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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 393x374, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9746078 No.9746078 [Reply] [Original]

>riding public transport
>2 qt Koreans got in
>she is wearing bape and possibly some w2c
> TFW didn't wear my real fit that day because I thought it would be a waste
>TFW they are the only fa chicks in this city

>> No.9746086

>kissing her gets better every day

>> No.9746091

now is a good time to be an hero OP

>> No.9746138

>she is wearing bape

i needed a laugh. thanks op

>> No.9746183

bape shit is weak you can keep that

>> No.9746190
File: 33 KB, 400x388, 1429733958074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>riding ubahn
>TFW didn't wear my real fit that day because I thought it would be a waste
>girl comes in
>very qt
>i notice she wears those puma disc thingies
>whole train empty
>sits next to me despite the train being empty
>smells like a goddess

>> No.9746229

You're an idiot. Should have commented on her sneaks, the conversation would have flowed and by the time the train stopped you would have had her number. By the end of the week her pussy on your dick.

Be an hero. Pls.

>> No.9746247

W- why ? Is it because of bape being a Japanese brand? I just don't get it

>> No.9746250


please leave the earth so you never get the chance to pollute the gene pool with your betaness

>> No.9746260

idiot if this is true she actually was attracted to you even if you didn't wear your 'real fit'

if you ever see her again don't fuck up, ill be in berlin next month and ill fuck you up if you dont (just kidding, good luck bro)

>> No.9746261

How many memes can you spout per word

>> No.9746305


why is everyone so mad lmfao, i was in berlin for only a week and altho i know german i wasn't really confident in it so I didn't want to fuck up and this was on my last day there... man she was a real qt.

>> No.9746342
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1415954627876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never cop her a rick owens wedding dress

>> No.9746352

ooh germany

yum yum

>> No.9746403

wow r u awtism

>> No.9746407
File: 103 KB, 394x346, 1428439372111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've planned out my response of "Hey, whos this?" for when he texts me again
> still waiting on a text ~9 months later

>> No.9746420

>be me
>tfw I'm myself


>> No.9746433

I hate it when that happens. About once a week I end up wearing a Tommy Polo to uni because for some reason everything else ends up in my washing basket or on the clothes line. Without fault, the day I wear my polo, a qt will get on my bus and I'm left looking like a pleb.

>> No.9746444

I kinda know that feel OP

>on train
>qt girl sits next to me and notices I'm listening to mbv
>she keeps on turning her head sideways for like 30 minutes to look at me on and off
>I go full beta and only look straight ahead for the entire time
>eventually she gets tired and turns her body the other way
>tfw get home and feel sad that I am such a scared loser

>> No.9746455

Haha I also do that and fwwl alpha as fuxk
What's a mbv BTW?

>> No.9746463
File: 28 KB, 608x605, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9746469

How do you manage to have all your clothes either washing or drying at the same time every week ?
Do you own like 5 shirts ?

>> No.9746500

koreans are ugly by default and all have robot personalities

i fucking hate gooks

>> No.9746505

>on bus
>qt boy in stan smiths walks on
>most other seats full so he sits directly across from me
>he has headphones in and doesn't look approachable
>tfw too beta to try to initiate conversation

>> No.9746506
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really fucked up, reminds me of myself

>> No.9746533
File: 736 KB, 860x1300, theavgamerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all normies. I just play dress up indoors and never leave my apartment. Feels good.

>> No.9746576


>> No.9746585
File: 64 KB, 608x960, 1427929678018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my clothing makes me seem unapproachable.

Did this happen to anyone else? Before I wore nicer clothing people would speak to me in public more. Now I feel like people think I'm some rich snob. Is this just weeding out the plebs?

>> No.9746586

>i put on clothes this morning
>didn't look in the mirror
>wasn't uncomfortable
>didn't think about it the rest of the day

>> No.9746616


>> No.9746620

She's looks like a 7 out of 10
That includes her taste
She can't be a robot if she looks good

>> No.9746632


Jesus fuck men I feel you

>> No.9746766
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1424475802027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it doesn't get better does it, anon

>> No.9747198
File: 99 KB, 500x517, Feels Britania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I go to university next year I will have to find a new hairdresser
Gonna suck, but I'll find a way

>in my family teeth are very strong and do not fall out until later than most
>teeth are also naturally a little bit less white than others, maybe because of secondhand smoke I dunno, not too much though
>as a teenager lower left canine began to rotate until at 17 years old it was sideways
>no one ever noticed but the dentist and he said it was fine
>since I wasn't in any pain/discomfort I felt it would be silly to get braces for just the one tooth
>suddenly at 18 another tooth, one of my upper incisors, began to move
>it's only slightly out of place but it feels uncomfortable
>no free braces now since I'm 19
It gets worse though
>in college my classmates and I are chatting shit at break
>come on to the subjects of "our types"
>qt3.141 that I kinda like is asked her type
>"I don't know, really as long as someone's healthy and not, you know, too ugly, I don't mind. Oh I could never date someone with bad teeth though."
>tfw to top it off I'm British so I feel that I'm fulfilling that stupid American stereotype
Is getting braces at 19 going to completely sink my chances of attracting a girl?

>> No.9747206

I posted this in the last one I'm too excited to forget about it.

This one is a good feels for me sorry if it's only for bad ones though.
>send a trailer link to a movie me and a friend are both wanting to see
>she was my crush
>hey anon me and you should go together!
>okay :)
I was to beta to ask her myself but thankfully she asked me. It's going to be good bros.

>> No.9747222

I had them my senior year of highschool(18 years old) but I only had them for a year because my teeth weren't bad. But I would definitely get it over with if you can get them. I too had my baby teeth fall out late. Lost my last tooth in 9th grade.

>> No.9747224

of course not, one of my mates has braces, looks like Andy Murray (take that as you will) and has bagged himself an 8/10 qt3.14159gf

>> No.9747231

>tfw wide feet

>> No.9747251

>tfw only thing I'm looking forward to in my life is killing myself if I fuck up my uni application

>> No.9747289

>tfw my paint splatter gats arrived
>tfw they're everything I dreamed of
>tfw shoes have changed my outlook on life


>> No.9747318

tfw cant wear half of all shoes without pain

love my new balances though

>> No.9747339

>Tfw idk when a girl likes me or not
>tfw play out different scenarios in my head of a girl liking me
>tfw it seems she doesn't like me
>tfw I drop it only to get some hope of her liking me and starting the cycle over again
>tfw beta faggot

>> No.9747358

This feel
>TFW feet is too veiny for new balance
> TFW new balance width is too tight

>> No.9747364

>shoulders are so wide I have to wear at least a L in everything.
>some brands XL doesn't even fit.
>very tall, some websites don't post length on their pieces
>wash once and end up with a cropped shirt

I never asked for this... :(

>> No.9747366

On the new balance website you can have your shoes wider. They have like 3 different options for it at the same price

>> No.9747368

>tfw skinny but have fat thighs

fuck my life

>> No.9747373

Lmao, you actually bought those poseur shoes? You're a complete tool.

>Wow, are you an art major? Can I see your paintings?
>No, I'm a fashion victim and a poseur. I'm in IT...

>> No.9747377

Start doing cardio workouts

>> No.9747386


wow anon you sure are insecure

>> No.9747390

That's not how that works, cochise. Use an insult that is actually relevant next time.

>> No.9747400


sorry, friend. I just want to try and help you overcome whatever issues you're facing in your personal life, that's all.

>> No.9747413

>stylist used a new leave-in on my hair today and it was gorgeous
>forgot to ask specifically what it was and can't be bothered to go all that way again

Anyone help? I think it was tresemme and the bottle was black and gold with a sprayer at the top. Blocked nose so I can't tell you the smell.

>> No.9747422

I facetiously thank you.

>> No.9747424

tfw your $500 shirt sells on ebay fr 9.99. feels bad guys.

>> No.9747429


Falling for the designer troll is sad.

>> No.9747442
File: 376 KB, 1280x1647, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma35zhFSoR1rg5srfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw met a guy this year
>super qt
>thinks I'm funny
>relationship for the most part stays in class
>start to talk a little bit outside of class
>really start to crush on him
>want to tell him I like him but dont want to ruin friendship
>he eventually asks me if I have a gf
>tell him I'm gay
>he's totally cool with it
>start talking more and more
>prom comes I don't go because no date
>talking to him about it and tell him I didn't go
Oh you should've gone with me
We have been getting closer and closer especially these past few weeks. Yesterday we actually ate lunch together while studying just us two. I know he's got a gf so I feel really bad about my feelings and his oncomings to me are probably just typical guy stuff to him. I really want to tell him how I feel but I still want to be friends with him. Such is life of a faggot
>tfw going to graduate and never seem him again, having go live with this feeling

>> No.9747445

get over it faggot. they wouldn't have noticed you anyway because you're probably ugly as fuck.

>> No.9747454

i don't understand are you a girl or what
are you gay or what now
this is too confusing and you're a fucking faggot

>> No.9747466

Sorry dude, that sounds like a bummer. Fuck the other people on here, hope it works out for you

>> No.9747468


birthday? lol

>> No.9747469

Is your reading comp level at like a 4th grade level or something?

>> No.9747496

Nigga how do you like boys? How can you choose a dick in your butt instead your dick in a girls butt. Nigga I don't understand. Women are so beautiful. I love to touch them

>> No.9747505

Yeah ;-; I fucking know but they don't look that good either

>> No.9747506

It's okay. Koreans smell like shit. Garlic and shit. Disgusting people.

>> No.9747539

She smells good but fuck her she should make the first appeal

>> No.9747553

Just tell him. Worst case scenario you don't talk after graduating. Nothing else happens.

Maybe you're a rapist

>> No.9747567
File: 16 KB, 564x506, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro please cut out the insecurity shit this is not >>>/r9k/!!!!!

>> No.9747573

You guys are losers and need help, not even trying to be mean it sounds like majority of you have severe social anxiety. go see a therapist or at the very least watch some youtube videos on how to get better

>> No.9747582

you'd honestly care haha the fuck?
who's thinking about this rubbish bro

>> No.9747590

Umm. Aren't you some faggot from r9k that pretends to be a girl? Like nigga fuck off. Koreans are smelly. It's a fact.

>> No.9747609
File: 184 KB, 533x800, didas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro please cut out the insecurity shit this is not >>>/r9k/!!!!!

>> No.9747626

>be like 15
>never kissed a girl
>not even that beta I'd just never made a move
>at festival, it's late, in tent with two friends, one was a boy and one was a girl
>boy decides that he wanted me and the girl to kiss
>scared cause I'd never kissed someone before, also thinking she would just kiss me or something so I didn't try
>she's making lots of comments like 'i'll kiss you if you do this tiny stupid thing that doesn't matter'
>I don't even realise that she wanted to kiss me
>male friend leaves and then me and the girl spend another three hours walking around, the whole time she's asking things about kissing, saying she wanted to kiss one more person before we went back to the tent

I didn't even think any more of it till like a year later, and still haven't kissed anyone today, I know that if I had I would have some confidence in myself


>> No.9747627

Post a fit. I'll fit battle you right now.

>> No.9747634

sure, let's see

>> No.9747640

Literally any normal person who sees a shoe covered in paint will assume you're an artist. That's the entire inspiration of the paint being splattered. Because that's what painters shoes look like.

>> No.9747641

Like she ever posts fits

>> No.9747646

It's okay man. You're 16 right? If I could go back to when I was 16 I would do some many things. I was religious so I stayed away from partying and fornication and whatnot because I generally believed the stuff I was taught all my life. Dude. Take chances. Go to parties. Just act cool. I'm in college now and now I just take a ton of chances and not care. It feels good man. You're straight homie.

>> No.9747648

How old are you? I kissed a girl at 18 because I stopped dressing like a poor person on drugs.

>> No.9747652

Ladies first.

>> No.9747663 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 700x525, feel_pepe_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that qt half-asian girl i love
>pretty /fa/
>complimented me on my clothes/hair once or twice
>vaguely heard her talking to her friend about me (i dunno what she said tho)
>maybe she appreciates me
>too beta/ugly/insecure to do anything
>keep making up scenarios and crying at my mom's basement

>> No.9747667

LMaO did you just chicken out hahaha

>> No.9747672

I think I'm the one that told you to post a fit first? What's so hard about that ree? You are the queen of /fa/. You should blow me out of the water?

>> No.9747720

> last day there
> didn't want to fuck up

You literally can't fuck up in that situation.

>> No.9747740

You should do something--anything, the words may sound empty now but your failure to act will play on your mind for years afterwards. You're self-assured in the fact that you aren't worthy of her attention but some self-assurance in yourself would eliminate these silly inhibitions holding you back from happiness.

Don't watch as an opportunity passes by.

>> No.9747747

fair enough, I made pretty much exact same mistake.

was in berlin, literally saw the exact kind of girl Im attracted to (tall, great legs, brown hair, amazing eyes and crimson red lips). asked her where an atm was but that was it. too bad.

>> No.9747755

As I remember, I wanted to kiss her too but I was just scared, having never kissed or knowing anything about kissing a person in my life before that, hopefully I'll get another chance if I improve myself, which is pretty possible

r-right guys?

>> No.9747762

lmao blow me first you fagG0ot :^ )

>> No.9747794

Yeah, what I did was just realize that most girls aren't good enough for me anyway. Once you realize that girls are a cakewalk. I mean honestly, are you not smarter and stronger than all the girls you know? I am. Chicks cannot outwit me or anyone else in my circle of friends. One time I was on a road trip with my bro and a couple girls and one tried to banter at our level. She got out played immediately. Bitches ain't shit and you should never be intimidated by them. Treat girls like you're doing them a favor by going out with them, but be subtle about it.

>> No.9747805

the girls you hang out with must be genuine dumbshits then

>> No.9747872

Yeah, just like you and every other girl lmao

I have 7 sisters, I think I know a thing or two about girls.

>> No.9747881

aww bday :|

>> No.9747899

I said no to braces because I was so afraid of the needles I'd need when I was getting the teeth removed. Two years later I'm diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic and have to inject myself three times a day. I'm now 21 with awful teeth because of this. I'm contemplating getting braces just so I can remove the insecurities.

>> No.9747916

any qts at uni polpol?

>> No.9747939

not enough my uni is too small and nerdy.
there was one in my 1st year who was qt as they come but I messed it up with them.

ah well they dressed like a plen anyway lmao ;_;

>> No.9747998

>mfw ;_;
where are you supposed to find qts

>> No.9748011 [DELETED] 

>some self-assurance in yourself
But anon, i'm a socially akward 3/10. How do i into self-confidence ?

>> No.9748016

if its any help, I luv ur fits

>> No.9748034 [DELETED] 


lol literal faggot

>> No.9748043
File: 48 KB, 640x960, 10570576_4459440380360_1022014344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only fucking around with all these girls just to
cope with the pain of my ex leaving
>ex is doing fine, i just cant get over it
>probably gonna end up dating one of these girls i dont even like because so lonely
>literally don't know what im getting into
>what am i doing

>> No.9748063

who knows m8. thinking about it ive met 2/3 qts at most since I've been here. maybe my qt threshold is too high.

idk who I'm talking to actually but if you're >>9747442 then it 'should' get better at college, long as you're at a decent sized uni
thanks :) love you too

>> No.9748092

Go to the gym and learn to converse well.

>> No.9748119

I refuse to believe you're actually that ugly. She went out of her went to compliment your appearance on more than one occasion, did she not? Have you been called unattractive before, is there really no doubt that you're ugly.

I would advise going to the gym, or at least working out at home, it's a very easy way to gain confidence--watching yourself becoming more attractive and more powerful is an incredibly strong booster. Forcing yourself into social situations, especially when you know you're never going to see any of the people involved again, also works quite well. It sounds quite silly to encourage embarrassment but it helps you realise that it doesn't actually matter at all. Because nobody cares.

What sort of fit do you usually wear?

>> No.9748135

Why don't you call them and ask

>> No.9748253

aww birthday it's so cute how your feelsposting is so instantly recognizable

i would have totally taken you to prom. then we could have taken each others virginities afterwards :)

>> No.9748268

i'm a grill

>> No.9748356 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 360x498, Bruce-Lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be something to consider. Is it possible to get into fitness while keeping skinny ? Like Bruce Lee or something, strong but skinny.

>have you been called unattractive before
On the internet yes.
IRL, never directly, but i can feel it in some people's looks or jokes.

>forcing yourself into social situations
How do i do this ? I have almost zero friends to hang out with. Should i just "get into people" in bars and such ?

>what sort of fit do you usually wear ?
Mostly streetwear with tech/military influences.
Navyfag, if that helps you imagine it.

>> No.9748364
File: 369 KB, 1062x749, arm-wrestling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruce Lee wasn't strong at all, he was just fast. You won't get big quickly, you fool. Do you think you can walk into a gym and walk out Arnold? No, you won't even be big after a year of going. Not only that, but it isn't even physically possible to get too big naturally while remaining lean. Unless you're a genetic freak like this guy. He has a disorder that gives him massive amounts of hgh naturally. He's an actual ogre.

>> No.9748413
File: 105 KB, 677x782, 1428282209886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>at school´s cafe getting a double shot americano to get muh apetite suppression
>waiting there with my just woken face
>tfw chronic bitch face
>the barista know this and is always being so sweet and trying to cheer me up
>some girl asks me what i roder almost stuttering
>my gravel like voice makes sounds trying to articulate the word "an americano"
>girl says oh in a scared way
>walks away
>pick up americano and leave
>tfw you look to intimidating to let people approach you
>tfw heroinchic scares people away

its a bittersweet feel because in one hand it filters what people will be worth of your time but a lot of people are just pussy basic bitches

how to be more approachable while being effay?

>> No.9748422

most people in the civilized world speak english and their native language, you coul´ve complimented her in english you dum dum

>> No.9748427

>Rick Owens Haute Couture
i would really like to see that, i know it would be a shitfest

>> No.9748430
File: 846 KB, 2000x1000, pepe masterpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw boxy torso despite athletic and well defined body
>tfw being a manlet doesnt really bother me the way it does other 4chan manlets but limits accessibility for a lot of good fits and pieces
>tfw you cop a sick rain jacket and it's clear skies and 80+ fahrenheit all this week
>tfw going out to an art museum open bar event tomorrow night to meet cougars
>tfw one of your chest pocket button flaps on a shirt you like folds up at a corner and wrinkles and gets stuck like that
>tfw no iron and ironing board
>tfw can't find good patterned high socks anywhere online

>> No.9748432

>>be me
who else will you be?
you fucking moron
get the fuck out mr. the chelsea guy

>> No.9748439

>that pic

oh my god, i cant feel my sides

>> No.9748446

i tought it was like a ... you know, a signature joke or something from 4chimps

>> No.9748454

Intimidating and unappealing are two different things, hombre. Learn the difference. Heroin chic is unappealing to people because it's unattractive. Dressing edgy is also unattractive because you're wearing your mental problems on your sleeves.

>> No.9748459

don't ever think again then mr. the chelsea guide

and leave or remove trip

>> No.9748471

i think is more intimidating than unappealing, i´ve been actually told that i look pretty good but very intimidating and unapproachable many times

>> No.9749143

step 1. be effay

>> No.9750007
File: 268 KB, 411x375, confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cheeky little cunt

>> No.9750120
File: 69 KB, 600x1000, 1422213456755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're delusional. You are a fat Mexican. That's why no one wants to talk to you. Its not because your faggy buzzword style is unapproachable its because you're ugly and people don't like talking to ugly people. Any other possible reason you could come up with is wrong, and only further proof to your mental health problems. Heroin-chic sucks ass and will always looks faggy as fuck anywhere outside of runways or photoshoots. Give up now, and save yourself the wasted time and sorrow.

>> No.9750161

say you're at a party and decide to start talking to a late teenage/early twenties girl, what do you say/talk about? I'm always lost and it gets awkward quick but I'm not super ugly, easy 8/10, and never make the girl uncomfortable to the point where she walks away but just curious

>> No.9750173

Good luck anon

>> No.9750176

School and work are good places to start. Pretty common grounds and many possibilities to branch off from there. After that interests outside of school(music, gaming, reading, etc), travel plans, maybe family

>> No.9750183

nice reading comprension there buddy, might want to read Mein Kampf again while you chug on Mtn Dew and Doritos to improve that, when you´re done you can come back and try again


>> No.9750186

Bullshit, just bullshit. I get hella boisterous when drunk though. I'd probably tell her to hold my beer and walk away then come back later in the night and ask her where the fuck my beer went and tell her I trusted her and thought she was different. Hold the straight face for a while then laugh at her and walk away.

Anyway my last 4 gfs came onto me after a conversation or two, lmao

>> No.9750192

Nope, pretty sure I understand your post and what its saying just fine. Its not hard with you're 3rd grade writing style.

>> No.9750193

Hitler did nothing wrong but invade Russia and trust the Italians.

>> No.9750209
File: 79 KB, 508x720, 11079703_945470218797788_90704309831044997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9750215


>> No.9750228
File: 63 KB, 367x202, 1403841167666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay guy i sort of work with
>Have the biggest crush on him
>Pretty sure he has no idea I'm bi
>Pretty sure he's way out of my league
>Know way too little about gay dating to judge this properly
>He left about two months ago just as I worked up the courage to ask him out after putting it off for ages (got cockblocked on my final opportunity to do it)
>Very good chance I never see him again

>> No.9750234

Just post any piece of shit it'll probably be better

>> No.9750254

Ask your coworkers for his number and text him bro. Don't be a pussy, gay guys like dicks lmao.

>> No.9750263

so why are you saying the exact opposite of what i posted?

my post says that i´ve been called good looking but intimidating, ofc it implies that i was wearing heroinchic tier outfits, your posts say that people think i dont look good when i stated that people think otherwise

fuck it m8, i´m too tired for this shitpost b8, i cant believe i took it

>mfw i secretly admire nazi efficiency and industrious minds
>mfw i have no face

>> No.9750265

I could add him on fb any time but I feel like that'd be too creepyvibes. Like I'm a pretty good looking guy but he's like stunning so instead of "alpha male going for a date" it might come off as "ugly creeper stalks you" and fuck that jesus no. Also I'm a lot better at face2face interaction. Basically I'm waiting for the moment where I run into him by chance to instantly ask him out for a drink, where I can get some dutch courage and pull

>> No.9750275

He's a dude though. Would you mind if an attractive guy you already know added you on facebook. Just tell him that now that you wanted to ask him out but couldn't before because of being coworkers, problem solved. It's funny that you're bi since you seem like such a bottom.

>> No.9750280

I would just friend him on fb. I mean the literal absolute worst things that could happen is he doesn't accept it and you keep on living your life. This is coming from the pussy who's post you quoted by they way so take my advice for what you will.

>> No.9750288

I'm actually really top, usually very confident too, it's literally just this guy. My problem is what if, to him, I'm not an attractive guy, I'm just some schmuck he would never ever get with. I know I've been in that situation and it's awkward as fuck.

The only thing holding me back is that there is a chance I see him again, at which point I will put the moves on instantly and a lot better than I can do over fb. He actually said he'd come back to work sometime to say hi. I'm pretty confident I can do it irl but even if I can't I'd much rather get rejected irl. Tl;dr don't wanna do it online cos if I do that takes away all hope of doing it in person where I'd fare way better

I never actually replied to your original post though, damn man that sucks absolute ass. If I were you honestly, I'd just tell him before you part ways forever. Will feel gr8 if he's cool about it, and if he's not who gives a shit, never gonna see him again, right? This is coming from the pussy who can't even add his crush on fb though, so take my advice for what you will.

>> No.9750294

You don't even work with him anymore though there is no risk.

>> No.9750295

>grills find you attractive
>you can tell even when you walk into a room
>you arent even wearing one of your best fits
>grills complimenting you on your style
>buddies talking to you about fashion because you know your shit
>still dont care about getting laid
>still dont care about going on dates
>lonely as fuck

and the cycle continues downward

regardless I was with my buddy and drove by this beautiful girl in hollywood yesterday

still thinking about her

I even mistook her for this girl I ignored on tinder and messaged the girl
she responded and I'm ignoring her again

what is wrong with me

>> No.9750298

I'm not worried about being embarrassed, I'm worried about not getting the D cos I didn't ask him out in the better circumstances.

>> No.9750303

There are always more dicks bro, and besides, it's no big deal. All you have to do is message him and ask for his number then ask him to coffee. If he declines, no big deal. You aren't getting his dick now and you won't if you don't try.

>> No.9750329

>tfw when it's my first day on /fa/
>i have no idea what a fuckboy is and whether it's good or not to be one
>still wearing H&M basic tees and torn jeans in my late 20s
>no one has ever said anything regarding my clothing
>not sure whether this is good or bad either

>> No.9750354

>buy a bunch of new clothes
>make an entire new wardrobe
>end up wearing the same favorite 3-4 outfits over and over

>> No.9750431

>late 20s
this place is, no exaggeration, 90% insecure teenage boys. you will not get useful advice here

>> No.9750483


ok mate listen, don't even look in the waywts because its just a streetwear basic circlejerk
There's barely anything wrong with basic tees. Expand your wardrobe with plain colour oxfords and inoffensive patterns (read: no camo, no lumberjack rubbish. Don't get anything that looks like a tablecloth).

Throw away anything that's torn or has holes. Get some decent jeans, chinos etc. Blue/grey/brown/black.

Cut and fit are the most important things. Don't buy shit online, try it on.

>> No.9750499


sell the rest, easy

>> No.9750531

>browse grailed for a supreme piece
>everything is in size L or XL
>very few pieces in medium
>only one or two in small

>> No.9750540


mr.the chelsea guide is a fat mexican

Why are you trying to so hard to be likeable?
Fuck off already mr. the chelsea guide

> i´ve been called good looking but intimidating

yeah, the only problem with this is, that's a lie, it happened in your dreams maybe. doubt anyone speaks to your fat sandnigger face

>> No.9750553
File: 9 KB, 185x273, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made friends when I was 12 with people online
>get really close to one of them
>ugly at the time
>get fit and /fa/
>one of the girls I met during my mmorpg days says she likes me
>she's hot, and we've been close friends for maybe 6 years now but never met irl
>I say whatever, I go for it because I got nothing to lose
>now 20
>now somewhat attractive and fashionable
>girls talk to me a lot more now
>too committed to relationship to fuck around in my 20s

At least she's coming over this Summer.

>> No.9750557

Are you me? I had this happen to me too with a scene girl who was incredibly shy back when we played Tibia and even though I didn't care for her she found me through several games, even after I changed my handle multiple times and never consciously thought about her.

Suddenly she cleans up her looks and is 9/10 and now I'm too beta to talk to her anymore even though we still continue playing the same games.

>> No.9750561

Sounds quite similar. Me and her were both pretty fat back then and honestly I only started losing weight because she opened up about her insecurities. We lost weight together and we're both above average now.

I mean I don't want to cheat on her, but everyone talks about how your 20s are suppose to be the years you spend screwing everything with 2 arms and 2 legs

Also you should go for it m8, she obviously likes you if she's hung around this long. Good luck.

>> No.9750567

Well ask yourself if you truly love her, is she "the one"? If you believe in this bullshit. If you know that the relationship will end in the future, why not end it now. You'll do her a favour, she probably has guys hitting on her aswell.
You're not doing her a favour for staying with her if you don't truly like her, you're just making it worse.

>> No.9750593
File: 51 KB, 204x256, 1429368105018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've been actually told that i look pretty good



either they were lying to you, or you are lying to us


>> No.9750611

>grl hits on you
>make gf
>lose interest after 2 days

am i gay

>> No.9750612

you're a fucking idiot if you think you're in a "relationship" with a girl you've met through a dumb video game that you've never even seen before

>> No.9750621

>>tfw heroinchic scares people away
you can't be heroin chick when you're an ugly fat fuck like yourself
we've seen your pictures, you can't hide
drop trip

>> No.9750629


>> No.9750641

Fuck I had this happen to me too

>crush hard on a girl for over 5 years
>finally make a move
>everything goes the way it should
>start fucking
>lose interest immediately after and all desire to pursue a relationship with her is lost
>start thinking about someone else

>> No.9750642

Nah this shit happens. In the middle of a relationship like this myself. I want to leave her but she's very very emotionally attached, you'd think we've been together for years. Tomorrow marks two months since we started.

>tfw tried to break up with her few hours ago
>she cried for 4 hours
>went walking in the night with no direction, told me not follow her
>I leave
>Calls me 3 min later telling me she's scared
>go back she cries like her mother had died or something
>end up getting back together because I can't stand watching her suffer like that and she doesn't really have friends or anything

I'm going to wait till she's in a better emotional position, I chose a very bad time. I really regret getting into a relationship with her, especially when I had the chance to just be fuckbuddys.

>> No.9750651

you should just fuck her and do nothing but fuck her until she decides she wants no more of it and wants to end the relationship like literally don't stop fucking her until she says it's over

>> No.9750658

post pic of him

>> No.9750672
File: 90 KB, 750x750, 1429769312242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9750675

>spelled it fuckboy
It's fucc boi you fuccbo just lurk my mate

>> No.9750678

> €hinos
Haha good one

>> No.9750679

i am what i am but what am i

>> No.9750702

Finally finding a style that i like. Cuz i cant spend much in clothes every month, only have 2 fits that i really like.
Still having to wear the older stuff cuz ppl would notice that i was wearing the same clothes everyday at work.

>> No.9750703

>tfw some anons got females who would take a bullet for them
>tfw she wouldn't even look at me

>> No.9750818

You have to ask yourself, what's more important, having sex with some random girls or having a relationship with this girl. Personally I'm a relationship type guy, i don't see the point of having casual sex with strangers. Just seems empty to me ya feel, but whatever floats your boat dude

>> No.9750819

>Get hit up by grills
>3 want the D just now
>Pretty cute but not really my taste
>The girls I like are not interested in me
>I'll be forever alone

>kiss grills
>make out
>getting sexual
Back alone
>no hornyness
>no pressure from my dick
>instantly lose interest and never contact them again.

Rinse and repeat. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.9750834

>tfw i will never be a petite asian grill
>will never be able to pull off ridiculous fits

I am not even gay just jelly they can wear whatever and still look kawaii af

>> No.9750841

>Rinse and repeat. What the fuck is wrong with me?
you're gay and you won't admit it

I don't understand when guys say that they can't get hard when they're fooling around with girls. I get instantly hard even if it's a girl I really don't find that attractive

>> No.9750846


>> No.9750854

>meet cute girl
>use her for sex
>get bored
>she always liked me
>we get together
>fuck im in love
>shes so cynical
>thinks i cheat, talks about when we break up despite there being no reason to

She's great, but I just feel emotionally blank, sometimes I feel in love sometimes I want to tell her to fuck off, other times I feel nothing.

wat do

>> No.9750871

I do get hard and very aroused but I mean after that, when I'm home again(whereever) I always feel like it was pretty stupid and I feel like my dick led me, which feels uncomfortable to be honest, I don't want to dick up some girl I don't really know that well.

>> No.9750892

u hav autism m8

go 2 the doctor

>> No.9751047

>spaghetting over south koreans
There's nothing to be insecure about in front of balloon faces.

>> No.9751327

Same here mate. Girl is interested in me. I beat off. Then I want nothing to do with her. Can't find a single girl that I actually like to be around and not just fuck.

>> No.9751427

I'm a trend setter, you ain't even peep that

>> No.9751646
File: 75 KB, 535x577, 8MnS0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe she appreciates me
>too beta/ugly/insecure to do anything
>keep making up scenarios and crying

>> No.9751668

Thank you :)

>> No.9751682

>Two years later I'm diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic

How the fuck did you make it this far in life without knowing that? How are you even alive?

>> No.9751713

>tfw sneakerhead
>tfw going to a state for 5 months that is mostly white hippy chicks who don't care about shoes
>tfw want to move to another state where its a similar situation

Fug, I never cared about that shit before. Thanks effay

>> No.9751726

What state.

>> No.9751759


>> No.9751908

yay my fanbase is back i missed you guys, where´s my banner saying "SLP hate fanbase?"

>> No.9751919

lots of people like slp
people just don't like you because yr a poor fat dickriding mexican

>> No.9751943

He is SLP dumbass

>> No.9751961

god you're a fucking moron
rick owens is a better designer than that hack hedi silmane
mr chelsea guide is chuck
some lazy person tried taking credit
but she's right, well more right than you anyways
thats chuck not somelazyperson
ay lmao what a fat piece of shit

>> No.9751972

slp as in the brand
i can see know i misread that oh man

>> No.9751978

yeah but neither Hedi does Gaute Couture and if he woudl try it (which i cant see it hapenning) it would be shit too

for Haute Couture theres Ellie Saab and Raf Simons, IMO

i made the chelsea guide, lol theres even my name my trip on it

>tfw your fanbase grows bigger and bigger everyday
i´m proud of you

>> No.9751987

raf simons dior collections have been mediocre at best

anyone can photoshop a name onto a guide u mong

>> No.9751988

>friend zone a grill for the first time in my life
>really like her just don't want to date her
>skip work shifts just to avoid hurting her
>run into her multiple times around campus this week
>can see the pain in her eyes every time

Fuck man this is a bad feeling

>> No.9751991

>Don't think im good looking throughout most of highschool cause constantly put down
>go to uni
>Still dont think im good looking
>but in general sociable and chatty person
>end up with qt3.14 gf that ends up raising my confidence and making me realize that i am indeed better than i though i was.
>Talk to girls in my course before and just in general came up with the general theme that most were infact interested in me but never thought the feeling would be mutual.

good feels

>> No.9752019

kissing a girl is so easy if she likes you

There's nothing to be afraid of, my first kiss was when I was 18 on our first date b/c the date went well and I just went for it and it went great

A week later she broke up with me no lie

>> No.9752064

bro you need to get over that shit.
think about the guys she's rejected without giving a second thought. maybe she even enjoyed it.

rejection sucks but everyone has to deal with it.

>> No.9752078

From personal experience all you have to do:
Step 1) Be confident
Don't be afraid to have an ego. Its ok to be an asshole if it comes naturally to you but dont force it and dont be a dick to her. If you talk shit about everyone else around you but then throw in sincere compliments, she'll think she's special b/c it seems like she's the only one you're being nice to

Step 2) Be interesting
Come on man, youre on 4chan you have to have autistic amounts of knowledge about something you're passionate about. Just bullshit about whatever that subject is and she'll be mesmerized. Just don't be a faggot/sperg about it

>> No.9752086

I had my first kiss at 18 too, you were probably a bad kisser. My girl stayed with me for a month though and taught me how to kiss better, looking back she was a great practice girl.

>> No.9752123

Aww its ok huckleberry

>> No.9752155

good advice here, but don't worry so much about being "interesting."
You can be "interesting" by standing around doing nothing. Sometimes it's best to say as little as you can, because that will still make you interesting in her eyes. Mystery = interesting.

Conversation will happen naturally once it starts, and if you don't know what to say find something and make a comment about it to her. doesn't matter what, because when a girl is interested she'll respond in a way that leaves it open for your response.

>> No.9752166

Nag she broke up with me b/c I was an overdramatic, clingy emo teenager

>> No.9752206

I feel like it ends up being a mixture of the two but its hard to layout exactly how to act in abstract terms for a hypothetical situation that can take on a myriad of shapes. However, in regards to being mysterious, if you do that it has to match your personality and you have to make sure that when you do speak what you say is charming and quality

>> No.9752220

>it has to match your personality
Yep. It's something a guy needs to develop based on his own personality. I'm an introvert, so I learned how to use my introversion to my advantage. A guy who is aware of the social dynamics will be able to adjust accordingly.

By the time i start a convo with a girl I already know she's interested in me.

>> No.9752486

>Tfw you'll never see her again

>> No.9752524

Then post the original version you dumbfuck

>inb4 he doesn't post shit because chuck is some imaginary faggot made up just to troll me

>> No.9752560
File: 46 KB, 312x312, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lord, what a pussy-ass bitch

is she attractive? if not wtf are you doing man

>> No.9752617

>tfw crush is /fa/
>tfw finally have courage to talk to crush
>tfw haven't talked/seen her for a week
>tfw she's probably avoiding me
Hold me /fa/

>> No.9752623

tfw face scars

>> No.9752626

>Hold me /fa/
how about just stop being retarded? girls are girls. there are so many other guys talking to her right now. you owe it to yourself to talk to her.
worst case scenario is you look like an idiot.

and you have plenty of experience because you look like an idiot every single day on /fa/

>> No.9752630

Get ripped and dress like a villain. Either buzz or shoulder length.

>> No.9752631
File: 33 KB, 399x388, 1427473632563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw SLP jeans finally arrived
>fit perfectly, look great
>zipper was broken upon arrival
>have to send them back and wait for a long time again

>> No.9752652


>> No.9752684

Get the braces that are on the opposite of your teeth so nobody can see them.

>> No.9752709 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x960, feel_hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should have gay sex together bro ?

>> No.9752717

Do you know how ridiculous you just sounded? "Ill battle you" is this this Yu-Gi-Oh or some shit?

>> No.9752729

I had the same thing but she was from Japan. Complemented me a couple times so I asked her if she wanted to hangout sometime. 2 weeks later she brings up the fact that she is moving back to Japan with her family the day after graduation. Decide to give up because I don't want that long distance shit going right into college. We've been hanging out for about 4 months now and I kinda just want to cut it off, but I also want to fuck her before she goes back.

>> No.9752754


>> No.9752789

Fuck this. Stop waiting and look for another guy.

>> No.9752792

Post fit.

>> No.9752794

>go to a friend's sorority's formal last night
>oh hey there's my qt next door neighbor from freshman year
>he acts really flirty (hugs me for a little too long, holds my hand, etc) and I remembered that I used to have a slight crush on him
>tfw friends tell me he's gay the next day

>> No.9752801

I-is that you J?
>tfw haven't seen crush all week even though I used to see him all the time
They never appear when you want them to.

>> No.9752931

Because Bape isn't cool anymore and Koreans are shit-tier Asians, above the Chinese but below the Japanese

>> No.9752940

My mum wears bape, friend.

>> No.9753245

All of the clothes, watches, Cologne and funny bants on this site will never change the fact the one girl I love thinks I'm just using her :(

>> No.9753292

>tfw about to finish university
>made no friends whatsoever
>still a virgin
>tfw I will have to live with these regrets forever

>> No.9753306

>and you have plenty of experience because you look like an idiot every single day on /fa/


>> No.9753316
File: 59 KB, 400x388, chav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kno that feel anon, you dress nice on days you want to impress people yet end up with nothing, and when you give up people who you want to attract decide to cross paths with you.

life hits hard,

>> No.9753323

Is that you L?

>> No.9753326
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1341290700869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the cougar I'm fucking says I could easily get a hipster girlfriend because I dress "so indie"

God fucking dammit

>> No.9753332

Post a fit,

>> No.9753334

Yea post a fit, "big boy"

>> No.9753336

Why do you lie on the Internet?

>> No.9753377

My fits consist of shirts with prints straight from National Geographic, slim-straight chinos because /fit/ tricked me and a shitty M65 inspired jacket with brown/white Converse trapassos. I bought the trapassos because they have a cactus on the inside.

My fits are so unworthy of a WAYWT that I wouldn't dare post it.

I lament her saying that I'm indie because I don't want to be grouped in with that crowd and because I don't know if I would want to be with a hipster chick.

I have nothing to gain from "lying" on a Chinese claymation board loosely devoted to fashion. I met her while selling a fridge on craigslist and you probably could too.

>> No.9753386

>>Being this horrible at fabricating a shitty response to an already bullshit story

>> No.9753424

>TFW didn't wear my real fit that day because I thought it would be a waste
not wearing real fits everyday please an hero.

>> No.9753454

>tfw got into stanford
>tfw i see a grill from highschool at drugstore that i used to have a crush on
>wasnt wearing my stanford hoodie so i couldnt approach her


>> No.9753462

the only interesting thing about yourself is the school you go to?

this is depressing man. find some hobbies or something.

>> No.9753465

How would you fabricate your shitty response?

Also, I'm probably going to fuck her tomorrow. Should we get drinks or go for a hike?

>> No.9753483

whats depressing is that you spend your all your time on a fashion chinese claymation board

>> No.9753663

N-no it's me S. You probably haven't noticed me. ;-;

>> No.9753714

>gf just took a shower
>gonna have sex prolly
>she comes out and sees me on the computer
>"are you on 4chan again"
she went back to bathroom to brush her theeth

such is life

>> No.9753753

get invisalign fam, its going to be expensive either way. my friend wears them and you wouldn't even be able to tell he has them unless he told you. eating in public might suck tho.

>> No.9753762

>tfw gf sees me on 4chan
>anon are you posting memes again

>> No.9753805

>tfw wife catches me on pintrest

>> No.9754225

she´s right you know?

>> No.9754254
File: 82 KB, 480x480, 1425936006500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> junkie comes up to me randomly
> "hey man, you got any, uh"
> makes gesture of tying off arm and shooting up
> mfw so heroin chic people actually think I have heroin

>> No.9754265

That's when you know you've made it anon. Congratz.

>> No.9754274

>tfw all the fresh off the boat asians are the most fa in campus

>> No.9754277

>tfw dad catches me on grindr

>> No.9754296

All these advices wouldn't work if you're ugly.

>> No.9755198


>> No.9755242

Just a wild guess. Since you hang out on 4chan, I'd assume you weren't always the most extrovert/popular person.
You probably started working out and you started taking more care about your appearance. Now the thing is, you can change as much as you want on the outside, but you still need to get rid of your inner fedora.
Maybe you ignore all the girls, because you're afraid of getting rejected.

>> No.9755252

Jelly af

>> No.9755262

>what is wrong with me
dunning kruger

>> No.9755299

Lol fucking this.

>> No.9755349

>tfw you dont know any girl whose name begins with S

>> No.9755354

This is the opposite me
My fedora is on the outside
Alpha male on inside

>> No.9755594

ree was right(for once) though, sounds pathetic as fuck man

>> No.9755888

noice, post fit

>> No.9755907

Koreans are mid-high tier Asians though

It's Vietnamese < Shit < Chinese < Koreans < Japanese

>> No.9755911

All Asians are shit tier.

>> No.9756402

apart from i've made lots of mates and fucked bitches

>> No.9756454

you can learn to appreciate the people in your life
your ex isn't right for you
that's why she left
just give somebody new a chance
see what happens
you have nothing to lose

>> No.9756459

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.9756464

>>9755911 >>9756459
how do I know you're a badly dressed teen from a small village in a flyover state/ rural Australia hahahaha

>> No.9756488

Why do gay guys flirt with women so much? This gay guy at prom was grinding with girls and shit like that. Is it a way to make straight guys mad or something?

>> No.9756512


You're just dumb

Vietnamese < Cambodian < Laotian < Korean < Japanese

>> No.9756560

it's the same as girls grinding on other girls
but gays have lot more to prove

>> No.9757983


This might just be a valid response to being told you dress "indie."

I have been called a hipster for cuffing my pants. On a hot day. Should I commit sudoku? Is bending on a hot day still a thing? Shorts just don't work on me, no matter how much I squat or work on my calves.

>> No.9758017
File: 12 KB, 467x453, 1377966602384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year of high school
>never had a girlfriend
>spend all 4 years floating between different friend groups
>never really "in" one so I never get invited to shit
>started crushing on this girl i've been friends with for a while about 6 months ago
>she's been dating her boyfriend for almost 2 years

Oh well college is next year, I anticipate shit to get better

>> No.9758026

>wake up at 5am after fasting for 3 days
>go out for a decadent southern breakfast
>drink a delicious beer
>put down convertibles top
>go out do some shopping and errands
>get mired by qt latinas all day
>getting drinks with one later

Life is p good boys, thank god i'm a 10/10

>> No.9758056

jesus that hit home

>> No.9758083


So you're saying you're not /fa/ anymore?

>> No.9758091

>tfw you're 21 and aren't having sex at all
>tfw you're not broken up enough about it to change your current situation

>> No.9758092
File: 90 KB, 900x736, rare_pepe_by_hinchen-d8potam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>met effay qt in NYC while travelling
>she wants to start a fashion magazine when she finishes university
>she hella rich
>feel in love and cheesy bullshit
>keep in touch with her
>convince her to come to aus
>she bought her ticket this Thursday
>mfw broke uni student from country town living in bris
>I really wanna show her a great time
>mfw centrelink won't come for another couple weeks
>tfw I'm gonna run out of money while she's here

>> No.9758100

I don't believe you.

But you made it anon, now go have a burger.

>> No.9758103

fucken lol

>> No.9758109

you're basically me.
I'm about to finish my 3rd year of college and I still haven't had a serious relationship.
Listen carefully anon, things will only change if you change them yourself. Don't wait for it to happen. If you want your situation to change you have to take the first step.

>do as I say not as I do

>> No.9758114



make it hurt even more

start working together, twist the knife. she's probably friendzoned tons of other guys, give her a taste of her own medicine

>> No.9758118

lmao australians

>> No.9758120

hey bro please cut this out

you know nothing about the girl

it is illogical and unfair to assume things like that apply to all girls

>> No.9758121

>Broke uni student
>Not studying medicine/engineering and having the army pay for most of your education

>> No.9758124

Fucking Australians kek

>> No.9758136 [DELETED] 

you're the idiot who feels bad because someone doesn't want to date him

>> No.9758138

how was your relationship with your mother?
what made it that way?
how has it affected your feelings towards women?

>> No.9758141

Pharmacy, pretty hard to get army money, but possible.

>> No.9758143


payday loans bruv

>> No.9758145

I have a korean teacher who's effay af, atleast better than all the suburban neet immigrants below him

>> No.9758156

I can sense an upcoming of pepe spams and stories related to OP's situation already.

If you were truly fa you would live a fa lifestyle so you could avoid times like these


>> No.9758210

straight forward approach. just say you like her and ask for her number, you'll know whether she likes you or not at that point.
being a beta bitch isnt effay

>> No.9758225
File: 215 KB, 894x894, zephyrus_by_kr0npr1nz-d8e08zq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c the picture reffered on my pic, i remember downloading it before

>> No.9758227

Damn, this hurt reading it. We'll make it brah

>> No.9758248
File: 3.12 MB, 900x2815, 1423173647277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9758295
File: 11 KB, 243x208, imagewers-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright OP, nothing would have happened anyways.

>> No.9758385
File: 37 KB, 450x331, Trendy-Short-Hairstyle-Thick-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nee done in original size

>> No.9758895

Totally man, I'm going into college with a totally new mind set. I plan to be a lot more adventurous and less of a socially awkward sad sack. Also I'm going to my dream school so that'll definitely help things

>> No.9759131
File: 14 KB, 191x234, 1426650449786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759498

>Crushing on a girl for multiple years
>First girl I felt this way about
>Talked to her heaps for a year
>Stopped for some reason the next year
>Always feared that she knew I liked her, so was always really nervous to talk to her
>She is the most /fa/ girl I've ever met, like no lie she has an amazing fashion sense
>Tried talking to her more but was always obviously super nervous
>She was weirded out or something cause she knew I like her idk but she just always seemed like she didn't wanna talk to me, I had a conversation with her on fb and then tried to message her again a few days later and no reply.
>Now dating a dude who she could do way better than

It's weird though because I'm just slowly loosing my feelings for her

is this good /fa/?

>> No.9759551


>> No.9759564

fml that aiko remind me of 'her' so much, even tho I thought I didn't care and she was just one I wanted to fuck.
That fucking expression gets me every time god damn

>> No.9759587


Embrace the loss of feelings.

>> No.9759680

as a male, being beautiful is just one part of attacting people, no lie.

>> No.9759682

this post makes me cringe

>> No.9759705

you need to go outside more dude

that is not the thought process a "normal person" goes through

>> No.9759717

>you need to go outside more dude

AS SPOKEN BY RESUTON. the person who posts the most of everyone.

you're fucking mentally ill.

>> No.9759733

>you need to go outside more dude

you posted more than 125 posts on wednesday alone, according to warosu.

you have no life what so ever.

you're not attractive.
you're not a kind person.
you're not loved.

you're just alone, and you spend your time pouring your self-hate over others on /fa/

this is obvious to any sane person who sees your posts.

>> No.9759771

Lol nobody cares about them 3rd world
Shit hole

>> No.9759788

It will never get better

>> No.9759805
File: 101 KB, 600x450, 1427038679351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a nice pair of shoes or jeans or whatever
>have nothing to wear with it
>don't want to buy something that fits with it because too expensive and too much shitty clothes in wardrobe

>> No.9760376
File: 272 KB, 1022x1280, prom_couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have a prom this month that was absolute shit? Did you at least look /fa/ as fuck? Was you date effay?

>> No.9760942

>need to loose weight
>all my old nice clothes will fit like shit
>won't be able to buy clothes until i'm at my goal weight

>> No.9760991

lmfao @ all of you virgin nerds
get jacked bruh
get bitches bruh
/fit/ is salvation

>> No.9761162
File: 21 KB, 809x808, peepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thread gets this many response
>tfw this is the only response i am getting in my whole life because i have no friends
its a obscure feel , mixed with joy and grief

>> No.9761644

My body is a bizarre combination of ottermode and skinnyfat. Feels weird man.