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/fa/ - Fashion

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9854756 No.9854756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For my /fa/ nerds who like Chinese cartoons and hide their power level well.
Answer the following:
> your country, region optional
> anime, mango or vidya?
> how do your neckbeard/legbeard counterparts treat you when you attend clubs/events
I notice that weebs are hostile to people who look 'too mainstream' for nerd culture. I'd love being friends since I had the traditional weeb upbringing, but it seems I'm on the end of various shit tests to prove my loyalty as a fan.
Joke is on them of course, I hate my life too much to be passionate about any one show now and am perfectly fine watching moeshit alone in my jawwdins.

>> No.9854761

Chinese cartoon? What?

>> No.9854772

ny usa
all three
dont care

watch anime because you like it, not because you're trying to force some contrived nerd image

>> No.9854777

shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

>> No.9854784

I used to be a hardcore weeb but now I look like a regular /fa/ person. No one knows I like chinese cartoons and I'd like to keep it that way. Weebs are annoying and awkward as fuck.

>> No.9854798

all 3
never tried to hide it
watching the new jojos weekly and some non weebs will watch out of curiousity

cromartie high school was a pretty big hit with the uncultured lol

>> No.9854883
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i enjoy moderate powerlevel-hiding

>> No.9854901

anime and video games, doujin > manga
i dont

also i shave my legs so

>> No.9855258

>white t
that's very neckbeardcore breh

>> No.9855270

>US, texas
>use to be higher powerlevel, now just watch seasonal shit, currently danmachi and hibike
weebs are shitters, all throughout high school i avoided them, especially when it got out imma tiny fraction japanese

>> No.9855279

why does everybody treat nge like it's some sort of fucking profound masterpiece

sure it's okay but there are many better anime to post crummy vapor edits of on your tumblr

>> No.9855289

it's a meme anime that people flock to because other people like it so it must be good

>> No.9855292
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My whole group of friends are are basically the same, we hide our powerlevels well

>> No.9855305

all three
used to go to expos (fanime, aex), i met people who really used those events to party, now theyre too far out for me to make a visit. most are socially inept outside of conventions

im pretty much hostile to people who exclaim they enjoy anime but theyre top 5 are eva akira etc - a list that /a/ mods would delete on sight for trolling, but for some reason these list are exclusively found on fa

other than that i dont bring up anime at all or make weeb connections, i do openly read manga in or between classes and sometimes thats a convo starter

>> No.9855316

>USA, New York specifically.
>Anime and vidya yes. manga only occasionally.
>I've had people try to test my knowledge of shit to see if I'm a legitimate fan. They realize i'm a legit weeb pretty quickly when I start talking about how much I love Shinichiro Watanabe and anime he's involved with.

I don't really associate with the type of people that hate on others because they don't look the part of a nerd. Just because you like anime/videogames doesn't mean you have to be a disgusting and greasy fedorian.

>> No.9855322
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I don't hide my powerlevel. People in real-life give less of a fuck if you're a weeb than 4chan does, sadly.

>> No.9855324
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>US, live in CO but go to school in WA
>anime<vidya<mango, but i do all three

i'm lucky enough to have made friends with people who like weeb shit but are also pretty well socially adjusted. two of them are actually pretty into fashion as well, so that's cool. i've never tried to hide my weeb tendencies, (i spend a lot of free time watching animu, i read manga during class breaks, hell i even go to cons sometimes) but i'm not in your face about it.

check out these youtube playlists, see the error of your ways. if you can look past the video quality they really help to illustrate the sheer level of detail put into eva. it is my personal favorite anime, but i think the biggest reason is that every time i watch it i notice some new detail or bit of lore i'd never picked up on before. i mean how many other anime can still be discussed with this level of detail nearly twenty years after their release?



>> No.9855325

Lol, watanabe is an entry level director. Ye, everything he creates is golden, but middle schoolers who cant even tell moon script from hangul know who he is

>> No.9855339

>these problems matter
greasy weeb detected

>> No.9855341

Then why are u in this thread?

>> No.9855348

i like your moxie, kid

>> No.9855354
File: 37 KB, 500x600, actually tho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i fucked up my meme arrows, animu>vidya>mango

>> No.9855356

srs you must be new

this is hands down the most effay animu tee

>> No.9855367

That shit isn't even fitted, wtf.

>> No.9855375
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>fitted tees

>> No.9855384
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>> No.9855397

I wanted to buy this, but I don't play the game (yet) because the lottery registration system deters me. I want to though.

>> No.9855406

Did you cop this? I've heard bad things about shopwas, do they still screw your orders up?

>> No.9855422
File: 124 KB, 518x375, IMG_1804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan, originally from the US
>Manga > Anime > Gaming

I haven't been to a con in awhile, but I never had any trouble or had to prove myself. I dress normal, but I'll wear anime pieces like Radio EVA now and then. No one can tell my power level, but I'm not actively trying to hide it.

Looks like a cheap graphic t-shirt to me. You can even see where the photo gets cropped.

>> No.9855426

Love how you don't provide an example
>it's popular so it sux

>> No.9855442

305 represent

I wear some omocat and a Lain tee occasionally, so I don't exactly hide my power level
I mostly watch effay gooktoons, so it isn't too out of place
The only weeb people I associate with are /a/nons so they don't really give a shit as long as I pretend to be some anime expert or spout about shit like SAO or anime memes

>> No.9855467

he never said it was due to popularity
>that muh gainax control

>> No.9855509

i haven't bought anything from them but i've only ever heard good things about them from other people on /fa/, barring a few who's orders took longer than they'd expected

nigga r u srs

it's obviously like that intentionally, take a look at the other stuff on their site. also heard the build quality is pretty good, and it's not an applicated print, so it won't crack or fall off over time. i think the price point is justified

>> No.9855532

oh god lol

>> No.9855537

I got the asuka tee in black, print is well done. shit is slick

>> No.9855541
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>Missouri, USA
>Less than 20 Animes, 5 Mangas, All around Vidya
>Conventions are the only time I let out a glimpse at my power level.

I'll look a little techy, and don my usual glasses, or put on a sublte vidya shirt such as pic related

>> No.9855545
File: 57 KB, 650x365, Pipboy galaxy gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main reason I want a galaxy gear

>> No.9855548

Who is this penis pianist?

>> No.9855559
File: 179 KB, 1000x1380, MGS Shadow Moses Island Hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such as pic related
I would like to verify that as LIKE pic related, because that sweater isn't out yet and you can only preorder it.

>> No.9855659
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ordered a sweatshirt, took two months to come, and it was printed wrong, took another 3 weeks to get it. absolutely ridiculous

>> No.9855723

i watched eva and don't understand it either, i just like the shirt

>> No.9855728

fitted tees are bad unless you think erect nips are a statement piece

>> No.9855732

occasionally all 3
currently rewatching/reading Lovely Complex

>> No.9857383


>> No.9857641

Mild interest in anime, less and less video games as time goes by
I dont have neckbeard friends except online, the ones that do watch anime aren't obsessive about it and stick with mainstream stuff

>> No.9857955

all three
i dont really have friends that also watch/read

Back in highschool I use to obsess over it, then stopped altogether now I'm really just watching the classics that I never bothered to watch when I first started.

Im also currently watching Yahari and it gives me great pain.

>> No.9857962

You'll never be effay if you like any of this garbage.

>> No.9858082

asian, uk
manga ~ anime > games only fun for party.
i only attends events to spot for qt cos girl thou

>> No.9858226

>Anime>Manga>>>Vidya (does visual novels count as vidya?)

I've never been vocal about my love and interest for Chinese cartoons, but also never tried to hide it.I don't have any neckbeard friends whatsoever and all my friends are normal. Some of them have tried taking interest in anime and discussing it with me.

>> No.9858301
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I wish I had a friend who I could casually watch anime with and who could give me suggestions on shows etc, but it seems like either you live for the shit or you just don't care at all.

Wouldn't label myself as a weeb tho, I've only seen stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, Attack on Titan, Avatar/Korra and movies like Akira and Howl's Moving Castle but I've really, really enjoyed those that I've seen.

The few weebs I've met are always into some obscure and overly Japanese stuff and once you revel that you like anime they'll never leave you the fuck alone, they're also awkward as hell and can't hold a normal, everyday conversation without derailing into some weird shit.

>> No.9858334

I-I'll be your friend anon.
I recommend Kekkai Sensen (which is currently airing right now), Tokyo Ghoul, and Psycho Pass. Summer Wars is a great movie too.

>> No.9858349

uk, west mids
anime & vidya
idk i don't openly advertise that i like either

>> No.9858355

We shud b friends

>> No.9858356
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>really good manga > anime >manga

never been to a club or event. I used to hide my powerlevel really hard throughout highschool because I had friends and played sports but now that I have a good paying job and no friends I dont really care about hiding my powerlevel anymore. dont get me wrong I'm not obnoxious. I dont wear UGUU~ t-shirts and I've never talked about anime with anyone in real life but If someone asked me if I did I would say so. I also blast weeaboo bullshit in my car with the windows down everyday

>tfw next to someone at a stoplight

>> No.9858360

i do the blasting weeaboo bullshit thing too, some people's reactions are the best

>> No.9858383

nothings better then rolling into a stoplight next to a tinted escalade full of hoodrats while blasting KPP

>> No.9858435

Switzerland, the french part (Suisse Romande)

Animu and Mango

They fucking hate it, esp the "hardcore fans" but truth is I probably watch and read much more than them since theyre mostly ecchi/shounen/fanservicetrash. I hate hanging around with them or even be associated with them. First (and last probly) time I went to a con was this year at Polymanga and it left me with a bitter taste of disgust I cant even start to describe. Fuck "otakus" and weeaboos, if you like manga and anime thats cool just dont go around and try to shove that shit down other peoples throat or use stupid sentences in japanese. I just never say I like anime/manga to anyone I meet because of the fear of being associated with such retards.

>> No.9858761


>> No.9858767

>being this self-important
>implying they probably just don't think it's just from that same nigga that made Gangnam Style
white people, kek. No one gives a shit.

>> No.9858770

i came out of my weab phase 3 years ago..

>> No.9858784
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 1430746171054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PA usa
>Anime, VIdya
>like i'm cool for once
no one belives that i watch anime
they always try to test me

>> No.9858787

I like most all nerd shit except superhero stuff. I like the mythos but can't stand the comics or movies.

When I go drafting I usually make zero friends because I'm not catty during the draft and don't smell bad (I've actually seen guys tip fedoras at FNM). Two of my friends like the exact same games and anime as me, so it's nice bouncing recommendations and opinions off each other. We all hide it amongst other people though.

I think this recent trend of super bold anime shirts is pretty fucking lame. Like I know you're just crying for attention but are too lame to have a personality when you wear that shit.

>> No.9858809

don't you get upset that these nerds try to test you on your shit? like who the fuck is your sebum filled scalp ass to test me on anything? i don't feel like i have to prove myself to a bunch of ugly nerds, if i can be in the anime club and not be a fucking cunt to everyone, i want the same respect. fucking nerds think everything is about them, fuck.

>> No.9858823

>having a weeb phase at all
you're still a loser

>> No.9858845

im a guy

>> No.9858869
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Northeastern US
Tons of manga and related artbooks, occasional anime but I'm more into reading
I don't bring up my hobby to other people, I went to a couple conventions in high school and got over that quickly. I own some shirts for series I like but rarely wear them. In this region you're pretty much associated with chuuni teenagers and manchildren if you mention being into manga/anime.

>> No.9858951
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Animae > Vidya > Monga
I like Japan period. Tea ceremony, chair-rock and the death god gilgamesh.
The weeaboos I know in real life are chill cunts who like Japan for shit other than otaku stuff, like the culture/nature/music/women.

>> No.9858992

I looked up this term and found the anime. This sounds like my kind of anime and describes my feels when when I was 14-17. Do you reccommend Chunnibyou?

>> No.9859058

if you're into that sort of cheesy romantic comedy thing
it's not a game changer but it manages to be a decent distraction from reality

>> No.9859060

it describes everyone on 4chan with an interest in japanese pop culture
so yes

>> No.9859066

Kill yourself

>> No.9859095

I can't recommend it because I never watched it but it seems like /a/ thought the first season was good.

>> No.9859153
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i really liked it but i love everything kyoani puts out. def in my top 5 SoL/moeshit shows. i liked the second season a lot better than most people as well, it's really just more of the same with a less dramatic overarching plot. i think the light novels are ongoing (even though apparently they are not very good), so i'd welcome a third season if kyoani was feeling it.

>> No.9859447


this bitch is an ugly slut, AND it watches cartoons too???

literal manchild, mental prowess of a 5 year old

>> No.9859912

Vidya > Anime > Manga

Not the highest powerlevel but I watch a lot of currently airing stuff and moeshit.

I don't tell anyone about my weeb shit (and no one I know could peg me as liking it) or own any merch other than some artbooks. I might get a fig soon because fuck it.

>> No.9859931

haha your such a nerd xD

>> No.9860659

> I have no sense of humor
the post

>> No.9860691

where from home slice

>> No.9860703


>> No.9860738

it's 7:30pm. let's get ice cream.

cbd or bust

>> No.9860741

Fly to chch and we can grab ice cream~