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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 700x300, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9889812 No.9889812 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9889820
File: 100 KB, 256x766, uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9889837

shoes seriously letting you down

>> No.9889844
File: 98 KB, 348x826, jmaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind left shoulder, got it fixed. (also, use your imagination and add pale light colored shoes)

>> No.9889850
File: 415 KB, 1070x1667, KurtCobain_ReadingFestival_083092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889856
File: 93 KB, 720x960, 24 may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jumper thing doesnt come down past my sleeves usually just in the pic

>> No.9889860

i was passing the time by burning my leg hair

>> No.9889930
File: 75 KB, 430x710, 1334853783290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889951


>> No.9889993

Turn around and post another

>> No.9890001

r u from netherlands

>> No.9890095
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>> No.9890101
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>> No.9890109
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>> No.9890136

Ja, hoezo?

>> No.9890139
File: 136 KB, 640x640, tmp_21922-IMG_20150524_182051-653899915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full Unabomber

>> No.9890144

it's still amazing to me how some people look basic no matter what they're wearing and other people can look amazing no matter how basic their outfit is.

>> No.9890150

hoe oud ben je? waar woon je? wil je ontmaagd worden? maak eens een foto van je kont volgens mij heb jij een heerlijke bips lekker wijfke

>> No.9890154
File: 891 KB, 640x640, IMG_9125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9890155

dude, you're not japanese

>> No.9890162
File: 378 KB, 1386x2484, 2015-05-24 12.00.01 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9890163

Rot op en krijg kanker.

>> No.9890179

komop wijfie niet zo preuts doen laat je ongewasse kutje eens zien

>> No.9890184

well if i look basic my outfit is worth about £100 so not a surprise!!

>> No.9890187
File: 18 KB, 374x335, tmp_21922-reallyfaggot-1433000617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9890193

hey lelders honest question

how's york as a university? the place, the people, teach etc

also where else did you apply?

>> No.9890200

wat doe je moeilijk kanker wijf je bent er zeker zo eentje die met uitgaan in de rokersruimte in je eentje gaat roken terwijl je vriendinnen pik scoren en dan in je eentje naar huis gaat en lastig gevallen word door Marokkanen en dan volgende dag tijdens aardrijkskunde doet alsof ze het wel een leuke avond vond vieze kanker hoer

>> No.9890204

The latter was referring to you cutiepie

>> No.9890205

is this a fucking fashion forum or a swedish singles chatroom jesus christ

>> No.9890209
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9890210

Wat is jouw probleem?

>> No.9890211

krijg de grafkanker kanker hond met je kanker gezichie

>> No.9890214

Your fit looks like those stupid fits that the main character from an anime would get after going shopping with his bestfriend/the girl that will end up with him. And then wear to go for the first and only date with that girl who is crazy about him but will end up getting friendzoned.

>> No.9890221

its alright though its kinda boring, people kinda suck although ive met some amazing people

i cant really remember where else I applied, because I wasnt originally going to do law and i just switched my course to law during my year out. If i was reapplying id probably apply for PPL at king's, although I have a feeling id hate the people there and the lifestyle.

overall theres a lot of cunts everywhere, and theres a lot of a specific type of cunt at all good unis but I think in york theres probably less than in UCL or Kings,l because there are less super rich people who have that fake 'working class chic' thing which is popular these days and kind of annoying. Coming from a state school and inner city manchester college where I was literally the poshest kid in my classes, when I see someone from Magdalen college school or whatever, I atleast would prefer them to dress posh. That was an unrelated rant, but i think city unis attract more rich kids trying to be cool in the vice media interpretation of the word.

York's pretty good, we can chill.

=))) :*

>> No.9890222

Ik wed dat je hebt slechte smaak je stinkende stapel afval

>> No.9890226

Aan je taalgebruik te horen, ben je te jong om 4chan te bezoeken, of zwaar autistisch. Ik denk dat het laatste het geval is.

>> No.9890229

haha sorry. Ik moet volgende week mijn afstudeer opdracht inleveren en zit hier zwaar shit uit te stellen en dan ga ik dit soort gekke dingen doen.

On Topic: I'm not sure if I like those shoes with those shorts, maybe if the shorts didn't have the pattern. You're pretty in a really classical and subtle way and too much shit takes away the focus from your face.

>> No.9890231

oh and pro tip: buy socks on ebay, i buy the gym socks for £5 for like 15 pairs because its cheaper than washing them and less effort (this is how un /fa/ ive become)

>> No.9890234
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>> No.9890245

excuses ik zit al uren te zwoegen en moet nog zo een 30 paginas. random mensen op 4chan uitschelden is mijn enige troost nu. ik houd wel op. nogmaals excuses

>> No.9890247

oh eyah and i think the teaching is pretty good but its hard for me to say because they teach law in an entirely different way which is only for law and medicine called 'pbl'

if you are doing law though it makes it piss easy imo. I have only got firsts and 2:1s with minimal effort on courseworks and 2 days revision for exams. Last essay I did the day before and got 76 (which im not sure anyone actually got higher than lol), that was also down to modafinil

>> No.9890262


sounds like you're going to be underprepared for the bar exam and underprepared for actually being a lawyer

>> No.9890265
File: 209 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man nice (basic) fit

>> No.9890271

Oh oke, ik dacht al, ik ben nu ook studiewerk aan het uitstellen... daar word je inderdaad irritant van.

>> No.9890276

looks good man

>> No.9890278

sitting on toilet bowl/10

>> No.9890285

I'm english

>> No.9890287

Pants need to be slimmer

>> No.9890292
File: 3.13 MB, 2544x1965, 20150524_141611-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some new shoes, tho

>> No.9890293

oh. then just put on a wizard robe and a powdered wig and scream "ELLO GUBNA" at the magistrate until your client gets whatever they want from the court

>> No.9890294

>>9890287 not even. that would ruin one of the main reasons why the fit is interesting

>> No.9890296

was thinking of applying for history and politics there
what did you get in as and a2?
w2c modafinil

where else would you recommend?

>> No.9890298

Gonna get a Masters?

>> No.9890302

our wigs arent powdered

>> No.9890306

oh. my mistake.

but the rest is accurate, yeah?

>> No.9890316


>> No.9890326

doubt it will do lpc or bptc probably

history and politics means you probably wont have many contact hours, but I think that's the same as at most unis. its probably pretty good for that though league tables wise

i cant remember exactly what i got in AS but it like DCBB or somethign got A*AA in a2

>> No.9890340
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>> No.9890358

did you pull the traditional british coaster manoeuvre and only care for the last 3 months at a2? gives a man some hope.

how did you manage a good personal statement?

either that or pure history. sorry about all the questions

>> No.9890359


>> No.9890371
File: 666 KB, 546x494, whysobasement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rustig maar, knul. ik ben die chiq niet eens. Wil je een kopje thee?

>> No.9890378

nice fit. did you dye the parka yourself?

also that looks like a BART station

>> No.9890380

damn, looks good. really the first time ive seen geobastards pulled off well

>> No.9890382

not bad
darker geos would probably work better

>> No.9890398

Ik ben bedaard.

studie werk? even zonder gein hoe oud ben je? ik had je wel serieus middelbaar school leeftijd geschat

>> No.9890405
File: 2.54 MB, 5184x3456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!
Yup, used a bottle of RIT and a very large pot. And yeah this was the Bay Fair BART station!
Thanks man, I really appreciate that.
Do you think the black laces would have worked better?

>> No.9890439

Making that parka look really nice

>> No.9890443

but fuccboi-y tbh but I guess most people IRL don't think like that so

>> No.9890446

how does it feel to be so irrelevant nowadays that 3/5 replies to your fit were you and the other 2 were hate?

>> No.9890447
File: 254 KB, 1728x2115, 2015-05-24 11.53.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on shirt? can post bottoms too if anyone cares

>> No.9890472

holy shit a good fit in waywt

>> No.9890478

v nice

>> No.9890484

nice hat

clean your fucking bathroom

>> No.9890487

Nice stacks on pants

I'd on them and sweater?

>> No.9890492

Like it but geo's look a bit out of place

>> No.9890498

Man, those conflicting price points (unless dey fakes)
Real good tho bby, even though I hate those shoes you make them look good
>inb4 parka hate

>> No.9890503

R u that Berkeley kid?

>> No.9890508

Are you serious?

Is this a new meme where if you have geo's all your clothes under $200 are not allowed

>> No.9890511

this pic was posted like a year ago
this is sick, nice job

>> No.9890516

Props on knowing not to do full boots with that outfit.
Then again, I'm sure you're fully aware that you look just fine. Good thought to silhouette as well

>> No.9890519

Sweater is from Urban Outfitters, got it for like $80, it's warm and cozy as hell. The pants are just some Vans skinnies I bought several years ago, I tailored them to fit me better around the calves and ankles.
Nah man dey real
I live by Berkeley, but I'm not sure what you mean by that

>> No.9890525

That guy who says the pants need to be slimmer is wrong. You do, however, need a thicker top>>9890285
than just that v-neck

>> No.9890535

Lol I have exactly the same sweater.

I posted a geo's / flectarn fit the other day and got mad hate, stealing your sweater idea though. No homo

>> No.9890536

Yeah, definitely try black laces. Can we get a pic with them?

>> No.9890539

How much RIT did you use?

>> No.9890547

Seriously? It seems like a pretty foolproof combination, can you post the fit again?
I'll do that right now, it's gonna take me a while to undo the white ones and then relace
Just one bottle, I stirred it for a good 20 minutes then rinsed.

>> No.9890554
File: 3.26 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted it's a bit edgy but here you go, it was still on my phone

>> No.9890563

Really good
Yeah exactly that lol

>> No.9890564

Parka looks humongous, find a better fitting one that isn't a flecktarn. Also pants kind of suck. Don't get me wrong though the fit is sick just could be better.

>> No.9890565

Nice, how much did they run you? Don't answer that, I'm having a good day
I'm guessing you trimmed the flag off before you dyed the jacket and then just sewed it back on, yeah? I completely forgot to (looks okay). I actually think it might've been your pic that got me to do the dye job in the first place.

Anyway, really great fit. Gets better the longer you look

>> No.9890566

how you holdin up pal? :/

>> No.9890571
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20150524143044657_20150524143124171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys. Never forget that.

>> No.9890576

You got hate because its a shitty angle and you can't actually see the fit. Also you are very obviously trying to show off the German flag patch, which is really annoying. So yeah where your fit cones off really try hard and contrived his comes off much more natural.

>> No.9890579

v pale

>> No.9890580

Well there's your problem: you went completely black. While that's not a totally bad thing, the major point is a good silhouette (which you can't see, as you're sitting down)
Also, the shininess of the shoes clashes with the matte of the pants and jacket in this shot

>> No.9890592
File: 98 KB, 540x720, tumblr_novd8qsR9w1rp0ksmo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9890595

I'm sure if you took a full body picture with better lighting they'd be all over it
Yeah I've been on the lookout for a better one, this has just been my go-to for such a long time it's like second nature. And I agree the pants suck, the fit at the thighs is really bad, but the parka covers it. Thanks man.
I didn't pay full retail but it was pretty hard to find them in my size. And thank you so much man, it feels great to be able to help people out and be recognized

>> No.9890609

try again in a few years bud

>> No.9890619

sorry for babbyface

>> No.9890628

i dont like the undershirt, and get a real belt, other than that, dope fit.

>> No.9890640

best itt so far
shoes could be better though

>> No.9890661
File: 1.21 MB, 2756x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9890667

Not good

>> No.9890687

real good buddy how are you

>> No.9890816
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9890880

Black. Absolutely

>> No.9890899

Literally why do you post? There hasn't been anything new in your fits in literal months. Try something new and stop sucking tumblr fashion victims dicks so much.

>> No.9890916

calm down

>> No.9890947

pants and shoes are on spot. would wear different colored sweat, socks and caps to be honest.

>> No.9890952


yeah this is terrible

>> No.9890966

whoa! not controversial as always, i like it

>> No.9890985

looks good wil. basic, but still solid

>> No.9891019

no they don't, you foshbwah

>> No.9891044
File: 548 KB, 401x562, 76a78363c6bc17f98f2fd3da5039c4ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom wants me to into modeling and took some pics what do you think am i too ugly?

>> No.9891049 [DELETED] 
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, eFohjJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wooopty doop

>> No.9891055

>brown shoes
No you don't look completely fine. Change the shoes

>> No.9891058

working on losing weight, shirt not tucked in cuz muffin top

>> No.9891060

if you're serious just go to an agency man

>> No.9891063



>> No.9891069


this needs more attention. this is good

>> No.9891073


you're usually good with colors but idk about the blacks in this fit

>> No.9891075

Looks good man. Tie your hair back though, and work on your facial expressions.

>> No.9891079

>better post a silhouette so people can't say anything is bad specifically.

>> No.9891081
File: 1.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150524_142740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fits everyone, this is my basic contribution

>> No.9891084
File: 464 KB, 1400x1000, 142739bnvbnghfghfgh32884150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this?

>> No.9891088

this is just what I wore today, which is the thread no? didn't read anywhere that this is avant-garde Rick owens waywt only. to be fair i just put the hat on for the pic bc hair is fucked up (which is why im assuming you made the tumblr comment)

>> No.9891089

Lol u look like Dean Blunt. Hopefully that was what ur going for.

>> No.9891091

>niet hem


fijn pinksterweekend

>> No.9891099

10$ hoodie from Walgreens
20$ camo basketball shorts from gander mountain
Nike elite socks
Jordan flip flops

Still get more pussy then everybody

>> No.9891106

you know silhouette is part of a fit right? and it's what i'm working on, silhouettes.

>> No.9891110
File: 2.40 MB, 2739x4016, DSC_0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reeeeee u allways have the best opinions am i too ugly

>> No.9891111

I don't remember saying that either. You post the sane shit every time... There is a huge difference between having originality and your fits being avant garde. I just called you out on your originality. Its cool if you like that style but posting the same shit over and over is really old st this point.

>> No.9891119

im thinking of copping that fred perry top. how do you like it?

>> No.9891122
File: 146 KB, 540x960, Snapchat-1092765646013833431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byt i have a hyge fivehead i dont dare

>> No.9891125

I love it have only wore it once tho worth the 50-60$ (conversion is hard)

>> No.9891131
File: 597 KB, 2448x3264, T0jEUHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? :)

>> No.9891132
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>> No.9891139

I'm going to be honest you are pretty ugly in my eyes but if you're tall enough and get a haircut you could easily get selected by a designer who likes untraditional people yo walk for them.

>> No.9891148

np m8 idk people either think im rly hot or rly ugly and im 6,4 so height aint no issue 4 me

>> No.9891149

this, go to a fucking agency man stop asking on here because i think you ugly as shit.

>> No.9891162

put some lotion on your knees, do something about your hair, and don't be a basic bitch bruh

>> No.9891165
File: 2.89 MB, 4160x2340, 20150524_144424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i go.

>> No.9891174

Haha thanks. Didn't mean to harp or anything. I like how the jeans fit and nice boots. I'm not crazy about the shirt but that's just me.

>> No.9891176

you might be too tall
most agencies are looking for men 6 ft to 6 ft 2.5, sometimes 6 ft 3
unfortantuely it's rare for someone who is outside of that height to get into modelling

>> No.9891178
File: 66 KB, 607x603, BANGNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my uniform other thread was dead fam

>> No.9891179


implying u would know anything about modelling

>> No.9891180

w2c everything

>> No.9891186

dont worry what think >>9891122 i fucks with you man

>> No.9891187

Yeah i know im about to lotion them right now

>> No.9891189

sick jacket

>> No.9891190


jesus please be bait

>> No.9891193


>> No.9891194

oh shit im high af
i fucks with you breh

>> No.9891195

sure thing man, thanks for the opinion. i dig hickory and fisher stripe shirtsf i just don't know how to incorporate them into my fits

>> No.9891196


you are attractive, tall, handsome, young, well-dressed and have nice hair

i don't see any reason why you couldn't model

>> No.9891199

easy peasy lemon squeezi man i just wanted to get the opinions of random unbiased people on the internet

>> No.9891200
File: 171 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I effay yet guys?

>> No.9891210

hot shit

>> No.9891212

damn bruh nice steez

>> No.9891213

thanks nigga

>> No.9891228

swagged out

>> No.9891268

Hehe just rechecked turns out im actually between 6'2 and 6'3 haha lucky me am i right i was 6'4 with shoes how dumb of me to not think about them

>> No.9891285
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.9891308

if this is bait then nice bait if not well m8 u fucked up

>> No.9891312

Ay man this is cool af

>> No.9891319

you don't got the body to pull this off, and if you had it you'd need to fix:

x get boots (chelseas preferably)
x get a better belt (not to sound like a fuccboi, but look for designer)

>> No.9891408

Nice. Clean as shit. Always liked those CP's.

>> No.9891410
File: 523 KB, 1836x3264, IMG-20150222-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9891423

Nice low
Lose that hat

>> No.9891442

your fit is awful but wtc shirt

>> No.9891446
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20150525_103559326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9891459

post results bb

>> No.9891502
File: 1.44 MB, 3104x1746, DSC_0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need new pants already :(

>> No.9891517

w2c shorts like that

>> No.9891526

here we see it once again, ree getting jealous and passive aggressive when she sees someone more attractive than herself

>> No.9891531

threadly reminder she's a boy

>> No.9891544

thats an ugly ass jacket

>> No.9891546

threadly reminder than i'm more attractive than you regardless

>> No.9891547

u gucci then

>> No.9891549

thanks =))

>> No.9891552
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>> No.9891553
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, gj ash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9891560
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>> No.9891562

Ree do you have a gender issue? Do you feel like a girl?

>> No.9891577 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 4160x2340, 20150524_161804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still drying. Going to get rid of the buttons. Im also pretty offended by the stitching. Ill thing of something.

>> No.9891585


>> No.9891587
File: 2.62 MB, 4160x2340, 20150524_161804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is still drying. I hate the stitching and the buttons will have to go. I will keep working at it though.

>> No.9891588

nicely done, ashley

>> No.9891589

i thought ree was that white girl with dark hair and the one eye that looks a different direction?

pics of ree?

>> No.9891598

looks like shite now

>> No.9891602
File: 8 KB, 300x300, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9891609

that's not you that's some actress, you can't fool me ree

>> No.9891614
File: 30 KB, 218x190, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9891615
File: 30 KB, 610x612, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah jigga

>> No.9891619
File: 33 KB, 338x266, 1432322232135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u really that stupid

>> No.9891622

it looked like shit before too.

>> No.9891625
File: 16 KB, 291x300, 321536841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, that underage autist would be gone after a weeks if you fucking retards would just ignore him.

>> No.9891627

i fucks with it

>> No.9891631

>not ignoring him

>> No.9891635

>fucking retards

what's wrong?

did someone take a dump in your lucky charms this morning buddy?

>> No.9891641

lmao trendy rosi

>> No.9891643


>> No.9891665

oh shit im dippen lmao

>> No.9891688

post your bottom

>> No.9891713

almost kinda cute

>> No.9891728

I'm ok with this.

shoes are going along with it by being nondescript but seems like that look should have a pair of creepers on it.

fuck the haters.

>> No.9891739
File: 1.74 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150523_160008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good for a $60 outfit w/ shoes

>> No.9891748

is this a question?
the answer is no

>> No.9891768
File: 776 KB, 1000x1333, fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to call your ass an uber i got somewhere to be

>> No.9891777

your local glory hole?

>> No.9891786

That shirt is a fucked up fit
I geuss if you like dick
New shoes, new pants, workout more but the Jacket is on point imo
Don't like the shoes, hat needs to be more worn out

>> No.9891802
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kek you know these are saint laurent right boy post your fit then you skeez

>> No.9891810

>/fa/ says skelley is /fa/
>can't find any shirts that don't fit weird
time 2 start liftin

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.9891812

not him, but I agree. they're very nice shoes, but they don't go with that fit. the style and especially the color don't work with the rest.

>> No.9891847

pants are too tight bruh

>> No.9891900
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>there are attractive, dutch girls posting on /fa/

>> No.9891917

i'm not posting a fit in that shithole
it would rek your fit anyway

>> No.9891928

exactly. If you were those shoes dress classier faggot

>> No.9891932

the fits still fire tho i dont see the problem

>> No.9891938

skinny fat is hard to fit properly, just workout and get a decent build. Then you can wear anything

>> No.9891941

oh wait nevermind

>> No.9891942

black goku af

>> No.9891943

? its a good fit but the shoes just stick out like a sore thumb
not bad shoes at all, just don't make sense with the rest of the fit effay

>> No.9891957

you have a different look to you, which is what agencies like (you're not ugly, its better than being average)

>> No.9892006
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>> No.9892090
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>> No.9892100

what a cunt chambers is
god i want to punch him in his bitch ass mouth

>> No.9892108


I'm a gril and you look like one of those niceguy nerds that I'd let help me study but never speak to again

>> No.9892127

That's kind of harsh

The colour scheme you chose is interesting. Not sure exactly what you were trying execute. Try wearing just the blue shirt buttoned up.

>> No.9892163

please post a link to the sweater >>9890340

>> No.9892164

id on shoes?

>> No.9892171
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Whole Lotta cucks itt

>> No.9892176

wheres the flood

>> No.9892188
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90$ of this board should be shot in the head tbh

>> No.9892194

w2c pants?

>> No.9892198

are you slowly taking on pigfuck's internet persona after yours didnt go don so well?

>> No.9892208
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>> No.9892214

U can take this dick faggot

>> No.9892227

w2c pants

>> No.9892229


isn't your girlfriend a fat southern Chinese girl tho

>> No.9892230

thought so

>> No.9892249
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>> No.9892273
File: 3.44 MB, 2952x5248, IMG_20150524_202248422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrifted this jacket and some booty shorts for like 3.40$

>> No.9892275


the viridi-anne

>> No.9892278

W2c jeans

>> No.9892291

hair's looking better chuck

you twiggy SLPleb

>> No.9892304

chuck just leave

>> No.9892308
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>> No.9892320

no you. i called it first

>> No.9892328


haha thx for the feedback ladies, appreciate it

>> No.9892329

>he probably spent >$1000 on this fit
>he thinks he looks good

>> No.9892335


your jacket might fit across the shoulders, but it doesn't fit across the chest.

you're literally wearing some sort of 300 dollar fedora.

the pants by themselves are very cool but are completely uncoordinated in your outfit.

the cropped hem + slim laceups + shaved legs look is not a good 1 on u brother, it looks way fem--which isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, but looks bad when combined with the rest of your look

this is literally what happens when you buy a bunch of pieces individually because you can suddenly afford them (sale) and then try to slap them all together

you look like a fucking h lorenzo clearance tent mannequin. also your haircut is fucking stupid, you should shave that nasty shit off you fucking dainty ankles cuck

>> No.9892354

not trunk's trip

dumb fucking retards

>> No.9892360

lol trunks dresses like this now?

>> No.9892376

dudes made me cringe since the first post based prophet made

>> No.9892387
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>> No.9892409


trunks has always dressed as the biggest cuck on the board

>> No.9892410

going for that early 70s progressive rock band member look i see

>> No.9892418

Fucking rekt

That blows any diss you've ever made out of the water, trunks

>> No.9892426

vans sk8 hi canvas

>> No.9892430

Since when does wearing a t-shirt and jeans necessitate such a notion?

>> No.9892442

it's mainly the long hair, slim fit of the t-shirt and jeans in conjunction with the brown chelsea boots. only thing it's missing is a high rise and a shirt tuck.

>> No.9892466

Seems like a simple style

>> No.9892493

in yo girls pants

>> No.9892502

Is that a Timex?

>> No.9892522

Don't like the jeans or the color of the boots, might look better with some wear though, everything looks too new.

>> No.9892535

It's a bad thing that I actually spend money taking my clothes to the dry cleaners, and practice taking care of the garments?

>> No.9892540

lmao trunks was got rekt in sufu so he came crawling back

>> No.9892546

You've been doing the same "trunks buys uncoordinated sale stuff" epic burn fr literally 2 years now and same flagging every time, it's painfully obvious and even more embarrassing. How many months have you waited to post this?

>> No.9892554

In the name of fashion, burry yourself in the backyard for a week. That's the way to achieve the perfect wear.

>> No.9892565


>> No.9892569

it's not as embarrassing as your girlfriend

>> No.9892598

>taking $15 jeans to the dry cleaner

>> No.9892610

>J Brand

>> No.9892614

amish garde

"why aren't ye sinners dressed in full yyph?"

>> No.9892615

just old ones i made into cut offs

>> No.9892619

Sorry but I've paid like $25 for J Brand jeans at Marshalls. They're not always expensive.

>> No.9892625

You shop at Marshall's? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.9892637

everything she owns is from marshalls or used

some of her furniture is from the curb of her college

it's not a mystery

>> No.9892661


>> No.9892664

let's see the booty shorts kiddo

>> No.9892675

That's not true. Like a lot of my bedding/towels/general home stuff are from Marshalls and a few pieces of clothing. Not the majority

Um everyone shops at Marshalls? And if you live in the middle of nowhere and your Marshalls doesn't have a contemporary/designer section you're missing out.

>> No.9892696

>everyone shops at Marshalls
Only blind consumers, and fat women shop at Marshalls.

No, just androgynous.

>> No.9892702


Don't worry tripsk, the kids hating on marshalls are high school kids that still live with their parents.

Little do they know the Ralph Lauren towel their mom got them is from Marshalls.
Marshalls does have really random good home basics, but some of it is utterly shit.

You'd have to be totally stupid to dismiss the entire store though.

>> No.9892705


you're an embarrassment to this board tbh

>> No.9892712

the home goods from marshalls is shit though

junk thread count bedding, off brand macy's tier cookware

even walmart carries lodge mainline and their own personal chink brand at least has some warranty is at least tri-ply unlike half the shit you see at marshalls

marshalls cookware is for people that fucking eat fast food most of the time and heat up frozen meats on the range occasionally

>> No.9892728

tell us about good homeware sieg

>> No.9892733

I disagree

>> No.9892738

I like it maybe get different shoes

>> No.9892751

the fuck nigga im not your speen fed consumer reports fgt

learn how shit is made (sand cast iron vs die or plaster) and levels of lead in the chinese levels

and do you own research regarding various grades of food grade stainless steels

then apply that to manufacturing processes and quality control levels then take a trip to walmart like everyone else with autism in this world does

>> No.9892778

>You've been doing the same "trunks buys uncoordinated sale stuff" epic burn fr literally 2 years now

yeah because you've been putting together shitty uncoordinated outfits for 2+ years now.

>> No.9892799

Androgynous models is the new obsession. Do you live under a rock?

>> No.9892801

>an embarrassment to a weaboo board for kiddies thinking they know anything about style or fashion

Marshalls IS shit

>> No.9892821
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you're an embarrassment to a weaboo board for kiddies thinking they know anything about style or fashion

>> No.9892826

Marshalls is, if anything, culture appropriate.

>> No.9892843

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.9892858

I would spell it out for you, but I'm afraid the truth will break your spirit.

>> No.9892859

just fix your facial expression and we're good

>> No.9892862

The fact that Americans have lost cultural relevancy and they must be pandered to by the likes of corporate consumerism and media frenzied stupidity directed at a dull and dying youth?

>> No.9892870

You're talking in circles.

>> No.9892873

great fit. saved

>> No.9892889


>> No.9892910

Tips fedora

>> No.9892936

post another

>> No.9892974

Nice response, friend.

>> No.9895017

hey nardwuar