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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 500x667, enhanced-14096-1406125065-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9745826 No.9745826 [Reply] [Original]

I want to go back.

I don't care if I looked like shit, I miss looking stupid and being a weeb and falling in love with edgy alternative bands and feeling something for music and singing my fucking lungs out alone.

I miss having friends and people who wanted to see me.

Can I at least dress like an emo pleb once a week at 21? I just want to feel like that person again.

>> No.9745829

There's no going back.

>> No.9745835

Plz anon no ;_;

>> No.9745841
File: 929 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20150131_181803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're stuck being as bland and souless as the rest of us use drugs to try and fill the void

>> No.9745849

I don't want to take drugs. Everything is shit. I'm just going to develop an eating disorder and brood like I should have 8 years ago.

>> No.9745869

Thats a really cringey way to fill a void
Youre probably really boring/lame

>> No.9745877

I am. I have no personality or life, this time takes me back when I didn't have a problem making friends and I was more daring/accepting. You're probably not going to tell me how to not be lame, so fuck off.

>> No.9745881

of course you can dress like that
you can even do it with /fa/ stuff if you really want

>> No.9745882

if you never had your own personality you might actually be autistic or trolling
you just followed a really shitty trend
i dont know anyone who would actually want to be an awkward cringey 14 year old again

>> No.9745890

im sure most of /fa/ would give anything to go back to when their lives were more tolerable than they are now

>> No.9745908

i can understand that but scene/emo shit is too cringeworthy. op hasnt done anything with their life and they're going about it the wrong way

>> No.9745916

This is depression

>> No.9745930
File: 27 KB, 304x401, Emo-Makeup-for-Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is even the right way?

>> No.9745933

Move forward

>> No.9745940

>haha its all in ur head u stupid fuck xDDD
Kill yourself

>> No.9745942

Into what? What should my life be like?

>> No.9745943

just go sadboycore.

>> No.9745949

Most of those bands have about as much edge as Howie Mandel's skull. learn how to enjoy life past the age of 16 you homo

>> No.9745952

thats up to you

>> No.9745957

I'm not going to go full r9k, but this is literally non-advice. Just post goth girls, shit.

>> No.9746005

>i can understand that but scene/emo shit is too cringeworthy.
its less cringeworthy than most of the retarded shit people post on this board

>> No.9746012

Don't talk shit about heroin chic you fucking nigger.

>> No.9746029

>muh regurgitated 90s style
fuck off cunt

>> No.9746147

> muh rick owens
> muh palewave
> muh kanye
bitch plz

>> No.9746185

but i hate all those things

>> No.9746198

>Can I at least dress like an emo pleb once a week at 21?
I'm 26 and still do, individuality is pretty big now anyway so whatever appeals to you.

>> No.9747869

> being this normie

>> No.9747888

e p i c /r9k/ crosspost friend, loving your epic frog memes too kek

>> No.9747904

Its even worse at 23

Make sure you'll get a decent career by that time, don't get stuck in school with no social circle and no job and tfw no gf like me.

also, sluts are always bad idea (3 times)

>> No.9747944

But that's already what's happening. ;_;

>> No.9747956

how old are you OP?

>> No.9747991

I'm 21, soon to be 22.
The way I see it, I don't have any friends, family or anything else. This is the only thing that makes me feel like a fun person.

I never overdid the shit. I'm not going to put in raccoon tails or arm warmers or anything. I know studded belts, graphic t's and checkered pants are outdated. I just want to have fun with my look, it's the only thing I can control.

>> No.9747996

one of the biggest problems with fa is that everyone here is so critical of both themselves and others that they are incapable of accepting themselves and others. that's why nobody here has any friends

>> No.9747999

haha, holy fuck, are you me?

>> No.9748012

spent my years in college without friends

now that i am an adult coworkers try to invite me to places and shit and i just want to go home and play ps4



>> No.9748022 [DELETED] 


yeah but you're ugly and fat, it's not like you could ever meet a qt girl at your coworker's parties anyway

>> No.9748025

also "scene" was "cool" in ~2004 dude

you would have been 10 years old

>> No.9748037


I was 14 back in '04, it was still hella ridiculous and gay.

>i was probably dressed head to toe in abercrombie and hollister
>least i was getting laid tho

>> No.9748039
File: 390 KB, 416x567, 1409048849125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that was on when I was 14 or 15 and it wasn't at all perfect by that time

I'm 20 now I look back and it seems like now I'm more able to try that again, to do that again but hey consider that you are on /fa/ so forget the graphic tees and stuff.

Try it and be I dont know, just you.

>> No.9748041

i don't think anyone that works here is single, besides me

serious confession though, idk what the fuck im supposed to be doing here

i literally just come in, post on 4chan and reddit all day and home after lunch

>> No.9748048

I'm from a hellhole in the midwest, that shit was hot up until I was 17, and probably longer, but I didn't have friends by then so I stopped going out. The people I talk to in class acknowledge an emo phase but grew out of it to dress casual or more hipster like.

You get a second chance at work?

>> No.9748049

had to wear girl jeans and pretend dead kennedy's, greenday and AFI were the shit to get pussy

>> No.9748055

I am >>9747904
and I think you are right

how to overcome it?

>> No.9748068

you don't want to be friends with those type of people

annoyingly upbeat all the fucking time

acts like his kids are the greatest thing to happen to him, when you know it was a broken condom in some chick he barely knew

keeps inviting you to bbq's

like fuck bro

i can cook for myself

spend a fucking weekend sitting at your place around a pool


stare at your saggy tit wife in her one piece walmart bathing suit


i hate my life already

>> No.9748080

I love you dude

>> No.9748134

ive noticed a growing amount of kids dressing emoish with septum piercings hanging out at malls. why are they here

>> No.9748163

so...uhhh you girls listen to hathorne heights and alkaline trio?

how old are you?


18? nice... let me get you gals a few beers

>> No.9748175 [DELETED] 


>"waaaah just let me be a miserable fat fuck who nobody will genuinely miss when i'm dead"

>> No.9748238

You're an asshole, I wish someone would be interested in me like that. Everyone thinks I'm a weird, desperate cunt.

So they can be seen. I wish I could go to the mall to be seen instead of being at home.

>> No.9748282

individualism is dead you homo

>> No.9748310

Whats your job

>> No.9748317

hathorne heights and alkaline trio are 2005 af

>> No.9748327

whats the new one? i see a lot of black veil brides shirts on teens

>checking our thick curvy chick

>band shirt and skinny jeans with vans

>holding eggs

>checking out, nice tits, nice ass, thighs touch put can still part

>starts jogging towards some old bitch in a cart

"mom, can i get these eggs?"

what the fuck

she's a teen?!

why is she asking her mom for eggs

i don't get kids today

why was i checking out a kid? she looked my age

Target - making everyone feel like a pedo bear

>> No.9748635

What are eggs?

>> No.9748655

i know this feeling

i still incorporate tributes to that part of my life in my wardrobe and will always be an edgy emo teenager in my heart

>> No.9748659

and you dont represent /fa/

>> No.9748680
File: 943 KB, 380x4000, 1420180825645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*walk up to emo girl*
>"ill buy you those egg babe, then we can go back to my place and listen to Alesana and Pierce The Veil while sucking on some hard boiled eggs. Ditch this old bitch and ride on the wild side. SLAYER"


>> No.9748799

I feel like nothing is sadder than when i see some older man in his 30's or 40's trying to dress like a teenager with his band t shirt, spiked hair, skinny jeans and vans. i hope we are not "that guy" some day.

>> No.9748827
File: 59 KB, 284x624, joesephjoestar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope im a fashionable old dude

>> No.9748877

was never trying to
on here yeah

>> No.9748880

Is it worse to be an edgy guy or girl?

>> No.9748886
File: 36 KB, 536x714, bubble_gum_scene_girl_by_deviiltifa-d4r3bc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do whatever makes you happy. Bring it back.

>> No.9749394

Thanks. Everyone else dresses like some backwater hicks, they hardly know shit about what's out of style anyway.

>> No.9749443
File: 37 KB, 392x500, 1429568277506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off of 4chan. There are really some very smart people here despite the joke about how dumb this place is.

Negativity and hatred and bullying brood on anonymous sites. It's always meant in good fun but it soon devolves until actually despicable people feel at home here.

Come back when you feel better. You might have some perspective on all these people who don't like aspects about you and say kill yourself faggot.

Yeah it's the internet, but at a certain point it does start to get to you. Sarcasm too, it degrades conversation until you really just want some sincerity and get away from toxic sarcastic people.

Sarcasm and faux bullying are going to become more and more taboo I believe, when the people who communicate in such ways grow up and start treating themselves and others with respect.

Pic is about my post

>> No.9749470
File: 26 KB, 398x422, 1421653905800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a scene kid in the mall the other day, it was really fucking bizarre, like seeing a unicorn or finding a rare pokemon.

>> No.9749508
File: 1.09 MB, 1488x2312, fukkenelephantinmahroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guy's remember that LCD Soundsystem title song "Sound of Silver"? The lyrics couldn't be more pertinent to this thread:

"Sound of silver talk to me
Makes you want to feel like a teenager
Until you remember the feelings of
A real life emotional teenager
Then you think again"

I sometimes find myself longing for the carefree days of highschool, where everything seemed so much easier. I do miss the friends I had back in the day. I miss the puppy-dog love feelings I had with girls. Goddamn it, I miss it all. But in the middle of this yearning, I suddenly remember all of the awkward moments, the missed connections, and the emotional outbursts of my adolescence. And then I realize how truly terrible my teenage years were.

In the end, I'm glad I've grown up. You couldn't pay me to go back to my high school years. No fucking way.

>> No.9749582

I hope when I'm old as fuck, people will look at me and say ''Holy shit, why is he wearing that wizard hat?''.
Then I'll respond ''ALAKAZAM!''.

>> No.9749607

Damn... this is one of the realest posts I've ever read on 4chan. All this sarcasm and negativity really fucks you up over time.

>> No.9749627


I motherfucking feel you op

I reminisce all the time about the days where I took a half hour to do my hair
Girl jeans fit better
Scene sluts were hot
and underoath was the jam

still is the jam sometimes imo

>> No.9749630

good post

>> No.9749631

>Can I at least dress like an emo pleb once a week at 21?

Ok, but only if you're my gf for that day a week and we spend nights holding hands while looking at stars in the park pretending we're all we'll ever love, and end up sneaking into your bedroom to have sex while edgy whiny music plays on my phone.

Other than that I don't want to see you or know anything about your normal life.

>> No.9749634

i started playing runescape again and now i feel like a full fledged child so theres that

>> No.9749678
File: 19 KB, 210x240, char_55573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9749687

maybe try a book anon

having fun's not hard, when you have a library card

>> No.9749698

I still just miss the best parts. I'm starting to realize that I'll likely never make friends again.

I'm a junior in college, every time I've tried to make friends, they blew me off. I'll probably never meet anyone or have a romantic relationship. I'm glad that I'm more forward and less autistic as a young adult, but sometimes I just think about how I used to go over to my friend's house and we'd walk around the neighborhood talking about qts listening to MCR or watching lewd anime together over a pizza and I feel bad because I'll never have that with another person again.

I miss my emo ass friends, I miss my emo ass internet friends. I fucking hate my life now in the real way, not that teen angst way. I peaked in high school, it's the worst feel in the world.

>tfw you didn't have that ever
Don't tease me anon, it's rude. D':

>> No.9749755

nobody likes you when you're 23

>> No.9749819

This is the gayest thread on /fa/ holy fuck, grow up fags

>> No.9749833

Did /fa/ have an emo phase?

>> No.9749840


i honestly don't know.

i bought a couple my chem cd's and had long hair and baggy unbranded clothes but that was about it.

>> No.9749851

>calling people fags
>on /fa/

>> No.9749954

Not teasing. We can have it now. We're both still immature enough to fantasize about it, so why not? But like I said, only 1 day a week, then you can fuck off like all the other normies and we can both go pretend we're not miserable.

>> No.9749962

I think I'm going through it right now. I feel like cutting and physically hurting myself all the time. I'm usually really quite. I stopped eating. Was going through depression for a while.

>> No.9750010

Depends on what you mean by "emo phase". Apparently by the end of the trend referring to someone as "emo" was a way of calling someone a cutter.

>> No.9750018

why is it half your posts sound like something I would say in my head, and the other half make me want to drive a hammer through your skull sieg?

>> No.9750066

In the end, what it really boils down to is that in this particular style, you felt like you BELONGED. That's what you miss: the feeling of knowing you fit in with other people of similar interest. You associate the emo trend with that sense of security and comfort, that you always had someone there, excited for your attention, and vise versa. I, too, can relate.

Then you grow old, and your friends go their separate ways to tread their own path. You do the same, but can never go too far without constantly checking over your shoulder, hoping to see them standing there doing the same -- they don't.

As Ally Sheedy says in the Breakfast Club, "when we grow up, the heart dies."

I refuse to believe, and live against the thought with much success. But deep down, in the furthest corners of my mind, I fear that it is true.

I'll be your friend, to cry over nostalgia's bullshit.

>> No.9750085

Underrated post

>> No.9750089

emos are gross

>> No.9750094

That is the most try hard and pseudointellectual(No not even that just try hard) lyrics I've ever seen. What a bitch glad I never listened to any of his music obviously it would've been a waste of time.

>> No.9750300
File: 49 KB, 500x667, Emo-Girls-emo-girls-34660634-500-667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Then you grow old, and your friends go their separate ways to tread their own path. You do the same, but can never go too far without constantly checking over your shoulder, hoping to see them standing there doing the same -- they don't.
I didn't ask for this feel.

Every so often I stalk their Facebook and they're the same, but different. They're having experiences and it's confusing how I could have started off so similar but I didn't end up having that life. Our relationship became strained, so we won't be friends again. But they were the last group of people before I became an outcast. Before then, I never questioned if I'd make friends or if I'd get a boyfriend. I just expected it. I also hate that I still identify with high schoolers, but no one my age even likes me.

>> No.9750319

How are they tryhard? How can that verse be pseudointellectual? It's not great songwriting, for sure, but you're really waving off a nice verse.

>> No.9750323

You're the minority now but you're not alone. If you cared enough to want to actually connect with someone, you'd make attempts even despite all the failures. At this point it seems like you just want to continue grasping for sympathy.

>> No.9750340

Our friendship ended in 2009. There were attempts, one might come over, or I might come by but we couldn't make it work. I'd end up resenting the shit out of them. 2007 was a golden year, though. I had a class with one of them last year and I ignored the shit out of her. She started saying shit like I'd never get a bf and no one liked me.

Honestly, I've wondered if I was wrong for holding them accountable for high school dramu. I've thought about going by one of their houses and arranging a sitdown and talking about what went wrong. This is also concurrent with this whole emo thing, so I wonder if I'm just desperate. What do you think, personally? I think we were all rude bitches looking back.

>> No.9750345

i miss it too. i miss the skinny emo/scene girls from my teen days. back when we were all posting on myspace

>> No.9750347

yeah everybody was a rude bitch the only difference is most of us either grew tired or out of it

you ever see an old senior person with that kind of shitty attitude? sure, either they carry it well and can move on with their lives or in most cases they can acknowledge it was just a single period in their lives and it's not worth lingering over

>> No.9750348

if you go all the way and kill yourself than do it.

>> No.9750352

So you're saying I should stop by?

>> No.9750367

Hold up a second...

Former scene girls admitting they felt like things would just fall into place in high school..

>> No.9750496

>tfw you check up on people from your past
>realize that they are different and more happy than you'll ever be
Well, fuck.

>> No.9751387
File: 35 KB, 721x401, el club de los 5 rara guay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude that was so deep

>> No.9752263
File: 209 KB, 1600x1066, cute+small+emo+girl+black+hair+long+sweet+style+scene+jack+daniels+shirt+top+smokey+eyes+makeup+piercings+bodymodifications+japanese+inspired+inspiration+real+rocker+chick+alternative+sassy+eyebrows+browgame+nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we postin emo chicks or nah?

>> No.9752297

Then go back you goof.

>> No.9752321
File: 317 KB, 450x250, 1415042827905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then you grow old, and your friends go their separate ways to tread their own path. You do the same, but can never go too far without constantly checking over your shoulder, hoping to see them standing there doing the same -- they don't.

>> No.9753194

F-fine. I'm not going to listen to emo music though, that shit was terrible. Scene was even worse.

>> No.9753294

>had to wear girl jeans

>> No.9753345

we weren't old enough to enjoy 2008

Get the fuck over yourselves, guys.
Scene is dead, as it should be, and we move on to better things.

>> No.9753638
File: 475 KB, 640x943, Tha _ baddest_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scene is nasty shit, but let's not act like pastel goth isn't the new emo for adults.

>> No.9753771

had a crush on a pop-punk chick in high school

saw her at the mall one christmas a few years ago

propping her toddler (probably around 5) onto some stranger's lap dressed up as santa

she was wearing leggings, pink sneakers and a hoody

as she bent over you could see that she wore the hoody only to cover her flab.

her husband? boyfriend? looked like an extra on epic meal time

sometimes i love the fact that despite being the same age as everyone around me, i am the only one blessed with youth

>> No.9753783
File: 141 KB, 600x771, 40638742_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u're a dumb manchild fuck off

>> No.9753798

please trip again so i can filter your ugly ass

>> No.9753866
File: 45 KB, 588x451, 1371223620669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but what hides behind the mask? what could it be?

What is your true self?

>> No.9753870
File: 206 KB, 2000x1000, Alain-Delon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can filter names too retard