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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 591 KB, 1781x795, vIjBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9905322 No.9905322 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post organize meetups if you're autistic enough.

People that have been to meetups. Tell us what it was like.

>pic related
It's a reddit meet up

>> No.9905332
File: 7 KB, 604x554, 1388035385129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.9905333
File: 364 KB, 2048x1536, dSYW3RQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ meet up

>> No.9905337
File: 63 KB, 300x300, carcass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a grindcore cover where its full of body parts and limbs and gruesome stuff. That pic is worse

>> No.9905409

Done a couple meetups with people in toronto. Great people to be honest, we just did drugs and went to a bar. The official toronto meetup is probably going to be around the 12th-14th. I think vers is putting it together.
Meets dont have to be as retarded as people think they are, some of us are normal people who are just down to chill with other people who like fashion and dress well. Of course there can be weird people there, but its not like you have to talk to them.

>> No.9905440

All we have in common is fashion. And we barely agree on that. What's the point of a meetup?

>> No.9905453

>All we have in common is fashion
Uhhh you'd be surprised actually. Unless you're a little bitch who can only talk about fashion and not be able to keep conversation.

>> No.9905457

12th to 14th of June?

>> No.9905462

Which tripfag was talking about how some guys at a meet up were shooting heroin in the bathroom?

>> No.9905479


the mfa nigga on the far left

>> No.9905509

Implying that the fact we don't agree is not a great base for a conversation

>> No.9905525
File: 233 KB, 1023x811, 1432641355779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ meet up

>> No.9905531

That's the same guys as >>9905333
One guy said that they looked autistic on purpose so they could post it.

>> No.9905535


>> No.9905635

sf sometime soon

>> No.9905642

I'd be down for a chicago meetup. We could just meet in millenium park at the bean to make it easy for everyone to find one another. shouldn't be hard to pick out /fa/gs from a crowd

>> No.9905655


>> No.9905662

Let's do a Washington, D.C. Meetup.

We will arrange to meet somewhere and I won't show up but I'll send a hooker which should reasonably approximate my presence (the hooker will wear a suit)

>> No.9905667

>12th to 14th
Of June or July?

>> No.9905674


>> No.9905697

Stockholm någon??

>> No.9905704

Anyone Rhode Island here?

>> No.9905710

I don't wanna meet the Philly people who browse /fa/ but I wanna shout them out

>> No.9907378

new to /fa/ here

there is history behind this pic?

>> No.9907380


>> No.9907395

do you think having things in common is the only thing that creates friendship

>> No.9907409

its a reddit meetup

>> No.9907414


/fa/ meetup in NYC

>> No.9907422


Har du varit på något meetup förut?

>> No.9907431

Anyone down for a San Francisco meet up?

>> No.9907447

oh god, I didn't think that people here were that autistic and ugly

>> No.9907452


those fags

>> No.9907463

That was an /r9k/ meetup, IIRC.

>> No.9907501

They're not, he's playing with your balls

>> No.9907531



idk about heroin but we did some coke this one time and it was pretty fun

>> No.9907605

ayy where you from?

>> No.9907640

Sydney meet please so many Asians in Sydney I want to fuck them all at once. I'm gonna fondle them without consent lol

>> No.9907653

yeah there are actually a few other pics in which people are having a good time. They were just trolling with this one, it was at the top of /r/4chan yesterday. I don't know why I go on that website anymore....... the comments were the most retarded things I have ever seen

>> No.9907656

Notice how all the qts are modest enough to keep a damn shirt on.

>> No.9907665

I live in Richmond, would be down for a DC meet up someone organized one

>> No.9907675


same I'm in Richmond but DC sounds good.

>> No.9907684


>> No.9907709

>I'm gonna fondle them without consent lol
Wow, you're a fucking charmer.

Polite reminder that that kind of shit doesn't actually fly in real life.

>> No.9907727

You don't know Asian Girls they love it but are too shy to say. I'll show you if you come meetup

>> No.9907730

nyc meet up

>> No.9907849

I'm down

>> No.9907866

It sounds like you've been watching too many rape javs.

>> No.9907906


>> No.9907910

Look at all those strong independant white womyn

>> No.9907920
File: 18 KB, 330x329, rickybabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest tits there belong to a guy.

>> No.9907929

i'm down to attend a toronto meetup second week of july tbh

>> No.9907931

/fa/ is the most antisocial board on 4chan. the primary trait of autism is not knowing normal social cues, not knowing how to just be friendly. /fa/ nails that on every level. I can't imagine a meeting up of a room full of autistic people. I mean I guess it would be fun to watch from a certain distance, but I would not want to join in.

>> No.9907951

No one wants you there anyway and /b/ is probably the most antisocial

>> No.9907968

Also I think most of the people that do go are the actual social ones who go to these. Different people are social in their own ways. Some people just go because there are people going to a bar that like fashion, so why don't I go to that bar and talk with some other people like me?

>> No.9907972

Lol didn't realize the dude doing push ups at first

>> No.9907975

You don't :)

>> No.9907981


>He fell for the edgy antisocial troll
Top fucking KEK
I bet you fell so hard on the troll you actually go and talk shit about peoples fits and act all passive agressive towards normal people living normal lives away from infographics and internet orders irl
Tiping my fedora real hard right now

>> No.9907995

Distorted perception of reality.


>> No.9908001

I thiught those were men with a bad case of gyno

I think i see some neckbeard fuzz growing on some of em

>> No.9908010

I dont understand why are the fat ones flashing?

>> No.9908047

i remember that thread, p sure it was sieg

>> No.9908213

please post pics of BasedProphet/tripsk in same photo. Would be a top meme

>> No.9908242

>Which tripfag was talking about how some guys at a meet up were shooting heroin in the bathroom?
Why am I not surprised this happened? Like, there's a scary number of people on this board with drug issues.

>> No.9908265

The majority of 4chan meetups are filled with manlets yet it's a massive meme on here

>> No.9908278

its apparently how you become fully initiated into the effay lifestyle

>> No.9908280

July is too late. I won't be there

>> No.9908937

E down på detta!!

>> No.9908947

>/fa/ is antisocial, can't make friends
>I-I'll stay away and just watch

>> No.9908950

Some dude followed me home at an /fa/ meet once... Never again.

>> No.9908967

but im too scared to attend a meetup

>> No.9908983

>tfw your friends are already /fa/ and you meetup everyday :^)

>> No.9908998

My exact feels friend :)

>> No.9909215

story pls

>> No.9909263

DC meet at maketto would be chill

>> No.9909268

Lahore, Pakistan

>> No.9909291

I kinda have this, but people wouldn't consider us to be friends.

We do a lot of shit together, meet up about twice a week. Talk about girls from our uni and stuff go shopping, but that's it.

I love it tbh.

>> No.9909297


>> No.9909305


So like, what's actually happening in this photo? What's with the hambeasts and hambreasts?

>> No.9909311

two years ago

>> No.9909423

och en i vintras. bara två kom, dock.

>> No.9909451

Minneapolis anyone?

>> No.9909469
File: 648 KB, 1556x1037, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you guys did so well last time.

>> No.9909492
File: 974 KB, 1296x864, kmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909506

Seattle fam?

>> No.9909691

Pretty fucking swag tbh.

That nigger in the ghost mask looking suspect as fuck.

>> No.9909698

Hah fan va trist, hade gärna hängt med er /fa/gs om jag bara bodde i stockholm

Meetup i v:ås någon??

>> No.9909704

Har liksom ingen lust att köra i en timme för att ta en fika med en enda socialt efterbliven snubbe

>> No.9909720

its true, im a asian male and basically ill just say it: i payed a pickup artist to teach me shit. he was a typical white guy, nothing out of the ordinary, but he pretty much 'fondled' asian girls left and right. When I tried what he taught me, the asian girls literally ran away from me screaming. I dont know if it because im an asian dude, but it was so embarrasing that the white pickup artist guy sort of left me while everyone was staring at me accusing me of being a rapist or something. its funny too cuz the pickupartist literally left before i paid him.. it was a fun exp lol.

>> No.9909725

the 5'6+ people actually have the dignity to not attend the gatherings of the homosexual division of 4chan

>> No.9909731

makes me laugh that black people attend 4chan gatherings, i bet the white people seriously felt cuck'd as the one they call nigger is now literally 6'4 and not fucking anonymous

>> No.9909733


eftersom att sannolikheten för att ett meetup i stockholm blir av är mycket liten så... är det nog kanske ingen idé att försöka i västerås. men finns säkert någon mer där som browsar /fa/

>> No.9909769

Strong PF undertones

>> No.9909826

Jo, vet att det finns två på /fa/ i västerås. Har sett ett par ramones här, misstänker starkt att den snubben också hänger här

>> No.9909840

make toronto meetup june


do some NXNE shit
fun time to get fucked up

>> No.9909880


>> No.9910086

East Providence but im in Prov everyday

>> No.9910105


Meetup when?

>> No.9910110

I'd come in June. I won't be around in July. Toronto /fa/ posters can email: tripskank@gmail.com if they want to meet

>> No.9910687

Undoubtedly the best in this thread

>> No.9910790

>the only even remotely attractive females didn't get their tits out
Guess they have some self respect

>> No.9911305

let's do it

>> No.9911345
File: 148 KB, 880x586, szmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9911659

I went to an /fa/ meet because I wanted to know what it was like. It was really boring tbh. Total waste of my time. There was an un/fa/ chubby guy there and while we were at the bar I took out my wallet to pay and he looked at my drivers licence I don't know if he saw my address or not. Then afterwards when I was walking home he followed me almost all the way home and I had to call my bf in the bathroom to meet me because I was so scared. It was really awkward at the meet too because all the guys made me so uncomfortable. If you're a girl don't go because you will regret it.

>> No.9911682

Hahah holy fuck why am I not surprised.

As a general rule, meetups are not good places for women. Most people on here are nice and would behave themselves, but there's always the one dude who is weird and dangerous.

>> No.9911697

Like you?

>> No.9911699
File: 183 KB, 370x359, 1432837217543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only the most hideous beasts pop their tits out

That pretty much describes my entire life.
Fuck this image. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9911700
File: 231 KB, 499x427, 1431881924424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read this story b4

>> No.9911703

fits 1,2,3 not so bad without autism faces.

>> No.9911706

>Like you?
Unquestionably. I'll openly admit I'd probably be "the weird one" at an /fa/ meetup, haha

>> No.9911711

i really don't hate 4, 8, or 9 either. i think it's just the awkwardness of the picture that makes everyone look so shitty

>> No.9911734

i wouldn't go to a /fa/ meet up because i'm not interested in doing drugs :/

>> No.9911745

we did, didnt we

>> No.9911766

so basically I should go, bring a weapon, have the perfect prey, play out my revenge fantasy of macing a would be rapist in the face, then repeatedly kicking him in the balls. In my rage who knows what will happen next.

>> No.9911783

I'm back in Chi on the 9th.

>> No.9911796

the real question is--who took the pic?

>> No.9911807


DC meetup is real? How about the weekend of 13 June?

>> No.9911857

I posted it once before.

>> No.9911880

DENIM DAN is available for /fa/ meetups. It'll cost you $200 per hour of my time plus travel expenses. Client is responsible for providing alcohol and drugs.

Your money buys you my time and companionship only. Absolutely no sexual services are provided or implied.

>> No.9911881
File: 299 KB, 490x392, i-can-hear-my-whiskers-growing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was no doubt in my mind

>> No.9911906
File: 315 KB, 940x540, lonestar beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Texans at?
Houston? Austin?
San Antonio is kinda cool
Dallas is meh

>> No.9911930


Dallas here, moving to Austin in august.

>> No.9911941

pretty sure that guy is mcnig, he's a pretty well known and liked tripfaggot on /k/

>> No.9911944

there seems to be a few of you guys here in montreal.

(just saying though, i don't think i really want to do a meetup because i'm awful at carrying conversations with people i don't know)

>> No.9911945

lookin good dan

>> No.9911948

We outchea. Cap hill bois

>> No.9911962


>> No.9911985


>> No.9911998

denim dan the man, good lookin

>> No.9912007

Aarhus meetup when?

>> No.9912026
File: 41 KB, 500x375, multi glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in flyover un-effay Winnipeg and there will never be a meet here
probably for the best

>> No.9912039


college station here m8

>> No.9912050


what the hell is the point of winnipeg?

the only thing you got going for you is the Jets jersey is effay as fuck

>> No.9912156

wow there's even a 'girl'

>> No.9912177

any cunts in radelaide?

>> No.9912211
File: 1.48 MB, 2144x1608, 4chan meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4channers are generally attractive
>the ugly ass redditors in the OP

>> No.9912234


/v/ has a nice comfy fit.

>> No.9912237
File: 157 KB, 326x430, Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 10.17.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that Newman in far left

>> No.9912238

> /v/ is more /fa/ than /fa/

>> No.9912250
File: 769 KB, 1093x4096, brisbane effay meet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not browse r/mfa

>> No.9912267

OMG this level of dedication.

I wish there was just a tiiiiiiiny bit more love and a littttttlle less abusey feel. here. hey hey hey. and I enjoy a good joke as much as the next person

>> No.9912271

nyc boyz who in this

>> No.9912283

you what mate?

>> No.9912290

the crimson neck

>> No.9912337

its funny, these guys actually look like how i would expect /fit/ to look but thats not how any of the current body pic threads look

>> No.9912351

>the nigga with the anime body pillow

holy shit i love this website

>> No.9912356
File: 761 KB, 1257x692, Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 12.19.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9912364

It's not often that a comic makes me cringe

>> No.9912366

>/e/ and /d/

umm is it warm in here for anyone else?

>> No.9912369


i know i lol'd too

>> No.9912413

Bateman, you're in DC? Weird. I wonder if I've ever seen you on the street before.

>> No.9912416

That picture is a true masterpiece

>> No.9912425

>Bateman, you're in DC? Weird. I wonder if I've ever seen you on the street before.
Yep. But it's unlikely because I'm locked in my office for ~12 hours a day. Like a cave troll in both look and exposure to sunlight

>> No.9912435

>I'm locked in my office for ~12 hours a day
Also, where do you shop here? I can't find any good stores.

>> No.9912443


inb4 Mike

>> No.9912456

where in ny

>> No.9912464

probably wouldn't attend one in montreal but i might if we do something fun

>> No.9912474


Georgetown is okay, but is surprisingly limited. Tyson's Corner is better if you can get to it. Just avoid it during holidays cause hoooooly hell. I saw some Arab chicks about to fucking kill each other in Sephora during Black Friday.

>> No.9912506

Lol, fucking Tysons. Yeah I went to Georgetown last weekend. Lot of people there looking for bridesmaid dresses for some reason.
It would be pretty cool if a DC meetup came into fruition. It seems like there's a fair number of people on /fa/ from DC.

>> No.9912574

fuck UCSB

>> No.9912598

That'd be pretty rad, but the photos could end up becoming the new parody of the whole goddamn board haha

>> No.9912601

olympia here, leaving for summer tho

>> No.9912650

>implying we'd allow photography

>> No.9912663

I'll take them without you knowing and post them for the lulz

>> No.9912743

>DC meeting
would attend, NC res

>if it's boring just visit uni friends

>> No.9912755

Works for me m8 let's do this

>> No.9912767







>> No.9912786

We could meet at the fucking big pond in Balboa Park

>> No.9912818

Dallasfag here.

Which city you from?

>> No.9912836

I'd be down for a Dallas meet. It'd be hilarious.

>> No.9912841

downtown dallas. like right by deep ellum
lets do it m8!!

>> No.9912851

whats yr skype?

>> No.9912855

Who /easternyurop/ here?

>> No.9912858

ok email me at dallaseffay@hotmail.com and I will get back to you guys

>> No.9912869


Dentonfag here

>> No.9912895

ya this email isnt working is it real

>> No.9912925

This. I'm moving at the end of June and it's going to be a clusterfuck until we get settled. Boo-urns.

>> No.9913077

What city/meet was this?

>> No.9913103

Australia i think

>> No.9913134

It was Australia but it was in Sydney. Are you from Australia reee?

Australia Sydney.

>> No.9913137

>Cap hill

I attend Seattle U. What are you doing on the hill?

>> No.9913170

>tfw Sydney
good thing I'm too anxious to go meet effay internet strangers

>> No.9913188

Unless you're a girl don't worry.

>> No.9913196


looks fun count me in XDXDDD

>> No.9913201

oooo shit, ree confirmed australian?!?

>> No.9913215

Austin here

>> No.9913227

fuck me no. I'd hope not.

>> No.9913229

Why? Who cares? You're never going to meet him anyway

>> No.9913249

brisbane meetup when?

>> No.9913275

least effay city ever

>> No.9913311

tbh I always thought that the guy on the far right has a pretty good fit

>> No.9913342

Houston here.
I'll be checking out shalon and Rodgers soon. It's in I think sugar land. So lmk if yall want to meet up or something

>> No.9913349

>Wogga Wogga meetup when?

>> No.9913354

Does anyone actually know why they got their tits out

>> No.9913400

its in alief, they just had a party there last weekend but i still have yet to check it out

>> No.9913407

come and i will touch you like a good girl

>> No.9913564


damn that is a qt

>> No.9913671

Lol der bor jeg.
Would be cool.

>> No.9913829

Anyone in UK?

>> No.9913834

Screw off I wouldn't be surprised if you were the guy who followed me.. Is this you?

>> No.9913838

pretty funny seeing other meetups then realising that /fa/ the board most reliant on looking cool actually looks the most cringe

>> No.9913912

>doing meet-ups without strict guidelines to follow

1. Have to be over the age of 21
2. Can't be a poor fuccboi and dress like shit(90% of the board).

>> No.9913920

This would work great except like 95% of the board is under 21, old fucks like myself excepted.

>> No.9913927


>> No.9913937

Make it so

>> No.9914239

It's pathetic that you guys want to meet each other. Seriously pathetic.

>> No.9914243

>It's pathetic that you guys want to meet each other. Seriously pathetic.
A hole's a hole, man. I'm getting desperate.

>> No.9914251

>It's pathetic to use the internet for social reasons.

>> No.9914257

/fa/ always wants to stand out from the crowd. Make /fa/ the crowd and hilarity ensues.

>> No.9914284

yeah, the ONE /fa/ meet (i elaborated on who showed up previously) was such a cringe-fest I would never advise anyone to attend.

except for meeting up with trpsknk

there was a period of like 2-3 years where she would literally just post her cell phone number on here, askin people to text her and shit and try to meet people.

i think she said she ended up sleeping with 4-5 guys from /soc/ and /fa/ combined

one of the times where she went to breakfast with a dude who she had sex with the next morning, and pulled the "forgot my wallet" routine

>> No.9914300

Jeg er også klar på et Aarhus meetup!

>> No.9914314

I think we can safely infer from this post that you're part of the 4-5, haha.

>> No.9914340

Hahahaha, let me respond because im not a creepy rapist or anything. hahaha its not like you can detect my virgin thirst from afar , hahahahha, its not like i respond because i know its a female. hahahaha

>> No.9914343

whos setting up the toronto meetup?

>> No.9914344

nah dude, no where near torronto

but she used to brag about it via text

when i would ask for a general yes/no on an item

>> No.9914346

>Hahahaha, let me respond because im not a creepy rapist or anything. hahaha its not like you can detect my virgin thirst from afar , hahahahha, its not like i respond because i know its a female. hahahaha
I actually do have a basement with a padlock so you know haha let's do this haha im totally safe haha

>> No.9914349


does this post imply that tripsk is homeless or amthg

>> No.9914356



>> No.9914361

Going to Pasadena to play basketball today. If any of you are in the area come and play. It's going to be me and my cousins.

>> No.9914362

you need to setup a meet

"alright everyone, since im the only one that's over 21, im going for a booze run"

"everyone give me $50 and we'll get this shit rolling"

>don't come back

>> No.9914363

>but she used to brag about it via text
Weird, dude. Not exactly stunned that was the dynamic, though, given how things were going back in the day.

Not to my knowledge.

>> No.9914365

You're an idiot. He's obviously talking shit.

>> No.9914370

Hell I would do that shit too.
It's not like anyone at the meet up were old enough to drink.

>> No.9914372

alright boys

only toronto's vip top fashion experts invited

official meetup organizer's snapchat: braekfast

>> No.9914373

Hahahaha the sad thing is this would totally work, even if I publicly said I would beforehand.

>> No.9914376

>newfags don't know how weird tripskank was back in the dayyyy

she acts like she's a fucking princess today

but she was a drunk, sorority slut who used to brag about dating multiple dudes at once/play them for cash and playing her parents for cash

>> No.9914412

do you get laid to any extent, sieg?

you seem a bit salty on /fa/ when discussing the sexual relationships of other people.

>> No.9914424

Nobody on /fa/ gets laid unless they are female.

>> No.9914430

>ctrl+f san diego
>one reply
well bud wanna go to sushi deli or something?

>> No.9914479

your defense of a lame ass internet "celeb" you look up to is so fucking typical of a teenager

>don't make fun of a "good trip" she spends her free time giving free advice to people who want to dress up for college!

>such good trip tells me how to wear clothes so i can buy online for cheaper

lame dude

anyone who actually finds it enjoyable to sit there and passively sell losers wearing cargo shorts lives by pointing them to clarks desert boots and finds that entertaining is living a fucking lowly life dude

they find enjoyment in just being a resource exploited by random ass neckbeard fucks

for no return........that's like if /g/ sat around all day offering free tech support to tennagers with macbooks all day and found that enjoyable

and anyone who didn't offer the free advice/hand hold them is considered a "bad trip" or in this case a "loser who never gets laid"

it's hilarious dude

your internet upboats mean nothing to me!!!!!

and you can't do shit to change my opinion of that, you've tried for years

>> No.9914517
File: 162 KB, 640x427, 5784034624_5cb3f3bdcc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bateman isn't me. He was around before I was.

I'm in as well.

We actually did this once before, not sure if any of you guys are any of those people. It was pretty cool, decent age range, some of us went out afterwards and then I invited some people to parties over the next few weekends. Haven't seen them since though.

Organize with email, Skype, etc?

>> No.9914573

Lol I went to an /fa/ meet once. It was the Cali one and all the guys were really thirsty and touching me all the time like wtf? How is it that you guys have fun but I get the worst of luck? I went to an /x/ meet and they were extra nice though.

>> No.9914575

LA/So. Cal /fa/m
Y'all ready?
lets do this, les get it poppin

where we meetin?
Somewhere in DTLA would be cool...we could go to a speakeasy or something, but a meetup during the daytime would probably be better; maybe a Saturday afternoon?
We could meet at the AA warehouse downtown and that'd be chill enough.

Or maybe just get some coffee or food?
I'm trying to think of cool things, but nothing is coming to mind.

you're moving? where to?
you back from Japan?
I haven't seen you in years man

>> No.9914586

>you back from Japan?
>I haven't seen you in years man
Yep! And yeah, I kinda dropped off the map after coming back from Japan. Now back in action, so to speak.

>> No.9914602


what just happened there, really? did I hit a sore spot?

I just made an observation. don't know that much about you trips in general but I've seen you complain about "sluts" before

just seemed like standard saltiness/jealousy from guys who are mad about not being able to get laid.

>> No.9914609

>montreal meet up
>everyone stands around with their hands in their pockets
kek, it'd be like seeing a show at sala

>> No.9914610

nice nice nice
good to see you back, maybe you can help make the board less shitty, haha

>> No.9914617

Email me and ill get back to u guys

>> No.9914723

dallaseffay@hotmail.com Email me

>> No.9914767

tampa meetup? florida sucks lol

>> No.9914785


>> No.9915237

Can you add me on snapchat, anon? I'm curious about some things. My username is fluoric.

Sydmeet threads always devolve into a shitshow anyway.

>> No.9915284

Any ATL/Georgia niggas trying to go to Lenox or wherever one of these days?

>> No.9915297
File: 624 KB, 707x576, Filthy_Frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw saw op-pic
sorry for cancer frank

>> No.9915316



>> No.9915327
File: 1.37 MB, 1541x5406, 1432675827928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9915341

good job

>> No.9915344

What did her anus smell like?

>> No.9915348

Where can I acquire more of this delicious music

>> No.9915355

Ay fuck you

>> No.9915358
File: 164 KB, 409x462, 1428616729156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too weird for ordinary friends
>tfw not weird enough to click with socially awkward nerds from a Uzbekistani plasticine animation board

>> No.9915384

hey email me ,im in LA
i think thats a good spot to meet up and from there we can go get food or something

>> No.9915464

i was so disapointed to learn that this was fake

>> No.9915499

where are my birmingham bois

>> No.9915505

>they hired a guy

>> No.9915534
File: 73 KB, 960x638, 268961_10151649197167491_2122667911_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/p/ meetup reporting in

we camped in Scotland for a week.

>> No.9915537

suicide bombing in tricky ricky pieces meetup lmao

>> No.9915546

photography is not art

you are just pressing a button and taking a picture of something that's already there

>> No.9915585

so what? You still have apply the same composition theories as in every other art form.

For me it's more a craft. Art sounds so phony.

>> No.9915589

very good argument

>> No.9915597

literally just pressing a button on your phone

no skill involved

not a craft

>> No.9915609
File: 17 KB, 625x626, 1378570340086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9915619

if someone else with the same camera stood next to you he could literally take the exact same picture

>> No.9915621

with instruments, you are just taking sound and manipulating it then putting it into notes

exact same thing

composing anything is art

look up "found art"

in a way its hackjob-tier, but at the same time its genius

photography is definitely art. yes, landscape photography is lame as hell but its still art technically

>> No.9915625

someone else could have taken that photo, but they didn't

>> No.9915627

You're confusing form with intent. Intent is what makes art "art". Defining art by form died out a long time ago.

>> No.9915628

what exactly are you manipulating with your camera? lmao

there is no technical skill involved, there is no artistic skill involved

everything you photograph is already there, you didn't make anything

>> No.9915634

not at all he only has to lift the camera slightly up and he ends up with a different picture or use another lens and we are not even talking about the editing of the image that's like half the work.

>> No.9915637

don't take the bait you stupid fucks
is this your first day on 4chan jesus christ

>> No.9915642

you are composing a photograph

a guitar is "already there". some of the most appreciated songs are extremely basic. you are just composing with the guitar. just like how with a camera you compose photographs.

its really not that difficult to understand dude. sorry you don't understand the concept of art.

>> No.9915658

you need technical skill to operate a guitar.
there is no technical skill involved with looking through a lens and pressing a button.

also the song is not "already there" you mong
you need to apply artistic skills to come up with a song yourself

you don't press a button on the guitar and new music comes out.

>> No.9915668

Wow photography is fucking shit

>> No.9915669

you do know that every half way good photographer operates his camera manually which you pretty much have to tbh to get the image you want. The stuff you do on your phone is just the software guessing the right exposure.

We all know you are baiting. If you want to learn about photography I have some info charts for you.

>> No.9915678

what does technical skill have to do with anything lol

in art, there are many ways of creating with no technical skill required


>> No.9915685

Hold the phone boys, top tier photographers need to fiddle around with a slider to make the picture look slightly different!!!1111

>> No.9915695

through it, retard.

>> No.9915696

you don't create anything when you photograph

>> No.9915701

tfw me and most of my friends make a living with creating nothing

>> No.9915702

photography isnt even skillful

>> No.9915708

That is /fa/ as fuck. Legit the most /fa/ thing that could happen

>> No.9915712

I thought it was a neat pic. Why are you upset by it? I actually thought it was a stock photo or something then read the post.

>> No.9915715

i dont really use snapchat and im not going to add a random person lol

if you want to talk email me at sugarstickyrice@hotmail.com this is my junk email so w/e creeps come at me

>> No.9915720

Fa is such a shit hole holy fuck

>> No.9915723

that's stupid. thats why no one wants to go

>> No.9915724

Houston meet when?

>> No.9915725

why does it have to have technical difficulties for it to be good?

>> No.9915731

Any meets in Auckland?

>> No.9915732


>> No.9915734

People are so dumb summer fans everywhere

>> No.9915737


>> No.9915739


>> No.9915743


>> No.9915746

Photography does require technical skill you fucks. You also have to get lucky sometimes for the perfect shot

>> No.9915747

>summer fans

>> No.9915748

Do you guys have meets from any other meets?

>> No.9915749

Nice try

>> No.9915750

this pisses me off

>> No.9915751

>taking the bait

>> No.9915752

Cringefest galore

>> No.9915755


>> No.9915756

i'll go with you anon whereabouts do you live?

>> No.9915757

Mah nigga

>> No.9915769

I wanna drink some beer with you cunts

>> No.9916300

East of Atlanta my nigga. I commute to Tech.