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/fa/ - Fashion

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9811902 No.9811902 [Reply] [Original]

How come most 4chan boards are associated with elitism and semi-obscure tastes while /fa/ is the fucking bottom of the pleb barrel?

>> No.9811913

Might have to do with the fact that fashion isnt as accessible as music and literature. You can pirate music and books. Can't really say the same for clothes.

>> No.9811918

>elitism and semi-obscure tastes
that's pretty much /fa/ in a nutshell too bud must be an off night, check that archive cause I assure you this board has just as many autistic nerds arguing about trivial shit that every other 4chan board does

>> No.9811926

Do you think having an interest in clothes requires a physical interaction with them? While it may not be as rewarding there are plenty of people who discuss and follow fashion that don't buy much of it, but enjoy the consumption of fashion related content nonetheless.

Yeah I'm well aware that there are some good discussions going on, but when that discussion is less than 5% of what is actually posted here then there is something wrong.

The fact that I can search someone like 'Craig Green' in the archive, one of the most talked about new designers in the past few years and get barely anything is pathetic.

>> No.9811936


Do have a point, probably due to the nature of all the fuccboi/what are you wearing/streetwear/sneaker/etc thread which just a glance at who is posting in should reveal to anyone it's all highschool kids trying to be cool just as you me and everyone else did on some level or another as a highschool kid and that environment is not really conducive to any kind of actual discussion so it's like a stalemate

>> No.9811941

I guess the thing that got me off to posting this thread was the runway general thread, with the OP asking if /fa/ looked at runway collections, as if he thought no one here really did. It just seems absurd that a fashion dedicated board doesn't engage in seasonal collection discussion, something core to the entire industry.
I mean, look at /v/, half of their posts don't even have to do with video games, it's about the vidya industry and news, and we don't get that here.

>> No.9811960

the difficulty is that fashion is a difficult subject to follow. if you want to be informed in the video game world, there are plenty of websites that sum up all the news. If you want the seasonal collections or informationabout older seasons you have to search the internet at length and even then, it might be futile. sure there is style.com where they show all the recent major runways, but their opinion piece on them is short and uninformative.

>> No.9811969

You're completely right, the presence of fashion content online is kind of sad really. showstudio I feel is the only people really dedicated to frequent and high quality content.

>> No.9811971

>good discussions
wrong board m8

>> No.9811975


Feel both of you guys rn. fashion journalism at least online seems like current vidya journalism in that it's an incestuous circlejerk between "journalists" designers and marketers. Most discuss that this board could have on a collection is going to be general uninformed speculation or stating the obvious - the finer detailing, craftsmanship, textiles used etc are all lost on an imageboard especially when you're posting a low resolution image of an outfit

>> No.9811981

We never discuss Craig Green because we have our own elitism and obscure taste.
You answered your own question.

>> No.9811986

completely accurate. The problem is, that there is, and always has been, a big percentage of the board that is not interested in fashion. either they just want to look conventionally 'good' or they shitpost. between that and the void of detailed information about construction/production it's virtually impossible to get any real information out of this board
but discussing this won't help

>> No.9811987

>we have our own elitism and obscure taste

Yeah sure we do when the most talked about designers here are Rick Owens and Raf fucking Simons.

>> No.9811989

The average age of people on /fa/ is very low.
They rather talk about /streetwear/ than high fashion.
Take a look at /r/streetwear for example, I imagine these are the people who browse this board.

For great discussion I guess you should go to stylezeitgeist or any forum similair.

>> No.9811990

I would be fine with this board being void of much good discussion if the fits and taste of the posters here were any good, and both are complete trash. Compare us to sufu or even care tags (dear lord) and we are embarrassing. Our only good posters are cross board anyway

>> No.9811994

>stylezeitgeist or any forum similair

You mean forums that average about 5 posts a day?

>> No.9811999

like every other 4chan board the elitism and obscurity is made up

>I wish we talked more about rick tho ;/

>> No.9812000

Well yeah.. Sadly
You won't get good discussion here on this board full of fucbois and memers...

>> No.9812188

Cz the majority of people who had some valuable input stopped posting or just moved on to other sites. At least a good half of people who would probably pull decent waywt's and are knowledgable just lurk and browse for the banter and luls. The majority of the shitstorm you see are spillovers from other boards who wanna try to dress better and shitpost, any attempt at high fashion discussion is quickly shutdown by the majority of newfags who wanna dress like GQ/streetstyle/palewave/the flavour of the month to pull pussy rather than discuss aesthetics, proportions, shapes, and anything remotely of interesting or artistic value. The hive mind is so strong they just parrot the same shit over and over until its lost all meaning, e.g. that RO 2015 runway with the dangling penor, AF1s a while back, stan smiths, geobaskets and the like.

We had discussions on Henrik Vibskov and barely anyone contributed cz no one knows their shit anymore, or the ones that do just got tired of replying to some futile attempt at making the board "better"

Not to mention fucking replica generals cz some internet fashion board determines what kids find "cool" these days. They try to emulate the look without any appreciation of what the actual piece is or its value (therefore they refuse to pay premium pricing even at sale prices) because it looked good on some strangers tumblr

>> No.9812194

Oh also we had a very brief discussion on craig's stuff. Hopefully someone saved that thread but it was a full thread of new and upcoming designers. It was fucking glorious.

Again very few knew or cared beyond "just looking good" and price

>> No.9812506

Elitism is fascism

>> No.9812614

the replica generals are embarrassing

the fucking shoplifting general even more so


I do often watch runways, different lookbooks etc. but posting or discussing them on here has felt kind of pointless for a good while

I think lots of people here buy/wear fairly obscure brands/designers, but the people buying that are much less likely to post it on here in a recent cops/cop or not than some newfag posting about h&m so it isn't as visible

>> No.9812720

Can we start a /news/ general?
post articles about history of brands, what changes are happening, different events

I could see it being good. If I want to know about a brand, I google it, but that usually nets the general public's view which can be pleb as shit and then I'm buying HBA

>> No.9812735

That might actualy be a good idea

>> No.9812825

I like the concept, but somethng tells me it might be hard to keep something narrowed down to news/events running, perhaps open it up to more of a general discussion on fashion where anything related goes? News, editiorials, runways etc.

Either way i'd be open to throwing in a few articles

>> No.9812903

make one now pls

>> No.9813027


>> No.9813053
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The people who dress well on /fa/ usually don't post fits

>> No.9813092

one of those people here, can confirm, we're all laughing at you

>> No.9813101

prove it though
you dont have to post a fit, if you can think of another way, do that,
prove that you are well dressed
otherwise you are lying
goes without saying tbh

>> No.9813142

/mu/ - mbv loveless, nmh itaots, death grips
/tv/ - batman, avengers, breaking bad
/lit/ - david foster wallace
wow so obscure

>> No.9813153

>/tv/ - batman, avengers, breaking bad
shitposting and cuck aside, /tv/ is decent for a 4chan board

>> No.9813177

You sound insecure

>> No.9813191

don't make it daily,those threads are cool once in a while until the other people not as invested make them too often just for the sake of nostalgia.

>> No.9813229

>he never went to /mu/

>> No.9814287

I just want to look nice