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/fa/ - Fashion

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9804014 No.9804014 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/

I've just got a job as presenter of a TV nature show - ecology, behavioural ecology, for an adult audience. One series, it's on the Amazon basin, from the source in the Andes down to the sea. I'm hoping this is going to turn into a career, although I know the odds are against me.

I've come to you for advice on a look. I'm English, mid thirties, no major distinguishing features. What do you advise for something not too eccentric but memorable? I don't want to be a self parody, and don't want to go for high-tech outdoors gear as I feel that would have the effect of separating me from the environment and making me out to be some intrepid adventurer dude. The program is quite serious and even intellectual in style.

Any advice much appreciated.

>> No.9804037
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>> No.9804083

Not too eccentric but memorable: Loud print socks.

>> No.9804089

Dude that actually sounds pretty cool. Can't help you out but I wish you luck in your career

>> No.9804097


>> No.9804146


>they should all be destroyed

>> No.9804226

This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for, only dialled back to about 10%.

Most shots aren't going to include the socks.

Thanks, I'm very excited about it.

Respect for nature even while shooting it. He was the most ecologically sound character in the movie.

Any further thoughts much appreciated. Is there any kind of headgear that isn't just going to come across as ridiculous?

>> No.9804231

where will you like, be
at the studio or like outside in nature?

>> No.9804236

Try watching Strange Wilderness for some inspo.

>> No.9804250

Any time I'm on camera, I'm outdoors. That almost always means speaking to camera in a natural environment, or being shown things by locals. There will also be some establishing shots - travelling by boat or light aircraft, climbing into the rainforest canopy, wading across a stream, etc. A few of these will be in settlements or cities, but this is a show about the nature, not about me or travelling.

>> No.9804285
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i got u fam
rock this

>> No.9804331

What channel is it for?

>> No.9804437

>there are people being paid to travel and talk to a camera
>meanwhile i have no income and all i do is go to school and play video games
might as well kill myself

>> No.9804503

Look up the slackercore thread, op's pic is kind of what would suit you.

>> No.9804605

white oxford shirt, duck chore coat, brown suede boots, indigo jeans or black chinos

that's my recommendation anyway. it's a bit mfa but that's nearly unavoidable when trying to look conventionally presentable

>> No.9805930

Checking the movie now - looks cool. But the main style does look like a copy of David Attenborough. That's what every British nature documentary presenter has tried for the past 15 years. I'm not him, and need to make my own way.

Thanks cuz. Got it in the bag now.

Looking at the pay and the time, this is making me way, way less than minimum wage. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Looks good, but maybe not as classy as I'd hope for.

Thanks hugely. Had to google "duck chore coat". Nice outfit - also almost exactly what I'm wearing now. Any ideas for something a bit more distinctive? I can handle being too cold, but find it hard in the heat - which a lot of the Amazon is...

>> No.9807332

I think nature in general is pretty effay OP. That's really great. I wish you the best in your career!

>> No.9807337

Don't you have producers who dress you

>> No.9807345
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how about these

>> No.9807352
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or, something like this, with sleeves rolled midforearm and lighter colored cargo shorts.

pretty minimal look.

i'd love to help, but most of my inspo is v techy.

that said, just go with an earthy palette

>> No.9807354
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>lighter colored cargo shorts.
i meant ligher colored cargo pants*

assuming it's hot, cargo shorts might be more practical

>> No.9807361
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but who knows? maybe a tech fit can launch your career
anyways, best of luck

>> No.9807503


Can we make Muldoon-core a thing?

>> No.9807525


its hard given we don't know the context. like, the way the show brands itself should give you some guidance.

i'd go for something simple that you feel confident in. something practical but handsome.

>> No.9807537
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personally i like the idea of conservative techwear in harsh environments. think outlier or arc'teryx veilance. reserved cut trousers, blazers and coats in techy textiles. i know steve backshall loves to wear mainline arc'teryx for his adventures, veilance has all the technology and r&d there but it's more contemporary and less conventional outdoors gear (likely because it's usually destined for the city). probably a bit over your budget but it might point you in the right direction.

>> No.9807555

Interesting question; are you going to be on American or British TV?

>> No.9807649

this is a good suggestion. listen to this guy op.

>> No.9807809

The producers can veto anything that is stupid or not going to work on camera for technical reasons, but they're pretty easy going.

Maybe not so practical....

Good suggestions, thanks. Most will be hot, but we're starting on the glaciers.

Not loving this look so much, thanks.

Very interesting suggestion, I'll look into it. I definitely don't want to wear the extremely high-tech outdoors gear that I use for fieldwork (I'm coming to this from close to 15 years in field research) as I hate the whole "Man vs. Wild" vibe. It's entirely fake when you're working with a camera crew, and self-serving. However, I hadn't thought of the more fashion-centred lines from the same companies.

These days you always try to appeal to all markets, but the base is UK.

>> No.9807882

Wear tu copp une pantalon monsieour?

>> No.9807896

apparently these, but the colour looks different

>> No.9807920
File: 15 KB, 500x459, BEFG0100_OX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you wear, I HIGHLY recommend figuring out your "colour season" and determine which colours look best according to your skin, eye, and hair colour.

Then when you figure out your "colour season" wear those colours above the waist.

You will always look good in a way people can't quite explain.


>> No.9807951

shouldn't you have people dressing you, cunt?

>> No.9809977


>> No.9810084

This is very nice. Something new I should learn.

>> No.9810154

You are now aware that all the asians that /fa/ posts dress almost always according to their colour season (winter).

And yet /fa/ thinks colour seasons are bullshit.