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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 363 KB, 1711x3057, pepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763284 No.9763284 [Reply] [Original]

Ottermode + thin legs + 6 feet (183 cms), is this effay?

>> No.9763299

w2c pants?

>> No.9763304

Levi 510, ultra comfy
I don't think you used "w2c" correctly

>> No.9763583

How get thinner legs? I wanna wear skellington pants to match my fits better but my thighs are on some black girl shit.

>> No.9763661

that's not ottermode, that's barely out of skinnyfat. if you want to look better, train more.

>> No.9763664

Post body.

>> No.9763687
File: 125 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-17-14 at 12.56 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not anything extraordinary

>> No.9763700

there's no fucking way you're 6 ft

how many times did you have to roll up those jeans? kek

why do manlets always lie about their height

>> No.9763701

Nice nips faggot kill yourself.

>> No.9763704

Lose weight you fat fuck

>> No.9763706
File: 373 KB, 1280x1280, IMG-20150307-WA0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad lighting bro

>> No.9763708 [DELETED] 

whens the cut

>> No.9763715


wth OP looks a hundred times better than you do you fat cuck

never post again

>> No.9763716

/fit/ please go project your insecurity on your own board

>> No.9763717

To be ottermode you have to look the same under any light
You're still skelly tbh and there's nothing wrong with that, most fa people are as skelly as you

>> No.9763719 [DELETED] 

oh shit you were shit talking the OP? you look like shit compared, hes superior to you in every way, insertions included.

>> No.9763720

yeah, i feel like that is the true way to be effay
but ey', beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.9763723

ur never going to get a positive response on /fa/. this is the shittest thread in existence. You look fucking good


>> No.9763727

>samefagging this hard
No amount of lying will take your insecurities away son.

>> No.9763733

that's literally ottermodo fag

yes op, cardio is fa af

>> No.9763734
File: 79 KB, 612x612, pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you bro. I dont even consider me a buff guy. Im just a thin guy with some muscles, been in fit, they said i am Ottermode. come to /fa and some skinny fat calls me skelly?

>> No.9763761
File: 161 KB, 821x1024, helio-gracie-waldemar-santana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend.

Change cardio for Brazilian Jiujitsu, and you get me.

Is brazilian jiujitsu /fa? I could submit anyone from fit under 190 lbs easily. 200+ lbs may be tough but possible

>> No.9763812

Dayuuuuum, OP. I'd tap that.

>> No.9763820 [DELETED] 

nice to see a powerful white man, dont neglect your striking now.

>> No.9763824

your arms look too big

>> No.9763851
File: 338 KB, 1296x968, 89358302935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are too chubby, you need to cut more, also lifting weights anymore in relation to your body weight is a recipe for disaster (having a deformed body).
do cardio like jogging 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes each. then do exercises that involve using your own body weight like pullups,chinups,spiderman plank crunches,push ups etc 2-3 times a week.

>> No.9763860
File: 96 KB, 525x700, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I found a fellow fighter in /fa? Is this real?
> pls be in London.
I abandoned kickboxing 5 months ago (really miss it) because of time, only 2 hours of BJJ three times a week, but it always ends in 2 and a half hours.

We fashion enthusiast should all know how to fight.

flexing, and with a tshirt it doesnt look big, that's something.
I look skinny with tshirts

>> No.9763908
File: 91 KB, 1080x1272, IMAG0187_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted, I'm not /fit/ but I'm definitely not fat. My thighs are just too much as a guy. Got better advice Anon?

>> No.9763916 [DELETED] 

former boxer, havent done it in a long time.
>We fashion enthusiast should all know how to fight.


>> No.9763925 [DELETED] 

low test, fat stores in thighs, lordosis.

lift weight, do yoga, eat better.

>> No.9763929

sorry but you're pushing skinnyfat to it's boundaries. do cardio and shit

>> No.9763937

How can I give you advice if you don't show me your tights?

Practice BJJ, or boxing, but boxing has more gymnastics so... it may give you thick legs.
Maybe yoga and running.
I run but only a couple of times a month, I mean, I already excercise in class.


We would be buddies.

>> No.9763949

He's a big guy.

>> No.9763956 [DELETED] 

australia sorry friend :)

>> No.9763962


>> No.9763987

That's cheating, all astraulians know how to fight, it's a default

>> No.9763994

shut up you sound like a dumb bro

i hope this isn't how you make friends

>> No.9764004

u wot m8

>> No.9764013


>> No.9764016

just go pro-ana nobody actually cares about your muscles

>> No.9764024


>> No.9764064

bc no lats :(

>> No.9764083
File: 843 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic. Switched underwear because I just took a shower.

>> No.9764089

i think he means pull your underwear up so he can see your thighs

>> No.9764093

wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.9764109
File: 1000 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a grower, not a show-er.
And I'm standing on my bed cuz I'm about to sleep for the day.

>> No.9764118 [DELETED] 





>> No.9764124
File: 3 KB, 117x120, 1416275692117s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit even a lesbian wouldn't want your stick figure body, just fucking starve to death you holocaust surviror

>> No.9764300

is this a joke? you want smaller legs??

>> No.9764698

I'm essentially an ugly female in the ass and thighs department, but average as fuck in every other aspect. I'd like to even out my proportions.

>> No.9764715


stop posting your disgusting body you klinefelter cuck

>> No.9765932

weight + lifts?

>> No.9765950

No, it's the opposite of effay

>> No.9765955

Effay as fuck

But hide those feet. Jesus they're ugly, HIDE EM, NEVER SHOW EM TO ANYONE

god tier body tho

>> No.9765956
File: 817 KB, 703x763, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is brazilian jiujitsu /fa?
>Ottermode + thin legs + 6 feet (183 cms), is this effay?

how fucking insecure are you faggots?

>> No.9765967

I wanna lick your feet so bad

>> No.9766020

You look like a woman. You're probably an L in real life.

>> No.9766167

Thats the most interesting thing anyone has ever told me.

>> No.9766184

routine? diet?

>> No.9766192

Omg april is hot

>> No.9766219


>> No.9766232


>> No.9766238
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since I'm whoring out my pic on 4chan anyway, and we're posting bodies:

Pic related is me

pls rate

>> No.9766252

You're approaching skinnyfat, so be careful. Still a nice body tho

>> No.9766264

>You're approaching skinnyfat, so be careful
I'm a bit more cut in person. The shitty quality makes me look a little more flat and round

>> No.9766275
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20150220_190554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otter crew

>> No.9766281
File: 14 KB, 225x225, IDShot_225x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i accidentially bulked since then cause omg i just love food omg but havnt really got any fatter just bigger and slightly more bloated looking, but am gonna cut again

>> No.9766285

Body: 8/10 (biceps approaching critical mass tho)
Face: 5/10

>> No.9766291

Well take another pic

>> No.9766307

how insecure do you have to be to constantly post shirtless pics of yourself on the fashion subreddit of a eritrean cartoon forum?

>> No.9766311

>estimated average of once every 10 days

>> No.9766312

>not having a bulge whatsoever

>> No.9766318
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141225_114834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766325


were you in a fight?

>> No.9766336

no, rough sex

>> No.9766347

I've been told a lot of things but that one stuck out the most for some reason.

>> No.9766394

show em

>> No.9766410


>> No.9766421


which is the worst kind of fat

you have the potential to be skinny

but you are blowing it all on FAT

>> No.9766431

I am scary when i imaging your girls body, after sex

>> No.9766437

>I am scary
>when i imaging
>I am scary
>when i imaging
>i imaging
>I am scary

>> No.9766466

too big

>> No.9766543

Sorry, i bad speak English. Can you correct me, if you understood my thought?

>> No.9766556



>> No.9766576

low bf/athletic is still the best

>> No.9766582

>Can you correct me, if you understood my thought?

Nothing in your incoherent drivel contained anything even remotely approaching anything resembling a "thought", so no, I can't. No one can.

Never post again.

>> No.9766594

Are you from Laos and do you hate HBA by any chance?

>> No.9766619

No. I am not from Laos. But i don't like HBA too.

>> No.9766648

u right bout that fatass

>> No.9766652


Are you a trp?

>> No.9766699

ur UGLY!!!!

>> No.9766776

>estimated average of once every 10 days
that's still too many bro

>> No.9766799

Yeah, I know. Right now I'm 6'1" and 158 lbs, which is actually the lowest I've been in 2 years (topped out around 180 maybe). I honestly don't know if I can lose much more weight. I certainly don't eat a whole lot.

I never work out anymore, and to be honest if I did I think I would just gain weight. I suffer from being a little barrel-chested.

She gets a little bruised up too, but mostly just from being pushed and shoved around etc., all the bruises on my body are from her bite marks

>> No.9768742
File: 120 KB, 900x675, pepe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello brother, united we the otters will rule the world

>> No.9768780

68 - 70 kgs. When preparing for a fight I can reach 72, and then drop 7 a week after so I get to 65 (weightclasses and shit). NOT HEALTHY, Do not attempt without an instructor.

I only do 15 - 30 mins of legs before every class, no danger, they don't grow...
45ºpress: 200 kgs. 10 x4
squats: 80kgs. 10 x4
Bench press: 40kgs 10x4

But again, I'm not a big friend of irons.

>> No.9768785

Aren't most fighters manlets?

>> No.9768822
File: 84 KB, 500x500, xRenerGracie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the gracies except Ryan are 6 feet +
Royce when young was 6" 154 lbs.


Rener Gracie is 190cms (I think it's 6'4" in fatcountry) and 90 kilos.

>> No.9768829

lol. always that guy that cant take it and has to whip out the
>le manlet meme

>> No.9768830

But yes, there are lots of manlets... you know bullying.

Like the people who hits you for dressing like a faggot. Learn to fight.

>> No.9768909

What is "45ºpress?" Is that bench press in the total of what you're moving, or you've got 40kgs on each side or are benching 40kgs dumbbells? Do any other arm work?

>> No.9768920

I bench 40 kilos. It's just like a warmup for then doing jiujitsu, you'll see... you get to use a lot of pecs for positioning, can't get too tired.

I go hard with my legs because I kinda hate them for being thin... I end up with sore quads and calves (nothing unhealthy).

45º press is when you sit and move that shit in 45º angle up and down with your legs. Maybe the name doesn't translate so well.

Again, I'm more into hurting people than irons.

>> No.9769114

thanks fam
lookin good btw

>> No.9769154

>I am scary
>I am afraid
>when i imaging
>to imagine
>I am afraid to imagine your girl's body after sex.

>> No.9769189

Thank you, be nice to the foreigner, this retard insecure with his body getting too pissed

>> No.9769216

You're 6'1" 158lbs? I don't believe you at all.

>> No.9769237


You have never touched a woman in your entire life

>> No.9769438

My ami!

>> No.9769769

get that scoliosis sorted out bro
I got that shit too trust me when I get my back straightened out I'm going to be 2 inches taller (already 6'0) and perfectly proportioned, women will bow to me and manlets will cower

>> No.9769776

those shoes make u look like u got ninja turtle feet smh

>> No.9769786



>> No.9769795

He did - 'where 2 cop'

>> No.9769804

why haven't you killed yourself yet?