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/fa/ - Fashion

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9696244 No.9696244 [Reply] [Original]

Lifestyle edition

>> No.9696253
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>> No.9696264
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let's do it

>> No.9696288
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>> No.9696309
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>> No.9696357
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>> No.9696369

now thats how you hide from terrorists

>> No.9696425

This is vulgar noveau rich not wealthcore

>> No.9696597

it is shitty rapper wealthcore
no taste

>> No.9696825

not a fan of the colour but if the guy has a FM F40 he can do whatever he likes with it.

>> No.9696850


>not the epitome of class

Achmed pls. Go back to pushing your S class

>> No.9696889

>tfw poor anons will never know the pleasures of being rich ilke me

>penthouse apartment in NYC
>brand new car
liquor cabinet the size of most apartments in the city
> can drop a few grand a month on clothes and have no reservations
>unlimited booze / drugs

>> No.9696896


if you see a lamborghini and don't immediately feel happier, you aren't an actual human.

>> No.9696916

seems like you have a drinking problem, you ought to see someone about that

>> No.9696917


Does it make you feel better to lie to people on 4chan?

>> No.9696992
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Nah, I only drink with friends
yfw nothing I said was a lie?

got a new car for my bday, I like it.

>> No.9696998
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>budget supercar

>> No.9697003

My parents bought me it, although they drive an audi R8

>> No.9697017

then ur not wealthcore, ur fuck1n fagcore

>> No.9697028

if parents are loaded and dont care when you spend their money, then you are also loaded

>> No.9697035

you have nothing. your parents are rich, not you.

>> No.9697036
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yo guysaz smoke uap 4210

>> No.9697067

can work at my parent's company whenever I want and become insta millionaire when college is done, umad poorfag? enjoy the grind

>> No.9697151

My family used to be pretty rich. Not like private jet to fly to our island rich, but like 3 investment properties, new merc every year rich. Parents lost alot of money during the gfc and we were pretty much propper broke. Now I've got my own job and life, and my parents are back to a middle ground, not rich, not poor steady income level.

I know y'all going to call bullshit hippy crap, but it's pretty true about money not making you happier. Losing alot of money was stressfull as fuck, not having enough money is the fucking worst. Having money to do cool shit is fun, and having expensive things can feel pretty superior.

But the true aim is having enough money that you don't really need to think about it. Work a job you like, get enough pay for a comfortable place, and to do fun shit your life.

>> No.9697440
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>> No.9697467

That doesn't look like NYC to me big guy.

>> No.9697476

Have fun with your electronic power steering and no car feel

>> No.9697487

if you so damn rich why cant you water your lawn, fuccboi

>> No.9697528


>> No.9697550

you can clearly see another person's driveway from yours.

your driveway isn't even long enough to pretend to be rich, please stop trying

>> No.9697793

whats the conscious about rick as wealthcore

I think his t-shirts go well with designer jeans to make a good wealthcore fit

>> No.9698997
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>> No.9699011
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Fratres in aeternum

>> No.9699016

>7k gratuity
>7k tip

>> No.9699027


>> No.9699034 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9699045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9699047

we spotted him

>> No.9699054

who dat?

>> No.9699094

I'm getting trolled, aren't I?

>> No.9699631

damn, that is even higher than my bill record of ~35k

>> No.9699999

>being this petty bourgeoisie in 2015

>> No.9700035
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beautiful digits

>> No.9700053
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dag man

>> No.9700068

Good shit nig

>> No.9700075
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amai monsieur

>> No.9700096

>new rich trying to brag about their new found money

Shit always cracks me up then you see them 5-10 yrs later and they are back to being middle class.

I never understood the point of blowing mass amounts of money the moment you received it.

>dropping mass amounts of cash on something that depreciates every single second
>implying a vette is even expensive

Damn posers it's always funny seeing people try to buy a car to show off then they come out in walmart clothes.

>> No.9700104

advice to these people: spend 50k on clothing, and 30k on a neutral new car.

afford the best of something, but in your price range. makes sense?

>> No.9700117
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>> No.9700185
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well done

>> No.9700190
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quints predict death of wealthcore by the end of 2015

>> No.9700219
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>> No.9700456
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>> No.9700499

$12 for fucking water? It better be water filtered through Hitler's asshole.

>> No.9701162

probably sparkling/mineral water
+ upcharge at a nice restaurant and you are looking at $12 or so
if you are spending 40k on liquor, you probably dont care about it though

>> No.9701220

>worst luxury car
>worst luxury watch

>> No.9701232
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not even a shitty dubs fag

I agree w/ u

>> No.9701319

I see these stupid cars everyday

>> No.9701339


> F40 with gaudy blue chrome wrap
> not the epitome of niggercore

I think it's an asian guy who owns it though. Still, Asians are the niggers of the East.

>> No.9701398

well at least it isn't a datejust

>> No.9701417

Words to live for.

>> No.9701475

>taking pictures of your parents car
congrats on being middle class. you're poor as shit.

>> No.9701503

Am I on /b/? This board has gone to trash because the mods don't do anything.
B A N C H I L D R E N.

>> No.9701515
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>> No.9701517

That's the dream, friend. Enough money where you don't have to worry about it. It can't buy happiness but it can buy some peace of mind if you treat it right.

>> No.9702594
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Why is the reddit comment section so dumb

>> No.9703105

>will never make it the post

>> No.9703514
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>> No.9704704


> anyone with a different opinion is immediately a shill

Sure is /pol/

>> No.9704741

lmao u pleb

>> No.9705069
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>> No.9706010

did you even read it?

these people vote

>> No.9706021

>le temporarily embarrassed millionaire face

Yeah, im sure you wil 'make it' one day bro lmao

just pull up them bootstraps, work hard, and im sure you will have a lucky break and someone become rich lmao

>> No.9706097

I don't see why I wouldn't make it with enough hard work.

>parents paying for elite university
>studying finance, looking towards investment banking and private equity
>plenty of connections through family (close with a few billionaires, know more millionaires than non-millionaires)
>18 and have a 100k rainy day fund thanks to family

I have a lot of hard work to go, but I have had a lot of help getting to where I am and hope to be.

>> No.9706103

just u wait for me and the rest of my proletariat brethren 2 revolt and kill u all

>> No.9706115
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>> No.9706118



>> No.9706129

>living as the wealthy do and aspiring to wealthcore means buying overpriced shit


>> No.9706349
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:) good deal

>> No.9706791

>holy shit
>wtc meme shoes

>> No.9708890

when was that ever stated?
living and dressing as the wealthy do IS wealthcore