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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 331 KB, 1107x930, florida_ref_2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9830866 No.9830866 [Reply] [Original]

How THE FUCK can you be /fa/ in Florida? It's 95+ degrees today and it's only going to get hotter. I can't even think about wearing more than one layer without sweating, and don't even get me started on my balls.

>> No.9830883

I'm in Alabama and I just don't stay outside very long and crank up the AC in my car a lot.

>> No.9830888

Florida: The Poor Man's California

Stay jelly, cuck

>> No.9830891
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Or I wear stuff like this.

>> No.9830894

That's what I do in between being outside and rushing inside, but sometimes I have no choice.

>> No.9830903

you 100% cannot except in miami

you've been warned

>> No.9831005

Let's say I was in Miami. What would I be wearing?

>> No.9831011

you're in high school aren't you

>> No.9831018

No I'm a freshman in college. What would make you think that?

>> No.9831134
File: 445 KB, 1929x2839, dIqoWVW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its not that bad here man. I wear a tshirt and jeans nearly everyday. Shits not that hot if you arent a fucking lard ass

get some cropped pants if you can rock em

>> No.9831540
File: 112 KB, 380x828, 1429292386349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear shorts

>> No.9831554

it makes so much sense that you're from florida

>> No.9831560

I'm from Chicago actually

I live down here during the school year and fly ASAP to Chicago when ever I can

>> No.9831582


>> No.9831590


>> No.9831594


>> No.9831607

Shorts like those don't work on everyone.

>> No.9831615


>> No.9831620

florida is honestly shit tier and shouldnt even be compared to california

>> No.9831636
File: 353 KB, 480x674, Screenshot_2015-05-11-23-56-34-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9831638

as a Floridian i can confirm this

>> No.9831639

that's literally not the daddy will sue you starter kit though.

>> No.9831659

i feel your pain m8. This dump just needs to sink already

>> No.9831692

good GOD. america wins. so f$$$$ hard.

so win.
so win.

>> No.9831708

Linen and cuffing pants to get some breeze in them.

You should also work out and get some muscle. You won't be /fa/ in a hot climate, but you'll look good if you do it right. Being /fa/ isn't a good thing anyway.

>> No.9831758


I have lived in CA and currently rot in this sordid existence as a FL resident.
Yes. This is correct.

>> No.9831781

For your balls, sprinkle a little gold bond powder on there in the morning. Not the blue stuff, the gold stuff. Its like a a sunset tropical breeze on your balls all day and the best part is, no swamp balls.

>> No.9831905

I'm from Kentucky and living in Florida was worse than here. It really is the most overrated state in the country.

>> No.9831911

I like turning up in Panama City during spring break but that state is shit.

>> No.9831990
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>> No.9832200

ayy lmao

>> No.9832287

I live in fort Myers (southish) and I run 6 miles during the hottest part of everyday. I can wear a jacket, t-shirt, and pants every day and feel perfect. It may be due to the fact I have poor circulation, and am always cold.. but still, get your heat tolerance up.
Also I've got a shit load of linen blend jeans or heat resistance tech pants and stuff, up yo engineered garment game.

>> No.9832293

Brand recommendations?

>> No.9832302

i was legit thinking that when i saw that post.

>> No.9832337

Not that anon but the outfit you posted is typical high schoolercore in California, it also extends to this board though

>> No.9832350
File: 42 KB, 381x555, Asian summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Daytona Beach once. Loved it, but it rains a lot and is super humid. BallsDrenchedInSweat/10

To OP, Wear summer clothes dumbfuck.

>> No.9832381

Gotcha. Yah it's common but I gotta wear stuff like this on really really hot days.

>> No.9832389

Is looking like a faggot part of your plan?

>> No.9832393
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, and so it begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of Course!

>> No.9832423
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, d1ys5BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations! You're dressed as a faggot. now what's the next step in your master plan!?

>> No.9832428
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baneposting this thread.......................


>> No.9832457


>> No.9832465

great post.

>> No.9832483

Burgerfats literally being cucked by the weather

Strife cunts it's barely 35 and you're moaning. Barely warm enough to justify going to the billabong instead of enjoying a Billy at the shed

>> No.9832506

I live in South Forida and I've never had a problem wearing t shirts and cropped trousers every day. I don't ever show my legs unless I'm going to the beach

It obviously gets hot but if you aren't going running/swimming/camping out during the day you should be able to wear whatever you want and be fine

>> No.9832642

I'm moving to Boaz any /fa shops?

>> No.9832649

I'm moving to Boaz any \fa shops?

>> No.9832840

I just go full on winter cloths, leather jacket / pants military boots, fingerless gloves, ski mask. All black of course. While I have my iphone blastin dragon force with my beats by Dr. Dre. Mother fuckers go swole over my bling.

Fuck the sun

>> No.9832902
File: 63 KB, 720x602, 1424676577282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy linen you dumb fuck. Also shorts, invest pretty much exclusively into shorts with a few chinos here and there. Put your shitty selvedge denim in storage until January when it hits a frigid 55 degrees. For footwear, lightweight runners, espadrilles, desert boots, and birks are your best bet.

I've lived in Florida for a while and this is the only way to get by unless you wanna kill yourself from having a heat stroke..

>> No.9832924

why oh why did that damn meme have to gain so much traction? of all of those starter kits, why did the lamest one have to get most referenced?

>> No.9832990

I'm moving to Boaz any |fa shops?

>> No.9832999

w2c socks

>> No.9833006

w2c shirt

>> No.9833026

Miami beach fag here, just wear shorts and a tshirt for most things

>> No.9833040

Hey fucker where you at
29th and nolana

>> No.9833071

matthew miller last year

>> No.9834422

Nope. Shop online.


>> No.9835421

fgcu fag confirmed

>> No.9836132

Sorry that florida is all flat land and longboards are decent for transposrtation???

>> No.9836430

North Florida and Central Florida are shit. But South Florida blows Cali out of the fucking water.

>no income tax
>no commie laws
>beaches are infinitely better (unless you're a surfer who needs dirty Pacific waves)
>cuban women over mexican women
>better architecture
>Art Basel
>best Wynwood street artists
>no quakes
>actual sports teams that exist and win (what happened to the Raiders again?)
>art scene and fashion scene are more authentic than the expired and commercialized Hollywood film culture
>better clubs and dance festivals
>South Beach has the GOAT fashion shops including Yohji and Tricky Ricky

Honestly, Texas is the only one that offers competition. Cali is overrated as fuck.

>> No.9836447

Get a load of this guy. Wait until July, and I can't wait to see you drenched in sweat. It's not real summer yet.

OP, winter is the only time you can be /fa/ down here. Layering and "comfy" clothing doesn't exist here. Especially if it's goof ninja shiit. You'll have to go full Aussie and wear some trunks with sandals.

>> No.9836456

i enjoyed this post

>> No.9836660

Fuck you look like a retard

>> No.9837015

w2c tee?

>> No.9837338


>> No.9837352
File: 58 KB, 541x745, eq5BG77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I moved to Florida I stopped trying to dress effay, and just wore light and breathable clothes from brands like under armor (blech)

The exception is when I go to movies, galas, or events where I'm going to be inside for long periods of time.

>> No.9837357

People dont give Texas enough credit. Austin and Houston both have companies pouring in from california, anything is available here, plus we don't have draconian laws.

>> No.9837367


Agreed Houston & Austin are v. dope. That guy saying Florida is comparable to Cali is a complete autist that was probably educated in his shitty state.

>> No.9837505
File: 93 KB, 640x640, 1429719480520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you kids look the same.
let that breeze hit a nigga like woooooosh
and boots for stomping face. (of any race, chill)

>> No.9837589

No need to get assblasted over truth. You can leave Commiefornia any day! I'll be hoping you won't get decapitated by a border hopper with no means of self defense.

>> No.9837591

>>actual sports teams that exist and win

>> No.9837754
