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/fa/ - Fashion

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9833280 No.9833280 [Reply] [Original]

what do /fa/gs do to afford their clothes?

>> No.9833291

1.Wealthy family (Gets money from rich parents)
2.Good income
3.Inherreted money

That's about it.

Really not that hard.

You poor fags are the worst.

>> No.9833328

shits so expensive so I'm just trashcore

>> No.9833348

work, take advantage of sales

if you buy shit that's actually cool and worth something you can sell it after you don't want it or if it doesn't fit you or look good on you, and recoup some of the money

so a lot of dudes can buy dope shit on a relatively small budget that they supplement with selling

>> No.9833355

they ask their parents for money because this board is full of middle school kids and retarded high schoolers aka newfag cancer casuals

>> No.9833358

I'm a nurse
I work for my money
Then promptly spend it on crap

>> No.9833359

borrow my moms credit card lmao

>> No.9833360

gay guys don't have kids so they can spend all their money on themselves

>> No.9833368

collect 1k a month welfare

>> No.9833370

teach me your ways

>> No.9833371

Since I'm in school, I work summer jobs and set aside a certain amount to spend on clothes. After going through my wardrobe, I make a list of what I need to get and then watch for sales at outlet malls and local stores.
For example, there was a 30% off sale on Polos at the Ralph Lauren outlet in my area. I can combine this with the student discount to get a $60 polo shirt for about $30. I know factory outlets have lesser quality clothes, but nobody notices so that shit doesn't matter. From my personal experience, it's no worse than Belk or other department stores.

>> No.9833399
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step 1
be shit at life or a liar

step 2
apply for autism bucks

step 3
go to a psychiatrist and say "im a piece of shit give me free money"

step 4
wait and then go to the psychiatrist the government wants you to see

step 5
repeat step 3

step 6

step 7
collect autism doll hairs

step 8
use tax payer dollars to get dressed by the internet

>> No.9833408

what state

how much did psych in step 3 costs

i actually have autism imho

>> No.9833413

kill yourself

>> No.9833420



>> No.9833446

I go to uni full time and work like 20 or so hours a week and cuz I live with my parents still I have bulk disposable income.
And I get $25 AUD an hour at 20 years old for stacking shelves at a supermarket because Australia rules, so that's like $450 a week I can spend on anything.

>> No.9833478

Damn son, in NZ we would get only get $15 NZD an hour over here. No wonder people go there all the time, it's like a 2x pay increase for the same or less work with cheaper living costs.

>> No.9833492
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also AUD is lower in value to USD

>> No.9833496
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also try working in advertising

shit'll give you a number of health problems

>> No.9833533


1. have a decent amount of money and income
2. buy stuff for cheap(thrift, auctions, rakuten)
3. sell stuff expensive(grailed fuccboizzz)
4. ?????
5. profit

>> No.9833655

suck cock

>> No.9833680

>shit'll give you a number of health problems


>> No.9834550


>really not that hard

Two of your three points involve no work whatsoever and are purely the product of circumstance. Effort has nothing to do with it.

>> No.9834589

I flip ugly Jordans and I work at a country club.

>> No.9834592

>tfw when med student
>tfw once I'm done with residency I'll be pulling in $300,000 a year
>tfw I'll be able to buy expensive clothes instead of Zara knockoffs

>> No.9834607

wear reps / vintage

>> No.9834689

I borrow money from the government.

>> No.9834981

>You poor fags are the worst.
You didn't even earn that money, you sheltered spoiled piece of shit, you are a leech.

>> No.9835129


>> No.9835133

suck dicks on craigslist

>> No.9835145

this is me

>> No.9835154

I remember a thread lat year about the average /fa/ poster's income and the majority were britbongs who buy their fits with student loans.

not sure if it's still like that.

>> No.9835161
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$400-500 a week, and I'm 18.
>tfw saving up for singapore
>tfw saving up for weekend at sydney to see earl sweatshirt
>tfw saving up for macbook pro
>tfw saving up for lcd tv
>tfw saving up for expensive speakers and a vinyl player
After I finally have all these things I'll probably start buying myself some expensive clothes, ralph lauren and north face just isn't cutting it atm.

>> No.9835180
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and that's why in ten years, you're still going to be working for mcdonalds

>> No.9835186

Ten years? I'll have all them things in ten weeks.

>> No.9835189

payment plan

currently almost 6000 euros in debts

thnx fa

>> No.9835198

enjoy your loans and debt, also enjoy working a basically thankless job with insane hours and no social future. If you're getting into medicine for the money you're retarded

>> No.9835204

top fucking kek

>> No.9835216

im not gay, but i meet up with guys off grinder who pay me to suck my dick or give me handjobs
for some reason gay dudes really get off sucking straight dick

it's not that bad and getting $50 for 15 mins is nothing to complain about. i almost never even see there dicks. normally just watch porn on my phone when it goes down

>> No.9835220
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>> No.9835230

how the fuck are you making $400-500 a week at mcdonalds? Who the fuck WORKS at mcdonalds fulltime, and above min. wage? Pulling 24k annually at that kinda job is actually more depressing than pulling 10-15k, since it means its actually being treated as a career. You're time *should* be too valuable to piss away doing that shit.

Though i'm currently a NEET, so i'm not really in a position to judge you.

>> No.9835236



how do one become a male prostitute?

I would take money to get blowjob. But only by young really femanine guys.

>> No.9835242


Hows the rent? Living with ur parents isnt fa

>> No.9835243

i'd rather be a neet than work in the fast food "industry"

>> No.9835253

unemployment benefits

>> No.9835268

I'm not full time, casual at $16.73/h.
Don't pay rent, but upper middle class suburbia is comfy. Will be moving on campus when I start uni next year, however the government will pay for that.

I wouldn't call what I do 'work'.

>> No.9835309

go on grinder or craigslist saying you need to get your dick sucked. there's a lot of guys who do this and don't expect reciprocation. then when they contact you just be hesitant and say you're having second thoughts and they'll usually offer you money (especially the old guys). just build up a small client base and they'll come looking for you. they always try to offer me more money to go further (once got offered $300 to buttfuck a guy), but i always turn it down "nah mane, i'm straight as an arrow"

>I would take money to get blowjob. But only by young really femanine guys.
that's because you're a repressed gay pedophile

he's australian so the minimum wage is a lot higher than america where mcdonalds workers make like $8/hr. and as a result, the cost of living in australia is wayyyy more than in america

>> No.9835622

So that's how you buy your not-so-wealthcore Forever 21 shit you cheap slut.

>> No.9835642

no wonder you're poor

>> No.9835728

>yfw I'm getting £7.10 per hour as a crew member in McDonalds making £1136 per month and my rent is only £150 per month

>> No.9835777

Man I want to get into this. Selling my soul for siqq copz, by taking money for sexual favors. Have you got any experience with dating apps? If so, which?

Reason why I ask, is because I had to sell my only computer to pay off just a fraction of my debt. That should give you an idea of how desperate I am

>> No.9835806



>It's not really that hard.

The sad part is I went to school with 99% of the kids like this.

Fuck, even one of the stupidest kids in the grade is now instagram famous JUST because he shows off how rich he is (mostly car stuff like the pagani and the 12+ ferraris he, I mean his dad has)

It's fucking hilarious all the people commenting like "What do you do for a living to make all this money???" When I full well know he ONLY graduated HS because his dad donated over million dollars to the school and just basically mooches off his dad's wealth.

He even posts stuff like "Nothing in life comes easy" or "with hard work comes good money" or some shit like that and people EAT IT UP.

sorry as you can tell I'm kinda miffed about this as it sucks when you remember that life isn't fair IS A FACT.

>> No.9835809

not him but I don't think it'd be as easy as he's making out to regularly find people on grindr willing to pay to suck you off. youd have to be particularly good looking and they'd have to be particularly old/ugg by comparison.

>> No.9835819


That's not to say I hate the guy, if I was in his position I'd probably do the exact same thing.

>> No.9835826


I've built in a budget for myself and consider it a work expense so the only things I buy with my own money are little things that I don't have access to immediately.

>> No.9835832


My old manager was gay and pretty good-looking,

He would use grinder and would tell me about how much money he could make if he quit his job and JUST did that.

There are SO MANY old(er) gay guys that have to keep it a secret from the wife and are willing to pay $150+ for a blowjob. No joke.

>> No.9835838

I've worked since 9th grade, girlfriend puts together most of my outfits and is always able to take advantage of sales and open air markets. The rodium in Redondo Beach is excellent, I also wear a lot of fake shoes, never Jordans though because black guys would ridicule me on the street.

Additionally through living frugally I'm able to save up a heck of a lot for more expensive purchases.

>> No.9835868

This is what I'm hoping for. Old guys, living a double life for shits and kicks. Those are probably married and desperate and couldn't give two shits about my appearance, as long I'm young looking and have a decent dick size, which I happen to have

>> No.9835883
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If you're too stupid to understand that if you're not disciplined none will hire you then you deserve to be unemployed.

>> No.9835884


neet detected

>> No.9835898
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1.Day trade like a madman

2.Flip stuff I buy at thrift shops.

3. Get two stipends from my parents (child of divorce) because my mom thinks my dad doesn't give me enough and vice versa. Since food, books, and everything in between was included in my college tuition I use the money to continue funding 1 and 2.

>mfw I made money shopping and sitting in class with stocks in another tab

>> No.9835899

Nah I know it happens, the other week some guy offerred me $650 to suck him off lol, I just doubted how regularly you could find that kind of thing.
But I guess yeah, theoretically it wouldn't be too difficult.
Bear in mind you'll prob find more people wanting you to suck them off not the other way around

>> No.9835927

I'm a part-time compliance officer.
Don't have to pay too much rent.

In theory I could spend about € 800 a month on cops.

>> No.9835952
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be mindful of the clothes you buy.
i really don't like calling clothing an 'investment,' but, in a way, buying high quality, 'fashionable' pieces can often end up being the cheaper option long-term.
if you spend money on well-made, well-fitted shoes, with saving money and their potential longevity in mind, you can easily end up with a pair that lasts you 5 or 6 times as long as some shitty fast-fashion made trash with plastics, shoddy gluing, etc. the pair will also gain character as it ages, instead of starting to just decay awkwardly.
the fact that it might cost significantly more could initially deter you, but when you consider how you'll end up rebuying the poorly-made shoes in however many months time, youll realise youre actually getting the cheaper option by going with the better-made shoe.

obviously also be looking out for sales.
you can often find really nice clothes that are cheap because theyre sold off-season, when stores are trying to bring in new merchandise for a different time of year.
e.g. if you find summer shorts at a nice shop in the middle of winter, and they fit you, you'll probably end up getting them at 1/1.5, 1/2 or even less than the original cost. always be looking for bargains.

Also with this, the last few of a particular piece often get marked down. whats left is almost always awkward sizes, but be mindful that certain items of clothing can still look good in different sizes, and go with a potential fit. If a piece is comfortable, but too large to wear without looking weird, then consider buying it for pajama-type clothes for at home.

obviously, also, buying online can often end up being cheaper.
e.g. sunglasses.
Even after having nosepads adjusted,etc.
you can often save a lot by not physically buying them at a shop, where there's hella markup.

fashionable clothes dont have to be 'luxurious', or something to 'waste' money on. just spend wisely.
also have rich parents undt a novel view of the lowerclass.

>> No.9836077

I'm already degenerate, I'd suck dick for 💵

>> No.9836118

This is what I do.

>> No.9836151

you don't have to be particularly good-looking, just be young

as long as you don't mind old 50 year old chubby dads sucking your dick or giving you a handy it's not that bad of a gig

go on grinder or craigslist, they'll come to you

>> No.9836423

I prostitute myself

>> No.9836448

oldest profesh ftw

>> No.9836620

buy clothes w financial aid money
travel w financial aid money
free flights w frequent flyer miles
take amphetamines everyday so only eat a light meal once a day and buy a $3 coffee

undergrad business major so dont need to buy the $800 texbooks bc its ezpz

>> No.9836707

I'm in sales and I do pretty well for myself.

>> No.9836728

Literally just posted this to another thread:

I work in social media for one of the largest consumer brands in the world. Pay is very good, get to travel often to events, rub shoulders with interesting people.

>> No.9836823

you sound like an alright person my man i would hang with u

>> No.9837346

i work at walmart, split my rent with 2 other people, rarely eat, and buy from places like grailed or yahoo.jp

>> No.9837594

>work part time
>be reasonable with money
>save for clothes
>dont buy stupid shit thats only expensive cause of the brand name if theres identical thats cheaper (no one will fucking know either way)

>> No.9837605

if you are under 30 years old and buy designer clothing, you either work a fuck ton and have no social life anyways, or you have a wealthy family

its not how much money you have though, its how you spend it

some people can have a lot of money but buy absolutely fucking nothing with it because they aren't interesting

while some people can make a little bit of money go really far

don't buy something if you aren't going to use it/wear it. its okay to buy expensive things if you are going to use it everyday.

clothing is fit over price tag though. you definitely don't have to spend much at all to look good.

>> No.9837778
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landscaping and cashier work, fucked up and am working my way back down

>> No.9838793

>if you are under 30 years old and buy designer clothing, you either work a fuck ton and have no social life anyways, or you have a wealthy family


>> No.9838801

go to work u dum faget durrrr

>> No.9838807

Same here, but
>tfw when poorboi for next 5 years minimum

>> No.9838835


honestly, if you have a job making $12/hr you can afford designer clothing.

>"Work a Fuck Ton"
Work Smarter Not Harder, get salaried and work 30 hours a week

>> No.9838950

poorfags confirmed for easy bait

>> No.9838979

i'm 20 years old, work 8 am to 3 pm. make $25 an hour. no support from my parents and i'm out with friends drinking/socializing at least three times a week. i can pretty much buy myself any grail i want.

>> No.9838982

im not gay, i have a kid, and it bothers me that some of the money i earn doesnt go for shopping.

>> No.9838990

Be considered a schizo in Belgium, receive thousands of € a month. spend in fashion.

>> No.9839048


>> No.9839054

>>tfw saving up for macbook pro
Cool $2k Facebook machine

>> No.9839057


>> No.9839460

>betting on fixed matches

>> No.9839570

swapping Karambit Fade for Geos :^^^^^^^))))

>> No.9839591

Is the rate of self diagnosed autism on 4chan like 60%

Even though I don't think retards are people it's almost offensive how many people on 4chan think they're autistic

>> No.9839602

bragging about your real or imagined mental illness's on the internet has always been cool

>> No.9839604

>dad is neurologist
>makes 640k a year
>live in Southern California
>shit house, had to buy my own bike when I was twelve, no car
>never received money for clothes ever, always wore brothers hand me down that were huge
>most expensive piece of clothing I own is $50 jeans
I should have been le pro baseball player like my brother so my father would love me

>> No.9839608

LOL u sure rekt the apple fag
now go tell mum for some good boy points :))
almost enough for a new Razer keyboard keep saving!

>> No.9839628

1. Life discount
2. Work, not a glamours one.
3. Stocks

>> No.9839637

thats where you get the profit from. too bad i missed neophyte vs f3 ;/ s1mple russian kid with 88% odds

>> No.9839665

how tf is your rent only £150 a month?

>> No.9839675
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19 yr old college student making 20 obamas an hour at an internship

>> No.9839695

Easy life with parents' money, luckily I was brought up with enough respect to not look down on low-income households

>> No.9839705

memes aside
Why wouldnt you buy a laptop that does the same for half the price though?