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File: 528 KB, 1400x2325, Stella-Artois-copo-e-garrafa_1-e1358888588550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9808705 No.9808705 [Reply] [Original]

most /fa/ alcoholic beverage?
pic related

>> No.9808717

as far as beer goes, i agree

>> No.9808723

for widely available beer, I guess stella is the least trashy. Just explore crafts, it's not like they break the bank.

As far as cocktails go, I like negroni's and gin & tonics. Dunno if it's /fa/ but they taste good so there's that.

>> No.9808740

How tf do u drink beer and still be skinny /fa/

What is the lowest calorie alcohol? Vodka?

>> No.9808749


Vodka, whiskey

>> No.9808755

I also enjoy drinking piss

>> No.9808759
File: 506 KB, 492x488, Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 12.16.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808768

>Not drinking best beer
Don't drink your ass off and exercise.
Besides, getting sloppy drunk isn't /fa/.
Vodka probably is the lowest calorie, yeah.

>> No.9808773
File: 19 KB, 305x400, delirium-tremens-beer-21351153[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot pic
Yeah, I'm an idiot too.

>> No.9808774
File: 2.47 MB, 1945x2219, Simcoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to have a beer, have a BEER

don't be a fuckin poser

that said, if you're going to be a faggot, at least get some good craft beer that might half justify your pretension

I don't know about which ones are "more effay" but the richer the color the better as far as appearance goes. should also be cloudy/translucent.

pic related: beer for faggots, but at least they're not as lame as you, OP

>> No.9808791

most /fa/ bottle design

>> No.9808802
File: 139 KB, 950x600, 20101201_Heineken_Launch_Iconic_Bottle-950x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808809
File: 112 KB, 605x1000, vecchia-romagna-black-brandy-700ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808845
File: 29 KB, 659x275, tasty drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know when you were a little kid and tried beer for the first time and thought it was disgusting? Whenever I drink stella artois it's like I'm reliving that moment

>> No.9808861

alcohol is so context-specific

like if it's a barbecue with ur m8s, then bring the best cheap beer and a cider for ur girl.

if ur at the pub, something on tap, local taps are usually good where i'm from

if it's late, whiskey or shots or something

and then wine, goddamn i forgot wine. so many times for wine.

this question is like asking what the most /fa/ jacket is. niqqa what's the weather like???

>> No.9808865
File: 193 KB, 926x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If rap music taught me one thing it's that this is the most /fa/

>> No.9808906

That's not a Corona, tho.

>> No.9808909

lol i stole one of these glasses from a bar once. fuckin shitty bartender

>> No.9808913
File: 28 KB, 245x550, viinitie.fi_bier-flasche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german bier is effay af

>> No.9808939
File: 14 KB, 340x375, oe_800_40oz__large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are 40 oz /fa/. I'm thinking about buying a few this weekend.

>> No.9808964
File: 175 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-6-15 at 3.01 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the west coast
literally belgian budwieser sold to americans as a "premium." piss.

pic related: superior east coast lager

>> No.9808969


you fucking kidding me?
stella actatwat

>> No.9808990

gin is lowest.

>> No.9808995 [DELETED] 

>stella actatwat
Maybe it Britbong Chavistan.

>> No.9809007


>> No.9809039

Maybe in Britbong Chavistan.

In America, wifebeaters love PBR/Miller/Budweiser/Corona

>> No.9809044
File: 58 KB, 900x900, Fernet_Branca_1L_51d551ef76460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9809046
File: 40 KB, 376x600, 10562288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a plebs. one bottle costs around 180€ here.

>> No.9809059

alcohol is lame

i will drink with a few certain select friends but only out of ritual

but generally, alcohol is the least /fa/ thing ever

smoke weed or something lol

>> No.9809068

>it is expensive so it must be good
Simple person

>> No.9809071
File: 95 KB, 600x604, braindamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls alcohol lame
>Recommends the lamest drug on the planet

>> No.9809073

My nigga

>> No.9809080
File: 43 KB, 500x650, averagestoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weed more /fa/ than alcohol


>> No.9809082

smoking weed is okay, weed culture is certainly not /fa/ though

>> No.9809096

this is really good at curing strep throat tbh

>> No.9809110
File: 975 KB, 450x253, 1415879389863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay lmao, I live 5 km from the brewery that brews those :^)

>literally belgian budwieser sold to americans as a "premium." piss.
this is somewhat true, I wouldn't call it piss though, there's much worse beers and it's still a few miles ahead of budweiser, but it has become a mass produced beer for export since a few years ago
>tfw you remember the days when Stella was served in a normal glass, not one with a fancy golden edge

>implying €180 is a lot for a bottle of champagne
back to wealthcore threads you go

just kill yourself already

>> No.9809112

fernet sucks they give that shit away at a bar by my apt

>> No.9809122

lol weed lol
weed lol weed
lol weed lol

>> No.9809125


>> No.9809126

Where do you live I'd love free Fernet.

>> No.9809129


>> No.9809130

Same can be said about alcohol.

Having a drink or two by itself is okay, "PARTY HARD BROOOOOOOOOOOO" binge drinking culture isn't.

>> No.9809131

my niggas

>> No.9809143

In the UK it's a chav drink. Most people call it "wifebeater".

>> No.9809148
File: 157 KB, 596x872, tripel_hop_2015_1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic obviously related

>> No.9809175
File: 27 KB, 323x350, Guinness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys serious? Guinness is well known for being the best of the macro brews. I heard good things about Corona for lager but I'm sceptical.

Artisan beers will obviously be better since they use better ingredients but guinness is the best simple beer by far. Beer enthusiasts always say its what they have if they're on holiday or whatever and there is no real ale or craft.

>> No.9809232
File: 37 KB, 450x270, del-tremens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the delirium tremens keg is the best looking keg around.

>> No.9809240
File: 2.74 MB, 367x1398, 85731bmavnuelfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9809248

least calories, vodka

>> No.9809249

I'm Irish and I disagree.

>> No.9809259
File: 61 KB, 500x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha!! Fucking faggot

>> No.9809264
File: 145 KB, 500x1000, 931920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9809281

Craft beer is godly. It is just like fashion, at the start you don't understand it and turn your nose at it but then you dig a little bit and immerse yourself in the hole, suddenly you fall in the rabbit hole and there is no way back or out.

>> No.9809283

palewave bro

>> No.9809357

hahaha what the fuck i wrong with you how can you think stella is cool?

it's literally nicknamed wifebeater

pretty much everything in this thread is poser tier

drink whatever you like the taste of

>> No.9809374

The only answer is absinthe.
Everything else is for plebs.

>> No.9809402

That nickname only applies in Britbong Chavistan.

In the US, wife beaters drink Budweiser, Millet, Coors, PBR, or Corona.

>> No.9809404

Think about it, not common enough or as cheap as other drinks, has a nice natural green color, has this weird foreign european vibe to it, and it isn't one of those fruity tootie bitch drinks either.

Also, average absinthe alchohol percentage is around 65, so niggers can't really say it's for pussy lightweights.

>> No.9809412


15 year olds detected

>> No.9809413

I like craft beer but hate the term "craft beer" beer and what it entails

there is just as much shitty craft brewery's as there are shitty big brewery's and they're all in it for nothing but money

>> No.9809421
File: 44 KB, 600x399, hendricks-and-tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else is feg

>> No.9809446

fucking this

>> No.9809448

agreed, but hendricks is faggier than beefeater when it comes to gin

>> No.9809454

Stella is wifebeater beer in the UK. Try again.

>> No.9809457

Dude, what could possibly be faggier than something literally called "beefeater"
All joking aside, though, hendricks is way better.

>> No.9809462

I just drink spirits. Beer is either to look like an average joe or to be a massive faggot and rave about microbrews.

>> No.9809523
File: 18 KB, 360x360, pobrane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no zywiec piwo

>> No.9809528


>> No.9809590
File: 65 KB, 800x600, pliny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9809605

>Being this much of a faggot.

>> No.9809611


>> No.9809622

guiness outside of ireland is literal shit

source: irish

>> No.9809641
File: 32 KB, 480x640, Budweiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a midwestern honkey, but it tastes good.

>> No.9809643

guiness tastes boring and sort of metallic

I'd rather have a shit american pilsner than a guinness tbh

>> No.9809653

It ain't even the best of the mass produced polish beers. If I don't have access to any craft beer (though they have them in nearly every local shop) I go for Perla.

>> No.9809657

It's the american version? Compared to the czech one it's literall piss

>> No.9809698


(And no, it doesn't, filthy pleb)

>> No.9809774

Probably not incredibly fah, but Stiegl is really good

>> No.9809908

Drunken hillbillies and swill-guzzling frat boys aren't the /fa/ side of alcohol

>> No.9809912

/ck/ here you are all massive plebs who know literally nothing about good beer or liquor

>> No.9809915

Enlighten us please.

>> No.9809924

tastes sour, like vomit sour

>> No.9809955

Pimms m8
My favourite drink of all time

>> No.9810004

they're breddy gud

>> No.9810046

outside of ireland Guinness is brewed in Canada.

>> No.9810395
File: 30 KB, 492x492, tumblr_lbrctamdKU1qakev8o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste

>> No.9810409

>tfw I only drink cider

am I a faggot

>> No.9810432
File: 315 KB, 940x540, lonestar beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9810437

Weed is lame and is for losers, common knowledge. If you are going to do drugs do cocaine or if in the right place then psychedelics. But as a rule of thumb cocaine is good for all occasions, best drug on the planet I swear.

>> No.9810442

why does everyone say it's overrated?

>> No.9810449

Either they are buying baking soda with a hint of cocaine or aren't using enough. First time I tried it I thought it was overrated, but I only had a small amount. Like half an hour later did a full line and that's when I realized it truly is the greatest drug on earth.

>> No.9810462

Hmm. Would being in a port city up the chances of getting good coke?

>> No.9810468

how does it differ from another stimulant like amphetamine

>> No.9810478


>> No.9810479

no. It is on the gulf of Mexico.

>> No.9810492

I really wouldn't know, I'd expect it would depend on which coast. Where I live the only good coke is in the capital, elsewhere its absolute shit.

>> No.9810503

Scotch is obviously the most effay.

>> No.9810507

>tfw heart arrhythmia
>tfw I can never experience uppers

>> No.9810612

they don't call him einstein for nothing

>> No.9810652

This is exactly like Whataburger...

Nasty shit that Texans rope gullible outsiders into buying.

>> No.9810663

Whataburger is good though.

>> No.9810666

Stella makes a cider, it's pretty good.

Definitely more /fa/ than Angry Orchard/Strongbow/any of the other ones that feel the need to say "CIDER IS MANLY BRO"

>> No.9810669
File: 143 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9810674

The ones I had food from in Houston were all nasty as hell.

>> No.9810811

but i'm texan born and raised and i love whataburger and lonestar

try the ones around montrose, rice village, the heights, anywhere downtown

>> No.9810992

I've never been able to acquire the taste for lager, so I drink cider only, mostly Koppabergs or Brothers.
My mates give me shit for it all the time though, is this just a UK thing?

>> No.9811093

Nah, cunts over here in the US will give you shit for being a dude and liking cider.

>> No.9811199

it really depens on personal styel and occasion

i would go for

a pilsner or lager
whiskey in the rocks
>with the lads having a good time
black russian
>drowning your sorrows
tequila or vodka and Ty Segall at full volume

>> No.9811212

weed is the trashiest and plebiest thing on earth, its like the symbol of being a pleb who wears tapout shirts while listening to some shitty rapper

>tfw you have to smoke pot on parties to dont look like an idiot

>> No.9811221

>but it tastes good.
drinking pss isnt effay, damn, even corona tastes better than that shit, that is Tecate tier

would not even serve to my worst enemy

>> No.9811240
File: 123 KB, 800x518, sapporo-premium-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking sapporo

>> No.9811261

40+OJ is actually not bad at all. I cant stand 40 on its own after about half though

>> No.9811324
File: 57 KB, 550x801, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best, I wish I could drink without getting totally trashed every once in a while though.

>> No.9811558

Beer is low class and will never be effay

>> No.9811579
File: 82 KB, 409x516, rum-chairmans-reserved-spiced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite spiced rum
Give it a go sometime

>> No.9811593

It's a shame German beer is horrible piss water.

>> No.9811627

As far as beer goes, the most /fa/ is absolutely Asahi.

Absinthe for spirits.

>> No.9811632
File: 44 KB, 396x385, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


say that to my face

>> No.9811648

Post face and I will.

>> No.9811679
File: 115 KB, 467x610, cervejas-gourmet-la-trappe-quadrupel-9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw you remember the days when Stella was served in a normal glass, not one with a fancy golden edge

topkek, they still serve it in normal glasses round here. Guess you only hang out in tourist traps.

Overrated garbage. If you want truly hoppy beers, look into special beers like Troubadour Magma or Hopsinjoor. You're a victim of the moortgat propaganda. You think vedett is a good pils beer too right?


Agreed, shame they're marketing it to women these days. (Baby blue label, those abominations with radler mixed in). If you're into witbier check out La Trappe Witte Trappist.

And finally, pic related is the greatest beer in this thread.

>> No.9812032


This. Love a Hendricks G&T

>> No.9812077
File: 1.10 MB, 750x2000, tsingtao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap and Chinese, in line with /fa/s taste.

>> No.9812091

Quadruppel is delicious
However Rochefort is really good too

>> No.9812093

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.9812103
File: 739 KB, 1237x1600, Erdinger-bottle-glass_RMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is dirt, only just back from China though and it's the best of the worst over there.
pic related is personal favourite.

>> No.9812106

you are the worst trip this board has m8

>> No.9812148


you want a lil piece of lime with that? maybe som uggs too? I would offer you a tacky protection case for your iphone, but you prolly already have one

>> No.9812151

fernet & cola is the true and only gentleman drink

>> No.9812154
File: 79 KB, 640x400, belgium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh nigga.

Despite the hype, De Struise Brouwers and Cantillon have some good shit.
Though I wanna get into saisons more since I tasted one, any suggestions?

>> No.9812284
File: 3.71 MB, 2035x1657, Bintang_Beer_by_the_Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>travelling Indonesia
>the only beer they have is this pile of shit

at least it's cheap but it's pretty much an institution out there

>> No.9812323

Made in my hometown so I must agree it's pretty /fa/. A regular old duvel is still the best beer in the world though.

>> No.9812742

mein neger

>> No.9812746

>Ty Segall
You know this

>> No.9812770

>tfw got too wasted one time and now I can't do shots or drink spirits neat any more

my body just rejects it

>> No.9812773


Leuven represent

>> No.9812776

>Though I wanna get into saisons more

I think Geuze is the way to go eventually.

>> No.9813172

Reee hasn't posted in this thread though...

>> No.9813175

Ree killed herself.

>> No.9813185

German beer isn't nasty pisswater.

That title is reserved for American and Mexican'tmakeanygoodalcoholbesidestequila beers.

>> No.9813196
File: 11 KB, 367x367, ayylmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9813203

threads like these just me remind me that the average /fa/ poster is that edgier-than-thou friend who tries to one up you no matter what youre discussing

>> No.9813221

i would go with swing top, they so comfy to drink too

>> No.9813224
File: 20 KB, 340x240, 1897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9813646

they taste like shit and are literally povertycore. i puke every time i finish one lmao.

like >>9811261 said brass monkeys are actually pretty delicious but 40s get easier to drink the drunker you get. oj + 40 is easy to drink off the bat.

source: college student with potential alcoholism

>> No.9813739

all those posts are like the nike and adidas of the alcoholic beverages
Bravo /fa/ i wasn't expected anything more from u friends.

>> No.9813832

Wrong. Tequila is the lowest

>> No.9813856

100 kcal per shot.....

>> No.9813874

But you look like an idiot, just say you don't like weed. I do it all the time and people don't give me shit about it beyond asking me why, to which I will reply that I don't like its effects. I tend to enjoy drugs that make me euphoric and energetic because I am a very phlegmatic calm person and weed just makes me want to sleep.

>> No.9813879

I've always wanted to get into spiced rum, how do you drink it? Do you mix it with something, take shots or on the rocks?

>> No.9813903

Fuck pills and MDMA lmao. Dancing alone while your jaw swings around with a mind of it's own is not 'effay'.

>> No.9813905

why? did i offend your pothead persona? stoners are such the whiney pussies

gotta get those tough melted while standing on the station

>muh song references

this, even for mexicans this is the lowest in terms of socially acceptable spirits, then there is mezcal

yeah but weed is like a social standard here, its like saying no to a cold beer

if starting start with cuba libres, ice, rum and cola, then, as whiskey, if you can handle the punch you can drink it in the rocks, usually the only thing you can drink in shots is vodka and tequila

>> No.9813930

Take it with a sparkling orange drink.

>> No.9813953
File: 727 KB, 1343x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G&T is the GOAT. My preferred gin of choice is either Plymouth or (if I'm feeling rich) Monkey 47.

>> No.9813954

If you lower the dosage you don't turn into a complete maniac. Anyways my drug of choice is coke.

It is also a social standard where I live, hell all my friends do it. If you don't like it don't feel forced to do it, just don't have a holier than thou attitude about it.

>> No.9813966

I've always thought that if you can't have a laugh with just getting drunk then you need to reevalate yourself. I never stop people from taking drugs though. If they want to take them then that's fine by me

>> No.9813989

have a single cheeky stella with lunch every now and then
straight vodka or orange juice or pomegranate juice with vodka
weed is boring no need to have a personal vendetta against it
yeah this is pretty nice
interestingly enough my friends from mexico city seem to hold mezcal in rather high regard

>> No.9814006

yeah, its like the last resource in all parties, Tony cant miss any party with more than 5 people, but still, it really depens on what kind of people you drink with, usually students from literature and stuff like that start witha mezcal and weed then go for some cases of beer

my friends and i usually end up buying like 2 bottle of Tony or Rancho Escondido at 3am, sometimes we get so drunk that we forget about them and cure the hangover with it

>> No.9814032

meme drink

>> No.9814038

I kinda agree with you, I drink all the time and only do coke like once very three months or so. But on the other hand people who do weed and other drugs rather than drink give some good arguments for not drinking, and some outright don't like how alcohol tastes. You know different strokes for different folks and all. But I do think that alcohol is the best way to lose your mind for a while.

>> No.9814056

tryhard faggot detected

>> No.9814105


>> No.9814156
File: 615 KB, 1224x1632, Perrier_-_750_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a gin drink - instead of tonic, I used mineral water.

Shit tastes great - I feel like you can taste the gin botanicals better.

>> No.9814311
File: 26 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT coming through.

>> No.9814368

Estrogen liquid is not /fa/.

Red wine or nothing.

>> No.9814383

*tips fedora*

>> No.9814390

Stella is low tier, anon.

>> No.9814403
File: 154 KB, 410x410, PBR-PBR-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you can deny it all you want, but pic related is the most effay.

>> No.9814441

>Americans trying to argue that stella isn't for complete wasters

>> No.9814669

>not brewing your own beer
get out of my sight plebs

>> No.9815461

I don't like alcohol or drugs. I don't like the taste, I don't like the loss of control, I don't like the immediate aftereffects. I don't like the stupid, waspy feeling you get from weed. I don't like the loss of control and sensation you get from wine. I like being in control of my mind and body and feel horrific when I'm not.

I'm sick of people treating me like I'm a child because I don't want to get wasted every fucking night at college.

>Well, what do you do for fun, anon? I bet you just stay home and play videogames, you big loser!

Nope! Guess what, the world fucking opens up after you leave the bar or your stoner friends house! I go to the libraries, the museum, and the beach. I go to festivals, I go to flea markets, and I go to used book stores. Bowling, the arcade, shopping, the mall, the movies; so many great alternatives to a shitty fucking club. Instead of a night of drinking, I bought a Zoo Pass for seventy bucks. Whenever I fucking want, I go and chill out with fucking elephants and giraffes. Have you ever done that? Just gone to the zoo with a friend on a weekend night? Just enjoy the night sky, with your own thoughts and feelings? Just talked to someone about life as you watched monkeys swing trees? No, you haven't, because all you do is spend your nights at an overly-congested watering hole sapping away brain cells and ruining your liver like a thoughtless sheep. You will never be as free as me

>> No.9815469

lmao look at this nerd

>> No.9815498


>this loser doesn't drink or do drugs

Hahaha faggot virgin cocksucker loser piece of fucking shit, i fucking hate losers like you fucking drop the fuck dead fagboy

>> No.9815537

I'd like to say slivovitz but I know it's enjoyed by everyone in East Europe (can only fucking find it in one shop in sydney fuck, no one even knows what this awesome thing is)

>> No.9815545

>in china
>not drinking the superior local brew, aka the spirits.
>not breaking out the moutai
How does it feel to be shit

>> No.9815642

jaja, no se si algo que mezclas con coca es tan /fa/

>> No.9815677

That's nice honey.

>> No.9815686

had you at about 6.5/10 before the last paragraph

0/10 m8 better luck next time

>> No.9815699
File: 43 KB, 447x1050, 105945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /vermouth/ here?

>> No.9815763

Jack Daniels. Honey Tennessee. That is all.

>> No.9815788

>in china
>not drinking Red Star brand baijiu

>> No.9815799

yah, dece trolling at first. last bit went completely downhill though

>> No.9815807

i was waiting for someone to post this, i'd kill to be able to get that in Australia

>> No.9815809

Are you a white girl?

>> No.9815939

true tbh

>> No.9817713

lad detected

>> No.9817728

you're a meme

>> No.9817754

jaja nose eh, por ahi tenes razon, yo pienso que un wisky bien añejo es mas /fa/

>> No.9817788

if the country the beer is made in refuses to drink the beer, its shit. ya pleb.

>> No.9817799
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>> No.9817800

literally the shittiest of the expensive champaigns. Drink Dom for less.
No. It's complete trash.
Fuck gallo though, goddamn. Dolan for a bit more is 100x better.

>> No.9817822

stella 4 is girlfriend beater

>> No.9817837

can u smoke cigs at the zoo

>> No.9817865


literal children in here

>> No.9817869

Belgians refuse to drink Stella not because it's bad, but because they're whiny cunts about Stella Artois being marketed to Americans as French, when most of the people in the US can't even find Belgium on a map. (Even if it's clearly labeled.)

>> No.9817875

Why not just piss in your own mouth while you have a handful of copper in it.

>> No.9817882

In America it isn't.

Wasters here buy canned Budweiser/Miller/Coors/PBR

>> No.9820046


>God Tier
Samuel Smiths

>High Tier
Timothy Taylors
Brew by Numbers
Tiny Rebel

>Good Tier
Four Pure
St. Peters

>Meh Tier
Windsor & Eton

>Bad tier
Greene King
John Smiths
Innis & Gunn
Southwark Brewing Co.

>> No.9820056

>not having wye valley brewery in god tier
stay untermensch

>> No.9820374

out of all dutch beers, heineken is the absolute worst

>> No.9820405


It's only for wasters in the britbong nation of islam. Everywhere else it's viewed from being a solid pils beer up to being an exclusive luxury beer. I just see it for hat it is, a decent pils beer albeit a bit sugary.

>> No.9820415

>I bought a Zoo Pass for seventy bucks. Whenever I fucking want, I go and chill out with fucking elephants and giraffes.

Speciesist asshole. I bet you like animal exploitation right? Go and "chill" with the incarcerated animals all you like. Does their lack of personal freedom amuse you?

At least the rest of humanity knows to have a good night out without repressing and exploiting animals.

>> No.9820424


Implying Belgians don't drink stella. It's only the dumb fuck soccer fans that "only drink jupiler from a bottle, it's much better man". Pils is Pils, grow the fuck up.

>> No.9820813

>no bath ales

>> No.9820929


>> No.9820958

My favorite beer on tap is called Kilt Lifter.

But it's a local brew.

My favorite walmart beer is miller fortune.

>> No.9820982
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>buying ambev beer
>DRINKING ambev beer

>> No.9820994


>> No.9821033

most intelligent and articulate post i read all day.

>> No.9821061

supporting local people that make traditional beverages is /fa/
so, rakia is the most /fa/

>> No.9821083

Original anon here if you're going to be bitches about spirits at least drink fucking fenjiu.

>> No.9821134
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Fuck this black bile. Used to drink so much of this when I was 17/18.

>> No.9822258
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obvious choice

>> No.9822299
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Its like you guys don't want to get boosted by your whiskey

>> No.9822662

>That guy who shits on everything posted and acts superior despite not posting anything himself

wow I really am on fah :DDDD

>> No.9822852

Stella smells like urine
Drink Real Ale or Old Style...only decent beer on earth

>> No.9823486

What is it? Kind of similar to rakia, being from that region?

Used to drink this and Sailor Jerry all the time when I was partying a lot. I tend to stick to vodka and various juices these days if I'm partying because dr pepper, coke, other pops that I mix with rum tend to give me a bad hangover.

>> No.9823640

the only reason to drink whiskey is for the aesthetic glass bottle it comes in.

>> No.9824287

Would go in good tier.

>> No.9824295


>calling it ambev

it's inbev, samefag moron.

>> No.9824307
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karhu is great beer and /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9824318

rum and coke....and coke

>> No.9824337

perkele saatana isäm maa

>> No.9824366
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>still drinking anything other than wine
>being this much of a faggot

>> No.9824581
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Easily the most /fa/ beer of Berlin and Germany.

>> No.9824589
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>> No.9824717

fay is drinking water to counteract the mdma you popped/snorted to make this shitty party/product launch/group brunch bearable.

>> No.9824855
File: 115 KB, 683x1024, Club-mate-flaschen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also that

>> No.9824882

lol no
fuck sterni

>> No.9824967
File: 105 KB, 645x900, Rochefort_10_trappist_beer_900.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>best beer
>not Rochefort

Don't get it twisted son. Trappe is great too though. I prefer my beer brewed by monks I guess.

Best non-beer drink is objectively an Old Fashioned.

>> No.9825001
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Real men drink Aquavit.

>> No.9825079

ewww thoose hands

>> No.9825140


>> No.9825378

mein neger

>> No.9825565
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I actually prefer pic related, but you have to admit that Sterni is what /fa/ would drink if they were german. It's not the tastiest beer, but you can get it everywhere and the botte cap is iconic.

And lets not forget Club-Mate, didnt mention it because its not alcoholic. But it's very popular with many young party-goers and geeks.

>> No.9825631
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Went to Puerto Rico and fell in love with this stuff. Tastes like fresh Italian bread, going down.

>> No.9825669
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>> No.9826070

fratboy tier

>> No.9826189


"Son", La Trappe is an official trappist beer. Meaning it's not only brewed by the monks but on the actual ground of the abbey.

So before you come and "school" me, get your facts straight.