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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 828 KB, 800x1067, 2015-05-18 13.10.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9876919 No.9876919 [Reply] [Original]

How do you dress tough and intimidating when you're 5'6 and look like you're 12?

>> No.9876924

you dont, obviously

>> No.9876929

I have an anxiety disorder.

I want strangers to be more afraid of me than I'm afraid of them.

>> No.9876935

Get a carry permit, and strap a gun to your side as an open carry.

>> No.9876936

And I want to rape you

>> No.9876942

Don't try to be intimidating. No point.

>> No.9876943

you really don't know how on that is.

you should see these fancy fasion people IRL.

they look tough. IRL looks tough. you can't get around it. thats the thing.

>> No.9876948

Not 'murican. You can't do that shit in a 1st world country.

Hell, you can't even carry a belt knife unless it's a part of a traditional costume.

>> No.9876949

>faggot hair style
>nail polish
>sparkly phone case

idk brah everything looks intimidating to me not sure why its not working out

>> No.9876950

I want drunks and beggars to never approach me again and all I know is that they flee natural predators.

I've read your post like 3 times and still don't understand what you were trying to say.

>> No.9876955

>can't even have a knife
>Says we aren't first world
top kek babyface good luck intimidating anyone over the age of 2

>> No.9876961

That's not nail polish it's a spray paint. I was painting small objects that I needed to turn around in my hand while spraying, and it flakes off your skin long before it leaves nails. I didn't wear gloves because I am not a smart man.

It's also fucking cold out there, your options are a scarf or fucking tuberculosis.

What kind of a haircut should I have, then?

>> No.9876971

You've got food insecurity within the country's borders and cops shooting unarmed civilians.

>> No.9876975

Be huge, grow beard, shave head

>> No.9876985

I'm shaving my head once the weather becomes hospitable enough for it. And as for the rest, I'm doing the best that my genetics allow.

>> No.9876999

Try Rosemary oil, Nettle, castor oil and Biotin. I'm seeing some noticeable gains in my beard growth just taking/applying this stuff sporadically.

>> No.9877010

are you a boy or girl? honest question.. I can't figure it out, you look bang in the middle

>> No.9877014

Fuck genetics, eat meat

>> No.9877018


Does that do something to raise testosterone or what?

>> No.9877023

Male, thankyouverymuch.
I do eat meat.

>> No.9877031
File: 353 KB, 600x900, goth-glam-beauty-look-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a tough IRL problem i have IRL.

you know what i mean?

>> No.9877041

You're doing that on purpose, now, aren't you?

>> No.9877050

wasn't complimenting.. lots of androgynous people are sexy but you are androgynous in the shit way

>> No.9877051

Not a /fa/shion expert, but ...
Drop down to at least 15% bodyfat.
Hit the gym, the shorties can gain faster and end up lifting heavier. (Manlets shouldn't have rights unless they take advantage of the only real thing they can do better than the 6'2+ master race.)
Soak up some sun.
Dye your hair a darker color. Grow it out a bit.
Stop making yourself look like a feminized male. Unless you really want to, but there are other ways to mix in a bit of femininity into your look.
It looks like you have your eyebrows done, and that's probably not going to help. Nothing wrong with tweezing a few hairs though.
Sell your frilly ass clothing. Buy some staples like white/black shirts and blue/black jeans. Don't wear clothes that look soft, like that hoodie.
Get a new phone case. That should be given.
Stop having soft skin. Goddamn.
Make sure your face is never oily, and kinda dry.
Just take a look at the people who intimated you, and take note of what you see.
Also, Google how to not walk like a wimp.

>> No.9877062

...pretty sure tuberculosis isn't caught like that.
Old sanatoriums were up in cold, dryish areas for a reason.

>> No.9877071

I'm working on trying to get into shape. I can go literally underweight and still have a pudgy face, though.

I literally can't tan. I burn, and then turn solid white again.

Isn't dyed hair an immediately feminine thing?

How do I not make myself look like a feminised male?

My eyebrows are naturally like that.

90% of men I see around wear hoodies. All my jeans are black/dark grey. What kind of clothes am I supposed to have?

What kind of a phone case SHOULD I have?

I wash my face every day.

I've already quit growing and my ability to grow a beard is too pathetic to even try.

>> No.9877076

If you're talking about bad genetics getting in the way of you making some gains at the gym, you really don't eat well, and you sure as hell don't train well. Hard-gainers are a myth.

>> No.9877077

Doesn't matter. Getting sick and losing/ruining my voice completely still won't help anyone's cause.

>> No.9877082

I don't have access to a gym, the best I can do is push-ups, sit-ups etc at home and not being fat.

>> No.9877098

stop asking others what to do, you need to develop your own sense of style.

If you wear what /fa/ told you to wear you'd look fucking retarded.

Keep lurking and browse grailed, it's that simple.

>> No.9877111

No, don't mess with your test levels at your age unless you're actually under the care of a physician.

>> No.9877112

Look at the fucking picture again. I'll look retarded no matter what. The statistical chance that one of y'all would have a worse sense of style than I do is minimal enough to ignore completely.

>> No.9877135

What happens if I do?

>> No.9877146

What's your sodium intake like, and do you eat a decent amount of vegetables or at least cereal?
As for calorie intake, you can use a program like Myfitnesspal, or other calorie/macro nutrient trackers. I'd suggest going to gym on a routine for about eight months, eating at a ~200 caloric surplus, and then shedding the extra weight.
Use a mild spf, and some shea butter lotion, and take a break from the sun in the middle of tanning, and come back a bit later.
Dyed hair isn't. At least where I live. As long as you aren't dying your hair blond, or some edgy red.
By doing things differently.
That's interesting.
Nothing wrong with hoodies, I'm just saying the fluffy lining of the hood is one of those soft things that should be avoided if you want to go out of your way to appear intimidating.
One without fucking jewels. Or much color.
Try some harsher stuff.
You may not have the ability to yet. Leave a little bit of scruff if it looks good.

>> No.9877149

Your dick won't work when you get older

>> No.9877157

Why don't you just date super young girls? That's what I did throughout my late teens and even now in my 20s my girlfriend is just getting out of high school. I used to hate niggas like me in high school

>> No.9877167

You're pretty wrong about that. Bodyweight isn't the only option without real equipment.
Buckets, bags full of books, plastic milk cartons for flys, etc. As for bodyweight stuff, sit-ups are garbage compared to the numerous other exercises like it. I'd say to go with full body crunches. Count how many you can do at once, and do that three times with some rest in between every few days, and the same for other exercises. A website called ExRx.net will be of some help.

>> No.9877173

Pro tip: date older. They are better in bed and not as stupid.

>> No.9877181

>I'm doing the best that my genetics allow.
>doesn't keep track of his calories so he knows what an actual surplus is
>doesn't consume his macros
>doesn't go to the gym
>doesn't lift weights
You are a literal cuckold by the dictionary definition, you're creating excuses as to why you can't improve yourself. You're like /fit/ when confronted with a natural lifter that looks good proclaiming his genetics carried him that way, you're THE cuck

>> No.9877185

I have no idea what my sodium intake is. That's salt, right?

I don't have access to a gym right now, and there are some health issues in my family that are made worse by being overweight. I don't know whether I should risk that.

Around where I live, dyed hair is a women's thing. As a rule of thumb, people who wouldn't wear nail polish don't dye their hair.

Stop being vague. "Anything but that" is literally the worst piece of advice in ANY situations, because 80% of the time I WILL find an option that is somehow even worse.

So scarfs and lining in hoodies are a no, now? What kind of climates do you people even live in?

So a solid black/grey/white, then?

A little bit of scruff does NOT look good. It looks so bad I need to shave it off before visiting home so my mother won't literally wrestle me down and shave it for me.

>> No.9877188

>Wanting old pussy
Literally stop posting

>> No.9877190

Not necessarily. But if you aren't a chemist or a doctor, or under care of one, you should have no business running gear at a young age.
Or muscle-wise, without reaching your genetic potential, or at the very least three years of proper weight training.

>> No.9877195

I walk at least an hour every day and spend most of my work time on my feet, I do workouts at home, and I do my best to NOT eat a surplus because being fat won't help my problems. Again, I don't have access to a gym.

>> No.9877202

Do you not want gains?

>> No.9877222

Did I mention I don't have access to a gym? I'd rather be fit than skinny but I'd still rather be skinny than fat.

>> No.9877229

lmao gains..... He needs to LOSE not gain

>> No.9877245

>traditional costume
>first world

>> No.9877260

i don't wanan do this to you but hard drugs.
that'll toughen you right up since you don't wanna do it the good way like these /fit/ ppl were saying.

>> No.9877262

Not every place is America. There are countries out there where white people actually have culture.

>> No.9877271

You won't really gain much fat at a small ~200 surplus as long as you are building muscle. A single pound of fat is considered to be 3500 calories. But being a beginner, you can eat at the same amount you burn, or even lower and still gain muscle. Though not as much as you would at a caloric surplus. A small calorie bump isn't going to complicate your health. If you don't track what you consume, you probably hit a caloric surplus around that amount pretty often anyways.
Well then don't. It's up to you.
Hey kido, chill. If something is black, and you want it to look white, you don't keep it the same color, or paint it a different shade of black.
Look at yourself in the mirror and look.
Consider what could be considered weak, feminine, etc. Change that to what you think isn't. Look at the people that you think are "Strong", or intimating, and use your ability to think and make connections.
Where do you live? Somewhere in europe?
Or are you actually twelve. Because I remember being in middle school, and everyone and their mother wore the same type of hoodies.
If it doesn't look good, don't do it.

>> No.9877272

I exercise and eat properly enough to not get fat, and while I can't get to a gym, going too much below BMI 19 isn't sustainable for me.

I couldn't get drugs anywhere. I started smoking to keep myself from blushing all the time and that worked, but that's about it.

>> No.9877279

He needs to gain actual mass, and then lose the pudgyness. That's the smartest way.
Unless he has a shitty heart, and then he shouldn't even be thinking about lifting in the first place.

>> No.9877284

alright, so you are young.

sorry bro, but you're gonna have to wait till puberty is over to look tough. be happy you're soft while you are.

some people get hard. real hard in their late 20s and 30s and there's just no going back.

i would try to work with you being soft and try to highlight those features as a good thing until you grow into yourself some more.

it sucks, but you'll get through it.


>> No.9877293


And I genuinely don't know what to do. I could shave my head (I probably will) and just look worse. I've contemplated lighting myself on fire because at least a burn victim would have an excuse to be ugly.

I don't have the time and money to eat shit tons of meat and spend hours at a gym.

I'm not tall. I never will be tall.

I just wear the same kind of hoodies that everyone else does.

What the fuck SHOULD I be wearing?

>> No.9877296

lose ur babyfat, go ask /fit/

>> No.9877302

>highlight those features as a good thing

>> No.9877303

BMI is garbage. Not often very accurate either.
Body fat % alongside other stats is a much better gauge.
Probably weird, but if you post a picture of your stomach, and a picture of your back/side, someone on /fit/ or maybe /fa/ would be able to give you more advice health wise.

>> No.9877314

buy a fucking bape hoodie and some colorful af1s or limited edition your age tier designer shoes.

bump skrillex.

>> No.9877328
File: 361 KB, 960x1280, 2015-05-11 19.35.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a picture of it over an argument in /adv/ once.

Is that even relatively acceptable?

>> No.9877334

and after your hormones settle down, you're prepard for hxc.
then you start getting tattoos and your metabolism kicks in so you can get a good hxc look going if you start now.

the pretentious 'class' 'rick' look is for post hxc jadedness. you have to go through your phases in order for it though. heed.

>> No.9877338

That's not going to work very well in keeping strangers from talking to me in public transport.

>> No.9877340

Alot of us here are from the states.
Don't shave your head. Don't burn either.
You're pretty cute, which I know doesn't help with the intimating/manly look you'd like.
You don't need shit tons of meat, and you don't need to spend more than 45 minutes working out. You probably just need about 140 grams of protein a day, which is easily achievable.
You don't have to be tall, though it is ideal.
Being short will allow to to make better muscle gains as well.
If you like your fucking hoodies and scarfs so much, keep wearing them and shut up about it.
We're just giving advice, like you asked for.

>> No.9877343

So what do I do now, then?

I had to google what a bape hoodie and af1s even are.

>> No.9877346

keep pedo trolling.
get raped.

>> No.9877350

Seems like you're sucking in a bit, but yeah that's not overweight at all. A picture of your back and rib area would give a better picture though.

>> No.9877351

I still can't afford to PAY for the gym.

If you've got better ideas for not freezing in a climate where it actually snows during the winter, feel free to make suggestions.

>> No.9877359

Believe it or not, I'm not sucking in, I just have weird ribs. Dad had them and my sister does, she had to get to straight-up obese before they stopped jutting out at the front.

>> No.9877364


So you're Finnish?

>> No.9877368

>not being into MILFS
Literally stop posting

>> No.9877379

Pretty much.

Fucking beggars make me fucking livid. The welfare system in this country is so vast and lax that anyone outside of this country could not possibly conceive HOW FAR OUT OF YOUR WAY YOU HAVE TO FUCKING GO TO BEG IN THE FUCKING STREETS in Finland.

Even the local homeless people don't beg. Wherever they do, not like that. Not as a fucking job.

I don't care which russian mob their income goes to, begging should be a fucking crime.

>> No.9877382

Long sleeved shirts, and jackets. Leather would be ideal. Which you can always get cheap at garage sales, thrift shops, etc. Places like goodwill or red cross, if you northerners have stuff like that.
Note that I didn't say anything about hoodies being lame, just that the small bit of softness in the hood doesn't help.
I was just replying to something you said, that was incredibly wrong.
Also, if/when you want to step it up, you may have a bud or two who lives in an apartment complex and those often have gym equipment, I don't know mcuh about finland, but in the states the cities often have recreation centers that have gyms, and run cheap. Sometimes there are garage or warehouse gyms in industrial areas, that have pretty cheap memberships, etc.
Buckets, bags and jugs are pretty good as well, but you won't look into them because you probably don't care enough about making gains.

>> No.9877392

I've gone through thrift shops of all kinds (no garage sales nor goodwill, but similar places anyway) to try and find a leather jacket. So far I've failed to find one that didn't reach my knees or otherwise be comically oversized.

I don't have any friends in the city I live in, and yeah, apartment complex/city gyms are not a thing in Finland.

I am also not living alone at the moment, and I don't think I can smuggle jugs and shit into my room (which doesn't have a lock, because once again, Finland) without someone asking what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.9877396

ok here's how this works.
i tell you that the answer to your issue may be genetics. your people, typically are supposed to go to gyms and work out. thats how you're made.

now you tell me, why did the black hairs and the blonde hairs decide to part ways?
was there a mass exodus of the black hairs?! in your homeland i mean.

>> No.9877403

Would your parents object to you exercising?
A backpack/bookbag, or even two grocery bags holding a couple of heavy books would be just fine as well.

>> No.9877432

Wait, what? Are you implying America isn't a 1st world country? Cause it's pretty much the definition of one mate

>> No.9877433

The black hairs never reached here. The range of hair colours shifted from browns to gradually lighter browns until children born with blue eyes and white hair became a norm.

Finland is so white that people argue that white people can't have black hair. If you have naturally black hair, you are automatically not white.

My uncle is going to mock it. I've learnt to keep my shit private for exactly that reason.

I'll need to get more books, then.

>> No.9877437

Dude the only part of your government that fucking functions is the propaganda machine.

>> No.9877457

Your uncle seems like a cunt.
Phone books will probably work the best, if you guys in Finland get those. Look up prison workouts, those guys are pretty good at lifting with basic stuff,

>> No.9877468

I have looked up prison workouts, and most of the exercise I do is that stuff.

If there still are telephone books, I haven't seen one in years.

I still have this people-talking-to-me-in-the-train -problem, though.

>> No.9877472

Just Kill yourself kid, honestly you are so pointless. Just take a moment to think about it you are here begging for advice and all you seem to be able to do is skirt around it and make excuses. You are such a fucked up little coward you can't deal with interacting with you're fellow humans. Yes beggers are human beings and people that take public transport are also humans.

>> No.9877478
File: 56 KB, 800x960, 3157743-7778586234-gimli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9877479

>people-talking-to-me-in-the-train -problem?

>> No.9877484

lel. do they hang around the 'klinik'?

>> No.9877486

lel. are they coming from the 'klinik'

>> No.9877523

You really do not understand enough about finnish culture to fully comprehend why begging and talking to strangers are such disgusting things to do.

Finland is a welfare state. It's not an accusation, it is genuinely a thing that people are proud of. Free health care, free education up to and including university. Higher education students receive a PENSION from the government so they won't be crippled with debt.

There is work, employment-jobs, social support networks for immigrants and help of any kind imaginable. People are talking about BASIC INCOME for crying out loud.

These beggars aren't homeless people. They are not finnish, and I know becase you'd know by a look. These people are FUCKING SHIPPED from Romania or something, little brown women with long skirts and veils, who BEG as a fucking CAREER.

They go out of their way to come begging to a country that invested generations of hard work to ensure that nobody would ever have to beg.

In Finland, begging is organised crime.

>> No.9877533

>Just take a moment to think about it you are here begging for advice and all you seem to be able to do is skirt around it and make excuses.
This is so prominent on 4chan and it's annoying af

>> No.9877548

My dad is Irish born and he's 5'2"
He grew up pretty rough, but he pulls off the wrinkles, scars, crude tattoo look pretty well
He looks like the main character from gta 4 too
Just how you carry yourself, I guess.

>> No.9877562

I've considered getting a scar, but professional scarification costs money (and they probably won't do that to your face, anyway) and there's a risk of inflammation.

I'll probably try it once I have the chance to live alone again.

>> No.9877568
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of the girl on the right from the movie We Are the Best.

>> No.9877582

get your bmi below 18 fatty

>> No.9877583

What the fuck? I'm done with this board. Faggots wanting to purposefully get scars. fucking retards

>> No.9877590

My dad got bottled in the eye, I say it looks badass as heck.
I think getting scars done on purpose is stupid, because he's always got a cool story to tell with each tattoo, scar, whatever.
>not advising you to go get into trouble for the sake of a scar btw

>> No.9877594

I gave up trying to lose weight once I fainted after getting up from bed too fast.

I remember standing up and losing vision for a while, and the next thing I know I'm laying on the floor with the chair knocked over sideways next to me. I don't remember grabbing it for support.

I got a mild concussion. Gave up trying to fuck with my eating after that.

>> No.9877604

you'll look like a bitch who didn't behave in front of your pimp. just embrace your faggoty looks and dress accordingly

>> No.9877606

The problem with cool scars and stories is that you have to act like a fucking idiot to get one.

I mean, I got hit by a van in an attempt to scare the driver, once, but I didn't even get a proper scar from that, just some shitty purple spots on my knees.

>> No.9877620

If you have alternative ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Besides the constant gym-preaching, so far the only advice has been to shave my head, not shave my head, get a leather jacket and wear black/white shirts. And get rid of my phone case.

>> No.9877623
File: 374 KB, 2048x1617, Peaky-Blinders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romania's a funny country. The northern part is an eastern-germano / hungarian + rusyn mixture.
The southern part is latin influneced due to roman expansion along the danube.
we are very tolerant.
but Roma people or gypsies - indian turkish european mixtures were ok with living in opression there and sort of found solace there because of their name and not being able to live in fascist Italy.
So yes they have been living in Romania but they are not Romanian.
Meet the gypsies :)

>> No.9877647

Like I said
I'm not advising you, I'm nothing like him either. I was pretty sheltered, but hurting yourself to look tough is stupid.

>> No.9877649

Finland has our own romani. And I can tell you they are proud people who'd rather steal than beg. People can say whatever they want about them but I've never met one I didn't like.

I don't know where they ship those brown grannies from but if you'd ever BEEN to Finland, you'd know they're not finnish.

>> No.9877656

yeah fainting has happened to me, it's part of it tho. Only happened at around 16bmi

>> No.9877667

I still kind of like this whole "being physically capable of attending school and holding a job"-thing more.

>> No.9877681

Become 6'2, 210lbs of muscle and look like you're 36.

Wear anything.

>> No.9877685

>this is what euros believe

>> No.9877691


>> No.9877699

5'6, 135 lbs, not growing anymore.

>> No.9877703

perma highschooler, sorry kid

>> No.9877734

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, there's no way you can be this dense.

You made a thread on how to be look like less of a pussy and the op photo is you holding a sparkly, glittery phone case. I refuse to believe you're serious, especially when you're making excuse after excuse.

>> No.9877743

i'm just pumped they gave us a northern european of 'gypsy' origin. they can't take peaky blinders back bro. he speaks romanian.

nobody knows, but on the inside, its win.

>> No.9877757

>Not 'murican. You can't do that shit in a 1st world country.

Ah, I see you have the mental capabilities of a 12 year old as well.
Are you sure you're not actually 12?

>> No.9877762

I'm getting rid of the phone case as soon as I figure out a better one.

I wouldn't want to waste money on one that was just as shitty, and I am literally blind at what is and what isn't acceptable.

I just try to mimic whoever is around me and apparently I keep doing it wrong.

And for the last time I do exercise, I just don't want to fucking lift.

>> No.9877778

Wear heals if youre a woman, kill yourself if youre a man.
Either that or get hench.

>> No.9877786

You're way beyond manlet and you refuse to lift?

I'm not trying to be a dick but how are you this stupid?

>> No.9877801

Because I don't want to invest so much time, money and hard work to obtain an aesthetic I don't like?

Basically think of all the reasons why you don't own five horses.

>> No.9877805

I recommend running to try and lose weight.
wear more black, wear solid colours.

>> No.9877817

lol skinny short people are better than wide short people..
buff short guys look so fucking ridiculous it's hilarious, can't wear any fit well

>> No.9877823

Ok.... you can always be considered a pussy bitch boy or you can lift and be considered not as much of a pussy bitch boy.

You say you don't like muscles but that's your choice and that's really the only thing that will change your situation.

>> No.9877824

I'm trying to exercise and watch what I eat, and I mostly only wear black and grey.

>> No.9877836

Yah that's why ppl like that shouldn't overdo it, you can avoid looking like a total meatball. But just staying as he is isn't going to work if he wants to be perceived differently.

>> No.9877837

So there's literally nothing else that would help, and lifting helps absolutely, 100% of the time?

What if I'm wearing clothes?

>> No.9877851

I... I am lost for words.

Nobody can actually be this fucking stupid right?
This must be bait, please, for the love of God, let this be bait.

>> No.9877857

Well I should hope you're wearing clothes...?

I'm not a /fit/izen and I definitely think one can overdo it with lifting. But clothing is just the outer layer and if the inner layer has very little muscle I doubt clothing is going to help you much at all.

>> No.9877859

Say you're a woman that wants to become a man and get blasted by testosterone injections by the hospital

>> No.9877870
File: 377 KB, 393x500, 1430230063877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone think you'll get huge if you lift for a year. Also, workout routine?

>> No.9877886


>I don't like driving
>Why should I work to afford a car?
>There's no point

>Why can't I get that dream job out of town?

This logic.

>> No.9877892

Well unless you're wearing clothes that are skin tight or fucking sheer, I'm not seeing why it's worth investing an hour every day (+ travel) and 50 euros per month.

Not even including the food/supplements.

>> No.9877901

eat less than 1000 calories every day
run every other day
sit ups and push ups every once and awhile

>> No.9877909

>I hate horses
>I hate cleaning and exercising them
>I hate horse people
>It's completely unnecessary that I would need all these horses

>> No.9877912


Because putting nice clothes on a shit frame is the equivalent of polishing a turd.

You can't polish a turd.

>> No.9877920
File: 34 KB, 464x713, 1431396202011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to try to become the next Arnold.

You could invest in a home gym.

It doesn't matter how tight your clothes are, one can tell if you don't have much muscle regardless.

Anyway, you're making excuse after excuse and you're either poorly trolling or you're actually this hopeless and stupid. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. I'm out.

>> No.9877926

Saako 12-vuotiaat mennä yksin junalla?

>> No.9877927


The reason I don't own horses is because I have a car like every other bugger this side of the 1900s. Same function. Same analogy.

>> No.9877929

You will never gain any muscle.

>> No.9877930

I'm in decent enough shape, I just don't fucking lift.

Since when did 4chan become this Holy Church of Lifting, anyway?

It's boring, it's painful, it's hard poinltess work for what? Being a little bit bigger?

>> No.9877935

thats the point

>> No.9877936

>one can tell if you don't have much muscle
You only started this preaching once I said I don't lift.

>> No.9877940

>being so much of a faggot that people talking to you on the bus is a problem

>> No.9877944
File: 40 KB, 400x340, f389563592bba81f6464e5bf51018719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it will make your face more manly, don't you want to be more manly? Isn't this the point of this thread? Pic related, it's the same guy.

>> No.9877947

op dont lift. just /fit/izens invading.
just run and try and lose weight. that will improve your appearance greatly, count your calories

>> No.9877954

Those pictures were taken like 10 fucking years apart.
How much should I weight, then?

>> No.9877956


If you don't excercise you aren't in decent shape. You're skinnyfat and look like a child m8.

It's boring, it's painful, for what?

Masculine looks, strength, poise, posture, sexual attractiveness, clothes hang better from you, respect, a sign that you can endure hard work and deserve to be seen as a grown man.

Your body is the one thing you own, the one thing that you bring along with you into this world and the one thing that accompanies you every second of every day. it defines you, reflects your lifestyle and your experiences.

It needs to be kept in good condition.

>> No.9877959

>how do I get people to stop bothering me/picking on me in public?
>don't lift, just get thinner
Are you guys cucks?

>> No.9877972

Mate, okay fuck this I am fucking done.

Every single time somebody gives you advise you say shit like
>oooh I don't want to waste so much time and / or on something so small!
>that's not actually useful, I think!

Why the fuck are you even asking for advise if you aren't willing to change your ways?
What the fuck do you want to hear? You're perfect the way you are? Get spooky vampire fangs?

God fucking dammit I'm done, fuck you.

>> No.9877976

I do exercise. I'm not some fucking morbidly obese immobile landwhale, I don't have problems with lifting heavy things or running to catch a train, I am in a decent basic shape.

I. Just. Don't. Fucking. Lift.

>> No.9877977

OP seems like the archetypal beta male.

Top kek. Give up and become a trap. At least your body might then be appreciated by the men fucking you.

>> No.9877983
File: 65 KB, 636x382, 1430407870090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine then, something more recent. Being /fit/ increases test. That test will help you look more masculine.

>> No.9877984


You don't look in decent shape to me mate. You look soft.

>> No.9877990

>putting the "after" picture on the left


>> No.9877995


I don't care about the later picture being on the left dat vascularity makes up for it.

Hold me bb.

>> No.9877996

You're not in shape if you can't run 5 miles.

>> No.9877997

>wants to look tough
>complacent with having the body of a pubescent that's sedentary and small for his age

>> No.9877998

shave your head, start working out, get tattoos, and your facial expression should always look like you're ready to knock someone the fuck out

>> No.9878005

where are his traps? also
>after picture on the left

>> No.9878007

pretty much this OP

>> No.9878011

if you're 5ft6 I'd shoot for around 110 lbs

>> No.9878017

And who says I can't?
Jesus fucking christ what is it with you people and fucking lifting.

>> No.9878026
File: 103 KB, 635x382, 1432242226206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy now, onii-sama?

>> No.9878029

The last time I tried I started feeling too bad to go on around 115-120.

How would I keep from fainting and still having the energy to pay attention to anything?

>> No.9878030


>I want to look tough and intimidating
>literally everyone who is intimidating and tough is strong and big
>I don't want to be strong and big

Is this what trolling feels like?

>> No.9878032

You look like you have no conditioning.

>> No.9878033


you have no idea m8

>> No.9878034

what is your main goal OP? Is it to look tought?
I hate muscular bodies but I'm sorry these guys are right, if your goal is to come off as intimidating there isn't much hope at 5'6 except for being muscular.. Skeleton bodies look good on people 5'9 and above I'd say.
if you're 5'6 w skelly body you will just look like a little boy, something you want to avoid

>> No.9878040

Yes, a lot better

You look good, very good, what's your bf in that pic?
Mirin' facial gains btw

Also, did you dye your hair?

>> No.9878042

Caffeine, stimulants like adderall or vyvanse, or just feel floaty and light headed all the time.
Become a vegetarian or pescetarian would help cut calories right away

>> No.9878055

I'm not here for job prospects. I'm not here for your women. I'm not here to throw cars, bend steel beams or take over the human race.

I just want people to not talk to me.

Devoting my entire life to doing something to avoid a minor inconvenience just seems very senseless to me.

>> No.9878062


stay inside then.

>> No.9878063

Then why did you make this thread?

Seriously, what the fuck do you want?

>> No.9878074

Something else than the fucking lifting lecture over and over again.

>> No.9878079
File: 918 KB, 945x819, 1430395683445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, I've taken them from inspiration threads on /fit/

>> No.9878080


>3-4 hours a week
>168 hours in a week
>entire life

>> No.9878084

There's nothing else, you're an easy target because you look so small. If you dress intimidating intentionally you'll just look stupid at your size.

>> No.9878085

Yeah, I tried asking but he didn't reply....
OP, what are you asking? What is the goal of this thread?
I thought you wanted to be intimidating, no? Being skinny or pudgy won't do that at your height. I hate lifting and all that comes w it but if YOUR GOAL is to be intimidating to others, than what else can you do except get muscular and shave your head ?

>> No.9878088


the answer is excercise.

short of that, we can't help you. there's no magic potion.

fuck off and be a sad act somewhere else.

>> No.9878129

>24 hours in a day
>work 8 hours
>sleep 8 hours
>hour work commute both ways
>add commute to fucking gym and back

I get up at 7 am and get home around 5:30-6 pm and I don't have energy to do jack fucking shit that isn't absolutely necessary.

>> No.9878134

Man, I wish I could sleep 8 hours.

>> No.9878143

I fucking can't but I keep fucking trying because otherwise you'll nag about that, too.

>> No.9878146

this is hopless I'm out

>> No.9878147

Stop being a goddamn pussy. I work 12 a day in addition to studying for classes and still hit the gym regularly. Man the fuck up.

>> No.9878157

lol wut

>> No.9878159

I also don't have an income and can't really spend 50 euros in a month to some fucking place.

>> No.9878161
File: 39 KB, 550x728, 1431080483215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this short
>being this babyfaced
>being this soft
>being this mentally and physically weak
>being this resistant to change
>being this bad at taking advice
>being this much of a massive faggot
>being OP

>> No.9878167

If you were a woman I'd have sex with you.

>> No.9878168

This kid is /r9k/ tier, any possible solution to his problems he evades and makes excuses for then demands some sort of solution that doesn't require any effort on his part. He's doomed to eternal cuckdom

>> No.9878172



>> No.9878175

damn bro I wish I was as masculine as you

>> No.9878176


>> No.9878177

Listen buddy the only only only only only only way you are going to become intimidating is through the basic lisfting and haircut advice these guys give you. No outfit will work clothes are not what you need, realize that you cannot be what you want to be without taking their advice. Its work on your body nothing. Somebody already said it perfectly if you dress tough the way you are right now you'll look rediculous and become a target for worse things than beggers and friendly bus people.

>> No.9878180

OP you really are the biggest fucktard I have ever seen.
Get the fuck out, you fucking idiot.

Become a trap, that's the only way you will ever get positive attention regarding the way you look.

>> No.9878182


Run around the block and do pushups then you moron.

>> No.9878183
File: 1.01 MB, 721x878, trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be a real nice trap, just give up OP and become a woman.

>> No.9878186


>being this mad

Are you sure you're not on hormone therapy?

>> No.9878192

I. Fucking. Do. That.

>> No.9878194

Muh pushups and bodyweight squats.

I bet you can't even do dips.

>> No.9878197
File: 13 KB, 306x306, 11176428_827454407325490_1396026652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9878202

This is reminding me more and more of that cuck video where the black guy has sex with the white guy's wife (the married couple gets paid) but the white guy regrets it in the end and throws the crew and his wife out/calls the black guy a nigger.

That's you OP, I don't understand why you're mad now, get mad at those weights and pick them up.

>> No.9878203

No, I'm on 4chan.

>> No.9878205


evidently not enough.

>> No.9878208

Link pls

>> No.9878214


possibly the most entertaining thread on /fa/ for months

>> No.9878224

I just don't understand what's the charm of spending your time and money on something like that.

It hurts, it's boring, it costs money, it takes time, and you're what, a bit bigger?

I mean, I would understand if it was just an one time thing, like chopping off your arm, but having to consciously keep making the desicion to waste your time like that every single day...?

Just... WHY?

>> No.9878231
File: 1.79 MB, 2481x6600, 1419695062630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of this chart can you do? You should be able to do at least half of this if you "do calisthenics" as you say you do.

>> No.9878232

>time conscious
>posting on the meme board on 4chan

>> No.9878237

Because it will make you look more masculine and you will feel better. That's the entire point of this thread, right? To be more masculine?

>> No.9878239

Exercise is a great way of getting rid of stress and excess energy.

It makes you look good, it makes you feel good.
But obviously you wouldn't understand that, but then again you're 12 years old so you'll learn eventually.

>> No.9878242


how old are you?

>> No.9878254

This one winter I went to a gym every single week, working on the machines there, increasing the weights gradually and getting progressively better.

It was boring and it felt like shit and I didn't miss it for a moment once I quit.

>> No.9878257



>> No.9878269

Lol now I know for sure this is an epic troll from /fit/, good show anon.

>> No.9878271

I don't know what the fuck you're supposed to call them.

I have shitty knees and I decided not to try and get myself injured by starting to fuck with the free weights without any idea what I'm doing.

>> No.9878283


>i try not to get injured so i go on the machines

>> No.9878304

I'm still not seeing what I did wrong.

>> No.9878313


Machines are total shit for getting into shape. /fit/ sticky.

>> No.9878318

You didn't kill yourself yet or turn into a qt trap yet.

That's what you did wrong.

>> No.9878323

you used machines. if you were on /fit/ you'd be told to kill yourself, or GOMAD, which is basically the same shit.

>> No.9878352

I know this feel

>Can't grow facial hair for my life
>Baby face

I don't want to look intimidating, I just don't want to look 16

>> No.9878357

What the fuck is wrong with machines?!

Isn't that what they're there for?

>> No.9878368

they're there to bump up gym costs.

you can do literally everything you can do with a machine with some dumbells and a bench.

>> No.9878374

Difference is I don't know how and I'll look like a fucking moron while trying.

>> No.9878377

>looking 16

Try again.

>> No.9878385


machines are only good at one thing IF USED CORRECTLY : isolation.
if you want to work on like one muscle only, go use the appropriate machine.

you won't look like a moron if you use free weight, because if you're fucking up someone will come correct your form, nobody at a gym would let you lift with bad form...
Especially not the staff.

>> No.9878388

read the /fit/ sticky.
research shit.

christ you're lazy.

>> No.9878390

It's bad, man.

I still get carded trying to get into R movies sometimes.

>> No.9878400

nigga I'm 26 and everytime I clean shave I get carded for beer.
the legal age is 16 in my country.
But I guess cashiers are required to ask as long as you don't look 25+ ? whatever. just dwi man, become pedo bait, have fun with your looks instead of being such a sperglord

>> No.9878401

There was literally nobody there, save for one time with 5 guys sitting around on the machines talking to each other. I talked to one of them for long enough to ask whether he's using the machine he was sitting on. He moved.

I read halfway through the sticky and it was shooting down boring fatlogic. So there's information there for sane people, too?

I still just don't understand the charm of lifting weights. It just feels so pointless.

Why do you do something like that, something you then have an obligation to keep doing indefinitely, forever?

It's boring and painful and takes a chunk away from your life. Indefinitely. Forever.

>> No.9878406

Wears a fucking scarf. Top keks.

OP I dont give a shit about whatever excuse you have. Go fucking do steroids if you need to.

Just get big and do a aggressive cut. You should be one lean motherfuck.

>> No.9878408

You realize that him being a buff 5'6 babyfaced faggot won't fix ANY of his problems right?
If anything he'll get made fun of more for trying so hard.

OP, it doesn't matter how you look.
From this thread I've learned that you are a fucking faggot and nothing will fix your shitty personality.

>> No.9878435

I dunno m8, it helped tinychimp.
And he was 5'2.

>> No.9878445

eh no one's going to ridicule him for walking down the street and being athletically built and people who prey on those who look vulnerable won't go after someone who looks as if they're strong

>> No.9878472

Jesus Christ you stupid fucking shitbag.
I've lost fat and built muscles just from running and doing body weight exercises.
Stop making excuses you fucking idiot. Lurk and find out HOW to dress, then dress what you like.
Eat healthy and exercise.
Do it or don't do it Jesus Christ. I hope all of Europe gets perma banned to keep you out of here god dammit. You are disgusting. You are pathetic.

>> No.9878486
File: 61 KB, 474x557, 1432245107312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do SS. It fucks up your proportions and is aim mostly at strength. Do Bro Split. Though unless roiding you're better off doing something like ICF, Reg Park's, Grey Skull LP with arm plug-ins, Fierce 5 Novice, or All Pro's as a novice lifter.

>> No.9878492

>I hope all of Europe gets perma banned to keep you out of here god dammit. You are disgusting. You are pathetic.

Burger pls.

>> No.9878502

Not OP but what's the best roid for a novice to take and where to cop?

>> No.9878518

europe more aesthetic

>> No.9878528

if you've never lifted, don't. roid.
If you have no idea how to lift do not fucking start using gear, you'll waste money.
lift a couple month, learn basics, do >>9878486
or SL or 5/3/1
ask someone to show you the correct form of your different lifts.
When you're good on the form and you can sqaut more than your body weight (it's 2 months of lifting, maybe 3) start looking at gear.
maybe by then you'll even know someone irl to help you.
but as of now I personally will not help you more than that.
>but you could order online if you knew the right address :^)

>> No.9878533

I have absolutely no idea, 100% natty. /fit/ has Steroid Generals from time to time.


>> No.9878538

I played football and basketball throughout High School, my lifts are, in all likelihood, superior to your own but I'm trying to play at a different level when I enter college this fall and need gear.

>> No.9878540

>/fit/ has Steroid Generals from time to time.

You mean every day?

>> No.9878547

You know what I meant, anon.

>> No.9878549

Thank you

>> No.9878552

also I'll add that if you still go for roids, learn how to use a needle, never reuse needles, never stab a vein, well fuck it might be more complex to learn how to roid than how to lift.

well if you can squat more than lmao2pl8 it's pretty good dude.

If you need gear and don't know how, do not ask 4chan. ask friends. But maybe it's just me and you'll fine an anon to help you.

>> No.9878578

50 Euros? What fucking crack is Europe smoking. You're either autistic or that entire continent is autistic if Gym Memberships are 50 Euros/mo.

I dont even fucking spend 10 dollars a month and I still feel like Im over paying.

>> No.9878593

Drag a knife across your fave and walk aaround with a scowl

>> No.9878595

wtf is that in your phone man...

>> No.9878612
File: 1.74 MB, 1532x1947, Screenshot_2015-05-21-15-35-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9878613
File: 497 KB, 350x224, almostcrying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must be a very high class gym, you get ur own equipment and trainer probably.

>> No.9878616

Hes a faggot. Any doubts anyone had from the Photo were confirmed by his attitude in the thread.

Hes the most Homosexual Autist I've seen in the past 3+ months.

>> No.9878618

I just really fucking like that phone cover, no matter how many times people chew me up over it.

>> No.9878631

Who the fuck needs any of that? Might as well just go gear. At least that way you don't feel like your wasting 60 dollars a month.

PTs are shit and the Equipment is the same regardless of how many bros have used them.

>> No.9878636
File: 63 KB, 480x615, 1386589312194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit here, man you're gold

>> No.9878639
File: 1.73 MB, 369x310, 1424583201774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking gay, anon. For someone that want's to appear more masculine, you really do go out of you way not to pay attention to people telling you how to be more masculine.

>> No.9878647

Kek, perfect

>> No.9878649

you look like a lesbo

>> No.9878651

90% of the advice is "y u no lift", 5% is shit I'm already doing and/or working on or incredibly vague like "wear black or white shirts".

>> No.9878656

Its gay. Flat out gay. You cant not be homosexual and rock that cover. But if you plan to come out the closet 4chan is as good a place as any.

You know, for someone that wants to look masculine and not fucking 10 your being really stubborn. You dont want to do ANYTHING that would change you in the slightest.

Whats with this refusal to do the one thing that would help you out here?

>> No.9878660
File: 1.45 MB, 312x346, 1431665689721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress more "sporty", get a new phone case, shave your head.

Also, how do you carry yourself? What's your posture? Do you catch yourself doing little feminine gestures?

>> No.9878664


>> No.9878670

Because I don't have the time, energy and resources to devote myself to something like that over such little payback?

What does it even take to be good enough?

You have to go to school every day. You have to find a career. You have to go to work every day. You have to sleep eight hours per night. You have to eat 1600-2000 calories per day depending on your size. You have to go to a gym 3-4 times per week. You have to have a healthy social life. And you have to keep doing it indefinitely, forever. No excuses.

How many hoops do you have to jump through before you're good enough?

>> No.9878684

What counts as sporty?

I'm going to shave my head once it gets warm enough. It'll look like shit but I'm doing it anyway.

I'm trying to work on body language and do masculine gestures but it's awkward and I don't know how to make it feel more natural.

>> No.9878687

Thats the difference in mindsets. Always understand that you'll never be perfect, but strive for perfection.

Its about making the most out of the single life you know you have. You can never be good enough but thats okay. You can be 1 percent closer than you were today and thats worth it.

>> No.9878691
File: 275 KB, 1000x1333, 1419571710925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no mountaintop, but the higher you go, the better the view.

>> No.9878694

christ you're annoying. i don't buy that you're working on SHIT. you're working on looking more masculine the same way that fatasses "work on eating healthier." you're self-conscious enough for your situation to bother you but either don't care enough or are too weak-willed to do anything about it or listen to advice. i hope you stay a fuckable little cupcake the rest of your life

>> No.9878697

Become a nike fukboi

>> No.9878699


Vodka and painkillers it is.

>> No.9878706

What kind of cut do you want to go for? HY, Buzz, Undercut, etc.

There are plenty of more masculine cuts but they dont really work when you dont have the body for it.

>> No.9878708

Make sure to livestream it.

>> No.9878714

I'd agree with this but he cant pull it off at his height and BMI without looking even younger (Holyshit he'd actually look younger than 10).

Actually OP you remind me of this one kid from Georgia (The state), you too look identical. Hes in 7th Grade and has the absolute gayest voice.

How's your voice OP?

>> No.9878718

Are you even old enough to drink Vodka?

Also, who would want to see a 11 year old kill himself. Sounds depressing.

>> No.9878727

>How's your voice OP?
I once had an old dude go "Oh you're a GIRL" once I opened my mouth to let him know I had 4 minutes to get to my train and he kept stepping to my way.

>> No.9878731
File: 1.61 MB, 300x241, 1425427106036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just become a girl anon, there's no hope.

>> No.9878732

>Also, who would want to see a 11 year old kill himself.

I'm sure he's not actually 11, and I hope he'd strip on cam before killing himself.
I'm into twinks you see.

Also, who wouldn't want to see some dude kill himself on a livestream?

>> No.9878748

Viable. But then he cant be a skinny fat fuck and has to be near anorexic thin to look good.

I think we already know hes unwilling to put the slightest effort in working out, I bet that includes cardio.

>> No.9878767

>You can't do that shit in a 1st world country.
You must be 12.

>> No.9878908

RIP faggot 12 year old OP

>> No.9879101

Suicide was the only way forward for that faggot

>> No.9879121


>> No.9879225


I think you look just fine for someone under 15y.o.

>> No.9880291
File: 29 KB, 511x301, 483d4273163e4a64ec58f75ec4207f36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid advice coming through, not saing its good for you, but you will look better.

>grow hair out, allways let it be greesy
>start doing herioine or meth best both, your cheeks need to fall in
>so start to eat less as well
>smoking will help
>start to dress in saggy dirty looking cloths
>start training with a knife for the extra convident edgyness

in the end you should look like the guy in the middle

>> No.9880395



>> No.9880400

you lift. Like every other twink that has graced these boards you lift.

>> No.9880475

well dress like a cossack or some shit, and im not even American but that's a stupid ass thing to say

>> No.9880479


>> No.9880502

>implying he could be intimidating with that face no matter how tall

>> No.9880508

Get a nice facial scar from a knife fight
PS: try not to die pls

>> No.9880527
File: 43 KB, 472x463, 61771bf3901901c8780fe01fc69c3040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. you'll look pretty intimidating

>> No.9880937

Why would you want to dress tough and intimidating anyway?

>> No.9881020

How was it filming Spy Kids?

>> No.9881041

>no tripple a status

>> No.9881049

You could try getting a masc bf and have him walk you around in a gimp suit and leash.

That would be a lot tougher and more intimidating.

>> No.9881072

/fa/ and tough haircuts don't really match. I'd say buzz it or high top fade but the baby face would make the difference jarring.

>> No.9881174
File: 194 KB, 1200x1196, tumblr_mntujgMSFY1su17npo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881179

I know. And I can't really do much to the face without really risking my health.

>> No.9881235

Dopey Rotten is actually a really nice guy, had a chat with him at an afterparty

>> No.9881250


>> No.9881267

OP just join the military. After leaving it you will be another Person.
Or just do as everyone here has told you already:
Lift, eat well, get a haircut.
But you wont cause you are a sissy. And thats why you need the military. To get your but kicked.
I will let you keep your questionable phone case because its not something someone will care for if you look like you will afterwards.
I think enlisting for 2-4 years will be good for you. And if you decide to be a trap the finnish military with all the wooden dicks is not the worst place.

>> No.9881305

Peoole don't enlist to the military in Finland. All men have military duty. I'm not sure when I'm supposed to get the letter, or whether they'll disqualify me for health reasons, but it's only a matter of time at this point.

>> No.9881334

if you are at least 18, wich i thought (why else would you complain about looking like 16?) go to your local military duty coordinator and say you want to serve your duty as early as possible. And dont let them disqualify you. It is not that hard. I am from a country with a volunteers army and a lot of people i know are in the army despite having physical faults. Just dont tell them with your first sentence that you have allergies or some other gay shit. The normal stuff goes away with time (not penicillin or peanut allergies of course but the usual pollen stuff)

>> No.9881339

Not allergies, bad knees.

Too much stress and I could have a kneecap dislocated.

>> No.9881359

>How do I look intimidating at 130lbs?
Lol, you're the cuck

>> No.9881372

just be a cute androgynous boy and dress cute and join a cute indie pop band and you'll be fine.

>> No.9881377

That won't stop old people in the train from deciding it's OK to start telling me their life story.

>> No.9881382

OP how old are you and are you done with puberty? Serious question. You know some people don't reach there full height until mid 20's. Maybe you are one of them and manly features will come more along as you finish puberty. Also have you had your hormones checked out? You could have low testosterone and high amounts of estrogen

>> No.9881473

I've been meaning to have my hormones checked, haven't gotten around to it.

>> No.9881499

dude stop complaining unless you are going bald anytime soon you pretty much look perfect. enjoy your youth you are beautiful.

>> No.9881554

How old are you? Also see if you can get your growth plates checked out

>> No.9881597

19. Haven't grown an inch for a good few years now.

>> No.9881684

nice to hear

>> No.9882576

OP is the greatest faggot I've seen in a while.

I too am 'blessed' genetically with a height of 5'6 but at least I am lifting (getting to the fit model level slowly), my sense of fashion is alright (I know how to dress appropriately and how I achieve certain looks), etc.

Now back to you OP, If some beggars were to talk to you why do you cry about it on /fa/ instead of telling them your position?

How are you even going to get through uni/get a job if you're too beta to talk to strangers?

And regarding your lack of fashion sense, I don't know what would help, it came naturally to me but maybe look through the sticky and color theory and stuff like that.

>> No.9882877
File: 52 KB, 500x680, ByGkhEVCEAA8qhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 2 options:

1. Dress like pic related.

2. Start eating fatty, protein-y foods and lifting. Your facial features will become much less soft (in a good way) and you'll gain mass.

>> No.9883040

no point trying to be intimidating.

>> No.9883165

Why even bother making a thread asking for advice when all you do is say oh no that's too hard and will take too long I don't want to put in effort for anything.
You are always going to be a baby faced fat fuckboy.