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File: 45 KB, 401x600, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9727764 No.9727764 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures, give advice, etc.

>> No.9727783
File: 305 KB, 960x1280, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9727882


>> No.9727887

I'll dump my inspo folder soon

>> No.9727926

Toro y moi has the only black hair I like
Everything else looks like trash

>> No.9728422
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dumpin as promise

>> No.9728454
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>> No.9728477
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>> No.9728486

How about hair for little black girls?

>> No.9728488
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>> No.9728494
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>> No.9728518
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>> No.9728530

I'm surprised no one ever posts Luka.

>> No.9728531
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>> No.9728537

cause he's a manlet
same with ian

they got a few nice fits here and there tho
ian more than luka

>> No.9728550

take me

>> No.9728557

fuckin sexy

>> No.9728561
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>> No.9728569
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>> No.9728571

>Toro y moi

I got the exact same hair as that dude

>> No.9728584
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>> No.9728626
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>> No.9728634
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this dude is so effay

>> No.9728654
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>> No.9728660
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>> No.9728671
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>> No.9728696
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>> No.9728809

Somebody give me strength to do my hair. All the detangling, 20 min to apply product evenly.... I can't do it.

>> No.9728838

to the moon

>> No.9728839

How tall is he?

>> No.9728876

I have as much hair as this chick >>9728660
Different texture tho Its fucking hell taking care of it . But im to attached to it to cut it

>> No.9729121

I have 4b/4c and a little less than her. I recently went natural. I've never done my hair in my life before a few months ago. I've been putting off doing my hair for weeks. I have to do it today so it won't be dirty but I'm so sad and already frustrated. Luckily I'm getting a blowout for the first time next week. So I'll have a week of hassle-free hair if it lasts that long.

>> No.9729149

why is luka a thing? he just seems like a dweeb imo

i think hes average or even shorter than average. def not tall

>> No.9729217
File: 65 KB, 500x493, tumblr_niui7gPsaQ1sdab7fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lowkey jelly of ian's lifestyle

he's a manlet that made it

>> No.9729223

too bad he's a piece of shit

>> No.9729225 [DELETED] 


actually he's just a black, that's just the color of his skin

>> No.9729242

Lmao autismo's back

>> No.9729255

is it normal to keep finding hairballs in your hair? I feel like I'm losing my hair.

>> No.9729399

I'm no expert but i take pretty good care of my hair and I always have a some . So i guess

>> No.9729413

I personally like is style but for some reason I want to deck his ass

>> No.9729457

I have those too. Be careful when you pull them out, or try to untangle them, because you can permanently/temporarily damage your hair follicles (it can take months for them to heal and for hair to grow out of them).

>> No.9729527
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>> No.9729531
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>> No.9729535


What's your routine you cute little fuck?

>> No.9729543
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>> No.9729547


smdh his head look like a shrunken voodoo head

>> No.9729550
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>> No.9729558
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>> No.9730121

- Wholefoods Mint Conditioner (Post-workout shower) [pretty cheap]
- Untangling, once some dreads/curls become unmanageable. Then olive oil mask and hand-curling some loose hairs that don't naturally curl.
- Wholefoods shampoo (once every two weeks) [pretty cheap as well]
- Veg. diet (chickpeas, avocados, and protein shakes are really good for hair growth)

You can use Vitamin E oil for your hair as well.

- Olive oil and cane sugar scrub.

That's about it.

>> No.9730143

I honestly wonder where this dude is today and what kind of lifestyle allows him to have that hair

>> No.9730164

any job that doesn't involve being an accountant or paper pusher should be fine

>> No.9730167
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I lol'd. Lethal.

>> No.9730203
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>> No.9730674
File: 81 KB, 245x228, avdol-face-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I want to go Avdol core as someone called it. But I realized there's a problem. How are you supposed to sleep with Bantu knots?? I know that if I sleep with four buns it's really uncomfortable. So how do I sleep with like 16??

>> No.9730713

I'm at a loss for words.

>> No.9730812
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 52368-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk how you mean that :(

>> No.9730898


>> No.9730914 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 262x300, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought you coons were leaving for ktt

>> No.9730930

...whats going on here

>> No.9730940

hey piglove how's your day been or did u just wake up? fill us in

>> No.9730956
File: 210 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup everyone, new to this general. Looking to switch things up because I've been rocking a low cut for years. However, I work a job and a STEM internship along with school, so I want to keep things somewhat conservative. Anyone have any ideas?


Cow blowing, a method done by an African tribe to induce more plentiful lactation in the cow by blowing into its... private parts. Yeah.

>> No.9730959
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Shot of hair texture as well, if it helps...

>> No.9730962

oh, i thought he was so hungry he was trying to suck shit out of a cow ass. then i realized if he was that hungry he would just make some steaks

>> No.9730972
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>> No.9730976

So thirsty he drinks horsepiss

>> No.9730981
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That's how my hair grows. What's wrong with it? I don't put product in it or wear a do rag.

>> No.9731037
File: 63 KB, 500x728, Fade On The Temples Cuba-Gooding-Jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have waves naturally?
fucking cool
I think something simple like>>9729550
would work for you; just grow it out and keep the sides trimmed and neat

>> No.9731044
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>> No.9731046
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>> No.9731048


Sounds keen, my only concern is that it would look awkward or like a cheesy 90s high top ripoff because I can't grow a full beard. Any inspo with a clean shaven look?

>> No.9731049
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>> No.9731053
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>> No.9731056
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>> No.9731057 [DELETED] 
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when will the coon leave

>> No.9731063
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>> No.9731064


Well shit, I guess >>9731046 is exactly what I was asking for. Thanks, guys. Any other suggestions?

>> No.9731065

childlike casino

>> No.9731067
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>> No.9731073
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>> No.9731080
File: 51 KB, 473x395, Showy Frizz With Accentuated SidesShowy-Frizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9731084
File: 52 KB, 396x594, Tapered SidesMiguel+56th+Annual+GRAMMY+Awards+Pre+GRAMMY+b3jn5l68LeBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9731086
File: 35 KB, 400x600, Natural Curly TopLuke-James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9731089
File: 3.24 MB, 621x7198, Growing and Maintaining your Natural Hair Guide [Fallen into Obscurity] « Kanye West Forum 2014-12-20 16-25-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9731092
File: 694 KB, 720x819, The-only-hair-type-chart-that-matters-info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9731094
File: 283 KB, 600x681, What-Do-Ayurvedic-Products-Do-For-Your-Hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9731562

can any niggers give me advice on growing and maintaining an afro?

i'm a support worker and my key resident is jamaican, we're trying to grow his 'fro out

>> No.9731916
File: 84 KB, 250x256, 8687701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, currently growing my hair

dop olive oil shampoo and garnier shea butter conditioner to rinse/1x per week
water spray then a bit of "solid" coconut oil and castor oil/1x per week

I don't know if it's good, I feel like I need a moisturizer but I don't know which one i can take, so if someone can help me and also I'm looking for hair growth advices

>> No.9732363

Eh, do something with it. Tie it into a bun until it's longer, then you can wear it out like that.
Stopped liking dreads on guys a while ago, I think they look amazing on women though.
Face structure demands that he cuts his hair.
Turns me on.
Guys please don't.
It works
Looks like shit sprouts.
Dreads on guys usually don't work. Blonde hair on black guys never works. A combination of the two makes my stomach turn.
I like it.
Don't care for it at all.
This style is reminiscent of the hood auntie who braids niggas hair on the porch steps every summer

>> No.9732409

Is this the black whopland

>> No.9732436
File: 89 KB, 456x706, 659870--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in for advice/feedback

>> No.9732676

you spilt some liquid on your top buddy

>> No.9734354

where is tiny man

>> No.9734368

but I gave you three today >>9732978

>> No.9734383

Damn you're right I shouldn't be greedy. Anyways I think your hair looks p good. It looks well moisturized and you have well defined curls. If I HAD to nitpick at something I'd say maybe finger curl a little at the top, unless you want it to be that flat up there. But really your hair is fine and the cut looks good on you.

>> No.9734386

you could have at least worn a clean shirt

>> No.9734388
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>> No.9734397
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>> No.9734408

Yeah, and this was before putting some gel on. Once I style it proportionally with gel it looks better. Thanks, dude.

>> No.9734410
File: 105 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nksuwh8ZLn1u7y1rbo7_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9734425

My word... This is glory right here

>> No.9734430
File: 218 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_nm8lltIY6N1s5yj8ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble finding a gel that doesn't flake. Also I have a lot of hair so I'd use gross amounts and I don't wash daily.

>> No.9734433

this isn't me I'm still posting photos i bump into

>> No.9734460
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>> No.9734475
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>> No.9734476
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This looks great. I've been considering growing a beard like that (also: >>9728454, >>9728584), but idk.

Pic related is what I use everyday, don't have any complaint with it. It also smells nice.

Post hair m8

>> No.9734482

All natural is the way to go, always.

>> No.9734502
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>> No.9734558
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this was actually kind of hard

>> No.9734567
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>> No.9734574
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>> No.9734579
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>> No.9734582
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>> No.9734592
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>> No.9734605
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Okay so I made my hair into this triangular shape. What do you think? I know I desperately need to get my ends trimmed and I will this weekend. What about the general shape?

I can also make my hair this shape too. I usually wear it sorta like this but I tried a new shape.

>> No.9734696

gahh, this is where I want my hair to be
you have to make it a reverse ponytail or something! hahaha
I'll check that out and try it, I've been saddled with the cantu shea butter, or just a shea butter mix my sister makes for far too long.
it's hard to tell w/o seeing your features, but I mean, it looks fine I guess?

>> No.9734920
File: 760 KB, 624x832, IMG_7864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9734931

lol that is a reverse ponytail. I think can think is maybe add coconut oil? It'll help seal the moisture of the cantu in.

>> No.9735102

lol, well, truu truu, I guess I meant that you have to make it a higher ponytail, since your hair is longer, lol

When I use Cantu i generally just put on a plastic cap and let it deep condition overnight, have you tried that before? you could try adding coconut oil, I guess, but I've never really done that, so I can't comment tbh

for a couple of weeks I was just getting my hair wet everynight, and then putting that trader joes tea tree oil conditioner on my hair, and that worked okay, and then one night, I mixed the trader joe's tea tree oil with coconut oil, olive oil and some hot water, and put that on my hair, and it seemed to work well; I liked that.
During that week, I wasn't using the cantu, so idk how/if it's work in tandem with each other.

>> No.9735272

I would usually wash my hair and then leave the cantu in. Lately I've been trying out a different conditioner. So I put in conditioner and then I put coconut oil over the conditioner to seal in moisture. I think I like the cantu more tho.

For me the most important thing is putting it in a braid or some other protected style right after I wash it. I let it dry like that and then it's really chill when I wear it down.

>> No.9735399

hmm, maybe it's because my hair is still kind of short, but i just let it air dry as is after I wet it, but I really should start to braid it or something.

i end up pinning it back into a faux-hawk if I do do anything at all tbh

do you use shampoo? I'm primarily no-poo, unless I put wax or something in my hair

>> No.9735663

>tfw going no poo but your scalp is super fucking itchy now

fuck it brehs, gonna bust out the selsun blue

>> No.9735720

I still use shampoo. I tried to go no poo but I didn't see any noticeable difference. I try to only wash once or twice a week at the max. I might start alternating between washing and cowashing.

>> No.9736428

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AQypFQf0Rg this galll

I too use this gel. Loving it. Usually styling my hair when it's moist.

>cheap af
>can style hair basically any way you want to
>doesn't flake
>p nice smell

>> No.9737182


I hate her stupid fucking face.

>> No.9737306

How'd you get your hair to stick out like that? And the texture?

>> No.9737311
File: 263 KB, 500x750, 1420336213438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on getting hair like this?

>> No.9738515

this guy >>9732436 is p much there. Chat with him about it

>> No.9738870

How did you get it like this?

>> No.9739102

Any scissors will do.

>look at your ears
>find your neck
>stab yourself in your neck

>> No.9739543

suck my dick

>> No.9739564

Black Hideaki Anno.

>> No.9739909

That beard game

>> No.9740320
File: 72 KB, 480x720, 7087075070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gurls have it easier
That gel is great.
>Usually styling my hair when it's moist
yup, I do this every morning after I take a shower.
I guess it depends on the type of hair, but just let it grow for some months (not cutting anything from the front or top) and it will eventually look that way, and of course
styling it that way with gel and your fingers. Keep in mind that I'm mixed with naturally curly hair+I use a texturizer every other month.
read above

>> No.9741002

b-but we get really hot in the summer :(

>> No.9741009 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x670, 1429585781447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the worst threads on 4chan

bunch of reject blackskins gabbing like women about stitching weave into their bur heads.

no offense.

>> No.9741041

go on and post a selfie, why dont u

>> No.9741880

How do I get my hair naturally curly like this?

>> No.9741914

But how do I style? I've only known long haired people to style

>> No.9742391
File: 37 KB, 960x540, 11118316_752234898207647_293476880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine, but what I plan on getting

>> No.9742412
File: 486 KB, 1280x1049, 46986408750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the curlier, the qt-er

>> No.9742833
File: 223 KB, 552x1540, 7647647987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let it grow, man. The inbetween process is going to be shit, but at the end you'll be graceful. Don't take anything off the front or top, only a bit if it's growing unproportionally.

pic related is me, first 2 pics is my natural hair - last two are more recent using a relaxer called Revlon every 2 months (I recommend it), and I style it with a gel and to keep it hydrate it
different oils my aunt gave me (I think there's an infograph above on that). Hope it helps.

>> No.9743066

in each picture is it 2 months of growth?

>> No.9743071

meant to link >>9742833

>> No.9743089


1st to 2nd pic = 1 month of growth
then I cut it all again cause I hated it
3rd pic (1 month of growth) to last pic = about 3/4 months

>> No.9743301

>were we able to help you today?

Yes very much thank you

>> No.9743335


loved asaps hair in this

>> No.9743418

Not when you ask like that.

>> No.9744303


Don't like it? What would you recommend - I'm just starting off :/

>> No.9744306

never gotten a proper hairstyle before

>> No.9744329


post hair

>> No.9744385
File: 175 KB, 893x1024, OTF6Tq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9744395


Real messy atm, haven't combed or brushed in ages. Aside from washing my hair I don't use any products...I have no idea what to use either.

Living in Britain

>> No.9745531

My hair used to look so much like this when it was shorter, damn.. Nearly identical. I recommend trimming your sideburns a little and tucking some curls behind your ear, trust me on this.

>> No.9745566

>when it was shorter
damn son. Post pic

>> No.9746918
File: 33 KB, 500x331, isaiahrashad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want that Isaiah Rashad ting. Is that the kinda shit I'm gonna need to go salon or something to get done or can I just twist it with a nudred or suttin.

>> No.9746929

To add I've never done anything with my hair, most ambitious I get is a 3 on top at barbers so Imma complete rookie.

>> No.9747347
File: 43 KB, 480x270, Ganzo-Keith-Haynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some inspo

>> No.9747456
File: 31 KB, 640x480, image201409130001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really want hair like this but I'm mixed.

and not in a good way like my hair is shit on all levels way. I grew it out for a while but I hated it, it looked weird. so I cut it all off.

here's a picture of me when I still had my hair

>> No.9747543

Well what was your routine when you had hair?

>> No.9747715


I would never shampoo it but just wash it with cold water then condition it and comb it out at least 3 times a week.

Sometimes I would put coconut oil in it.

>> No.9747924

Brandon William

>> No.9748240

Kk. Your hair looks kind of dry in the pic. If you grow it out again, I'd say cowash once a week, apply good leave in conditioner, seal with coconut oil. When you wash it 3x a week you're still rinsing away some of the good oils in your hair. Also what are you mixed with and if you had to approximate your curl pattern what would you say it is?

>> No.9748751
File: 173 KB, 480x596, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the first reply.

>> No.9749147
File: 492 KB, 1080x1920, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go easy, /fa/.

>> No.9749309
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This new barber at the place I go gave me a 1/2 instead of a 1 on the sides. I AM FUCKING LIVID.

>> No.9749332
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Hey, I am getting a haircut tomorrow what should I do with it?

>> No.9749365
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I have that same tank. It was ridiculously cheap, like 3 dollars in the bargain bin at American Eagle.

I like the way your hair is, now. See no reason to change it.

>> No.9749387

Bros for life? or what?

>> No.9749400


Can't tell if you're mixed or a sandperson.

>> No.9749406

Guess baby

>> No.9749424

are you mixed or hispanic, not trying to be a dick your facial features are just not really black

>> No.9749448

I am full hispanic lol do I look bad? I need critique

>> No.9750210


Post more pics

>> No.9750377

Heath Evans has the bills starting off 9-0
Is he high?

>> No.9750487
File: 2.08 MB, 1208x1200, capfro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9750922


>> No.9751091
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>starting to go bald

i want off this ride

>> No.9751134

send help

>> No.9751161
File: 189 KB, 500x281, ngbbs51b62e817a2e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your options if you don't want an afro, deads/twists or a fade? I'm feeling lost

>> No.9751216
File: 505 KB, 641x469, 1429131870110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hat

you just named all acceptable black hairstyles

>> No.9751688

same request

>> No.9751778

>tfw your hair on point but your scalp is super itchy

Time for an ACV rinse this weekend.

>> No.9751871

This is a black hair general and we're confused as to why you're here instead of in the main hair general. Not being mean but read over what we have to do as our hair routines. If you followed them you'd look like a greased fancy pigeon. We aren't really equipped to help with your hair type.

>> No.9752293

he's 5'10-5'11

>> No.9752390


he's the epitome of a fuccboi. no one needs to post him.

>> No.9754854

who is he?

>> No.9756012

My hair grows so fucking slow guys. What am I supposed to do when my hair looks awkward as fuck? Currently at 1 inch length.

>> No.9756342
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Has anyone tried experimenting with GHEE Butter to achieve really soft and moisturized hair? I've been reading on the Afar Tribe and their hair practises since they are living under intense heat and yet, have crazy healthy curls.

>> No.9756347
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>> No.9756350
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>> No.9756356
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>> No.9756370
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>> No.9756526

It's because they're east african breh

>> No.9757457
File: 172 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest /fa/, I'm growing out my hair and was wondering if I could wear this texture out. I'm almost positive this is either 4c or an even kinkiest version of it. My hairs only about an inch and a half when I stretch it out

Invest in a wig or wear it as is as far as the texture goes? Is this texture too bad and if so will Bantu knots work on this kind of hair when it gets longer?

>> No.9757825

ITT: Whacky burnt cheetos

>> No.9757888

can an asian get cornrows ???

>> No.9757979
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>> No.9757988

can they? of course

should they? fuck no, absolutely cringeworthy

>> No.9757994


Hmmm...I think texture and necessary care is different between ethnicities, and the Afar and Beja are East African like this guy says >>9756526, so unless you are as well you might not have the same hair requirements

>> No.9760108

this page has some good resources