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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 230 KB, 1280x853, the dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9893810 No.9893810 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no qt azn gf to wear rick with

let's feel together, anon

>> No.9893894

those fits are both really bad
proportions on left are off and shoes look too big

right is a basic bitch
chances are they're not even together anymore, look at the right gooks face and tell me you see a serious person

>> No.9893923

that's just like ur opinion man. they look a little goofy but in a super childlike way. i think it's qt af.

>shoes look too big
nigga have u ever even seen geos irl, these look sized down

>> No.9894175

>tfw falling in love with tripskank

>> No.9894183

>tfw have to lie/keep quiet about how much my recent cops were when my friends ask

>"you paid 170 for a wool bomber????"
>"those shoes are HOW much???" (Leather derbies, stacked sole, vibramed, full grain, goodyear welted and hand stitched)

>> No.9894186

tfw no one at all

>> No.9894190

Lol how

>> No.9894193
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>tfw friend says you dress "like a fag" when you're just wearing chinos and a sweater

>> No.9894199

why are the faggots on this board so obsessed with asian girls? they have the worst personalities. they all have daddy issues. plus most of them are ugly as fuck, shallow, vain bitches

fuck gooks

>> No.9894203

>why are you dressed like that anon?

I... I don't... Because it looks good.

>> No.9894238
File: 110 KB, 645x773, 1429871726837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>natalie portman and taytay will never know you exist
>you will never just talk stupid shit with taytay and message her until 4 in the morning

>> No.9894257

Just stick your dick in some crazy chick and I'd think you have a good approximation of what dating/being friends with tay tay is like

>> No.9894267

tfw no big ass deltoids and can't gain weight for shit/find it difficult to eat more often

>> No.9894279
File: 993 KB, 1335x1000, 1426362571214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the same
would contracting cancer make my chances more likely

>> No.9894284

try a mass gainer? you can always make your own
banana, whole milk, oats, peanut butter, olive oil and you're already looking at about 500-700 calories maybe more, easy and very cheap, like £8 for 20 shakes of that in the UK

>> No.9894292

Not listening to the advice and shit trends that fa has made up, makes life a lot easier.

>> No.9894522

This goes for a lot of /fa/ subforums tbh. Theres a lot of knowledge here i'm sure but the uneducated majority has a bigger voice

>> No.9894643

Tell you're friend he's a fucking faggot with no sense of style. A man who can't even dress himself when he has the time and opporunity is a slobby, immature fuck.

>> No.9894652

taytay is so fucking cute

>> No.9894664

>azn -> ok
>6ft azn -> ok
>dressed in rick ->ok
>gf -> not ok

>> No.9894674

>what are you trying to say ?

>> No.9894713


>> No.9894774

It's because asian women are attractive.

Also, what you said is true. I've dated a lot of asian women and only one had a good relationship with their dad. They ALL have issues though. They're fucked up in the head. It's great.

>> No.9894800



>> No.9894839

>tfw girl of your dreams comes in and out of your life every few years just to fuck everything up
>you are powerless to stop her

>> No.9894854
File: 34 KB, 468x286, article-1290741-0A42F614000005DC-781_468x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man up faggot.

>> No.9895787

he gay

>> No.9895832
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1310, tumblr_n128te7Gl11rjdsv0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wear clothes that i don't like, but for those that i like i don't have money (even for some middle tier)
>saved money for decent clothes for years
>however i live in russia economics go shit in 2014 and all my savings now devalued twice
Pls gib me money

>> No.9895857
File: 572 KB, 1244x2000, pronouns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw gf broke up w/me yesterday

>> No.9895871
File: 48 KB, 600x695, taytay-sucking-her-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never passionately make out with taytay

>> No.9895984

You'll feel fine about it in a couple weeks. Enjoy being single for a while, just don't mope around. Go and do stuff you wanted to but couldn't when you were with her. Also focus on the bad times with her. And try and sleep with someone else. Seriously lad you'll be fine soon enough

>> No.9895994


>> No.9896103

I know this fucking feeling.

>> No.9896128

the girl in that photo is a latina

>> No.9896150

Please leave now, Taylor

>> No.9896198

which one?

>> No.9896208

>tfw she puts that pussy on you right and it changes your life and she won't sit on top of your dick cause she scared of heights and shawty be like "this pussy for you" i asked her is it tru and she said like a horseshoe

>> No.9896223
File: 72 KB, 709x765, suicidepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cannot make friends because you find something wrong with everyone

>tfw every girl you talk to has a flaw

>tfw no matter how hard you try you can't accept people for who they are

>> No.9896248

>tfw incredibly lonely
>tfw afraid of anyone finding out
>tfw the ride never ends

>> No.9896381

>mfw i fall in love and get bored with girls looks within same month
>this happens constantly and it hurts more every time

>> No.9896398

>ITT gigantic aspie faggots

>> No.9896893

I had the same problem.
they'll sort you out over at /hm/
worked for me

>> No.9896905


you think you are perfect ?

>> No.9896941
File: 835 KB, 3456x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne aces
>slp chelseas/suede biker boots
>white tshirts
>hang out with friends
>everyone dresses bad
>stand out too much
>some grills dig it and hit on me
>feel weird
>feel out of place

I cannot go back to dressing bad, but I don't wanna get new friends. I've been wearing basic shit (desert boots, cheap monday skinnies, white tshirts) lately to avoid getting attention, but it's still too much.

>> No.9896986
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1358270448288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a pair of ankle boots
>really like it but...
>TAK TAK TAK noise as I walk around the office
>people glance and turn their head
>feel insecure at first
>few weeks later fuck it ima walk and you fuckers are gonna have to deal with the noise
Eh, feels good I guess. Nobody complained and some even said they liked my boots.

>> No.9896991

Sorry, didn't mean to quote >>9896941

>> No.9896992
File: 155 KB, 507x600, 1424213442967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf who looks like this

>> No.9897010

Thank god

>> No.9897017

>lonely as shit
>too fucking prideful to settle on someone just as pathetic as I am
>cycle repeats

>> No.9897114
File: 24 KB, 502x490, sad-frog-picasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mixtape is dropping this fall
>Bout to be super famous
>Bout to get more pussy than i could ever ask for
>Bout to leave these lonely feels behind
>tfw the pressures of success and fame will probably push me to drugs.
>tfw drugs will lead to my music becoming less and less good
>tfw will die at 26

>> No.9897117

I know these feels.

>> No.9897119

>no redeemable qualities - not smart,handsome or rich
>still have impossibly high standards


>> No.9897152


perfect starting point for some heroin chic

>> No.9897259


lmao jaffa stfu

>> No.9897260
File: 16 KB, 645x773, 643232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live an objectively good life
>still depressed

>> No.9897266

>you have to worship basic fucking asians otherwise you must leave

kill yourself

>> No.9897277


there's that word again

>> No.9897285

I just work out (la fitness yuhh) and it tends to make me feel better. That and disc golfing with the friendos

>> No.9897290

No. But I try to shape my life into the perfect dream that I want it to be and it's just not possible so I get sad.

>> No.9897298

You need new friends lmao. And you sound underaged if your "friends" are that retarded to give a shit about what you spend on clothes. the fuck dude. Talking about prices is tacky anyway unless it's with a good friend or someone you're comfortable telling it to.

>> No.9897339


I know this feel. I met the perfect girl and now every one I see I just compare to her, and none are nearly as interesting. she's very effay too

>> No.9897400


>own apartment
>a few close friends
>more acquaintances
>had a decent childhood and family loves me

it's not a bad life

>> No.9897410

sounds better than my life Anon
some people just aren't happy with what they have though, like me

>> No.9897411


>> No.9897423

iktf, it'll be better once i'm out of uni and have a real job. it's definitely not the worst problem in the world though :/

>> No.9897424

>major i ultimately enjoy (hate some minors)
>nice part time job to make extra cash
>no worries
>live at home
>parents love me
>can do what i want
>buy clothes and vidya with the heaps of disposable income
>childhood beside videogames and legos was a shit but forgot most of it anyway, don't care now
>still lie awake at night wondering why i hate my life
>conclude it must be lack of gf but don't actually make an effort to get one because i can't think of any girl i could fathom dating

sounds like u getting cucked son

>> No.9897645

train wreck posts

>> No.9897667

i have no griends either. im a loner, but its because im a fashion rnegade and ppl just dont understand me

>> No.9897672
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1424467935842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this board

>> No.9897673

i've got the rich kid blues too anon :^(

>> No.9897691

tfw people try to be my friend
tfw boys hitting on me but not gay
tfw dont put effort into any of my relationships and would rather stay home doing nothing than be outside

>> No.9897692

being gay sounds like it would be pretty cool

>> No.9897693

Can I have 50k please?

>> No.9897700

i shouldve been born a girl. ive always been super shy and im not able to be the aggressor. ive been waiting 22 years for a girl to ask me out, and its never happened yet.

>> No.9897702

>6'0 158lbs, 8% BF
>Chiseled jawline
>Blue eyes / dirty blonde hair
>Only make $67k/yr salary but I just graduated from uni last year
>Dream job though working for Elon Musk
>Have a GF of 6 years who is working as an architect
>Just bought a ring for her and about to propose
>Both parents still alive.
>Theyre seperated but are happy and successful business owners
>Have 4 true friends
>Don't care about having a ton because we all get along
>Life is good

Not all feels have to be bad, right?

>> No.9897703

Until you're getting anally pulverized by a 9 inch schlong.

>> No.9897706


>> No.9897709

>8% BF

>> No.9897726



>> No.9897746

i chuckle at posts like this because you are basically living an illusion. but hey whatever works for you. more than likely you will get laid off from your dream job, your gf is secrely sleeping with a black guy behind your back, you the 5th wheel amoing your friends and they dont really like you, your parents have cancer but it hasnt been detected yet, you will soon get fat and lazy and will no linger have a nice body or face. in other words, your life is all a fraud and it will all come crashing down soon enough.

>> No.9897754
File: 31 KB, 597x593, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro. Why the fuck would you say that?

>> No.9897759

Asian girls are probably the least interesting people you can find. They don't have any decent culture so they just adapt to what's around them. They're not really people, they're like immitation white girls looking for white guys to raise their status. I would never marry an asian girl (Though I don't have any problem with fucking them, northern asians at least)

>> No.9897763

i love you, marry me.

>> No.9897830

epic cuck fantasy

>> No.9897838
File: 73 KB, 643x960, LI goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have to constantly hide your powerlevel, and the sound of plebeians talking about how superior Skyrim is to every other RPG is, when Morrowind exists.

>> No.9897839

You obviously care way too much.

I'm happy with my life and where I am. I'm not saying I don't have my insecurities or hard times. We all do. I'm just focusing on the things going on that are positive and make me feel good.

I don't see how this is living an illusion. Your entire response just goes to show how unhappy you are. I'm sorry about that, but it's your choice to be that way.

>> No.9899206

I'm not that rich, just solidly upper middle class :^(

I don't have 50k available, it's all invested

>> No.9899217

that's how i describe myself, but my friends don't get it

>> No.9899251

tfw you're an asian girl reading this shit people say about you.

>> No.9899254


>> No.9899256


>> No.9899271


>> No.9899276

>need 50k to be scouted as a model

no you don't, you just need to look right
don't know who the fag is that is telling you "oh yeah well obviously i'll need 50k for admin fees, but you'll get that back after your first shoot! :))" but its a scam

>> No.9899282
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>> No.9899290
File: 132 KB, 563x581, 2546518364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you share a board with these retards

>> No.9899373
File: 270 KB, 658x371, c8672dd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are the embodiment of negativity
please, it all starts with you.
love yourself, that's all you need to do.

>> No.9899381

>tfw ironic memery has taken over my entire life

Inb4 someone posts that jet fuel can't melt steel beams xDD

>> No.9899465
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1401738380270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never even had a gf
w/e I bet I aint missing out on shit, the only thing I really regret in life is playing away my youth on runescape and never really going outside

sucks being poor and not being able to cop sick fits too, but atleast I'm not depressed

>> No.9899467
File: 102 KB, 555x543, froot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare dank gud 1 :^()

>> No.9899474

Deal with it, you're fucked in the head and everyone else dresses like shit. It's a fact of life. Learn to get over it and hang out with who ever you enjoy spending time with even if their dressing up is a polo and dockers with loafers.

>> No.9899477

Certainly that post wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
>ppl just dont understand me
No one actually says that for real, at least on animu imageboards like these.

>> No.9899482

Oh god, I know this feeling.

Except I actually can't get a gf even when I try, because I come off either too strong or not strong at all.

>> No.9899490

Good feels tbh.
Going to uni in September, freshers week will be great and I'll probs meet a couple qts. Plus course entry requirements are actually way lower than I thought. Good feels all round

>> No.9899560

>people complaining I wear too much black
>make an effort to put more colour into my wardrobe
>end up just buying more black stuff
At least Rick Owens will always be here for me

>> No.9899642

Ha 420 кoпишь ?

>> No.9899692

>tfw you missed out on talking to that kinda ugly cute girl who obviously liked you and now you're in the uni library reading Derrida all on your own having not said anything to anyone all day

I'm so lonely

>> No.9899705

b-but I would

>> No.9899710

stay in kanaleneiland faggot

>> No.9899727

The clown shoes look too big?

Go back to reddit pleb

>> No.9899744
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1426768636735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899753


>> No.9899770

same but
>bought a pair of adidas springblades
>really like it but...
>chikachikachikachikachikachik noise as I walk around
>people glance and turn their head

>> No.9899784
File: 35 KB, 660x489, wassup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a raging case of narcassism

I look into the mirror 30 times a day.
I guess it could be worse.

>> No.9899802

which uni

>> No.9899845

If it's your style it's your style, you shouldn't care about what other people think of it because it's how you express yourself. With that attitude, you are literally letting them control you.

>> No.9899854

Queen Mary in London

>> No.9899863

But at least you read philosophy. You will live.

>> No.9899865

I know this feel.
It got even worse after I started lifting

>> No.9899872

Real shit anon

>> No.9899919

kk hahahah

>> No.9899921

She looks like a toddler playing dress up.

>> No.9900015

>tfw only person on the internet that doesn't have yellow fever

>> No.9900437


>> No.9900501

Asians are ugly as fuck to me.

>> No.9900544
File: 219 KB, 1352x955, 81469.adapt.676.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt Russian girl who grew up in Ireland
>has decent sense of humor
>independently minded
>used to visit her gramps in Latvia and learned to shoot with a Nugget revolver
>eventually start talking about her other interests and shit
>"yeah, my friends i are going to a convention in your city this summer"
>it's call Anthrocon
>she sounds embarrassed about it
>I made a suit but I just use it on Halloween when the trick r' treaters come by

God damnit, man. God fucking damnit.

>> No.9900573


>> No.9900681

this .. !

>> No.9900724

I don't understand what feel you're trying to convey

>> No.9900744

Naw, I'm in the same boat. They ugly af, only betas with no taste are into them

>> No.9900757

White guy here. I've almost exclusively dated asian girls.

As with any race of people, some are ugly and some are attractive. To generalize an entire group of people (that aren't indians) and say they're ugly is stupid.

With that being said, you're "beta" for calling people "beta". You must be the guy that's never had a GF.

>> No.9900966

Can confirm.
>Asian male here.
The good ones always go first and you're left with what he described.

>> No.9900976

Lol 6ft

>> No.9900995

Drugs make everything better tf

>> No.9901253

Girls tend to take the initiative when it comes to getting physical, I mean you still have to lean in for the kiss but before that they usually grab your arm while laughing, move their hands to be nearer to you when your hand is on the table, etc.

Just invite a girl out as a friend, movies or whatever, dont be too awkward (you dont have to be alpha af btw), and go with the flow.

If she touches you shes done enough kiss her at the end of the date, 5 seconds of not being a fucking pussy, thats all it takes.

You dont have to hit on her, she doesnt hit on you either, its not a big deal, you see?

>> No.9901307

+1 on indians

>> No.9901422

That only works when you're not ugly.

>> No.9901424
File: 143 KB, 653x465, disgruntledviking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rugby thighs

I will never find nice jeans.

>> No.9901432

>buy a red sweater
>it's a really nice, classical sweater
>really comfortable
>and really warm too
>"wow anon you look like a businessman with those clothes aha"
Why do people who wear nothing but graphic tees and hoodies PRIDE themselves on not dressing well?

>> No.9901443

>skelly tights

I will never find nice jeans

>> No.9901444

>enjoy a lot fo different aesthetics
>wardrobe consists of a mix of dadcore, ivycore, normcore, memechrome and a bunch of other stuff
>my style is having no style and just mixing a bunch of fits I like
I have this problem with everything in my life, I can't seem to settle on one thing

>> No.9901450

Feel you, more than you'll ever know.

>> No.9901459


Slim and skinny jeans always look awesome on skellies. Wish I was a skelly. I look like I'm about to burst out of my pants and the recent skinnyfit craze means that most shops have just outright stopped making tapered or straight jeans with ass-room.

I have a crotch blowout every other month, it's starting to get really expensive.

>> No.9901471

Based God is best inspo

>> No.9901476

dad-core stores like eddie bauer and ll bean still make "relaxed fit" jeans for people just like you.

>> No.9901486


Never heard of those shops. Britbong here, are they US based?

>> No.9901665

theres bare pakis there fam

>> No.9901699

That's my uni, small world :^)

>> No.9901945

what course are you doing?

>> No.9903024

Kafka spotted

>> No.9903104


Go make a furry costume then fuck her.

>> No.9904042

Well you are probably not ugly

Fix your skin, get a haircut that suits you, clothes that fit and are not all over the place style-wise, dont be 5' 5", dont be fat. Yep, now you are at least average congrats.

Im ugly too, mostly my big hook nose and kinda mediocre jawline. Well at least i felt ugly af, then got hold of myself, stopped calling myself ugly and got into fashion, now i love myself and at least some bitches do too.

Dont call youself ugly man, you are more than that.

>inb4 empty pep talk
It probably is tho, but girls really do perceive this shit, how? Idk

>> No.9904065

this is the worst feel

>> No.9904085


you posted in the other thread and you dress like shit.

other than that i guess you are good

>> No.9904090

I agree that Morrowind was godly, but be reasonable man. Skyrim is plenty fine if you use it as a base to mod.

>> No.9904092


>> No.9904095

in the same boat anon
chubbies and ocbds
chelseas and moto jackets
fugggin feels

>> No.9904121

>tfw never save up money for end of season sales

>> No.9904152

working out is the best anti-depressant

>> No.9904163
File: 61 KB, 450x299, 1430884666937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you sound like a fun guy

>> No.9904178

lol, don't get scammed you desperate faggot