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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 605x412, buchenwald-survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9752733 No.9752733 [Reply] [Original]

6'1, 130 pounds here. How much do you fuckers weigh? Pic semi related.

>> No.9752736

bruh are you even healthy

>> No.9752757

Not dead yet, so I'd say so.

>> No.9752758


6ft 145kg or around 185cm, 67.5kg for non-retards

>> No.9752764

Trying to get down too 115 though. I already lost like 7lbs in the past weeks.

>> No.9752765

>202 lbs
Get at me

>> No.9752766

lol i'm 6'0 and 120 but i'm not even that skinny

i mean i get told i'm skinny, and i am, but i don't look like i'm anorexic or anything

>> No.9752768

>>9752758 supposed to say
145kg, 67.5 stones for non-retards

>> No.9752769

6'2 160. Perfect imo.

>> No.9752774

108 lbs

>> No.9752775


sorry meant to say 145lbs slip of the finger.

>> No.9752779

fit please stop raiding

>> No.9752780

6 ft 0, 180lbs

Yeah, I'm a fatty fat fat McFatterson, I know.

>> No.9752781
File: 27 KB, 800x461, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i weigh as much as someone who isn't wasting away

>> No.9752784


im the skeleton king.

>> No.9752786

You could put on 10 pounds and use your dad bod to score chicks with daddy issues.

>> No.9752815

>I'm totally not some /fit/ cross poster trying to make it look as if /fa/ were a bunch of fat and skinny sub-manlets, guys

>> No.9752846
File: 222 KB, 321x374, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'4, 166 lbs

>inb4 mad fatties

>> No.9752853


>> No.9752859

lmfao your body looks disgusting, nice old man torso and baby chest. also look indian or something gross.

>> No.9752864

Someone with AIDS could say the same thing

>> No.9752865

post body, uggo.

>> No.9752873

6 ft 0, 145lbs

tired of being skelly
aiming for some 20 more pounds

>> No.9752876

his body looks fine lol

>> No.9752882

just stick at that weight

from someone that was extremely skinny and gained some weight

its better to be skelly dude trust me

if ur gonna gain weight, gain muscle. not that i condone /fit/ meatheadism but having a shitty body fat percentage isn't fashionable

>> No.9752885

hey sameguy

>> No.9752887


>> No.9752896

Well nice to know there's level beyond me. 6'3" 165 lbs reporting in.

>> No.9752906


>> No.9752915


115 pounds.

Basically all legs.

>> No.9752925

My gp says it puts me at risk of osteoporosis in the future.

>> No.9752932

6'1, 210 lbs here. size 36 jeans. xl shirts. skinny arms and legs, huge gut.

>> No.9752937

Yeah, I meant muscle mass. Either way I need to get fit, and I probably wouldn't hate this current weight much if I did.

imo skinny fit - ottermode is the most effay body, so that's where I'm trying to get.

>> No.9752956

80 kg, being 178 cm tall. Any system of measurement other than metric is fucking useless, stupid and gay.

>> No.9752962


almost all of that weight is in my legs tho

>> No.9752968

you mean your sack? i bet its really heavy.

i can smell it from here. are they full?

>> No.9752969

6'2'', 145

>> No.9752972

>almost all of that weight is in my legs tho
same here

>> No.9752976

Why are you tripping?

>> No.9752995

5'6" 105lbs. manlet skeleton mode achieved

>> No.9753016

6'1 165lbs 9% body fat

>> No.9753161
File: 29 KB, 390x285, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9" 145lbs

My physique is similar to Notorious' though so it's not all that bad.

>> No.9753711

152 pounds/69 kg

still got a bit of weight to lose

>> No.9753713

6' 130, I wish I were a bit taller and proportionately heavier tho

>> No.9753815

lmfao wow i was ur size when i was 11

>> No.9753828

6'4, 190lbs. 35 waist.

>> No.9753836

I'm a Manlet but I'm not fat.

>> No.9753839
File: 60 KB, 320x480, 1292248688781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1 188 lbs. 32 waist

This thread is full of skellingtons...

>> No.9753884

6'2" and 160 lbs
29 inch waist

even though i have a pretty narrow waist for someone of my height, i still feel kinda fat. people tell me i'm thin though. the most i've been was 180 lbs and i definitely had a beer gut

>> No.9753921

5'7 160 lbs

Overweight as fuck

>> No.9753997

that guy is not 188 lbs. 168 maybe.

>> No.9754024

5'9, 120lbs (currently trying to lose some tho)

I pretty much want to kill myself everyday

>> No.9754096

I'm 5'10 and 135 lbs. I got my bodyfat measured with a hydrostatic machine and it said I was 7.4% BF, so I probably shouldn't try and lose any weight.

>> No.9754120

> (currently trying to lose some tho)
Dude wtf, you are anorexic already.

>> No.9754124

5'11" 215. 35 waist.
>inb4 obese

>> No.9754130


>> No.9754133

6'1" 130 lbs
I'm torn between putting on weight and gaining muscle or just going for an anthro trap thing, I'm sort of in a position to do either right now

Also, daily reminder to seek help if you have an eating disorder

>> No.9754188
File: 45 KB, 426x640, swagggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1 125
>stupid skinny realistically
>when i look in the mirror i like what i see
i feel like my lankyness suits me?? what do you guys think is this too unhealthy of a weight?

>> No.9754196

M 5'11 140
Want to put on 20

>> No.9754201

post pic of your chest

i have a hard time believing someone 6'1" and 130 lbs

I'm 6'2" and 158 lbs and it's almost impossible for me to lose any more weight

>> No.9754206

6'1 153 lbs
Pretty good stats but I'd like to gain a bit more muscle. I think 160 would be ideal

>> No.9754216

You are disgusting.

>> No.9754224

5'7 42kgs, my life would be so much better if I wasn't short.

>> No.9754257

ive seen this body before

>> No.9754286

6'2" 158 is skinny as fuck, the other guy is literally a few pounds off a trip to uncle hitlers showers

>> No.9754331

6'2" 189lbs

>> No.9754340

thats actually a bmi of 20.3

>> No.9754398
File: 554 KB, 733x700, torment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 lbs

>> No.9754655

5'9, 120 lbs

>> No.9754758




>> No.9755059

117 lbs, although not eating that much, i'm not really dropping anything

>> No.9755070

more auschwitz inspo please

>> No.9755071


>> No.9755072

ur fucking fat

>> No.9755092
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been getting fatter in the gut area but I'm trying to eat better.

>> No.9755114

4'11 82lbs

>> No.9755132


are you a gril, or in middle school

does not feel good man

>> No.9755135

am gril, not middle school.

>> No.9755142

Could use 10 more lbs muscle or so, but I don't sweat it, I'm pretty happy as I am

>> No.9755151

that guy you posted weighs 160-165 at the very most (at a height of 6'1"); I looked like him back at 170 lbs 6'3"

back to topic: 6'3", 208 lbs 31" waist 11-12% bodyfat currently. Getting stretchmarks from recomping again so I'm cutting to approx. 190 lbs at 8-9% for late summer

>> No.9755163


>> No.9755173

you're not skelly, lose 15 pounds

>> No.9755174

bruh where r ur traps

>> No.9755188

>14.6 BMI
seek help

>> No.9755192

>all these /fit/fags itt

>> No.9755193

I'm 4'11 sitting down

>> No.9755382

How can I lose weight without going /fit/
I'm 6"5 220 pounds

>> No.9755392


>> No.9755411

5'11, 105lbs. No, I am not proud.

>> No.9755619

6'0, 140lb

>> No.9755638

Time to lose some weight big boi~

Hahaha~ we're going to die aren't we?

125 or 122 I don't want to know anymore..

>> No.9755656

175 cm or around 5'71
123.45 lbs

Well, I get told I'm skinny, but I don't think that because my height.

>> No.9756040

I know this feel.

>tfw shit fat deposits so I have a skinnyfat torso annd massive man tits.

I need to drop 20 pounds to look slightly normal. Even then My face chub probably won't go away.

>> No.9756051

A 31 waist is still fat right?

>> No.9756067

4'8 215
Should I kill myself

>> No.9756129 [DELETED] 

6' 132lb
182cm 60kg

>> No.9756149

171 cm
49 kg

>> No.9756173

depends on your bones. i was auschwitz-tier at 29, so unless your hips are smaller than average you're probably good

>> No.9756182

6' 132lb
182cm 60kg
waist 29' and S shirts.
I gain 7 kg two months ago, Never again, I rather be skinny than somehow chubby.

I don't understand why skinny people are ranked like special snowflakes, It's fucking easy to lose weight, skinny people are everywhere, and that's how it should be. nothing wrong about being underweight if I'm still perfectly healthy.

>> No.9756194

182cm (something between 5'11.5 and 6')
61kg 135lbs

i want to lose a bit more and stay in the 125-130 range

>> No.9756200

183cm (6ft for ameriplebs)
74kg (162 lbs)
10% bf

master race body

>> No.9756298

6'2 and 190 lbs here.

>> No.9756308

Are u fat?
Or R u just doing a lot of cardio

>> No.9756322

Everybody on /fit/ is like 200 plus pounds, 60 of that being muscle.

>> No.9756710

6'3 230 DYEL?

>> No.9756767
File: 83 KB, 500x666, 1398753538146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10, 121 lbs
178cm, 55 kg
(girl though)

>> No.9756772

That's pretty nice. Pic related?

>> No.9756790


>> No.9756791
File: 64 KB, 359x586, whey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756886
File: 2.97 MB, 2448x3264, tippytoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

175 cm 55 kg pic related


>> No.9756935

I would procreate with you.

>> No.9757019

5'7 157 lbs
170cm 71 kg

>> No.9757022

5'9'' 150lbs

>> No.9757034


6'1 205lbs

>> No.9757046
File: 169 KB, 900x1200, sexiboii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 155lbs, going up to 165. basically perfect

>> No.9757053


Not with those jeans, ugh.

>> No.9757059


>> No.9757061

I was havin a laff at the mall

>> No.9757080


fair enough,

>> No.9757085

5'8 112lbs

Heavy winds lift me off the ground.

>> No.9757104

working on losing 10 to look gud

>> No.9757108

5'10 105 lbs


>> No.9757115

you look like shit. squad, deadlift. EAT.

>> No.9757116

66.6 european kilos

>> No.9757124

5'9"" 140lbs. Kind of muscular cause I used to go to the gym. Trying to be 135.

>> No.9757156
File: 113 KB, 600x388, BMI-Chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god gain weight please I don't even know how you are alive

/fa/ needs to get over this stupid fucking skeleton trend because it's super unhealthy and as bad as being obese except for it kills you faster. Look at this chart it.

Here are my proportions so all you can make fun of me

30' waist

>> No.9757189

Which gender is this for though

>> No.9757198

195cm 80kg (6'4" 176lbs, iirc)

Tfw 31" waist and 36" inseam, I've never owned pants that would fit perfectly.

>> No.9757202

post aesthetics lardass

>> No.9757260

5'9 155lbs

Let's fight at catchweight.

>> No.9757298

also 28" waist

>> No.9757312
File: 70 KB, 554x612, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8", 150 pounds.

>> No.9757315

6'2 150lbs 29' waist

>> No.9757506


>> No.9757560

>6'3", 155 lbs
>tfw auschwitz

It's so hard to gain weight. I don't even understand how people get fat. Do they eat until it hurts?

>> No.9757605

forgot your trips dude

>> No.9757659

6'3, 174 pounds, 30 inch waist, 8% bodyfat. My body is basically the same as guy in that pic:


>> No.9757830

what trips

>> No.9757835

You're already on your way, anon

>> No.9759445

6'4 185 pounds

>> No.9759478

121 lbs
though my growth started late so i'll get taller

>> No.9759483


>> No.9759601


>> No.9759605

He makes me sad that I'm irish

>> No.9759612

There should be far more than him making you feel that way.

>> No.9759613

Oh there are. We produce cancerous people, but then again what celebrities aren't?

>> No.9759615

6'1 202lb

>> No.9759619

6' 65kg

Lost a stone and a half in the last few months so ill be a spooky skeleton soon :^)

>> No.9759620

185 cm ~ 6.06955 feet
75 kg ~ 165.347 lbs

fuck your fucked up measures

>> No.9759621

this thread is pretty useless without pictures / bf%

>> No.9761097
File: 694 KB, 1156x1856, IMG_1818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet 5 foot 7 at 149lbs

>> No.9761149

6'0 or 6'1

Less than 125 pounds.

>> No.9761241

had to correct it twice, who's the retard?

>> No.9761277

6'1 or 6'2 168 lbs

>> No.9763217

5'10. 137 lbs. 29 waist.

>> No.9763263

5'8 130

Omega manlet

>> No.9763270

eat less calories
run a little on a treadmill

>> No.9764110

im 6'2 155 and i look similar to you but definitely more cut/lower bf%
sorry bud but ur farther from perfect than u think

>> No.9764116

Could you post a picture?

>> No.9764129

That's such bullshit, bro. Top kek, tho.

>> No.9764145

Im the exact same but Im often called scrawny

how is this possible

>> No.9764192

5'10 120 lbs
>tfw girls dont like me because im too skinny

and ugly


>> No.9764202

Nah I'm not fat at all. I'm actually pretty skinny. My weight I guess is distributed throughout my body.
I been eating maybe less than 900 calories a day for the past 5 days and it's been solid. I'm down to like 125 now from 133. Before I had a little gut but now it's all gone. If I do like some sit ups I can get a 6 pack quick

>> No.9764232

start lifting you skinnyfat fuck

>> No.9764255

I'm 5'6, 118 lbs. Can't seem to gain any weight.
I've been working out for years, but it added only around 10 pounds

>> No.9764461

5'9'' 147lbs

Trying to get down to 110 or 120 before summer ends. is it doable?

>> No.9764530

172 cm 47 kg

>> No.9764548

5'10" 150lbs nigga and growing. c'mon

>> No.9764626

6'0 130 pounds

>> No.9764633

which one is it????

>> No.9764638

Want to fuck my gf

>> No.9764647

11% BF

come at me