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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.40 MB, 1214x1204, 1428035102459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9660645 No.9660645 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9660676

Looks more like children of a third world dictatorcore

>> No.9660687

stop trying to force stupid memes

daily reminder to filter all stupid memes and tripfags

>> No.9660688


>> No.9660693

Did this guy skin some pythons, drench them in tar and turn them into a jacket? Also what the fuck is it with these sweatpants that look like they have fucking vents in the knees? What the fuck is with this board and its shit taste?

>> No.9660719

If you don't know what those jeans are than please don't post until you do.

>> No.9660725 [DELETED] 


posting a chink wearing fake balmains which fits like shit, a h&m shirt, some thrifted imitation snake leather jacket and an ugly yellow rubber strap watch, prolly fossil while drinking tap water from a cologne bottle

try again

>> No.9660728

implying that killing and skinning several pythons and then turning them into a jacket isnt fucking cool

>> No.9660729

It doesn't matter what brand they are they still look stupid as fuck

>> No.9660737

they're biker jeans
he has mostly biker attire

>> No.9660738

nigga you called them sweatpants

>> No.9660747

Holy fuck calm your edge there, Shadow the Hedgehog

>no bike

Because at first glance they looked like sweatpants, doesn't detract from how shitty they are

>> No.9660752

that shit probably costs more than your uncle's nut sack

>> No.9660756

l m a o
the kid insults like a 14 year old with aspergers

>> No.9660767

>this clothing item is expensive therefore it looks great!

Keep wearing your ventilated jeans that everyone in the real world thinks is retarded if it makes you feel better

>> No.9660784

ITT: good taste can't be bought

>> No.9660808

I think the point of wealthcore threads is to show that when you're ludicrously rich taste doesn't even fucking matter. As long as you have the opulence to show it all off people will just gravitate towards you. It really doesn't matter if you're wearing is tasteful or not

I aspire to be not-give-a-fuck-rich one day

>> No.9660821

>As long as you have the opulence to show it all off people will just gravitate towards you.

shitty excuse for not having friends/ being a loser nobody will talk to

>> No.9660824

Why not just wear things with that same mantra without being rich?

It's contradictory to flaunt that you'd be "not-give-a-fuck rich" but wear all this high-end clothing that you yourself would admit doesn't even go well together.

Are you trying to impress someone secretly but try to come off as not giving a fuck? I'm confused.

>> No.9660832

You're never going to be oblivious new money that has never had to deal with a real problem

>> No.9660838

this board is 99% teenagers bro, give them a break

probably don't even have their own credit card to buy clothes online yet

>> No.9660862


Hop off, tripfag

>> No.9660881
File: 2.35 MB, 1220x1216, richard mille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That watch is a Richard Mille, it costs 6 figures.

>> No.9660888

I hope these kids realize later in life that simplicity looks better and is more affordable

>> No.9660898

>I hope these kids realize later in life that simplicity looks better and is more affordable

so? does that make it look better all of a sudden? holy shit man

i bet you would eat my shit if i sold it to you for 6 figures

>> No.9660909

>having two left hands and wearing the same watch

>> No.9660918

my god why are "wealthcore" retards so retarded

they're two people sitting to each other dumb slut

>> No.9660923
File: 145 KB, 570x450, richard-mille-tourbillon-RM-052-skull-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste is subjective, a lot of people would call it ugly, and I don't disagree about this one.

I do like other Richard Milles, and I have respect for the work that goes into making one.

>> No.9660927

You misquoted and,

Yes I like to think that having a similar palette of clothing with a minimal amount of brand names looks a lot better than wearing all these unnecessary shit like air vents on your fucking pants.

The best way of looking good is to look like you don't care at all and the best way to do that is to wear clothing that does not represent anything. Stop seeking attention with clothing covered in snake skin and shit.

Also I'm gonna have to decline your expensive shit offer but maybe try some of the hungry young children on the rest of the board, I'm sure they won't think twice.

>> No.9660935

still looks like shit, see here >>9660784

>> No.9660938

They are biker jeans, they aren't air vents, it is extra padding.

Personally I like the look, fashion doesn't have to be 100% utilitarian, and I can wear them without having to own a bike.

>> No.9660947

No, but good taste without money is just as useless.

Wealthcore is the pinacle of fashion if done right.

Good taste and the money to buy quality things is what the fashion industry is about.

>> No.9660950

Okay, I will admit that if the sole purpose of wearing the pants is to help from serious injury while on a bike, then that's alright.

But otherwise it just looks dumb as fuck and everyone else you meet is going to wonder what the fuck are on your knees.

And it's fine because as >>9660923 said, taste is subjective, I'm not telling you to not wear it. By all means go flaunt it, just don't be surprised if you receive questions or looks from people because of it. If you have confidence then fuck me, you got it.

>> No.9660956
File: 2.39 MB, 1200x1206, 1428035036308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wealthcore can be simple too.

>> No.9660969

Glasses and shoes I'm not a fan of/look douchey, but yes I agree that you can get simplicity with money. However, most of the time you don't have to pay that much unless you are going out of your way to represent a specific brand.

This is just a side note but what the fuck is up with the collar, it looks like it wants to be a v-neck but can't.

>> No.9660970

cute dog

but do you actually have no sense of fashion dude???

>james-tier sunglasses
>jean shorts

>> No.9660976

it's called scoop neck

pathetic whore

why am i even arguing with idiots who know fuckall about fashion

and can't even afford the clothes they're reposting from richkidsofinstagram.tumblr.com

>> No.9660989
File: 97 KB, 600x873, Justin-Theroux-Balmain-Skinny-Biker-Jeans-1-e1362461574727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually quoted me twice, I wrote both of those comments.

You still don't understand that fashion doesn't have to be utilitarian. That doesn't mean that wearing a rain coat when it is 80 and sunny isn't dumb, but wearing jeans with a bit of embellishment isn't awful.

Also sometimes the ribbing is very understated, if you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't even notice it on these ones.

>> No.9660990

why do all of you retards judge so much when you all have crippling social anxiety and can't even afford a pair of jeans?

>> No.9660997

but this shouldn't necessarily mean buying the most expensive yet most gaudy stuff money can buy

or are you implying these ppl actually have taste and they buy these stuff just to show dem plebs, they have that much money, they can spend it on whatever the fuck they want and look ridiculous on purpose?
i think you think too highly about these ppl, these are just new money with little to no taste at all

>> No.9661000

Sorry you live in rural North Dakota.

Here in real cities we understand fashion.

>> No.9661002

That sound equally retarded, unless it's used in the appropriate sense.

That's the thing regarding fashion, most of it is just dumb experimentation by designers that happened to catch on in societies because people think it is the symbol of success when it's just some designers project that is most likely gonna be hashed next season.

I see, and yeah okay I can see that with the pants. I still stick with what I said about it being dumb when you don't own a bike but I agree with you that it isn't that glaring and maybe I was jumping the shark a bit. Still, a little unnecessary in my eyes.

>> No.9661016

Most of fashion is unnecessary.
There is no real reason to buy $1000 jeans, except for the aesthetics.

>> No.9661017


>> No.9661019

you've never seen a scoop neck shirt before? wtf

they need to make themselves feel better about their social anxiety/insecurity

so they pretend to be rich patricians on the internet

notice how there are never any fits posted here?


>> No.9661028

i guess pic is not related, those sunglasses are ridiculous, t-shirt is bad, like not reaching the lowest level of catastrophical shit, jorts, can't see shoe, but judging by the other part of the outfit, those can't be too flattering either, nice dog though

>> No.9661031

So why are biker pants ribbed though?

>> No.9661039

No, never in the real world have I ever seen someone wear a "scoop neck"

Seems like someone widened their collar and was like "NO NO IT'S FASHION I SWEAR" lol

No, I just am set in reality

According to an anon earlier it's got padding? For in case of injury or something is what I assumed, which makes sense.

>> No.9661041

As much as I hate you, I can admit that I do post here because I do have a bit of an insecurity that I cover up by buying nice clothes.

I get anxious when I look like shit, so I try to dress nice.

I dress wealthcore, and come from a pretty well off family. I don't post personal fits here as I don't really want my pictures on 4chan.

>> No.9661049

So you don't fuck up your legs when you fall off your bike, same reason people wear leather jackets.

>> No.9661055

i don't, with the same effort you could possibly make something really good which doesn't look like the ed hardy of watches

>> No.9661064

You get anxious when you see that you don't come off as attractive? As in you being to suffer from anxiety?

I'm not sure that that really makes sense, I think what you wanna say is that you suffer from anxiety from looking bad in front of others and want to look better/more successful in front of them. Which is understandable, but I would say that, if you are already successful, have a good job, etc., it shouldn't really matter.

Protection is not the reason why bikers wear leather.

>> No.9661089

To each his own, just understand that these watches are often made in limited batches and are some of the most complicated watches in the world.
The quality is second to none, and you pay for the unique designs.

>> No.9661144

I don't really have much else to go on to show success though.

I am only 18 and don't have many accomplishments. My university is top-tier, but I can't really brag about it there.

Hopefully it will get better once I get out into the real world and have a successful job, but until then I will let people know that I am well off through my clothes.

I also just don't like looking bad, I won't leave my house looking like a bum.

>> No.9661245

>I don't really have much else to go on to show success though.

confidence is not about being perfect

if you convince yourself that you are perfect, you're just deluding yourself because nobody is

you just need to be comfortable with who you are, that you have flaws, but you don't let them get to you

>> No.9661247
File: 203 KB, 970x1454, eastwood18f-5-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some wealthcore hairstyles?

>> No.9661249

but yeah wear whatever you want man

just don't force memes on /fa/ and you're cool

>> No.9661257
File: 29 KB, 360x203, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ventilated jeans
>doesnt know what ribbing is

>> No.9661277
File: 29 KB, 250x348, this chickenshit pointing at me is my bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, we can all tell that you're just trying to make yourself feel better about your own shortcomings/failures. And the fact that you're an arrogant piece of shit whose ego won't let him admit that he must strive to be more informed, reasonable and mature. The mentality you perpetuate is holding you back.

"none is perfect." is a meaningless statement. How about you list your strengths instead? Show us what a big man you are.

>> No.9661280

for you

>> No.9661291

"What are some wealthcore hairstyles?"

the product of autism

"what are some wealthcore words to say?"
"most wealthcore blood type?"
"is being autistic wealthcore?"

>> No.9661296
File: 85 KB, 1561x1252, wat-meme_o_1405583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.9661298

watch gossip girl

>> No.9661317
File: 12 KB, 480x271, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow, that retort was ingenious, bravo!

what an ubermensch

>> No.9661328

great comeback man /s

also the 3rd post wasn't made by me

but you're too stupid to realize (not sarcasm)

>> No.9661343
File: 27 KB, 800x461, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


again, you're more or less all the same to me. Faceless goons.

Just because I don't read ur trips doesn't mean that i'm stupid lel

>> No.9661348

no that's exactly what you are

>> No.9661355

fffff- ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.9661384

sure if you have a perfectly looking background with you 24/7

>> No.9661393

you probably wear vans and dont skate

>> No.9661400

I don't wear vans and I don't skate so you fail with a 50%

>> No.9661600

What is the cheapest and most expensive item you own?

Cheapest- $10 Uniqlo tee
Expensive- $1500 Moncler coat, $1500 Hermes robe

>> No.9661738

bump for more wealth

>> No.9661752

I envy these people's wealth, but not their style.

>> No.9662026

socks - 50 cents
saint laurent parka - somewhere over $2000

>> No.9662051

>"most wealthcore blood type?"
Obviously it is O Rh-negative

>> No.9662059

but srsly though can someone answer these questions?

except for the autism one of course

>> No.9662063

i hope for your own sake you're joking

otherwise you're legit autism lmao

>> No.9662692

Go away reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9662995

walking around with a $20k outfit, goals

>> No.9663043

His lack of knowledge doesn't make him inherently incorrect

>> No.9663268

yeah it does, balmain jeans are great

>> No.9663756

It feels good man

>> No.9663758

Is this what they call flexing?

>> No.9663766

dont post here again

>> No.9663794

reeeee i love you

>> No.9663850

Jesus Christ, goes to show you can't buy class. Not that these guys worry about being classy, but you know.

>> No.9664126

What are the best wealthcore brands to cop on grailed?

>> No.9665211

Raf, Rick

>> No.9665292

Why do the ultra rich have such gaudy taste in cars?

>> No.9665525

publish, zanerobe, t by alexander wang, gap x gq

>> No.9665567

patron aint even that expensive...

>> No.9665694

stfu dude
we aren't saying this shit looks good
this thread is for the appretiation of ridiculously over priced garments
also lurk more

>> No.9665720

Gonna have to say no


>> No.9665762
File: 1.04 MB, 996x900, whothefucknamestheirkiddurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665791

proof that money can't buy style

>> No.9666008

Nice meme

>> No.9666850

wtf is this from

>> No.9666914

not everyone sees things like you do, little man.

>> No.9666920

Everyone else should stop doing drugs, then

>> No.9667828

'Wealthcore' is pathetic and looks like shit.

When will this meme die?

>> No.9667857

If you wanna get rich quick, Fargo North Dakota is the place to be.

>> No.9668274

hit me up with some wealthcore tumblrs and sites fam

>> No.9668334

It will never end.

Rich people will keep being rich and dressing like they are rich.

Hop on the style if you can afford it, if not stop complaining about the threads.

Not right now with the oil market the way it is.

Richkidsofinstagram has some good posters, some are very tacky though so look through it and find the good ones.

>> No.9669683

Anyone have a beginners wealthcore infograph?

>> No.9669699

luxury brands are only a status symbol if you can't afford them

>> No.9669739

>Rich people will keep being rich and dressing like they are rich.
Yet most of them dont dress like they are rich. Theres no style that only rich people wear. I could say that someone who wears Rick Owens is rich because he spends 800 pounds in a pair of ugly as fuck sneakers. Certainly more expensive that the vast majority of tailored shoes.

The tailored shoes make you look more wealthy but only because most people dont know how expensive the ugly as fuck sneakers are. Rich people dress like everyone else. The only difference might be that their sweaters are exclusively made of cashmere instead of cotton unless you walk around in an environment where everybody wears suits. But even then, not every wealthy person wear bespoke or half/fully canvassed suits.

Some of them wear trainers, some of them a different suit or catwalk outfit every day. You cant tell if a person is wealthy just by judging their outfit especially since most people dont even know how expensive X or Y is since they dont know of the brand/used materials/quality. Thats why wealthcore is such a retarded thing.

>> No.9669765

Hardly any person with more than a dozen braincells buys brands to brag. They do so because they appreciate the quality associated with it. As soon as a brands logo is plastered anywhere on a piece of cloth I wouldnt even think about buying it (unless its sportswear).

>> No.9669909

I've noticed that the easiest way to tell if someone is wealthy is their behavior. I don't know why it happens but old wealth especially has alot of class when interacting with people. This only pertains to older people since the younger ones are way too arrogant to deal with for extended periods of time. For some reason new wealth doesn't have the same class.

>> No.9670001

>Richfags wearing all manner of terrible shit
Why not just Savile Row or Rubinacci club?

>> No.9670221

$8 Shoes
$3,200 Tom Ford Peacoat

>> No.9670235

Probably some cheap tshirt or pair of socks

2000GBP Paul Smith Mainline coat

>> No.9670365

Next T Shirt 10 quid
YSL Ankle boots 189

>> No.9670433

some fruit of the loom t shirt

either rolex or saint laurent teddy or margiela bomber

>> No.9670436


shit so the shirt was probably like 10 bucks - i never wear it

saint laurent was $1500 and margiela was about the same but can't remember

>> No.9670499

hanes white shirts are my main stay now. I thought it looked tacky before but damn a plain clean white tee is fucking amazing.

>> No.9671260

yeah I really like RRL for plain t shirts

>> No.9671295

is there something like a rich person lookbook?

>> No.9671604

>lighting a cigar with a gas lighter

>> No.9671734
File: 12 KB, 400x300, Patrick Bateman hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9671763
File: 66 KB, 960x720, Nike Air Mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 10 thousand dollar kickz are def only for the wealth yo.

>> No.9671770

They weren't when they first came out and every black man has them trying to become rich. I'm waiting for the auto laces to be honest and not these shitty ones that don't even lace correctly.

Fuck kanyes shit, Marty is flyer

>> No.9671959

>open thread expecting some dank wealthcore
>just a bunch of faggots fighting

thanks /fa/

>> No.9671974

>"make sure to show off your iPhone"

Why are chinks so disgusting?

>> No.9671980
File: 148 KB, 400x600, brunello-cucinelli-my-morning-routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then contribute rather than making snarky remarks

>> No.9671986

nah m8, this thread is fucked already

I'll see you in the next one

>> No.9671991

>those bitchwrists causing the watch to hang loose


>> No.9672611

What's the best fit you could wear to say "I'm rich" in a really lowkey way?

>> No.9673385

Look for brands that avoid obnoxious branding, little stitchings are acceptable.
The fabric and fit are extremly important. Maybe all-black can work but I'd rather focus on pleasing color combination.

>> No.9673601

>What's the best fit you could wear to say "I'm rich" in a really lowkey way?

those things are kind of an oxymoron tbh, I know a lot of wealthy people go stealth wealth but it only works because we either know they're wealthy or they're trying to avoid anyone knowing they're wealthy

hermes belts, gucci loafers, obnoxious red trousers, blue pinstripe shirts, big gaudy gold rolex watches etc

nouveau riche is the easiest way to show people you're "rich", if you try and do the lowkey old money thing then almost nobody is going to notice unless you have other affectations of wealth (big house, multiple holidays a year, expensive car, etc)

a lot of people on internet message boards like to parrot this whole lowkey thing, but in real life it just doesn't work. there's a reason why all those douches with $1000 belts and orange skin make it in finance, they're ruthless self promoters, part of that is showing off their wealth

>> No.9674441

Gucci loafers and blue pinstripe shirts aren't really very gaudy though.

Definitely bankercore, but not very offensive.

>> No.9674460

What would you use? A zippo to make it taste like a Gas Station? Or a Match for that sulfuric Touch?

Nothing Burns as clean as propane

>> No.9674495

a torch lighter or matches are the only ways to light a cigar

if you are using a bic you have no class

>> No.9675236


>> No.9675309
File: 197 KB, 1024x681, 37-Bugatti-57S-Atlantic_DV-10-PBC_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tends to be the new rich/bragging rich

naturally the tasteful rich you're less likely to have seen or heard of

pic related

>> No.9675325

Goddamn. I wish I had some oil money to throw around too...

>> No.9675811

Cheapest item
> Some random tee
Most expensive clothing item
> Prototype Navy NWU Jacket

>> No.9676943

gta mod

>> No.9677338

why is patron the go to 'i got money drink' for young money? its middle shelf at best.

>> No.9678057

/fit/ pls

>> No.9678107

DOM is

>> No.9678122


>> No.9678745


> $9 happy socks
> $14k IWC portugieser
> if watches don't count: $2.5k bespoke suit (got a good deal: $5k for two for first time customers)
> single item: $1.1k burberry trench

mfw i'm a lawyer and can only wear suits all day every day. the pattern and color of my hermes tie is the only differentiator between me and my colleagues...

>> No.9678856

okay wealthcore gang, what do you think are pleb tier cars that people buy and god/ wealth tier?
all 3 for the same reason fendi, prada, gucci, and louis are trash.
range rovers

wealth tier:
aston martin
alfa romeo

>> No.9679100

Hermes ties are GOAT


>> No.9679121


>> No.9679229


You cant just discard a whole brand. it needs to be judged on each car individually.

>> No.9679397

true. i sometimes look at other tie options but come back to hermes all the time. their tie app is awesome and it has enough patterns/colors so you don't wear the same tie like your colleague. i own some other ties as well but they are either more expensive (some non-traditional burberry i own) or just one-time-finds (from small boutiques). if anybody knows another label or store or whatever please tell me.

>> No.9679434

Hell no.. It also depends alot on your local culture. And ofcourse the model.

American cars outside the USA are much more expensive.. So even without the refinement, class, quality. A corvette can be "cool" because you pay way too much for a "shit" car..

>> No.9681764

Hermes has a tie app?

Yeah, as a banker you try to avoid having the same Hermes tie as your coworker.

>> No.9682637 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 720x480, vuitton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some wealthcore wallets to own?

>> No.9682685
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1280, 1425084491264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are probably some /fa/ggots who spend months of their salary/welfare trying to achieve Wealthcore
>immediately outed as a fraud when they pull up in their 10 year old toyota or when their schedule obviously revolves around public transit's

>> No.9683394

the tie app is gone now i think, only the scarves

>> No.9683413

This. It depends really on how good the roads are as well.

I have 3 vehicles all paid off on the spot because of my teenager age (EVO 9, EVO X, Mustang Mach 1) but where I'm at now the roads are just straight shit and the pot holes are fucking everywhere that it was impractical for me to buy a nice car.

>> No.9683425

this nigga is endgame wealthcore

>> No.9683514

$30 AA tee
$770 lot78 bomber

>> No.9683638

This is not wealthcore..

This is new money core.

>> No.9684144

it's called hermes tie break and works like a charm (just loaded spring/summer 2015 collection). i have an iphone and am based in central europe if that helps... if anyone can suggest me other labels for ties like i asked above that would be awesome :)

>> No.9684361

PROTIP: torch lighters use butane gas. How do you expect there to be a flame without a fuel?