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/fa/ - Fashion

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9742218 No.9742218 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post useful things you learnt from /fa/

hardmode: post things that are true and not an ironic snarky shitpost

>achieving self-confidence is as simple as buying a pair of glasses that fit your face shape

>most girls and homos don't actually know shit about fashion

>neither does most of /fa/


>> No.9742233

No matter what you look like you're either a manlet, skeletal, fat, or a nigger

>> No.9742247


>> No.9742250

everyone's a cuck, whatever that may be

>> No.9742273
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>> No.9742868

All of this.

>Street wear is for chavs who think they aren't chavs and have a bit of money.

>Wealthcore threads are filled with people that don't understand your principles/attitude are as much a vital accessory in your wealthcore attire as your watch or bag.

>> No.9742904

Ethically produced clothing should trump other considerations.

The aesthetic should not overshadow the practical, and practicality does not mean you lose some aesthetic.

The term "designer" is a gyp if a designer's clothes are produced in the same awful conditions as anywhere else.

>> No.9742918

More on the wealthcore thing please, what do you mean?

>> No.9742990

Not that anon, but, speaking as a Britbong (the fact that chav was used indicates they might be one as well), in the UK the notion of 'wealth' or 'income' is not entirely analogous to 'class' (by that I mean social hierarchy).

The notion of class and class divide is far more prevalent as a feature of the UK than it is in the US. It isn't simply one's income level or the attire they have on display that indicates their social standing (although it's a constituent part). It is, however, also your mannerisms, your philosophies, your speech patterns, your taste in décor, your diet, your gait, employment right down to the title of your role, education and a hundred other things.

Any pleb with cash in hand can buy expensive items, including clothing. However, if, assuming, they had nothing else, they were thrust into a specific social environment alien to their comfort zone they would be quickly sniffed out.

It isn't just about money.

>> No.9743014

I think they meant

>Wealthcore threads THAT* are filled with people that don't understand your principles/attitude are as much a vital accessory in your wealthcore attire as your watch or bag.

Basically "You should have haters who don't get it and are out of it that you can feel superior over"

>> No.9743016

What about a white 6'2" /fit/izen

>> No.9743051

Go somewhere else to talk about girl clothes

Buying stuff on EBay is OK

>> No.9743055

>tfw skinnyfat

>> No.9743078

That i should still try even if i'm ugly from the face.

>> No.9743104

It introduced me to Martin Margiela, Raf Simons, Rick Owens, Ann Demeulemeester, Carol Christian Poell and the rest of them.

I dressed in Armani, Ralph Lauren and stuff with logos on it, kind of slav-wealthcore if someone understands. It started to bore me to be this fake person with no personality at all, I just did it to show that I have money (3rd world country standards).

I like /fa/, despite all the shitposting and tripfags, you shouldn't take /fa/ too seriously tho...

>> No.9743118

On mine I jut looked it up it says I'm healthy??? What

>> No.9743125

I'm not sure what you're saying. What's wrong?

>> No.9743172

>confidence is what makes an outfit work
>silhouettes, colour and fitting is more important than the brand
>people who doesn't know how clothes are made don't have the right to talk about advanced fashion like haute couture, quality and prices
>having taste and style is more important and valuable than following a trend
>clothes aren't the only thing to be fashionable

>> No.9743176

>post useful things you learnt from /fa/

fit, quality

over price and quantity


difference between tech fabrics isn't that big
even low end tech fabrics from places with the warranty > fashion oriented trad fabrics

polyester clothing should only be in low end athletic wear since it tends to stink in the summer, and prevents circulation

but wicks moisture excellently

drawbacks don't matter in the gym/on a road bike

but is hefty when sitting in an office

/fa/ has taught me more about clothes than I care to admit, can no longer "just go to the store and buy shit I like"

/fa/ has been useless these last 3 years or so

>> No.9743180

This, so much this

>> No.9743219

Not me lmao
Gays pretty much only understand how prep works. Girls pretty much don't understand anything ever.

>> No.9743235

Chavs with money spend it better though. Exuberance is too funny not to yolo over if you're new money. Mike Jones knows how dumb the shit is that he buys, it's the fact that he can waste money on dumb shit that makes it awesome.

>> No.9743241

B.E yourself!

>> No.9743249

soon (tm)

>> No.9743256

WAYWTS have taught me the most important fucking thing:

your hair and your face(AND YOUR FUCKING PERSONALITY) has to match your fit

>> No.9743263

/fa/ is good for certain things, but don't ever let /fa/ decide what you wear. Learn a thing or two about fashion, designers, styles, trends, etc. and then use that knowledge while you're shopping to buy things you like regardless of whether or not someone has posted a picture of it on /fa/.

>> No.9743266 [DELETED] 
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1. be attractive
2. don't be unattractive
3. be me

>> No.9743269

I don't wear any synthetics but nylon and spandex. Poly feels nasty. I don't understand people who say they hate how linen and wool feel but wear polyester. Linen and wool feel just fine. Polyester feels like incredibly high grain sand paper pulling all your hairs out and sticking to your elbows.

>> No.9743282

I agree

>> No.9743287

Good tips

>> No.9743291

Fuck off to reddit you dumb cunt

>> No.9743293

Dubs speak the truth

>> No.9743308

Nice dubs lol

>> No.9743318

These are words to live by

>> No.9743328

Thus entrenching him in his social class.

>> No.9743334


le master trole :^)

>> No.9743338

Who cares about social class when you tippin'? With wood grain you grippin'? You can keep your class, it sounds like a drag to me.

>> No.9743560

You replied to the wrong person, but I completely agree.
Very funny to read through the threads, you can just tell when a poorboi doesn't get it.

>> No.9743572

>this is what (white) uggos believe

>> No.9743954
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this is such a helpful tip, honestly.

>> No.9743964

>this so much this

>> No.9744019

Oh that's right, he forgot fag. It's okay, cuck also covers you too though.

>> No.9744033
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Becoming fashionable won't make up for the fact you're an insecure asspie who can't approach, let alone talk to, the ladies.

>> No.9744040
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This chart says I'm healthy but the other one didn't

>> No.9744095

Being a trendsetter is easy that most people will never become one, it's like philosophical alchemy, turning shit into gold with your own subjective taste. If you can confidently and loudly do something that's out of the norm, everyone will copy you and think that thing that you just put together is cool and it will spread like cancer and create a tree of novelty in the universe. Either that or you'll get beat up.

>> No.9744132

If your face is really ugly and bizarre count it as a blessing, and try to bring as much emphasis to your strange and exotic head thing.

>> No.9744162

>calling women "the ladies"

>> No.9744194

I like to call women "doggys", and throw them a bone for their obedience and good behavior.

>> No.9744205

Oh shit, can we not do that now??

I haven't been keeping up with it all, please don't report me to the feminist thought police.

>> No.9744236

What a shitty post.
I know some 200+ pound men <15.5 BMI.
BMI != weight, fags.

>> No.9744319

>tfw black manlet ex-obese now skeleton with extra skin hanging.

>> No.9744350

the joke is that you have to be unhealthy skinny to be considered normal weight on this board.

6'4" 150 checking in

>> No.9744355


>> No.9744456

I made the post regarding wealthcore threads, but >>9742990 basically has it. I was explaining to a European friend (also, Britain doesn't class itself as European - I can explain this if you like) the other day the differences between the three classes and middle class sub-classes, it can get rather complicated.

To truly be wealthcore, you must to aspire to be a gentleman or a lady, not some brute with a pile of money. You must be humble, well educated/read, well spoken, well nourished, confident. The list goes on. They say prince Philip is only ever seen with his hands behind his back, not a common position to stand in, right? Well that's because he's not common, he never has to open a door for himself or butter his own toast! It's tiny details like this that make you stand out. Truly wealthy people, people who've had money in the family for generations, who go to Eton and Oxford, know that they are of the ruling population. They are bred/educated to be and are told so from day one; being that way comes with the confidence of not even having to think about it.

If you merely want to dress wealthcore, without the attitude, then apply those qualities I mentioned before to your clothes. Depending on your budget, in the UK Charles Tyrwhitt is a good place to start because when you see their clothes you see good quality. Those clothes aren't loud and pompous or thin and lacking substance: they're refined, as the person wearing them should be.

When I look in wealthcore threads I groan a lot and want to have this conversation with the Anons: /watch?v=FBnka9mnv28

>> No.9744470

Most wealthy girl I've ever known was doing A levels at Marlborough college, wore hard wearing wellies every day, very subtle gold jewellery that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe and once told me in complete earnestness "I'm so happy daddy is away this Christmas because it means I get to spend it in the stables".

She's not what I usually see in the threads. But now I've grown to associate wealthcore threads with the kind of loud new money people that would brand themselves as wealthcore.

>> No.9744494

Quite, I'm not surprised. Of course there will always be exceptions to the rules. Truly spoilt toffs doing whatever they want and being cunts etc, but they're still different than new money. They know the full extent of their actions and what they can get away with, they're often children. When you get new money abusing servants or what have you, it's because they think "they're only the help, I pay them, I can do what the fuck I like". They soon forget that these people are the team you need to tend to your estate, children and so on in order for you to keep making/enjoying your money! Shameful.

>> No.9745047

Lol why? This a basic term in whole 3+1Chanel

>> No.9745051

What was wrong with that?

>> No.9745068

you can't be this retarded..that chart is a joke. The obese part of the scale is actually normal range lmao

>> No.9745150

Prince Phillip is a whipped faggot and Charles Tryhard is shit

>> No.9745151

I went to a school in switzerland through a scholarship, i'm not poor but next to the students there I would have been lower class... My mum is a geologist and my dad owns a construction company. comfortable but i'll still need to work :)

What struck me was that showing off any brands was looked down upon heavily. Taking photos of your wealth was the biggest turn off. It's like us regular joes taking photos of our new ralph lauren polos or iphones, like every fucker you know has it so it's not special and embarrassing. There were a lot of snobby assholes but i did make friends with great, humble people.

A lot of my friends ended up working in charities and taking art degrees and creating art. One guy dresses like a hobo, and lives in SEA, he could probably buy a few towers in SEA. But he helps kids and donates a ton from the interest on his trust fund. Happiest guy i know. I went over there and he bought a boat and we sailed the coast, picked up tourists we liked along the way and ended up with a group of 25 people from every continent.

In contrast, i was in tokyo and i ran into this asshole using his fathers mining money. High class prostitutes on each arm. reluctantly followed him to a club. shouts the whole club, pasty as fuck white slutty tourists are all over us. take them back to the penthouse, drugs, he managed to convince one girl to put a bottle of water up her vagina for 10k.
>mfw she does it
>mfw friend gives her money and feels disgusted by her
>kicks her out after

Money is fucking poison if you let it get to your head even for a bit.

>> No.9745253

"Don't wear anything you wouldn't wear in front of your grandpa"

>> No.9745339

Jesus Christ this is bad. Who thought this was a good Idea?

Work out more, /fa/

>> No.9745351

This is actually perfect advice for all the hypebeat/fuccbois out there.

>> No.9745368

...Damn Dude

>> No.9745372

>most girls and homos don't actually know shit about fashion

So fucking true.

>> No.9745374

uh to have a bmi of 15.9 at 200 lbs you would have to be 7 ft 10 inches

i think yr a bit confused on what bmi is

>> No.9745663

>calling womyn "women"

>> No.9746669

thats the joke, sperg

>> No.9746679

lol you can't be this stupid

>> No.9746786

>Go somewhere else to talk about girl clothes
please tell me where

>> No.9746800

take off your clothes and post results

>> No.9747450

lmao mugged right off

>> No.9747547
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>most girls don't actually know shit about fashion
this so much, in fact most girls/women dress as badly as men/boys

>> No.9747584

Isn't the whole point of wealthcore threads to make fun of/emulate tacky nouveau riche kids?

>> No.9747591

yes but, it's funny to go another layer deep and have half of /fa/ pretend they're sons of oil barons and own hermes and lv shit, plus making fun of poor people is fun

>> No.9747604

lmao #ethered

>> No.9748382

ayy lmao