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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 580 KB, 1280x1280, 1428843045957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9803802 No.9803802 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a rick thread going.

None of that goofy shit though, post some wearable fits.

+1 GBP for fits with some color, pic related.

>> No.9803806

>Asking for non goofy rick owens fits

His whole agenda is goofy. It's his thing

>> No.9803814
File: 333 KB, 346x576, 142628541588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He definitely has a certain aesthetic that many people cling to, however you can easily make some decent fits without the overexaggerated silhouettes that you usually see Rick wearing.

>> No.9803818
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>> No.9803823
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>> No.9803826

those pants look cool

>> No.9803827
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>> No.9803833


yeah man, tryna figure out w2c

>> No.9803835

Trash. Cop some fucking taste

>> No.9803846


lol post a fit then, what the hell do you wear? pleated chinos?

>> No.9803855
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>> No.9803864
File: 368 KB, 1139x1280, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m1mke7WcX51qbbjpeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I just don't like seeing Rick degraded to fucking trash levels by hypebeasts.

>> No.9803866
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>> No.9803870
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post some of your rick inspo then.

>> No.9803872

Literally all of this "inspo" looks terrible

>> No.9803876

>user is a trash hypebeast
>op fit is in any way bad

>> No.9803879
File: 330 KB, 1292x1440, 1418703152938 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wahhh I'm going to complain but do nothing to change anything

>> No.9803894
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That fit isn't that hypebeasty but it is bad

>> No.9803901
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>> No.9803906
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>> No.9803911
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>> No.9803913


>> No.9803919

its brvdo v2.0

murderbravado on instagram..

He's also the black kid in this photo >>9803866

>> No.9803924

Rick Owens has a well-thought message behind what he promotes and it's a shame seeing people wear the pieces wrong.

>> No.9803928


isn't that also the guy who created Lease On Life Society?

>> No.9803929


if you watch some of his interviews you get quite a bit of enlightenment

>> No.9803950


>wearing the pieces wrong

That's the most closeminded and ignorant statement I've ever heard, especially on a fashion forum. You can't wear something you like wrong. Sure, you may not like the way some people style their clothing, doesn't mean they're doing it wrong.

>> No.9803956

Idk if he started it but i know he's affiliated with it

>> No.9803960
File: 85 KB, 576x960, 1427741095312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone that agrees and don't call me a fuccboi over it. If there is something fashion misses nowadays is a meaning behind it and Rick Owens is honestly one of the best to do it. I agree some of the things he does now and then are outrageous but once you understand what he's trying to accomplish it's pretty easy to admire it. Obviously not everyone gets it, though.

>> No.9803963

Sorry, it was actually a very harsh statement indeed.
What I'm trying to say is when people don't incorporate Rick Owens pieces into fits that don't fit the aesthetic I always assume they didn't grasp the idea behind. Regardless, looks good.

>> No.9803965

bravado makes some sick stuff

>> No.9803969


Can someone give me a summary of what exactly it is? I've watched his interviews but im not exactly sure what it was.
He seems like a pretty cool guy, very passionate about his stuff. I just dont understand what he expects from his clothiing

>> No.9803982

I also admire that he never makes anything that wont be on sale to the public aswell

>> No.9803984

he wants anyone of any gender to wear any of his stuff because they like it, pretty much

>> No.9803987


where can I find similar jacket?

>> No.9803996

this interview is from only 7mos ago and u can see his apartment in paris


dying of jealousy

>> No.9804001

He likes to create something new and original while not taking too much influence from others which is what makes it... original.

>> No.9804016

Yea he had said that he studies himeslf and learns from himself. I think that's pretty cool , a lot of people hate on his shoes and his clothes but i think theyre wonderful. I really want a pair of his shorts or pants but i cant spend that kind of money right now.

>> No.9804025
File: 45 KB, 960x640, rick-owens-ramones-sneakers-02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying he's a hack but, for example, these doesn't strike me as original

>> No.9804026

Agreed. I was hating alot on Rick Owens back when gothninja was huge. Now I am really tempted to buy something RO.

>> No.9804028

That is an exception, those are intentionally based on Chuck Taylor's.
Note >He likes to create something new and original while not taking too much influence from others

>> No.9804034

I have a pair of geos and i love them but i want the look, i love the look.

I just cant afford the look.. ',:^(

>> No.9804043

Geobaskets can look good outside the "look", though.

>> No.9804054

Of course, a lot of his stuff can look good outside the look you just have to do it right.

>> No.9804065

meant for>>9804043

>> No.9804078

they seem quite versatile actually, wish i owned some

>> No.9804080
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>> No.9804085
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>> No.9804088
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>> No.9804103
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>> No.9804105
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>> No.9804110
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>> No.9804132

Hey you're that italian guy! DJ right?

>> No.9804133
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>> No.9804135
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>> No.9804147

Are you talking about that man in the picture? That's not me, bro.

>> No.9804164
File: 3.70 MB, 2848x4272, IMG_5635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these pants recently.

first off, they took 4 weeks to actually get to me because of production and then a "delay" for two weeks.
second, when i finally got them they were tagged size XS but fit like a 32 waist, and hips are extremely large. massive pants for me.
third, the quality was very poor for the price, loose stitches, and excess fabric everywhere in the inside.
overall i've gotten a lot of comments/compliments on them but wouldn't again buy anything from bravado

>> No.9804183

how tall are you?

>> No.9804186


think I might buy them but tailor the shit out of them to fit like OP's pic, seeing as I can't find the actual OP pants anywhere

>> No.9804195

Can anyone on /fa/ actually pull this off?

>> No.9804217

Good lookin out m8

>> No.9804224

Do you think we just day dream about this shit nigga?

>> No.9804228

Post fit

>> No.9804241
File: 88 KB, 783x1024, 1372965058516 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull off what? Rick? User posted here for a while, so did poet, mamma, twerk, timber, straw, tinny, /fa/cist, theo, teddy, some of qko and birthdays fits, there have been some anons that one guy from SF with the futuristic style. So to answer your question, yes, quite a few.

>> No.9804262
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>> No.9804277
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>> No.9804288
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>> No.9804299
File: 657 KB, 700x984, tumblr_ngwnqwBbRw1qzqc4so6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804303
File: 124 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_ncs4buf8Y71rubtkgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804310


The man openly cops to cribbing from Madame Gres, Vionnet, and the culture that he was kept away from as a child. These aren't copies; they're just how he interprets these very iconic, very recognizable items in his own language.

>> No.9804315

you've listed people that wore rick but the question was if they could pull it off

>> No.9804322
File: 279 KB, 500x652, tumblr_neij08zt6N1rbgazio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot we were aiming for at least some colour

>> No.9804324

...yes...that was the point of my post. They people I listed pulled it off

>> No.9804329
File: 291 KB, 341x750, SICK FIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804336
File: 253 KB, 935x1280, tumblr_n1yyyp3Eyd1ry35g6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804343

anyone id this hoodie?

>> No.9804349

I'll give you one guess...

>> No.9804361
File: 48 KB, 640x640, tumblr_ncewdzyXJj1sm8ynco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804373


It's the basic Oversized Hoodie. Was called the Long Jason in older, more fitted versions.

>> No.9804375

Duck Ovens ?

>> No.9804383

i was looking for the model of it? doesn't look like a typical jason/gimp or anything i've seen, i'd assume drkshdw to narrow the search a bit more but anyone got anything more specific?

>> No.9804390

ahh its a different jason version, cheers i will keep an eye out thanks buddy

>> No.9804396
File: 67 KB, 640x640, tumblr_natl9cRu7l1sm8ynco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok thats all the inspo i have someone else contribute now rick threads are best threads

>> No.9804399

Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your presence on /fa/, your input is helpful and you are almost never snarky


>> No.9804416

blessed are good trips

>> No.9804452

But /fa/cist is best when hes snarky.

>> No.9804792
File: 66 KB, 500x534, tumblr_niq97pvXQo1s7y6ddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, pic related is tinfoil and he definitely pulls if off. this is user (>>9804329)
it isnt that difficult to pull off once you learn more about it and actually wear stuff

>> No.9804858
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>> No.9804905
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More basic use of some RO pieces

>> No.9804914
File: 126 KB, 518x777, http%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cache-ec0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F12%2Fe9%2F1b%2F12e91bb1febf0c20ba50aef4e894fe52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9804927

Anyone got ricky webms?

>> No.9804934

>this is the full fit of the legendary dunk pic(>>9803823)

what a disappointment

>> No.9804942
File: 139 KB, 900x600, Rick-Owens-Lillies-dress-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9804977
File: 2.93 MB, 800x450, ramones .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9804986


Display lacing makes me so sad. I never send anything out to a customer without lacing it properly myself.

>> No.9804993

I don't know why ramones gets a lot of hate. I think they look fine.

>> No.9805041

What's proper?

>> No.9805070

i thought the same thing
it looks so good in the closeup and then...

>> No.9805076


Anything that's not display, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.9805086

5'9 140 lbs athletic build
yeah, ill see about tailoring them. Material is crazy stretchy tho so i'm hoping it wont cost more.

>> No.9805106
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1420366698764.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know lacing could have such an impact but you're definitely correct. What lacing style would you recommend for Ramones?

>> No.9805138


>what is a tautology?

>> No.9805144

Anyone here have Memphis jeans and care to tell me about them, a bit?

>> No.9805231

Criss cross always looks great on sneakers

>> No.9805290

How do I tie my shoes like that?

>> No.9805331


That's my default. I do the over-under criss-cross, though.


Don't lace through all the eyelets available and then wrap the excess around the ankle.

>> No.9805339

bracletcore sillyband evolution faggot

>> No.9805347


>> No.9805359
File: 702 KB, 2439x2442, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to lace Geos? I laced mine like I would any other high top shoe, which leaves enough length for me to wrap the laced around once, but leaves barely enough length to be able to tie the knot. How do I lace them so that I still have plenty of length left after wrapping them around once?

Pic related, should I just tie them tighter?

>> No.9805398
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to disregard the tie behind method and lace it to be able to not disturb the intended sillohette ( the giant tongue being the main part) here is a picture of how I've laced mine, very rarely I wear them with no laces which is always fun

>> No.9805422

So you basically just crisscrossed them like I did, just a bit looser. Alright, that's what I figured I'd have to do. Thanks man.

And yeah, I can't wait to go full goof and wear them without laces

>> No.9805455
File: 26 KB, 300x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all take rick way too seriously. Just wear the garments how you'd like to and have fun with it. Thats really what ricks garments are about. A playful, architectural take on creating beautiful garments and the really cool community of people who appreciates the garments and the different kinds of ways to wear them

>> No.9805470

I wear mine with no laces.

Always got people asking me if my shoes not falling off while walking.

>> No.9805482
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>> No.9805487

W2C Rick Owens alike cargo pants of near-high end? Inb4 maharishi.

>> No.9805496

w2c shoes

>> No.9805501

That's raf boi

>> No.9805522
File: 32 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raf white velcros. Very difficult to find. I'm lucky enough to have found a pair in my size recently for cheap :^)

>> No.9805557

Link to his store?

>> No.9805583

ID on hoodie?

>> No.9805610

RO druid hoodie

>> No.9805618

Thanks buddy

>> No.9805632


>> No.9805637

if poorfag could cop white zara velcros, look fairly similar

i'm unsure about the quality of them though, might be shit

>> No.9805689


>> No.9805747

druid hoodie also known as "mountain hoodie"

>> No.9805772
File: 106 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mountain hoodie

>> No.9806997
File: 490 KB, 2136x3204, velcros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah raf velcros. Side note, there are A LOT of fakes going around so be careful when you look for them.

>> No.9807318

This fit is so fucking amazing.

>> No.9807350

Jesus christ

>> No.9807356
File: 34 KB, 628x460, fw2006dustulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to clarify the rick owens ethos or watev. He doesn't care what you do as long as you're not a pretentious, elitist fashion nerd. He is a loving being. He'd probably enjoy it if u went to an orgy in his clothes.

holy shit those pants actually made me gag. Get the real drkshdw cargos. Damn.

old drkshdw hoodie from like 2009 ish. I don't think it had a name? Not the gimp or the jason.

What he said was logically valid.

>> No.9807375

Mhm, that top's not Rick, is it? Can anybody ID?

>> No.9807396
File: 39 KB, 350x234, 1548_i1_owens01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping thread for love of Rick.

I'll post some links to great Owens ethos stuff in a few hours.

>> No.9807402
File: 41 KB, 849x463, ss10release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's not a complex rick ethos he's just a nice guy.

>> No.9807538

It might not be original but the adapted design is easily recognised as rick. He put his own style into something which is extremely normal, which i think is admirable

>> No.9807580 [DELETED] 

Is that Knochensack and Mamma in a passionate manhug?

>> No.9807609

w2c boots

>> No.9807638

yes. yes it is

>> No.9807653

lol this is b8

>> No.9807733
File: 16 KB, 201x322, Captureg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is usually my go-to for sneakers but i especially like how it looks on ramones

>> No.9807834

hmm i dont know if i should lace my island dunks.. dno if theyre more dope with or without

>> No.9807847

w2c fucking taste

>> No.9807852

prove they werent fake

>> No.9807857

best rick laces on black upper white solo geo's? black laces or white

>> No.9807924


Legit check? the no dustbag makes me a bit skeptical

>> No.9808138
File: 1.18 MB, 858x1282, Rick and I .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys i just met trick owens

>> No.9808183

whichever you like best

>> No.9808191


w2c khaki/light brown rick cargo pants like the color in OP?

>> No.9808222

W2c grey undershirt?

>> No.9808250


it's a grey rick tank, couldn't give you the exact model name or anything, but it shouldn't be hard to find through google. If you do get one, just know they rip very easily.

>> No.9808297

Thanks I'll look for the model, if it rips it will just fit he aesthetic even more

>> No.9808346

I do black on mine. White is so common that the black helps them standout a little bit from other pairs.

>> No.9808354

Those are fine man, the leather looks on point. The guy honestly probably just wanted to keep the tote bag, because it's cool.

>> No.9808367

Not sure if I should cop the gimp, mountain, or Jason hoodie. Any suggestions?

>> No.9808370


>> No.9808379

Any particular reason you prefer the Jason?

>> No.9808524

yeah im really tempted to cop but just bought a blk dnm jacket so dont want to spunk another $700

>> No.9808546
File: 56 KB, 500x600, tumblr_n1uk3dRAIZ1qhbol5o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sizing on geos? Usually around a 10

>> No.9808561

You can size down i believe as the toe box is roomy

>> No.9808579

>not recognising docs

Google is your friend

>> No.9808603

Who is the best minimal designer?
Kind of of like Rick Owens without all the grimdark, hightops, post-functional, weird fitting, edgy elements.

>> No.9808622

Jil Sander

>> No.9808624
File: 28 KB, 450x600, 03aw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound way too new. Don't post just lurk. To answer your question Rick dies do a ton of minimal stuff but yes he does have some more involved designs. You might also be involved in Helmut Lang. Or if you want an entirely different more distressed look go with brands like (Carpe, LUC, IS, L&F) basically anything of or relating to Carpe Diem is fairly minimal but has some amazing cuts to not fall into mediocrity.

>> No.9808626


>> No.9808657

when will they learn

>> No.9808671


That's a tough question to answer because different designers do minimal in different ways. You could argue that Italo Zuchinelli does minimal really well, but his silhouettes are usually very athletic, very muscular and he's been playing with texture quite a bit lately.

You could say that Rad Hourani is minimal, but his focus is purely on unisex styling and he has always had a penchant for lots of boxy, layered silhouettes with abstracted takes on traditional garments.

Phoebe Philo had a reputation as a minimalist, too, but she's obviously been incorporating a lot more detail and textile work into recent collections. But there are still really masterfully cut, clean lines in a lot of the pieces when taken apart from the full collections.

You can even argue that designers like Halston were minimalists. With no facings, supple fabrics, and unrestrictive constructions, his jersey and ultra suede dresses and jumpsuits represented a distinctly "unfashioned" fashion in stark contrast to many of the conventions of dressmaking that dominated the era before him.

>> No.9808676

embarrassing post

>> No.9808678

never. they will never learn.

>> No.9808727


>> No.9808829

I think the problem >>9808676 takes with >>9808624 is that the recommendations seem very scattershot.

Rick does minimal, yes. Lots of straight, severe lines right alongside very soft, draped ones.

Modern Helmut menswear (as done by Plokhov) is very anti-minimal. It's severe but loaded with lots of textures and seams and darts and pockets and fabric combinations and plays on opacity, weight, finish. Cut and sew jersey is probably the most minimal stuff and a some of it is starting to be made in the US. Not great, but good if you aren't a big sipper on the Kool-Aid and just want something natural and comfortable, with one or two interesting details. Lang-era had many more minimal moments; anything bandage-y, jersey with cut-outs, the very sharp (almost boxy) tailoring.

Carpe's treatment of fabric was intense and thorough, but the approach was always minimal in a way.

LUC is less about minimalism and more about technique, but the best results tend to be minimal.

I've never had a strong read on what in the IS lineup I like or would wear. Never really felt much appeal beyond the frequently anatomic edge, which is appealing, but never did it for me. I know what it's on other people's radar, I guess.

L&F is usually fussy. The restrictive palette dominates a lot of it, but there's usually at least a few ideas going on in one piece. Lots of fumbles, but there are times when the collar and fabric and length and drape are all going at the same time and she finds a nice balance between them.

So, lots of mention, but not all of it related.

>> No.9808875
File: 34 KB, 365x487, AS20141127004923_comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want this but im a guy, its also 4+ figures

>> No.9808878

Might not be what he meant but I think of minimal as being the greatest possible correlation between high fashion and normie. Being so reserved that most people find it interesting if not inoffensive, while getting props from those in the know.

In the other arts it seems to come across that way. FF should weigh in again if he has anything to add on that, amazing posts as usual.

>> No.9808888

Oh that changes a lot. Go with Patrick Ervell or Schneider they have fantastic quality but very normie looking designs.

>> No.9808891

it's not a girly ring. Expensive though.

>> No.9808892

Can you talk some more about IS? I've heard about them but know nothing about them.

And what's L&F?

>> No.9808894

i want something like it but i cant find shit.

I've looked so hard for rings like this that arent over 200 but i know nothing about rings

>> No.9808897
File: 1.68 MB, 800x585, 1424522417180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9808898

If im 42 in CP achilles mids what geos sizing would be best

>> No.9808900

>FF should weigh in again if he has anything to add on that, amazing posts as usual.
Saddest sameposter in the history of /fa/.

>> No.9808903

Lost and Found Rhia Dunn

>> No.9808915

Check out Karuni.fr

>> No.9808917

Who raided unwoven for pictures

>> No.9808963

I'll check it out, thanks

>> No.9808996

Eh, he's a very likeable trip, unlike almost all of the others and has more of s reason to trip. I wouldn't be surprised if those are genuine posts.

>> No.9809275

I don't lace mine through the top 2 holes an definitely don't tighten them. let the tongue fall forward freely like the dude below your post

>> No.9809345

Reckon geos's could work with a biker jacket? i know they look great with rick leather jackets but im thinking more along the traditional asymetrical zip bikers

>> No.9809368
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Tight top and loose/drapey bottom? Doesn't look like it would work. Maybe if you wear jeans and tightly lace your geos it would look nice.

But what do I know? I'm a fuccboi.

>> No.9809372

yeah i was thinking it might be too bottom heavy.
Better stick to my drapey parka and bomber then

>> No.9809398
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Don't be discouraged, it could still work. Imagine pic related wearing a biker leather jacket.

>> No.9809445

Yeah this is what I was thinking, Def think all black would be the best to pair with a biker

>> No.9810025


As long you lace them tight and they are pre 2014 geos you should be fine. The geos started to get really bulbous as of recent.

>> No.9810029

Also these are short tongue geos. keep that in mind. they have the stapled sole and flater toebox as well.

>> No.9810092

get the same size, geos fit wider in the toebox
geos tend to work well with clothes that have a lot of volume, modern perfectos ussualy fit slim, it can work but it depends on the styling, this>>9809398
is a good example of geos working with a rather plain outfit, but note that those are the short tounge versions in all black, multicoloured versions with the longer tounge would look out of place

>> No.9810310
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>> No.9810342


Buy some metal and make it yourself.

>> No.9810391

I've never been negative to a trip in particular for being shit before but if you actually don't recognize docs you are fucking garbage

>> No.9810458

I really want a pair of cargobaskets now. Fuck.

>> No.9810466
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>> No.9810499

looks shit imo, much better flipped or all drapey or all loose

>> No.9810509

you sound like you take rick clothes too seriously

>> No.9810623


>> No.9810692

Go for it, cargo baskets are sick.

If I had found a used pair in my size I would have get them over my geos

>> No.9810703

You won't be able to pull them off especially considering every fit you've ever posted

>> No.9811527

What's the best retailer to get geo's from? RO site, or look for buyers selling new ones cheaper? Or second hand

>> No.9811576
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anyone got ID on his hoodie?

>> No.9811581
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W2C shoes the almighty man himself is wearing

>> No.9811587


the past.

>> No.9811619

Those are the mainlone boot ramones, with what looks like the top folded in

>> No.9811624
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>> No.9811641

I need some help ID'ing some rick boots, I dont have a pic so i will describe them from memory a random guy i met had them and i asked what they were and he just said they're ricks
they were pretty high like a decent amount up the shin black and white kinda looked like geos the number one thing i remember about them has they only had like 3 or 4 lace holes (i think he may have just had them laced up wierd) sorry if my description is shit i havent seen them in a while

>> No.9811642

did they have a toecap? were they ramones boots with laces?

>> No.9811660
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after searching his FB i found a pick of him with them

>> No.9811663

regular cargobaskets with box lacing

>> No.9811667


>> No.9811672


>> No.9811678

this guy is taking one /fa/ shit

>> No.9811702 [DELETED] 
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>starting an inspo thread with a nigger

>> No.9811704

SS15 drkshdw hoodie with leather sleeves.

>> No.9811705

they're original in that they actually look good (unlike any converse shoe ever made)

>> No.9811724

>/fa/ "comedy"

>> No.9811741


>> No.9811770

protip: don't aspire to dress like a black man in tattered clothing

police/society will look at you like a menace

it's not a good thing

youth make up society, you think being edgy and pissing everyone off hurts them and you're fighting the system but you fucking teens ARE the system

>> No.9811828

Thinking of selling my ss15 rick double layer short sleeve tee. I need the money for school. Its the bamboo viscose. Amazing for summer. Anyone interested 250 shipped. Size 50. Washed once. Comes with tags. Stored folded. Worn a handful of times.

>> No.9811863


>> No.9811888

Gonna go to the rick store in London tomorrow, anyone been before?

>> No.9811899

Went to the Paris one but I guess they're all the same. It's pretty, lots of friendly people in black and a statue of your god.

>> No.9812385

yeah went to the paris one, took a few pic got shy and left lol

>> No.9812389

With the statue?

>> No.9812393

yeah lol wanted to pull his pants down, but there was an employee watching me

>> No.9812396

I don't think they care as long as you don't destroy anything. They look pretty cool.

>> No.9812410

damn im a pretty shy person and i cant speak french so didnt want to fk around too much

>> No.9812422

It's okay man. Just say Bonjour and Au revoir when you go out. Three more words than the majority of tourists I guess.

>> No.9812498

maybe next time i visit paris, might go later this year for work

>> No.9812569

prolly gonna cop some dunks, a black singlet and black shorts to use as gymwear

>> No.9812570

thats some expensive gym wear

>> No.9812618


>> No.9812634

meh i just go to the gym in shit clothes, dont wanna get my good shit dirty

>> No.9812641


>going to the gym in dunks
>stapled sole dunks

jej have fun wasting $800+

>> No.9812648

>Rick Owens
>Good shit
lel poorfag

>> No.9812659

post fit bitch

>> No.9812663
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>> No.9812665

Just a little bit of banter lad.

>> No.9812678

yeah i know sorry ;_; that wasn't v chill of me

>> No.9812680

Don't worry m8.

>> No.9812826

can get some brand new condition FW14 all black geos for 700, do i pull the trigger

>> No.9812836

700 what?

>> No.9812841

Yes. If you want them and will wear them, I waited about 6 months to decide if I wanted geos and I went for it; if you don't %100 want them then you'll regret it

>> No.9812849

w2c shorts?

>> No.9812853

US bongers

>> No.9812857

Well yes if you like them.

>> No.9812858

Yeah im on the fence tilting into the land of rick. Atleast the resale value on them is actually pretty good aswell which is convincing me even more

>> No.9812883

w2c pants like this?

>> No.9812966

Link to an interview where he talks about this?

>> No.9812971

Theres loads on youtube where hes interviewed, watch them

>> No.9813435

Why are sock ramones so rare? Are they going to go into normal production at any point?

>> No.9813460

They were a store exclusive for SS15. They are going into production in several different materials for FW15, or so I hear. Don't know if they'll still be store exclusive though.

>> No.9813508

See if you can get closer to $600.

>> No.9813518

Yeah tried that dude but he wont go lower than $700 shipped

>> No.9813598

Post some timber fits.

>> No.9813745

Cop if you need them rn. That's an alright deal, but it's fairly common for geos to go for closer to $600 on deep sales.

>> No.9813765

i dont "need" them

but i need them inside ;_;

I don't know if im tempted to wait for a retailer to have them on sale but i havent seen any on sale for ages

>> No.9813788

What kinda jumper is that qt?

>> No.9813947
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I love my geos <3

>> No.9813959

nigga dont post fap material for me you're going to push me over the edge and make me cop some

>> No.9814199

>working out is modern couture

>> No.9814230

ew ew ew

when will people learn that getting compliments doesn't mean you know how to dress

>> No.9814266

What type of Rick tess arent sheer? Do I have to go mainline or what? I have a drape tee from Anthem and a Vicious tee but they are both pretty see through and while it's good for layering summer is coming

>> No.9814271

these are sooooo nice
>tfw will never afford ramones that arent beat to shit

>> No.9814274

second hand rick

>> No.9814278

I can't stand those fucking shoes

I don't know why but I hate them so much

>> No.9814351

how do i get those stacks ffuck

>> No.9814539

the BEST

>> No.9814560

Most DRKSHDW isn't. They are made in thicker materials. In mainline, the double layer and level tees aren't either.

>> No.9814595

I wish some canvas ramones would go on sale in my size, can't even find second hand

>> No.9814775
File: 557 KB, 1201x1501, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2F658398fb11b6dbb8f41ccf8826aaefe7%2Ftumblr_nds3tcZaZm1rtynt1o10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your size they are pretty consistently on grailed

>> No.9814804

same man, looking for 11's

>> No.9814863
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>> No.9814870
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>> No.9814979
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>> No.9814983

Nah, not in my size at least. I'm a 10/43. I only see mainline leather ones consistanlty go up on Grailed.

>> No.9815012

never said it was a good thing, talk shit post fit fuccboi

>> No.9815575
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tfw she doesnt wear rick anymore ;__;

>> No.9815579
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>> No.9815588

What kind of metal would be considered? Like hammered metal? I love how the metal isn't smooth.

>> No.9815610

yeah I got a hoodie from him and the fabric is totally different the color is way off and there are no tassels like in the picture, plus it had two holes within a week

>> No.9815649


>> No.9815675

Does anyone have experience with the DRKSHDW flight jacket? How is it versus mainline?

>> No.9815678
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>> No.9815694
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>> No.9815698
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>> No.9815701


>> No.9815706
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>> No.9815963

>tfw she didn't send me her new tumblr

>> No.9815996 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9816199

what the hell are you rambling about?

just stop posting, it's not healthy for you

>> No.9816229

fuck this is good

>> No.9816230

stop tripping

>> No.9816232

that's an amazing thought

but only if you can pull at least 5 plates

>> No.9816236


>> No.9816254

same as it ever was

>> No.9816281

not really amazing. rick said in an interview years ago he wears the same clothes to work, home and gym. obvious idea

>> No.9816346
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>> No.9816358


>> No.9816386

o no my trigger

>> No.9816398


Why was I expecting him to utterly destroy those shoes?

>> No.9816401
File: 148 KB, 1121x747, rick-owens-for-adidas-2014-spring-summer-tech-runner-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone post inspo of these ?

>> No.9816677

Yikes just saw geo's in selfridges and they are huge... Unless they were like size 12s

>> No.9816692

Did you fucking post yourself in an inspo thread? Top fucking kek your fits are consistently trash and you have yet to put anything together that is remotely ok. Stop spending so much money to look like trash and cop some taste instea

>> No.9816694

Snails stop samefagging your fits are always trash and you trying so hard to be teddy is cringy as fuck.

>> No.9816760
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>> No.9816784

only good fit itt was OPs pic
gothninja is so 2011

>> No.9816870

Wow the rick store in London is goat. I just talked with the guy in there for like 45 minutes. Literally the nicest staff I've ever come across

>> No.9817065

holy shit this pic tripped me up
it looks like his left leg is in the right shoe and the left shoe is just chilling with no leg in it