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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 400x503, 6535__arnold-schwarzenegger-one-biggest-success-stories-there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9755635 No.9755635 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ > /fa/ proove me wrong
protip you cant

>> No.9755647

>being an uncultured meathead


>> No.9755660

/fit/ is a /fa/ sub-culture. Being fit falls under the being effay category. So /fit/ = /fa/.

>> No.9755849

Who are you and why should/would I want to convince you of which meme forum is better?

>> No.9755854

Ottermode is the most fa body type then skeleton, THEN athletic. Facial aesthetics are always more important though.

>> No.9755855
File: 45 KB, 640x480, fedora89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weighted dips

>> No.9755861

>exercising and eating healthy makes you a meat head.

>> No.9755874

Working out is modern culture. But looking like a Hulk beast is not.

>> No.9755875

being ottermode or skinny is /fa/, but anything else no way

>> No.9755880

>how to spot a weak little bitch

>> No.9755886

Couture retard.

>> No.9755892
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ArnoldYouNeverWill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, you never will.

>> No.9755897

now look at him. a saggy old man. lots of good his herculean muscles did him.

>> No.9755908

I hate to break it to you but everyone ages. Time doesn't care if they are a huge bodybuilder or a skinny twink.

>> No.9756004


That's true though. Sure you might have sick gainzz and loads of bitches but you ain't /fa/ fam

>> No.9756025

being buff is one thing ,but cutting down on carbs 6 months before swimsuit season to look like he-man is whack af

>> No.9756145

ITT: little manlets afraid of having better bodies.

>> No.9756160

He'd have looked like that regardless of how his physique was formerly as a result of his injury which prevented him from working out. However, in preparation for his new Terminator role, in my opinion he looks much better than the typical man in his age range and much better than many men decades younger than him.

This is the result of having access to the best diet, exercise regiment, trainers and likely supplements moreso than previous weight training though. Who knows, I like a lean muscular frame myself like Robert Downey Jr. in Holmes or Floyd Mayweather.

>> No.9756172

Only /fit/ and /pol/ go to to other boards to brag about their perceived superiority and then proceed to throw a tantrum whenever someone calls them out for their shit.

>> No.9756176

People who spur these shit-flinging board wars are probably NEETs who are like 1 month and 2 stickies deep into both of these subjects. They really should just fuck right on off.

>> No.9756181

Please, /fa/ shows up whenever any other board discusses clothing (particularly sperg boards such as /v/ and /pol/) to demonstrate the proper way of dressing (like a black teenager) and laugh at their fellow neckbeards.

Often /fa/ posters create "/fit/ is talking about us again" Pepe threads that generate more discussion than threads dedicated to the discussion of fashion. A common trait on this website is tripping out when someone who you perceive to be less knowledgable than yourself about a subject commits the grave sin of discussing it. That's why /fa/ is so obsessed with reddit

>> No.9756207

Holyshit, This.

Not a single day cant go by without a Fit hate, MFA/TeenMFA cringe threads, etc.

Its like the board feels superior to everyone for "Anon culture". Its the gayest shit ever when trips get the most amount of respect AND hate. Fuck, you never see an anon a well known post or give the greatest advice.

The entire concept of being anonymous while talking about fashion is odd. There are boards where anonymity is a requirement for the discussion to remain the same. You can't imagine a /b/, /pol/, /adv/ having a shit ton of trips running around, it just wouldn't be the same. Here though? If everyone tripped the content would remain identical.

>> No.9756216


You can always tell who the autistic /fit/izen by their pathetic attempts at justifying their shitty behavior.

Of course /fa/ would show up in other boards whenever the topic of clothing comes up...because it is our specialty. It is an inherent part of all /fa/ggots to enjoy talking about clothes, so it makes sense that they would appear whenever the topic of clothes shows up in another board.

/fit/ does this all the time. Whenever someone says that they want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, /fit/ is always there to give them advice. This is, admittedly a good thing.

What I was referring though, is that /fit/ and /pol/ are the only boards on 4chan that willingly make threads on other boards for the sole purpose of feeding their ego. They do it on /fa/, /b/, /r9k/, /ck/ etc etc

> Often /fa/ posters create "/fit/ is talking about us again" Pepe threads

You can also tell when some anon is a /fit/izen by how retarded his statement is.

In the greentext example above, you can see how far this /fit/izen has deluded himself into believing that /fa/ is obsessed wih them.

All the steroids they take must be affecting their Brain Cells.

> That's why /fa/ is so obsessed with reddit

I get it!

It's the same way that /fit/ spergs out whenever someone mentions r/fitness! After all that Reddit hugbox can't compare to how much better we are!

>> No.9756218

swag is for boys
class is for men

>> No.9756445

>Robert Downey Jr.
>lean muscular frame

>> No.9756453

They are just trying to justify them being lazy/small. Not exercising or eating healthy. Anyone who disagrees is small and lazy.

>> No.9756872
File: 90 KB, 900x1200, Future Trunks DBM by taufiqur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being totally ripped is extremely unnatractive and you'd get your ass kicked by someone from /asp/. /fit/ is made of cucks.

>daily reminder that future trunks > your fav DBZ character

>> No.9756898
File: 5 KB, 91x213, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756901

>arguing over which anonymous image board full of losers is better.


>> No.9756923

is piccolo effay?

>> No.9756944

I used to be /fit/ until I got my shoulder injury and now I'm /fa/. I'm going to have surgery in a little bit and should be able to return to lifting in the fall, but losing all my muscle mass has made me realize how many women actually like skinny-ish guys. I'm talking to probably the cutest girl I've ever met in my entire life and she digs me like hell and she says she doesn't want me putting on muscle. I showed her old pics of me and said she likes me better now. At first I thought it was bullshit, but then I look at her social media and see she's always sharing skinny dudes and never anyone even remotely built.

Ottermode might just be the way to go. You don't look bad in clothing and you have enough muscle for almost all girls to appreciate it.

>> No.9756951

you guys dont even do the ">" thing correctly, everyone knows that the arrow eats the biggest variable. Fucking shame.

>> No.9757018

if by effay you mean a loser who browses a mongolian paper crafting board then no, he isnt

>> No.9757654
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, future_husbands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultimately: being /fit/ is better than being /fa/. i had girls tell me they wont mind me running around shirtless and in joggers all day long.

BUT you should also be /fa/. Wear neat clothes that fit and dont necesserily show off your muscles (look at old pics of Arnold. His clothes fitted in a way they make him look normal more or less).

>implying girls like muscles
>girls like skinny boys!
pic related

>> No.9758319

> TFW ottermode masterrace
I love life
I'm /fit/ and /asp/ loves it too
Along with /k/ and /fa/
This is great

>> No.9758328

Lots of girls like ottermode dudes

ive even seen shit on facebook like 'Share if you prefer (ottermode pictures) to (bodybuilder pictures)' with millions of likes

>> No.9759062
File: 39 KB, 718x718, 11148463_2469086459867343_868206910333596836_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost wrote "ottermode and athletic mode is what girls want".
>Lots of girls like ottermode dudes
A lot of the pics on those pinnwalls arent otter anymore. only if you use /fit/'s twisted definition of otter.

For bodybuilders we have to distinguish.
Natty ones who look like normal but fit human beings. Roided fitnessmodels like Jeff Seid, Jon Skywalker or even Zyzz with natty to more than natty mass but with unnatty low bf%.
Serious bodybuilders, Arnold era and beyond (modern BB).

While second one is still liked by girl its mostly out of their league and reach, therefore not liked by many (sour grapes).
Real bodybuilder physics are straight out unattractive for most. It looks way beyond natural, indikates steroid and drug abuse thus bad health, bad reproduction qualities etc. All those muscles arent made for actuall physical performence.

On /fit/ or irl, barely anyone who lifts has this (unnatty) bodybuilder physic anyways. I sometimes get called small by /fit/ despite the fact that i'm one of the biggest and most ripped dudes at my gym.
Dont take anything too serious on that board where the majority doesnt lift at all or at least is still dyel as fuck.

>> No.9759072
File: 57 KB, 616x190, what women want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only girls who like muscles are freaks, kinda like guys wo want fake boobs, asses and lips.

>> No.9759088

>girls who like muscles are freaks
you mean girls who like unnatty amounts of muscles.
Even Brad in Figh Club is beyond dyel.

problem with such polls: Barely any girl says or even know what she really wants until shes confronted with the specific situation.
On your picture probably almost every girl reconized Brad Pitt making them choose him by default (not to say his body isnt awesome and choose worthy).

>> No.9759102
File: 40 KB, 420x560, spl36823_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks pretty good for a man pushing 70. Also considering that he hasn't been an bodybuilder in 40 years.

>> No.9759116
File: 128 KB, 500x650, DFFB49E0-EDB2-4F51-859A-C8938B7077D0_LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right? /fit/ just keeps LOSING

>> No.9759115
File: 124 KB, 656x1027, shvarc-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because since a few years he makes movies and probably is on the juice again. And he still lifts.

>> No.9759121

>lifting weights doesn't stop time

Hot argument, retard.

>> No.9759127
File: 21 KB, 240x441, zane-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chemist aged better. It was probably pretty stressful being governor of the largest state in the union by population.

>> No.9759133
File: 28 KB, 413x550, 225647548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what does tho :^)

maybe injecting roids in your face will yield similar results. why don't you give it a try :^)

>> No.9759139
File: 130 KB, 1067x1600, IMG_5604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? i couldn't tell due to the closet gay republicancore haircut and lack of clothes

>> No.9759311

he's not juicing, it's just muscle memory.
He has worked out his whole life, he's bound to look a bit in shape for his age.

>> No.9759314

/fa/ == /fat_acceptance/
this is just a fat acceptance board

>> No.9759347

i dunno. at his age his test levels should be low as fuck. more over because he roided so hard. He at least is on TRT i guess.

>> No.9759385 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 64x64, 1396186877454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you people are dumb

>> No.9759392

/fa/ hates fatties

>> No.9759531

>yes it does

>> No.9759630
File: 763 KB, 1891x2815, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this is the perfect body

>> No.9759701
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, what_girls_really_want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect body
for what? secretly infiltrating Auschwitz?

daily reminder that this is what girls want.

>> No.9759736

>asymmetric abs
>no muscle at chest
>big ass hole in chest
>ugly navel

2/5 at least you are not fat

>> No.9759884

literally untrue in every single way

u skinny or u aint shit

>> No.9759909

I'm gonna be on TRT under doctor's supervision when I hit 45 or 50. I'm not competing in professional sports, and TRT just supplements what my body will be lacking at that time. Arnie uses it to look like a fucking boss at 70 with little to no side effect. It's more common than you think, and I'm honestly pretty surprised it isn't more popular

>> No.9759914

>posting about what body girls want
>99% faces

>> No.9759917

what belt is that? looks pretty neat

>> No.9760224

You sound very small lol

>> No.9760259
File: 238 KB, 900x1268, 1423666246667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifting is really for unhappy and insecure people. Fashion is for people who respect and love themselves. I'd rather be happy with myself than insecure.

>> No.9760264

>I justify not exercising and eating healthy by not even attempting either.
>I-I'm really smart, I just don't try!

>> No.9760271
File: 2.48 MB, 200x176, our lord and autist leader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to be both /fit/ and /fa/
>not wanting to go full Narcissism
what a bunch of hueg fags all of you

>> No.9760281

So what happens if you do both little man?

>> No.9761093

Please project harder.

>> No.9762559

>lifting for girls

you're not even welcome on fit

>> No.9762570

You're making assumptions anon

>> No.9764171
File: 2.73 MB, 262x275, isjU8998Nb63m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closet gay republicancore

>> No.9764730
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 1426227343950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wall of text
>not being obsessed with /fit/

>> No.9764736

you do realize that what girls say and how they actually feel about something are two completely different things right

>> No.9764862

Why is /fit/ so insecure they have to post on /fa/ every day? I went to /fit/ today just to lurk and holy shit, it's basically a combination of /b/, /r9k/ and reddit. You can't take care of your board, why do you think you can take care of your body?

>> No.9764950

Why not both?

>> No.9764970

But Trunks is ripped as fuark

>> No.9764974

post a photo of a /fit/ /fa/ person

>> No.9765043

While both /fa/ and /fit/ are populated by autistic manchildren with low selfesteem, only /fit/-posters have to constantly validate themselves by going to every single board and talking about how they're not social retards/outcasts/virgins. At least /fa/ keeps their petty playground shit on their own board.

>> No.9766037

literally any male model that has some muscles

>> No.9766322

Better to live a day as a lion than 100 days a sheep, m8. In his prime Arnie could have any woman he wanted.

>> No.9766400

2014 +1 not doing both

>> No.9767187


looks like shes never lifted anything heavier than a laptop

>> No.9767391

ha ha holy fuc buying expensive clothes to make up for being a moron is much worse than working out for it

Being a skinnyfat pale dickhead or being a pale skeleton may be /fa/ but it's not attractive and it's not HEALTHY

>> No.9767550

this is the worst comeback ever lol

>someone says exercise sucks
>you use their lack of exercise as a pejorative