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File: 117 KB, 460x688, Street-Style-looks-Scarves-bandana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9830429 No.9830429 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here take "cultural appropriation" seriously? Convince me why this white girl shouldn't be wearing a bandana? It just seems like a beyond stupid concept thing white people invent for reasons I won't ever understand.

>> No.9830528

>Anyone here take "cultural appropriation" seriously?
Sure, bullying is fun. It's not about the argument, it is finding the right buttons to push to hurt and control her. Some shit about her being priviledged, having built her life on the suffering of the minorities and stealing from their culture to add insult to injury.

Why, if she does something like that she must be a terrible person. A hateful racist tbh.

>> No.9830535

Exactly. Show me where any one culture owns any trend or style

>> No.9830720


>any one culture owns any trend or style

I think you're confused about what those words mean in relation to the idea of "cultural appropriation"

>> No.9830786

No, I'm not a faggot.

>> No.9830807

Its literally unavoidable and should be considered a non-issue. Same with gentrification which i wouldn't have a problem with if the people moving into those areas weren't lame as fuck. That's my only problem with white people. You are all lame as fuck it makes no sense.

>> No.9830825

>you will never be a super fly ethnic person who is obviously more interesting than a typical white dude because they have more pigmentation in their skin
feels bad man

w2c skin dye so i can instantly become awesome like you

>> No.9830838

White people think poverty doesn't cause violence

>> No.9830839

>a bandana is cultural appropriation
m8, white people have been putting stupid shit on their head for a long ass time.
cowboys were white, m9, even if it was just appropriation from mexicans.

>> No.9830854

It's a racist concept that says based on your skin color you can only wear A, B, and C and never X, Y and Z.

It's funny that mostly non-whites spout this racist shit. Truly they are subhuman.

>> No.9830855

even this comment was boring
and i'm white

>> No.9830863

nonwhite people think poverty excuses violence

>> No.9830868

No white people are well aware all lower class people are human scum that should be avoided.
It's why they invented the middle class.

>> No.9830872

stay whipped nigger

>> No.9830896


>> No.9830913

>worthless opinions

>> No.9830945

all the while you're telling her things like 'feel me'
'nah mean?' and 'dope' ironically, laughing it off, but secretly condemning your quite real status in society. slightly above the minority poverty line...


>> No.9830964

Does a black guy wearing a suit count as cultural appropriation? Does a black person speaking english count as appropriation? Does a black person living in a brick house count as appropriation?

People need to shut the fuck up. It's called globalization move along,

>> No.9830976

That's a stupid argument. If they lived in the US, why wouldn't they? They're assimilating.
If they didn't do that shit you'd complain about how they're not assimilating.

>> No.9831006

>minorities don't think the lower class are the lower class for a reason

>> No.9831031

It's not really a stupid argument. We live in a time where we've accepted that the sign is not the signified, gender is a social construct, and yet when the privileged (white) person wears something that someone (who likes to make sweeping generalizations) feels belongs to what must only be an underprivileged culture, it's ignorant oppression and cultural appropriation.

Everything the 21st century copy paste liberalism attitude tells us is that this should be fine. Sure, it might be tacky and stupid, but it's not offensive, it's not oppression.

If I were a white male I'd probably be schizophrenic. They're not allowed to do anything.

If a white person acts white, does white things, it's racist. If a white person does something not typically white, it's ignorant and oppressive.

>> No.9831101

my friend and i were talking about how asians are marginalized in fashion which is strange based on how many great designers are from asia, and she brought up prada s/s 13 as an example

is this really what people get upset over nowadays? an italian using some japanese motifs in a fashion show???
upon rewtaching the show the theme of a urban geisha seems to pop out but is that a bad thing because an Italian used the symbol of a geisha in her collection? i really don;t think it is, i mean it seemed so tame and perfectly respectful to Japanese culture.

>> No.9831108
File: 175 KB, 852x480, pervertguidescreen.1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people think starving Africans care about some white person 'stealing' their culture? Are you making their lives better by condemning it? I guarantee you that they'd throw their culture in the trash in exchange for a stable government and prosperous economy. Of course, these people don't actually care about the poor blacks and Indians, they just want to have the appearance of caring.

>> No.9831148 [DELETED] 


typical nigger/shitskin comment, you sure are more interesting because of your skin... what does it feel to have unwashable dirt on your skin?

>> No.9831271

Most people don't realize that identity politics is a class-struggle distraction.

>> No.9831291

>want to have the appearance of caring.
Maintaining the current system is the whole point of identity politics.

>> No.9831325

Just remind the SJWs that yoga is cultural appropriation.

Worldview = shattered

>> No.9831446

It's all about intent and execution. If it was done because you think it's awesome and beautiful that's fine. If you are doing it in any negative way or ignorant way, that's when people should get upset.

>> No.9831529


No its not real, but people can take it too far which is where that came from before tumblr sjws started accusing any white girl wearing earrings or something of being a racist bitch.

If you're wearing Indian headdresses to some indie concert, you'll look trashy. That stuff is pretty important to them, kind of like military junk and to be fair, white people almost wiped their entire race off the planet.

But if you're wearing clothing from a certain culture when you should wear it with respect. Ive never met an asian person getting angry at a white girl for sporting a kimono as long as she wasn't all "hurr durr look at me im so chinese!!1" *tugs at corners of eyes*


>> No.9831564

That's kinda the problem tbh, people claim white girls wearing bindis/bandanas/etc is "cultural appropriation" even though that individual is in no way subjugating their race or profiting from the things they're wearing.
Fuck appropriation when UO does it, but white people just wearing "ethnic" things is fine

>> No.9831584

Who regularly wears clothes to be negative? You're a shit.

>> No.9831598

Cultural Appropriation is a non-issue

>> No.9831606

Wearing it as a joke, like wearing big fake costume chains and sagging pants to make fun of blacks or something

Of course this happens so rarely and the people who do it are so negatively regarded that it's kind of ridiculous that this term is so prevalent in the cultural zeitgeist (idk what word to use, sorry)

>> No.9831630

It's bullshit of the highest calibre, I can't understand how people who bitch about it don't see that it's an inherently racist argument. It's like they want to keep everything neatly segregated according to a colour palette.

>> No.9831646

There are always multiple factors at work, plenty of poor people are not violent at all. The poverty argument just seems like a bullshit excuse focused on some boogie man.

>> No.9831712

>the sign is not the signified
What does this mean? I'm unfamiliar with the phrase.

>> No.9831716

>white women are so privileged that they think other white women wearing elements of ethnic clothing is a major fucking injustice

>> No.9831835

I assume that he was refering to Saussure's theory:
>A famous thesis by Saussure states that the relationship between a sign and the real-world thing it denotes is an arbitrary one. There is not a natural relationship between a word and the object it refers to, nor is there a causal relationship between the inherent properties of the object and the nature of the sign used to denote it.

>> No.9831857

>I guarantee you that they'd throw their culture in the trash in exchange for a stable government and prosperous economy.

Lmao you can't guarantee that. You're talking out of your ass. The world at large is not a rational and logical place. People do a lot of theses not based on reason and facts, but based on feelings and idealism.

>> No.9831975

>words are arbitrary
bruh never heard of onomatopoeia, huh

>> No.9832012

I don't know if those count as real words

>> No.9832037

>forgetting that filthy ignorant counter culture movement years before

>> No.9832239

Hunger is a feeling too, you neoliberal goon.

>> No.9832242

Which is why you're on a predominately white image board.

>> No.9832289

Appropriated Japanese image board

>> No.9832684

Even though empathy for white people is an extremely hard concept to grasp, I'll try and explain the significance of cultural objects. Now forgive me if I come off condescending, but sometimes white people just need things spelled out for them in a way that doesn't leave room for their inherent mental gymnastics to take over.

Now say there's a man named Terrel, Terrel is black and he lives in a inner-city neighborhood. Terrel's brother got shot a month ago and Terrel wants to get a tattoo to remember him by. Terrell gets a really cool looking tattoo as a memorial for his brother on his arm. Terrel didn't get the tattoo because it was cool, Terrel got the tattoo because of the significance it bares with his brother. Now Terrel has a classmate named Lucy. Lucy doesn't really know what back breaking struggle or terrible loss is in the same way that Terrel or other Inner-city kids do, but that's not her fault. Now one day Lucy sees Terrel's tattoo and thinks to herself, "WOW! That tat is soooo rad!, I just HAAAAAAAVE to get the exact same one... wait what do those numbers mean?" So Lucy decides to steal and replicate something significant to Terrel because she thought it looks cool.

That's the difference. People don't wear cultural things because they're cool looking, they wear them because those cultural things have a very specific and significant purpose. Not once did Lucy try to figure out what the purpose was behind Terrel's memorial tattoo. No, she didn't care. All she cared about was that it looked cool. And now Terrel's memorial to his brother is disrespected by some white girl who didn't even know or care about his brother, for the sake of looking cool.

You would think for a people who constantly call themselves the superior culture, they wouldn't need to steal so much from other "inferior" cultures.

>> No.9832729

>You would think for a people who constantly call themselves the superior culture....
I don't think I've ever done that, thank you. The passive aggressiveness in this post is going to do nothing but make it harder to get the sincere elements across, assuming any of it is sincere and you're not actually just trying to rile people up. Poe's Law and all that.

Cultural sensitivity aside for a moment, though, I think most of us can agree that getting a tattoo without investigating what it might mean in the first place is pretty déclassé. I think that's an important element to approach this from, considering your audience: I don't know if many people here are going to buy that your hypothetical Lucy was really being that disrespectful, but from a fashion standpoint this move would make her a poseur anyways.

>> No.9832765


>> No.9832781

I think it's a case of disrespect. That being said, whether cultural appropriation is bad or not really depends on the situation. In most (common) cases, it's harmless, I would think.

>> No.9832823

At what point does borrowing from other cultures become "appropriation"? Are the Vietnamese racist or whatever for making the french baguette part of their cuisine? Shit like that has happened countless times through history, yet you don't see Humanities majors whining about apple pie not actually being originally American, for example.
Is it only appropriation when white people do it?

>> No.9832851

Also, the idea of cultural appropriation is tied to the concept of power structures.

>It's called globalization move along,
The counterargument here is that whites are the "dominant" power, whereas the Africans/blacks are the "oppressed" (or "marginalized" or "other"…whatever you'd like to call it) group. When the white culture "steals" from the black (and especially, profits off of it), it's claiming something that doesn't belong to it (some facet black culture) for itself.
When black culture "steals" from the white culture, the fact of the matter is, the white culture, as it is the "dominant" power and NOT the "other", is the norm; therefore, the black culture cannot be oppressing the white culture, when the white culture has established itself as the norm, and black culture exists "under" its rule.

Or so the argument goes, as I understand it. I took a very SJW World Music class that talked about appropriation and power structures and things like that, so I do have a general grasp of what their argument is.

In terms of stuff like
>an italian using some japanese motifs in a fashion show???
I think the argument is that they basically ripped off the Japanese, in this example. They sell what is not theirs, and profit over it (or so the argument goes).
However, I do think a case could be made for difference here, in which "black culture" (wherever it's prevalent) usually is in a larger world of white culture, whereas in Japan, the Japanese are the "dominant" or "norm" culture. They decided to modernize/Westernize in the mid-1800s, and they still call the shots on the overall culture of their country/area.

Some food for thought.

And remember: argue against the ARGUMENT, not the messenger. I don't necessarily stand for these points, but I would try to at least help articulate them, since I am somewhat aware of them. Hopefully that helps with this conversation.

>> No.9832878 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 1600x1259, 1430203339729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe this ungrateful coon? empathy hard for white people to grasp? the only reason your shitstinking race of parasites exists is because of white generosity and empathy. the only reason you arent still in the slavery your nigger ancestors sold you into is because of white compassion. if you dont like white people go back to africa, where there are still over 1million slaves today, owned by niggers.

if niggers were in the position that white people were in the industrial and colonial ages, they wouldve wiped every other race off the planet, including themselves.

ungrateful apes disgust me. thankfully uppity little jigaboos like you are helping white people run out of patience with your subhuman race.

>> No.9832880

going back to the earlier comment on intent + execution

watching the show and looking at the designs this wasn't white girls at coachella wearing feather headdresses this was deliberate well thought out art with a clear defined message that i believe is respectful to the original culture
but, the part i'm having an issue wrapping my head around is that it's somehow not ok because she's not japanese?

lets apply it to music
white musicians playing rock/jazz/hiphop is somehow inherently wrong because it's not "white" culture? how do we progress then? forcing cultural restraints on art seems to asinine and frankly archaic

>> No.9832888 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 624x351, _72780276_020914377-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets look at examples of nigger empathy, africa without whites is paradise, idk why they arent all jumping ship to emigrate there.

here we have a picture of a poor negro who has been attacked by a giant spider, the spider is still on his head and his friend rakwon is going to squish the spider with the big rock and save his endangered friend.

>> No.9832895

>forcing cultural restraints on art seems to asinine and frankly archaic
I agree. Cultures borrow from other cultures all the time; I don't see how that's a bad thing unless it has malicious intent. Even then, how would you prove such an intent?

>> No.9832896

Since when did /fa/ become /pol/?

Waiting for this thread to be closed.

>> No.9832897 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 385x261, burned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man had hypothermia and was about to freeze to death, luckily his fellow compassionate africans were able to start a fire and save his life. this kind of thing is done all the time by whites to other whites :)

>> No.9832904 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 590x442, burned-Christians-in-Nigeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these men have spent a little too much time in the sun, but fear not, their compassionate black brothers are here to apply some soothing balm.

>> No.9832905

afaik you can't and so basically it becomes anything a poc sees and doesn't like thats done by a white person becomes "cultural appropriation" idk seems stupid to get caught up in identity politics , seems much easier to just create things you enjoy while keeping in mind the symbolism you use and how others might perceive it

>> No.9832912 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 250x233, Horrific_Nigerian_video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you can see folks, a world without white people is just what the negro needs to succeed. i think we can all agree that if every nigger and shitskin went back to their native lands and left those evil, oppressive, safe, modern, comfortable white countries they would be free of white shackles.

>> No.9833031

man, someone is real mad about getting cucked by their wife

also, fucked up shit isn't an exclusive to africa, its just not in america... look at anywhere outside of north america (excluding mexico) and perhaps australia and you will find stuff like this with a variety of races... especially when it comes to corruption and gang infestation in lower income areas (regardless of race)

>> No.9833128 [DELETED] 

>.. look at anywhere outside of north america (excluding mexico) and perhaps australia and you will find stuff like this with a variety of races... especially when it comes to corruption and gang infestation in lower income areas (regardless of race)

>excluding NA and Australia the rest of the world is a third world shithole that regularly experiences cannablism, necklacing, public and gang lynching, public gang rapes, mass murders and ethnic cleansing.

>this is what niggers actually believe

"i was walking down the street in my city in norway the other day and this group of nordic white people were burning another white person alive! heh, weird world out there!"

fuck off jigaboo, your race is slime.

>> No.9833147

>Black man presents well thought-out argument and even has the grace to speak about white people as if they are human beings.
>White man sputters in to a mess of semicoherent slurs and curses.

Sounds about right.

>> No.9833152

As a hispanic teacher in an upper middle class neighborhood, I've seen some hilariously stupid white kids, but you just might take the cake.

>> No.9833155

Why are there so many sjw's on /fa/, /mu/, and /lit/?

Even worse are whites talking like nonwhites from a jezebel comment section. Get a life, all of you

>> No.9833162 [DELETED] 

nonsensical liberal aphorisms about postmodern non sequitur trash like 'cultural appropriation'



refute anything i've said thus far

proptip, you cant.

>> No.9833170 [DELETED] 

>As a hispanic teacher
mow my lawn

>> No.9833181

You haven't said anything, which was my original point. High levels of verbal aggression don't always result in epic internet debate wins. To everyone besides yourself it's pretty clear that you're just throwing a tantrum.

>> No.9833192 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 262x300, urine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers are so slow, such poor reading comprehension the presence of a few racial slurs makes it impossible for them comprehend simple points.

im quoting myself now:

>the only reason your shitstinking race of parasites exists is because of white generosity and empathy. the only reason you arent still in the slavery your nigger ancestors sold you into is because of white compassion.

>i think we can all agree that if every nigger and shitskin went back to their native lands and left those evil, oppressive, safe, modern, comfortable white countries they would be free of white shackles.
>>excluding NA and Australia the rest of the world is a third world shithole that regularly experiences cannablism, necklacing, public and gang lynching, public gang rapes, mass murders and ethnic cleansing.
>>this is what niggers actually believe
>"i was walking down the street in my city in norway the other day and this group of nordic white people were burning another white person alive! heh, weird world out there!"
>fuck off jigaboo, your race is slime.

just because its sardonic/sarcastic/laden with contempt for your filthy race doesnt make it any less true :)

>> No.9833197

I would if I felt like you could afford it. Unfortunately, uneducated degenerates generally can't afford my services.

>> No.9833201

>apologizes for the possibility of being condescending
>writes out a post that is blatantly condescending
>implying you're not white

Here's the point assclap, you don't own the rights to other people getting a similar tat. And how do you know she "stole" the tat? Did her brother also die with the same name? Imitation is the highest form of flattery by North American Negrus brethren. Remember:
Her body, her rules. BUT OH NO, GOD FORBID I GET A SIMILAR LOOKING TAT! It must surely be the equivalent of going to his brother's grave and taking a giant shit on his corpse. The whole purpose of a tattoo is to be shown. You want for others TO SEE this tat and have them ask or know about the name. If it was really for yourself, Terrel would carry the remembrance of his dead brother with him inside instead of having it on display. Get it patented if it means that much to you with that autistic sense of ownership.
Honestly your argument falls short for being grounded up on nothing but self victimization and emotional appeals. No one owes you anything, especially silent worship over a fucking tattoo. Boo fucking hoo. There's no such thing as cultural ownership. I bet you even think blacks "invented" rock music. For fucks sake.

>> No.9833204 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1405465547192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about wealth
>is a high school teacher in america

i guess if you're a shitskin thats something to be proud of?????

>> No.9833233


>the only reason your shitstinking race of parasites exists is because of white generosity and empathy. the only reason you arent still in the slavery your nigger ancestors sold you into is because of white compassion.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

>i think we can all agree that if every nigger and shitskin went back to their native lands and left those evil, oppressive, safe, modern, comfortable white countries they would be free of white shackles.

Bye bye black and brown people, bye bye food and resources. White people in NA wouldn't eat without central and south America, and many European countries still rely on their African colonies to stay economically stable. I'd really love to see you guys try to sort that one out on your own.

>>excluding NA and Australia the rest of the world is a third world shithole that regularly experiences cannablism, necklacing, public and gang lynching, public gang rapes, mass murders and ethnic cleansing.
>>this is what niggers actually believe
>"i was walking down the street in my city in norway the other day and this group of nordic white people were burning another white person alive! heh, weird world out there!"
>fuck off jigaboo, your race is slime.

Call me when you've taken care of white-on-white crime, or when your rich have stopped stealing food out of the mouths of their own poor, or when the majority of high school dropouts in the USA aren't white.

>> No.9833254 [DELETED] 
File: 833 KB, 200x150, 1428756416138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

>Bye bye black and brown people, bye bye food and resources. White people in NA wouldn't eat without central and south America, and many European countries still rely on their African colonies to stay economically stable. I'd really love to see you guys try to sort that one out on your own.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.

>> No.9833261 [DELETED] 

yo dudes
we've got ourselves one of those niggers that thinks the egyptians were black and that white people lived in caves until the superior niggers came and released them from their servitude and taught them how to write and speak only to be overthrown by the evil white betrayers, its one of those africin revisionists, i thought they only existed in youtube comment sections!

>> No.9833267

Teachers make a lot if they have tenure but that's like 10+ years of teaching.

>> No.9833269 [DELETED] 

holy fuck this post, this post is amazing, its so wrong in so many ways that you have to assume the person is trolling, and yet to argue with such a dumb human in earnest would be an exercise in futility anyway.

thank you for this /fa/

>> No.9833271 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 467x333, 1410954560305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9833272

White people won the race. Deal with it.

>> No.9833277 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 625x626, 1415295325956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this time /srs/

>> No.9833281

Well, I think that people freaking out over cultural appropriation like this is really contributing to what racism there is left in America.

I mean, if a bunch of white girls start wearing a scarf or something, then everyone is going to start to see it as normal. The scarf becomes assimilated into the culture. It becomes normal.

When someone insists "No, you can't wear that scarf, only people who are this race can wear that scarf!" then they are putting a divide between the cultural norm and the other culture. The scarf becomes a symbol of the "outside" culture.

If a bunch white girls starting wearing hijabs just because they thought they were cute, I'm willing to bet that racist attitudes towards the hijab (and to a greater extent, the people wearing the hijabs) would start to disappear.

>> No.9833290

I grew up poor, really poor.
Unlike "some people" I solved that shit by studying and getting a fucking job rather than joining a gang and robbing people.
There's literally no excuse.

>> No.9833304 [DELETED] 

yes you're absolutely right, the argument that niggers commit so much crime because they're poor doesnt hold any water when you consider the amount of whites in poverty in the US


>Of the offenders for whom race was known, 52.4 percent were black, 45.2 percent were white, and 2.4 percent were of other races.


>In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2% of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.


>> No.9833311

And you are why I included that first part in my argument. You know, the part about white people lacking the ability to feel empathy. I'm not saying that you can't decide to steal someone else's culturally significant wear and reduce them to an accessory, I'm just wondering if you have the wherewithal to not do it out of respect for what it means to other people.

It's kind of like me not spitting on your mothers grave, or me not wearing jeans and a t-shirt to a funeral. It's about respecting the significance of another person's differences and what those differences mean to them.

but again I'm talking about empathy, and that's something that's lost on a lot of white people.

>> No.9833315 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 480x613, Mug shots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and btw, this is who the FBI consider white for crime stats

>> No.9833318 [DELETED] 

i really wish we didnt have empathy, then liberalism and altruism wouldnt exist and we'd have nothing stopping us from killing you all.

>> No.9833376

Of course not, instead you slowly poison not only all of us, but even each other, and the planet. Rich old white men might actually be the cause of the end of humanity as we know it. Yet you guys claim to have empathy. You can't even treat each other right for the most part. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9833384

I feel like it's a ridiculous notion that is based in racism.

I'm a concept artist and have many times drawn traditional japanese styles, traditional south american styles of clothing and etc. I do so because i have an appreciation of the aesthetic. I also make money off of it as it is my career.

If i'm not getting bitched at for "cultural appropriation" then neither should people who want to use an aesthetic because they enjoy it. A race of people may have invented it, but does that also mean that if you're not their race, you can't take inspiration from it?

>Don't base your own creativity off of an aesthetic supplied by a race that isn't yours or you're a terrible person.

Jesus christ, it's like creativity can be considered a crime these days if you don't do it "right" in regards to fashion. Shit is blatantly rooted in racism in my opinion. It's as if you can be blamed and berated for appreciating something. Social interactions are becoming dictatorial based on what SJW type people consider politically and racially correct. That's beyond fucked up in my opinion.

>> No.9833386

This proves my point exactly. The fact that white people truly think that racism consists of someone telling them they can't wear Ancient Native American head-dresses as an accessory because it's cute, instead of the fact that government officials kill hurt and abuse non-white people at such exceedingly high rates, proves to me that white people lack the ability to feel empathy.

>> No.9833395

I think you explain in a nutshell what people hate about other people who appropriate culture. "I have an appreciation of the aesthetic" not of the culture, of the history, of the significance, of the meaning, of the people, but how it looks. And then you go so far as to say that you want to make money off that as well.

You don't see anything wrong with that at all?

>> No.9833396

You're forgetting a key aspect to this argument. White culture condemns living and acting like you live in poverty. Black culture embraces it, uses it as a reason to act out.

Who's more likely to commit a crime? The poor white kid who's desire is to escape poverty through education? Or the poor black kid who embraces his culture, accepts his poverty and joins a gang?

Statistics don't tell the whole story, and you're an idiot if you assume they do.

>> No.9833409

>i'm white

>> No.9833423

Appreciation of the culture attached to an item, and of the item itself are different things. Yeah, you're probably a dick if you're mass producing a religious ceremonial item that holds great value in said country of origin for fashion. I've never known this to be the case, however. A bandana being worn a certain way doesn't belong to any one race.

Also, i can't speak for fashion designers, but in the instances that conceptual artists use traditional clothings for their work, it's normally because whatever character's their making exist in the society/time period in which the clothing was worn, so we have to extensively research the history and significance of these items to make sure they're being used properly.

Cultural appropriation happens every fucking day, yet only white people get called out on it. Look at all the shirts that are hot sellers in japan with english words written on them. Hell, i even remember one hilarious example of a baseball teeshirt where the stylized text was just a snippet of wikipedia's explanation of baseball cut off in the middle of a word. And me being an american, i wasn't offended by the idea of a japanese dude wearing it and not knowing that the person who made that shirt didn't know shit about the sport it portrayed to the extent of literally googling baseball and slapping the first text he saw on a shirt.

Also, i'm not a white dude. I don't quite like being told by white people that i should feel offended when i'm not offended. The races I am have been getting copied in fashion forever, I've never once cared. Nor have i ever known anyone of these two races who cared. The only people who i see making a big deal of it are white people trying to stick up for these 'lesser' races who apparently can't defend themselves.

>> No.9833444
File: 230 KB, 489x518, Hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people run popular fashion.

Denying "designers" the right to expression and freedom to do so is fascist.

Should we roast a black designer for utilizing a traditional European garnet in their lines?
you are arguing



Stupid. The girl wearing the headband is not trying to upset some great cultural respect, she's getting paid to wear a piece of cloth for one picture, made by some indiscriminate brown women in some nameless third world country or blah blah blah

>> No.9833445

A perfect example of this as a social situation i've seen happen many times.

>Black kid and his friend White kid are hanging out
>acquaintance whose name is White kid 2 enters conversation
>White kid 2 says "nigga" in a non offensive way while conversating
>Black kid continues to enjoy talking to White kid 2
>White kid chimes in and asks if Black kid is going to not acknowledge that White kid 2 just said the n word infront of him
>White kid says that Black kid should be offended
>Black kid isn't offended
>White kid is being a prissy bitch and everyone knows it
>Unless Black kid was actually offended, White kid should've kept his face shut rather than spew retardation all over the place.

End scene. That's my view of this subject.

>> No.9833447
File: 11 KB, 320x350, varg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"i was walking down the street in my city in norway the other day and this group of nordic white people were burning another white person alive! heh, weird world out there!"

>> No.9833451

idgi tbh

>> No.9833454

I'm black. In case you didn't think I was. Now you're comparing samantics. Putting a quote from wikipedia on a t-shirt and deciding to use something culturally significant or even sacred as a way to make money (while disgracing, disrespecting, or disregarding the meaning behind said something) are 2 clearly different things.

Kind of like how white people complain about racism when they're being called names, and black people complain about racism when they're being shot by a police officer 10 times for pulling out their wallet.

You're using false equivalencies. Now I personally don't care about a white girl wearing a bandanna. What she decides to do and where she decides to go with what ever bandana or gang paraphernalia is her prerogative.

Now I'm not saying you should be offended, how you feel is how you feel. You can do you all you want to, just don't give me half baked, bullshit ass excuses for why I shouldn't care about cultural appropriation.

>> No.9833458

It's annoying to me when white people wear dreads and say nigga but act lily white as fuck when they're in hot shit with other black people. It is probably annoying when people use paints and bonnets to feel edgy and more in tune with nature while listening to fucking chvrches wearing a forever 21 crop top. Cultural Appropriation may not be a travesty, but it is annoying as all hell.

>> No.9833459

If a white kid says nigga around me, I'll ask that he not do that. Especially if I know he didn't grow up around what I grew up. Now the reason I ask him not to do it isn't wholey because I'm offended by it, it's because I'm worried for his health. Sure he has the right to go around calling every black person he sees nigga, but he just might catch a fade as a result.

Just because 1 black person lets you use the word nigga, doesn't mean I won't fuck you up for trying to use it with me. Realize that black people are capable of thinking individually.

>> No.9833468

whiteness is a mutant defect that will hopefully get bred out soon

>> No.9833477

You're going to extremes. That's the point I was trying to make. Show me fashion brands reproducing something so culturally significant that it legitimately is an insult for normal people to be wearing it. I've still not yet seen any. On news feeds the most recent fashion related thing i've seen people bitch about is a designer hosting a runway show where the models had chola-esque makeup.

The point is, when you bitch about "cultural appropriation" you're bitching about something you've assumed. You have no idea if the person selling it has researched the idea and has appreciation for it beyond the aesthetic. That's a noble way to justify what your true thought is, which is >THIS GUY ISN'T THE RACE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO WEAR THAT CLOTHING!

It's an excuse. You don't know if the old white guy making a kimono based fashion line knows that a kimono tied in the front means they were a prostitute, or that certain ways of tying the obi were only used for young unwed women or that other kinds were only used for ceremonies. You're not mad about the assumption that the artist doesn't know anything about the culture they took inspiration from, that's a bullshit farce. Anyone with half a brain should know that race doesn't dictate the knowledge or experience you have with a foreign country. The true reason is wanting everything to fit neatly into their separate categories. It's nationalism and to some extent racism, and the desire to have some control over creativity. It's facism.

As far as i'm concerned, you're a fascist who is in fact an enemy of creativity.

>how dare you take inspiration from a race that you weren't born as. You're a terrible person for not realizing the struggle that exists under the shade of the african wooden hats you're copying for fashion!!

All i'm hearing is >i'm not their race and somehow know that these people are offended! You can't do this because I said so!

>> No.9833483

That's a good point, which goes hand in hand with the point i made with that little dialogue. I was saying that if the black person were to be offended, he didn't need the white dude there to help him articulate it. Not everyone feels the same way about things, which is exactly why we don't need individuals declaring that cultural appropriation is a crime against an entire race.

>> No.9833494

don't see how losing a sibling and getting a tattoo are exclusive to african american culture
like what was even the point of bringing race into that example

>> No.9833495


>> No.9833507

>Kind of like how white people complain about racism when they're being called names, and black people complain about racism when they're being shot by a police officer 10 times for pulling out their wallet
yeah kind of like how black people complain about criminals being shot by cops while it is in fact far more likely that a white person will be killed by a black person

>> No.9833516

White people are more likely to have child pornography on their computers than black people in the U.S, therefore every white guy is a pedophile and they're a terrible race.

>This is how fucking stupid you sound

>> No.9833522
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>> No.9833535

wasn't even to close to what I was saying you dumb fuck
don't talk about empathy when you belong to the most violent demographic
but since you brought up that cliche shit look up child abuse by race

>> No.9833536

thats just because white people are more intelligent and thus more likely to own/know how to operate a PC in the first place.......

>> No.9833544

I was trying to point out that using statistics to determine your view of an entire race is a generalization, and anyone who defines their view on something based on a generalization is a fucking idiot who should be euthanized.

Also, i'm japanese and german so try again with generalization of my race. You missed your mark.

>> No.9833551

>who should be euthanized.

what a good person..

>> No.9833554

did you forget WW2 or something Elliot?

>> No.9833561

Also, that was literally a word for word recreation of the form of logic you're using to argue that black people are subhuman.

Easy to poke holes in right? That's because it's a logical fallacy and you have an IQ of sub 80. Please go, being retarded isn't fashionable these days. /b/ is more your speed i think. I didn't think i'd have to explain this as I made it easily distinguished in my first reply, but you're a special kind of stupid, I suppose.

>> No.9833566

Well, look at what races I am, it's only natural that i'd favor Axis tactics for getting rid of people who aren't on the level of everyone around them.

I'm joking by the way.

>> No.9833572

>you're using to argue that black people are subhuman.
once again not what I'm saying
all I'm saying is complaining about some epidemic of white police violence when it is far more likely that a white person will be killed or raped by a black person than vice versa is stupid and disingenuous
but go ahead keep playing the knockout game

>> No.9833585

I know the point of your argument, and the fact that you still haven't realized my point is amazing to me.

You're discounting the fact that people being wrongfully killed by police is an issue by quoting a statistic that may or may not be true, to discount the struggle of another race. You're disregarding the possibility that maybe innocent people getting killed is a bad thing regardless of race.

>All black people who get shot by police must deserve it because they're more likely, based on a generalization, to kill white people.
>there's no possibility that just because a race is more likely to be violent, that the people shot dead by police were innocent and the police acted rashly.

I hope i explained that simply enough for you this time.

>> No.9833588

>i'm japanese and german
that explains it, you're a mongrel genetic deadend, you're a hapa, the most vile qand pathetic mix there is.

make like the rest of your people and kill yourself, elliot.


>> No.9833597

Someone is mad because I'm stylin'

>> No.9833602 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 991x517, mad chink mongrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to this please hapa beta, all hapa boys should be forced into hrt from a young age and used as fuckdolls, its the only role they're designed for, they'll never be real men.


>> No.9833604

>quoting a statistic that may or may not be true
>based on a generalization, to kill white people
is this really the world you operate in
where you can just brush off facts
I'll care about the killing of your people when you care about the killing of mine

>> No.9833610

You seem mad. Is it about my superior facial aesthetics and mixed genes that filtered out the negative aspects of both races? I don't disagree with you though, mixed race partially asian people make the best traps.

>> No.9833616

Facts and statistics aren't the same thing, which is why i'm having trouble believing your IQ is anywhere near the standard for a functioning human being.

Statistics don't dictate what every individual of the group is going to do, which is why they're generalizations when used to argue why something is good or bad. Might there be a lot of bad black people? Surely. But you're going to go through life thinking poorly of the ones who aren't bad because you decide to think of a statistic as an infallible fact that doesn't change. Statistics change every day, which is why nobody with half a brain uses them to define their view on a race. I honestly can't believe you're still arguing your point. Someone didn't take critical thinking in college.

>> No.9833617 [DELETED] 
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>is this really the world you operate in
why do you think i just insult and belittle liberals duder? their beliefs and ideology isnt based on facts, logic or reality, there is no point in arguing with them in earnest.

silly hapa boy, heres a statistic a pathetic hapa genetic mongrel included in his online suicide note before he killed himself. why do so many pathetic hapas kill themselves?

maybe its because only the lowest tiers of each respective race racemix? you're the product of two betas.

>> No.9833621

I honestly can't believe you still think my point is 'black people are bad'

>> No.9833623
File: 142 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mqhp4j9qJp1s0fzano1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that image is really stuuupid

>> No.9833629
File: 34 KB, 481x514, Match-By-Race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a statistic that shits on yours bud.

>> No.9833634 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 300x613, replyrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eurasians need to accept that they're halfling sub-males and will never function as normal males, they need to be put into breeding camps where they're injected with estrogen until their teeny tiny little hapa cocks shrivel up and they grow little hapa boobies.

>> No.9833642

I like traps, as i said earlier, so i don't really mind this fantasy of yours.

That being said, if you define "functioning as men" by getting pussy, you're on a website literally full of girlybois and are probably one yourself m8. I'll just be over here enjoying my superior genetics while you sit there thinking you're going to hurt someone's self esteem on the internet. It's pretty cute.

>> No.9833648 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 310x206, elliot_rodger3-620x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly hapa boy

you can practically smell the virginity on this one

>> No.9833654

you literally sound like Elliot Rodger
watch out for this one ladies

>> No.9833656

please, tell me more. I'm enjoying imagining the retard hurling these insults and thinking he's accomplishing something. It's quite amusing.

>> No.9833658

what a place for this thread to go

insteade of arguihga bout race u should argue about how xx-chromosed people are about to surpass u xys tbh ctfu

>> No.9833664 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 2000x1000, hapa virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think we're breaking him boys, how long until this hapa kill its parents or goes on a shooting spree? maybe he' just commit suicide.

>> No.9833667

women will not surpass men

>> No.9833669

It's funny you say that because I love life. Imagining what kind of dude it takes to have the energy to type out all of the shit you just did makes me worry about you.

I'm picturing you as either morbidly obese with a redneck-esque beard, a self hating asian dude, or small, skinny and mildly deformed. You should let me know which one is right on the money, because i know one of them is.

>> No.9833684

Gb2tumblr buddy
Or at least read some fucking books.
Not only are the most liberal literati all laughing at you/being upset at you for perpetuating essentialism and ignorance, you're also giving your race a bad name to all the racists out there (the way ignorant whites gave them a bad name to you, off you'll claim "black people cant b racist only prejudiced" as if that 1) excuses it and 2) is true)

>> No.9833685 [DELETED] 
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>newfag doesnt know who i am

superior aryan wasp here, and unlike your pathetic father ill never get desperate enough to stoop so low as to muddle my superior white genes with a pathetic self hating chink.

>> No.9833696

A girl wearing a bandana wouldn't be misappropriation.

Now a white kid having 83 A$AP Mob songs on his playlist that he blasts in his 2014 Chevy Cruze with enormous subs as he cruises around lip syncing to rap songs about lean and drug trafficking in Harlem but tweets #PoliceLivesMatter and blames black people for things like Baltimore as his dad stands in the driveway trying to peel off the remains of a Romney 2012 bumper sticker from his Tahoe is appropriation.

There's a line, I can't specify it's exact location as it varies on a case by case basis but to say that there isn't such thing as misappropriation would be ignorant.

>> No.9833699

>you can only enjoy art if you're of a certain political persuasion

>> No.9833701
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>> No.9833704
File: 332 KB, 400x169, me at all times.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with u. We need to be more involved with the activism and shit. After all, the civil unrest is unlikely to end.

>> No.9833705 [DELETED] 

you have nice legs surprisingly, probably airbrushed/edited in some way though.

>> No.9833708

nope, just waxed and lotioned to hell and back.

shit's painful.

>> No.9833715


But does he appreciate it? It's the equivalent of a child lifting an expensive vase, holding it in awe, and shattering it on the floor.

>> No.9833721

that is not even close to equivalent

>> No.9833722 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 643x387, 1431257930982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh i agree its best whites dont degrade themselves by dabbling in niggery like rap and snapbacks, its unbecoming.

segregation is the answer.

>> No.9833726
File: 68 KB, 431x450, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as for that last guy, you're literally lying if you were in poverty and don't see how it causes violence. It's so fucking obvious lol

>> No.9833734


don't see how losing a sibling and getting a tattoo is even remotely related to 'african american culture' at all

>> No.9833740

except for the part where it is.

Worked at the AMNH long enough to know Henry Fairfield Osborn died in 1935, use your superiority to fact check your stupidity.

>> No.9833741

I think you just went full blown retard on me. I'll explain this in a single sentence so as not to fill your head with more than one thought at the same time. You apparently can't handle complex analysis like that, it was my bad to assume you could.

I'm essentially asking, Why is it so hard to respect something that isn't yours?

That's not facist, that's not racist, that not's any ist. It's just called being a human being.

>Now I know that was more than one sentence, but if you feel like you still have enough IQ points left to handle the rest of this post, please keep reading.

What's so hard about respecting each other's differences? When something get's assimilated, it loses it's meaning. Period. There is no such thing as assimilation and preservation at the same time. You can't have it both ways.

Now what I'm talking about, and what you're talking about are completely different. I'm talking about situations of significance, you're focusing on stupid shit like weather or not a girl gets to wear a bandana. We're clearly not on the same planet here in terms of reasoning, logic, or even the topic at hand.

What in the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.9833747
File: 44 KB, 491x548, 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poverty explains theft and drug dealing
poverty doesn't explain rape, abuse, random murders, the knockout game etc

>> No.9833752

You're asking for evidence in what is supposed to be emotional posturing.

This is SJW buzzwords
Get out of here with your mansplaining 'facts'

>> No.9833755 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 733x666, 1422729490010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt mean it aint true, nigger.

>> No.9833760

It explains all of it. When people are put in a desperate position, with low amount of resources and a whole lot of anger about their situation, they are prone to use forceful methods to get what they want. It's such a basic concept that people act like they cant understand while feigning intelligence

>> No.9833762

Except it does, when you have nothing to lose you'd be riskier.

Ever woke up late, looked at the clock and said "fuck it i'm late anyway" and just add another couple of minutes to your snooze? It's a little like that.

>> No.9833764 [DELETED] 
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who /coon/ here

>> No.9833770

incredible that people actually think like this

>> No.9833777 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 651x634, 1417013713938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do these fucking morons even listen to themselves, its an exclusively shitskin problem, there are more white people in poverty in the US than blacks, the appalachian belt is the poorest region in america and is 90% white, it has a very low violent crime rate.

liberals excuse rape and murder abut get up in arms about headwear, you're worse than niggers, every liberal will hang alongside their nigger pets on the day of the rope.

>> No.9833784 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 375x500, 1427265099763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger hate thread time

>> No.9833785

Race doesn't really have anything to do with it, it only adds context. I realize you're stupid but I'll explain things as slow as I possibly can. A friend of mine used to teach kindergarten so I have experience explaining simple things to simple children in simple ways.

The point of the story was not that a white girl stole a black guys tattoo. It's that she copied a tattoo that had significant value to it's owner because she thought it looked cool. She didn't care about what it meant, all she cares about is how it looks.

If you can't understand that, I really don't know what to tell you, except for use 2 condoms if a girl is ever unlucky enough to settle for you.

>> No.9833786

First you disproved your previous image by providing such a small difference between blacks and whites on SAT scores.

Second, it's not exclusively about income level, geographic area and quality of education in that area make a difference as well.

Keep bringing out these reaction images, whitey.

>> No.9833788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9833790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9833793


White people lead in all statistical crime categories.

Mass Shootings
Domestic Terrorism
Spousal and Child Abuse
Sexual abuse and Assault

Btw, the knockout game is a complete myth. I would know, I live in one of those "black" neighborhoods. I've literally never seen it happen.

>> No.9833796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9833803
File: 41 KB, 289x425, well did u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its an exclusively shitskin problem
Hey, he's right!!

>> No.9833804 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 571x591, 1426795814834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe this tumblr faggot, he's stooped to outright lying now

In relation to murder:

In 2011, there were 9,485 MALE murder offenders. There were 1,138 FEMALE offenders. 3,925 were unknown. Women apparently commit murders at 11% the rate men do. 11% of the unknown 3,925 is 431. So let's just extrapolate:

Men committed ~12,978 murders and women committed ~1,569 in 2011.

Now, like you said, blacks make up ~13% of the US population.

In 2011 there were 5,486 Black murder offenders. There were 14,548 overall murder offenders in 2011 (NOTE THAT 256 OF THESE WERE OF "OTHER" IN TERMS OF RACE); this means that Blacks were a whopping 62.29% of all murder offenders! There were also 4,077 murders in 2011 where the race of the offender was unknown. 62% of 4077 is 2,527.74. Wow! Let's just call that 2,527 (I'm feeling generous). That means that the total Black murder offenders in 2011 was: 8,013.

Like I said up top; Women, over all, committed murder at a rate of 11%. So. That means that Black women make up 881.43 of all murder offenders in 2011. Black men make up 7051.44 of murder offenders.

Black Men: 7,051.44
White Men: 5,587.42
Black Women: 881.43
White Women: 690.58

Now that that's all lined out: Let's say Women make up 50% of the total US population for all races. While not entirely accurate (since there are probably more Women than Men) it will be used to illustrate a point. And since I rounded down earlier on everyone's behalf I'll do the same here:

There are 319 million people in the US. 41,470,000 (13%) are Black. 26,95,550 (6.5%) are Men. That means that Black Men, 6.5% of the population committed 7,051.44 murders (51.53%).

Let me say that again. In a country with 319 MILLION PEOPLE, 6.5% of those people commit FIFTY-TWO PERCENT of all murde

>> No.9833811

yeah maybe because they're the vast majority of the country
try looking at percentages not totals dipshit

>> No.9833812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9833816

Pig went full fucking retard after I showed up :-)

tleast make uritself likable ya twat

>> No.9833822

>what is encounter rate
>what is arrest rate for violent crime
>what is a prosecution rate

kek whites get so angry when they realize minorities are excelling at a faster rate than them everyday

>> No.9833831

I'd extend the same advice to you my pigmentally challenged friend. Make sure you put some sunscreen on while you do it. I wouldn't want you to catch skin cancer while I make you look stupid.

>> No.9833832
File: 655 KB, 1000x4500, 1417674078080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excelling at killing themselves, which i am happy about

>tfw the nigger population of US will decline to 7% by 2050

In relation to murder:

In 2011, there were 9,485 MALE murder offenders. There were 1,138 FEMALE offenders. 3,925 were unknown. Women apparently commit murders at 11% the rate men do. 11% of the unknown 3,925 is 431. So let's just extrapolate:

Men committed ~12,978 murders and women committed ~1,569 in 2011.

Now, like you said, blacks make up ~13% of the US population.

In 2011 there were 5,486 Black murder offenders. There were 14,548 overall murder offenders in 2011 (NOTE THAT 256 OF THESE WERE OF "OTHER" IN TERMS OF RACE); this means that Blacks were a whopping 62.29% of all murder offenders! There were also 4,077 murders in 2011 where the race of the offender was unknown. 62% of 4077 is 2,527.74. Wow! Let's just call that 2,527 (I'm feeling generous). That means that the total Black murder offenders in 2011 was: 8,013.

Like I said up top; Women, over all, committed murder at a rate of 11%. So. That means that Black women make up 881.43 of all murder offenders in 2011. Black men make up 7051.44 of murder offenders.

Black Men: 7,051.44
White Men: 5,587.42
Black Women: 881.43
White Women: 690.58

Now that that's all lined out: Let's say Women make up 50% of the total US population for all races. While not entirely accurate (since there are probably more Women than Men) it will be used to illustrate a point. And since I rounded down earlier on everyone's behalf I'll do the same here:

There are 319 million people in the US. 41,470,000 (13%) are Black. 26,95,550 (6.5%) are Men. That means that Black Men, 6.5% of the population committed 7,051.44 murders (51.53%).

Let me say that again. In a country with 319 MILLION PEOPLE, 6.5% of those people commit FIFTY-TWO PERCENT of all murde

>> No.9833837

>no u
nice argument
spoiler: it isn't going to get better

>> No.9833839
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>> No.9833843

damn hehe

>> No.9833844
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>> No.9833847
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>> No.9833863

low quality bait.jpg

>> No.9833868
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>he doesn't get it

The Appalachian belt doesn't have the resources that inner cities do. At this very moment the NYPD has more officers patrolling 20 sq miles of land than any 400sq mile segment of Appalachia. You're far less likely to encounter police as you would in an urban metropolis. Add the fact that caucasians are already half as likely to get pulled over than their black counterparts in the US and we see why so many crimes go unnoticed.

>> No.9833879
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yeh you're right, the niggers who get arrested for murder and violent crimes dont actaully commit the crime, they're framed by the government, its a conspiracy to lock our good boys up!

its not that poor white areas dont commit crime, they do! in fact its an apoclyptic third world out there! they're raping, pillaging, killing one another but theres no police to stop it! of course its not that niggers commit more crime thus more police are required, its the OPPOSITE, niggers commit less crime so more police are needed to frame them! thank you tumblr, you've changed my life!

>> No.9833883
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>> No.9833893

im not even that guy but are you fucking dense?

Hes saying its shallow as fuck for you to 1. make a superficial judgement that something worn by somebody might not be understood culturally just because of skin color, which is racist as fuck. and 2. that claiming someone shouldn't be allowed to wear something from it or should even feel bad for it. Its authoritarian, and fascist.

>theres no such thing as assimilation and preservation at the same time
Another shallow speculation. Try reading a fucking book before you come here and just spew bullshit.

Your post is riddled with petty insults and deflection. not to mention "human being" a nebulous term for "whatever you agree with"

Sorry you get anally devastated when a white person wears Indian feathers for fun at Thanksgiving.

Is wearing neckties cultural appropriation? Have you ever worn a necktie?
They're Croatian in origin. I don't see you acknowledging that, you aren't even white! Shame on you for appropriating me. its literally rape!

again. try reading a fucking book and get the dick out of your ass and stop being a big fucking baby about everything, let alone how people dress. its just pathetic

>> No.9833940
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Great thread guys.
I'm black and from Africa but I don't really take cultural appropriation seriously, I just let white people feel creative while sporting something that they have had no positive influence in creating. I just find it funny that they get so offended with the word. If you dig the style, there's no shame in wearing it, just don't be a loser like most designers or artists and act like it's something you've discovered lol. And that's it

>> No.9834003

>When white boys start talking shit over the internet you know that there's no longer a chance for intelligent conversation.

Look man get back to me after your mom serves you some warm milk. I hear that calms you guys down.

>> No.9834060
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ya dude real constructive response i sure jus got told. my fav. part was where u didnt even argue.

Its probably not even you, just some other shitposter taking over. "cultural appropriation" is simply just no fun allowed authoritarians trying to patronize a bunch of minorities who don't want their help.

go waste time somewhere else dude really

>> No.9835712

I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying. I was trying to convey that what a lot of people see as "cultural appropriation" is really just one culture coming to be accepted within another culture.

I wasn't saying institutional racism doesn't exist. Heck, I wasn't even saying that racism on an individual level doesn't exist. All I said was that the people freaking out about cultural appropriation are preventing other cultures from being accepted as normal.

>> No.9835779

So white people trying hard not be racist are even more racist?

>> No.9835803

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Obviously, they think that what they're doing is right.

>> No.9835897

this is why you don't have gfs

>> No.9837128
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lmao, is that zizek?

>> No.9837161


looks like a skinny george r r martin

>> No.9837170

if you don't know who zizek is, it's decently important to read this and probably a book or two of his

>> No.9837174
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We know that white people are racists. They forget how racist they're half ass attempted of branching out are racist.

But who cares right? Madonna, Miley, and Justin are seen as cool when they steal gay and black culture. Their stealing (read: culture appropiation) is racism. When blacks and other marginalized engage in their culture, they're seen as unworthy.

I'm sorry whitey, but just because you don't attend KKK meeting and chant SAE anthems doesn't make your actions acceptable

>> No.9837178

Yeah, man. White people just made an exception for Asians. That's why they're all doctors now. Because we allowed it. Not because they worked hard, instead of whining about 'ur privoledge', and it paid off. White people just chose them to be the next race in line.

>> No.9837216

i cant respect him because he snorts too much when he talks though

>> No.9837219

zizek is a fucking joke

>> No.9837225

>gay culture
bugchasers out

>> No.9837242
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Who wants to stop us? The only reason whites even feel obligated to stoop down and help the swarthy is because we won the game of risk so overwhelmingly that we feel guilty for shitting all over the weaker civilizations of the world.

>> No.9837246

this thread is sophomoric and depressing. if you don't seriously study sociology or anthropology (that doesn't mean you have to study those fields in an academic setting) then you shouldn't even be posting. you're just going to shit up the discussion with entry-level ignorance.

it's like walking into a nuclear fission lab and telling folks they're doing it wrong because in remedial HS chemistry you learned a thing. qft.

>> No.9837253
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You're african culture was never marginalized in mass.

Minorities in white majorities are marginalized for their differences. Whites who adopt these differences are seen as avant garde and trend setters.

White people acted like they discovered the harlem shake, despite it being a popular dance for decades,

>> No.9837262

But proportionally, "blacks" have a higher percentage of poverty than white people do.

>> No.9837272

>White people acted like they discovered the harlem shake

there you go generalizing

you can't just lump all white people together

nor was it white-only. you don't think there were other ethnic demographics "discovering" the harlem shake when it became a meme?

>> No.9837273

Ur using race and ethnicity interchangeably. They are not.

>> No.9837294

Do you guys eat Chinese food and go "this doesn't belong to you chinaman.?

>> No.9837542

you've got it wrong kid, those weren't appropriated from dirty mexicoons, the paisley bandana is appropriated from Zoroastian persia.
try to work less on assumptions and more on curiosity

>> No.9837593

>Without white interference, it's more likely that Africans would have advanced faster due to easier access to major ancient libraries and universities.
holy shit

>the majority of high school dropouts in the USA aren't white.
holy shit

you can't be this dumb

coons btfo

>> No.9837645

when do you guys think the race war will happen?

>> No.9837722

It's gotten to the point where if I (white male) even so much as mention race or gender I am labeled as a bigot or sexist. The only way to acceptance is complete ignorance and removal of any "labels". I fucking hate PC social justice clowns.

>> No.9837730


>> No.9837756

short answer: no
cultural exchanges happen continuously and are a necessary part of social evolution. the pros are that you learn a new take on something you were already familiar with, or not. the cons are that you have to accept losing control over the way it will be assimilated by the host. that is mostly what some are afraid of: losing control of their image, their identity. It's actually a non-issue because they were never in control to begin with.
culture is obviously not limited to ethnicity or class btw.

>> No.9837762

>wah some people called me a name on the internet and it had no repercussions beyond that

you realize that POC are getting killed and locked up by cops rn. and dying of starvation because colonialism has stripped their nation of all resources and social structures. your little complaint can be addressed after we address the aforementioned shit.

fucking whiteys always making it about themselves.

>social justice is bullshit unless it accommodates my need to always be talking and voicing my opinion on every issue with just as much fervor as it attempts to save actual lives.

>> No.9837785
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>What's so hard about respecting each other's differences? When something get's assimilated, it loses it's meaning. Period. There is no such thing as assimilation and preservation at the same time. You can't have it both ways.
i agree

>> No.9837793

>you realize that POC are getting killed and locked up by cops rn. and dying of starvation because colonialism has stripped their nation of all resources and social structures. your little complaint can be addressed after we address the aforementioned shit.
why should a white male care? the people that demonize us are the same people who care about that shit.

>> No.9837809

You realize white people die too? You realize the conflict in the middle east is killing thousands probably into the millions by now? You realize that Africa is extremely rich in natural resources?

I'm not denying any issues, but the addressing of any of the core issues and roots of the problems is deemed racist if someone of euro descent even touches upon it.

>> No.9837828


>why should I care that people are suffering if I don't even get special cookies and pats on the back for it from some people

>why should I care that people are suffering

>why should I care

I can't give you the answer to that. You'll have to deal with your 15-year-old existential crisis by yourself and come up with your own set of values. That's the only meaningful way to come to answers about why you should care about anything.

But really, the "why should I care" question is not deep. It's not even shallow. If you get out of bed in the morning you're already answering it. You find a reason to do whatever you do during your day. Maybe you eat breakfast and go to some tolerable job. You find value in that or else you wouldn't do it. If you can find value in whatever it is you do with your day, you're going to tell me that you honestly can't find value in another human's life?

Because if that's the case, there's literally no point in continuing the conversation.

>> No.9837841


Yeah. No matter what you do there is going to be someone who will call you racist. So what? That's not a free pass from social responsibility.

Your ability to say something in public without being called a name and having no further repercussions than feeling slightly uncomfortable is not as important as the other issues that we're discussing. Because the other issues are life and death.

Yes, white people die too. All people will die eventually. That doesn't change the fact that some folks are dying prematurely from socially preventable causes at a disproportionate rate.

>> No.9837842

no, i don't. at least, not in certain people's lives. i care about the interests and prospects of my people, white people. i couldn't give a less of a shit if a cop kills some thug in the hood. i guess i do feel kind of bad for african kids, but not enough to care to do anything.

>> No.9837852

and what is it about white people that you care about? there are plenty of white thugs. there are plenty of white criminals. there are plenty of whites with any bad quality you could attribute to anyone.

so why are they the magical exception to your "i don't care about anyone" attitude

>> No.9837855

because they're the same as me. why should i not care about my own people? why should i care about a race that would want to see me and others like me exterminated?

>> No.9837856


thinking like this is based on a misunderstanding of history and anthropology. All cultures that exist today are amalgamations of previous cultures which have assimilated together. As cultures combine, new cultures emerge and splinter and this process repeats infinitely.

>> No.9837861

i'm glad i don't have a brain this bad

>> No.9837866

me too young, it's a scary world that's full of kids like this

>> No.9837873
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suck my ass

pic related

>> No.9837884

>why should i care about a race that would want to see me and others like me exterminated?
there are plenty of whites who think this too, and there are plenty of people of color who think the opposite.

can your viewpoint account for this?

if there is a single black person who thinks white people should succeed, then how can you locate the desire to exterminate white people inherently to blackness?

if there is a single white person who has traits that are different than yours, how do you account for that in your view that white people are the same as you?

>> No.9837887

itt: white fragility

>> No.9837888

you have the mind of kid
but thats an insult to kids actually

>> No.9837892

kardashev disagrees with you. again, you should stop working under the assumptions that you could be proven right if you just bothered to look into things but it's just a waste of time because you know you're right anyway ... why don't you reward your curiosity with research and let your studies surprise you rather than comfort you

>> No.9837894

culture isn't defined by race, bae

>> No.9837895

To call asian men actually men seems such an insult to the very idea of a man. Their puny limbs, small statues and their little clit-like sexual organs are so pathetic I just can’t even imagine how could any woman be attracted to those prepubescent boys. Maybe lesbians are attracted to asian men but for us straight girls who prefer real men, it’s just embarrassing.

Anyone who has ever compared the physiological features of a real man with that of an asian “man” can immediately recognize the disparities. Asian men tend to be hairless on their bodies, have very smooth skin like girls’, and have little-to-none muscle mass. Their bodies appear much more feminine compared to real men. Their puny little testicles are barely visible, not to mention their pathetic “penis” which honestly I don’t understand how anyone would not mistake it for a large clitoris.

And we all know gender is just a social construction and in many cultures, such in Thailand, Samoa and Solomon Islands (how interesting—all in Asia!), there indeed does exist such a concept as the third gender, and as our western society becomes more progressive, I think this will become much more accepted and those little asian “men” can be accepted as who they really are (so in some way this is humanitarian).

>> No.9837901

i like this post

>> No.9837906


is this copypasta?

>> No.9837911

Yes, and not the only one in this thread

>> No.9837916

>if there is a single black person who thinks white people should succeed, then how can you locate the desire to exterminate white people inherently to blackness?
can you show me this black person

>if there is a single white person who has traits that are different than yours, how do you account for that in your view that white people are the same as you?
there is one trait i'm looking for and it is not very difficult to find, guess what it is.

e r i c

>> No.9837938

what the FUCK does kardashev have to do with what i said.

>> No.9837941

take Phoenician culture for example. It hasn't remained a constant fixture protected by nationalism, but its combination and interaction with other cultures has created new cultures

>> No.9837950

Wait I thought bandannas were a race neutral thing? I know blacks wore them but isn't it a Wild West stereotype too? The bad guy in Westerns always wears a bandanna to cover his face, I just assumed that regular white guys probably wore them too, just for non-criminal purposes.

>> No.9838098


I can understand why a bunch of you pasty fucks are virgins

I mean, aside from your stick-thin figures and effay styles. Your lack of empathy, no, even your capacity to look at an argument from the other side, astounds me.

>> No.9838127
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mfw this thread is still here
mfw when idiots are biting any bait they lay eyes upon

>> No.9838158

It's only a problem if they where something of extreme moral significance of a certIn culture that they didn't achieve the status, right or position to wear.

Aside from that, it's fine as long as you don't start trying to claim it as your own.
>manlet japlet kid back in highschool always refers to chinese words as kanji, even when it's not used for japanese.
^thats when it's a problem

>> No.9838266

brainwashed cuck

>> No.9839210

spoon-feeding intellectual laziness:
we are a type 0 civ., getting closer to a type 1, a global, homogenized, monolithic, harmonized, unified, united civilisation. most experts agree.

culture can still be defined by the subgroup you choose to adhere to, be it based on work, habit, or whatnot, but cultural identity based on ecological provenance will be abolished, national identity a thing of the past , and so the process will not repeat infinitely as you suppose.
identity and culture will have less to do with what group you originate from and more about how and what you consume, kinda like what >>9837785 depics, a bland and inoffensive society.

>> No.9839232

This thread is fucking hilarious. I love how /pol/ has seeped into other boards.

>> No.9839242 [DELETED] 

Let's make this very clear:


Northern European culture is close to godliness, and is therefore the new world standard. Anything else is disgusting and nigger garbage.

>> No.9839267

>Fuck appropriation when UO does it, but white people just wearing "ethnic" things is fine

the problem is white people like you saying what is and isn't fine while being able to pick and choose from other people's cultures without paying thought to how they feel or what you're taking means to them

>> No.9839281

add your voice to the conversation m8 if you've got something you want to share.
right now it just sounds like you want us to acknowledge your presence but have nothing to say.
one of the reasons you can remain anonymous is so you can voice your opinion freely without being attacked on any other that what you said, not so you can circle-jerk aimlessly

>> No.9839387

that's not a real problem though, it's post modernist anxiety, in other words, a luxury you can afford if you have no pressing issues to face.

desperately looking for a way to belong to an oppressed group and get your existence validated through your perceived suffering only makes you look reactionary at best or insignificant at worst.

>> No.9839664

>the problem is white people like you saying what is and isn't fine
>that's not a real problem though
fucking white savages confirmed to be in need of total extermination

>> No.9839674

i know youre being le sarcasm meme but you accidently made a true post

>> No.9839722

white people just dont understand racism (i am white)

one day my black girlfriend said that reverse racism didnt exist. i was baffled, since i get nasty comments/looks from strangers (mostly homeless) black guys when i am out with her. i asked her how she could see it happen and say it doesnt happen.

she very patiently explained to me that racism is not feeling one persons personal prejudice; racism is knowing that the system itself is against you because of your race.

its hard to remember how she said it, but it was very poignant and stuck with me. cultural appropriation is an easy topic to portray as absurd, but i agree with the other anon that it has a lot to do with power. its not about a white person incorporating other styles into their wardrobe. its the fact that the rich white people identify those things, distill them to their core essence (thus removing all meaning), and then sell them for the lost unit cost possible

im rambling a bit, but my core point is that racism is a hard thing to understand when you legitimately do not experience it for yourself

>> No.9839726

>the problem is people being able to pick and choose from other people's cultures
that's not a problem

>> No.9839751

that's institutionalized racism, buddy. It's existence doesn't negate personally mediated racism though, and that's what you were the victim of. she might not be full of shit and you should tell her about the different form racism takes.

>Professor James M. Jones postulates three major types of racism: (i) Personally mediated, (ii) internalized, and (iii) institutionalized.[4]

Personally mediated racism includes the specific social attitudes inherent to racially prejudiced action (bigoted differential assumptions about abilities, motives, and the intentions of others according to), discrimination (the differential actions and behaviours towards others according to their race), stereotyping, commission, and omission (disrespect, suspicion, devaluation, and dehumanization).

>> No.9839875

'racism' is the discrimination of a race and absolutely nothing more or less.

>> No.9839929

nice true post

refreshing to see here


>> No.9839944


>rich white people

then that's a class issue, and not a race issue.

>> No.9839949

Your girlfriend's a retard who doesn't understand the difference between racism (any discrimination based on race) and institutional racism (what she described). Also there's no such thing as reverse racism. That's just racism.

>> No.9839983

>white people just dont understand racism (i am white)

oh, so that's what internalized racism looks like

>> No.9840144
File: 270 KB, 480x360, duckygivesadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, racism is a fucking joke, Asian/Native American here. My grandpa got blown by a B-32 my other grandpa died a unemployed alcoholic. But that has nothing to do with racism. Was it harder for me to get into college? Money-wise, yeah. Grade-wise, no. Got some pretty good grants. Did I fit in in school? Nah. Was getting a job hard? Nah. Not when you talk about feeding your siblings and make some sob story about how my life was total trash and I overcame adversity.

Racism stems from people bitching about how they can't be white. In reality they resent themselves and they blame it on another people. My dad was a shithead, but I remember watching riots on t.v. with him as a kid and him just shaking his head. He spent his teens firebombing places, saying fuck the whites, but in reality. This is the world you get. You can't blame people today for 300 years ago. You make good what you got. And you exploit what you don't.

>> No.9840172
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Furthermore. There are entire sects of white people who are still oppressed, sometimes more so than Blacks. Hillbillys across the Appalachians have met more adversity because they can't play the race card, they are poor as shit, and the moment they talk they get laughed out a room.

And then there are these asshole people who haven't lived my life and tell me to join them in hating white people or blaming the government. FUCK OFF. Just because I'm a minority doesn't mean I resent everyone. I'm sitting in my room studying 12 hours a day, I stopped drinking after senior summer of high school, I worked my ass off as a friendless loser. While you faggots squandered your opportunities and are sad you don't have rich white parents to babysit your ass. Yeah, that's life. People need to grow the fuck up and hustle hard. Because I had the opportunity to go to college. Real shit is some of my cousins staying home having to take care of their family because they are the sole income. But even then, they don't blame anyone, the only people they blame, are the ones that squander opportunity. But that is across all races.

>> No.9840200


welp. thats squalor. did you take the time to wash your clothes? do you care about anything?

then yes. your yellow hair is a joke. nothing more than a mockery. hate it bruh.

>> No.9840253
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I care about my family. I send 20% of my paychecks to them...

>> No.9840298

Cultural appropriation is an attempt to stop cultural blending that has been occurring for hundreds of years. It's naive bullshit from the white tower that should be ignored in its entirety.

>> No.9840306

srsly? i know. like i know i know. I AM it.

but still bruh living in a dark room and watching e4stern pr0mises is the only life we get.

clothes?! i can like wash them and iron them and they will still have balls and wrinkles on them. it has to do with the blood.

and the last time i cared i was robbed. it hurt.

ftw. fuck t3h world.

>> No.9840512
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White people in NA wouldn't eat without central and south America, and many European countries still rely on their African colonies to stay economically stable

>> No.9840522
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>This board

>> No.9840679
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>not dressing in the clothes of your own culture
Rotlaust tre fell.