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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 336 KB, 393x614, Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 5.53.12 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9855835 No.9855835 [Reply] [Original]

New body Thread? What is the most /fa/ body type? Post pictures of your body and give opinions and advice. Pic related, most effay body imo

>> No.9855847

agreed except for his hair

>> No.9855853

What the hell is wrong with his mid section? Looks like mashed potatoe

>> No.9855856

So skelly-mode + no definition = /fa/ body?

>> No.9855859
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x3264, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fa/?

>> No.9855870
File: 5 KB, 345x283, 1419176591549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do when my legs are chunky as fuck but my top half is super skinny
It's like I'm two different people

>> No.9855875

Ikr , i have the same body

>> No.9855878

work on your top half you fucking idiot

>> No.9855887

How the fuck do I 'work'
I never do any actual excerside aside from walking and cycling because I've got a fast metabolism

>> No.9855894

That made no sense.

>> No.9855898

Pushing iron

>> No.9855899

Just saying 'work on your top half' means no sense to me?
What does that entail?
I'm saying because I have never worked out I'm clueless on how to actually do so

>> No.9855902
File: 373 KB, 570x425, Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 9.58.32 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do upper body movements. Overhead press, bench press, pull ups, push ups, and maintain a caloric deficit.

>> No.9855907

No, bf% too high

>> No.9855910

Is it just as simple as that?
Don't I need to do stretches and shit to not damage my muscles?
I tried doing pushups one time and it killed my arms for three days after

Just for reference it's my thighs that are larger than my hips - I'm a 29" waist

>> No.9855915 [DELETED] 

>Do upper body movements. Overhead press, bench press, pull ups, push ups, and maintain a caloric deficit.
>he wants to put on mass
>caloric deficit

>> No.9855919 [DELETED] 

your hiips are supposed to be wider than your waist kid, if your chest is not as wide as your hips you might have an issue.

>> No.9855924

My chest is slightly wider than my waist and hips
My hips are slightly wider than my waist
My thighs are wider than all of those

>> No.9855929 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 500x609, 1429148294872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is normal unless its something obscene like 29inch waist, 31inch hips 38inch thighs. generally you shiould only be measuring your hips waist and chest though. the ideal ratio is something like 0.88 waist to hip.

>> No.9855937

Yikes, talk about horsecock

>> No.9855943

That's alright then, I guess I'm fine on top half proportions
Thighs are 22" in circumfrence though which is what I'm saying
Like there's a visible gap between that guy's with legs shoulder width apart

>> No.9856307
File: 3.25 MB, 320x240, 1401218312203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never heard of noobgains?

>> No.9856312

n -n -n nice dick

>> No.9856325

he is skinny, probably doesn't do as much leg exercise as you if you have 22" circumference thighs
he is also leant on his left leg, his right leg is not perfectly straight down from the hip he just doesn't have much weight on it - if he were stood normally the femur would be visable slightly on both sides as it is on his left leg

>> No.9856333

uncut dicks are so gross looking

like fucking elephant trunks

>> No.9856351 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 650x464, jews just love sucken newborn dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows the weather in tel aviv mr goldstein?

>> No.9856383

they are gross looking tho

girls pay attention to that shit

that guy is objectively repulsive to today's fashionable females

>> No.9856390

you know they look pretty much the same as cut dicks when erect right?

or is this what they tell you to make you accept your mutilation?

>> No.9856420

that's actually pretty hot

>> No.9856429

objectively repulsive.

>> No.9856470

when will they learn.

>> No.9856480
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>> No.9856533

r o u t i n e?

>> No.9856609

where's your chest?

>> No.9856617

suck dick 5x5 eat 1 meal a week

>> No.9856618
File: 156 KB, 242x328, post_larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9856637

So stick to edging 1 dick and eat the cum as my meal?

>> No.9856643

go to fit and read sticky.
are your legs bigger than upper body cause they have more muscle or more fat?

if it's fat you cant spot reduce just eat at caloric deficit while getting the protein needed daily. fruits and vegetables are suggested also chicken breast. For exercise just pick a program that has barbell training squats press deadlift and shit. If you want to fix posture or feel like stretching do it on rest days same for cardio.

If it's muscle then do some program for upperbody mostly so you get more muscle there idk what would be best google around youd still need barbell exercises since they are the best.

A pic of you would help.

>> No.9856645

yes. mixing it with honey is also suggested

>> No.9856661
File: 26 KB, 433x395, blyat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my body /fa/?

>> No.9856683

now post a real pic without playing with angles and twisting your entire torso

>> No.9856698

can people stop saying bodies like this are fa

i have that body. it doesn't make you fa it makes you a scrawny fuck with no ambition to look good.

>> No.9856703

Yeah, I'll check out the /fit/ sticky
I think it's probably a mixutre of both fat and muscle

>> No.9856705
File: 32 KB, 544x517, davai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude.

>> No.9856709

nigga u lithuanian?

>> No.9856717

realistically, you have a great body. /fa/ will tell you to lose some size

>> No.9856724


>> No.9856738

I was expecting T-rex mode. I'd say so SL 5x5 and slowly bulk. You arent fat so no need to cut. You are skinnyfat DYEL. I think first you need to gain some muscle than after you gain like 10 kgs at least you can cut to lower you bodyfat %. This is like a tl;dr of a tl;dr. If you have the motivation go to /fit/ and start lifting. For informational videos and shiit I suggest checking out on youtube Alan Thrall, Candito and Mark Rippetoe.

>> No.9856765
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, 20150517_133305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to drop ten pounds
What say /fa/

>> No.9856908

do it to lose the tits

>> No.9857416

Any weight free home workouts ?

>> No.9857476
File: 3.57 MB, 5312x2988, 20150515_215122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts?

>> No.9857484

lay off the estrogen supplements brah

>> No.9857529

> fast metabolism

people still think there are fast and slow metabolisms? cmooon

>> No.9857568
File: 100 KB, 466x699, abs-francisco-lachowski-lachowski-man-model-muscles-Favim.com-52065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the ideal /fa/ body type, can pull off anything

>> No.9857602

pls fuck my face mr. skeltal

>> No.9857714

thats like me if i was skinny

>> No.9857738
File: 183 KB, 480x260, Screenshot_2015-05-17-22-37-50-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i effay?

>> No.9857781

Yep. /fa/ is a bunch of prepubescent faggots.

Why are you so fucking gay? Why would a man want to look like that?


>> No.9857947

Is that your fucking dick coming out of your pants?!
Wtf dude?

>> No.9858165

Hungry skeletons are effay right

>> No.9858171

damn Francisco gets me everytime, I'd get gay for him.

>> No.9858329

needs more muscle definition

>> No.9858732

y u ask. lugan here

>> No.9858759
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 10946479_1552666485019093_74959191_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is undeniably the most /fa/ body type.

>> No.9858763

okay guys we get it

/fa/ likes skinny toned white people

>> No.9858778

all of ur bodies are gross it disgustss me

>> No.9859355

Lmao no that's horrible looking

>> No.9859695
File: 324 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-8678012270017620048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fa/

>> No.9859712

no, nipples too dark

>> No.9859777

i have that same mac demarcocore belly
yes its fa

kek being this mad enough to say "wtf dude" by seeing a dick on this website kek 2x

>> No.9859786

wtf is going on llol

id say this is the most fa
its not shitty fucin buff

>> No.9859911

nah man it's

>> No.9859929
File: 36 KB, 641x960, 525862_384553408262653_113297028721627_1146103_1136112448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9859946
File: 122 KB, 466x700, tumblr_ls68neMnrx1r36kqao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9860017

this is a picture of me but i'm not the poster. what the fuck

>> No.9860966
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>> No.9860972
File: 186 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dyel old OP reporting in. Give opinions and advice pls. 21.6 BMI.

>get dem shadows to appear less skellington

>> No.9861020

You have a really flat/shapeless body

Nasty feet, belly button and bowlegged

Really good. For non-models, bigger chest would be good.

Your hips are strangely wide, try make your obliques and chest bigger or something.

>> No.9861033
File: 38 KB, 639x481, tom-hardy-in-warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those traps.

>> No.9861037

I've just started working out for the first time (as an adult, that is. fuck aging.), doing this bodyweight routine which says to work out every other day. Thing is, I'm still so fucking sore since last time, to the point where I don't think I physically can do this properly today. Do I half-ass it, wait another day or two until I'm not aching all over or do some light, IDK, yoga..?

>> No.9861120

full-ass it

soreness has zero affect on your ability to lift, only your mentality

dont be a fucking pussy, muscle soreness only lasts for a week or two, unless you stop

>> No.9861128
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>> No.9861130
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>> No.9861142

It's not the pain tbh, I can deal with pain, but my legs and abs are so WEAK today I couldn't even do 2 situps, lol. I just realized I've got some barbells in the basement, so I guess today would be a good day to work on back, chest and arms?

>> No.9861212

>white people

people that use the term white people should just kill themselves at an instant. It means you're either not-white or a suicidal white person, so just kill yourself.

>> No.9861285

When people are talking about lifting, can it be done with just hand weights or do I actually need to go to the gym?

>> No.9861313

ur cool bro !

>> No.9861319


home gym master race bruh

>> No.9861322

Got any resources or anything to check out?
I'm 100% new to this

>> No.9861337 [DELETED] 

white power brother

>> No.9861339

Something Awful has a phenomenal home gym advice thread in YLLS

>> No.9861342 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 481x720, 1431658989358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something Awful

>> No.9861381
File: 584 KB, 1806x1460, 1431279194558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more cycle, almost there.

>> No.9861382
File: 1001 KB, 960x1280, 2015-05-18 23.14.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not defined enough yet. I'm going to cut down to 2100 calories to drop to 9% b.f.

>> No.9861391

Nice. Now lift to look better.

>> No.9861393

what did u do

>> No.9861400

DNP, three 21d cycles.

>> No.9861409


What is DNP short for?

>> No.9861436

2 4 dinitrophenol.

Don't fuck around with this stuff. If you know what you're doing its relatively safe, but if you fuck up you will die.

Losing 10lbs of fat in a week is still pretty sick considering I did not change my diet when I took it.

>> No.9861522
File: 373 KB, 2004x1000, __wp_admin_benjamin_j_141212__p1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide hips is /fa/
proof: Benjamin Jarvis

>> No.9861527
File: 307 KB, 2004x1000, __wp_admin_benjamin_j_141212__p2_-2004x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9861534
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>> No.9861537
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>> No.9861560
File: 225 KB, 2002x1000, Andrew_1312_p042-2002x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9861564
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>> No.9861566
File: 64 KB, 851x375, Andrew_1312_Setcard1-851x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9862219

what the fuck. and if you don't change your diet you'll just be putting all that shit back on

>> No.9862247
File: 781 KB, 844x736, Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 12.53.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in hospital for 2 months
>turn into skinny fat piece of shit
welp, imma go for a run, I gotta get at least a frail skelton beach bod going on before july.

>> No.9862261

that isn't skinny fat thats full on fat/chubster

>> No.9862283
File: 587 KB, 787x703, Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 1.00.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im aushwitz tier everywhere except my stomach, 149lbs and 6'4"

>> No.9862301

Post body pic from before hospital

>> No.9862306

that is one fucking disgusting body

>> No.9862335



>> No.9862340


Kind of looks like me, my dude. To be fair though, I went from 255 lbs. of blubber to 175 lbs. of dad bod.

>> No.9862354

oh fuck


>> No.9862358

could well be tbh

get it checked out dude

>> No.9862370
File: 50 KB, 400x609, simon-nessman-by-gillian-staples-malemodelscenenet-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9862377
File: 145 KB, 435x580, shirtless-david-gandy-02192015-24-435x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9862384
File: 28 KB, 452x350, gallery_main-francisco-lachowski-male-model-shirtless-photos-01252010-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chico really has the best body

>> No.9862396

>yfw he lost his v card at 22 or something

>> No.9862413

well you can get delirious
if you take life too serioooooooooooooous

>> No.9862416

What the fuck is your problem

Thats a god tier body

skinny without looking sickly


>> No.9862447

as 20 kissless virgin that kinda gives me hope

>> No.9862474
File: 35 KB, 720x960, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my body, /fa/? the asymmetrical nipples are the way i'm holding my phone

>> No.9862480

work out

>> No.9862484
File: 586 KB, 1200x1798, sean_opry_Tobias_Lun-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really odd how hard it is to find body pictures of the #1 model in the world.

>> No.9862489
File: 61 KB, 640x640, BIG BODY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi am i big enough

>> No.9862493

I like it but you are probably gonna be skinnyfat in two or three year's time, you should work out a bit

>> No.9862502

I want lick your chest no homo

>> No.9862515

thnx for the advice, i've tried to start working out in the past but i can't get around simply being lazy and not feeling like it

>> No.9862518


home gym master race fam

>> No.9862527

youre thin but you don't seem to have any definition, try working out a little

>> No.9862547

If it helps Id let you rape my face


>> No.9862557

why didnt you just hit the gym? DNP is toxic as fuck and it will come back to you in a few years.

>> No.9862593
File: 142 KB, 870x960, 1399582647306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god, did they administer pure oil IV to you or what? it's impossible this happened over 2 months span

>> No.9862595

I'm 192cm/77kg and I'd like to lose a few more kilograms, mainly because my thighs are just a tad thicker than I'd like them to be.

I'm pretty much completely skeletal when it comes to my upper body and calves, but there's still some fat in my thighs, and a bit on my ass, which are leftovers from when I was overweight.

Anyway, I've fixed my diet a while ago, but as those areas (thighs/ass) are where my body primarily stores fat, it's gonna be hard taking it off completely.

I've been contemplating starting to run, but I'm not sure whether that will make the effect that's opposite of what I want, making my thighs bulkier, rather than slimmer, that is.

Or should I just stay patient and let diet take care of it?

>> No.9862596
File: 261 KB, 1440x2560, 2015-05-18 14.01.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I stand

>> No.9862605


I am dead serious, thigh/ass fat storage is typical for women because of female hormones. Fatty tissue transforms testosterone into estrogenes because of aromatase enzyme - since you were a fat fuck before, your testosterone level must be very low right now. You need to stimulate the production of it in order to start losing weight from ass and legs.

>> No.9862611

in your bathroom by the look of it

>> No.9862614

I think I love you <3

>> No.9862615

u made it

>> No.9862627

perfect imo. would make boyfriendo :3

what is your routine anon

>> No.9862630

Thank god I was scared for a second
N-n-no h-homo right?

>> No.9862634

>tfw people worship my skinny body on /fa/
Tbh I like it too, working out helped it look skinny without being sickly. Gave me a bit more shape. Pls be grill

>> No.9862637

I was a high level athlete in highschool, haven't worked out or anything in about a year. Planning to start running and try calisthenics tho.

>> No.9862651
File: 87 KB, 600x332, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello mr. Chubby.

>> No.9862655
File: 49 KB, 500x567, 1426946063773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinnyfat
fixed my diet to eat 1,5k of healthy shit, but i have no time to hit the gym because of upcoming finals

>> No.9862690

diet/routine? i desire your body (n-no homo though)

>> No.9862710

You drink coffee/take stimulants? I would love to abuse things if it meant I could look like this.
>gotta wait till im done growing though, fuck
>inb4 underage, you stop growing until 20's niglets, prove me otherwise if not

>> No.9862713

I'm skinny fat, 6'0 - 6'1 and weighing about 64kgs but as I said, skinny fat. The gyms are rather expensive here, and the only thing I have is a yoga mat, 2 8kg's dumbells and proper running shoes.
Is just running going to do me any good? Should I cut to 1500 calories and start counting?
Please help, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.9862721
File: 1.13 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9862725

lol most generic body ever. work legs you fuck, they look boring as shit. also
>lean back and flex harder.

>> No.9862735

Id suck your dick <3

>> No.9862737

Implying flexing

>> No.9862765

the way your standing is putting pressure on your core and thats the only way you can hold it. the fuck else would you call it?

>> No.9862767

You still look like a crack pirate

>> No.9862772

Pose is a bit awkward but your body is god tier

maybe your frame is a tiny bit too narrow

how tall are you?

>> No.9862793
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1410046519529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9862810


>> No.9862819

I'm sitting down on the end of the bed? Not even standing

>> No.9862826

I love you <3

>> No.9862836

Lol, anyway, you know exactly what you're doing. I'm outie.


>> No.9862858


Endles stream of coffee, black and mostly just green stuff + fish and meat, neat portions, but I don't really pay attention or follow some diet guidelines.

I also just bike/walk everywhere, no further exercise.

>> No.9863169
File: 238 KB, 1280x1218, tumblr_nk3osevJqo1rliqlxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up my cut and this is the best I ended up looking. Now I'm p skinnyfat again and I'm trying to get back to pic related but with lower bf

>> No.9863277

damn I have like the same body as that except I'm nowhere near as tan and admittedly my hair doesn't look as good

>> No.9863301

Do you think running and cutting will help when you're skinny-fat

>> No.9863315

running helps a lot

>> No.9863385

How did you get it?

>> No.9863401
File: 42 KB, 453x604, lbmarvic23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic of him, he's not that tan

>> No.9863714

tfw no bf

>> No.9863755
File: 3.64 MB, 5312x2988, 20141205_100420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9863807

Any distance / time you'd recommend?

>> No.9863827

start with 1 a day at comfortable pace and work your way down to a 6 minute mile or so, then just up the distance

>> No.9863829


toilet pic/10

>> No.9864012


>> No.9864266
File: 44 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5zoahRSlV1qew49bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't literally this

>> No.9864325

horrible posture..

>> No.9864383

so /fa/ is skinny with very slight muscle tone? i'm a skeleton but i haven't lifted in a while and need more definition.

>> No.9864848

has /fa/ turned into /fit/ for the thin?

phisical aesthetics arn't fashion

>> No.9865005

The top models are muscular.

>> No.9866437

>phisical aesthetics arn't fashion
i hope you're kidding
there's a reason as to why mannequins have a standard in regards to their body

>> No.9866471

This is pretty much me. Could anyone link me a good workout to gain some more arm muscles?

>> No.9866476

curls for biceps
dips for triceps
mini curl things for forearm only using your wrist (do both sides)
overhead press for shoulders

>> No.9866513


How do you manage to look thin but not frail?

>> No.9866526

what is that???? How do you not have any stretch marks? remarkable.

>> No.9866539


that is disturbing

you will most likely have some kind of stretch marks or loose skin when you lose the weight

>> No.9866678
File: 337 KB, 581x398, 1413E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me, bro

>> No.9866992

trying to achieve this tbh

>> No.9867033

How are your arms dry af but your stomach isn't?

>> No.9867345

don't know. I guess that kind of low bf % overall is something that you need to work hard for. I don't work out at all..

>> No.9867605


The first dude has better pecs then you.

>> No.9867654

did you piss on the doctor before he cut your umbilical?

>> No.9867716

v nice, what do you do besides taking dnp?

>> No.9867742
File: 363 KB, 1181x1440, 20150513_165846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9867759

you look good
weight, height and bf%?

>> No.9867802

183cm / 6.00ft
72kg / 158lbs

No idea about bodyfat%

>> No.9867807

>w8, h8 and bodyf8

>> No.9867829

Haha same weight, but 189cm
what are your lifts?

>> No.9867844
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I've been trying to do a couple of pushups, situps and shit the last week. I've also stopped eating junkfood.
Any tips on how to get a muscular chest?

>> No.9867857

you have to eat a lot when you are that skinny

like probably 2500 cals a day or more if you are properly working out

>> No.9867870

Bench 1x60
Squat 5x60
OHP 1x35

babylifts but whatever, Im just trying to reach ottermode and get dem joocy abs

But im still trying to get better stats by going 7/7 to the gym

what about yours

>> No.9867889
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Am I /fa/?

>> No.9867902

You already look pretty good, your stomach looks fine+ chest is good too if it's not because of the lightning and arms are pretty decent also

Bench 60
Squat 55 fml
Always skipping Deaflift
I do a lot of isolation though
My goal is just to get a nice chest/arms and be low bf
I got shit ass genetics, most of tht mucles go to my thighs though

>> No.9867940

and with shit ass genetics i meant literally PANCAKE BUTT genetics not shit genetics in general

>> No.9867962

Good luck. Don't worry about numbers. Just hit them weights and the muscle will come.

>> No.9867968

Any way to avoid that?

I'm 170cm, 81kg, hoping to Los 15-20kg and saggy folds of skin are scary. Less scary than saggy folds of fat tho.

>> No.9868103

it is so disgusting when guys shave their pubic hair

>> No.9868129
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ottermode mustard rice rerporting in

>> No.9868150


Air humpers/Glute bridges will help you get dat ass trust me.

>> No.9868376


>> No.9868385

this is bait

>> No.9868457

should i do those weighed or bodyweight only?
i really want dat ass...
i might get butt implants

>> No.9868701

I mean you don't look terrible, but certainly not ottermode

>> No.9868727

i'm gonna guess about 12-13%

>> No.9868834

Do you guys seriously don't know who this is or are we being trolled?

>> No.9869169
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trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.9869192

Nice wide feet, absolutely no bunion development.
Shit man I bet when you walk it doesn't hurt at all.

>> No.9869613


>> No.9869692

anybody else on here pretty tall but have a short torso?

I feel like its hard to make fits look good when my legs are so fucking long compared to my top half

>> No.9869851
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Needs a little work but getting there

>> No.9870417
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You can make it !

>> No.9870462
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late to party

>> No.9870544


nice, man. routine?

>> No.9870754
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>all these faggots thinking they have it hard for being skinny

yeah, you can talk when you're 104 lb and can't get past that

>> No.9870809
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>mfw this thread is full of fuccbois

Bow down to your god

>> No.9871066


>> No.9871071


you'll hit puberty someday m8

>> No.9871073

Thanks, now we're on some pedo watchlist.

>> No.9871121


>> No.9871127
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>> No.9871130

>tfw reaching the real /fa/ body type\
>mfw you guys are not even close
i feel good man except my face isn't /fa/ but i still feel good about my genetics

>> No.9871162


>> No.9871244

holy shit

how long did this take?

>> No.9871251

i don't think so. i think that depends on your genetics, but you might luck out.

its only because its a bunch of fat packed into one area. thats really strange. anyways, good luck dude!

>> No.9871279


dude has presence but to rigid /fa/ standards he's a nope

they had to use certain camera angles to make him look taller than bale in dkr

>> No.9871282

anyone else /gyno/ here?

should i suicide

>> No.9871285


whats your diet

whats your medical history

>> No.9872289

back at uni it was A x B x C
A- Chest + Tris
--Incline DB press'
--DB bench press
--Tricep cable fly

B- Back + Bis
--Lat pulldowns
--Standing row

C- Legs
--Leg curl
--calf raise

+hanging leg raises, kickslide, etc for abs after each workout

But i'm home now and dont have a gym membership so im just doing bodyweight + gymnastics stuff, lost a bit of weight too

>> No.9872430

lel i'm 21
I just look young

>> No.9872439
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And its so much worse because im tall and thin

>> No.9872658


Woah, how tall are you? If you're 6ft (average /fa/ height) and 104 Ib, doesn't that makes you severely underweight?

>> No.9872661

Save up some money from work and get gyno surgery

>> No.9872695

Good but get rid of that bad posture line just above your belly button. People get those from slouching on the computer all day.

>> No.9872725

The doctors says it's ok, it's incredibly under the limit, but they just say thats how i am.
I can eat 5 hamburgers a day, not a single gain.

>> No.9872748

That's pretty awesome dude, nice

>> No.9872885
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Is this ottermode?
I can't really tell.
Also : The lighning is obviously emphasizing my definition.

>> No.9872932

you look about as good as it gets in terms of looking /fa/ and in good shape.

>> No.9873174

Thanks, means a lot to me

>> No.9873294

yes ottormode
routine tips pls?

>> No.9873302

yah maybe a lil mass to the pecs and you're done m8, gj

>> No.9873304

far from ottermode

needs about 1 more year of working out

>> No.9873319
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Getting ready for Summer

>> No.9873355

u sound like u bearmode

>> No.9873383

I just do some bodyweight excercises almost every second day and eat a lot of veggies and lean meat. Sorry I guess I'm not really helpful

Thanks m8

Well ottermode isn't really my goal, was just curious. I'm mostly statisfied with my current body,

>> No.9873540

>I can eat 5 hamburgers a day, not a single gain.

lmao ok

>> No.9874057

Thanks but is not that good when the only people that chance you are pedos and 12-16yo girls and boys, ell but at least im not fat

>> No.9874125
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>> No.9874153
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>> No.9874162
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>> No.9874172
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>> No.9874177
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>> No.9874181
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>> No.9874186
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>> No.9874188
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>> No.9874191
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>> No.9874192
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>> No.9874195
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>> No.9874197
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Randy is more /fa/ than all of you

>> No.9874206

What the fuck do I do about pigeon breast. I dunno if it's horrible, but I'm so self conscious about it, especially being thin and not having or wanting the chest muscles to cover it up.

>> No.9874301

hey birthday

>> No.9874546

post pic

>> No.9874841 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9875158

>that gyno

Fucking kek

>> No.9875377
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Am I?

>> No.9875385
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>> No.9875416

w2c shoulder knives?

>> No.9875464

exhibit 'a' on how fa expresses jealousy. That man is gorgeous and you know it.

>> No.9875467

thanks anon :')

>> No.9875472

It might just be the angle but workout your lats and your chest more. Mirin' delts though.

>> No.9875478

Bench press
Dumbell press
Overhead press

>> No.9876548
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this, ofcourse

>> No.9876553

I got the exact same placement of birth marks near my belly...

>> No.9876642

anyone who tells you that you don't have a nice body is jealous

>> No.9876651
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>look at all these frail bitches..

>> No.9877068

>Filnamn BIG BODY.jpg
>Har kroppsbyggnad som en 10-årig flicka

>> No.9877101

Fucking outies! Just kill yourselves, there's no hope.

>> No.9877234

where all the dadbods at

>> No.9877295

why this thread exists, really?
did /fit/ annexed /fa/ or something?

>> No.9877317

/fit/ is extremely insecure, they're all virgins so they occasionally post here and call high fashion models "anorexic," despite the fact that by "high test" they just mean low standards.

>> No.9877934


I'm an inie, it's all lighting

>> No.9878061

What's the best bodyweight exercises to do if I'm a lazy piece of shit and only want to spend about 15 minutes a day (or maybe do 10 mins morning and then night)? Right now I'm skinnyfat (~25% BF) as fuck but I want to put in the minimal effort and get down to like 17% BF. Of course will be eating healthy and on a deficit.

>> No.9878102


>> No.9878118

>tfw can't stand running

When I tried this last time I got to day 4 because I was tired of puking every day and on day 4 I puked twice then started dry heaving when I got home.

How long do you have to go at it until running isn't incredibly uncomfortable and basically constantly having side stitches the entire time?

>> No.9878123


No money for gym or a proper lifting diet. I only can afford to spend $60 on food a month.

>> No.9878215

always happens, /fat/izens gonna /fat/

>> No.9878248

It's easy to lose weight with a $60 food budget. Don't buy high-calorie foods and don't eat very much. Two sammiches a day and some vegetables.

>> No.9878277

This. And protein isn't expensive if you focus on cheap meats and beans and such.

>> No.9878291


I meant the lifting portion as lifting when I can't afford protein beyond beans is pretty pointless. I have pretty much no problem losing weight, problem is I'm just becoming really skinnyfat as I'm losing all my muscle too.

>> No.9878305


Well pretty much every meal is beans, rice, and chicken in a crockpot but I'm only getting about 50g grams of protein max a day with that and I'm not really sure how to optimize it more.

>> No.9878310

Pushups, crunches, squats, and cardio are all free. You can make weights by filling milk jugs with water.

I think most average plebs go on lavish diets and join gyms because they won't stick to their plans unless they make a major financial investment in it. It all comes down to willpower, really.

>> No.9878340
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>> No.9878407

you might want to work on your shoulders a bit more (not too much) and work out your abdominal muscles a little bit. i would say you're skinny-ottermode right now

>> No.9878582



Get your skin sorted dude.

>> No.9879257


>> No.9879301



you're fat mate

>> No.9879770

Too buff to be /fa/, but you probably get laid every night so whatever.

>> No.9879905

height and weight?

>> No.9880025

your posture looks painful