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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 430x430, compliment_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9734838 No.9734838 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best comments / compliments you've received on your appearance?

>> No.9734840

>You look like a marble statue
>You remind me of a lady bug

>> No.9734842

>you should make a tumblr
>hi fashionista
>do you have a instagram
>are those real
>you're one of the best dressed guys i know
>i bet girls think you're gay cause you dress so well
>i hope you know your cock is massive

>> No.9734844

>you got hot teeheh

>> No.9734850

>I'm not even joking you dress really well
>Hitler would have loved you (....)

>> No.9734854


>lol why are you dressed like a boyscout?

I was fully embracing geologist core so its understandable that people would recognize my dope fit

>> No.9734893

>you are so cute you look like a doll
>anon is so precious she looks like a lil baby doll
>you are so cute
>you are sooooo cute
>so cute

they were compliments i'm sure but i don't want to be cute

hopefully i'm not that kind of cute anymore once i've fully updated my wardrobe

also "your eyes are pretty" etc or something about my hair

>> No.9734916

>your squat form is really good

>i try to be /fa/ but no one gives compliment to cave men ;_;

>> No.9734917

>wow anon you look like a young titanic leo

I get this a lot, I have decent jaw/cheekbone structure (not as good as his tho) and a pointy chin idk

>> No.9734951
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>be 21 kv at a bar
>redhead friend of a friend says that im hot and gives my friend her number for me
>go out with her, shes 26, polish with great body, end up at hers but cant get it up

Goddamn its both good and. I was suprised she gave me her number when didnt even talk to me

>> No.9734958
File: 44 KB, 640x650, 10533982_779148418859437_3472080288518745805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was voted best dressed in high school. (;

"Anon you always dress better than anyone I know"

>> No.9734964

>(at a bar) You look like a film noir Where's Waldo

>> No.9734975


what did you dress like?

>> No.9734982

Honestly was like a really shitty version of everything worn here. I just wore the cheap stuff and all that. Wasn't too hard to dress nice at my school. It's been a year since then and now I only buy quality pieces and stuff and I've greatly improved upon my already above average style.

>> No.9735013
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, ebinn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I receive too many haha

>> No.9735025

"im really lucky to have you and honestly youre perfect"

>> No.9735026

wore a suit (stylish but ill-fitting) to court, a redneck girl said I looked like James Dean. I didn't look like him--eh, maybe my hair except brown--but I looked good; I think she just wanted the d.

>You look like Clint Eastwood
got that twice, both times it was an older black lady ┐(´∀`)┌

>those pants are awesome
they were, too

>I want to scan the print on that shirt and use it for my band's next album cover

>> No.9735028

You're the best dresser in Canada :)

>> No.9735031


> I like your face

>> No.9735049


>> No.9735053

more like the world

>> No.9735065

>You look like some kind of foreign model

>> No.9735098

> "Anon you have really pretty eyes!"
> "Anon I love your eyebrows do you pluck them?"
> "Anon you have such good style!" to other girl "look at his style it's so cool!"
> "anon you look really nice today :)"

All from cute girls
feel good man

>> No.9735150

My girlfriend tells me I'm the hot one in our relationship all the time even tho she really is. But she seems pretty convinced she's right.

>> No.9735191

thx for correcting me queen ;)

>> No.9735217

All of those comments make me believe they think you're gay.

>> No.9735264
File: 879 KB, 720x960, 1419677601156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh haha, I thought you were gay, anon!
>I dont really... see you that way. We can still be friends, right?

>> No.9735308

"I know I clowned you earlier for what you were wearing but it's actually really fucking unique and good looking... like most of the kids around here wear the same shit and it's refreshing to see something that looks like it was put together with more than $100 and a pair of jordans"
- some qt3.14 that never talked to me until this but she has a boyfriend that dresses like the people she was complaining about (i wish i could've been Hoe, Save A., Cpt.)

>> No.9735390

>are you in fashion?
>i love your outfit
>you look like that vampire girl who played alice in twilight
>i didnt know you had such pretty eyes!

always complimented on hair, gets annoying

>> No.9735403

An elderly Hispanic cook at my old job once told me that I had the most beautiful green eyes he's ever seen, and that I was also more beautiful than the other girls there. It was an odd compliment, and he doesn't even know my name, he just called me Greenie.

>> No.9735417

>friend of mine constantly comes to me asking if his fashion choice is decent
>friend buys shirt he thinks I would wear
>people comment to him "woah man you're wearing an 'Anon' shirt" or "Stop trying to pull off an 'Anon', it doesnt work for you"
>dress well enough to have my own style within my group of friends

>> No.9735421

They think you're gay lol

>> No.9735426
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me 2

>> No.9735430
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>You look like a fag.

Th... Thanks.

>> No.9735434

>You look like a male model
>You look like a lead singer in a band
>Wow how tall are you?
>I just want your whole closet
>You look like a preppy trust fund kid (Tee shirt and shorts)
>People taking pictures of me and my gf when we walk through the fashion districts of various cities
>Guy literally walked into a pole breaking his neck at my shoes

>> No.9735472

>are you gay? Because a lot of hot guys are ...
I didn't know how to take that but it was okay feeling.
>your butt looks good in those jeans!
:^) she punched my butt too

Literally all the compliments I ever got

>> No.9735475

"that haircut makes you look like a WWII soldier"

"you're looking pretty Brendan Fraser from The Mummy right now"

>> No.9735489

I forgot this one
>wow anon I love your eyelashes!

>> No.9735495

I've never received a genuine compliment now that I think about it....

>> No.9735514
File: 1.17 MB, 1776x2400, waywt (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday i got from some native guy on the ttc

"yo man i love your sweater, the colours are awesome are you native? also you look like you're about to do some cocaine"

pic related is what i was wearing

>> No.9735540

>yo you lost a lot of weight dude, you look good, like really good
Chill bro, we just hung out two weeks, this is just what human bodies look like without a flannel and chunky ass cable knit aran.

>> No.9735544

isn't that what you were wearing like 2 weeks ago too

>> No.9735549

"cool outfit, man"
it was some guy I didn't know so it felt nice.

>> No.9735553

yeah you've never worn the same thing twice?

>> No.9735563
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>> No.9735569
File: 160 KB, 900x900, 1423827781517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigga you got some style dayum
>lookin slick kiddo
>crisp, clean, I like it
>you're so sexy
>you're so hot
>you're incredibly good looking
>you're cute
>you're so handsome
>you should be a movie actor
>I bet you have a lot of girls crushing on you
>do you have a girlfriend right now?
>I wish you were my boyfriend
>I would totally cheat on my boyfriend with you
>I love your jawline yummy

All these compliments and I still feel ugly.

>> No.9735576

I've never worn the same combination of things twice

>> No.9735595

well suit yrself

>> No.9735597

wait dont you think it's weird
to like wear the same thing all the time?

unless you don't care about clothes, but that's obviosly not the case

>> No.9735636

i've only worn that combination twice cause i really liked it :)

also i read a while back about how dressing similarly everyday and developing a personal uniform was like a good thing for productivity and mental health or w.e. idk how bullshit it is tho
like obviously i;m not wearing something that loud everyday but u kno i don't think it's that weird

>> No.9735642

>you have Kylie Jenner lips!

>> No.9735724

Yeah brah.

>> No.9735749

>You dress so well.
>I can see you really put effort into dressing..
>You're so tall and handsome.
(I'm not tall and handsome)
Generic shit like that. But I enjoy these the most:
>That cap is ugly, don't buy it.
>Woah, you really pulled that off!

>> No.9735757

I've been asked to be a model thing for a hair stylist as well, I copped out though. Regret it now.

>> No.9735821

I've had countless people randomly compliment my posture

>> No.9735869
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>> No.9735884

Anon, I really, really like this picture.

>> No.9735889
File: 4 KB, 211x246, 1423834708209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9735895

maximum kek

>> No.9735902

Well, were you going to do cocaine? Pls respond.

>> No.9735934

no comment

>> No.9735950

johnny i know you're a good boy who don't do drugs

>> No.9736030

man nice shitpost

>> No.9736111


>> No.9736140

>you're intimidating af
>person at the other table chirps in: yeah i'm sorry you kind of are

>> No.9736144

c'mon we all know you're too pussy to do blow

you have a crayon ceiling fan and trip on /fa/

>> No.9736150

2 many to remember m8

>> No.9736154

you have to be hard to do blow?
lmao since when

>> No.9736159

>walking down the street one day
>guy walking towards me
>says "wow you're beautiful" as we pass each other

>> No.9736184

>your smile is the cutest thing ever
>you've got style, dude!
>you are actually really good looking
>you seem very composed

>> No.9736200

>"you are so beautiful, those other girls are just jealous that you're a real woman with curves"
>"wow, you are so sexy and attractive"

and defending me when a twig bitch told me off
>"you're just jealous because men like meat, only dogs like bones! you'll never find love looking so thin!"

>> No.9736208

how are you still awake at this time wtf

>> No.9736211

great jokes buddy
did you get them from steam profile comments circa 2013
i hope somebody tells you your post is underrated

>> No.9736217

Only twice for my white flyknit trainers. Once from a qt cashier, the other time it was from some 50 year old guy because his son apparently wore trainers like that too.

Apart from that, only my mom occassionally tells me I'm pretty.


>> No.9736218
File: 77 KB, 700x357, vagina-010-700x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one are you reee?

>> No.9736222

reee is pure.

>> No.9736224

>You have beautiful hair
>You always look so fresh dude
>I'd like to dress like you, but I don't think I could pull it off
>You are so fancy
>You always look so trim and stylish, like a fashion magazine but in real life
>I can see Anon as being like, the next Tom Cruise or something
>If anyone ever told me I dressed like Anon, it'd be an amazing compliment
>I know I like to poke fun at you, but I really do love your style
>Hello my name is Anon and I'm always fresh to death
>You own that style, nobody else here could ever pull that off like you do
>Anon is the most handsome man here
>You are so hot

Yet I'm still a loser.

>> No.9736230


fucking NORMIES


>> No.9736231


it's just because your clothes suck

>> No.9736242

i think the casual and subtle ones like:

"where do you get your clothes?"
-my gf bargain hunts at the gap, topman, and h&m, so cheap of the cheap

"who cuts your hair?"
-i do it myself and just have at it. i usually dont have a look in mind and just go widdit

"what do you call that style?"
-i actually dont know my style. i just buy plain clothes.

>> No.9736275

>hot girl i know told me my hair looks really nice today while walking through campus
>not even trying

>> No.9736281

what kind of shirt was it?

>> No.9736295

man my ex had the best p, I'll be forever disappointed by others

feels shit man

>> No.9736299


>> No.9736310

no just personal preference and luck when I found her, she had a nearly perfect body

>> No.9736338

"damn girl u got some cute-ass feet" while I was changing shoes at a bus stop

was a little awkward to get on after that, because I don't think my feet are my best feature.

>> No.9736617

Your face looks ghoulish
You're a really thin
>I could break you with one hand
The last wasn't actually a compliment but I took it as one

>> No.9736776

Well, do you have a girlfriend?

>> No.9737810

I hate most fits on /fa/ but that's actually pretty dope. Wtc long red jackets?

>> No.9737840

>you smell great
>your hair is awesome, not a lot of people can pull it off
>you have nice eye lashes
Things like this makes me believe I'm not a hideous monster

>> No.9737845

Just today a 10/10 qt in my class told me my butt looked good.

>> No.9737869
File: 204 KB, 800x670, 1419453944906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl tells me i'm skinnier than she is

>> No.9737889

Good outfit.

>> No.9737894

"It's really cool how you look good with both long and short hair."

>> No.9737897

I get told "you should be a model" on occasion and that's kinda nice.
Girls often say "are you even wearing any makeup???" post-compliment which is nice but usually I am wearing some
Favorite compliment I've ever gotten, someone I 'd just met said I looked like someone from a Klimt painting.
Once a guy on 4chan said he would walk a mile over broken glass to hear me fart thru a walkie-talkie :-)

>> No.9737911

Most I've ever gotten is
>you've got a nice smile
I also got
>you're a beautiful man
>you've got gorgeous eyes
>your cock is perfect
But those were all from my ex so they don't count

>> No.9737914

they count if she was qt

>> No.9737915

I walked into a party once and heard a girl say this
>The world would be a better place if more guys dressed like Anon

>> No.9737924
File: 34 KB, 285x298, 1327935008428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best compliment I probably ever got is when girls staring intently at my bulge.

>> No.9737933
File: 8 KB, 183x182, 1429148276812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're looking pretty Brendan Fraser from The Mummy right now

>> No.9737934

She wasn't

>> No.9737950

>you're sooo handsome anon
>i mean you're really hot
>i like your style
>you're a 4,8 out of 5

all from different girls, the last one stole my fucking heart.
still no gf, simply ebin

>> No.9737989
File: 74 KB, 1048x576, sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look the best, of all the guys but from behind.

>> No.9737992

uh no
compliments count if they're sincere
you fuck

>> No.9738003

Uh, no, compliments dont count if the girl isn't qt because her standards are obviously much lower

>> No.9738018

But to a person who isn't qt, everyone is qt
You see the problem? they aren't capable of being sincere in the same way as the rest of the populace

>> No.9738067

>Damn anon I'd fuck you right now
Fucking spaghetti man

>> No.9738089
File: 23 KB, 519x435, 1428780651954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like Ryan Gosling
>why does your facial hair growth pattern look so perfect
>you have pretty eyelashes (the fuck?)
>i'm going to name the vein under your eye "Mortimer"
>you have a nice ass

>> No.9738103

>>9738003 >>9738018
>if the girl isn't qt because her standards are obviously much lower
>to a person who isn't qt, everyone is qt/ they aren't capable of being sincere

uhh what? Care to elaborate?

>> No.9738109

I guess if you're talking about beauty/fashion, then someone who can take care of themselves might be better informed

But regardless, I'm sure unattractive people don't go around sincerely complimenting every person they meet.

>> No.9738117

Ofc no, would you compliment every person you ever meet? That would be ridiculous and annoying

>> No.9738118

you're a Mexican

>> No.9738124

"I went to get my eyebrows done and I took in a picture of yours and my eyebrow stylist said I would never have eyebrows so nice"

>> No.9738134

stop photoshopping your pics

>> No.9738138

like compared to yoself everyone is good looking? Most girls can convince themselves they are attractive, very few people truly think they are ugly. though ya know 50% is below average. So if what you see in the mirror eryday is bad news, probably anything else is pretty tolerable to look at

>> No.9738215

>not wearing a uniform

lmao pleb please untrip post haste

>> No.9738304

>girls (including qts) and guys at my school complement my fits or individual pieces regularly (not really saying much as most are plebs)
>Nice ass (random girl)
>get complemented on my legs almost whenever i wear shorts (from strangers or my gf lol)
>you look like something from tumblr (gross but i guess it counts)
> you have beautiful long eyelashes im jealous (ok lol)
>got complemented on the street by a random guy in blue holo velcros
>complements on my hair all the time
>have gotten asked about my relationship status by girls or by guys / other girls on their behalf all the time
> MFW i still occasionally get shit for cuffs or pinrolls :^)
>some redneck told me my shorts made me look like a faggot lol which I count
>Tons of others about my looks and personality from my gf all the time but im not sure they count

>> No.9738315

also not relevant to thread but sieg i heard you work in the legit industry. What exactly do you do?

>> No.9738320

Wtf is wrong with americans ? Over here in Europe, people don't comment each other's fits.

Other than that, multiple compliments on the internet
>tfw someone on /fa/ thought i was the resurection of poet

>> No.9738334

post pic

>> No.9738347
File: 6 KB, 288x128, 1440773_53aa09a39c65c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ex-pizzaface and get compliments for how nice my skin looks now

>> No.9738353

Where in europe? Maybe you just have shit fits :^)

>> No.9738372

of what a fit? and no i don't need / want any pics of me on here.

>> No.9738387

>i hope you know your cock is massive

>> No.9738389

That image just says it all about the mentality of most women really

You are children

You need to be special snowflakes

Fuck off

>> No.9738404

>anon, your hair is so cool
>You know a lot of fashion and style

>> No.9738433

also I still have shit confidence so idk

>> No.9738441

i don't even remember posting that

>> No.9738446

>you look like clark kent with your glasses on
>you got nice hair man
>you're jacked dude
>i love your smile! (this one feels good :^) )
>you have really good posture
>this is random, but i really like your outfit
>that shirt is dope

all I can think of, don't think I ever really got anything like these before like a year and a half ago lol. feels good man

>> No.9738465

>I wish I had your bone structure
>do you think you're dick will still hurt me?
>holy shit your dick is thicker than my wrists
>youre a very intelligent young man(this is more because of WHO said it rather than what was actually said)
>you're a very urbane individual aren't you( I didn't know what it meant at first either)

>> No.9738471

why does it matter if you don't have your face on the picture?

>> No.9738479

lol i am girl

>> No.9738494

Those weren't compliments, they were from other women, no? They were trying to belittle you, its a common technique of jealous whores.

>> No.9738496


> "you look great dude, youre a fucking fashion god."

my best friend

> "you have an amazing butt"

a lot of girls I went to high school with

> "anon walks like a knight"

friend of a friend in high school, I have pretty good posture and walk fast

> "yeah, he wouldn't want to fuck around with you. You could literally pick a guy like that up and throw him"

my friend after I told him about this scary encounter I had with a crackhead. It meant a lot to me cause I used to be really weak and now I'm actually sort of strong.

>> No.9738497

stop sleepposting johnny

>> No.9738506

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk dude why? I have no need for the approval of random people on an anonymous Chinese imageboard. I just lurk for inspo. Plus i'm way too lazy to take fit pics.

>> No.9738521

not for you, for me
I asked to have an illustration of what kind of fit and body made those people say that

>> No.9738528

I've never witnessed a complement to posture apart from one in my life, is this a murcan thing?

>> No.9738549

subtle brag thread

>> No.9738557

I'm friends now with a group of girls from my university who all referred to me as "Adonis" during Frosh Week before they learned my name
I've fucked a few of them

>> No.9738561

>you've really started to dress better (this was a few years ago)
>you look like an approachable person
>you're always so well dressed
>what product do you use on your hair, it looks great

>> No.9738569

>be sitting down
>"damn anon you have the straightest back I've ever seen"
It might just be that since we sit in class for 8 hrs a day most of us develops shit posture, but I deadlift so

>> No.9738572

>ive really been digging your style lately
>your butts not big, but its like nice enough for guys to be like "nice ass"
uh t-thanks
>you have such cute toes
>youre so cool
>i love the gaps in your teeth
was made uncomfortable by this one

>> No.9738584

sorry i missed yr call last night
got so fucked up i forgot how to smile

>> No.9738588

did you get into a fight johnny

>> No.9738608

>you dress like a hobo but your clothes are expensive

get with it or get wrecked

>> No.9738612

>thinks your flaws are cute
>you become uncomfortable
girls who can't take a compliment suck

>> No.9738622

tfw you are flawless

feels good man

>> No.9738630

nah nah nothing like that
you've seen me in the waywt if i threw punch i would probably faint from over exerting myself

>> No.9738633

"You're very symmetrical"
"You should try modelling"
"You always dress so well"
Never really took things like this into account until the other day on the ttc a weird man approached me and offered me his card and said he was a scout for a modelling industry and i had a certain look that he liked. Too bad it was sketchy

>> No.9738634

A not vert nice one imo lol. 6 foot 170-ish lbs. I dress very simply actually.

>> No.9738636

I want to name my firstborn after you

>> No.9738656

>why do you suit everything
this one sticks out since the usual you look nice/good looking are shrugged off which is probably why people call me arrogant but when you've heard that shit before why wouldn't you

>> No.9738675

what shirt?

>> No.9738680
File: 9 KB, 227x221, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reeee tells you you're perfect and to not change anything

>> No.9738700
File: 80 KB, 680x459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so fucking sexy

>> No.9738716

is that ree?

>> No.9738747

What does that even mean?

>> No.9738761

it means nomatter what he wears he looks good in it and or dressed up without even trying

>> No.9738774

Nice skin but average face. Don't know where the ego comes from tbh.

>> No.9738793

I would fuck ree if that's her

>> No.9738855
File: 101 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2015-04-21 at 18.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 90s Mecca shirt

>> No.9738861

Medium sized city in the middle of France

>> No.9738868

>wow, you don't look like shit for once.

>> No.9738922

wouldn't even look twice at whoever the fuck this is, literally a basic bitch
>tfw cali's full of 10/10 qt's

>> No.9738927

I heard everyone in france dresses well for the most part, so that might be why, also is it true you all have very limited wardrobes and mix and match clothes to make it seem like you're not wearing the same shit every day?

as opposed to americans who have 100's of clothes and rarely wear 75% of it

>> No.9738938

>calling it "cali"

definitely not from there

also california chicks are either absolute thots or think they're god's gift to earth

>> No.9738948
File: 11 KB, 424x417, trapfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ex gf told me I have a boxy torso

>> No.9738949

shut the FUCK up it's easier than typing out california, ofcourse i never refer to it as cali in conversation you autist

>california chicks are absolute thots
who gives a fuck nigger don't you like getting your dick wet?

>> No.9738951

except i AM gods gift to earth, and most people can agree with me on this

>> No.9738954

>You're actually attractive . . . for an Asian guy.
>It's a pity that not all Asian guys are as attractive as you.
>I bet you make a lot of Asian guys jealous because of your good looks.
>I didn't know Asian guys could be so attractive.

>> No.9738955

is this you?

>> No.9738959

hNNNnnGG those collar bones ;;

>> No.9738963

>I can see you really put effort into dressing..

that is not a compliment.

>> No.9738967
File: 48 KB, 499x499, baldface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course I like getting my dick wet, you overreacting gaped faggot, I'm just saying they're thots lol

I disregard pretty much every post with a ree trip because 9/10 of them are fake and 10/10 of them are dudes. go back to being anon, anon

>> No.9738969

tfw ree's soft, wet, pink lips will never slide up and down my hard throbbing cock

>> No.9738978

>>9738949 >>9738967
why would you want to have sex with degenerates

unless you are one yourself...?

>> No.9738981

>overreacting gaped faggot
no u, you fucking wigger shit dick homo
maybe next time you'll think twice before claiming Anonymous 04/21/15(Tue)15:52:57 No.9738949 isn't from california

>> No.9738987

depends on your definition of degenerate I guess, but claiming you're some pure knight of god is ridiculous

>> No.9739001


Are you me lol??

>> No.9739018

put your trip back on

>> No.9739025

the bad news is that youre still an asian guy. literally kill yourself now.

>> No.9739028

What coat? What boots?

>> No.9739057

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to argue. IDK what that guy is talking about.

>> No.9739091

this thread is literally fucked now. thanks to these plebians

>> No.9739098

best advice in thread is to follow what my trips is suggesting (every one of you trips excluding me belong in the gutter, please be launched into a septic tank this instant).

>> No.9739101

are u this months shitposter?

>> No.9739106

idiot, what I'm saying is someone that is ugly will be more likely to compliment someone on their looks because they have lower standards, we see this evidently as /soc/ where 2/10's get rated 7/10 because so many people on there are ugly as fuck.

That doesn't mean good looking people wont compliment you as often if you legitimately look good, but you can't base it off ugly people opinions as far as looks go, clothing wise is fine because even ugly people can have good fashion sense

>> No.9739107


>> No.9739109

coat is sise a/w 13
boots are gucci not sure on season

>> No.9739131

willing to bet this guy is going to be gone before sunday

>> No.9739156

try me

>> No.9739167

kill yourself

>> No.9739249

someone noted once that my shirts always matched my socks

when I wear a suit out to dinner waitresses ask if I was just at a wedding, because nobody wears suits for any other reason where I live

>> No.9739260

uuhhhhhh i need to ask an important question

why were you wearing a suit

>> No.9739279

Hey, cool shirt.

>> No.9739300

yeah, you´re point is? i must point out everyones nationality too?

you´re probably amerifat, igaf

>> No.9739305

i bet three internets that this trips drop by this sunday

>> No.9739312

I was out at a nice restaurant

>> No.9739317

did you wear cufflinks with your tie clip and fedora

>> No.9739319

dubs of mediocracy

i like her witty atittude, its like the background music at Starbucks

>> No.9739324

Wait are you a beaner? Do you live in Mexico? How can you afford SLP? Is your papi in the cartel?

>> No.9739325

what's your problem anon, you think only autists wear suits?

>> No.9739331

he said he doesn't own SLP lol
he just like to fantasize about it

>> No.9739334

Stop masturbating,then go out with her again

>> No.9739344

Wow. He should drop trip. How can he ever wear this shit when it's 200 degrees in the sweatshop he works in? Fucking minorities.

>> No.9739353

minorities are okay
fantasizing about women's saint laurent clothes is not okay

>> No.9739357

I fantisize about being a minority, is that ok?

>> No.9739358

>its like the background music at Starbucks
I still gotta give you credit for that though haha

>> No.9739359

ree I thought you were my beautiful white supremacist babe. Minorities are not okay. They ruin countries.

>> No.9739362

fantasizing in general is not okay
unless you're fantasizing about me

>> No.9739366

ree pls post a fit. I wanna see that body girl

>> No.9739369

how is life in Hickville, Missouri

is the harvest going ok
nice horseshoes
where did you get that lasso

>> No.9739370
File: 33 KB, 380x377, 1429574193090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not feeling suicidal enough for a brain tumor, no thanks

>> No.9739373

Its too difficult, the ship has sailed my friend

>> No.9739375

fantasizing about you is all i do before i sleep

>> No.9739384

Oh silly ree. I live in Alabama. I know Toronto is being flooded by minorities and its scary but I will protect you from the evil shitskins baby.

>> No.9739386

>everyone clambering over a trip
>not sure why
>trip is female
>nothing to see here

>> No.9739390

what's the difference lmao

The only somewhat civilized American city is New York, and that's only because it's 2 hours away from Toronto

>> No.9739397

weddings and funerals, not for a cheeky nandos with the lads

>> No.9739399

>i love you
>thats a nice outfit
>those are some nice trackshorts, is that your cock?

all from Qt3.14 i want to bang uncontrollably bad

>> No.9739402

In all honestly I've been to Toronto 3 times because my friend owns a private island and we go up there sometimes. I didn't see a single attractive girl. Next time we go do you wanna come? It's in a town called Perry Sound. I'll pay for your bush flight in.

>> No.9739414

And there are attractive girls in Alabama?

A cottage doesn't count as a "private island" by the way, but nice try

>> No.9739417

should i make a copypasta about my life or what?

quick run here

>yes i´m mexican, not from the shitskins from the north though, metro area in the center
>i´m not asociated with the political shit from this shithole in anyway
>i can afford SLP but i rather spend my money in cigarrettes, parties and alcohol and investing in DIY projects
>i like more brands than just SLP, in fact i think i like more Dior over SLP
>i dont work in any shitty strerotypical work (that shit is rare where i live) i´m actually doing scholar practices in a hospital

damn, you fags are pretty damn retarded, since /pol/ came here to impose their shitty supremacy of manlet fat americans this board has gone downhill

>hurrh stop black hair threads
>durrh is this gun /fa/?

fucking amerifats

>> No.9739420

>I live in Alabama

i wonder how you even have electricity, back to the cornfields

>> No.9739425

It's an island. And it's private. But yes it's just a cottage. You don't want to come ree? You could sleep with me baby girl.

>> No.9739430

stay strong bro

>> No.9739442

Shitskin please. Did you just call me a manlet? I'm 6'2 155 pounds of pure perfectness. How does it feel to live in fucking Mexico? How does it feel to be inferior in every single way imaginable? I mean goddamn son. It must suck to be you. I hope your happy in your favela home drinking yourself to death wishing you were white. Sorry man.

>> No.9739455

Racist cunt. People like you don't deserve to live. You're a waste of oxygen.

>> No.9739459

kek, spic btfo

>> No.9739475

Ree confirmed a minortity. So fucking mad. Why is every country that has brown people in it total shit? It's not racism when it's true dumbfuck. Now of course I'm gonna treat everyone with respect in real life because that's the best thing to do. But minorities are fucking cancer. I'm a closeted racist.

>> No.9739499
File: 48 KB, 665x720, 1428621205551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW these angry /b/tards
>MFW they seem to be very interesed in my life
lol, i´m famous now mum

i´m 185cm, 73kg (i´m rather overweight due to beer i must admit) and i´m not basement dweller tier pasty white (i´d like to but my colour range would be comprimised) i´m more like overmilked latte and getting paler because of muh genetic heritage

i dont live in a slum, nor a farm with animals like you, i do have a problem with alcohol but hey, thats how you deal with living in this shithole filled with niggers and Red Label is damn good with a good book

>> No.9739513

Because you know you're wrong?

If anybody should die, it should be racists. The world would be so much of a better place.

>> No.9739517

preach queen!

>> No.9739522

I feel you. I may shit on you for being Mexican but hey. It's where you're born. I honestly don't really care about skin color I was just shitposting lol.

>> No.9739529

Let me guess. You're an indian. So many fucking Indians in Canada. Another guess. You work at Tim Hortons?

>> No.9739536

oh you, i hate Mexico too, we can hate it together, most "white" mexicans hate it just or more than other countries

i start

Mexico is filled with iliterate niggers who only wear cheap Abercrombie

>> No.9739541

white knight kissing the dirty toes of ree, what a peasant
i agree, their reasoning for being racist are irrational and if there was a sterilization of these dirt smudges this world would more stable

>> No.9739545

Neither. Let me know once you've killed yourself.

>> No.9739553

Well why do you post images of your sister on the image board and pretend to be her? Just a question I really want to know. No girl that cute is this autistic unless you were home schooled.

>> No.9739555

drop trip fucking faggot

>> No.9739562

>"you look like that one actor"
>"are you a model?"
>"you are carl lagerfeld junior"
>"you have such a pretty skin colour"
>"your body is close to perfect"
>"your smile is very charming"
>"you can get any girl you want" (;_;)

Not really counting in all the times I got questioned about my sexuality cause it's a double-edged sword (although still flattering).

>> No.9739578

>white knight kissing the dirty toes of ree, what a peasant

1.I'm not a white knight
2.Her feet aren't dirty and you are wrong for thinking they are.
3.I'm not a peasant you jerk

>> No.9739584

>im not a white knight g-guys
>writes white knight statements

>> No.9739590

I'm not autistic and I'm an only child. Suck it up cunt.

>> No.9739608

You've got a nasty mouth for such a pretty face ree. What made you like that? You wanna talk about it over some coffee?

>> No.9739619

>carl lagerfeld junior

Ahahahahahaha. Oh, fuck.

>> No.9739628

I'm still not white knighting.

>> No.9739634

>carl lagerfeld
>Karl Lagerfield

>> No.9739694

>nasty mouth
Look who's talking? You're the redneck racist fuck here.

>> No.9739725

Sorry, I'm sleepy

>> No.9739740

Ree not need to be upset. I may be racist but I'm America's finest. Post your snapchat baby girl.

>> No.9739745

cant handle the banter ree? =^)

>> No.9739936

>body of a greek god
>you're fucking gorgeous

not about style but i'll take it

>> No.9740001

Oh, are you a tumblr sjw?

>> No.9740009

>holy shit anon you have a big dick
>I think you're attractive
>I think that's the funniest thing I've ever heard anyone say
>I like you
>you don't need to worry about dressing yourself, you've got that down already

>> No.9740023

>I like you
>tfw people are afraid to tell you what they feel
fuck people

>> No.9740038

I had to jump through ten million hoops to get her to admit it, you have no idea man.
I spaghettied pretty hard anyway.

>> No.9740209

its ok, let out your inner-manchild

>> No.9741255

Ayy the 6ix. Enjoy the hail in april

>> No.9741258

Ughh. A silver spoon I know you come from ya bish. At least think about others who aren't as lucky

>> No.9741272

Okay, I take that back. I try not to wear the same clothes in front of the _same people_ twice.

>> No.9741381

>you seem very composed

>> No.9742454
File: 90 KB, 425x312, 1396115028977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking ree is a girl


>> No.9742642

slept right through it
fair enough but, i wore that fit in two different places and two different contexts so i think it;s cool
>muh racist board culture
carls junior ay lmao

>> No.9742684

what gun is that

>> No.9743700

p-post fit pls

>> No.9743722

shit the fuck up nobody is talking to you but somehow you're talking to everybody else
kill you're self

>> No.9743775

i'll talk to whoever i want

>> No.9743796

>you're handsome
>you look like draco malfoy
>you look like eminem
>you have nice eyes
>you have big eyelashes
>i like your penis
>nice sweatshirt
>nice shoes
>can we take a photo you're handsome (lel)
>you could be a model

btw i'm 5'4 ehehh :^D

>> No.9744055

looks like a Sig Sauer p226

>> No.9744065

are you that pommy dickhead that got mad at caf on tinychat

>> No.9744068

>You could be a model

>> No.9744105

>"ask (me), he knows about fashion
>always being asked about what to buy, where to shop etc
>"you have the nicest collar bones I've ever seen"

>> No.9744109

>You have nice eyebrows

>> No.9744179

>do you have a instagram
>have a instagram
>a instagram
people who complement you need to learn grammar.

>> No.9744214

maybe you too

>> No.9746031

>you look like an early 20th century suppression terrorist

>> No.9746050

This some next level right here
Post fit pls?

>> No.9746056

I only get compliments on my cheek dimples, lol.
Well sometimes on my jackets. Mostly just "you look like you came from the '80s/'60s" tho

>> No.9746059

i should kill myself with my 5" benis

i will always be inferior, and nowadays every girl will have fucked 10 men bigger than me already

>> No.9746065

ariana grande, is that u

>> No.9746068

Man here haha

>> No.9746087

post photo

>> No.9746109


>> No.9746117
File: 39 KB, 328x600, 1424906357842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like a model
>i look up 2 you fashionsense
>youre so swaggy ;)
the ones im most proud of

>> No.9746863

>you're swag
thx i guess

>nah brah, you're not ugly
thanks fam

>wow, you're actually gorgeous!
yeah, once acne stops fucking my face up, i might consider believing that

>> No.9747698

"you are distractingly attractive"
"anon is probably the best looking person i know"
"anon you always look like you're heading to a model shoot"

honestly I'm only like a 7/10 face but I'm 6'2" with a 9/10 body and charming enough that everyone either falls in love with me or hates me soon enough

>> No.9747703 [DELETED] 

oh also someone have compared me to kramer from seinfeld. probably my proudest one

>> No.9747707

grow the fuck up.
it's 10x worse when people avoid talking about looks when you're around.
fuck my ugliness

>> No.9747970

oh yeah and once some girl at my school said "peace mayne" when looking at my fit.
feels gud