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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 140x244, minion feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9776132 No.9776132 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Be walking to class
>Wearing slightly above the knee shorts because muh fashion sense
>Kid passing me, goes "those shorts might be a little too high bro"
>He was wearing orange aviator sunglasses and a suit blazer over a corn flakes t shirt
>Hes about 10 feet behind me now
>"well t-that jacket might be a little too lame bro"
>Keeps walking


has anyone ever insulted your fashion IRL /fa/? what did you do about it?

>> No.9776138

no cause i dont dress like a goof boy

>> No.9776140

I immediately go to my computer to post on a Cambodian landmine injury discussion forum.

>> No.9776145

>be me

This is why people make fun of you. You exude lameness. Who the fuck else would you be? Greentexts are from an assumed first person. You don't say "be le me", you fuckwit. And no, no one has ever said anything to me because I'm a large guy, I have masculine body language, and I have a silver tongue.

>> No.9776150

Are you new?

>> No.9776152

>I'm a large guy
4 U

>> No.9776191

This explained all of /fa/ in a nutshell. Cheers

>> No.9776204

this is 4u bb :)

>> No.9776214

That's when I respond. "Short shorts but my dick tall" and the walk away.

>> No.9776220

How long did it take for you to come up with that?

>> No.9776221

Long enough to make her cum, baby dick.

>> No.9776224

Now that's just rude

>> No.9776238


>> No.9776247

Took me one A$AP Ferg song.

>> No.9776565

>swede on vacation in the us
>walk around
>car suddenly stops beside me
>hey dude, we're hipsters too
>speed away
Idk if it counts

>> No.9776579

Wear shorter shorts. Everyone must see your hairy thighs

>> No.9776585
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>> No.9776592
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hike those shorts up bby

>> No.9776613
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>make fun of friend's lil bro for shits and gigs, not to be mean
>he has a habit of saying cruel things and making personal attacks at people to get back at them
>one day he was wearing a pair of Tom's that he personally splattered with paint and a pair of salmon-colored faggot pants
>tell him that he looked like a fetus covered in confetti and finger paint
>he tells me my parents hated me and I was the reason they divorced
>burped in my mouth, blew it in his face, and ball-tapped him
>no objection from older bro

Thank fuck I was an only child.

>> No.9776631

>one day he was wearing a pair of Tom's that he personally splattered with paint and a pair of salmon-colored faggot pants
>tell him that he looked like a fetus covered in confetti and finger paint

>implying this is okay


>> No.9776654
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We all said things like that to one another in my group of friends, him included. That was how we joked around.

I'm still friends with both of them today. Chill out, anon.

>> No.9776690

>walking down hall with new glasses
>see newfag with tight shorts that have his fat thighs spilling out everywhere
>give the guy some inspo
>hear something about my jacket that his gf bought me
>hes autistic anyway

>> No.9776704

literally a bully.

>> No.9776719
File: 519 KB, 618x496, c7ac6cb79fb2390ea4d01f1e43433a8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please don't call me names. That hurts my feelings.

>> No.9776735


if you want to be aggressive

"ok fuccboi"

getting mad means you lost

>> No.9776737

some kid called my docs gay.felt pretty insulted and returned them

>> No.9776746

Its not, its an over the top joke. its so ridiculous how could anyone take it seriously

>> No.9776763

Fucking hell, stand up for yourself you fuck

>> No.9776777

He's my friend, he was like "wtf is that shit, i see asian girls wearing that", then he started showing everyone in the class, was pretty embarrassing

>> No.9776780

How the fuck are you that insecure
Someone says something like that to me I just usually smile and reply something like "You think so?" or "You feel that way huh?"
Either they elaborate and I'll have a discussion or it just ends there.
Fuck I can't even remember what the last comment like that was on my clothes or how it went because I'm not insecure socially awkward fuck.

>> No.9776787
File: 673 KB, 612x612, Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 19.03.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Skinheads wear them too. Where are you from? I think they have different connotations in the states

>> No.9776795
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>> No.9777305

lol you sound like the class beta

>> No.9777439

>be a large guy
>for you

>> No.9777445

Top lel

>> No.9777450
File: 357 KB, 1600x1200, 1407893181656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


skinheads dont wear them anymore ya poof. they wear those big steel toe boots or trainers.

>> No.9777452

>He's my friend
Consider raising your standards.
And your oioi level.

>> No.9777470

Highschool: The Thread

>> No.9777503

you are literally new

>> No.9777523

roommate called my stans old man shoes

ill be ok

>> No.9777527

i get told i looke like a homeless person all the time. once somone even threw some change at me..

>> No.9777559

they always insult my sick airties :( when will they learn that unbottoning the top 4 buttons on your shirt doesn't make them fashionable.

>> No.9777752

Most creative one Ive seen yet

>> No.9777787




Those guys in the car sound like total bros. Would hang out with.

>> No.9777813

God I hate this shit

>> No.9777824


>> No.9777831

made me cringe so hard

>> No.9777847

Edgy and nerdy bet you've got a nasaly voice

>> No.9778234
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Nah, man. What you're doing is presumptuous and petty.

A girl I dated when I was 14 thought I was her priest talking to her on the phone once and I couldn't convince her otherwise.

Said all kinds of fucked up things about that her and situation that I really don't care to think about.

>> No.9778273


I was wearing some short swim trunks and I somehow ended up in the nightclub district of my town extremely baked and some drunk guys told me the girls would laugh at my shorts. I was too baked to reply but all the women I saw there looked like they had herpes anyway.

>> No.9778286

damn right bro, those nasty skanks don't deserve a /fa/ alpha male such a you, you showed this douchebag you were superior by ignoring him. fucking plebs man

>> No.9778327

"Well that's just like your opinion, man."

>> No.9778357

yeah its the epitome of trying too hard

>> No.9778361
File: 88 KB, 600x439, stubbies1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must suck to live in a country where shorts above the knee are taboo

feels great to live in australia where you can practically wear bloody boxers and no ones bats an eyelid

>> No.9778372

im australian and even i agree this is too far

does it make you feel big to bully a child?

>> No.9778382

easy on the eyes as well eh lads

>> No.9778383

He's right though...

>> No.9778528

>be dressed like a fuck
>navy floral shirt, black chinos, blue ballys leather shoes
>at costume party
>hot older spanish grill friend: where's ur costume anon
>me: this is my costume
>hot older spanish grill friend: I like it anon
> she proceeds to kiss me non stop on the cheek at some point while I contemplate whether to cuck her boyfriend
Tfw complimented on fits deemed poor by /fa/

>> No.9778653

wanting the d is different from being /fa/

good job any way tho

>> No.9779194

Well, my point is assuming that wanting to be /fa/ is to get the vagoo, then you don't rlly need to try too hard as women aren't that picky lmao.

Sadly I didn't cuck Her bf, cuck stories on /b/ made me a bit of a moralfag.

>> No.9780533

>he doesn't know yet

>> No.9780786

The ocean called, they're running out of shrimp.

>> No.9780798

Well I had sex with your wife!

>> No.9782857

I have a lawnchair like that

>> No.9782868

>people shitting on what you're wearing
are you in fucking highschool still?

>> No.9783229

i started this and i fucking hate what its become

>> No.9783234

>they are literally new and non't know yet

>> No.9783237


>getting this irate on a laotian dogfighting board

also, you didn't start anything, cuck

>> No.9783254

i was the first to deviate from the chinese cartoon forum into [obscure nationality] [obscure interest] [outdated mode of comunication]
im not angry its just an annoying meme by now

>> No.9783259


nope, you've never done anything original in your life, cuck

>> No.9783279

>getting angry at a nepalotian salvation outpost letter chain

>> No.9783314

seemingly, neither have you.

>> No.9783323


Oh yeah and I love masturbating to big black cocks because I'm a little faggy cuck

>> No.9783344
File: 48 KB, 191x196, 1430258008823 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres the ethnic cleansing when you need it

>> No.9783403

>i was the first to deviate from the chinese cartoon forum into [obscure nationality] [obscure interest] [outdated mode of comunication]
no you weren't. stop lying about yourself

>> No.9783415

fit sounds dope if done right though