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File: 15 KB, 320x480, IC_ Rick Owens Drkshdw Sweats_Shorts Combo XS - StyleZeitgeist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9771474 No.9771474 [Reply] [Original]

>daily reminder that SLP is for faggots

>> No.9771478

I think those slp threads are ironic

>> No.9771492

Fatties detected. Enjoy diabetes.

>> No.9771506 [DELETED] 

so is rick owens

>> No.9771510
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>> No.9771517

the perfecto tho
grail as far as leather jackets go tbh

>> No.9771528

daily reminder, anorexia is a mental disorder. Enjoy your body dysmorphia, being never quite satisfied with your weight knowing you could probably be skinnier if you ate less and seeing every day you eat even a little too much as a failure; simultaneously fucking over your metabolism, decreasing your lean body mass making it easier for your body to gain weight when you finally decide that the opinions of internet strangers isn't worth feeling like shit all the time because you refuse to keep your body at a sustainable weight in the long run. Not saying all skinny people are anorexic but if you are a male and you make size 27 skinny jeans look loose fitting then maybe it's time to work on your body a little instead of sitting around on the internet, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.

>> No.9771542

rick Owens is more expensive than SLP, you stupid retard.

>> No.9771569

Rick Owens is a fuccboi brand now. SLP doesn't cater to fatties and that makes you mad.

>> No.9771583
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Yeah it caters to neu-money fob asians, and mentally unstable faggots.

>> No.9771594

Uncle Ricky is one ugly fuck.

>> No.9771596

lmao, why, because I don't get to look both like a faggot and a prepubescent teen girl at the same time?

and why, do you think Rick Owens caters to fatties? oh wait, Rick clothing is made by a designer who actually knows that being /fit/ is waaay more attractive than looking like a fucking skeleton.

if only you could turn the dicks you have up your ass into fashion sense. maybe then you could understand me.

>> No.9771637

Rick Owens clothing looks like anime shit. Fuck off.

>> No.9771649

isn't rick a faggot tho. I remember seeing a vid of him sucking dick or something. Also half his pieces have guys dicks hanging out. Fucking fag lmao. Ask any girl which looks better.

>> No.9771653

>dressing for girls
Enjoy your insecurities

>> No.9771660

You literally just used the argument that slp is for gays then you come back with this. Lol you're a fucking retard.

>> No.9771665

that wasn't actually me tho m8.

the answer would probably be zara so...yeah

>> No.9771681

Find a flaw with SLP.
You can't.

>> No.9771773
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I'm fat and I browse the slp threads and save inspo. not all fatties think alike m8. I can't wait to lose enough weight to be able to pull of fits like those.

>> No.9771814

and rick doesn't ??? all "neu-money" asians exclusively wear rick

>> No.9772006

Maybe his sneakers but not as much his actual clothing. I can't remember all the times I've seen some rich dog faced Korean sporting a SLP coach jacket. All of Hedi's designs are trashy and so fucking gimmicky. Yeah you like the rocker style we get it, change it up. Also before you try and make the same argument for Rick, he has played around with many different styles over the year and very rarely stayed on one very long. I can understand why people like SLP but for the price you're paying you could a much better piece from many different places.

>> No.9772050

>but my fifth hand Helmut gimp pants are the epitome of masculinity
Shut the fuck up. You are such a one trick pony with everything you do.

>> No.9772063

>muh drapes
>muh clown shoes
>muh diaper pants

>muh high heels
>muh skinny jeans
>muh sweet perfecto

idk i say slp wins hands down
get off the dick bandwagon

>> No.9772074

Wow you sound completely unbiased

>> No.9772083

>high heels
>skinny jeans

you mean fag clothing you could buy at zara for a fraction of the price? lmao. don't even compare that shit to Rick.

>> No.9772084

nah that's the only things that come to mind when i think of rick

>> No.9772090

no different than getting same shit rick puts out at fabrixquare u fucking tool

>> No.9772095


both are shit. we have rick to thank for comical dunks & hedi is perpetuating skinny pants. fucking innovation.

>> No.9772111

SLP best. Dick Ovens emo clown cosplay.

>> No.9772135

sorry m8, it doesn't happen like that. I'm 160 lbs right now and I used to be over 250 lbs and simply losing weight doesn't automatically give you a model body. Think about how big your legs are right now, depending how fat you are and how long you've been that way your legs don't just shrink down to stickly propotions thanks to the extra muscle you've been building by carrying the extra weight around. That's not necessarily bad if you are going to work out and even your proportions out but if you wanna get that slp look have fun burning that muscle away, it's a lot harder to do then burning fat since your body has to catabolize perfectly useful muscle so you are gonna have to take some long runs/walks and eat mostly chicken and vegetables. Not impossible but for the work you'll have to do why not just build a little muscle and eat a healthy diet instead.

>> No.9772146

just don't eat and you'll eventually get skinny.

>> No.9772292

For skinny/almost skinny people this works. For fatties who just start dieting all of a sudden after their body is used to running on ungodly amounts of sugar/fat/carbs, it's basically like withdrawal. Obesity in a lot of cases is basically food addiction and simply cutting off an addict cold turkey is kinda useless as they almost inevitably fail at their crash diet and yo-yo back again. It is way more effective to introduce gradual changes to balance metabolism, losing weight at a steadier rate while introducing exercise into their routine. It might take a little longer then starvation but at the end of it all they'll have better results, less loose skin and a more balanced physique. Cardio/moderate strength exercise is pretty much a must for healthy weight loss in obese patients otherwise their body is just gonna fight the weight loss, by increasing their appetite and packing weight they thought was gone. Macros are important too, protein will keep you feeling full for longer and can help curb cravings especially if you eat chocolate protein bars that have 3g of sugar, 200 cals and 21g of protein balanced into a 1.5kcal - 1.8kcal daily diet.

>> No.9772670
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This thread

>> No.9772727

Type II Diabetes you ignorant fuck. Leave the disease I developed at 5'8 and 50kg away from association with fat cunts plz.

>> No.9772754
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you dress like my 32 year old gothic female friend.

She's really hot, are you really hot? Don't care if you're a guy or not

Also, where to cop that floral shirt?

>> No.9772850

Yeah Rick dated men for most of his life. Not sure why that's supposed to be an issue in any way you homophobic faggot

>> No.9773006

In the last thread he said it was from Vineyard Vines.

>> No.9773732

Only very thin people can wear it

>> No.9775106

no he didn't you cuck.

>> No.9775112


"We met through my boyfriend, one of her best friends. So it's true I'm bisexual. It's supposed to be the other way around, isn't it? People are against bisexuality. It's either shit or get off the pot. It would be great if things were that black and white, but life is all about ambiguities, and sometimes you have to make up the rules as you go along. It would have been easy for me to be completely gay. There was nothing holding me back. In fact, I started out assuming I would be a gay guy who didn't really have relationships, but who would have sex anytime."


>> No.9775123

SLP is basic bitch tier

its like the white boy version of louis v

>> No.9775125

>brand with the namesake of one of the most influential and revolutionary designers of the last century
>headed by one of the most cutting-edge contemporary designers
>literally the definition of "cool", "stylish and "chic"

Rick Owens
>some meme fag who makes dresses and moonboot rip-offs that accidentally became popular

>> No.9775130

>maybe if i use a thesaurus and buzzwords people will think im smart and cultured


>> No.9775142
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>fat AND stupid

>> No.9775145

well memed, m8

>> No.9775148

it's boiled down to something very stale and formulaic (generically rocker chic clothing on tall boyish malnourished models)
largely worse than hedi's work at dior homme
consumers are almost universally faggots
it's overpriced
if you wear it you look like an underfed twink draped in hedi's cumrags

>> No.9775526

Yeah I'm fucking perfect, Nah jk, I'm a hideous fuck

It's yo boi SLP just passing by to say that anyone who took seriously this thread is a retard and should reconsider hoe shirty was this b8,im disappointed, this was weak as fuck


>> No.9775577

bait perhaps but the truth still stands.

>> No.9775593

IMO it's all about style, confidence and taste, I do like the technical talent of Tricky Ricky but the whole aesthetic concept is retarded (showing dicks in man dresses, kek), Hedi IMO does a better job in both aspects but isn't as innovative as Rick but I guess you can't experiment that much with the aesthetic and style he works with, maybe other designers from Ysl and even Our Lord Yves Saint Laurent but still you have to give credit to everyone where they deserve it

>> No.9775779

that's the point. what aesthetics does Yves saint Laurent make that are original or ground breaking enough that distinguish them from cheaper stuff, or from other designers? are they influential by any means? what does the design have that warrants the high price tag? I seriously don't get the whole circlejerking that I've started seeing recently on /fa/ when it comes to this brand. their aesthetics are simply very generic.

also as much as I like rick's stuff, the point wasn't to compare them as much as it was to stop people whose only argument is "ur just jelly cus ur poor" because hey, I'm poor but I like rick which is even more expensive, your point being? childish, I know. but it seems to have worked.

>> No.9775818
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How has Hedi ever done anything remotely technical? His patterns and cuts are what they are supposed to be basic. There is 0 experimentation. There is 0 proof that he has any talent as an actual designer, really only that he is a good marketer and art director. Look at the way a Rick piece is cut especially his outerwear, and ESPECIALLY his older stuff. The tailoring literally does not make sense but it works and it makes beautiful pieces. Now try and tell me Hedi ever did anything remotely like that at SLP. Also I thought you were slightly above just pulling the "XD but he showed wieners in his show card" besides him being infinitely more artistic and conceptual than Hedi, its not even the first time this has fucking happened. He literally has pictures of himself pissing into his own mouth, and let us not forger about the lookbook for moody(pic related). If you want to defend your brand I suggest you actually do it, instead of just putting down Rick and expecting that to enough proof of why SLP is better.

>> No.9775823
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>> No.9775826
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>> No.9775831

literally just
>muh drapes

>> No.9775836
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>> No.9775863

nice curtains

>> No.9775988

Proof once again to be an SLP fan you also have to be a degenerate.

>> No.9776005

Look I have nothing against draping in fashion, at it's best it can very impressive, but with Rick Owens it's pretty much the be all and end all. He's a one trick pony and the fact no one even wears his best stuff says something.

>> No.9776036
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You literally don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9776047

Ok dude, is that image supposed to prove your point?

>> No.9776048

ITT: retards comparing two completely different designers

>> No.9776100
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Yes, considering you called him a one trick pony.

>> No.9776110

>leaving the tags on
Cool I can walk into the Rick store, try on all this shit and take pics in the fitting room too

>> No.9776122

He is though, a lot of his stuff are appropriations/derivatives too. Guess that makes sense since he got his start making fakes.

>> No.9776232
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Its from the showroom. Don't say things if you don't know what you're talking about
How did he appropriate any other designer? Show me another designer doing the same as him at the same time. There are very few designers around the mid to late 90s even doing anything remotely similar. Maybe Poell or Carpe at times but for the most part they were doing their own unique thing, the same as Rick.

>> No.9776360

>daily reminder that rick owens is for rich edgy teenagers

>> No.9777663


>> No.9777884


And, from the fans that I've met, also tech journalists, animators, architects, musicians, housewives, and yoga instructors.

>> No.9777888

so pretty much the scum of the earth. Got it.

>> No.9777900


God, saw a guy with a fucking leather skirt out on his pants. In real fucking life today.

>> No.9777929

Holy shit what a cool fucking mom to have. Why couldn't my mom be that patrician?
Your 95 parent hating/self loathing tumblr followers are missing you

>> No.9778591

acne > rick > slp

>> No.9778608
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>mfw I read your post

>> No.9778611
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>> No.9778703

rick owens is for rich kids who watch too much anime. shit is weak

>> No.9779084

lol comment is not logical at all
but you are entitled to your own opinion no matter how retarded :)

>> No.9779134

Holy shit hahahahahahhaahah hedi slimane as a cutting edge designer fuck you got me

>> No.9779147

Ya meme'd on me bruv

>> No.9779179

>hedi slimane

complete newfag to SLP, have a few thrifted YSL pieces that I quite enjoy, what's wrong with hedi?

I just checked her website, and while it's all very strange I couldn't find anything wrong with her. also new SLP collection looks alright, better than 90% of brands out there, so why all the hedi hate?

genuine question from genuine SLP newfag

>> No.9779201


>> No.9779209

How small should my legs be to fit in SLP properly
I'm a former athlete with 23 inch thighs and a 41 inch ass.

I don't think I fit the aesthetic well but I really admire it and think all this shit is dope, so pls give advice

>> No.9779250

You must literally know nothing about him then, he has constantly been a driving force for boy-chic and was one of the designers spear-heading the slim male silhouette

Since then he has continued to refine and redesign his look while still remaining at the forefront of the modern male mode, unlike some designers *cough* Raf *cough*

>> No.9779283

>he has constantly been a driving force for boy-chic
>Since then he has continued to refine and redesign his look
he's been rehashing and rehashing since he left dior, with little substance, innovation or creativity. some of the pieces that come out of slp are, admittedly, nice clothes, but there isn't anything to set them apart. i still like his photography though.

captcha: diour

>> No.9779291

Hedi is a male.

Also Hedi has been rehashing the same silhouette season after season. True, he made a very slim male silhouette famous (Raf did this though too in the 90s) but SLP is just boring now.

>> No.9779297

Raf is arguably one of the progenitors of the slim male silhouette as well. Raf made slim fitting suits with high shoulders in the 90s, before Hedi was at dior. Raf isn't much anymore but his peak is much higher and more intriguing than hedi's.

>> No.9779326

Yeah I'd really love to see all the designers rick copied years ago they must be really really ahead of their time.

>> No.9779422

I know he is dude, that's why I said Hedi was "one of the designers"

>> No.9781070

As I said, I admire Ricky technical work, I would kill to look at the actual pattern books, he really does have talent ... for art, not for actual fashion, his clothes should be in a museum not a catwalk or a store (only the clothes, the shoe ware is ridiculous)

I know Hedi 's patterns are basic but he can't go doing crazy shit with the aesthetic he's working with, he can't do avant garden pret a porter when the company has been a French luxury brand since its beginning, there isn't even a Haute Couture there anymore, that's why he has to get creative with all those restrictions and he has being doing some great work since Dior, specially Dior

Also, dick dresses Kek, jk the patterns are gorgeous ... only for women, Rick does some great dresses tho

>> No.9781082

That's why I said this thread is b8,its like comparing a brand of beer with a brand of liquor, both can get you drunk but they aren't the same

>> No.9781098

It's Him, not her

He makes the clothes people want and what he wants in a very sensible wearable way, in comparison to Rick who only makes avant garden very technical drapes for his own pleasure, and redesigns the same moon boots that for some reason they're popular

>> No.9781129
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Elmo rockin' that Rick tho

>> No.9781169

moody cap
white turtleneck
oversized cashmere sweater
aircut detroit denims in blue
low ramones