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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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9747042 No.9747042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok /fa/ so i think we've reached a stage where 80% of the board hates niggers, and i feel like the blacks are starting to get the idea that they arent welcome.

how do we further expand our anti nigger effort? invade jordan/kanye/nike/fake threads where niggers tend to congregate and spam and derail them, viciously attack any niggers that post in WAYWT threads with racial slurs and offensive jpegs, anyone you see using the word 'nigga' remind them that we use 'nigger' here.

any other suggestions welcome.

keep up the good work, lets help one another rid the board of this monkey madness.

>> No.9747066

I feel like a lot of people don't realize that outside of /b/ most of the racism from 4chan back in the day was done ironically.

>> No.9747073

finish your juice box already and then it's nap time for you kiddo

>> No.9747078

aren't u that fag named martin who lied about having guns and shit?
so pathetic.
have u even met a black person before?

>> No.9747081
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nah man I love brothers

>> No.9747105

racism isn't /fa/

>> No.9747111

yeah keep parroting this shit reddit, the only people who say this were never around at the time.

there was nothing ironic about it. and even if it were ironic, it does nothing to undermine the validity of hating niggers.

>> No.9747113

fuck off race bait shill

>> No.9747114

Chill fam. We hate all races equally on /fa/.

>> No.9747116



#1 fanboy



get back @ me if i am wrong.

>> No.9747121

I was here, and you just must have really poor comprehension skills if you thought everyone was being sincere. If you acted that way on any of the normal boards you would get told to go back to /b/. That's just how the culture was.

>> No.9747123

reported and saged

>> No.9747125

yeh dude you sure you were i believe you :)

>> No.9747133

thank you so much for this, i cant wait till the niggers leave

>> No.9747136


>> No.9747138


niggers out

>> No.9747139

wrong, dummy

>> No.9747146

prove it 0x0x

>> No.9747147

>pigfuck has to resort to pathetic samefagging

>> No.9747153

niggers begone

>> No.9747158


nah, cya redditor BYE BYE BYE

>> No.9747159

how insecure and stupid are you people