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9762378 No.9762378 [Reply] [Original]

Ask questions, share advice, etc.

Anyone here have acne? I have mild/moderate acne and oily skin, which is very not effay. I've been on Retin-A, minocycline, and aczone for five weeks but not much progress. Should I go on accutane?

>> No.9762401

There's only two things that will help acne: time or accutane.

>> No.9762416

Accutane works
Your skin and lips will be as dry as the sahara while you're on it but it gets rid of bad acne. I still get a few pimples but my skin is a ton better after accutane

>> No.9762425

This guy is right, the vast majority of product just worse the state of ur face.

>> No.9762480

Any good tips on clearing my skin up? Keep it to store-bought please

I get fairly bad acne to the left and right of my chin aswell as right under my mouth

>> No.9762492


>> No.9762500

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are over the counter.

>> No.9762510


>> No.9762552

Combination of Differin gel and benzoyl peroxide finally did it for me. Differen is a prescription topical vitamin A (same active ingredient in accutane), so you can apply it only where you need it, and keep it off lips, etc.
Benzoyl peroxide works by killing bacteria on and near the surface of your skin. Also tends to dry out the skin, so I also use a moisturizer with them, though my skin is quite oily and not in need of any moisture without them.
Just benzoyl peroxide helped significantly for me, but never completely got rid of my acne.

>> No.9762593

Eat healthy and clean. Avoid processed sugar/flour/chemicals. Drink plenty of water. Change pillowcases at least once a week. Cleanse, moisturise and chemically exfoliate, and WEAR SUNSCREEN.
Visit reddit /r/skincareaddiction for more information and product reccommendations. Good luck!

>> No.9762598

Folliculitis is fucking up my perfect accutane skin

>> No.9762644

How do I get rid of these god damn black heads? They look like they're underneath the skin as in, they don't really pop out like pimples do. I only have a couple between my cheek and nose but they're noticeable to me.

>> No.9762677 [DELETED] 
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I was gonna make my own thread but I doubt it will get lots of attention.
I look like pic related. I have a trucker's tan and I hate it so much. I can't even get near pools or beaches anymore without feeling uncomfortable and I like swimming.
Help me, I've tried everything from trying to even the tan to tan beds and spray... It just doesn't work. My chest will always look paler than my arms and it's driving me mad.

Finally, I'm considering the opposite. What if instead of even out the dark, I even out the white? Yes, I'm talking about skin bleaching. I've read about it already but can't find any product that it's not for weird skin diseases like hyperpigment.

So please, /fa/bulous, tell me if any of you tried this already, tell me what I need, the basics, I wanna know everything!

>> No.9762681

I've been using a 3 step of clearasil ultra, a random toner and clean and clear moisturizer. Along with cetaphil as a face wash in the shower, my acne is noticeably less red and my skin less oily.

>> No.9762683

>tfw hopefully getting prescribed accutane next week

Thank fuck

>> No.9762703

Sure, accutane rid my pimples and cysts but my skin is just fuckin blotchy (discolored/hyperpigmented) now. I hope with time it fades and I guess it's better than before but it's such a long haul

>> No.9762787
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Anything to get rid of sebacious filaments? I know they're permanent and will always come back, but fucking christ there has to be SOMETHING to get them off for a while.

Also, acne scars. What do I have to do to get rid of these bastards?

>> No.9762854

How are you supposed to use trentenoin? Daily? Twice daily? Bidaily? Weekly?

Also how much on the face?

>> No.9762889

got ugly pimples on my balls, what do
regular popping/pricking doesn't work

>> No.9763959


>> No.9765196

I've got a four week beard going and it's starting to get a little itchy. Yesterday morning I noticed what I assume was dandruff in my beard, skin looks dry.

I've got a free Amazon Prime trial right now. What should I get?

>> No.9765279

what's the best method to clearing up bug bite scars?

>> No.9766059

get some better hygiene :^)
Nah, it'll do that sometimes when its still short just use body wash or shampoo on your face and it'll go away.
Sauce, I had a long long beard for 8months before having to shave for work
Hopefully yours isn't patchy and disgusting in which case just kill yourself
Using any sort of beard product is pretty tryhard

>> No.9766166

i have good skin. never had any problems with face. however, backne is getting pretty annoying. i've tried daily showers, different soaps, a scrub with handle, changing clothes before sleeping, frequent washing of sheets and pillowcases... still backne. i'm pretty physically active. how do i get rid of this shit?

>> No.9766279

i have really shitty acne,
its not that noticeable but it never goes away,
always have eone or pimples and bunch of pigmentation form old stuff
so sad about it,
dunno how to fix it
just wash with drugstore shit and put cocoa buter lotion on sometimes
god im fucked

>> No.9766284

So I have st Ives Pads and Stridex.

Should I use both daily?

I've been alternating between them every night.

>> No.9766287

that pillow case shit is crazy do yall do that?

>> No.9766303

Shaving with a straight razor manually exfoliates the skin. I usually put on a light coating of jojoba oil afterwards.

>> No.9766335
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What's up, /fa/.

I have some questions.

1- Why some white guys look like pic related with their faces full of acne, and some of them have perfect skin without acne like this redneck?


Assuming that rednecks are poor (or pretend to be), so they have a good skin or they use skincare products too, without the fear of be called a homo?

>> No.9766339

2- There are good sources and pics of the different types of skin for the people who don't know which type of skin they have?

>> No.9766348
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What to do against hyperpigmentation?

Maybe it has something to do with my hormones

How can I get rid of them? Pls help I've tried many things already...

>> No.9766359

What happens when you shave with a curvy razor?

>> No.9766453

Niggah your pic is some greasy fat faggot ofcourse he's gonna have shitty skin because he eats dorritos and drinks mt.dew all day while the red neck eats wild game and drinks either beer or water neither of which are associated w/ acne

>> No.9766625

there arent scientific evidence that certain types of drinks and foods are harmful for the skin

>> No.9767049
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>Pls help

Fuck, I can't resist.

Is the hyperpigmentation the result of, say, previous acne?

One easy thing to do is to start using sunscreen in order to keep the hyperpigmentation from becoming worse (as sun may darken the already dark spots). +30 SPF for both UVA as well as UVB is not overkill. Not irritating the area in general is another priority.

Hyperpigmentation wiil generally fade with time (several months-a few years) to some degree. The time it takes depends primarily on how dark your hyperpigmented area is in relation to the rest of your skin (and pigmentation depth).

Hydroquinone is a common OTC treatment, that in your case only should be applied to the dark spots. Topical retinoids is another option. Also in-clinic chemical peeling. Also lazors. Treatment efficacy will depend mainly on pigmentation depth iirc (superficial pigmentation is easier to reach and treat).

The absolutely best things you can do is 1. start using sunscreen, and 2. see a dermatologist.

>> No.9767131

sunscreen recommendations? pls? cetaphil made my face red

>> No.9767160
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There are actually numerous studies on the topic. Diet appears to be somewhat related to acnegenesis (for acne vulgaris). Dairy and high GI foods are the main alleged perpetrators.


feel free to read all about it based on terms like "dairy", "GI", "acnegenesis". feel free to ask me for more sources.

To play it safe from a dietary perspective, avoid dairy products and high GI foods.

>> No.9767170

yes there is plus my life experience

>> No.9767204
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>cetaphil made my face red

SURELY you are referring to the Cetaphil Cleanser? Or did you actually experience irritation from their +30/50 SPF moisturizer?


I don't have any real product recommendations. Sorting by customer review score on Amazon usually does the trick.

The Skin Cancer Foundation has recommendations for all kinds of sunscreens, however:



>> No.9767555

I had pretty shitty acne, but after tweaking my routine a little, it's gotten much better.

>generic facial cleanser
>nivea creme moisturizer, comes in a blue tub thing
>drink tea as opposed to soda

I've found that washing my face with the cleanser and then putting the creme on afterwards before I go to bed has helped a lot. Also putting it on after I shave helps with residual redness/more acne.

>> No.9767563

Anyone have experience with Duac?

How long should i wait inbetween putting an antibiotic treatment on and then moisturising as it makes my face dry as fuark

>> No.9770035

This. You won't believe the hyperpigmentation I've got. I used to have really bad eczema on the face and because I'm asian the pigmentation from it left certain parts of my face extremely dark. Like, my nose is pale compared to my cheeks and forehead. it really sucks but sunscreen (even in winter) helped a lot.

>> No.9771094
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how do you take care of those after shaving pimples?

pic related

>> No.9771180

no, their moisturizer stung and made my face red. serious. idk which ingredient but im guessing it was a fatty alcohol or something. thanks though

>> No.9771216

see cerave moisturizing lotion on amazon

>> No.9771283

yo, somebody pls help, my skin is extremely flaky right now, i drink plenty of water and only wash my face with water, but within 5 minutes of getting out of the shower or rinsing my face with cool water, it flakes and peels and looks like sandpaper. help, pls. i have a date in 2 days.

>> No.9771295

I have sensitive skin and when I shave I often end up with dry red blotches, like spots but without the head. Struggled with it for months but I have recently started moisturising my face with BP Aqueous Cream, shit works a treat, face is as smooth as a babies arse.

Just helping anyone with the same tissue!

>> No.9771330

how can i shave my pubic area without all the hair follicle things turning into whiteheads the next day?
took advice from internet, i exfoliate chemically and physically before, use baby oil to shave it, and use another chemical exfoliant after and stick deoderant over it.
still it's not any different than if i just shave with soap and do nothing after. [warning, gross description] the next day all the places where hairs were have sebum at the surface that can be kinda popped like a pimple. and on bad days i end up with a fuckload of ingrown hairs.

what am i doing wrong? i've tried pretty much everything

>> No.9771351

Hi, i've been getting pimples on shoulder, hands and back. What should I do? Please note that i was a dirty fuck. If i start using natural soap and shower daily will they disappear?

>> No.9771410 [DELETED] 

Honey. Spread it on your face, wait a while and wash it off.

>> No.9771484

Taking 140mg of Accutane, my lips are kill. What do?

>> No.9771545

just trim

>> No.9771598

yes, you greasy cunt

>> No.9771664
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if your skin is just dry, get some hardcore moisturizer on it. both cerave and cetaphil are good.

if you have dermatitis (which it may be), then go for the above as well as hydrocortisone creams.

ask for the stuff at your pharmacy.

isotretinoin works by annihilating your sebaceous glands, which inevitably makes your skin drier.

use an occlusive-rich lip moisturizer to compensate for the lack of sebum. if this fails, you could ask your doctor for a lower dosage. you generally need to balance acne:dryness issues when taking it.

>> No.9771687

>Is the hyperpigmentation the result of, say, previous acne?

Thanks for your post. and the answer to this question is no

It just appeared out of nowhere and gradually got darker

>> No.9771696

isn't 140mg kinda hardcore

>> No.9771734

thanks, ive heard bad things about cerave and cetaphil but ill take your word and try and find a trial size. right now i just put on some shea and cocoa butter with hopes that might help

>> No.9771743

The solution for acne is fucking simple: don't eat like shit.
I've had acne all my life from eating mostly junk food, so in the beginning of the year I started eating healthy and my acne cleared up in 2 weeks. Now all I do is moisturize at night and wash two times a day. Gonna look into chemical peeling for the scars tho. But there's no fucking need for acutane and shitty face creams.

>> No.9771748
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What sunscreen are you using ?

>> No.9771903

what moisturizer u use?

>> No.9771912
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When did the spots first appear? Have they all rapidly appeared, or increased in number/size or changed in pigmentation/shape?

The reason I'm asking is because of eventual melanoma warning signs.

Please compare your spots with the examples found in the ABCDE here:



Don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you feel the need.

>> No.9771927

Some cheapo brand that prob doesn't exist in your country. Just look for anything non oily with SPF.

>> No.9771943



What the actual fuck ? Are you an actual mutant looking freak to take such a monumental dose ?

I hope for you that your derm is checking your blood every two weeks or so, because that's some serious dosage son.

Use chapstick all the time.

>> No.9771995
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Don't take my word for it. Just read the reviews.



Also, there are probably products at your pharmacy dedicated to this kind of extreme dryness. Don't forget to check for dermatitis. Good luck with your date.

>The solution for acne is fucking simple

Nope. Not at all. Medspeak: the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris is multifactorial. Acne is complex. Not simple. The efficacy of the treatment depends on what has caused the pathology.

Re. diet, see >>9767160

Please don't make generalizing claims based on anecdotal evidence.

>> No.9772165
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This shit is good right?

Also, w2c good exfoliator? I fell for St Ive's marketing now I gotta find something else.

>> No.9772248 [DELETED] 


You're hiding a warzone of inflamed bacterial sores on your back. You disgust me.

>> No.9772253 [DELETED] 


That looks so fucking gross omg

>> No.9772286

I was in a thread sum days ago about cetaphil and that black singer forgot his name.
So everyone told me its good and shit so i bought it.
Im 18, have acne since im 14~15 and use isotretinoin for like 4 months.
My skin is like always super dry and then i tried cetaphil and it got better.
You still see dry shit on your skin but it really helped me out

>> No.9772300

>occlusive-rich lip moisturizer
Can you recommend any? I googled some and the only I could find is some scented one and that isn't gonna fly

>> No.9772302

>This shit is good right?


>> No.9772319

Sorry for being too technical. Most ordinary lip balms will do. Available at your nearest pharmacy, or even 7/11.

>> No.9772340

oh sweet thanks man, you're the only trip I wont filter tbh

>> No.9772472

thanks, it only happens for a few hours after shaving but it is still bothers me

>> No.9772518

Shaving gives you acne?

>> No.9772551

Actively fighting against blackheads, but tried pore strips today for the first time. I can't say they blew my mind, but they were by far the best out of everything I've tried (scrubs, masks, etc). I've still got some that you can see, but only up-close.

>> No.9772586

Been using clay on my face and doing tea tree daily cleans. Pretty good stuff, but seems like I need some moisturizer or cream.

Also the clay is clearing up my arm of those reddish bumps

>> No.9772650

Use an astringent after you shave.
i.e. aftershave/witch hazel

and only ever go over your skin once or twice with a razor.

>> No.9773027

I'm so glad that people like this exist

>> No.9773060
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Those aren't blackheads, you fucking doughnut.

They're sebaceous filaments. If you want to REDUCE their look (You are never, ever going to permanently get rid of them, they have health benefits and everybody has them.) then you'll have to use something like mineral oil massages, AHA's, BHA's, etc...

Make absolute sure you research all of those things before you try them, you might not be able to handle them specifically.

>> No.9773152

they have health benefits?
please explain

>> No.9773157

health benefits

>> No.9773164

>>health benefits

>> No.9773166

>you fucking doughnut

>> No.9773201


>> No.9773267

Tretinoin is the topical application. You need Isotretinoin/Accutane. Oral medication taken daily for months.

>> No.9773328
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>tfw keratosis pilaris
How the fuck do I get this off me and keep it off me?

>> No.9774395

Can someone tell me what they think of my skincare routine?

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
Nutrageona SPF15 moisturizer

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
Jojoba oil
Indian Healing Clay mixed with apple cider vinegar (once a week)

>> No.9774413

i get acne on my forehead and the occasional cheek pimple. i don't do anything for it cause it doesn't look terrible

>> No.9774478

st ives is weak pharmacy can keep that
the 1% stridex pads are fine
if you use salicylic acid only use 1% and moisturize after with a facial moisturizer or coconut oil
preferably use a cleanser before using salicylic acid as well

>> No.9774492

you're probably irritating your skin when you shave or exposing pimple that were already there. You could be irritating pimples that were already there and making them more obvious as well.

try using a safety razor I find it less irritating.

>> No.9774512

get the gentle version it's less drying still cleanses

>> No.9774774

cerave hydrating > ceta. sunscreen game is weak, gel moisturizer into jap sunscreen (biore water essence is good for $). also ditch jojoba its messy and you should just use bha exfoliator to get shit out of your pores. swap indian clay with mint julep mask, vinegar smells like shit and you dont have to mix every time. use a moisturizer at night, i suggest cerave PM lotion bc 4% niacinamide

>> No.9774803

Underrated post.
No processed sugars.
No facial exposure to direct sunlight.
Clean face twice a day.
Holla back at chou boi

>> No.9774840


seriously you'll regret that shit so hard... antibiotics are only a temporary combatant and once you're off your face will explode worse than it was before. Happened to me... They tried to prescribe me accutane after but I decided against it. Derm industry is all bullshit they don't know shit about acne, nobody really does. What I do know is since I stopped using any washing products whatsoever and just using moisturizer my skin had improved 10 fold. Acne is a relatively new issue to society and from my observations has gotten significantly worse the more people 'treat' it. I think using face wash products just strip your face of essential oils that protect you from acne.

My regimen is shower in the morning, wash body with soap but face with only water, let face air dry and spray rose water toner onto it, apply hemp seed moisturizer. Seriously has been doing wonders for my skin, I only have one active pimple whereas when i was using 'acne care' products I would constantly have at least 5.

>> No.9774847


also has faded hyperpigmentation slightly, but I'm confident that will change with time.

Evidence:Haven't used any soap on my face in 5 weeks and skin has gotten significantly more clear.

>> No.9775387


>> No.9775401

Congratulations. That worked for YOU. That's not that valuable at all to the rest of us, since you need more samples to be able to make generalizations about others.

>> No.9775639


>i know more than dermatologists based on my various anecdotes and own vague experience

You're the reason some people end up full of scars for the rest of your life. Fuck off.

>> No.9775654

drink more water
tea tree oil as a spot treatment
wash your face 2x daily with a mild cleanser
use witch hazel (non-alcohol) as an astringent
moisturizer before you go to sleep every night

>> No.9775676


you can fuck off you ignorant shit. the derma industry wouldnt be profitable if they didnt have people like us coming back for more. they seriously ruined my skin, i still have scars and shit but they're fading slowly. this is the only thing that has worked for me and im clearly not the only person that it works for.


go do some research fuccboi, its proven that your p. acnes response to antibiotics is awful. 90% of people who go on an antibiotic regimen's acne gets WORSE post treatment, yet dermas still prescribe that shit? how about you fuckboys do some research instead of listening to people who are just as acne ridden as you are and nothing works for them. perhaps a radical change like using just water would work to some avail?

>> No.9775693


I'm also pretty close with a derm in training and she even says they barely know shit about acne. Acne is something that they deal with, yes, but most patients that see a dermatologist are there for burns, other skin conditions etc. She says there isn't much research into it at this point because we have a 'be all and end all cure' in accutane. I'm sorry but I just don't buy it, and if I can prevent someone else from going on antibiotics it's worth it. Theres plenty of research that indicates that antibiotics don't work for most people. I don't remember the scholarly article I read, but I think it said relapse rates of 85%?

>> No.9775705


Shut the fuck up kid. You have no idea what you're talking about. Take your brotips on your 15-18 years old forum see if someone care.

Yes, acne usually come back after stopping Accutane, but it's only T E M P O R A R Y. After that acne is gone forever. Accutane is the only thing that truely works against bad / very bad acne. Fuck off.

>> No.9775726


wow you clearly clicked that link, that post was made by someone who was 30 years old and had persistent cystic acne. I had persistent cystic acne just until I was about 3 weeks into the just water routine. I also eat no dairy, no gluten, take a multi, vitamin d3 and cal mag zinc, and eat a shit ton of fruits veggies and probiotics. Why does this shit seem so batshit crazy? your grandparents probably never used harsh chemicals on their face and they were probably BLEMISH FREE their entire childhood. As I've been saying, acne is a legit plague at this point and I feel for you guys more than anyone cause I went through that shit. And if conventional methods never work for someone and they've tried EVERYTHING, perhaps a lifestyle change like not washing their face would work. I mean, it did take me 5 years of being totay cystic acne ridden to figure out that this is what works for me.

>> No.9775735



i was put on heavy doses of antibiotics (minocycline and doxycycline) for long periods of time and my skin got so bad that I was scared to be seen because I thought people would see me as a freak. So maybe the just water method isn't something to do right from the beginning, but perhaps it's something to just keep in mind if all else fails.

>> No.9775740

Paw Paw cream works for me.

>> No.9775750


Minocycline and doxy are two fucking placebos. No matter the dosage. Anyone i knew that was under this shit (including me) saw little to no changes.

Maybe if your derm wasn't so shit, and gave you Accutane like he should have, you would not talk about acne today.

Accutane + water is the best (and only) valable treatment out there for bad acne.

>> No.9775769


i saw several derms and they all said accutane was the answer, but I decided that I didn't want to take that stuff so I sought out unconventional methods, and I eventually perfected a regimen that keeps me acne free, and it just happens to be the just water method. I mean, there is historical evidence (people not using face washes until like the 90's) and enough anecdotal evidence on the internet that indicates it might be worth a shot.

>> No.9775782


we aren't in the 60s, the food isn't processed the same, pollution levels in our cities aren't the same, teenagers are subject to more social pressure therefore more stress, we usually stay inside way more since we have computers etc etc etc etc etc etc

you can't compare the 60s-90s, whatever to now to make a point concerning acne, there's way too much factors involved, and not only the fucking water

don't do that shit

>> No.9775807

most likely you have very sensitive skin, use an electric razor for a week or two and keep moisturising your face, then once all your acne is cleared up, use a razor again but don't go over the same areas too much.

>> No.9775855


I'm sorry but how have you broken down the causes of acne to purely these environmental factors? If this were truly the case, wouldn't acne be an issue running rampant throughout new delhi or beijing? wouldn't we see cases of chronic acne in slums because of the awful conditions? These people never wash their faces with soap, yet there are fewer cases of acne.

I'm not going to claim that I know what the causal factors of acne are because frankly, I have no clue. What I do know is among my friends and the people I know there is a statistical trend where people who seek out harsh cleansing methods end up with chronic acne problems. What if less is more when trying to combat this shit?

>> No.9775860

I do, I've got four sets of them and change them every 3-4 days tops.
I found it pretty annoying at first but got used to it

>> No.9775968
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>there is not more to dermatology than acne

>> No.9775975


>> No.9775977

-acne is mostly genetic. people can have very different results with the same care.
-i agree with the sentiment that many people over treat their skin and it causes additional damage. less is more.
-accutane fucking works. i took it, so did my friends, i never wash my face except with a little body wash when i shower.

>> No.9775980
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>they don't know shit about acne, nobody really does.

>nobody really does

>> No.9776022
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>its proven that your p. acnes response to antibiotics is awful

Nope. See pic.

>90% of people who go on an antibiotic regimen's acne gets WORSE post treatment

Nope. See pic.

>I'm also pretty close with a derm in training and she even says they barely know shit about acne
That's not a valid source reference.

>> No.9776035
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>Theres plenty of research that indicates that antibiotics don't work for most people

Feel free to link to it. Antibiotics in general seems to work for most people.

> I don't remember the scholarly article I read, but I think it said relapse rates of 85%?

Nope. See pic. Please link the article.

>> No.9776078 [DELETED] 
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There are cases of chronic acne in the slums. There's cases of acne almost everywhere, and specifically among teens.

>Acne is estimated to affect 9.4% of the global population, making it the eighth most prevalent disease worldwide.

>Recent general and institutional studies from around the world have shown that the prevalence of acne is broadly consistent globally (with the exception of specific populations, which are discussed).


There's these "no-poo"/accutane/diet wars quite in these threads.
General advice:

- You shouldn't wash your skin more than you actually need. Once a day, or even less often, might suffice. This depends on how much of your acne that can be alleviated using cleansers, and on your skin type. Acne has several factors, and varies between individuals.

- Diet does seem to have /some/ impact. See:

- Accutane works. No doubt about that. It's just that it has plenty of really harsh side-effects, and it's reserved for severe cases. Image search "nodulocystic acne" and you'll soon know what I mean.

>> No.9776084 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 601x601, 1425048834893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cases of chronic acne in the slums. There's cases of acne almost everywhere, and specifically among teens.

>Acne is estimated to affect 9.4% of the global population, making it the eighth most prevalent disease worldwide.

>Recent general and institutional studies from around the world have shown that the prevalence of acne is broadly consistent globally (with the exception of specific populations, which are discussed).


There's these "no-poo"/accutane/diet wars quite often in these threads.
General advice:

- You shouldn't wash your skin more than you actually need. Once a day, or even less often, might suffice. This depends on how much of your acne that can be alleviated using cleansers, and on your skin type. Acne has several factors, and varies between individuals.

- Diet does seem to have /some/ impact. See:
>>9767160 (You)

- Accutane works. No doubt about that. It's just that it has plenty of really harsh side-effects, and it's reserved for severe cases. Image search "nodulocystic acne" and you'll soon know what I mean.

>> No.9776087
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There are cases of chronic acne in the slums. There's cases of acne almost everywhere, and specifically among teens.

>Acne is estimated to affect 9.4% of the global population, making it the eighth most prevalent disease worldwide.

>Recent general and institutional studies from around the world have shown that the prevalence of acne is broadly consistent globally (with the exception of specific populations, which are discussed).


There's these "no-poo"/accutane/diet wars quite often in these threads.
General advice:

- You shouldn't wash your skin more than you actually need. Once a day, or even less often, might suffice. This depends on how much of your acne that can be alleviated using cleansers, and on your skin type. Acne has several factors, and varies between individuals.

- Diet does seem to have /some/ impact. See:

- Accutane works. No doubt about that. It's just that it has plenty of really harsh side-effects, and it's reserved for severe cases. Image search "nodulocystic acne" and you'll soon know what I mean.

>> No.9776315

I'm the 140mg guy, my acne was mild at most why did my derma give me so much? I dont even think she really cared. I only have 3 weeks left though so it's all over soon. What should I expect after stopping?

>> No.9776857


the study says half of patients relapse... how exactly is this justification for chronic prescribing of antibiotics?

>> No.9776947

>the study says half of patients relapse.

no. it says

>relapse occurs in nearly half of the patients

the majority of treatments are still free from relapse. that's why it's still used.

also see the stuff below for the example antibiotic: median percentage improvement at 6 months was 78%. so, yeah.

you can also read that minocycline rarely causes antibiotic resistance.

there is also no "chronic prescribing of antibiotics". benzoyl peroxides and retinoids are used a lot too

>> No.9777800

hey is makeup remover safe to use as a night product? cold water wash and makeup remover for dust/clogs

>> No.9778202

>health benefits

>> No.9778671

ya'll got any tips on back acne? i'm already drinking a shit ton of water daily and i sleep in clean clothes but it doesn't seem to help much

>> No.9779047

I've used it but it didn't work

>> No.9779483

Whenever I shave my legs I get red bumps and it itches really badly. How do I prevent this, I already use a moisturizing cream on them after. Also, how often should I be shaving my legs?

>> No.9779557

BASED STHLM i have a question

Finished accutane and my skin is v nice. I have continued with just a cleanser followed by a moisturizer day & night.

Is anything else necessary/advisable? I don't know accutane relapse rates... last dose was a month ago and i haven't had any acne for at least that long. Hope the trend continues.

>> No.9780120
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>keratosis pilaris
My chest, back and thighs are starting to get full of that infuriating shit. It seemingly came out of nowhere this month, I never asked for this.

>> No.9780302
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Relapse rates for Accutane are generally very low. Various studies I'm looking at mentions 85%-97% overall decrease in cystic lesions after several months - to several years.

It's not likely that you'll be having problems with that kind of acne in the future.

Daily sunscreen use is good to prevent "photoaging" from the sun (primarily UVA).
Hopefully that will be your main #AESTHETIC concern.

I'm looking at carefully recommended rates of like <1mg isotretinoin per kg body weight that seems to provide an "optimal balance between long term outcomes and side effects" (from "Evidence-Based Dermatology").

Ask her about the high dose if you're curious, to keep us from guessing.

You'll probably be free from "inflammatory acne lesions" when it's over.

>> No.9781896

I;m 6'4" and weigh about 150lbs, does that seem about right?

>> No.9781923

Going in the sauna at my gym completely eliminated my acne, I was washing my face twice a day to little avail, now I don't even wash it anymore and my acne is gone.

>> No.9781980

Beard oil, makes the skin and hair soft and comf

>> No.9781981

Is there any difference in quality between the different brands of Witch Hazel

>> No.9782027 [DELETED] 


Only cucks use witch hazel

>> No.9782532

contribute, or drop trip

>> No.9782757

>trying to act like Gordan Ramsay
When you use a pore strip the sebaceous filaments will come out white.off-white and not be very noticeable on the strip. Black heads come out on the strip black and actually have a bit of mass behind them. Also if you look in the mirror you'll see the little holes where your blackheads used to be. The first time I used a pore strip I was amazed at the little black chunks stuck to it, after the first two uses the really visible blackheads on my nose were gone and I switched to less damaging methods of removal.

>> No.9782984

fuck off you cunt. i ate rice only once a day for 2 weeks. skin didn't change at all but i reached auschwitz mode.

>> No.9783044

butthurt munch

>> No.9783051
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How do I get rid of dark spots under my eyes? I 'think' I'm getting enough sleep...

>> No.9783065

49% would be "nearly half of the patient" so he isn't wrong.

>> No.9783071

You don't want to do thatv

>> No.9783075

tfw getting my skin care products today

my routine is going to be

wash face

clean with pH balanced facial censer
use chemical exfoliator

>once a week
clay mask

>> No.9783146

sleep more, use a serum, or use concealer

>> No.9783222

Wth is a serum?

>> No.9783309
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Vitamin C Serums, pic related

They have high concentrations of their ingredients and absorb into your skin quickly.

>> No.9783343

Depends what kind they are. If it's caused by having a trough there then there's not much you can do. I've got the same problem, inherited a combination of pale thin skin and deep under eye troughs which leaves me looking like a vampire no matter how well rested or vitamined up I am.

Only solution for that is undereye fillers. Concealor lessens it but doesn't get rid of it entirely.

If it's not caused by facial structure then ignore this post.

>> No.9784586
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mfw I used pore strips and it didn't work

>> No.9784753
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There are two main kinds of dark circles under eyes ("periorbital"- around the eye):
- Those caused by highly visible superficial blood vessels
- Those caused by local excess skin melanin (hyperpigmentation)

Re. the first kind of dark circles around eyes: What you have under your eyes are red-blue blood vessels that for some reason has become more visible.

Sleep deprivation may increase the prominence of dark circles below the eyes, as the area becomes irritated. Puffy eyelids from lack of sleep can help darken the area below the eyelids. Sleep deprivation can lead to pallor (pale skin), which can highlight the unaffected blood vessels under the eyes.

Being underweight/low bf% make the blood vessels more visible, as the skin above it becomes thinner. Rubbing the eyes, or making the eye area irritated in general, can contribute to increased blood flow in the area.

tldr: sleep well. don't stare at screens for too long (see Computer Vision Syndrome). check for allergies. gain weight. do not irritate the area. use make-up. check for anemia. and if you're still bothered by it: see a doctor (dermatologist)
For hyperpigmentation, I wrote a response to a guy:
>What you have /are/ periorbital dark circles, but yours seems to be related to an excess of pigmentation in the area rather than overly visible blood vessels. What you seem to have is called "periorbital hyperpigmentation".
>Without intervention, the pigmentation often increases slowly over time. Treatment options include chemical dermabrasion, laser, filler injection. Sunscreen is good to prevent further pigmentation in the area.
>The quick beauty fix: BB cream with sunscreen.
>Actually fixing it: possibly by the use of chemical dermabrasion/chemical peeling. Ask your doctor/a dermatologist.
To see what you /may/ have, google "periorbital dark circles" as well as "periorbital hyperpigmentation" specifically. Hyperpigmentation is more common for people with darker skin.

>> No.9784916

great tips on sunblock here:


>> No.9785326
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How the fuck do I get rid of these red bumps on my face, I don't even know what they are, but they look ugly as hell

>> No.9785636

I read this while eating yogurt and nearly threw up

>> No.9785663



cant help re bumps same prob mesef

>> No.9785670

Is a skincare routine going to keep my face "youthful" or is there something more direct I can use?

>> No.9785671

>chemically exfoliate
whats wrong with shaving?

>> No.9785727

>fuck off you cunt. i ate rice only once a day for 2 weeks. skin didn't change at all but i reached auschwitz mode.
>skinny is healthy
at least this meme is dying. the more overlap we have with /lit/ and /fit/ instead of /v/ and /mu/, the better.

>> No.9785751
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How many time I need to wash my face? Like 2-3 times a day?

>> No.9785763


2 times max.

>> No.9785767

low body fat can be quite healthy

all rice for two weeks is horrendous

>> No.9785771

Yeah I just meant he'd be better eating veg, fruit, beans, nuts and shit.

>> No.9785778


>all rice for two weeks is horrendous

Can't agree more.

As for general tips, sweating a lot seems to have some positive effects on my skin, and cold showers too.

>> No.9785781

>had horrible cystic acne in highschool
>took accutane and its mostly gone but still have bad back/chest scarring
>also have farmers tan because wear t shirts outside
I think I'm going to try tanning this summer.
I was thinking tanning my front and back switching for 15 minutes for an hour every other day until i'm tan with no sunscreen involved.
Does that sound like it will work? If not, advice pls?

>> No.9785794

enjoy your


>> No.9785831

This is embarrassing but my butt has dark spots and it makes it look like a dirty skank butt. How do I take care of those? I've heard lemon juice and moisturizing helps, and dry skin brushing.

I specially have them in the area where it "curves" from butt into back thigh, and a bit between cheeks.

>> No.9786120

STLHM where do you get your .gifs?

>> No.9786375

moisturizer + sunblock to prevent photodamage from sun

>> No.9786423

Is there anything you can do against skin scars? My buddy has this obvious scar on his nose and I want to do something for it

>> No.9786429

I have dry skin. Constantly have to use lotions. I get maybe one pimple every 2 months

>> No.9786607

What kind of scar?

Is it like a pitted/ice pick scar? Laser treatment + time
Is it hyperpigmentation (most common acne scars)? Sunscreen + Chemical pels/Daily AHA's/Azelaic Acid

>> No.9786819

Been trying a bunch of various things on and off for several years now.

Flu antibiotics were the most effective, but only lasts as long as you take them. Clears up acne pretty much entirely.

Benzac AC seems to have a delayed effect (several days) and it's not that great. Doesn't clear up acne entirely and temporary.

Changing pillows/sheets clean seems to make a moderate but long-lasting difference, and you don't have to waste time every day with it.

Sunlight seems to help quite a bit. Perhaps it's because the UV light kills off the bacteria (as with blue light phototherapy), or because of Vitamin D. You need ~5-10 minutes full body sun exposure every second day at noon (or up to 30 minutes on cloudy days) - don't wear SPF moisturizer during that time either, otherwise it's pointless.

Diet - I don't know, but probably helps. I've switched from soft drink to water, and eat healthier now. I've been reading into this a lot. They say carrots (Vit. A - retinol) give your skin a more desirable color than a tan. We seem to be adapted for a certain diet and a certain way of eating (i.e. refined grains = kill). It's not so much about going back to hunter gatherer foods; it's about not taking modern 'shortcuts' - even if they seem just as nutritionally healthy on the face of it, like super-sweet aspartame instead of sugar (fucks with gut bacteria), or setting aside a fibre portion and not having it in every bite (fibre 'traps' other carbs and therefore helps prevent an explosion in blood sugar level)

Showers - Once a day. Lukewarm to cool works best. Hot water dries out the skin, and I suspect cold water doesn't take enough grease off your hair/skin.

Shampoo - best if it touches the hair/scalp only and used in small amounts.

Antibacterial soap - minor effect

Cleansers/Toners/Exfoliates/Paint Thinner/'Sensitive' products - All trash that will just dry out your face and waste your time. Showering and shaving will take care of all of that as the necessary evil anyway.

>> No.9786925

I've had this pimple for more than a year now and I already went to a dermatologist they gave me some pill thing a creamish thing to put on my face at night . They also did some thing that was kind of like a shot on that pimple( I forgot what it is called) on my last appointment. It doesn't look like a normal pimple it looks kind of deflated what should I do about it?

>> No.9788384


>> No.9788390

>Flu antibiotics

WTF am I reading

>> No.9788465
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/wsg/, tumblr, Adobe AE

>> No.9788642

I'm looking for a night time moisturiser (my daytime one has an SPF) and I'm looking at some oils. Does anyone here moisturise with oils? The ones I'm considering are Vitamin E and Rosehip, but I'm open to recommendations.

>> No.9788648

>Anything to get rid of sebacious filaments?

>Also, acne scars. What do I have to do to get rid of these bastards?

>> No.9788652

I change both my pillowcase and sheets once a week, I thought everyone did.

>> No.9788697

Is there a big difference between Indian healing clay and normal healing clay?

>> No.9788703
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Will getting a tan make my sebaceous filaments less noticable? Since they seem to stand out against my pale, skellington-like skin.

Also, how long to go from a pale, skeltal to a nice, tanned person.

>pls respond

>> No.9788704

>Also, how long to go from a pale, skeltal to a nice, tanned person.
sun and food?

>> No.9788711

>Sun and food?

>> No.9788742

Oh, sorry, misread that. Well it obviously depends on the person, but if you spend some time in the sun every day, you should notice some tanning pretty quickly. Because you're always shedding dead skin cells, though, the tan fades, so you need to go into the sun regularly.

>> No.9788746

If I spent say an hour in the say each day, could I get a nice tan in about 2 months?

>> No.9788747


Well it wasn't for the flu exactly. It was something related to me getting it, unless I'm confusing it for something else.

All I know for sure is that I was prescribed a general antibiotic once, and it got rid of my acne like a magic eraser

>> No.9788762

Different skin types tan in different speeds. If you're naturally really pale, you'll get a sunburn more quickly so you should avoid sitting in direct sunlight for extended periods of time but you should know yourself how you react to the sun. You could also get a heat stroke from spending too much time in the sun, so be careful. But it really shouldn't take that long. Maybe an hour a day for 1-2 weeks if it's sunny where you live.

>> No.9788763
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I'm 6", usually wear a shirt with/without a black jumper and jeans. I usually wear black leather loafers but thinking of switching to blue canvas shoes for summer. Also, i workout but have some body fat

>> No.9788769

Both of those look bad. Get derbies or chelseas.

>> No.9788771

This also isn't skincare.

>> No.9789128

>I'm 6"
When will they learn?

Nice off topic post, retard.

>> No.9790452
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>> No.9790480

>tfw almost done with accutane

my knees need it to stop

>> No.9790490


What dosage ? I had all possible issues with Accutane (blood, including in my fucking shit, dry skin dry lips dry eyes, tired etc etc) but not this one.

>> No.9790566

Not him but did you get some sort of depression? I don't know if it is from the accutane but i've def felt a loss of energy and motivation since starting this

is that /fa/?

>> No.9790583


Yes. But it's too easy to blame Accutane for that so i didn't. It could be anything else.

>> No.9790628
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Fuck many my skin looks terrible. I look dead, my skin is dry and full of dirt and blackheads. I wash but they keep coming back, how do I get colour back into my face?

>> No.9790639

How do I fix my eyes from looking blank/dead

>> No.9790642

When I shave, I get lots of little pimples/spots and some irritation about a day or so afterwards. Anything I can do to counteract this?

>> No.9790667

Sounds like ingrown hair. Get a better shaver or do a proper shave.

Meanwhile over here I have terrible bacne since early this year. Fuck.

>> No.9790684
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>tfw my face is forever scarred from acne and a bike crash

>> No.9790687

had terrible acne a few months ago all over face suddenly

my face is now wrinkle-free, baby smooth and clear :^)

>> No.9790690


Acquire a safety razor and read how to use it properly. There's some good videos on Youtube. Once done, you will never have to deal with these issues again.

If you don't want to buy anything, just grab a cheap one blade / two blades razor and shave with the grain, after a hot shower so your pores are wide open, without applying too much pressure. Avoid the stupid fucking six gorillion multi-blades razors. Clean your face with cold water when you're done.

You can use after shave if you want but avoid anything with alcohol in it.

>> No.9790732

Cheers guys. I'm poor as fuck at the moment so I'll try grabbing some of those cheap razors. Will put a safety razor on my to-buy list though