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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.46 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1429384863801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9722857 No.9722857 [Reply] [Original]

Please help,which looks better?

>> No.9722861

too /fit/

>> No.9722869

lmao at /fit/fags thinking they can ever be fah

go ottermode or go home

>> No.9722874

I want to lift, but I'd never become this big.

>> No.9722877

Left for sure. being /fit/ doesn't lend itself well to layers. Also, loose the fucking tie. It sticks out.

>> No.9722879

to answer your question: the one on the right looks better.

but i imagine it would look equally shitty to the one on the left without the sweater, and that's mainly because your black satin tie is way too formal for everything else that you're wearing. that type of tie belongs on a plain white shirt with a charcoal suit, or maybe some sort of evening wear.

also you look like you're about to crush your phone into piececs

>> No.9722887
File: 23 KB, 340x255, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not even once

>> No.9722890

I like the right best, looking swole my fellow /fit/izen

>> No.9722892


It is actually a somewhat formal event, don't feel like dressing up, so thought the black tie would help lol

>> No.9722894


Thx bby I actually haven't worked out in a week and carb depeleted like crazy so actually small right now haha

>> No.9722898
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20150418_203020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that if youre bigger than this youre too bif

>> No.9722899

This thread is relevant to my interests.

bump for more /fi(rs)t/-world problems

>> No.9722904
File: 178 KB, 1361x1367, IMG_20150418_143312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wore this yest

>> No.9722907

left for SURE, consider ditching the tie. left will get pussy WET. anyone fighting me on this is just wrong.

>> No.9722912


Ugh, dude get a navy tie if you're going to wear navy trousers. Left looks best.

>> No.9722913
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1929291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I can ditch the tie, for sure if needed

These are the shoes I'm wearing.

>> No.9722914

Looks fucking uncomfortable

>> No.9722915

not a fan of the watch, but this outfit looks much more internally congruent.

on a different note, i would advise that you get your shirts one size larger than in this picture so that they'll fit your shoulders better.

of course, this will mean that the bodies of the shirts will be too baggy since you have a slim waist. you can solve this issue by getting them darted (maybe $12) by a tailor. you will then essentially have perfectly fitting shirts.

>> No.9722916
File: 15 KB, 260x260, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shoes

>> No.9722917

>tfw trying to go from /fit/ to /fa/ but only lost 15 lbs so far.

>> No.9722923


i guess the first one. It makes u look strong. the sweater kinda makes u look fat

>> No.9722929

not great but if you're decently tall (6'1+) you're good. also do you shave your forearm? mine are super veiny and it looks kinda weird with the fuzz all over it but thought shaving it was a bad idea.

>> No.9722943


Yeah I am and do brah. Helps show more striations and vascularity no homo

>> No.9722947

They both look very uncomfortable but left without the tie looks better

>> No.9722951


Ok cool this is what I'm going with

>> No.9722952

>falling for the /fit/ meme

>> No.9722957

I used to dress nice and be very skinny barely get girls attention, now I dress somewhat decent, and get 10x more attention

>> No.9722964

i am so glad i stopped lifting after a year

>> No.9722970

as I said, left (without the tie) will get pussy WET.

>> No.9722972

>being /fit/ doesn't lend itself well to layers
this is true. why even lift that much if you're going to cover it up with an ill fitting sweater? that defies the purpose of being this jacked

>> No.9722974

>girls in middle school always rejected me for guys with muscles, and I've never really gotten over it

>> No.9722976

no. this guy could use another 5-15 lbs of muscle before he was ideal

>babby arms


>> No.9722977

the left
you look like youre gonna burst in the sweater
now fuck off beefcake /fa/ is exclusive to 6'7 anorexic fuckboys

>> No.9722989


>> No.9722997
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, I-dont-believe-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9723009

are you a male stripper by chance?

>> No.9723043


Lol no I wish

>> No.9723058

Doesn't matter if you do

>> No.9723063

no tie, right with navy pants

>> No.9723076

This pic serves as a dailer reminder that only skinny/thin people look good in clothes.

There is literally no difference between fat and muscular people when it comes to fashion, they both look ridiculous

>> No.9723090


Strong autism

>> No.9723105

>Roid rage

Please pull a zyzz and drop dead

>> No.9723183
File: 142 KB, 725x713, 1362547407152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are beautiful but your clothes are too small so it looks like you have body image issues. Being /fa/ is very much about appearing naturally comfortable in your own skin, which you don't. Can you even move in those vacuum-sealed pants?

>> No.9723238

>Being /fa/ is very much about appearing naturally comfortable in your own skin,

This is incorrect. Being /fa/ means you realize that humanity and the human form are inherently flawed and you are striving to overcome these flaws by superimposing an aesthetically perfect reality using nothing but fashion.

>> No.9723246

>skeletons actually believe this

>> No.9723250

zach you are so hot please post dick.

>> No.9723257

i'm not /fit/ but this is false.

>> No.9723269

whats your waist size?

>> No.9723272

Hi fatties.

>> No.9723281

well in the pic im wearing 30 in levis but could actually do with a size down. levis are fat guy jeans/vanity sized as fuck tho

>> No.9723302
File: 2.67 MB, 1800x5000, 1375364035976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right

>> No.9723304


Oh, wow, is it 1994 already?

>> No.9723307


Op here also 30 waist
If I wear loose clothes I'll look fat

>> No.9723314

But none of the guys in the image are /fa/. The point you thought you had made -- you haven't made it. Look at how dumb you are.

>> No.9723323

now post dick

>> No.9723330

>post dick

Hi there /fit/.

>> No.9723354

We can see that you lift, you can buy clothes your size now.

>> No.9723366

yh but who wouldnt cheap out on pale jeans

>> No.9723403

You are sort of right, but muscular dudes still look better in clothes than fat people so there's a difference.

>> No.9723439


They are xl/larges lol

>> No.9723443

/fit/izens understandably mad at this, but it is fact.

but hey, at least you look good naked unlike fatties.

>> No.9723552


Guarantee in your best dressed casual wear vs me wearing a plain v neck I will look 100x better and attract much more

>> No.9723567

hurr durr you're really pissed, not our fault that you fuckd up your body now btfo to /fit/

>wearing vnecks
what kind of fucking pleb faggot are you

>> No.9723570

They both look really...forced. I'd go with A as the second just reeks of dadcore and mfa.

>> No.9723592

I'm not OP, but you're really mad.
Also, vnecks look good if the v isn't deep. Essentially a crew but with a v is how they should be, maybe a bit lower.

>> No.9723597


You have the choice between looking fat or looking like somebody who doesnt know how to dress

Whenever /fit/ comes to /fa/ to argue they always say "atleast I look good naked", you could try that too

>> No.9723599

no they don't look good, never lol haha

>> No.9723606


>> No.9723607

no you wont, search up ryan gosling

>> No.9723608


the goose isnt mindlessly muscled up
thats the point of this whole /fa/ /fit/ thing

>> No.9724141

lol you look like shit, and not because you're big, it's because you dress like shit.

>> No.9724313

>being /fa/ or /fit/ for women

Neck urself my man

>> No.9724488

I don't, I was trying to argue his point. Lifting for girls doesn't get you results

>> No.9724501

Would fuck

>> No.9724518

Needs a different tie for both.

>> No.9724952

>middle school
>kids with muscles

>> No.9725537

fuck off

>> No.9725625

/fit/ bump

>> No.9725641

this is why i laugh when people say /fit/ bodies look better, this shit just looks ridiculous

>> No.9726596

You look gay as fuck.

>> No.9726616

nah la'

>> No.9726655

don't wear a tie with a plaid shirt, don't wear a shiny tie at all. also don't wear any sort of v neck and don't wear collared shirts that stick up that much.
the plaid shirt with no tie would be fine.

>> No.9727637

bro I'd love to comment on your fits if I could see them. wtf is that phone? so blurry

>> No.9728138

Alright, I would believe you if not for the fact that I've also seen what gets posted in waywt's. Half of the people there look way more ridiculous than this guy while being skinny as fuck

>> No.9728156
File: 477 KB, 560x500, gigglegalsdotjappeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, why don't you go easy on the bulgogi lardass