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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 450x675, spooky skeletons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9652288 No.9652288 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that women find this unattractive.

>> No.9652289

no shit

>> No.9652291

cuz it looks bad? this guy is ugly as sin + girls don't know shit about style and fashion

>> No.9652292

underrated post

>> No.9652296 [DELETED] 

the only people ive ever seen go gaga for slp are gay guys and asian manlets

>> No.9652302

Who does find that attractive anyway?

>> No.9652304

Thank god someone said it. The supposed /fa/ aesthetic propagated by this site is completely retarded. You're not attractive, you look like you just escaped from rehab.

Also, muscles are attractive.

>> No.9652307

I dressed like this when I met my current wife. I was a musician and she was a model. Now I frequent animu boards filled with teenagers, but at least I make a shit ton of money

>> No.9652309

>muscles are attractive
Muscles aren't effay tho, of course they're attractive.

>> No.9652310

Do people really think this looks good on this board?

>> No.9652312

Everyone but Hedi finds this unattractive.

>> No.9652314

The job of a model is to be a walking clothes hanger, not to be attractive. There are a lot of ugly ones. What is desirable in the modeling world is not necessarily reflective of what people find desirable when selecting a partner. Obviously.

>> No.9652315

aside from him being too skelly I am femanon and I dig this.

>> No.9652318

>Also, muscles are attractive.
In moderation, they are /fa/. Being flabby and having a flat ass is never /fa/, even if your BMI is 14.

>> No.9652319

They ARE effay, though. Your body is couture. Treat it as such, and you can wear anything.

>> No.9652322

no, women with good taste find this attractive

if you're after basic bitches that wear uggs then yeah of course theyre not going to like /fa/s aesthetic; they have no taste

>> No.9652323

>being on a fashion board
>not getting this
nicely explained annonnn

>> No.9652327

For fucks sake this

So many kids post here

>> No.9652330

having muscular physique is being indicative of being healthy and not abusing your body which is the direct opposite of /fa/

>> No.9652332

Effay no, attractive yes. Period.

>> No.9652336


>> No.9652338

Effay is about aesthetic. Muscles are aesthetically pleasing, while they may not be the aesthetic you're looking for. Just like abstract, pointlist, classical etc. are still art forms and beautiful to many people.

>> No.9652341

Main problem is that a lot of users who post here have problems with posture and knocked knees. Skellys need to fix that.

>> No.9652346

>aesthetically pleasing
why does something have to be pleasing to be aesthetics?
do you understand the concept of fashion?
fuck off to fit.

>> No.9652354

Lmao at all the butthurt fatties in this thread.

>> No.9652355

and people from /fit/

>> No.9652372

OP is right though. You probably look like shit if you're that thin.
>it's not l-like I want to be /fit/

>> No.9652373

Why do some users here act like picking up a dumbbell will turn you into a fucking bodybuilder? All successful models do some sort of strength training so they don't literally look like they just escaped from Auschwitz.

>> No.9652374

Aesthetics are subjective, bruh. Are you spending hundreds of dollars and tons of your time to look shitty, or do you have a certain idea of presentation in mind?
Chill, man. People here gotta understand that people got different aesthetics. Doesn't rule out muscles or being a skinny faggotron.

>> No.9652377

Good thing this is a gay board.

>> No.9652379
File: 83 KB, 600x1099, Joey-Ramone-the-70s-9205712-600-1099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he have Marfan Syndrome?
Like Joey Ramone and Bradford Cox?

>> No.9652415
File: 1.70 MB, 2848x4288, matt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy is swole as shit

>> No.9652417


You know what's a good feeling?
Being able to walk in to a store and buy S and XS clothing - the sample sizes - the designer's intended size of the original garment (then again nobody on /fit/ shops proper designer clothing so who cares right?).

If I was buying anything over a small, I would feel shame that the designer was forced to grade an extra set of clothing to fit in my unaesthetic body.

>> No.9652426

>Why do some users here act like picking up a dumbbell will turn you into a fucking bodybuilder?

>> No.9652433

fashion student here, the sample sizes for male clothing are 48 for tops and 31 for bottoms

>> No.9652444
File: 133 KB, 780x818, defeated wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my qt cousins ended up marrying working class manlets with guts or tall builtfat construction worker guys
>meanwhile I am a virgin despite being objectively better looking and more fashionable than these guys

Should I just give up

>> No.9652449

you don't come off as a man to women probabl, just a dickless human being

>> No.9652524

nah you're doing good, youve just got to focus on girls who will appreciate your sicc fits

go to an arts college wearing geobaskets and get mad pussy. I believe in you

>> No.9652539

Because /fa/ is full of many gay men who are basically basic bitch women?

>> No.9652562

>objectively better

>still virginal
>envious at happy couples
>false sense of superiority

Is that you, Elliot?

>> No.9652704

No one finds that attractive, what he is wearing looks fucking retarded.
Just because the shades and textures match like upholstery and carpet doesn't mean it's fashionable or looks good.

>> No.9652805

Good thing I'm gay

>> No.9652808

good post...

>> No.9652812

I have stele arms, know literally nothing about exercise what should I do to just get normal arms, don't want to be particularly muscular.

>> No.9653641

how do i go from skinnyfat to this?

>> No.9653653

you dont
start lifting, get defined, then cut to skelly
no other way around it i would know

>> No.9653664


you dont have to lift at all to be that thin. Just cut from skinnyfat.

>> No.9655369

>caring about what women think
gtfo normie

>> No.9655404

objectively untrue, cliche rail thin model gril bodies are the only attractive bodies on women, except for the height.

ideal being 4'11-5'5 and 90-110lbs, small b or c cup tits, and tight round perky sasha grey ass.

>> No.9655423

so many breeder scum in here

>> No.9655449
File: 28 KB, 310x310, 1422047422114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people really believe this

>> No.9655456
File: 91 KB, 373x481, 1406367188499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midget skeletons with booty

>> No.9655457

>normie women find this unattractive

>> No.9655468
File: 10 KB, 292x258, 1389294980636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who bought into the cultural zeitgeist of fat acceptance disagreeing because their low social value only allows them attention from 3/10 forever 21 shopping whale like neanderthal bitches

>> No.9655473
File: 43 KB, 800x1200, 1338958738986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their low social value only allows them attention from 3/10 forever 21 shopping whale like neanderthal bitches
>implying I even get that much

>> No.9655482
File: 526 KB, 1498x2246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw that's exactly my sizes

>> No.9655488


>> No.9655496

Translate that to Medium small large pls

>> No.9655514

>being so insecure that you run your life by what women would think
You guys are adorable, but some of us dress the way we do because we like it. If we want to get with women, we'll get with women, but I don't make every decision by asking
"Would a girl want to fuck me if I did this?"

>> No.9655516

48 is medium, 31 is 31 fuckface

>> No.9655532

>i-im a mgtow
>n-no it's voluntary

low test omegas smh

>> No.9655645
File: 44 KB, 396x385, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be at hockey game
>two 6/10 QTs sitting in front of me with their fat, goatee wearing boyfriends
>"you deserve better anon"
>tfw waiting for an objective 9 or 10 because I think I can hack it

>> No.9655649

Just lower your standards and you can easily get a 7 and then you'll make the other bitches jealous.

>> No.9655658

except that models are supposed to be clothes hangers. female models are supposed to have the smallest tits/asses so as not to draw attention to those features unless that is the clothing's purpose. you'll only see sasha grey asses and c cup tits with mall brand tier fashion

>> No.9655669

This dude looks like a starved George Harrison.

>> No.9655684
File: 914 KB, 450x253, flight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just can't bring myself to do it. She has to be the most beautiful girl in the room.

>> No.9655703

unless you're in the top 10% of men physically (otter mode & very defined) , monetarily (minimum $600k a year), socially (somewhat famous), and fashionably (expensive, designer, trendy but masculine and timeless/inoffensive) or at least 3 of these 4, you will never get better than a 7

>> No.9655712


this is the most autistic shit ever.

>> No.9655743
File: 26 KB, 264x400, 1367561552112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your face when

>> No.9655775

I'm 6'3" and 140 lbs with a pretty face. I've never had any problem getting girls.

Believing that you NEED muscles to be attractive is a meme.

>> No.9655792

Runway outfits aren't supposed to be something you emulate. If you really think that outfit is for impressing girls, then you're seriously kidding yourself.

Daft as a brush, every one of you.

>> No.9655818

>is a meme
People have completely bastardized the meaning of this word to fit anything popular they don't agree with, fuck i hate internet culture.

>> No.9655826

pls master teach me about dank memess

>> No.9655844

The guy you replied to here.

I don't disagree with you; though my point holds true.

>> No.9655849

ITT: Flyovers. OP's pic is definitely extreme, but anyone who thinks this general look doesn't net girls has never left Peoria or Cincinnati or wherever.

>> No.9655858

Takes on to know one.

>Skinny jeans
Holy shit.

>> No.9655859

lmao this

Men look different on the other side of the world, fuccbois

>> No.9655960

so why does he make my pussy wet?

>> No.9655964


because your dad touched you at night.

>> No.9655990

I wish my dad was a model for sah lahrah

>> No.9656001

>Thank god someone said it

reading this really irks me

i see it made by every suburbanite mouthbreather on here and tumblr whenever posts that go against the social grain are made


are u too pathetic to speak ur own mind

do u have to wait for another to voice theirs so u can claim to be on the same enlightened pedestal

this is embarrassing

>> No.9656013

also his comment has been mentioned countless times before anyway

>> No.9656039

yeah i just jumped in to highlight this example of deluded tall poppy syndrome because it is this moronic new user base that has killed this board off and turned it into a complete cultural vacuum

>> No.9656065
File: 29 KB, 560x560, 1415934661996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, look at his jawline. Patients with Marfan don't have that.

>> No.9656075

Watch your language, it was just a krestion.

>> No.9656218

Having a decent personality and confidence will do infinitely more for you in terms of le scoring with the chicky babes than looking like a skinny heroin-addict fuccboi or a swole /fit/ dickhead.

If your only motivation to work out/dress well is to score then work on your boring fucking personality and insecurities.

>> No.9656228

in lookbooks yes. in high income, designer populated, hip urban areas like I populate, you see them regularly

>> No.9656234

>s-she'll like mme if i b-buy her gifts and just b-be myself love is real i will get a disney ending with a way out of my league girl

>> No.9657115

i agree women are weird lol

>> No.9659022

LEL, do you honestly believe this ?

>> No.9659034

post college, when you're not a tiny little baby, yes. I know it's hard for your 18 year old 12th grade brain to accept anon.No need to be so upset