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/fa/ - Fashion

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9689079 No.9689079 [Reply] [Original]

skinny vs /fit/. which one is more /fa/? and which one is more attractive?

>> No.9689088

skinny is fa
fit is attractive to majority of people
some grills might like skellys and that's it

there's a difference between fa and attractivness, these don't need to correlate. but can.

>> No.9689090

For women or men?

>> No.9689091

skinny is effay
fit is going to be attractive to the majority

>> No.9689097

one more thing, i think the most problems with skinny guys is their posture which i'm currently working on.

>> No.9689107

this is correct

>> No.9689115

i like softe but stille slime girls ;^)

>> No.9689188

i like slightly chubby azn grills :3

>> No.9689267

Something between mid ottermode and ottermode-athletic is the ideal.

>> No.9689282

Irons Shayk's kind of guy Is most attractive to me.

>tfw I will never creampie her while gazing deeply into her loving eyes

>> No.9689286

/d/ pls go

>> No.9689293

/d/ pls go

>> No.9689370
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/fit/ to fuck
/yoga/ to marry

>> No.9689399

For women skinny,skinnyfat, normal, slight chub, semi-athletic, and athletic can all be attractive

For men its fit only, anything else is viewed as disgusting

Another reason women have it far easier

>> No.9689410


>> No.9689431

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.9689505


White nights

>> No.9689513

how do i fix my posture?

>> No.9689530



Resistance training

Looking in the mirror and figuring out what you're doing wrong and fixing it

>> No.9689593

seems a bit hard

>> No.9689687

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.9689701

white knight

>> No.9689729

ITT White Nights

>> No.9690111

I like them fit from the waist down because a flat ass is just no good.

>> No.9690146
File: 392 KB, 536x800, 1424536296435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are better skinny
Guys are better like bale in american psycho or brad pitt in troy

>> No.9690178

you have to focus on it for a while
it'll feel awkward for the first few weeks/months but you're unlearning all the bad posture habits you learned growing up

it might be worthwhile to look into alexander technique or something like yoga

>> No.9690844

skinny looks better but I am personally more attracted to fit

>> No.9690866

Having muscle is anti /fa/

It's like boat shoes. Objectively they seem like a reasonably okay shoe. It's what they're associated with that makes them so fucking ugly. Same with v necks.

Muscular is the v neck of human bodies

>> No.9690878

man this is one hot grill

>> No.9690887

holy shit that girl does things to my dick
more of her?

>> No.9690894
File: 162 KB, 800x1203, 1428507145113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls - skinny
guys - ottermode

>> No.9690899

well is it that hard to do a reverse image search and find out her name is kim noorda, are you literally that autistic. go and find your own shit you fucking disgrace.

>> No.9690907

already did :^)

>> No.9690920


>that guy to the far right

>> No.9690926


>> No.9690956

Skinny & fit. As in strength (not too much size) visible definition, low body fat. That's what I'm working towards. A body that is lean and strong, yet doesn't make me look like a fatty.

>> No.9690957

Guys can only look better by reducing their %bf

bulking up in my experience scares women.

>> No.9690962

>bulking up in my experience scares women.

this is my experience too.

>> No.9690970

I really don't see why people get big, other than for looks. More weight on you, slows you down. Too little weight makes you easy to push over. You need to be in between the both, if you were to fight somebody that is. A combination of being slim and strong, while still being able to move fast.

But for looks however, it really just depends on what the girl likes really.

>> No.9690978

basically otter mode

>> No.9690980

how to achieve otter mode.

>> No.9690988

just casually lift and eat 2000 calories a day

>> No.9690990

also interested and pls don't send me to /fit/

how you go from being skellyfat to ottermode if you have high metabolism?

>> No.9690992

fuvk i don't even eat 1.5k

>> No.9690993


also if you lift say goodbye to wearing normal clothes.

>> No.9691001

Muscular is the grapes you're too lazy to reach. No one associates muscular with anything bad unless it's blown out roid big. You cannot get too big while staying lean naturally unless you're a manlet.

>> No.9691002

Always be on a -500 calorie deficit, lift and swim.
Eat a bigger % of protein than carbs or fats. That's literally all I do.

>> No.9691017


That's not getting big anon

Reducing %bf = Trimming down the body.

People that are "Big" and "muscular" do so through extensive bulk and cut periods. They can't maintain their cut size all year, they have to bulk up usually over the winter then cut in spring and summer.

>> No.9691019

Virtually every single person who goes to the gym is to big and overweight

They just delusional and don't realise it

Stop parating fit memes

>> No.9691082


>> No.9691217
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>Always be on a -500 calorie deficit

>They can't maintain their cut size all year

>Virtually every single person who goes to the gym is to big and overweight

Good one guys, you should all be comedians.

>> No.9691239

are you going to promote bulking now

>> No.9691252

I was walking out of class with a skelly male classmate a few weeks ago and the conversation went a bit like this:
>"what are you up to now?"
"I'm going to the gym"
>just a quick run on the treadmill?
"I lift weights"
>don't you think, like, when guys get older and get bored of lifting weights, they just become total fatasses?
"uh no, I never thought of that"
>I mean it's probably not a problem for you but the guys who go really hard? they probably keep eating big and get REALLY fat
"I don't think that's how--"
>anyway I'm going this way, see you later!

>> No.9691267
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Mother taught me not to argue with the jesters.

>> No.9691270

this guy = the dream body
h e c k

>> No.9691273


Being overly muscular is just another form of body-dismorphia, one that mostly affects mens, just as anorexia mostly women.

>> No.9691286

my same goals, i want to be strong but look like im not that strong lol, i want to be humble in appearance and not a swole head...

>> No.9691292

>no advice
ur a fucking idiot

>> No.9691307

pls do not goad the anime posting /fat/izen

>> No.9691309

Obviously never been in a weight room

90% of gym regulars are overweight usually fat with keg waists and bloated muscles. They are to big but very delusional. 10% look good

70% of that 90% also have one or more debilitating social uglyness disease (manlet, balding, crooked face, acne)

It's science backed. People who go to the gym are ugly

>> No.9691316

This. The hottest type of human by far. I got one and I feel I won at life.

>> No.9691324

It's sad how many people think aesthetic has anywhere near the power that personality/charisma has when it comes to attracting women. Have fun getting your /fa/ cutie getting secretly fucked by that funny, charismatic, rich fat slob.

>> No.9691329

Well said

>> No.9691334
File: 781 KB, 2027x2046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT is skinny-fit

im 5'11" 135lbs but very muscular

pic related, my /fa/ as fuck calves and legs

>> No.9691337
File: 39 KB, 262x236, 3453534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going well...
Almost, my man, 7/10 made me reply

>> No.9691359

Eat a lot (try to eat as little carbs as possible) and exercise. Exercise can be just pushups/pullups/situps. I know there are many people on /fit/ advertising going to the gym and get into heavy lifting, but you can start with simple calisthenics. It may not be as efficient, but it's something (and I know many people never work out their whole life because they can't bothered with the gym). Try to do the exercises in four sets with a one minute break between them. You'll get better pretty quickly. Make sure to start slowly, a nice rule of thumb that worked for me was: Do as many repetitions as you can (cold) and half of that is the number of repetitions you can do in 4 sets with 1 minute break in between.

I'm just writing this because to me /fit/'s everything-or-nothing attitude can be really discouraging sometimes. You can get into pretty good shape with calisthenics only in half a year if you do them every day while eating well. You'll (literally) be DYEL by /fit/'s standards, but who gives a shit.

>> No.9691372

Criticize what? They were joke posts that I just thought were funny. Obviously you can't eat at a 500 calorie deficit the rest of your life, you'd become malnourished since you would be continually eating less and less calories over the years. Eventually your bf% would become unmaintainable.
And you can maintain your "cut" weight, it's called eating at a maintenance. Once you get your desired body, you just eat as many calories as you burn. You obviously didn't get the joke, but now you do and now you too can laugh.

>> No.9691374
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>> No.9691387

I go to the gym at my university and the gym at my condo. Both groups are usually pretty young, and pretty attractive

>> No.9691407

Gym is a broken hearts convention

You don't just sign up to the gym if you like yourself

>> No.9691418

>what is bulking

>> No.9691561

I believe the best look is the skinny, but fit look. Having a shit load of muscle definition, but also being slim. But I'm still mirin that arnold look.

>> No.9691598

I started working out because I'm a narcissist. I believed I was super attractive for a fat guy that I wanted to reach the next level. Many people are like that. Everyone wants to become the perfect human. That's why I'm also am academic.
>anyone else /sci/ here?

>> No.9691626

>I believed I was super attractive for a fat guy

I also believed this, how do you feel about that stage of your life now?

I look at pictures and cringe at how fat i looked

>> No.9691651

>That's why I'm also am academic.

How embarrassing for you

>> No.9691661
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw inflexible and skinnyfat
>can't keep motivated enough and always stop stretching + conditioning as soon as I begin to see progress.

>> No.9691685


Pick one

>> No.9691704

But knowledge is life.

>> No.9691717

>dieting and exercising
>weight still won't go below 71 kg
fuck I just need to lose a few more kg but m stupid fatty body isn't listening

>> No.9691718

>anyone else /sci/ here?
/sci/ honours student here. not narcissistic enough for academia so I'm bailing out and not doing a PhD like I planned

>> No.9691722

Very well said

>> No.9691733

>very muscular
i've got news for you

>> No.9691737

Does anyone know what the minimum BMI the french fashion show recently made?

>> No.9691741

my gym days is bad memories tbh

Forcing dried rice and chicken breast down day after day to fulfil macro goals. Then spending your time in a dark dry air conditioned yet slightly sweaty ice room lifting up pieces of metal. Looking around at the weird faces that exist in gyms through the reflection of a wall high mirror. Those awkward moments when you catch that one guy flexing in the mirror. You look at his face and you can instantly see why he feels he needs to be here. Poor guy never had a chance

It's just a depressing way to spend your time and I'm glad I'm past that

>> No.9691750

I need to buy my own equipment. It's terrible being in a gym. I also hate exercising in front of others.

>> No.9692488


18.0 i believe

>> No.9692507

>im 5'11" 135lbs but very muscular
>im 5'11" 135lbs but very muscular
>im 5'11" 135lbs but very muscular
>im 5'11" 135lbs but very muscular


>> No.9693625

My hair is pretty much that length and thickness. How do I achieve that look though? No poo and some texture cream?

>> No.9694322

why are you on your tippy toes at 5'11"?

>> No.9694361


>more weight slows you down

I guess this is why all the top sprinters are jacked as fuck then

>> No.9694376

Why not the best of both worlds? Ottermode is clearly the most aesthetic build you can have.

>> No.9694383

Because anything under 6'0 is manlet tier. In all seriousness though he is flexing his calves.

>> No.9694522


/fit/ here.

Squat deeper faggot.

>> No.9695037


Skinny for a girl

/Fit/ for a guy

Being a skinny guy fucking sucks. It's so easy to be skinny. It takes hard work to be fit.

>tfw I could be a girl and not work for my body at all and still be hot