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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 347x607, Movado Serio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9722066 No.9722066 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, what do you think of this watch? It would be my daily wear. It's $1,395.

>> No.9722125

fuck off newfag

>> No.9722165

how old are you 15?
shit-tier thread. saged.

>> No.9722169

my parents both have movado museum face watches

they're statement pieces of course. i personally wouldn't wear one. and they're not meant to be worn daily. wear it on a special night out or something, but not to go to the grocery store

>> No.9722179
File: 90 KB, 1202x800, img61424560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the orient disk as a dress watch y or no?

>> No.9722218


>> No.9723179


>> No.9723236

movado is shit tier

>> No.9723263
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1420864635132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1395 dollars

>> No.9723327
File: 869 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling watches here:

>> No.9723338

dont spam with 2 threads you dumb faggot

>> No.9723446

Sage goes in all fields, OP is cuck-tier

>> No.9723489
File: 106 KB, 1100x1100, snzf17k1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought pic related today.

>> No.9723562
File: 661 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this as a knock around

>> No.9723583

i have a vintage hand wind timex, but the date gets stuck sometimes.

Does watchmaker anonwant to buy a cheap project?

>> No.9723601

>"Hey man what's the time?"
>"Dot... I guess. I dunno, just a white dot."

>> No.9723831


>> No.9723837

w2c a sick mickey mouse watch, not b8 or troll saw someone post one he was grandfathered a couple threads ago looked real nice

>> No.9723843

its a moon cycle you dolt

>> No.9723846

Did no one teach you pie fractions in 2nd grade? This isn't hard.

>> No.9723853
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy. Pic related? Look up Lorus Mickey Mouse watch. IIRC pic related was picked up for $400 in I think 1988. Actual gold, no plating bullshit

>> No.9723854

Is a rolex a good watch to wear?

>> No.9723870

kek yeah man that's the one. damn didn't know it was real gold 10/10

>> No.9723875

Literally shit minimalist garbage. Qualitt is also garbage

>> No.9723879

Yes the quality is very good

>> No.9723884

Yeah I guess they're pretty rare and that one was the original gold coin style Mickey which was a joint venture between seiko and lorus. Lorus case and shit with seiko movement.

>> No.9723920
File: 1.03 MB, 2656x1494, 20150405_131141_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a tease.

>> No.9723935
File: 172 KB, 1200x1500, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this watch?

>> No.9723956

back to /r/pacsun

>> No.9724016

shit cuck nigger cancerous faggot

>> No.9724024

it's great for doing scat porn

>> No.9724087
File: 135 KB, 500x500, onwrist_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only right answer

>> No.9724118

I don't want to make a new thread so

Anyone know of somewhere I can buy a nice wood bead bracelet?

>> No.9724143
File: 3.54 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150418_194059293_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations for a field-style auto watch under 40 mm without chronograph?

Seems like the only decent option is a Hamilton khaki

Pic is one of my daily watches

>> No.9724221
File: 292 KB, 1125x1500, DSC_0137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my King Quartz in the mail and my dad saw it and said he had one just like it sitting around, so he gave me that one too. The King Seiko is great, the other one is pretty nice too but it needs a battery. It was a gift from a Japanese doctor in the 70s.

>> No.9724262

They need an ant farm iphone that can connect with it.

>> No.9724437

>thinking that's at all good looking

That's tacky and cheap looking as fuck.

>> No.9724531
File: 352 KB, 1441x1388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9724681

I mean, as long as it's just broken crystal and no pieces scratched the face or got into the movement it's a relatively easy/cheap fix.

>> No.9724772

Nah man.

Decent for the money, the bracelet probably isn't too great

Vostok have a few novelty watches, look at zenitar on eBay, I have seen a micky mouse one, a Berlin wall one, a tribute to Gorbachov

The seiko meme watch might be up your alley

>> No.9724803

Sucks to suck

>> No.9724871
File: 383 KB, 1500x2250, P4180051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Seiko factory was more /fa/, Daini or Suwa?

>> No.9724894
File: 26 KB, 500x354, _12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are g-shocks /fa/?
I'm considering buying this. I don't need anything flashy

>> No.9724896
File: 436 KB, 1500x1339, P4180075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a less potato photo.

>> No.9724897

>Are g-shocks /fa/?
if you have to ask....

>> No.9724924

K, guess that's a yes then thanks.

>> No.9725055

tfw going to Bali in a couple of months
Should I pick up a quality fake?

>> No.9725067

it was a no you autist

>> No.9725120
File: 242 KB, 1582x1057, eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore this >>9725067 H&M fuccboi
gshocks are /fa/, wear it well

>> No.9725140

its ok to be a pleb you're just turbo basic

>> No.9725245

>Not only going out wearing at least one of your rollies

>> No.9725308

Statement pieces? Movado is a joke dude. $1400 for a generic quartz moment. Your parents are idiots with too much money to waste on garbage.

>> No.9725434
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20150419_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cop this,rate ?

>> No.9725635

Bali is shit, go somewhere else. Also there is no such thing as a good fake from Bali, do research on the Internet to see where you can source the best fake from. Also fakes are shit

>> No.9725682

>statement pieces
no they aren't. they would be if either A: they were making a statement or B: everyone (who's rich) was wearing them
but neither of those are true

>> No.9725736
File: 95 KB, 1136x852, QQ图片20141029113143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about buying this.
Is it really bad? Thinking about just using a leatherband for it and wear it casually.
An asian friend of mine is going to pick it up for me, will cost me less than 100$

I got more pictures if needed?

>> No.9725751
File: 916 KB, 2000x1188, P4190080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most /fa/ way to organize my watch box? Right now it's quartz on top mechanical on bottom with dark dials on the left and light on the right.

Also, rate my collection.

>> No.9725761
File: 434 KB, 1000x667, sihh_iwc-9-of-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9725765

Fossil yellow white where those 3 are and move the omega to the other side of the watch on its right leaving an empty spot

>> No.9725773

>/fa/ way
Who the fuck cares? To me the most logical way is group alphabetically by manufacturer name and then sort the groups by age of watch oldest to newest.

>> No.9725774

If you want a fake buy it if not don't.

>> No.9725775


its fake anyways, so who cares

>> No.9725777

Obviously not.

>> No.9725825

Of course it's fake
I was just wondering if it was a nice enough one to be worth the money

>> No.9726095

w2c Beijing Factory watches?

>> No.9726119

w2c Beijing Factory watches?

>> No.9726126

In beijing you cucklord

>> No.9726136

Gshocks looks shit, no exceptions

Kill yourself

>> No.9726159

Oh gee, thanks.
Where else?

>> No.9726180


>> No.9726198

Oh gee, thanks.
Where else?

>> No.9726213
File: 144 KB, 760x570, a1372-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What watch do I get? I like smaller watches and pic related is 40mm. The dial is a bit too busy for my tastes though.

Want something that's luminous and useable.

>> No.9726220
File: 21 KB, 400x400, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or do I get this? 42mm but the hands are a little too chunkity for my tastes. Would put it on a leather nato.

>> No.9726226

why are you choosing between 2 watches you dont like and arent even that small

>> No.9726229
File: 20 KB, 400x400, $_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or do I stay away from pilot style faces entirely and get something more reserved like this? I think something like this would be more versatile until I can get a 656 or something.

I wear pretty reserved style (basic bitch)

>> No.9726233


They've got an English version of their website. Have you thought about emailing them to ask?

>> No.9726237

I think maybe in hong kong

>> No.9726238

You shouldn't pick between 3 watches you don't really like.
Just find 1 watch you really like.

>> No.9726240

40mm is xboxhueg. Dont do it

>> No.9726242

Because I can't find a luminous smaller watch. 40mm is the smallest I can find but theyre from aeromatic, a brand that gets shit talked a lot.

>> No.9726245


Maybe if you have girl wrists. That's pretty much the standard size for a men's watch now.

>> No.9726255
File: 93 KB, 1000x750, P4142790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tiny are your wrists?

>> No.9726269

Yeah i have a 42mm and its big but i have super skinny wrists and i dont mind it really.

>> No.9726375

>about to buy a watch
>can't choose between the black, blue or white dial

what color is least pleb?

>> No.9726426

Its not about wrist size doee. It looks shit because its big period.

>> No.9726428


>> No.9726801
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1418, 2015-04-19 15.04.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine sells me this for 50€


>> No.9726808

Looks really nice, not wearable to everything but nice.

>> No.9727445

shit thread

>> No.9727491

Your post doesn't help.

>> No.9727769

Seiko moonphase chronos fetch stupid high prices on eBay. Be a good Jew and shave off a few pounds from his price.

>> No.9728009

This thread is shit

>> No.9728049
File: 250 KB, 1361x1259, DSC_0142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk shit post fit, nerd.

>> No.9728058

1 beat/second, or smooth sweep?

>> No.9728069


You tell me dumb fuck

>> No.9728073

That watch is 1 beat/second.

>> No.9728090

1 beat per second. It's incredibly quiet, too.

I hope you know that high-beat quartz watches exist, dumbfuck.

>> No.9728093

Kill yourself you fucking cocksucker

>> No.9728120

Literal retard.

>> No.9728148
File: 27 KB, 270x270, d-raketa3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love them
got black leather strap on them

>> No.9728232
File: 293 KB, 1024x682, Brathwait 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728249
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, brathwait.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728272

Please try not to hate on my question but can someone please direct me to the best website to buy a replica watch in terms of quality? Once I get a job out of college, one of my first /fa/ purchases is going to be a lovely watch but for now I'd like a great knock off. Thanks.

>> No.9728278


>> No.9728296

torobravos or pure-time. There's at least one guy here who is pretty knowledgeable on fakes and plenty of people here know how to identify fakes, so when you have a specific model in mind post it here so we can tell you if it's any good and check how convincing of a fake it is.

>> No.9728300

Sooner it hits 300 the better

>> No.9728318

But also there's plenty of good watches that aren't fakes, it sounds like you think that only unattainably expensive watches are any good and that's not true at all.

>> No.9728344

hmmm, what color watch is the best for everyday wear? Black? I was thinking on buying a that seiko king quartz or type II, but they have metal bands. Don't know how that would look if i'm just lounging with regular clothes or gym clothes....

>> No.9728359

pls respond

>> No.9728372

really nice and simple. Not sure how much I like that red, doesnt fit in with the white and brown

>> No.9728391


>> No.9728404

Metal bands are casual, and you can always switch it for a nato

>> No.9728405

Whatever color you like, honestly. I have a pretty even split of light and dark dials. Lighter is usually a bit dressier that black or other colors, but that definitely isn't always true and the size and styling of the watch plus the type of band it's on have more to do with that than the dial color does. Metal bracelets are great, they're pretty versatile as far as dressiness or casualness. And you can always swap out the strap on a watch to whatever you like, by the way.

Are you talking about these watches I posted earlier? >>9724896 Because if so then I hope you know those models were made in the 70s and you're going to have to buy used from Japan on ebay if you want something like that. There's plenty available and they shouldn't be more than like $50-$200 though.

>> No.9728423

fuck you, you go back to reddit you autist

>> No.9728436


I think those are fucking ugly watches and would never buy one. Is that the kind of response you wanted?

>> No.9728443
File: 303 KB, 1200x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ask again. I've got this racing style chrono. What band should I get for this?
>Composite Strap
>Rally style, leather
>Perforated, leather

>> No.9728447

At least I'm not wearing a reddit wrist fedora.

>> No.9728475


That's not how any article of clothing has ever worked.

>> No.9728483


>> No.9728497
File: 44 KB, 512x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728541

I hate the watch, but I'd go with rubber for that one I think.

>> No.9728630

yea dude, I saw your watches and i thought they looked decent for casual wear. I'm probably just gonna buy a Raketa watch and put some nato bands on it when I get it.

>> No.9728632
File: 771 KB, 772x580, Screen shot 2015-04-13 at 8.46.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9728790

Then wear a wall clock stupid fuck. Go back to r/mfa

>> No.9728903

g-shocks are more /k/ than anything. Get one if you need something that's tough and functional as all hell, but they're not /fa/.
>muh nimalist bauhaus
this is the worst watch meme.

>> No.9729147
File: 290 KB, 1516x1203, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hop on this leather nato fad, I bought these two to go with these watches. Did I do ok? They only had polished hardware which isn't going to match the Seiko very well, so maybe I'll try scuffing up one of the straps with a scotchbrite pad or some sandpaper or something.

>> No.9729213
File: 3.92 MB, 5312x2988, 20150419_164147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make this watch look better, /fa/? It's fucking way big (44mm) and pleb-tier quarts movement, but it's somehow worth $350 and my uncle gave it to me for free.
>inb4 light it on fire

>> No.9729388
File: 8 KB, 251x168, 1429284240115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help getting picking a watch. If you were a deep sea fisherman living off the coast of Maine and lived inside a lighthouse, what kind of watch would you wear?

I was thinking something like the Seagull 1963, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9729438


That would be pretty retarded in that situation considering it has zero water resistance.

Limited budget: Seiko Monster
Mid range: Sinn U1
High end: Submariner with date

>> No.9729455

I'd take a look at diver chronographs.

>> No.9729463

A nice dive watch or a boating watch.

>> No.9729639
File: 41 KB, 252x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9729788
File: 55 KB, 500x689, received_10205941605681327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a watch that says
>rainy night illuminated by neon signs
>hopeless romantic
>living in seoul

>> No.9729791

That one guy who is pretty knowledgeable on fakes reporting in.
Either tell me a watch you want a rep of or give me a link to one you're looking at and I can help.

>> No.9729822

>illuminated by neon signs
>Casio illuminator terrorist watch

>> No.9729897

That Seiko or citizen colab that's impossible to find

>> No.9729904

where to get a fake rainbow daytona rolex

>> No.9729921

It's like $250, just in case that turns you off

>> No.9729925

I don't give a rats patootie.

Where do i get it?

>> No.9729950

Puretime - leather strap , mechanical movement
Silix prime - metal bracelet, quartz movement, lots cheaper

>> No.9730106


actually, plebs do recognize movado watches as expensive.

>They will never know the feel of having a european hand crafted mechanical watch graze the back of their wrist

>> No.9730557
File: 526 KB, 1024x768, james-bond-datejust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9730561
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1429505555959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orient Monterey Quartz Chronograph/ Seiko Solar Quartz Chronograph. Are these good entry level watches?

>> No.9730754

Those are both pretty shit, tbh. Orient is overrated as a brand, and their quality leaves a lot to be desired. The Seiko is fucking ugly, and their solar chronograph watches are known for their poor quality and reliability. Really disgraceful, since Seiko makes some decent watches. Why would you want a chronograph anyways? Do you really need 3 subdials? Keep looking, kiddo.

>don't listen to the idiots recommending Seiko 5s
>don't get a fucking Timex
>don't get a fucking Citizen/Orient
>be careful around most Seikos
>Quartz watches are shit if they aren't Swiss

For a starter watch get a Victorinox Infantry.

>> No.9730819

>Quartz watches are shit if they aren't Swiss

and what european hand crafted beauty do you supreme watch enthusiast actually own?

>> No.9730871
File: 147 KB, 1063x937, 9fmovement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It finally happened, someone started impersonating /g/

>>Quartz watches are shit if they aren't Swiss

>> No.9730888

Any good AP RO 15300/15450 fakes?

>> No.9731015
File: 3.99 MB, 5312x2988, 1429513526121-1187752522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9731031


>> No.9731071

Hahaha, I reckon sieg is impersonating g

They are both alright, do you really want a chronograph? Orient are good, but the reason why people are fond of them at the price point is the in house automatic movements they have are unbeatable for the price, you however have a Quartz movement, the case and the finer points of the watch won't be great

>> No.9731280

You are really the only pleb.
Stop posting same watch every thread.
It's not even impressive. Lawyer guy could probably get away with it because he has a bunch of gorgeous watches, but unfortunately you don't.

>> No.9731312

Lawyer guy also doesn't have a jar of his own semen with a little girl's toy floating in it.

>> No.9731315
File: 2.94 MB, 3000x2250, Golden Terrorist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9731328

>be careful around most Seikos
>Quartz watches are shit if they aren't Swiss

yeah, you don't know much about watches do you?

>> No.9731597

Talk shit post fit

>> No.9731671

poor ants :(

>> No.9731946

ayy lmao

yeah, sieg knows close to nothing
>Quartz watches are shit if they aren't Swiss
par for the course for sieg

>> No.9731951

anyway, actual advice here
quartz chronographs are dildos, stay away from them. the only exception is seiko's mecaquartz models. I can give you a few of the model names if you want them, but otherwise just avoid quartz chronos.

>> No.9731969


Why? Are they more prone to failture than the already delicate mech chronos or what? Because obviously a quartz if far more accurate than a normal mech chrono.

>> No.9731979

nobody is impersonating you

nearly everything you say that isn't a rehsh of someone else's opinion is wrong

and you never admit to it

seriously dude

drop the act

you own maybe $35 in watches, and none of them have even half decent straps

your best watch is on par with a time easy reader as far as price

the others are fake

i mean whats the point dude?

"oh i don't care about watches all i do is lift"

you post about watches all day everyday

dude e honest you don't lift

you're fatter than i am
and i barely lift dude....i just go because the dudes at work go and the company comps the gym membership and i like the free smoothies

from all your pictures

you look dirt poor dude

unfinished brick walls, tattered clothing, ugly clerance rack sneakers

dollar days tank tops
the possession you'e most proud of is a fake rolex....that is a fake of a rolex that isn't even that expensive

literally ANY student can go buy a date just at a pawn shop right now

they're cheaper than macbooks

you don't even have enough for that....

>> No.9731982


actually I have a vague idea the turd who made this post is. But keep treating sieg like the boogeyman, I bet it gives him a moment of euphoria

>> No.9731990

It has to do with the reset function, basically. Mechanical chronographs just fly back into position when you press the reset button. Quartz chronos have to tick backwards until they reach the top. Seiko fixed this with the mecaquartz by having the chrono module be mechanical while the actual timekeeping remains quartz. it also gives it a 5bps sweep instead of the standard quartz tick which is an added bonus, since a stopwatch that only times in 1 second increments is hardly a stopwatch at all.

>> No.9732005

be honest, have you saved that picture of me? do you hatefap to my sick aesthetics?

>> No.9732006


I've seen things very worthy pity in this site, but this is one of the worst displays I have ever seen.

>> No.9732022

honestly i think your life would be imporved if you stopped fucking with counterfeit watches

went down to the welfare office or w/e they call it apply, then enroll in some low income housing effort and go back to college kid

because from the looks of it

it isn't working out for you

>> No.9732029

that didn't answer my question
do you masturbate to my sick aesthetics? by dodging the question I'm going to assume the answer is yes

>> No.9732036


Oh, I never noticed that. Thanks.

>> No.9732174

Still debating buying this.
I think I just want someone to tell me not to since it's shit or somethibg.
It sucks that Toros is gone

>> No.9732286


Don't you get tired of posting the same fucking pic paired with the same retarded phrase in every thread?

Even from 1/3rd of the watch I can tell its shit

>> No.9732338


...I think you like /g/

>> No.9732392
File: 231 KB, 1125x1500, 03419438869_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too dark-as-my-soul?

>> No.9732408
File: 21 KB, 291x500, Nixon-Mens-A045-001-Minimal-The-Time-Teller-Black-Stainless-Steel-Watch-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this one.

>> No.9732413

You mean you burglarized it at tge Watergate Mall. Crook.

>> No.9732414

I don't get it.

>> No.9732461

as in president nixon
and the watch is negro-tier which means you probably stole it

>> No.9732496

I found this the other day, seems legit. Or at least as legit as any other site that sells illegal counterfeit stuff.

>> No.9732539
File: 75 KB, 975x1463, 35179977_007_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9732543
File: 91 KB, 975x1463, 32165680_070_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9732547
File: 54 KB, 975x1463, 31285588_001_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9732551

this, he changes domains every year

pls no


pls stop

>> No.9732712
File: 1001 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9732727

>flying in an Airbus
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.9732734

fucc you boeing basic bitch

>> No.9732756
File: 324 KB, 1024x821, 1427275837350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a wrist-mounted tuna can

>> No.9732781

That's titanium right? Does it really scratch as easily as everyone says? I know Seiko does a lot of voodoo magic with their special coatings and they make some cool titanium alloys, so maybe it's not all that bad.

>> No.9732802

Wow tripfagging unrelated to specific topics or threads needs to be banned it's just a huge buttmad attention grabbing tactic

>> No.9732815
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>> No.9732829
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Thoughts on these please, orient blue ray 21, victorinox infantry and orient union 21

>> No.9732851

The Victorinox is ugly and cheap looking. Pick an Orient depending on whether you want a dressier watch or a diver, they're both pretty solid choices.

I never liked the dumb second crown on the Orient divers though, and I would feel alot better if they were 200m Diver and not 200m WR since Seiko manages to get a full Diver rating in the 007 which costs about the same. The big date window that shows 3 dates at once on the other watch is kind of silly too, but whatever. The dial looks like it has a nice texture and I like full day windows.

>> No.9732860

One is a diver watch, one is dressy, one has shit military dial when an even worse strap.

I am biased against Victorianox so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but both those orient are good choices, it boils down to what you will wear the watch with. The more dressy face can work with more relaxed styles, but take into account which watch you like the best and how you will wear it, and make your decision.

If you posted 3 diver watches someone could give you a more insightful opinion, so narrow down what watch style you like most first then ask for specific advice.

>> No.9732871

I wear this every day. Best $25 I've ever spent.

>> No.9732889


>> No.9732899


The choice its between the two Orients. Id personally pick the Union, but it all bpils dpwn to wheter you like a dress watch or a diver

>> No.9732953


Something that especific would need to be made to order. Try contacting someone that makes bracelets in Etsy and ask them for custom orders.

>> No.9732958


>boils down to whether

Damn cellphone keyboards

>> No.9733209

I might not be fit, nor have extensive knowledge about watches.. But at least I'm not poor :^)
And of course I don't live in a third world country.

>> No.9733298
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>not wearing this

>> No.9733443
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In general probably not, but there are some certain models/collabs that look cool as fuck, pic related

>> No.9733455

>still wearing shitty le epig mnmlst fashion watches

>> No.9733498

these things are like $70 on Amazon.ca wtf?? regular Casio is like $25 only

>> No.9733504

dumb bitch

>> No.9734470
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Mario needs a new battery

>> No.9734527

reaffirming yourself as one of my favorite trips

>> No.9734667
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Thinking about getting one of these, thoughts?

>> No.9734675

>Hugo Boss
This is a joke yes? If you're going to get a quartz chronograph then at least get something respectable like a Seiko or Citizen.

>> No.9734979
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what do you think of the Ventus Caspian? It's a Seiko Mecaquartz with a brass case and a sterile sandwich dial. I've wanted a Seiko MQ for a while and was about to break down and buy a Prototipo, but this looks really cool, and the maker has already successfully kickstarted one watch, so I don't think it'll be vaporware.

>> No.9735032

I don't follow kickstarter watches much, partially because all of my money is currently being saved for more important things, but also because on the rare occasion that I do buy a watch I don't like it to take months to get to me.
That being said: the movement is good, and it looks good. Not sure how I feel about a brass case far as durability goes, though.
Sterile is definitely the way to go with the flieger style so it's good that they did that.
How much does it go for?

>> No.9735096

im thinking of looking around for a second hand speedmaster professional, simply second hand because of price reasons, is this an ok plan in your opinion guys? If so what should I look for when buying second hand?

Huge question I know but any insight would be appreciated. Going to look at a bunch of watch repair places that sell second hand, sort of places with no storefront.

>> No.9735170

Like speakers, mechanical watches haven't really changed much in the recent decades and buying vintage pieces is still perfectly viable as long as you are willing to do a little bit of repair work.

However, the new 2015 baselworld spring drives are FUCKING AWESOME 10/10

>> No.9735343

If you actually forgot where the numbers are on a clock you're fucking retarded

>> No.9735667
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Sorry for spammage, been doing a lot of looking and cant find a better quality watch and look for me with my budget. Thoughts on which/potential recommendations?

>> No.9735709

It's the exact same watch in different colors. Pick the color you like. I assume you want us to also talk about similar divers in that price range?

When I was in your position looking for a first diver I had it down to that watch or the Mako or the SKX007 and I ended up going for the 007. It just seems like a higher quality watch in a few different ways (except for the cheap stock bracelet, but that's replaceable). As far as the actual styling I think the Orients are more of a classic dressier look and I kind of like that aspect more than the 007's design. I'm happy with my 007 but I think I could have also been happy with one of the Orients, I think you should decide based on which one you think looks better and consider how important it is that the Seiko has a little bit of an edge in the quality of the external fit and finish if you compare them close up, and it will probably be a bit sturdier if you're actually going to be beating it up (Seiko is a 200m diver while Orient is a 200m water resist which isn't quite the same thing, and the Orients have that dumb second crown thing which apparently has occasional problems.)

>> No.9735799

Thanks for the reply, wasnt particularly looking for a diver but was instantly drawn to the rays and am looking for a watch for everyday wear. Any more help advice would be greatly appreciated

>> No.9735842

I think divers are great for everyday wear, if you like how divers look then just go for it, there's a reason it's such a popular classic style. You don't have to worry very much about taking care of them and they can be dressed up or down almost as much as you want, especially if you get a few different types of straps to swap between.

You could of course also go for more of a dress watch or a chronograph (probably quartz at that pricepoint though) or whatever other style you like if you have one in mind.

>> No.9735856
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Seiko Orange Monster or if you're a pussy they make a black one too.

>> No.9735916
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>> No.9735998

I love Seiko divers, I used to hate the 007 hands and the cushion cases and the tuna cans and I learned to love them all, but I just can't see the appeal of the monster. It's a shame too because it seems like a great watch and I like the price point and the upgraded movement.

>> No.9736267

TERRIBLE idea. Refer to my post on a /g/ watch thread

>>So how shit are fashion watches, bought my girl this one, she loves it.
>They are shit for the price, no questions about that. The thing about fashion watches is that you are paying for brand name; now, when that happens to something like rolex, it happens to a way lesser extent, because rolex actually make really good timepieces and their name recognition comes from such fact. Michael Kors didn't get their fame making watches, in fact even today they don't make watches at all. They just buy cheap parts for everything and double or triple the price for putting their nametag on it.

It can be a nice present if your girl likes that stuff, and since it's quartz it probably won't break or lose/gain time. It's simply a matter of getting your money's worth in a purchase, what didn't happen to you when you bought that thing. At all.

>> No.9736274

These are terrible. If you want a watch with a cleaner design that doesn't look like crap go look at Nomos. Seriously, just look at the bracelet on the second one, it's atrocious.

>> No.9736300

newfag here
isn't the strap irrelevant since you can just replace it?

>> No.9736307

It is, I'm just being bitter because not even the strap on it is decent. I mean, you can't replace it in terrorist watches I think, but that's about it

>> No.9736315

I think it'd look quite nice if no for the dumb location of the branding. Am I just a tasteless pleb?

>> No.9736330

The problem is not just the brand location (though that is arguably the worst part), but the overall finish. The case looks badly finished, the hands look cheaply made/made of plastic... I'm not a fan of the crown placement as well, but if the rest was decent that would be down to taste alone. The problem isn't with the minimalist design itself, I like some watches that fit on that criteria myself. The watches that guy posted though... ugh.

>> No.9736336

I bought it in spain for €40, €10 cheaper than in the Netherlands.

>> No.9736611


$450 AUD, so around $350 USD. It's not cheap, but that seems to be around the right ballpark for the movement, and the dial is really cool.

The last time I had brass in a watch it was a $50 Timex with a chromed brass case, and the thing performed brilliantly for years until I lost it. The case never got that beat up, and I don't baby my watch.

I see all these little manufacturers using the VK64 and the other couple of variants of Seiko Meca-Quartz, but does any actual Seiko-branded chrono use those movements?

>> No.9736620
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>> No.9736631


Seiko sometimes has two different reference numbers for movements. One for their own watches and one for when they sell the movements to other watch companies. What you want to do is look for watches that use the 6T63 movement.

>> No.9736695

seems like a nice watch

but they're just improving parnis watches

sandwhich dial from the panerai knock offs

then the generic pilot face

down to the exaggerated triangle i would buy one just for the brass case and the low end seiko movt budget watch

but not at $400+

it's pretty much just a seiko 5 in a nice case with proper dimensions and elements lifted from B&R and pams

>> No.9736886


>> No.9737318
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Got myself a vostok. Put a new bezel on it.
I really like it. I have a shark mesh in the mail although i quite like the rubber strap.

>> No.9737348

So are all of you faggots avid scuba divers or some shit?

>> No.9737361

Maybe we just like divers? It's also nice to have a somewhat waterproof watch.

>> No.9737682
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>> No.9737854
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Any stehinart?

>> No.9737880

>every watch /fa/ likes is just a different sub homage

you know there are like other types and styles of watches right?

>> No.9738047

>i'm too poor for a submariner
Just buy a fake

>> No.9738085
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My wrist fagpparel

>> No.9738146
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Its ok, to each their own.

But i prefer my baby

>> No.9738149
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My very first watch :)

>> No.9738154

Careful, you're gonna trigger sieg.

>> No.9738169

>I like choking on dicks

>> No.9738262
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>tfw my dad worked for Pan Am for years, but he wasn't a pilot so he has no awesome GMT-Master to hand down to me.

>> No.9738321

>Barely splash resistant

I mean i love the model but why?

>> No.9738417
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>> No.9738431

what the other repliers are saying is right, but you're comment still is funny

>> No.9738503


>> No.9738514


>> No.9738536
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Less is more
Although I don't like the gold or silver ones people are wearing
This isn't a troll these things are fashion in britain

>> No.9738638
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Was thinking about this one, thoughts?

>> No.9738669

2tone is no no

>> No.9738672

That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

>> No.9738688
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>> No.9738689
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>> No.9738695
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>> No.9738697
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>> No.9738702
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>> No.9738703


>> No.9738704

Any decent watch brand for someone with skelly wrist?
Only reason I tend to avoid wearing watches is they look to huge compared to my forearm.

>> No.9738709
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>> No.9738713

is it possible to get a used rolex for 2k or less

i wanna look like a baller

>> No.9738717

>these things are fashion in britain
I hear they're also great fashion accessories for the Taliban & ISIS.

>> No.9738718
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It was working when it started too.

>> No.9738724
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>> No.9738726
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>> No.9738728

Maybe a vintage date the 34mm or you could get a tudor oysterprince. The lowest Ive ever seen a date go for was 1900 and it was in shitty shape

>> No.9738731
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>> No.9738737

some daddy's money hk kid trying to wow the internet
not even going to bother translate the runes


>> No.9738756

Fuck that noise...
The all black is nice, but that price for a color is retarded.

>> No.9738866


>> No.9739065
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>> No.9739112
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Best divers ever
Eat shit faggot

>> No.9739174
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>fame sag

>> No.9739258
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>Not the Root Beer GMT Master

>> No.9739264

damn son nice

>> No.9739268

Unfortunately not actually mine, my somewhat-rich friends.

>> No.9739333

moto 360 watch face hahaha

>> No.9739360
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>> No.9739374

i dont see the appeal with these

>> No.9739846

Shut up fuccboi

>> No.9739975

>tell you the time, day, date, and have a stopwatch and alarm
>cost a lot less than $150,000

>> No.9740037


I dont get why you keep posting in a thread where you are repeatedly shunned, insulted or simply ignored.

>> No.9740083

They're cheap and efficient. They'd be perfect if they had a countdown timer and a more durable strap, though.

>> No.9740130
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Is this effay?

>> No.9740149

I don't get why you're butthurt?

>> No.9740170


>> No.9740194


Why butthurt? I only said that your input rarely is appreciated, not if it was right or wrong. Its like entering a room and getting turds flung at your face the moment you open your mouth. It doesnt matter if you are going to give fire to humanity, you just leave the room.

>> No.9740199

Effay? No.

Functional? Yes.

Are you a faggot? Yes.

Am I a faggot? No.

>> No.9740219
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When will this thread hit 300 and allow us to make an actual watch thread?

>> No.9740260

I'm not even sieg. I'm just amused at the people playing this popularity game like it's high school politics.

>> No.9740440

Soon enough

>> No.9740483
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I bought a Timex Weekender (2N651) and I really love the design, but I'm very active during the day and the band has been causing problems. First and foremost is the notched design of the fastener, it's either a tad too tight or a tad too loose. Second, the metal loops keep snagging on things. I think they look very cool, but they get in the way during my daily work.

What I'm looking for is a band which doesn't use a notched clasp design. Some kind of velcro strap which I just tighten as much as it needs to be, maybe with a little elasticity so it's never too tight. Is there anything like that for this model of watch?

>> No.9740510

Lmao, buy a leather strap

Velcro? Are you serious?

>> No.9740514

It's a weekender. You can use literally any non steel link band for it.

>> No.9740521

A leather strap is going to have the same notches in it. Something without the notches will allow me to fasten it to the exact tightness I want.

Oh, really? That's good to know.

>> No.9740525
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There are no defined holes, you just shove the pin into the weave wherever you want.

>> No.9740530

Spend $1400 on something that is worthless the moment you buy it.

Or, save up for something that will hold its value...

>> No.9740531


>> No.9740561

what if he isn't a neckbeard that cares about depreciation and muh high resale value speedys and rollies?
The price of a movado museum isn't more outrageous than a cartier tank or longines quartz. If he has the money and he likes it all the power to him.

>> No.9740562

In both cases it stretches. Tighten it too tight then go lift weights. It will be perfect afterwards.

>> No.9740578


You can get a decent Aquaracer for that amount

>> No.9740615


Movado is shit and doesn't really hold a resell value.

Save up get a decent Tag, Omega, Breitling or Rolex

>> No.9741334


>> No.9741475

You're right.
Let's stop discussing watches in the watch threads.

>> No.9741847


>> No.9742147


Noice, boiis. I have a 1979 Pepsi.

>> No.9742451

>doesn't like silver

pleb. also shit watch.