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File: 46 KB, 450x600, average chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9799106 No.9799106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can someone tell me what this board's obsession with asians is? they're all ugly as fuck, and they know that which is why some of them get thousands of dollars in plastic surgery to correct their deformed faces. not too mention they're all really short and have disgusting habits and manners. yet i constantly hear people say that they wish they were asian, or had an asian gf, or that there are looks only asians can pull off.

>pic related, average asian woman

>> No.9799119
File: 204 KB, 760x513, average gook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average asian male

>> No.9799122

They're cool. Look up the song It G Ma

>> No.9799125

Cherry picking. Asians are very feminine and femininity is considered beautiful

>> No.9799133

There's a lot of asians on this board in general. Asians are ugly as you say, and their mentality of social hierarchy leads them to a vapid and shallow lifestyle. Therefore you see a bunch of chinks rocking designer clothing. because they can afford it more so than others AND because they think it makes them better than others.

Of course, the truth is asian men are the least wanted man statistically.

>> No.9799153

i want to "fug" a qt azn but thats about it.

>> No.9799164

did you know their vaginas go sideways like how they're eyes are slanted?

>> No.9799185
File: 84 KB, 960x572, 424857_337650706265858_137017906329140_1100437_570997442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she's good with makeup

>> No.9799217
File: 23 KB, 500x334, 1377189430273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or had an asian gf

White men who failed to get a white girl and getting angry

You're supposed to work your way up and not down, honkeys

>> No.9799223

I agree. I just wish all Asians and non-whites would fucking die.

>> No.9800183

>this board

you mean this website m8

>> No.9800205

This tbh. White girls are best.

>> No.9801281
File: 62 KB, 747x498, chiefkeef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even black people are miles ahead of gooks

>> No.9801295 [DELETED] 

i agree with you OP, white people who fetishize asians are predominantly the lower echelon of whites. asians are an OK race, but theres no reason whatsoever to celebrate them over the pinnacle that is whiteness.

this however, is false.

>> No.9801296

ITT buttblasted white ppl jealous of asians naturally young looking skin and lack of need for makeup. stay jealous

>> No.9801316 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 500x668, 1429886179177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come now little asian boy, dont be so defensive. its not our fault even the most beta, undesirable, pathetic white male can get any asian woman he wants.

>> No.9801343

you can have that asian girl, shes a fatty. "once you go white, stay out of my sight"

>> No.9801344

pigfuck, i generally agree with you. but i've had extensive real life experience with both asians and blacks, and to be honest, i have to prefer blacks.

asians are just soulless creatures, cold and dead inside.

blacks are lively and animated, and to be honest, most of them actually wish they were white

>> No.9801345

>mad white hoe jealous of azns
White woman are trash, fuck off my board.

>> No.9801347

that girl looks ugly and beta as fuck
u can keep that

>> No.9801350

what a bunch of flat faced fucks

>> No.9801394


All white girls are either fucking niggers or other bottom barrel races to get open minded social point/piss daddy off/"have fun while they're young"/whatever.

As a white male, I'd rather stay celibate.

>> No.9801405 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 1004x691, 1426807722973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, but i dont really care if a nigger is more fun to be around than a chink, what i do care about is how many white people are murdered, raped, beaten and battered by niggers.

asians may be vapid, consumerist pigs, but they any harm they do cause is miniscule compared to the nog.

>> No.9801414 [DELETED] 

this is a classic example of beta male rationalising his rejection by superior white women.

>y-y-yeah w-well i didnt w-w-want you anyway!!!

typical mgtow fag.

post your pic, ugly goober.

>> No.9801426

>Implying I'm not dating a qt virgin white girl right now

So you're basically admitting that you're a cuck.

>> No.9801434 [DELETED] 

so you're dating a virgin white girl but you hate white women?

i believe you :)

>> No.9801441

I don't know where you live but most of the Asians in my school are qt af.

>> No.9801446
File: 228 KB, 1000x630, tumblr_mwh60pbqbv1qz9sx7o3_1280-png[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


asians are just rich tasteless fucks who can dump whatever screams money

whites are poor fucks who try to make thrift/h&m clothes work (ie pale/slacker wave)

blacks, who spent years scraping the bottom of the barrel, automatically look fa in almost anything thanks to their superior height/muscle ratio

>> No.9801448 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 262x300, urine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801452

half asian, not into asian women

the few years i lived in japan were shitty

>> No.9801470

Care to ellaborate?

>> No.9801474

>All white girls are either fucking niggers or other bottom barrel races
that's just because you're not fucking them. why not? as a white male, i've fucked dozens of white women. it's not that hard

>> No.9801485

They are doing that to.increase milk flow, Irish did it not too long ago.

>> No.9801486


>> No.9801489

>dating a girl
>hasn't fucked her yet

o am i laffin

>> No.9801500

prolly cause u didnt speak japanese tho

>> No.9801506 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 375x500, 1427265099763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this to increase milk flow? or just to please the goat?

>> No.9801507

even the end pic looks gross
fuck anime and gooks

the US would have done a favor not just dropping nuclear bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima, but all over the continent

>> No.9801512


Gook girls are almost always disgusting. You've obviously never been in an Asian country. K-pop doesn't represent reality.

>> No.9801524 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.9801527
File: 1.98 MB, 3000x4000, 1391939341445[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white physique

>> No.9801528

The majority of them, yes I do.

I had to do a lot of weeding out to find this one.

>implying I didn't take her virginity within a month of dating
What exactly are you laughing at?

>> No.9801532

MacArthur wanted to drop nukes on China in key cities such as Shanghai during the Korean War but it got veto'd in the Senate.

>> No.9801534 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x275, 242f1d0949fa9532cec912ba24e5e583[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "superior" race

>> No.9801535

Why was living in Japan shitty? Also how was the food?

>> No.9801536

yea but so are white people. at least most Asian chicks aren't fat and covered in moles like most white chicks :/

>> No.9801538

But they already HAVE fucked those bottom barrel races. That's the point. Why would I want to fuck a race traitor? Am I some sort of cuck?

>> No.9801539
File: 185 KB, 500x400, kanye west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe, but i dont really care if a nigger is more fun to be around than a chink, what i do care about is how many white people are murdered, raped, beaten and battered by niggers.
>asians may be vapid, consumerist pigs, but they any harm they do cause is miniscule compared to the nog.
ugh... i really want to support you pigfuck

but it's not about blacks vs. whites. poor white trash are just as bad, trust me. if you adjust for income, there's no real behavioral differences between whites and blacks. i used to live in a 98% zip code (southside chicago) and literally had no problems with the blacks. a kid did get shot on my block, but that was it. no one ever messed with me. it was fine. i got along great with them. I once lived in a trash white neighborhood and they were all a bunch of low-lifes who gave me shit

as an american, i can proudly say that we fought a war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives to help blacks reach the same status and attainment as whites

the real problems are the gooks. we dropped nuclear bombs on them yet they still keep invading our borders

>> No.9801544

its because ur a filthy half breed and ur fat
no one wants that shit bro
sorry for the real talk

>> No.9801546

That's bestiality which is not the same as cow blowing

>> No.9801553 [DELETED] 

i wouldnt say the majority but a lot are trash, however, women cant really be blamed anyway. women don't have near as much agency as modern thought likes to claim, women are prone to social proof and group think - its an evolutionary trait within them, a woman's behavior is generally a reflection of the zeitgiest which she currently inhabits.

the kike has turned women into scum, but dont hate women, thats what mr goldstein wants.

i am glad you have found a white virgin, i wish you the best of luck and many children.

>> No.9801555

>obvious shoop
At least post something believable

>> No.9801560

>i used to live in a 98% zip code
98% black zip code

>> No.9801571

only the biggest incel beta would put such value in virginity lol...
you don't look that bad dude. if u have a car and a job u can still get chicks. just go out more

>> No.9801575

Well I wish the race war would happen already so there wouldn't be so many white race traitors around.

And thank you. Same wishes to you.

>> No.9801577

>>implying I didn't take her virginity within a month of dating
>What exactly are you laughing at?
"within a month" kek
how many other guys was she seeing during that period? more than you think

you're like a used dishrag. something she wants to clean off with, but doesn't want to throw away immediately

>> No.9801579

>only a beta would put value in virginity
Roastie detected

>> No.9801586 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 857x1046, 1417359550211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all anecdotal wishy wash, stats are what i base my beliefs on and:

>if you adjust for income, there's no real behavioral differences between whites and blacks.

is fundamentally incorrect, many of the poorest towns in america are white, homogeneously white in fact, and they experience not even a quarter of the crime that black areas do.

while i am glad your experience with blacks has thus far been 'ok' it changes nothing. the reality of the situation is this:


>Of the offenders for whom race was known, 52.4 percent were black, 45.2 percent were white, and 2.4 percent were of other races.


>In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2% of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.


>> No.9801590

Stop being bitter and go to sleep. Make sure you have a tall glass of nigger cum before you go to bed though.

>> No.9801592

>normal white male who doesn't have issues meeting white chicks and goes out regularly instead of jacking off to anime and posting 5000 words a day of pol memes on a fashion board detected
ftfy beta :^)

>> No.9801595 [DELETED] 

you're too new to be addressing me.

>> No.9801601
File: 2.87 MB, 2432x4320, QOBwPd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pig pride world wide

>> No.9801602

gross and overpriced

just like the hookers

>> No.9801604

Uh huh. And I'm Bill Gates.

We are on the internet after all. Where everyone tells the truth. :^)

>> No.9801606

just trying to help a beta out with obvious self-esteem and insecurity issues
take it or leave it dude
you don't have to be this pathetic

>> No.9801610

Sick fit. Effay as fuck

>> No.9801612 [DELETED] 

you're trying too hard to sell it imo

reset ip and try again

>> No.9801615

You're kind of stupid if you actually put stock in that argument given that your beta-bitch activities in this very thread are verifiable even if his are not.

>> No.9801624

how many times do u reset ur router a day
its gotta be up there heh
why so mad though? would thought you'd be used to getting shit on regularly

>> No.9801644

how this ugly bitch live with heself after all these faggot pics of him online?

>> No.9801646

That's a shame, no real point in visiting a place without good food.

>> No.9801648

>beta bitch activities

I called him a roastie.

>> No.9801668

food is pretty much world wide these days

freeze dried, canned w/e most of it comes from china

japan has Chinese produced Doritos just like we do

mcdonalds in japan stopped selling the chicken nuggets made in china, american mcdonalds resturants still source from china

surprising how little people know about food practices

maybe they're just in love with the romanticized notion of exploring far off lands with far off cultures

except people in japan watch MTV just like the kids do here

>> No.9801671

See that unique posters number in the bottom right? That's how I can tell it's you samefagging, retard. I learned this powerful deductive technique from pigfuck. He's so smart and resourceful. Not a tryhard, ignorant dumbass with a joke degree from a shit-tier uni at all.

>> No.9801677

There are attractive half asian
Then theres you
It goes either way really, never met someone who was an inbetweener

>> No.9801681
File: 332 KB, 608x342, dan hemmroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most rape is man-on-man rape
truly the worst kind, i don't care what race you are

to specify what i was talking about is that adjusted for family income, blacks have the same educational levels has whites. there is no such thing as black culture

middle class blacks are actually the most elitist and worst, they exist to manage and control "black culture"

I can tell that you've also never lived in a poor white trash town like I have, trust me, it's just as shit as any black ghetto. statistics or not, it's bad

most poor blacks live in big cities (with big politically motivated police departments)
most poor whites live in rural towns (with tiny, community motivated police departments)

it makes a big difference in the statistics. i live in a shitty midwestern town that is like 30% black 70% white. most of them are all poor. they're all shitty small-time criminals, but the blacks are more friendly to me (maybe because I'm white idk)

>> No.9801685

now now lets not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.9801689

Food is goat if you've got an open mind. I kinda agree that some things (like shopping, mainly) can get expensive. Almost seems like In general theyre willing to spend more on clothes vs westerners. Could be wrong tho cz last time i hung around major cities

>> No.9801707

They work hard and play hard. Obviously a concept that seems lost to you. Some of the nicest friendliest people i have met compared to how everyone keeps to themselves in the US

>> No.9801716

sounds like you were poor and couldn't afford good stuff. not attractive or wealthy enough for top shelf ass either.

oh well, life sucks at the bottom no matter where you are dude

>> No.9801719

Dude thats the country that popularized wagyu and black pork.
They do western food really well as is their local comfort food. Japs are insane pastry chefs because they're really really precise

>> No.9801723

But... You're a fatty

>> No.9801727 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 843x843, 1422729096645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to specify what i was talking about is that adjusted for family income, blacks have the same educational levels has whites.
this isnt true either, pic related.

neither is this

>most rape is man-on-man rape

>statistics or not, it's bad

>stats or not
>reality or not my experiences trump everything else

black people are just genetically inferior, thats just the way it is, they have no neanderthal blood, their sub saharan continent didnt necessitate the leaps in evolution, they're genetically inferior.

doesnt mean all negros are stupid or violent, it just means most are, even the middle class/educated negro is more predisposed to primitive behavior.

this is all empirical data and observable reality.

idk how someone can hate asians so much and yet champion the cause of the negro, its bizarre, are you black? married to one?

>> No.9801729

Of course you'd have to get hookers...

>> No.9801734

Nah, could be he got ripped off and cucked by the Nigerian bouncers fronting Jap clubs

>> No.9801749

Those are 3/10s you retarded fuck. White males are fucking pathetic compared to Asian guys, you don't possess half the maturity, composure and stability we have. You act like complete children, flipping out over everything.

>> No.9801755

like how you're showing emotional maturity by crying when someone calls you inferior?

>> No.9801760

Point out the beta activities then friend.

>> No.9801761

one blonde, one brunette both russian

both owned by pachinko parlor operators

have you assholes never been to japan or someshit

>> No.9801770

>idk how someone can hate asians so much and yet champion the cause of the negro, its bizarre, are you black? married to one?
no, but i've lived with both blacks and asians

asians may be "book smart" but they are far grosser and more anti-social than blacks

>> No.9801772
File: 303 KB, 1200x781, getcucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait hold on, here's a better example. This superior Chinese guy bagged one of your 10/10s while beta white boys can only get 4/10 Asian girls.

>> No.9801778

sieg successfully diverting attention away from pigfuck and on himself. no bigger shame for a crybaby bitch trip like pigfuck

admittedly, stories of sieg's japan stay is a lot more interesting to read than pigfuck's 5000 word essays on pol crap that no one reads or replies to (except himself as anon)

>> No.9801780

Sieg, you show immaturity every day by projecting your insecurities by spamming on this board. The internet is filled with white boys and white girls having a little bitch.

I simply stated a fact.

>> No.9801786

Spent a few month there, its not like everyone goes there for cheap sex. Go to Thailand for that shit man

>> No.9801791

Eh, I don't give two shits about the 4chan hivemind, but somehow, I've always had a fetish for asian grills. Can't say why, and I'm not saying I don't like white girls, but the asian chicks just do it for me better, somehow.

My last gf was vietnamese, and I was crazy about her. She has these amazing eyes, man, everytime I just got lost in that shit...well, and the rest of her was amazing as well. She's also really sweet, and she got me reading King's Shining, which as a bibliophile I can appreciate. The sex was kinda awkard, and at the same time really great.

I don't know why I'm even writing this shit...but man, don't hate on asian girls. I get it, it's cool being a stormfag, but at the end of the day, what good do post like this ever do?

>> No.9801797


what are you even doing

>> No.9801800

And you gotta admit that was a plausible reasoning. For someone who stayed there have you never been heckled by the dudes down at Roponggi and the like?

>> No.9801804

pigcuck is a shut in social reject. Only people with no lives or anything better to do care about what people on an anime imageboard's fashion forum think.

Pigcuck is extremely insecure, you can tell by the validation he needs from /fa/ in order to exist. If he didn't care about what people here thought, he'd stop shitposting, but he cares, because he's insecure.

>> No.9801809

nothing makes my day like triggering beta asian boys on 4chan.


>> No.9801817

>half asian
>feels insecure about it
You're self projecting again sieg. Tell me, was your white mother cucked by a successful Asian guy or was your Asian mother one of those 3/10 hags no Asian wants who ended up with a beta faggot white guy?

>> No.9801818

christ why are chinks so ugly?

>> No.9801826
File: 120 KB, 600x600, f8bc126d91a515f1f46916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but whatever that vocaroo was cannot beat this.

This guy immigrated to ukraine in his 30s as a poor guy. Started businesses and got rich. Then he married this 18 yr old white girl because she loved him. And now they live happily ever after.

>> No.9801829

Not to that 10/10 white girl anon, in her, this 5/10 Chinese guy is better than you and the rest of your cucked race. He's more strongly built than all the faggots on 4chan and has a better jaw.

>> No.9801832
File: 598 KB, 2650x1110, Graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801834

Asians are so goddamn ugly. Fucking gooks smell like shit too.