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/fa/ - Fashion

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9792647 No.9792647 [Reply] [Original]

this is me at 5'10 and 120

i was effay as fuck but couldn't stop shaking

take care of yourselves anon. straight after looking at this picture I had a panic attack and realized what I was doing to my body. Since then I have gained 11 kilos, mostly in muscle. I look at pictures from this time and I really did look unhealthy, even if this photo isn't that extreme.

Just don't starve yourselves, guys. I still stick to fasting once a week because I feel in control over my eating (I was fat once) but I'm not starvinf myself for days and days anymore.

>> No.9792652

Post pic after muscle gain then

>> No.9792683
File: 186 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't very recent but it was maybe a month into working out, and two months into eating properly (or, like, at all)

I'm probably 130-135 here. I don't have any more recent pictures and can't really take a new one right this second.

>> No.9792687 [DELETED] 

you have gyno

>> No.9792689



>> No.9792697

its true...your skinny as shit but still have flabby pecs. thank your bad dieting/not eating

>> No.9792699 [DELETED] 

no i can see it, you have gyno. what sort of mongoloid, shit eating fuckwit starves himself to look 'fah' i always gave you simpletons the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was an ironic joke, but no, you're actually braindead.

god its so easy to influence you goyim fucks, all it takes is some astroturfing and 'X general' spam and you can cultivate a loyal following of defective /fa/ beta boys.

>> No.9792706

That wasn't me responding. I don't have gyno, though, and trying to tell if my tits are a or b cup over a picture where I'm not even flexing my pecs isn't going to work mate. Bench is my strongest lift relative to others, and there isn't much else than muscle in my boobs.

>> No.9792714

By the way, did you stop tripfagging because you realized everyone would filter your shit fits and retarded autistic /b/-themed shitposts? Please put up trip again, because even if I spend less than 30 minutes per week on this website I can feel my intelligence being drained from reading the abysmal retardation that is your posts.

>> No.9792725

bitch tit getting so offended.
your bad dieting in your original picture gave you tits. its obvious. and even after your so called muscle gain, its hardly noticeable. tone your shit, you are still flabby

>> No.9792749 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1000x750, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyno betaboy bulimic dweeblord manlet :)

you look like shit btw, embarrassing insertions.

pic related, you and your klinefelters.

>> No.9792771

i'm 5'11 and im 120 lbs without trying to eat less. i feel healthy, i run, and i have healthy sleeping habits.

don't do what's unnatural for your body. some people are just naturally skinnier than others.

>> No.9792776

i also think you have gyno because in no way does my chest look anything like that.

>> No.9792777


>retarded autistic
>everyone would filter your shit fits
>put up trip again
>i can feel my intelligence being drained from reading the abysmal retardation that is your posts

pigfuck do you mind adding this mad gyno-boy to your tumblr? seems like the perfect candidate

>> No.9792969
File: 84 KB, 600x332, llllner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9793000

what do you eat to stay this lean?

>> No.9793018


There's no secret, I just eat everything, mostly healthy only not in massive portions. And lot's of water and coffee, but I pay no real attention to dietary benefits at all, I just eat what I like.

>> No.9793029

just exercises then?

>> No.9793040


Nope, I ride a bike and walk a bit more since I live in a city, but besides that I don't do a thing.

>> No.9793051

what kind of coffee do you drink? all black?

>> No.9793052

Did you play sports as a kid?

>> No.9793057


Way too much, around 8-9 espresso's followed by several mugs of drip.

>> No.9793061


Top tier hockey league. My quads are diamonds.

>> No.9793067

well thats why you look the way you are looking, enjoy it while it lasts, after 25, chances are you'll be looking like shit if u dont improve your eating habits and wont start exercising

>> No.9793069

All i can say OP is that you were skinnyfat and you're still skinnyfat.

Plus, it seems you suffer from some gyno.

>> No.9793082


I'm 27, haven't played hockey in ten years. That said my entire family is slim. I must be doing something right.

>> No.9793087

fml, you won the lottery man :(
even former hockey players of my age I know are fatasses now

>> No.9793095

Serious Question: What would be a good exercise routine for a skelly fat 5'11 140ish like me to get this type of definition?

I barely can do 8 push-ups

>> No.9793099

sprinting pushups pullups planks situps

>> No.9793105


This "definition" is mostly accomplished by proper lighting and low bodyfat. Genetics are also playing a role.

And that's absolutely it. If you want to speed up the process hit /fit/ and avoid stupid shitty advices like lifting heavy things if you care about your weight. Focus on bodyweight and postural exercises. Oh and some cardio. Cardio is always good.

>> No.9793108


* if you care about your back

>> No.9793114

Guy's I'm pretty much what OP looks like in his first pic.

How do I become lean and lose the tits? How much should I be eating? I've started skipping lunch. Is it absolutely necessary that I start gyming?

Please I know nothing. I just started looking like shit and I've always been relatively skinny. Pls help.

>> No.9793123


>Is it absolutely necessary that I start gyming?

God fucking damnit you guys can't be for real.

Of course it's necessary. Skipping food will makes you look even shittier.

>> No.9793151

Please explain.

Basically, I'm trying to lose the fat on my gut. By eating at a deficit and doing some light exercise, I assumed I would become a lot leaner. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.9793167

>mostly in muscle
>10lbs of muscle mass in a month
g o o d

>> No.9793169

Hi fucktard!

Starving yourself will not only make you lose fat, it will make you lose muscle mass too.

Are you still with us, fucktard?

Ok, good! Now, having little body fat and no muscle mass will make you look skinnyfat. Got it, fucktardo?

Therefore, what you need to do to get rid of your tits is build up a bit of muscle mass, which will space out your body fat nicely and evenly.

This episode of "Fucktarding for Fucktards - Beyond Fucktard" has been brought to you by /fa/ and common sense.

>> No.9793183

Okay, so as a skinny fat should I be eating at a deficit or a surplus?

I get that I should start exercising more (you made it very clear), but how much should I be eating? Thanks for the help so far.

>> No.9793187

when you say you want to be leaner i assume you mean you want your body to look more defined. if you look like op and work your muscles as little as your post makes it seem, i guarantee you will lose weight and still look just as flabby and undefined.
at least, until you start seeing bones and become death-by-lack-of-food mode. if you want to get defined and still look somewhat healthy( a very skinny body will always look somewhat unhealthy to people), you want muscle mass. eating at a surplus will help tou gain muscle, but obviously it won't help you lose fat. i would personally advice eating only at a slight surplus if you don't want to gain much fat. but do remember that you can lose fat later, and it'll be easier to gain some now and make big muscle gains and cut later.

why would you waste energy being so hostile
you sound like a child
>mfw the structure of this autism-filled post

>> No.9793189
File: 123 KB, 331x318, riprude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fully grown MAN weighs 200lbs at the very least

>> No.9793196

Start working out, lifting weights. Eat normally, slightly increase protein intake a bit. Combine with cardio.

You don't want massive muscle gains, so this is your routine.

>> No.9793208


>> No.9793216

Confirmed for lesbo hambeast cuck.

>> No.9793405

EVERYONE ITT go to >>>/fit/ and read the sticky before you post any more ignorant bullshit about exercise or nutrition

>> No.9794223

>Wide as fuck hips
>not gonna make it

>> No.9794277

height and weight, mr?

>> No.9794334

That's not 120 pounds.

I'm 5'10 and 126 and I look waaaay skinnier than that.

>> No.9794389

I'm 6'3 205lb, used to be 275lb, but I'm still a tubby bastard though. What's a good weight to drop to, i don't wanna be skinny fat but I don't want to be super /fit/ either (kinda worried as i'm developing tree trunk legs).

>> No.9794484

Go back to /fit/, manlet

>> No.9794742


>Pant size 28/29, despite meaty thighs and sexy butt due to hockey.

6ft, 130 pounds.

>> No.9794756

thats so nitpicky, hes got a perfectly fine body.

you're probably the same guy in WAYWO threads saying 0/10 shoelaces slightly misaligned

>> No.9794859

I was 125 @ 6'3

didn't starve, just one of those kids who couldn't gain weight. 165 now

>> No.9794877

>Since then I have gained 11 kilos, mostly in muscle
You cannot gain that much muscle mass in less than a couple of years you fucking tit. What you "gained" is mostly water.

>> No.9794946

get your nigger dick inside me

>> No.9794973


>avoiding the question

>> No.9795910


W2c effay body.

>> No.9795964

oh hi rob

>> No.9797563

r u a god

>> No.9797567

underrated post

>> No.9797571

I really want this to be a troll post, but if your not can I have your kik?

>> No.9797689

He needs the extra fat as well, even though yeah I agree that is excessive

As a rule 2-4lb a month of lean mass is realistic

>> No.9797694

Easily the best sticky in 4chan history