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File: 581 KB, 2580x1378, adderall-dubcomusic-com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9708204 No.9708204 [Reply] [Original]

effay drugs thread?

>> No.9708207

Smoking cigarettes are heffay

>> No.9708245
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>> No.9708247


>> No.9708251

I did heroin for years and it is not half as effay as people think. I pretty much turned into the worst person (which could be pretty effay) and looked like SHIT all the time.

When I was doing coke, tho, that was a different story.

>> No.9708295
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high tier

mid tier

shit tier

>> No.9708308


>> No.9708316

In most cases, the image of doing a drug like that is far more fashionable than the reality.

This applies to nicotine, too, by the way. The image of smoking is cool, but most people won't want to be around you when you're smoking and if you smoke a lot you'll smell bad. If you're going to be doing drugs of any kind, please do so responsibly. Know how much you can take and how much of you partaking that others around you can take.

>> No.9708322

popular drugs in order from cool to less cool (unpopular research chems are cooler tho)

>cocaine, especially expensive, purer cocaine
>prescription stims (adderall)
>cigarettes (marlboro reds specifically unless you're smoking to be cool)
Pretty cool
>alcohol (unless you're a dirty fat sweaty chav in a tight fitting paisley polo shirt from primark)
>mdma powder/crystals
>ketamine, LSD, generally intense psychs/dissociatives
>laughing gas

Least cool
>weed (you can still be cool if you smoke weed but if thats all you do and you talk about it all the time you're the opposite of /fa/)
>ecstasy pills

heroin isn't actually cool though it will kill you and if you're not famous you won't even be a cool dead person

>> No.9708336

>ketamine, LSD, generally intense psychs/dissociatives
shrooms are "intense psychs"

>> No.9708339

I agree with your view of weed but using MDMA not just for partying is pretty fa.

>> No.9708341

is doing lean effay ?

>> No.9708353

Before my surgery, the doctor told me to take 40 mg of Valium. That shit was amazing. I'm glad I didn't get a refill because I could see myself getting addicted.

>> No.9708355
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fucked up on these right now

>> No.9708359
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lsd and alcohol

>> No.9708360

and whippets too

>> No.9708362


>> No.9708363

>If you're going to be doing drugs of any kind, please do so responsibly.
this may be true of most people but if you have a family history of addiction, something that should be rather easy to suss out btw, you should not be fucking with a lot of these drugs, not even weed if bodily and mental health are concerns. just about the only thing you might get away with doing fine are psychedelics like lsd and psilocybin since their potential for abuse is so low. you should absolutely stay away from things like opiates, which because of their nature will most definitely fuck your shit up. opiate addicts have a relapse rate of like 90%!

>> No.9708374

opiates are /fa/ asf, what you mean?

>> No.9708377

Diet pills

>> No.9708388

heroin will kill you if you are retarded and OD but that shit is a preservative otherwise....people can be heroin addicts for like 50 years

>> No.9708408

amphetamines aren't fa in the slightest
I took adderall basically everyday for a year. It just turns you into a huge faggot who never shuts the fuck up and goes on and on about shit no one else cares about in the slightest. And then you rage like a little bitch when someone tells you to shut up. I can't stand being around anyone who takes it now, and I don't even believe ADD exsists anymore, it's just an American invention to pump lazy kids full of hard drugs.
All I do anymore is drink, and take the occasional opioid/benzo.
Anything else (aside from occasionally smoking weed) makes you an idiot.
Only other recreation drug with any work is MDMA for post traumatic stress disorder so you can revisit the trauma under guide of a psychiatrist.

>> No.9708482

also, try and read some studies about add you illiterate idiot, adderall has obviously done you little good in regards to studying

>> No.9708507

fuck these threads.

>> No.9708511

L-Theanine - like chugging a gallon of green tea if you take it with caffeine its amazing for focus

>> No.9708514

Only when you're sad

>> No.9708517

Studies? Like the ones that show that ADD exists basically no where outside the United States? And how there's no cases of ADD until 1970 when psychologists "discovered" it.
It's literally psychologists calling a certain personality type a disorder. There's always been overactive kids who don't pay the best attention in class and don't enjoy doing homework. Pumping them full of speed until they become a boring sack of shit personality-less robot, but start doing their homework is a good solution though.

>> No.9708543

how much alprazolam mixed with 80 proof would be lethal for someone weighing 155 pounds

>> No.9708633

Drug overdoses usually fail. By the way no doctor would give you a month supply if that amount of medicine were lethal
Source: career in healthcare

>> No.9708648

>cannabis shit tier and tabcacco high teir

lmao that shit taste.

>> No.9708663

Cocaine is pretty /fa/

>> No.9708668

le smoke weed everyday dude XDDDD

>> No.9708676

luckily there are other ways to get your hands on prescription pills

>> No.9708699

Go back to /b/

>> No.9708703
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I've been rolling on MDMA for the past 2 months. I've probably had over 25 capsules in span. It's the only way I can forget about her bros ;_;

>> No.9708722

>implying I said anything remotely close to that

>> No.9708727

Enjoy your fucked brain bro. MDMA damage is perminant

>> No.9708745

I usually smoke marlboro reds and they're my favorites but is there a more /fa/ brand of cigarette I can buy?
I dont really like rolling fags either.

>> No.9708746


Weed is effay as long as you don't brag about it, tard. Don't make people say things they didn't

>> No.9708751


does adderall/vyvanse increase depression?

>> No.9708754


All white cigarettes, like Dunhill.

>> No.9708756

LMAO. Literally destroying your brain dumbass. How do you even get addicted to mdma? It's honestly shit. And I've had per straight fucking moon rocks lab tested.

>> No.9708766

It's not cool to smoke to be cool, smoke cigarettes you enjoy the feel of, I love how Marlboro reds feel and taste but there are some nice camels and luckys too

>> No.9708772

Ah alright, kinda hard to find those about but I'll keep an eye out for them
My mates usually smoke Embassy kings and offer me trades for one or two of my reds, think they're an alright brand?

>> No.9708774



>effay in any fucking way

Bahahahahahaha. Go book your trip to Burning Man faggot.

Real tiers:




>prescription stims


>heroin (fallen from "elite" in the 90s)


>420 blaze it

Kill yourself:

>acid, shrooms, any other hippie drugs

>> No.9708780





Both pleb shit

>> No.9708783

>he doesn't realize every artistic person ever has used psychs

Honestly retarded. Enjoy your addiction.

>> No.9708786

it drains you of dopamine and norepinephrine

>> No.9708788

adderall actually helps me but i've found that it causes acne. can anyone here suggest an alternative? my problem is slight anxiety/depression and lack of motivation. I find excercise helps, and caffeine, but nothing worked like adderall. I just can't take it without it giving me fuckin bumps on my face. Only thing in the world that does that to me. Advice? Pls, thx

>> No.9708793

>every artistic person

Aka every burn-out community college townie

>> No.9708796

What about speed, salvia and DMT?

>> No.9708797
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That's true, I honestly don't even like smoking m8 but I just do you know?
Feels a bit funny just standing about staring at my phone or something, just feels right having a fag.

>> No.9708802


Modafinil could help you. Doesn't have nearly the euphoric/motivational effect of addy but it's a decent mellow alternative.

There's no such thing as magic though, if you want the GOAT effects of addy you have to deal with the terrible terrible comedown and side effects

>> No.9708807

Kombucha gives me the best Ritalin-like buzz EVER
No idea why

>> No.9708808

>Steve Jobs. Bill Gates.
Would you like me to continue. I don't believe they're magically but once or twice a year is a nice refreshing punch in the gut of reality.

>> No.9708811


Salvia and DMT would fall in the hippie drugs bucket (so kill yourself tier).

I would say speed is solidly mid tier, though it was higher back in the day

>> No.9708813

>Degenerate pot heads think weed is effay

Yeah no, fuck off.

>> No.9708824


Yes because Bill Gates is the epitome of fashion

>> No.9708829


not >>9708808 but you do realize that creativity isn't only in fashion, right?

>> No.9708846

Thanks, yeah i heard modafanil can also have the same side effect but appears to be the best alternative.
someone i know actually makes their own but i still haven't gotten around to trying it. maybe now's the time. thanks for the heads up

>> No.9708851
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when u see weed addicts try to say weed is effay lmao

>> No.9708855


oh god this so much

> started taking this shit
> suddenly I feel like fucking rain man but without all the autism
> feel no hunger and lose 50 pounds in less than 2 months
> wasn't even fat before, but definitely not effay
> now I can wear whatever tight ass pants I want
> always asking myself "what would danny brown do"
> sold all my old clothes, never looking back
> grades are shooting way up from manic productivity sessions
> so much motivation to go after internships now
> watching all my competition get comfortable and plateau on boring shit

Addy is literally magic in the form of a pill. When are countries going to start making super soldiers out of this shit?

>> No.9708862

Brian Wilson
Syd Barrett
Terence Mckenna
Aldous Huxley
Francis Crick
to name a few

>> No.9708866

where to get outside of nyc

>> No.9708877
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same, but md helps me talk to other girls at least

i'm not too worried about longterm damage, i'm not too interested in longterm

>> No.9708879

Literally every musician and most fashion designers and even painters have taken psychs.

>> No.9708880
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hahahahahahahah dude seriously? they sell kombucha at any health food store with a fridge
I live in the middle of nowhere and can get it from like 5 different places
Probably the most prominent brand

>> No.9708885

enjoy it until the addiction, inevitable side effects and tolerance gets you.

>> No.9708893

w2c adderall in the uk?

>> No.9708896

my personal list



>wouldn't do them with someone elses body.

coke. all the people I have ever met who do coke are fat, unintelligent, narcissistic, hateful dingbats.

Heroin. Everyone I know who did this drugs has had their life curb stomped into shambles.

Weed.- makes me feel manic, stupid, and uncomfortable.

>> No.9708912
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rolling your own is the most effay

>> No.9708920


I'm already starting to hit that wall with tolerance, honestly. But I don't want to increase because my weight is good and I don't wanna replace all my basics again. I'm considering trying something else like strattera to level me out, or maybe just upping my caloric intake to balance the increased metabolism.

Either way life was a lot worse before I went on it, so fuck it, I guess I'm on that stim life now.


If it's anything like America, just see a doctor. Street adderall is a ripoff. I get entire bottles of 25mg for $7 with my health insurance, and here in the US a single 10mg pill is usually $3. Even if you're a richfag, that math is whack.

>> No.9708924

Effay tier:
> cigarettes
> coffee
> powder coke
> heroin
> prescription stims and opiates

Pretty normal tier:
> alcohol
> benzos
> ketamine

Highschool tier:
> weed
> "vaping"

Joe Rogan fan tier:
> mushrooms
> mescaline

Ratchet and redneck tier:
> crack
> meth
> huffing
> benadryl

>> No.9708932

spot on.

end of discussion.

>> No.9708937

longterm becomes shortterm eventually man.

you are diving head first into a lifetime of regrets

>> No.9708963

>stims top tier
>downers low tier
What are you, a half-retarded faggot? This world is too much to bear for anyone smarter than average joe. Stims don't exactly counteract those feelings.

>> No.9708968

the worst is the "look like barbie smoke like marley" kinds of girls. That is my cousins favorite thing to say

>> No.9708971

Ketamine is most effay because it's fucking impossible to find right now

I say this, I've just done a fat line

Be jelly, fuckers

>> No.9708972

Everyone saying kiddie drugs like Adderall is either Tao Lin or a faggy liberal arts student. Please discuss your autism medications somewhere else.

>> No.9708976


This would be fucking perfect if heroin didn't literally destroy your life quicker than most of the things on that list. But I guess that doesn't necessarily disqualify it from being "effay," only that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Also being dead and/or stuck in rehab is a pretty hard to pull off. Some people manage though, just make sure you're famous before that happens.

Still pretty accurate though.

>> No.9708980

>calling others degenerates

>> No.9708982

why would you ruin your health

>> No.9708984

Psychedelics don't make you addicted or "burnt out", you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9708985

there's something inherently uncool about shrooms, can't put my finger on it, i tried them but they seemed just like a shitty acid and it felt very much like a hippy stoner drug

>> No.9708988

You should try anything I supppose.

Coke is apparently fab, but I hated it.
Alcohol, ok.
Pills(xtc,2cb) but good x so rare.

anyways, in my teens I looved speed, only drug I miss, it's kinda tacky I guess. But yeah, I used to get lots for free cause here it's so cheap and easy to get candy(even real good coke). But partying gets lame, kinda want to quit smoking and drinking too now. Haven't had anything messing up my brain for 5 years.

>> No.9708989

Being a decrepid old junker isn't very effay

>> No.9708994



> muh coke lines are more effay because it's expensive and I saw it in movies
> muh heroin addiction is the same as actually dressing heroinchic r-r-right

stay pleb

>> No.9709003

>Some people manage though
Yeah, like 70% of heroin users, meaning most of them.

>> No.9709017


Maybe I'm just drinking the media kool-aid then, I myself have never done heroin. I just some people that fucked up their lives on it, whereas everything else in the effay tier was stuff that's pretty easy to control.

>> No.9709020

All shit or overrated except for Brian Wilson.
>citing the worst Pink Floyd member
>citing a guy who only wrote about drugs

>> No.9709027

Dat projection
>I make unhealthy decisions because strangers on a Chinese cartoon website told me to

>> No.9709029
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my lifetime is already a lifetime of regrets lol

>> No.9709030
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Is LSD effay? I'm thinking about taking some alone, but I don't want to end up accidentally killing myself or some shit.

>> No.9709035
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>> No.9709042

This might be the worst thread in the history of this board.

>> No.9709054


>> No.9709057

Lsd doesn't make you kill yourself retard. When you get some don't put it under your tongue. Swallow the tab so you know it isn't fake. Only real acid will work if you swallow it. Also listen to some nice tunes.

>> No.9709060


Nigga do not take it alone


>> No.9709063

i'm sorry little anon )):

did he hurt your feelings by saying mean words?
remember to have parents permission before going online (:

>> No.9709078

hella triggered

you'll reply to my post too

>> No.9709085


you're in a drug thread calling stims kiddie shit

you're either trying to be hardcore or just top memeing m8

>> No.9709091

LSD is most bioavailable sublingually
also you will get a gassy/cramp sensation if you swallow the blotter

>> No.9709125

My tier: Lithium

Social Tier: Nicotine mainly when drinking
Drinking just about whenever if you're with the right company
Weed casually and depending on the type of day, if you're from California like me then it's as common as a cigarette
Cocaine if there's a party
Narco or downers if there's nothing to do
Heroin addiction isn't effay but having some experience with it is
Ecstasy is never effay and has no effect on me
LSD and shrooms are effay if you have the right trip otherwise its boring and makes you feel stupid
Adderall is effay if you're prescribed otherwise lol what

>> No.9709126

Yes but if you don't know if your acid is real or not you should swallow so you won't have die on nbomes.

>> No.9709146

In truth I prefer to stay clean, but it bugs me when teens try to say that taking drugs literally given to children is 'hard' or 'effay' or whatever they want to call it. Bragging about drug use in general is for tools if you're anyone but a rapper.

>> No.9709154

I agree with this mostly
having a minor benzo problem is pretty /fa/ lets be honest

>> No.9709157

Benzos are for queers. Shit drug

>> No.9709162

Lithium is a kinda dangerous, dude
As in, unless you're getting regular bloodwork, you shouldn't take it at all
That shit'll land you in the hospital or on dialysis

>> No.9709169

yeah but if you're taking them recreationally just to get through the day because you're so depressed ur doing something right

>> No.9709173


Don't worry it's for my bipolar 2 and actually helps

If I'm drunk enough I can easily become manic
Plus too much cocaine gives me mad anxiety now otherwise it helps a lot

>> No.9709180

Or you could buy from a well-established vendor whose product has been GC-MS verified.

>> No.9709190


Having a lot of friends who had some sort of benzo addiction or problem I will say they were all generally effay

and or cool people in general minus when they were going downhill

>> No.9709191

Yah I agree. I'm just saying most people don't do that.

>> No.9709224


I agree dude, I would never brag about my drug use to other people, but having some life experiences can add character and the thread is really just a joke on how drugs are perceived by society.

I would never call adderall hard, but that being said, it really shouldn't be given to children (I've seen it happen before and stims stunt growth and really fuck up developing bodies) and taking it without a prescription can fuck some people up worse than coke. Calling it autism pills just makes you look like a tryhard.

So in other words, if this thread isn't funny to you, consider a palewave thread. You seem like you could use some loosening up.

>> No.9709251

>"what would danny brown do"
Top kek. Sounds like a good feel anon, just be careful alright?

>> No.9709256
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>on adderall right now
>tfw no xanax connect

>> No.9709300

Stuff works really well but if you have any anxiety I wouldn't suggest using it. L-theanine made me have panic attacks n shit if I took too much of it, and/or too much caffeine as well. It also made my mouth super dry which can be pretty un-effay.

>> No.9709316

who is this
>seamon demen
>cum bum
>nut butt
>jack rack
>cum garage
>jizz dumpster
>skeet rag

>> No.9709357

Etizolam is the only /fa/ drug atm.

>> No.9709399
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>> No.9709423

How do I join the pills master race if I'm in the uk? Its hardly as if they're selling the things in Boots.

>> No.9709433

the thing about pills is it's as easy as swindling your doctor into writing you a prescription

>> No.9709444

So what would I do, just complain I can't concentrate for long periods at a time and bob's your uncle?

>> No.9709449

where can i buy adderall

>> No.9709468

Stop doing things like that

>> No.9709516

Pot is for juveniles and niggers.

>> No.9709557

You must love it then.

>> No.9709561

nice anon, nice

>> No.9709563


god tier

high tier
>beans(don't overuse, no one likes a depressed f/g talking about the upcoming music festival)

mid tier
low tier

>> No.9709575

Depends what you mean by manage.
Honestly, I think you're just a poser but "managing" doesn't mean not becoming a hopeless, homeless junkie. It's still going to financially ruin you.

>> No.9709591

>in a society where social retardation is commonplace.


>> No.9709600

Why do people have such shit taste?

>> No.9709638

drugs aren't very /fa/ to begin with. a seldom use benzos and mdma is pretty /fa/. anything else and you look like a degenerate.

>> No.9709650

>use benzos
lmao are you yung lean

>> No.9709708
File: 27 KB, 495x310, young_usage_rates_marijuana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites and lack use marijuana at similar rates.
Whites youths use marijuana more than black youths.

>> No.9709766

Most whites grow out of it after they hit 25.

>> No.9709773

agree with this except for MDMA, that shit is fuccboi tier

>> No.9709789

>cigs and coffee seem way to basic to me, just an opinion
only old people do coke where I live
mostly a homeless drug, injecting is pretty awkward and not very fa.

this leaves per stims n opiates, the only drugs I believe are truly fa af. pills are the pinnacle of drugs.

>> No.9709807

besides using green text wrong, you are completely right

>> No.9709811

first off heroin is an opiate

second, you can smoke and snort H, no need to inject.

In terms of methods of use and how effay they are:


>okay tier

>u dun goofed tier

>> No.9709820


>> No.9709844

>not getting the most out of your drugs by absorbing them through your rectum

Seriously though, in terms of economy (i.e. hours of fun per gram used), intensity and comfort, rectal is the best way to go for a lot of things. If you like MDMA and are prone to vomiting on the come up, putting it in your butt is a great way to bypass that, for example.

>> No.9709855

That's some shit some poor fags do. Just buy more drugs you degenerate.

>> No.9709856

are vicodin and vyvanse fa?

>> No.9709861
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my list

>> No.9709869

ight man

>> No.9709883
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vicodin yes


>> No.9709886

Dang OP managed to avoid being listed on the shit list

>> No.9709891
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>all these stage 1ers

>> No.9709924

it's not entirely safe though. you'd be messing around with very sensitive muscle tissue and introducing your body to chemicals that would normally be broken down and neutralized by your digestive system. that is potentially very dangerous.

>> No.9709939

-You, 2015

>> No.9709949

He's not wrong dumbass. Look at people almost dying from but chugging.

>> No.9709960

They do, but not because of his reasoning.

>> No.9710010

this is pretty tru for people with shit morals and bad self control. it's not just opiates. I have friends that use cocaine daily, and even a few that fiend over weed. drugs + shity childhood seem to always have bad outcomes.

>> No.9710033

You're a stage 1. Aren't you?

>> No.9710076

And at that point whites and blacks use Marijuana at a similar rate.

>> No.9710080

straight edge. I have watched to many of my friends destroy their lives. use to do molly, blow, adi and smoke cigs but very seldom.

>> No.9710084

>got prescribed like 40 percocet while my toe was broken
>took most of them
>didn't feel any desire to keep taking them after daily use for close to a month

feels safe man

>> No.9710094

Only at a certain age.

>> No.9710103

Did you nod?

>> No.9710118

Always wanted to smoke with a pipe, unfortunately it's fedora as hell.

>> No.9710124
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it was my first opiate experience so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was pretty intolerant at first so I'd take like 10mg and KO after 10 minutes just chillin in bed with my dog (he was very comforting). then after a while seein as it was my right big toe and I couldn't drive anyways I was just cruisin on em throughout the day to keep the pain down but I stopped feeling high off em after like a week and a half cause I didn't up the dosage. I ended up having like 10 left over.

it was chill though one night me n a few friends all took em and played magic the gathering like some nerd shits but all wavy

>> No.9710132

u should try snuff tobacco like a northern europe mountain man

although I think u get more high from the brain cell loss from sneezing so much than from the tobacco itself

>> No.9710140

You're only going to crave your next hit if you're depressed/insomniac/anxious/stressed OR properly nodded.

>> No.9710160

>takes MDMA to get over an ugly bitch

>> No.9710165

yeah I was doin pretty well for myself at the time besides having a broken toe so I really only wanted more percs when I was in pain. broke my fucking big toe in 3 places it never healed the same lel

after light use of benzos I can say those are overrated too unless you're actually having anxiety. Vyvanse is my recent favorite script drug though.

>> No.9710178

Alright fair enough, just don't use that "I wont get addicted this time" mentality, please if you ever get some opis again.

>> No.9710187

I'm from the Northeast US where opiates and now heroin in particular are an absolute epidemic, just a couple weeks ago someone I know died of a heroin OD. I've heard tons of stories about it, my cousin even was on the nod for a while and she was enrolled in one of the best schools in Boston. I have no interest at all in using opiates for fun, cause it's not fun lol it just puts you into a REM-less sleep where you don't move and makes your shit bind up. lame drugs that people fall for and let Al Qaeda win

>> No.9710310

Clonidin 0.2 mg, gets me pretty chill

>> No.9710338
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Eat shit OP. I'm so sick of people without ADHD taking prescription stimulants. All it does is make people think my disorder is less legitimate. fuck off. As someone who takes it everyday to feel like a normal fucking person its hardly this ultra insecure bullshit pandered on here called "effay"

>> No.9710361

cry me a river

>> No.9710367

L theanine doesn't trigger anxiety in virtually all cases. caffeine was probably doing it to you, or the minor withdrawal from it

>> No.9710372

u sure are excited about what other ppl put in their body

>> No.9710383

I just ordered 100g of Banisteriopsis caapi and 100g of Psychotria viridis on eBay

am I /fa/ yet

>> No.9710403
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do you also like when people ruin your image? make you look like you're just "lazy"

this happens amongst those with chronic pain, panic attacks, etc. A bunch of retards who dont have these problems take the meds for them without the need, and do something fucking dumb, and all of the sudden, "pillz r evil!, homeopathy, you don't need pills, ur just addicted!" to people with legitimate problems and you fucking morons minimize all of that because you're just fucking faggots.

Amph. salts are already expensive as shit, and theres a huge stigma about adhd, all your going to do is cause some sensationalist media to pick up on your "recreation" of schedule 2 drugs, and work to get them banned.

more like pissed. sorry i like to enjoy my life and be able to hold a thought for more than a minute

>> No.9710405

kek, moon rocks

yeah okay bud, hope you enjoyed your methylone

>> No.9710421

implying i'm going to read all this babble

>> No.9710425

I'm on a choline/noopept regime

caffeine/vaped nicotine

I don't like weed or coke and heroin makes you dependent which isn't cool

>> No.9710433

stay a retard then, enjoy oxidative stress because you don't shit

>> No.9710434

being a slave to your vices is literally the only thing thats cool anon

>> No.9710444
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noopept is placebo lmfao

>vaped nicotine

>> No.9710458

Yes but only after like 3 years of taking it every morning then the depression faded away. source: adhd fag

>> No.9710460

I take noopept and pramiracetam together
then kratom for work/allergies/anxiety/sleep and on some days if i have a date or need something extra, i take phenibut

>> No.9710461

Implying I didn't get the shit straight from Belgium you cocksucker. Its nice while you're on it but feel like shit after. It's for degenerates.

>> No.9710472

Add "being generally miserable" to effay

>> No.9710502

>2019 - 4
>fucking up your greentext

pre and post load with supplements, eat benzos or phenibut, take 5-htp and egcg for the next couple days. literally no hangover or comedown. it's not mdmas fault that you eat drugs like a degenerate.

>> No.9710513

No, unless you live a lie right now. You tend to realize it when your head isn't full of brain fog. You finally see "man what am I doing with my life" objectively. it goes away.

If you take care of yourself and be responsible, it has by and large made mine go away. Responsible means, eating properly, working out, drinking water, and not taking abusive quantities

this isn't true. The worse that happens is it destroys receptors(which happens millions of times a second anyway). Synaptic gaps are flooded with dopamine, but that doesn't cause neuron death, or any lasting damage, which is what happens to Meth users. You are eventually unable to feel pleasure because you destroyed all your ability for dopamine to bind to receptors(the few that are left)

Dexedrine, Vyvanse
Adderall actually made mine go away, because I can't eat like a fat shit anymore, so I just have much clearer skin

>> No.9710529

Also it is neurotoxic. Goodbye brain cells.

>> No.9710530

They prescribed Adderall to US soldiers for ages. They use modafinil now.

Try taking some antioxidants friend, and don't overdo it. Dont strive for the "RUSH", because that is supposed to stop happening. be smart with your use or you may reach a point where it stops working for you

>> No.9710542

you can prevent neuron damage by using those antioxidants since the real danger is in free radicals. dont push your luck though

>> No.9710551

why do you guys like to feel like shit?

Do you just want other people to know that your struggling?

are you all in middle school

>> No.9710554

That's cool, anon
Why did you decide to take your grandma's blood pressure medicine though? Basically, only people with health problems (or health care workers) know that clonidine drops your bp enough to make you drowsy without giving you really jittery effects + respond tachycardia like hydralazine

>> No.9710563

mark, drugs make you feel good you goof

>> No.9710564

*rebound tachycardia

>> No.9710618

if drugs make you feel bad, then you have deep rooted personal issues that you probably haven't even admitted to yourself

drugs can help you on your road to recovery, but only if you're willing to put in the work :^)

>> No.9710621

Krotam + Weed.

>> No.9710680

why are you smoking what other people tell you to? smoke what you like

>> No.9710682

how effay are anti-depressants?

>> No.9710743

SSRIs are zombie tier. u will be ryan gosling from drive.

>> No.9710757

does anyone have those vectors of the drugs that a guy did a few months ago?
he was taking requests, i remember one specifically was xanax

>> No.9710770

I take it to study for exams and whatnot and the come down is shit. Id you don't rest to eat,sleep and allow your body to recover before taking the next dosage it really does more damage than good.

Good example was me going into a chem exam yesterday having taken one too many dosages with little rest in between. Couldn't put shit down on paper. But once you figure out how to maximize its effects its a nice drug to have on hand.

>> No.9710877

college campus

>> No.9711759


wait really I always feel crampy when I come up but I also always swallow the tab after it's been in my mouth for a while should I not do that

>> No.9711769

I just got health insurance again.

How do you get prescriptions for good drugs to take recreationally? (aderall, etc?)

Can you get them from a regular checkup? I don't want this costing me a lot of money.

I live in CA if that makes a difference.

>> No.9711778

>tfw started antidepressants last week
>tfw can't get a boner
well it's not like i have a gf so i suppose it doesn't matter.

>> No.9711805


Stims are a relatively rare adjunct treatment for depression, so probably not.

There's this thing called homeostasis, also mood is not even remotely as simple as decreasing the levels of a couple of neurotransmitters, it's insanely complex and we don't actually understand it fully.


Depends how much you are taking it and how healthy you are.

You have make sure you stay well hydrated, well fed and well rested. Otherwise you get what you're describing. Which may well be unavoidable when abusing it like that.

When I take it and do the above mentioned things, the comedown is very smooth, I know that it is wearing off when I catch myself making more of the same mistakes.

source : adhdfag

>> No.9711807


Talk to your doktor about it, there's usually a couple ways to tackle that

>> No.9711808

Well I'm a britbong, and my doc was super stringent on giving me tiny amounts of diazepam even as a (genuine) diagnosed general anxiety, depression and body dsymorphic disorder sufferer. Fuckin ridiculous.

I also asked for melatonin so I could fix my sleep patterns and she said fucking no... might just be that chinese are kikes with the meds

I spend shit tons of money on benzos/opiods online instead, fuck this gay earth

>> No.9711815

I was on SSRIs for a half year and they didn't help at all even with increased dosage, turned me into a pure sloth. Fuck it... (sertraline/zoloft is what I was on)

I came off them on my own and was crying and whimpering 24/7 for a week with withdrawal though. I feel much better off them, even if its just mental

>> No.9711821

Fight fan detected

>> No.9711838
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How often can you take adderall without frying your brain? Or is that a myth?

>> No.9711846

underrated comment

>> No.9711848

guys, please be careful. i know an internet stranger telling you drugs are bad doesn't mean anything to you guys, but your head can get really fucked up

endorsing opiates is so irresponsible for your own health

most addicts i know agree that opiates are not fun or cool, and if you still think they are, you just haven't had enough

i was only taking pills 1-2 times per week, thinking it was safe, but i was addicted
that combined with all the other random shit i used in between those times has really fucksd me up

it is so painful realizing your consciousness and the essence of "you" is permanently altered
it's so painful not being able to remember what it feels like to exist fully because the part of you that has experienced it is gone

sorry for the feels

>> No.9711857

Not fashion related

>> No.9711858

why would you take the time to make that?

>> No.9711861

lol. My phyc literally gave me some melatonin for free. I was like "yeah I'm starting to get into a better routine, but my sleep scheduled is all messed up". And he handed me a packet of melatonin he had laying around. Go see a better quack.

>> No.9711864

what exactly does adderall do to your brain
someone said i should try taking some when i said i easily give up on study because the problems are too hard then i feel like shit

>> No.9711867

Melatonin isn't over the counter in Europe? I take that shit sometimes, it gives me insanely vivid and bizarre dreams. I don't like it.

>> No.9711870

Used to take 50-60mg a night when I was at my most depressed and anxious

unfortunately I can't take benzo's anymore without getting intense withdrawals afterwards

>tfw can't get barred anymore :(

>> No.9711874

Fucking weird that they prescribe phets for ADD in America, but here in the UK we use Methylphenidate which doesn't make you chat shit and helps me with both my ADHD and anxiety
Gone from being that kid who's school report always said 'has potential but doesn't utilise it' to top of most of my uni classes

>> No.9711876

I'm a nurse
Pt came in once
Didn't tell anybody that he was addicted to melatonin
Started showing signs of dyskinesia after like 24 hours of withdrawal

>> No.9711877

Most benzo overdoses fail because people forget that they're trying to kill themselves before taking enough pills/booze to manage it
Fucking benzo amnesia is the funniest shit

>> No.9711881

Salvia is shit but DMT is effay as fuck
Swear to god most of the people on here must know nothing about drugs culture and its interaction with the fashion community

obviously coke and heroin are the most heavily associated with the scene but being intellectual and philosophical is /fa/ as fuck and psys can help cultivate that

Obviously dickhead hippies give them a bad rep, but that doesn't make them inherently un/fa/

>> No.9711882

Are you guys talking about this shit? You can't just buy this at the grocery store in Europe?

>> No.9711885
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Fucking forgot image.

>> No.9711888

Mixed Amphetamine Salts (Adderall) aren't prescribed in the UK, we prescribe methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Dextroamphetamine which isn't nearly as good as adderall.

If you want Adderall you're gonna have to go on a TOR marketplace but don't do that unless you know what you're fucking doing, and be prepared for the fact that shit is NOT cheap

>> No.9711894

>tfw my 2 favorite drugs are cocaine and xanax

a-am i effay

>> No.9711896
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the drugs u take do not make u effay

the drugs u take in particular are pushing and pulling your mind in 2 polar directions and its not good for u!!!

btw any coke you think you've done is at very best probably 33% pure so good job hope it was all free

>> No.9711909

>tfw you become a heroin addict and can't afford anything anymore

>> No.9711918

Yeah it's not safe to take it habitually, especially in high doses

>> No.9711919
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did u afford some loli pantsu tho

>> No.9711941

Heroin usage tier

>Junkie tier
>I'm scared of needles but I do it a lot
>Smoking is to hard tier
>I'm a faggot

>> No.9711949

They used to use methamphetamine, the germans dolled them out during blitzkriegs and gave them to sentries.
Supposedly hitler was addicted to the stuff and he once ranted and raved to musalini all night because of it.

>> No.9711954

>Fun with nature tier
>Chilling after work tier
>party tier
Hard alcohol
>need to get shit done tier
>awkward fuck tier
>I want to chill out more then usual tier
opiate pills
>I hate my life and want to die tier
>shit tier
Doing anything to be effy or cool
"legal alternatives"

>> No.9711960

Holy FUCK you guys are gay as shit, get real lol.

>> No.9711970

I'm trying to give myself the final push to kill myself. Either via hanging or OD.

>> No.9711976
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Amphetamines (mdma, adderall, amphetamine)
2C family


Weed (nice for relaxing but not effay)

>> No.9711991

theres no brain frying if you dont abuse, if you abuse you will probably experience insomnia and thats what will fuck you up the most, as well as the countless other side effects that go along with abusing that shit

>> No.9711993



fuck off self harming faggot

>> No.9712061

Pure MDMA is pretty cool. But most stuff is 70% MDA.

>> No.9712085

shrooms is effay cause its comfy
dissociatives should be higher on your list
lsd is not effay at all

>> No.9712096
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only xanax is effay

>> No.9712097

>bitches about addictive potential of heroin
>uses nicotine products

>> No.9712738

I take it as needed, I wouldn't guess I'd develop tachycardia from intermittent use? Not sure what you mean about hydralazin? There's direct side effects of increased heart rate from this, where in clonidin there are not. Rebound hypertension guessingly wouldn’t effect me, my normal BP is on the low side anyway. And even if rebound hypertension is probably applying to like people who are coming off substances where they need a healthy amount of the stuff to ease their substance withdrawls, not such low doses to basically chill out. I think it’s only secondary hypertension that could increase heart rate, but even this is indirect, it’d come from some other complication that causes the secondary hypertension in the first place. I monitored my BP and BPM for a while when I first started and it's been fine

Kinda funny though, diagnosis anxiety, side effects anxiety, uwot

>> No.9712805

uhhh m8 it won't be MDA, that's actually actually a much rarer and more expensive chemical. I'd actually rather have MDA than MDMA tbh.

I think what you mean is that it might be methylone, a cheaper and similar/ weaker drug. People who have rolled on pure MDMA will be able to tell the difference, noob candy ravers won't, which is why a lot of street stuff tends to be M1.

>> No.9712825
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>not fashion related thread
>200+ posts


>inb4 "muh lifestyle"

>> No.9712833

i would bet that most of this board's favorite designers have taken, and enjoy psychedelics

>> No.9712840

fellow britbong here, your doctor is a hard ass.

Or maybe mine just doesn't care. I've bluffed my way through several benzo prescriptions with no trouble, but I guess it helps that I'm diagnosed with anxiety.

It's actually cheaper for me to get benzos off the street though with prescription charges on the NHS, so I only do this if I can't find a connect. I don't really use them myself, it's more for if my friends have freak outs on other drugs, I like to have some handy.

>> No.9713120

I absolutely agree, was that comment intended to contradict me? If so you misunderstand

>> No.9713175

>take 20 MG adderall once
>take same dose again two weeks later
>feels like half as strong as the first time
>take same dose again after like 2 months
>feel literally nothing

fucking bizarre drug. getting addicted to it must be so easy.

>> No.9713181

have you not realized already that every 4chan board is just /b/ but with a theme?

>> No.9713211

what's wrong with ecstasy pills?

>> No.9713218

it's garbage, just buy pure molly and mix it with some speed and tada you have ecstasy without the baking soda.

>> No.9713222

but I'm not from from the first world and I'm poor even by my country standards

>> No.9713227


>> No.9713242

Dexadrine is literally the same shit minus Levoamphetamine you dumbfuck.

taking L-amph on its own just induces panic attacks, dex is *technically* a better drug for its purpose

>> No.9713247

You'll ruin md if you keep doing that. Only the first 50 or so rolls are fun and after that there's no point

>> No.9713250

You should worry more about your heart exploding rather than your brain frying. All taking excessive doses will do is build dramatic resistance, and probably not even make you focus better.

still don't do it, really, theres a moderate risk of heart failure at high doses(non-therapeutic)

>> No.9713253

there are a ton of factors that come into play when taking adderall (any stim really) to maximize it's efficiency

Your blood alkaline level is important, also having an empty stomach/GI

Read up on that stuff if you guys want to get the most out of /fa/'s drug of choice

>> No.9713266

but what if i'm already auschwitzcore body-type wise and don't want to lose weight?

>> No.9713283

is the best way to get adderall in uk by buying it online?

>> No.9713293

ADHD is a legitimate phenomenon, caused by poor absorption of dopamine and reduced working memory/frontal lobe function. Its comparable to frontal lobe damage anatomically.

It exists in pretty much all countries, even eastern europe has it. Theres a stigma as a society because of dumbfucks like you who have never taken an organic chemistry class in your life. you dont know shit about fuck, so let people who do, talk about it.

if you really need some sources or "proof" of its existence. i'll link countless papers and sources. overdiagnosis =/= nonexistence

>> No.9713300

Methylphenidate is Ritalin, which has similar effects. Canada uses Dexedrine, which is practically Adderall with no L-amph. Its a shame that countries ban it, Concerta didn't work for me at all, and made me feel awful, however Adderall makes me feel normal

>> No.9713304

>even eastern europe has it
because... that's the last place you'd look for it?

>> No.9713311

well youre fucked. Its really hard to eat when on it, as it suppresses appetite(dopamine absorption)

it becomes incredibly easy to eat like shit. or not at all. carbs are all you ever have the desire to even somewhat eat.

probably, or just move to a nonshit country. Or just get prescribed Ritalin, if it doesnt work out for you, maybe Vyvanse is legal there. what a backwards country britain is

>> No.9713326

Eastern Europe/balkans/ex-yugo aren't exactly known for their renowned medical practices.My point was more of a critique that ADHD has a stigma, created entirely by those with no understanding of chemistry, ie; most people. Many people just think its a choice and lack of discipline, and may even work to ban medication for it. A lot of physicians aren't Psychiatrists, and don't really have the training for such a thing, and are more susceptible to not diagnosing it based off personal feelings towards it. I feel like many people in eastern europe don't think its legitimate

>> No.9713355

Anything outside of social drinking isn't /fa/. It's fun to dabble and try new things, but addictions are tacky. Being fucked up in a social setting is going to make you do things that you wouldn't do sober. Losing control isn't /fa/. Being friendly and working a room is.

This is coming from someone who has gone out nearly every weekend since I was 16. I've had a lot of fun trying substances but I've also gone over the limit and done embarrassing things. Maybe it's just the end of town I grew up in, but I think drugs are very highschool (even though I'll continue doing them occasionally, despite my best interests).

>> No.9713372

i use weed and alcohol to get around social anxiety but i feel like im becoming to dependent on alcohol and im worried i'll start becoming addicted are pills better than alcohol addiction im just to scared to call the doctors

>> No.9713376

Something people fail to realize is that looking mysterious doesn't actually work. Being a mute dressed in all black looking at the ground and being depressed isn't actually cool. People won't talk to you, and you won't make any friends.

>> No.9713438

Exactly. I was always the "cool edgy hipster kid" in highschool. Invited to everything but I didn't really socialize. It's caught up to me in my 20s now that I'm trying to network. I'm studying comp sci and was DJing at the launch of a tech start up... shook a lot of hands and met a lot of people, but I didn't connect with anyone new that way I wanted to because I was afraid to put myself out there.

>> No.9713439

All the hipster/bohemian/artist types roll their own and I guess they are considered the most /fa/ so agreed.

>> No.9713712

unless ur in canada

>> No.9714086

how much weed and alcohol in a week?

>> No.9714595

UK actually

Apparently the new supply is coming from Germany, inresa stuff. S isomer tho, so very short acting, and you'd be lucky to find it sub £30/g.

>> No.9714631

o yeah? every time i copped it in london past couple months its been garbage and expensive

hopefully the supply will keep goin

>> No.9714661

Until about a month ago the same was the case in Birmingham, then we found a guy who dealt "ket" (scare quotes because it was deff MXE, still good tho), who then actually started dealing proper stuff.

tbf I've been stupid lucky with k dealers through this drought, only effect on me really is the fucking price. I used to bulk buy at like £12/g, now I'm desperate enough to drop £40+ on it. Ugh.

>> No.9716861
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Pic related looks pretty alpha to me.

>> No.9716875

How cool is not doing any drugs if you don't throw it up in people's faces?

>> No.9716900

maybe if you did drugs more often, you wouldnt throw up in peoples faces whenever you have a drink or a toke

captcha: LADsz

>> No.9716904

yeah i been trying some ppls all over london but theyve been 40 a pop if i buy single Gs and they feel like 25% potency

yh i had no idea how good i was getting it when it was 10 a gram like 6 years ago, or even 15 and 20 more recently..

>> No.9716908


Tom Hardy would look alpha even when eating shit.

>> No.9717132

What is the risk in dealing xanax? Will people die? I'm broke as fuck and I'm already working 40hrs a week.

>> No.9717218

I have dealt to friends in the past. The extra pocket money was welcome, but after I came really close to seeing one of my buyers getting badly hurt, I had to knock it on the head.

If you think you can disconnect yourself from the people you sell to should you find out something went wrong, and if you think you can cover your tracks should they dob you in (if they get hurt/ die), you should be fine, but those are big asks.

>> No.9717230

Are the little tablets of dextroamphetamines any good? My doc started me on them because I told him 30mg aderrall helped me out but so far with these 5mg Dex I've felt nothing. Its just because of the low comparative dosage right? Can anyone with experience with each comment on their differences.

>> No.9717323

>Pink Floyd
> Not overrated

>> No.9717326


>> No.9717343

Overrated but still pretty good.

>> No.9718196

If you do drugs just to look effay you're fucking retarded.

>> No.9718203

agreed. I do drugs, I am effay, seperate things.

>> No.9718427

Mckenna and Huxley are not overrated, at least their actual work and material

Francis Crick made one of the most significant scientific discoveries of all time

>> No.9718446

>tfw every drug other than alcohol makes my anxiety worse

>> No.9719786

try benzos or vyvanse

>> No.9719930
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The fact that people are saying psychedelics are shit tier just show how stupid /fa/ can be. I bet Camille Rowe and her psychedelic boyfriend drop acid.

>> No.9720216

go back to /b/ you edgelord

>> No.9720812


>> No.9720821

I know right? Just look at her fucking pupils, she is off her ass

>> No.9720837


Users are losers.

>> No.9721401


>> No.9721404

you people are such dweebs

>> No.9721416

you're a fucking idiot if you're believing that, shortterm adderall might work but prescription amphetamines are going to fuck up our generation pretty bad

>> No.9721426

cocaine and heroin only effay drugs

if youve never done either then you dont know nothing

>> No.9722012

ayy green grenades had mi fucked up

>> No.9722660

im rolling off that molly, gone of the remy bottle. bad little bitch wanna hubby cuz she love my gucci goggles

>> No.9722925

amphetamines are not hardcore. This guy. If that kid began to take 5times his medication he would be getting about the same high if not better than what a street speed user would.