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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 534x401, CCjifyTUsAAg9YZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9734318 No.9734318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw white :(

>> No.9734323

beeing glorious i know that feel

>> No.9734338

iktf D:

>> No.9734341

feels good m8

>> No.9734343
File: 94 KB, 600x800, 1095457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels fucking good man

>> No.9736481

He looks native american.

>> No.9736484
File: 15 KB, 230x262, 1428701771725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ - Fashion
Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

>> No.9736516

>he thinks skin color isn't /fa/

>> No.9736519

what part of "fashion and apparel" don't you understand?

i would be glad to explain

>> No.9736535


crackers are the worst fucking ugly fat subhumans

>> No.9736539
File: 32 KB, 600x583, cb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ops face when

>> No.9736544

Scram newfag

>> No.9736546
File: 496 KB, 1080x1920, shiiiiieeeeeetttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white power thread?

>> No.9736547

Sorry, I forgot /fa/ggets only see shades of gray.

>> No.9736551
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>> No.9736554
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>> No.9736560
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>> No.9736562
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>> No.9736563

hey pigfucc can I ask (and get a legit answer) about why you're so insecure when it comes to race, specifically darkies. I can KINDA understand the antisemitism because a lot of jews run shit and a lot of people think that means something, but I can't really see the source of this

>> No.9736567
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>> No.9736575
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you're falling into the liberal trap of equating hatred and detest and disgust with insecurity, its a false dichotomy, similar to

>why do you hate gays so much you must be gay!

oh ok, i guess

>why do you hate pedophiles so much, are you a pedophile!?!?

niggers are scum, plain and simple they're violent, they rape and murder, they have no capacity for empathy or humanity.

they're literally subhuman.

>> No.9736578
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>wh-why do you hate niggers m-man, dey cool, dey dindu nuffin!

>> No.9736581
File: 925 KB, 616x5370, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why on earth do people hate niggers asked the white middle class liberal whose never met one in his life.

>> No.9736584

isnt pigfuck dying of cancer

>> No.9736586
File: 122 KB, 571x591, 1426795814834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just cant imagine why people dont like shitskins and niggers

for anyone watching this thread and doubting the inhumanity of the nog

watch this


>> No.9736589

if anything these pics only show whiteys getting BTFO

>> No.9736590
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>> No.9736591

why do white men love to molest little children and fuck their sisters though

>> No.9736594
File: 120 KB, 662x443, 1428315020884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see thats why we dont like you, you're so subhuman and stupid you equate grown men killing children with dominance when in reality if the white race wanted to eradicate every single nigger on the planet it could be accomplished within a decade.

>> No.9736598

you must be mistaking these 'white people' with the jewish

>> No.9736599

>white people aren't violent
>white people don't rape en masse
>white people don't murder en masse
>murder is an inhuman desire/act

I kinda cbf going into it cos you obviously do not care to change your opinion right now but those are just the biggest wtf points out of that. Side question, isn't it tiring hating so often?

>white middle class liberal
Really big assumption to make based on one post. Which is why you're wrong about 2/3 and possibly 3/3 because whether or not I'm white is also up for debate.
>deny the existence of liberalism as a logical path to take
>live well below the poverty line in my rich first world country

>> No.9736600

nigga u scared of us!

>> No.9736601
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>> No.9736602


lol whitey boy prob got his girl fucked by some mandingo...sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

>> No.9736604

I fucking hate niggers, never met any but fucking hate them tbh

>> No.9736606
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, niggerssssss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9736607

She's too polite to that nigger.

>> No.9736609



>> No.9736614

What point are you trying to make

>> No.9736616

stfu ree you never contribute anything fashion related anyways

>> No.9736621
File: 2.94 MB, 854x480, dumb apes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>white people aren't violent
>>white people don't rape en masse
>>white people don't murder en masse

even if these contentions were 100% true(which they arent) the problem is about propensity and the rates at which niggers commit crime per % of pop.

theres absolutely no point in arguing with someone who would deny the observable reality of niggers being an inferior subset of the human race.

dont worry dude if youve got a hardon for niggers i also dislike jews, shitskins, and most asians.

>> No.9736625

doest pigfuck klive in new zealand has he ever seen a black person LOL

>> No.9736636

Then go do something about it instead of shitposting on a fashion board. Do you really think you're fixing the problem at all through 4chan.

I'm not saying that blacks, jews, arabs and asians aren't scum. It's just immature to not include your own race in that group of disgusting creatures when there's so much white trash walking around. I live in a nation where it's still mainly white anglosaxon people dominating and I'd consider probably 60 or 70% of them to be subhuman. And that's being generous. For what it's worth, I'd say probably 80% of indians, arabs and chinese are subhuman, 60% of other asians are subhuman, 60-70% of darkies are subhuman and you are most certainly subuman. I might be too, but I'm working on fixing it.

>> No.9736637
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even if i had never seen a nigger(i have interacted with various types)

>has pigfuck even met a pedophile? how does he know they're so bad

>has pigfuck even met a murderer? dont prejudge people dude

>has pigfuck even met a rapist? how does he know if he'll like them or not?

>dude have you even caught aids? dont knock if till you've tried it dude

nice coon logic. heres a dumb coon to go with your dumb coon post.

>> No.9736638

He probably did once, and was so jealous of his fits that the only way he could deal with it was intense, consuming hatred.

>> No.9736649

See it's not insecurity, he just clearly grew up in a suburban white sheltered community and hasn't spent enough time around black people to sympathize with them. That paired with his inherent edginess and his bs ideals reinforced by culture are why he is so racist.

>> No.9736656

Do you think he's a dumbass? I've never seen him show any intelligence but to be fair he's never been outright stupid on here either. It'd help your case a lot if he was a dumb cunt though.

>> No.9736659

I grew up in a suburban white sheltered community. There isn't much racism here. Why would there be?

>> No.9736667
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yeh dude ill just go and kill a random nigger, ill brb, is that it? go breivik mode or dont bother?

yeah, theres plenty of white scum, thats the point, thats by design, and how can these 'white scum' be turned onto the right path? exposure to information. even if my shitposting slacktivism turns one white man onto a journey toward the truth than that is an achievement.

fire is rising, why do you think government and various private and public entities invest literally hundreds of millions of dollars a year into various covert online manipulation campaigns? astroturfing, consensus pushing, botspam downvoting/upvoting things on reddit/youtube, because its a battle for hearts and minds. US government just recently invested in excess of 100million dollars in expanding the liberal "weird twitter" movement.

if just ONE whitey has been swayed to do even one sliver of research or fact finding as a result of my entire post history than it is worth it. judging from the questions i receive on various forms of social media its more than just one though.

goal right now is to make as many people aware as possible while preparing ones on self in every capacity.

>> No.9736669

>all this hate
>"but i'm working on being a less shitty person"

while your claims may or may not be true, you are most definitely a piece of shit for saying everything you just said, the way you said it.

And I'm a piece of shit for calling you one.

>> No.9736670

>Do you think he's a dumbass
To a degree. All this racist shit very well may be 4chan posing and shitposting though

Have you ever seen your whole community's 4chan posts?

I also specified that it paired w/ his inherent edginess is why he's racist.

>> No.9736674

>Have you ever seen your whole community's 4chan posts?
Wat? I'm not as high as you right now.

>> No.9736680

Rhetorical question. Hypothetically if you saw your whole community's posts on 4chan, specifically /pol/, it would reflect pigfuck's attitude.

>> No.9736681

pedophiles are pedophiles because they have molested children

murderers are murderers because they have killed a person

rapists are rapists because they have sexually assaulted someone

aids is a disease because it causes harm to your body

so what aspect of blacks is self-confirming in that you wouldn't need to meet on to know that they are (insert complaint here) ???

None of the above mentioned categories (rapist, pedophile, aids, and murderer) have exceptions within their ranks. They are all volatile, always. However there ARE exceptions to your generalizations about blacks, so does it not stand to reason that you might need to meet a few and confirm that every one that you meet is indeed a piece of shit?

>> No.9736685

>goal right now is to make as many people aware as possible while preparing ones on self in every capacity.
aware of what? prepared for what? what research is there to be done?

>> No.9736699

I didn't say kill them. I said fix it. Use your brain. Guess what; there isn't going to be an all-out race war in the next few years and if it ever does happen, white's aren't winning it. Give up on trying to change through destruction because you're making excuses.

Yeah I see how it can be seen as very negative, it's hard to explain why it's not. Simplest way I can put it is this: I consider most people to be "subhumans", but I don't hate them. I generally love and embrace people and would never hate based on race. I just think we, as a species, need to improve in almost every aspect because humanity is really just a bunch of fucking plebs. I get along great with my indian neighbour who wears armani exchange and hits on girls he doesn't know on facebook, he's a cool guy. I just cringe at his behaviour and traits. Idk how to put it concisely honestly, maybe it's better if you just think I'm a piece of shit hahaha

Could be a bit of both to be honest


>> No.9736708
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i really dont care about the 1/20 nice niggers that exists, why should i, he doesnt care about me. no one asks niggers to be altruistic and charitable toward white people, no other race is expected to lend their hand to another like the white man is.

you think indians would accept 20000 niggers a year into their country to leech off of welfare to rape and commit crimes against the native populace? what about singapore? japan? china? paraguay? pakistan?

i dont care how many nice niggers there are, they arent my responsibility. the only people i have love for are my own.

granted, most of the problems of forced mass immigration and integration are the responsibility of the kike, but that doesnt change the nature of the nigger.

>> No.9736714
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>white's aren't winning it.

>> No.9736717
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now lets get down to brass stacks

In relation to murder:

In 2011, there were 9,485 MALE murder offenders. There were 1,138 FEMALE offenders. 3,925 were unknown. Women apparently commit murders at 11% the rate men do. 11% of the unknown 3,925 is 431. So let's just extrapolate:

Men committed ~12,978 murders and women committed ~1,569 in 2011.

Now, like you said, blacks make up ~13% of the US population.

In 2011 there were 5,486 Black murder offenders. There were 14,548 overall murder offenders in 2011 (NOTE THAT 256 OF THESE WERE OF "OTHER" IN TERMS OF RACE); this means that Blacks were a whopping 62.29% of all murder offenders! There were also 4,077 murders in 2011 where the race of the offender was unknown. 62% of 4077 is 2,527.74. Wow! Let's just call that 2,527 (I'm feeling generous). That means that the total Black murder offenders in 2011 was: 8,013.

Like I said up top; Women, over all, committed murder at a rate of 11%. So. That means that Black women make up 881.43 of all murder offenders in 2011. Black men make up 7051.44 of murder offenders.

Black Men: 7,051.44
White Men: 5,587.42
Black Women: 881.43
White Women: 690.58

Now that that's all lined out: Let's say Women make up 50% of the total US population for all races. While not entirely accurate (since there are probably more Women than Men) it will be used to illustrate a point. And since I rounded down earlier on everyone's behalf I'll do the same here:

There are 319 million people in the US. 41,470,000 (13%) are Black. 26,95,550 (6.5%) are Men. That means that Black Men, 6.5% of the population committed 7,051.44 murders (51.53%).

Let me say that again. In a country with 319 MILLION PEOPLE, 6.5% of those people commit FIFTY-TWO PERCENT of all murde

>> No.9736720
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>Of the offenders for whom race was known, 52.4 percent were black, 45.2 percent were white, and 2.4 percent were of other races.


>In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2% of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.


>> No.9736722
File: 29 KB, 500x750, 9ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw whites arent violent

>> No.9736723

>Yeah I see how it can be seen as very negative, it's hard to explain why it's not. Simplest way I can put it is this...etc

I can understand the basis of what you are saying, but it still seems like an extremely narrow and damning point of view to take. You are basically categorizing billions of people as being irredeemable cunts, or at least that's what it sounds like.

I think what you have noticed and severely dislike has a lot to do with what I have accepted as basic human nature.

Even if we consider pigfuk as being a decent human, with everyone else being subhuman (an opinion which I DO NOT hold, mind you) then we have to at least acknowledge that he is brought down several pegs because of his attitude and the way he carries himself.

I KNOW that I am superior to my dog because of my ability to reason, acknowledge my own psyche, and thumbs. But even still I don't go around just bashing dogs on the internet and calling my dog a worthless (enter anti-dog pejorative here)
That time of sentiment and behavior only helps you taint your soul more (if you wanna be philosophical and metaphysical and shit)
I can pick out something I dislike about literally every person I know. I haven't met anyone yet who is just 100% the best person ever. Like your Indian neighbor, everyone I know has flaws, regardless of how great they may be otherwise. Sometimes they are small things, cringy things, and sometimes they aren't.

I like to imagine it as a scale. A persons goodness or soul is represented on a scale 0-100, with 100 being the best ever, and 0 being scum of the entire universe. Murderers and rapists fall dangerously close to 0, obviously, but where do the rest of us fall? It's hard to say and I don't really try to put myself or anyone else on the scale, but that is sort of how I imagine a person being. They have some good and some bad. I LIKE to think that most people are above 50%, and have more good than bad, but I am frequently wrong.

>> No.9736726
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>Crime is genetic; American Blacks are 50x more likely to have violent genes with MAO-A gene:





Considering the fact that a white country like Moldova (whose GDP per Capita qualifies it for 3rd world status) still doesn't have as much crime as other comparable black countries, we can assume that the MAO-A gene also has a lot to do with it.


Culture, like any complex behavior, is an emergent property of biology, with which it forms a feedback loop.

This isn't a philosophical discussion that you can argue the other side for, either; it is a science addressed by theoretical ecology and genomics.

Behaviors are investigated in model animals, and the genes that cause them are identified. Analogues are searched for in humans, then experiments are conducted to verify their expression and effects.

The only thing that will change the nature of the Negro is 700+ years of eugenics, with extensive modern biotech intervention to make the process possible within that time frame.

>> No.9736729
File: 145 KB, 635x635, 1422548095333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why are we only focusing on the nigger m'lads? lets get started on the real threat to humanity, the kike.

>> No.9736733
File: 446 KB, 881x2700, sEIrni4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black "people"

>> No.9736735
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the yid

>> No.9736740
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the heeb

>> No.9736746
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the enemy of all mankind

>> No.9736748

>Hypothetically if you saw your whole community's posts on 4chan, specifically /pol/, it would reflect pigfuck's attitude.
You just made that up entirely. There's no basis for that claim.

>> No.9736751

So are crime-committing blacks redeemable or should we attempt to show them a better way?

>> No.9736754

ima be real, i think pigcuck has a way higher chance of raping a girl than any niggers i know.... probably worse mental health than them too.

>> No.9736755
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the usurper

hes a liberal, nothing he says or believes is based in reality.

very few blacks are redeemable, and they arent the white mans responsibility.

>> No.9736759
File: 285 KB, 674x672, 1417019071507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the usurer

>> No.9736762
File: 442 KB, 1613x1210, 1kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the global pedophile, the occultist, the satan worshiping hooknosed kike.

>Jewish community activist facing child porn charges


>Child Pornography, Exclusively A Jewish Business


>Former B'nai Brith director Bill Surkis found in possession of 21 pornographic videos featuring prepubescent girls in 2008; to spend 45 days in prison as result of plea bargain deal


>Thousands of Children Stolen by The Marxist Paedophile UK Govern

>Paedophile Jews

>why do child abductions spike sharply year after year after year, RIGHT BEFORE THE JEWISH PASSOVER?
>compare and contrast with these JEWISH PASSOVER DATES

>Jewish ritual murder is the murder of a non-Jew by Jews in celebration of the Jewish religious festivals of Purim and Passover. The ritual's purpose is to drain the blood of a non-Jewish person (preferrably a young Christian boy) in order to make three cornered Purim pastries or matzo

>> No.9736763

>very few blacks are redeemable, and they aren't the white mans responsibility.

You don't know for a fact they aren't redeemable, and maybe they AREN'T your responsibility, but you have acknowledged that you believe there are 1/20 good blacks. So why not cultivate more responsibility in the black community to reform their own troublemakers, for their own good?

>> No.9736774
File: 52 KB, 850x400, 1417035941951 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because thats the 1/20 good niggers job. if niggers want help they can help themselves, i am about my people and saving them from the kike who wants their dilution, ruin and extinction.

there is no saving the american nigger, by 2050 they'll be 7% of the population, they're aborting and killing themselves into extinction.

>> No.9736775

Hey Pigfuck, get the fuck back to /b/, please.
There are actually people here interested in fucking fashion unlike you.
You are literally worse than those jews you keep speaking about. You are being one right now, spreading false facts to back up your generalising views on races because your sister has a black boyfriend.

>> No.9736779
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>> No.9736780

Whites are by no means winning it. If a race war somehow actually occurs, whites are going to be the most reluctant to fight it. Also if you think we really have any x-factor that the other races don't that will help us win, you are tragically wrong. Pray that a race war never happens pigfuck, because as soon as it does some abo is gonna steal a gun, come to your house, rip your IV tubes out of you and shoot you in the face while you're busy trying to convince white people on 4chan to fight back.

Like I said, this is really a huge huge thing that I don't have the time to get into, and honestly I don't really know how I'd explain it apart from face to face. I will say this to try and clear it up quickly though:
> You are basically categorizing billions of people as being irredeemable cunts
Cunts, yes. Irredeemable, no. Ignorant of their cuntness and need to change for the better? Completely.

>Even if we consider pigfuk as being a decent human, with everyone else being subhuman (an opinion which I DO NOT hold, mind you) then we have to at least acknowledge that he is brought down several pegs because of his attitude and the way he carries himself.
Pigfuck is a prime example of a subhuman, precisely because of his attitude and even his opinions in some cases. My requirement for you being subhuman doesn't follow many of the traditional requirements. E.g. you don't have to be intelligent to be a good human. It helps, I suppose, but it's not necessary. However, you must absolutely 100% DESIRE to be intelligent, otherwise you are a waste of space. Intelligence, by the way, is not whether you can use big words or do maths. I ran into a 20 year old mechanic who was a high school dropout who was more intelligent than most of the people I see at my oh-so prestigious educational institution.

cont. next post

>> No.9736783

ITT: Retards acting like they're on /int/