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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 476x631, Balloon-dress1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9731519 No.9731519 [Reply] [Original]

Engaged now; however, we can't decide on what to do for the wedding. I just want to elope and use the money for an awesome honeymoon. She agrees, but is afraid that we'll anger our families if we don't have some kind of ceremony.

What constitutes a fashionable wedding? We both agree that the current American version of a wedding is fucking stupid (thousands spent on tacky dresses and suits no one really wants to wear, overrated catered food, shitty pop music with egotistical DJ, cheap liquior and beer at open bar, etc...), but we're drawing blanks on how to have a memorable, small ceremony that satisfies the family and doesn't look like every other pleb ceremony.

What you do, /fa/?

>> No.9731521
File: 32 KB, 721x434, momm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dude fucking srsly?
all weddings are pleb as fuck, you can't make it fashionable.period.

>> No.9731533 [DELETED] 

shut your cuck mouth you incel faggot, you make me sick you degenerate cuck. monotheism means one deity, so not only are you a fucking degenerate you're also an illiterate ill educated faggot.

did you mean monogamy you stupid shit?

congratulations op i hope you're both white.

dont have a ceremony, live a little, adventure.

>> No.9731541

LOL i didn't mean monogamy retard, if he's doing a weddin it'll obviously be a christian ritual or w/e he believes in, retard

>> No.9731559 [DELETED] 

yeh dude thats why faggots and atheists and agnostics get married because its fundamentally christian, right? dumb fucking idiot go back to posting on /b/ you underage shitheel

you think pagans dont get married? you think egyptians didnt get married, hindus dont get married? you're a moron.


>> No.9731565

pigfuck got mad fuck you redneck aspie piece of shit

>> No.9731566

>congratulations op i hope you're both white

Haha, yes we are...well, relatively speaking. We're both American. She's half Italian though :(

As far as adventure goes, we are trying to do 2 weeks in Bhutan.
Naw, neither one of us are religious.

>> No.9731567 [DELETED] 


>> No.9731572 [DELETED] 

>Haha, yes we are...well, relatively speaking. We're both American. She's half Italian though :(
italians are white dude, dont buy into the jewish divide and conquer, italians are fantastic.

make sure you have lots of white children.

>> No.9733247

>She's half Italian though :(

that had better be an ironic smiley OP. If you're seriously disappointed your fiancee's half-Italian you probably shouldn't be marrying her.

>> No.9733257

>getting married

lol what an idiot

>> No.9733311

I'd set a budget and start using pinterest. Even non-cheesy weddings (barefoot in the mountains) can cost a lot. Limit yourself to only the closest family and a handful of friends. Marry somewhere and do a reception somewhere that won't cost much (Someone's nice backyard?). You could also have a party a few months later to celebrate with everyone you couldn't invite.

If you're already engaged you probably know how much your family is willing to pitch. If you already live together consider having one of those fund-our-honeymoon things instead of a wedding registry

>> No.9733345
File: 134 KB, 900x600, handmadeweddings_etsyweddings_realweddings_mountain_140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic I was going to attach

>> No.9733359


jesus fucking christ save yourself a horrible life and run solo

>> No.9733366
File: 44 KB, 396x385, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pretty much muslims

>> No.9733374

>we haven't decided

so she can't decide if she wants to spend all or just most of your life savings?

awesome honeymoon huh?

let me guess bitch hasn't paid for anything in atleast 2 years

>> No.9733384

>Naw, neither one of us are religious.
a wedding is inherently a religious ceremony

>> No.9733386


i saw u neked lol

>> No.9733388

anyone getting married is a retard so are you OP

>> No.9733398




>> No.9733571


not really

not anymore