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9865201 No.9865201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

most /fa/ couples by race?
would you agree that BM/AF is the most /fa/ coupling? and even produce some of the most /fa/ children?

>> No.9865211

filipinos are the most powerful race in the world, so all you would need are two filipinos mating with each other to spawn the most /fa/ offsprings.

>> No.9865212

jewish man/ jewish woman

>> No.9865215

I just think anything mixed with black looks good, the cutest little baby I've ever seen at work has a pale white daddy and a dark black momma. Looked like a female Drake, long eye lashes, cute little fro, just wanted to kidnap her and raise her as my own child tbh.

Girlfriend is part black, part Puerto Rican, partially asian and gorgeous. Honestly if you're not dating somebody dark while light and light while dark you're losing.

>> No.9865218

white american w/ jap bitch

source: white murican

>> No.9865221

Not powerful enough to beat up a 38 year old man.
>muh s-s-shoulder

>> No.9865237

>most /fa/ couples by race?
No such category. Boils down to effort by both parties. I will say that nothing pisses me off more than seeing a couple where the girl clearly tries and the guy is running around in fucking basketball shorts or something.

>> No.9865240

Wat? They are at best second class citizens.
The niggers of the Asian race.
According to this vid:
They are even less desirable than niggers.

>> No.9865243

S-something wrong with basketball shorts brah?

>> No.9865244

BM/WF is better than BM/AF

>> No.9865245

>nothing pisses me off more than seeing a couple where the girl clearly tries and the guy is running around in fucking basketball shorts or something
I told my boyfriend that it bothers me to see mismatched couples and he said it was an incredibly shallow and vapid thing to think

>> No.9865249

i see that a lot with WM/AF couples if the woman is younger.

>> No.9865251

>I told my boyfriend that it bothers me to see mismatched couples and he said it was an incredibly shallow and vapid thing to think
It's only shallow insofar as it relates to image alone. The expectation that people put in effort when not required to isn't shallow, it's usually indicative of personality.

>> No.9865254
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prove it

>> No.9865255

You see it all the time in Tokyo.
The bf dresses all hip-hop and the girl is in a proper dress.

>> No.9865260

>i see that a lot with WM/AF couples if the woman is younger.
>You see it all the time in Tokyo.
>The bf dresses all hip-hop and the girl is in a proper dress.

Yeah, I didn't want to say it explicitly, but I do notice it with WM/AF type couplings a lot, and I did a lot in Japan as well. I've always just chalked it up to the circles I used to run in, though.

>> No.9865276

honestly the part blacks are fa af. but the only answer is two northern europeans. a netherland male for height, and a sweden woman because they are supposed to be hot. plus, you have a higher chance of blonde hair and blue eyes, plus tall, mane of a lion, thick beard, well muscled, and can drink. all around the cream of the crop for sure. as long as they are born in america.

>> No.9865280

Enjoy your manlet children. Being black and manlet is the worst since everyone expects you to play basketball but you can't because you're 5'6

>> No.9865293
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>implying the black genetics will be overriden that easily

>> No.9865294

>incredibly shallow and vapid think to think
did you tell him that mindlessly spewing something that someone else said is more vapid?
also its not vapid.

>> No.9865298

Guy could also dunk and blocked Patrick fucking Ewing

>> No.9865305

>blonde hair and blue eyes
>white people hair
Only the beard and height are /fa/ but if you can't play basketball why even bother being tall?

>> No.9865312

Cotton on the road side, cotton in the ditch. Pick that cotton you black sonna bitch. Daddy was a Klan Man, southern democrat. Wore an all white suit and a funny lookin' hat. Singin' song... song of the south. Whoop a nigger's ass and burn his house. Gone, gone with the wind. Ain't no niggers talkin' back again. Singin' song... song of the south. Whoop a nigger's ass and burn his house. Gone, gone with the wind... ain't no nigger's comin' back here again

>> No.9865319

Well Earl Boykins 5'5 but the nigga was a journey man, then again so was first overall pick/bust Kwame Brown.

>> No.9865321

visually impressive. can reach shit other people cant.
>white people hair
my hair is fucking amazing, thank you very much. also, i should mention, white people can get color tattoos. black people tats look cool, but its lame when white people do it.
also, ball is not life. you can do other things.

>> No.9865324
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>> No.9865326

NOt trying to be racist but mixing blacks with anything is literally the bottom of the barrel.

We're talking about diluting your children's race with a partner who is literally hundreds of thousands of years behind in evolution. This is not true for any other race but blacks.

Giving your children a low IQ is not /fa/.

>> No.9865327

do you realize that tripskank never talks about her boyfriend NEVER but only does when she responds to your posts

>> No.9865330

>ball isn't life

>> No.9865332

>do you realize that tripskank never talks about her boyfriend NEVER but only does when she responds to your posts
I'm too autismo to read much into things like that.

>> No.9865333

Asian genetics are strong as fuck

>> No.9865336

dart throwers fallacy, try to ignore it now

>> No.9865343
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blasians are the best mix

>> No.9865344

not being a helicopter pilot thats for sure. only manlets allowed.

>> No.9865347

If anything the mixed blacks are more intelligent than either of their parents races. Look at WEB Dubois, Alexander Dumas, Barack Obama, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Colin Powell, Frederick Douglass, Walter White, Booker T Washington, Georgia W. Gordon, and more halfricans I'm forgetting. Mixed is superior

>> No.9865349
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pretty sure , not everyone is trying to go out with some ethiopian tribesman. there buddy.

>> No.9865351

>dart throwers fallacy
what is that

>> No.9865357

They're all retards that ruined America.

>> No.9865359

Allen Iverson could pilot a helicopter AND dunk from the free throw line.

>> No.9865361

She got lucky. Most of the time they come out looking Indian

>> No.9865368

But Dumas isn't even American

>> No.9865373
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>> No.9865378

Mixbreed muts.

>> No.9865379

No, they're only smarter than the black parent.

Keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel good, if it wasn't for whites taking your ancestors from Africa as farm equipment you would be nothing more than an ape-like creature that roams the wilderness as any other beast does.

Deep down, you know this is true, you can't lie to yourself forever.

>> No.9865381
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not really

most blasians I've seen are fucking beautiful. effay too, just look at naomi campbell.

>> No.9865384

your not allowed to be a helicopter pilot when your tall.
i mean, maybe a private civilian copter, but not anything else.

at 6 feet, he probably could. however, im taller than him. if you think 6 feet is *tall* your hilariously manletish

>> No.9865398
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I swear these two would have been the most /fa/ couple in existence.

>> No.9865399

>all black people on /fa/ are America
Conservicucks literally disgruntled mixed people are more successful than them

>> No.9865402
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blasian master race

>> No.9865406

Allen Iverson isn't 6ft, he's a weak 5'10. This is well known, he was referred to as the little guy throughout the entirety of his professional career and is listed at 6ft to improve his draft stock. He's also known as the greatest pound for pound player of all time, he played a position which averages at 6'5.

He's able to pilot a helicopter as a result of him being short not tall you dunce.

>> No.9865408
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lose the weight and maybe you would be fa

>> No.9865410

>chicago redskins
pretty sure deplorable taste is not /fa/ at all.

>> No.9865413
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>posting a poverty pic

>> No.9865414
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Race-mixing can be so great/interesting SOMETIMES if the bring the best quality of both races. I truly believe is the future.

It will make the world more interesting.

>> No.9865417

i googled him and it said 6 feet, my bad.
>you dunce
i said he was short you fucking idiot, im the one who brought up the helicopter thing.

ever notice how something happens and all the sudden it happens all the time?
maybe theres one stop light you always hit the green light every single time. maybe you learned some word and now you see it all the fucking time. its that. its kind of like confirmation bias a little.

>> No.9865423

its not the future bro beans. maybe a little. but hopefully white people will use the genetic understanding to wipe out the lesser races.
inb4 /pol/ comments. with some exceptions, white people are the most aesthetic with no competition.

>> No.9865427

I have a qt Korean gf and I think I outdress her because she's a trendwhore Zara shopper. She looks "fashionable" at least and well-presented in her polyester rags.

>> No.9865433

nah most white people have no chin, terrible wispy hair, easy to get fat and the worst part: their shit-tier skin all covered in fucking moles and hair patches. its so yuck.

>> No.9865434

Interracial dating is not /fa at all.

White with white and blacks with blacks.

Nothing cool about having a mixed race kid. Being white is the most /fa/ race period.

Tell me something that is more attractive then a tall blonde with blue eyes

Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.9865440
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Keep telling yourself that. At the end it doesn't really matter, we're all one race. The human race. But one thing I'm against with is ugly plp. Doesn't matter what race.

>> No.9865443

>nah most white people have no chin, terrible wispy hair, easy to get fat and the worst part: their shit-tier skin all covered in fucking moles and hair patches. its so yuck

Says the shitskin who isn't white

>> No.9865445
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tripsk aren't you mixed race? what are your thoughts?

>> No.9865450

>Tell me something that is more attractive then a tall blonde with blue eyes
lmao only if you're 14 years old and live in middle america. white people are traditionally attractive, but let's be honest they dress like shit.

>> No.9865453

im probably whiter than u, ur probably not even proper white but some mixed American turd that's got Italian, greek and other southern euro shit mixed in with proper white bits :)
enjoy ur moles and crappy skin dude lmao

>> No.9865455

ill give you the moles and shit. ive got some shitty ones.
the hair, your objectively wrong. nigger hair is awful. some white people have shit hair. most white people have nice hair. the only blacks with nice hair are the blacks who have white hair. actualy kinky as shit thick af black hair is awful. its ugly, and uncomfortable to touch.

>> No.9865458

What caste are you?

>> No.9865463

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.9865465

White folks are nasty, hair like dogs and can't even ball.

>> No.9865466


>> No.9865467
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I'm ready to live in a world where the truly 10/10 qts from all races reside and live together and left the ugly cucks here debating whether one race is better than the other.

>> No.9865470

i've been with black girls who have had afros and braided hair and it didn't feel uncomfortable to touch at all. black girls who actually know how to style their hair look fucking great, however it's a huge hassle to maintain.

>> No.9865472

what about larry bird?

>> No.9865473

>race mixing

Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.9865479

full black girls dont really look that good. the tumblresque half breeds that try too hard to be white are pretty hot though. on par with whitey.

>> No.9865481

>aren't you mixed race?

>> No.9865483

He's black

>> No.9865484

..what the hell

>> No.9865488
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why not?

>> No.9865489

o-oh my b-bad

>> No.9865490

>Throwing your genes away
>Disgracing all that your ancestors worked for
>Having kids that look nothing like you
>Killing diversity
>Playing into the hands of Jews who don't want you to have any semblance of identity, heritage, or self-respect

You are all selfish children.

>> No.9865491

doesn't larry have a black grandad or something?

>> No.9865494

Mixed couples.

Defying generations of hate and discourse.

/fa/ as fuck. Crashing two separate cultures through a mutual physical and emotional passion.

The pain, religious, and culture values clashing with a a brave new world is astounding beautiful. Especially when it works out.

Imaging a man and women, so different, so full of hate for one another, braving the storm for those few moments in each others arms.

Shit's hot.

>> No.9865498
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>thinking jews don't fall for their own traps
pic related

>> No.9865501

There's nothing better than a black man's dick

>> No.9865504
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this is what 4chan has made you believe

one day you will understand

>> No.9865507

I've never seen such a disgusting post from you.

Your nudes were ugly enough, but this is a whole new level of ugly. Your boyfriend is right. You're a shallow and vapid person.

>> No.9865519


Not everyone can be as blindly cosmopolitan as you. Not even sorry.

>> No.9865531
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Not everyone can be as close-minded and ignorant as you. To each their own.

>> No.9865532

being mixed or dating outside of your race is a whole new form of social capital
to be so imbued in your own culture and ignorance and devoid of academic learning that you would never be able to intact with diversity is now purely a sign of poverty.
your aryan power only goes so far. Nowadays, you actually have to improve upon your situation to have the power and social capital that was once afforded to you because of skin alone.

The patricharhy is no more. it is a brave new world. The game is the same, but the rules have change ever so slightly. Learn to play or be left in the dust.

>> No.9865535

lmao what. i've dated a full black girl with braids and an afro and her hair looks exactly like what you're describing. soft as fuck too and always smelt like coco butter. have you even spoken to a black person before?

>> No.9865542

Since y'all seem to love us black people so damn much.


>> No.9865545

granted ive never dated a full black girl. but i also dont believe you. so i guess im out of this thread now. see you around.

>> No.9865561
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>us black people

>> No.9865563

wow hes so salty. his analogy of birds was also super wrong.

>> No.9865570



I have seen the options available. Race mixing isn't worth it. Not by a long shot. Again, you are being selfish.


You have no roots. That's why you're so complacent with being replaced by people who woils never do the same. You are being played by people who don't want you to think of fighting for anything other material goods and instant gratification. You have the mentality and logic of a child.

>> No.9865574


He's not salty. He just values his people over cheap, happy feelings prescribed by cultural Marxists.

>> No.9865579

>i don't know intimate details about black people, but someone who does tells me my stereotypes aren't true, so he has to be lying
lmao consider leaving your room every once in a while and actually talk to people in person.

>> No.9865589

I took me a bit to really understand your post. Your grammar is abhorrent.

Being mixed is nothing with out practice. Being able to harness two separate cultures, to work together with the good and bad, to pull traditional values and mold them into modern ones, that is where the cultural capital of mixed identity comes from. I can enter into and live into two separate worlds you will never truly understand, or least not without years of study. My experience is worth more than gold and it is something so intangible, so valuable, it would take an education to understand it. I wouldn't expect to value my own experience, but your dismissal just goes to show where you lie within the stratification, my friend.

>> No.9865593

Varg pls go

>> No.9865595

>French Canadian
>grandfathers on both ends of family boring northern France
>you are whiter then me
>kek okay potato nigger

I'm 22 and live in vancouver canada

>> No.9865607

all white is the most effay.

not even up for debate

>> No.9865618

>thinks hes the most white
your not even french dude. your french canadian. thats worse than french, thats worse than canadian. your literally worse than a nigger. you are lower, even, than the irish, than the chinese. you should be embarrassed, not bragging.

>> No.9865626


You don't need to be mixed race to "harness" other cultures, nor does being mixed race guarantee you won't just identify as one over the other.

Being mixed-race is nothing but a step backwards towards a world of one race, one culture, one identity, and therefore no diversity and all the blessings that come with it, be they genetically or culturally.

Mixing races is like mixing paint. All of those magnificent hues and the emotions they elicit are lost to an ugly brown.

>> No.9865627

>Disgracing all that your ancestors worked for
>You have no roots
You're right. I have no roots, or emotional connections with my lineage or heritage. How is that being selfish at all? Because the color of my skin, I am FORCED to learn the culture and traditions of my forefathers, otherwise I'm nothing but a mere child? Your logic is flawed, and your arguments are extremely specific and hardly applicable to modern times.

>> No.9865631

the world is as it is now. Pushing for the old only accelerates the new. Enjoy the mixing, learn to use it, because as you said, we're stepping forward. And color only comes from mixing, the brown comes from a fading of disuse and monotony.

>> No.9865640


Why do you insist on being a weak link in your family chain?

After centuries, possibly millennia, of you ancestors and forebearers working hard through blood, sweat and tears in the face of God knows what kind of odds, you're just going to decide that it should all just end with you? You think all of the peoples of the world came up with their cultures because they were bored and didn't give a shit whether it lived amother generation?

The torch has been passed to you. Don't let the flame die out.

>> No.9865643


It's not a question about "pushing for the old". It's about not choosing the wrong future.

>> No.9865644

Not that guy, but have you read the Deathly Hallows? If you really want to end up as Marvolo Gaunt and his two children, you're an idiot.

>> No.9865650

culture and tradition is relative and so is it's importance. I'm sure the Romans and the Greeks once echoed your arguments, but their time has long come. It is the next generation's job to improve.

>> No.9865653

>tfw seeing black dudes with azn cuties pisses me off but I still think they look good together

Im white and dont give a fuck about black dudes with whities
wtf is wrong with me

>> No.9865656


>> No.9865664


>I'm sure the Romans and the Greeks once echoed your arguments, but their time has long come

They were invaded, their cities sacked and their women raped.

All because they ended subrcribing to the exact same kind of complacency and cosmopolitanism you are exhibiting right now.

And this isn't an improvement. It is a terrible investment that will see no positive return.

>> No.9865667

How does my bloodline possibly end with mixing? I will have children, and ultimately the reproductive cycle will continue. My family's culture, and culture in general has been constantly changing. I can see your argument being relevant in places such as isolationist China, but in the ever changing modern era, not so much.

>> No.9865669

>and their women raped.
They wanted the big pillaging cock like white women love BBC now, if you're not going to blanda up just castrate yourself honestly.

>> No.9865674

I'm encouraging a destruction of tradition racial values and you're encouraging racial purity. You don't see anything but hate. I have nothing for you as your racial purity has been long held at mercy, but no more will it hold ground.

Your argument is as assbackwards as your racist cucked father

>> No.9865675

because you have an asian fetish and possibly dislike blacks, so seeing them together makes you upset because you can't land an asian girl yourself.

>> No.9865680


You keep saying it's changing, but you've yet to describe how it's good. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And if it IS broken, you must explain why.


>> No.9865686


>I'm encouraging destruction of racial values

And who benefits from your efforts?

>> No.9865687

>their women raped
Why do all conservatives have a cuckolding fetish? Like they're literally obsessed with non-white men having sex with white women they feel belong to them.

>> No.9865690

yfw culture is arbitrary and trying to save it is conservative and a self defeating endeavor and your apparently the only person who can see that

jesus guys. are white people the best? yes we are. are there even going to be white people in the future? no. no there wont.
i look forward to the day when we argue over natural earth citizens as opposed to those moonling ghetto monkeys. fucking space babies, they are savages and their culture is worthless.

>> No.9865694

Those separated by Babel.

>> No.9865696

Because they have small dicks, idk. I'm mixed and I'm starting to wish the other side wasn't white. Y'all are fucked up racist cowards.

>> No.9865709

I'm half white half black. Should I procreate with a white girl or an Asian girl?

>> No.9865715

Dark skin black girls are the best

>> No.9865716

what kind of asian? if its korean or japanese, go asian. if not, a white af girl.
but dont waste yourself. make sure shes hot either way.
half black half whites are stuntin on my pasty ass all the time.

>> No.9865717

I had sex with 10 azn girls actually (1 had a dick tho)
was p cool

>> No.9865723

Do whatever the fuck you want
No one should dictate who you fuck.
That's your prerogative.
As gay as this board is, you'd think people here would be more sensitive about societal expectation on realtionships.
But in the end, I recommend fucking a while girl. These faggots love to get cucked.

>> No.9865731

>also my penis is 17inchsz long !!1!

>> No.9865732


I'm Chinese and the same thing happened to us during World War 2.

>> No.9865733

Uses a buzzfeed video for reference


>> No.9865734

>These faggots love to get cucked.
I'll admit it, I watch quite a bit of interracial pornography and find the idea of my girlfriend having sex with a *dark* black guy to be attractive while masturbating. Would never actually be in a cuckold relationship though.

>> No.9865737

Dont get cut on that edge

>> No.9865746

It exists, we just didnt make the cut, sorry bro

>> No.9865755


I agree. We should take every traditional native tribe from every continent and just turn them into mindless consumers who drink Starbucks, eat McDonalds, and spend their days with their eyes glued to an iPhone screen.

Fuck culture. Who needs that when you can be just like everybody else and buy junk that'll keep you happy for another day? It is a Brave New World, after all!

>> No.9865762


>> No.9865768


Nobody will exist if we have your way. Everyone will be brownish and their lineage tossed in the garbage.

And for what?

>> No.9865772

Brown is better

>> No.9865776

7.5 actually
im a blue eyed white murican so 10 is very low for someone who lived in asia

>> No.9865777


That's racist, anon.

>> No.9865781

You can't be racist to white crackers

>> No.9865785

>and for what

>> No.9865794

The sky is orange.

The statement I presented to you holds a similar grounding as your words.

>> No.9865796

Ok? lame ass "debate me" boy

>> No.9865799


>prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

So yeah, you're wrong.

>> No.9865807

>Chicago Redskins
is this b8

>> No.9865808

nonwhites can't be racist towards whites, racism is systematic oppression, nonwhites simply don't have that kind of power. white people think being told they can't dance is racism, whereas actual racism prevents people from getting jobs, equal pay and just generally being seen as a person

>> No.9865815

casual racism vs actual racism

>> No.9865817


What dictionary did you get that from?

>> No.9865820

>dictionary is the ultimate authority on any subject
Sorry white boy
no, white people don't experience racism. they experience prejudice, solely as a backlash of their own racist actions throughout history, but the prejudices nonwhites have towards whites will never oppress nor impact them on a systematic level. no white boy will be passed up for a job because his hair was too ethnic or frisked because of how he chose to wear his pants

>> No.9865822

guy doesn't even debate, it's just red herring and red herring.

>> No.9865830


So it's not in the dictionary? Because you'd think that if it meant that, it would be in there, even if only a little bit.

Hmm. So, where did this definition come from?

>> No.9865833

i wasn't disagreeing with you. i'm well aware of systemic issues for minorities. and you're right, i was using casual racism for a lack of a better term, but prejudice is clearly the right one.

>> No.9865839

>sorry white boy
you literally dont know what the word your trying to talk about means.
you literally do not even understand what that word means.

>> No.9865842

Damn have white people always been this salty? Read a book

>> No.9865845

>looks up "carrot" in the dictionary
>becomes an expert on carrots from solely the definition rather than a horticultural text book or anything of that nature
>looks up a legal or medical term in the dictionary
>is, as a result, more well versed in the meaning of that term than a lawyer or doctor
>looks up racism in the dictionary
>the dictionary, like before, is the ultimate authority on the subject rather than sociologist or historians, experts who professionally examine centuries of social disparities and discrimination. Societal context can be ignored because, you know, the dictionary
You can't play basketball

>> No.9865856

racism=/=the actions committed because of a racist outlook

even if its spewed everywhere today, that doesnt make it so. and until websters officially alters the definition, its not so.

>> No.9865858


I'm Asian. But nice try.


Basketball isn't that important. I'd rather get a good education, work out regularly, have a beautiful wife and healthy children.

>> No.9865862

>muh appeal to a deceased authority
Well cuck'd

>> No.9865868

>Basketball isn't that important
Jeremy Lin said as he entered free agency hoping to sign onto his 8th time in five years of professional play.

>> No.9865869


You must be quite skilled given how well you're dodging the question.

>> No.9865870


It isn't that important.

Gosh, you people must've been so lost without the white man inventing the sport of basketball.

>> No.9865876

Africans have always loved sports, the earliest of which can be traced back to Africa, that's why they dominate most major league sports in the US despite being a small portion of the population.

>> No.9865880


And look how much it did for your people.

>> No.9865883

>black students able to get full rides to top universities while doing what they love
>guys like Floyd Mayweather make more money in a single night than over 90 percent of the population will make in their entire lifetime
why get angry at this?

>> No.9865887

africans only dominate running and basketball. but they are undeniably inclined

>> No.9865889


And what percentage of black people in the world are capable of such luck?

>> No.9865895

performing for our entertainment?
all of them, if they put in enough effort. you gotta want it, to be treated like a trained monkey.

>> No.9865897


any mixed can be very easy on the eyes, but I think that whites have the edge on /fa/

anytime I see a black kid in a suit, it's because it feels ironic. Like asap rocky in a suit

>> No.9865900

They're also 68 percent of the NFL, composing the majority of linemen. Blacks are simply superior athletes due to them nostrils.

>> No.9865901 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 320x240, Ethiopian-man-lynched-to-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF working hard, time to cleanse

>> No.9865904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865909

White people are still deluded in their belief that black professional entertainers are somehow subservient to them in spite of the fact they have a greater deal of wealth and control over their lives than the average bigoted white honkey.

>> No.9865910 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865914 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865916

I'd say asian.

I feel like that would come out looking the best.

That sounds like such a rare mix too, 1/4 white 1/4 black 1/2 asian.

>> No.9865917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865919

damn, a lot of white people are really messed up in the head. could you imagine actually saving these images?

>> No.9865920

they performed for us bro beans. we gave them their money. how many famous black people were there when we still believed they werent even worthy to entertain us? how much wealth and control did they have then?

also, even their 'great deal of wealth' isnt shit compared to the kochs of the world (all of whom being white as wonder bread)

>> No.9865924


Not us. You guys are in the pockets of Jews.

>> No.9865925 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 598x380, missing-israeli-teenagers-naftali-frenkel-gilad-shaar-eyal-yifrach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead kikes now

>> No.9865927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865928

>poor white person has the impression that he's somehow provided wealthier black people with their wealth

>> No.9865930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865932

>a lot
hes literally the only person ive ever reported on 4chan, and i report almost all his posts.

>> No.9865933

>being so racist you start dumping gore on /fa/

Why are you so proud to be white? Your life was easier than other peoples, congratulations

>> No.9865935 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 942x762, star wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you arent rich though nigger, you're a poor nigger, theres nothing lower on the racial totem pole, 100% of white people would rather live in poverty their entire lives then be the richest coon in the world.

>> No.9865937

You should Google "black wallstreet," you know the one white people destroyed in a riot as a result of envy I guess. Who knows with some of you people.

>> No.9865938 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865940 [DELETED] 

>this much projecting
i'm asian and upper middle class, but I'd trade places with a rich black guy in a heartbeat. by the time i acquire the wealth of your average black athlete i'll be too old to enjoy it the way they do

>> No.9865941 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 635x357, bye bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9865944

>Your life was easier than other peoples, congratulations
Yet and still he's a failure posting images of dead people who aren't the same color as him on a Japanese cartoon imageboard. Could you imagine going through life like that? Maybe that's why he's so hateful of others?

>> No.9865946 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 1280x1707, 1427618669235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm asian
my condolences.
>but I'd trade places with a rich black guy in a heartbeat
you're asian, you're not much better.

>> No.9865948 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865949

>still trying this hard
i'm 6ft
>inb4 still a manlet
statistically i'm taller than most white and black guys, I just don't have the athletic talent of the latter or the cuckolding fetish of the former

>> No.9865963 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 500x668, asian whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh but you're asian, you're a little bit better than a nigger but you're still not white. downside is most asians are3 intelligent and self aware enough to recognise their inferiority which manifests in neurosis, niggers are too stupid.

its why beta white males can get any asian they want, not that i condone it.

>> No.9865973 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 640x480, asian cunt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racemixing really is disgusting, but neurotic self hating asian swine like this are pretty funny i must admit.

>> No.9865976

yeh but as a result of my intelligence i'm statistically proven to make a greater deal of money than you will be able to, im more likely than not taller than you (most manlets tend to be the main ones doing the manlet shit posting) and don't have an inferiority complex that results in me posting gore of brown people/talking about black people on the internet. if this is what comes with being white why would anyone aspire to be like that?

white people proclaim to have these advantages in society, and they absolutely do as a result of systematic oppression, and lead grand lives but seem to spend all of their downtime talking about black people on the internet?

if the thought of other people simply existing/living a better life than my own inspired such a great deal of rage i had to spend my time insulting them on the internet i'd probably kill myself

>> No.9865981

This is a SFW board Anon

>> No.9865996

>if the thought of other people simply existing/living a better life than my own inspired such a great deal of rage i had to spend my time insulting them on the internet i'd probably kill myself

pretty good rebuttal

>> No.9865998
File: 137 KB, 1200x929, screenshot-2015-01-03-18-11-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but you're asian dude, im white, i could be 5'5 with 3 inch dick and id produce better offspring than you.

asian males have the lowest social capital of all males besides indians, asian females at least have the pathetic yellow fever crowd.

sorry about you being asian man =/

>> No.9865999

>MFW when it was all the same cuckold

>> No.9866000

this tbh

God, I can't stand americucks.

>> No.9866001
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>> No.9866004
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>> No.9866008
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>> No.9866011
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>> No.9866014

I think just about everyone loves the BBC at this point. You go to a porn video and the first comment you see is "that black guy is ugly but the BBC is beautiful"

That's literally all that matters to a lot of people, guys included.

>> No.9866015

go riot cancuck

>> No.9866016
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>> No.9866019

Agreed. BBC is the most aesthetic part of any human anatomy. It's a proven fact.

>> No.9866020
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>> No.9866022
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>> No.9866023

yeah but those OKCuck generates aren't representative of reality, mixed race people are the fastest growing ethnic group in the UK the majority of which are unions between black African/Carribean men and white women

YOUR white women

>> No.9866024

dope fit on the black dude
mirin top left's beard gains too..
thanks for the inspo

>> No.9866026
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>> No.9866030
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>> No.9866032 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 378x548, interesting turn of events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fastest growing ethnicity in UK is middle eastern.

>> No.9866034

>responds to UK statistics with American statistics and tumblr screencaps
Well cuck'd

>> No.9866035
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>> No.9866036

>Mixed-race people are the fastest growing ethnic group in the UK and numbered 1.25 million in the 2011 census.
That's inaccurate

>> No.9866037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9866042

Nope. Getting your statistics from /pol/ again?
No wonder you could only graduate from a Mickey Mouse uni in a joke degree.

>> No.9866045
File: 57 KB, 643x387, 1431257930982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than likely white men and black women, it has little effect on me, the british have been the fifth column of the white race for a long time, id see them burned for what they did to germany.

>> No.9866050

No, that's just white xenophobia manifesting itself. Mixed is the future of the UK as well as the rest of the world, posting images of black women chasing after white men doesn't exactly change the fact the offspring is mixed although I'm sure that wasn't your intention.

This is a SFW board by the way.

>> No.9866054

He can't debate or even communicate coherently so he resorts to spamming reaction images. It's quite telling of his low intelligence and poor quality of education in general.

>> No.9866055

Marriage statistics would beg to differ

Why do you care so much about what white women you do not own choose to do with their bodies?

>> No.9866058
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britain will perish and it is a fate they deserve.

>> No.9866060

No doubt, he just assumes whatever fits his narrative without actually doing any research then resorts to posting gore when he is incapable of coming up with a retort. It's hilarious though, he'll proclaim his skin color endows him with a great deal of intelligence but there's black people ITT exposing him as an idiot.

>> No.9866067


According to the UK 2001 census, black British males were around 50% more likely than black females to marry outside their race. British Chinese women (30%) were twice as likely as their male counterparts (15%) to marry someone from a different ethnic group. In 2001, 2% of all marriages in the United Kingdom were inter-ethnic.[270] In 2011 the Census showed that almost one in 10 people in Britain were either married or living with someone from a different ethnic group, with proportions ranging from 85% of mixed-race people to 4% of white people.[271]

doesnt say anything about the marriage habits of white women.

>> No.9866071
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1422916618033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9866072

why do you hate nonwhite people so much? if you believe them to be inferior why do they have such a major impact in your life? I do not hate retarded people even though they're obviously worse off than me, in fact I actually exhibit a pretty good deal of understanding and compassion towards them and their families because I can empathize with the situation.

if blacks, asians, hell anyone who isn't white is so much less than you are why do you even bother hating them? it should be evident to anyone else posting that they are inferior but as we saw above when you were banned nearly all of the messages proclaiming nonwhites to be inferior were posted by just you

>> No.9866073
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>> No.9866074

See the mixed race page, the majority of mixed race children in the UK are black and white. The majority of people dating/marrying outside of their race who are black are black men, by far.

This would mean black men and white women are producing the majority of mixed race children.

>> No.9866076
File: 381 KB, 500x743, 1429839472260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you care about my images? if you dont like it dont look :)

>> No.9866077

whites are the least likely to racemix, men racemix at a higher rate than women, sorry.

>> No.9866079

this is the fashion board, your images break the rules because they are unrelated to fashion and many NSFW. i did not mention your images however, great way to evade the question.

continue to hate people you've never met based on something as minuscule as their appearance, i'm sure that will propel you in life and won't have a negative impact on your relationships with others as well as career

>> No.9866080
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>> No.9866086
File: 135 KB, 500x403, black-people-lynched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is not /fa/ related

>> No.9866088

Yes, but in the UK most mixed race children are black African or Caribbean as well as white. That means black men are creating so many children with white women that the mixed race ethnicity has become the fastest growing in the UK.

There are more black men procreating with white women then there are white males with asian women in a majority white country. You can't dispute this with apologies, this is factual information and posted above. I apologize if it does not fit your world view, however.

>> No.9866090

i'm pretty sure 80% of 4chan is grossed out by the idea of their imaginary qt cheating on them, and being a mostly white site, the qt cheating on someone with a different race hits some weird tribal thing

/pol/ isn't right, but technically they aren't wrong, just vocal about subconscious fears

>> No.9866093 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9866094

>which mixed race couples are the most /fa/
>not /fa/ related
but black men look good with asian women

>> No.9866098

>cuck detected

>> No.9866104
File: 452 KB, 467x700, 1429968319141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt say that on the wiki, sorry cuck :)

all races mix, whites are the least likely, the reason whites in the UK are overrepresented is because they're over 80% of the population.

65million people in britain, 800k white/black mixed, 52million of that 65million is white, sorry your fantasies arent reality :)

>> No.9866105

>/fa/ has no love for hispanic men or women, not a single one mentioned ITT
Some of the white passing brown hispanic girls are so gorgeous, while imo the majority of hispanics you'll see are nothing to write home about.

>> No.9866108
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>> No.9866112
File: 134 KB, 1024x825, absolutely great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which lynching victim has the most /fa/ outfit
now its /fa/ related xD

>> No.9866117

Are you like blind? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_%28United_Kingdom_ethnicity_category%29
The majority of mixed children are mixed with black, most of their fathers are black males. This is the fastest growing ethnic category in the UK.

Fastest growing =/= Largest

How can I explain this to you so that you can more easily understand?

Lets try it like this

1.) Black males are more likely to date and marry outside of their race than black females.
2.) The majority of mixed race children are black and white
3.) As a result of #1 those children mostly have black fathers