 KB, 610x613, 14326716656260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.9914394

i havent googled R20 as i have no interest in tattoo removal.

there is plenty of interest in lots of things, thinking interest and capitalism will cure anything is just fucking stupid.

tell me is there an interest in curing hair loss in men? how come it hasnt been cured yet?

>your logic
keep dreaming of the day where you can actually remove your shitty skin scar. its not coming

lol you regret getting your tattoos because it shows what a hipster trend following douche you are. the fact you are already planning to get them removed re affirms my point, people like you are what ruined the entire idea behind tattoos. they used to be permanent and somewhat momentous things. now they are just pretty things for trendy assholes

>> No.9914404


>im an honors student and I work at target

is what that tat says

>> No.9914407

haha alpha to omega everything in between is one wow so deep haha very cool 💯 💯 💯

>> No.9914415
File: 67 KB, 500x680, ag4g3333333333333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing hair loss to tattoo removal

oh wow I'm out.

>> No.9914419



>> No.9914440

That's exactly what I was going for

>> No.9914462

I feel like tattoos are sorta out in general atm. Like obviously kids still think they're the shit, and always will, but most people I know in their early 20's aren't getting them recently, and are touching up/covering up old ones.

I don't have any, and don't find them inherently interesting, but there are some incredible tats out there.

>> No.9914466

I think the artist is shit and can't draw hands or faces. You should tell him about Lumis.

>> No.9914474

nice tiddies

>> No.9914507

can i lick ur nips/10

>> No.9914680

Tattoos will be so easily removed in 10-15 years that they won't be "cool" anymore.

>> No.9914716

ITT: people who are really scared to get a tattoo, but want to be considered cool so bad that they have to repeat to themselves

Tattoos won't always be cool, I'll eventually be cool
Tattoos won't always be cool, I'll eventually be cool
Tattoos won't always be cool, I'll eventually be cool
Tattoos won't always be cool, I'll eventually be cool
Tattoos won't always be cool, I'll eventually be cool

>> No.9914726

you carry the stink of regret

>> No.9914735


>moron pretending that tattoos are scary and edgy

Tattoos are for retarded college girls.

>> No.9914740

no tattoos on me m8

just calling it as I see it

>> No.9914749


I see old people, and I mean oxygen-walker old, with tattoos, at my work every day.

yeah, no thanks
tattoos are like black leather jackets
used to be cool, now your grandad has them

>> No.9914964

Lmao. You just can't pull off a black leather jacket; the piece is timeless.

>> No.9915047
File: 33 KB, 385x543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f 'hipster'
Insecurity general

Yes, there are lots of shitty tattoos, usually ones that people try to give some 'deep' meaning or when a barista has sleeves (sleeves almost always look like shit unless you're a yakuza or a biker). My favorite awful tattoo belongs to a girl I know who has VICLXXIV on her finger. Bad tattoos, while entertaining, don't preclude good tattoos, which are usually simple, easily hidden, and at most a reminder of a nice memory. I'm kind of biased, but I always thought the ring of parrots around my dad's calf was cool as a subtle way to show an appreciation for Jimmy Buffett. I don't and probably never will have any tattoos, but I can appreciate them. Also, do Black Flag bars count if they aren't done stick and poke?

>> No.9915249

tfw I was buying video games at a local shop. the guy working was this fat neckbeard. literally. I thought ok, stereotypical fat virgin gamer foreveralone with poor hygeine. I then noticed he had a tattoo on his forearm. the sublime logo. my respect for him actually went up a bit, and i thought he's prolly not a virgin.

>> No.9915260
File: 42 KB, 634x480, Were-the-Millers-No-Ragrets-Tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get pic related and than recite the wikipedia article on irony that you remembered in 2009.

>> No.9915298

thank u for these glorious reaction images

>> No.9915570

Tattoo have been around for thousands of years and have only been in fashion for the last 20.

>> No.9915606

Is that a long stringy fart flowing out of her ass?

>> No.9915684


>> No.9915698

"i-i don't know anything about tattoos

they intimidate me...

i guess i should check in on 4chan and make sure the other virgins are intimidated by them as well. maybe we could get a tattoo hate thread or going or something.

w-where my chicken tendies"

>> No.9915736

you mean scared of looking like an idiot after seeing so many people with idiotic tattoos?

tattoos lol

>> No.9915841

i see you

>> No.9915851

>chicken tendies
fucking lost it. said it out loud to myself and dont even know what to think lmao

>> No.9915981

Tattoos in general are not a fad, but the hype that exists around them now certainly is. There is no "bad boy" connotation anymore with tattoos if the person is under the age of like 35.

If you want a tattoo, get one (or multiple) but I agree that it will probably very uneffay in the future.

>> No.9915995

by then skin grafting will be perfected (or at least way better than it is now) so who cares

>> No.9916126
File: 41 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking shit my sides

>> No.9916134

>My dad was a hipster and he got some stag tattooed on his forearm!
>fuck that guy he's so old, I'm gonna get an owl tattooed! Das so much cooler.
>fuk u dad my spirit animal kooler

>> No.9916515

I don't like tattoos but this one is very beautiful. Well done anon.

>> No.9916530

>Missing the guy's point
Stay memelicious my friend.

>> No.9916561
File: 60 KB, 259x567, 1411351803772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then all the niggers, spics and white trash that got them will regret their poor life choices.

>> No.9916587

it causes irreversible damage to your skin, eg sun spots, wrinkles etc

>> No.9916602

wow this is literal tumblr post but its funny man so its ok