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/fa/ - Fashion

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9640892 No.9640892 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9641360

what model benz is that?

>> No.9641428

>Gaudy Watch
>Old gaudy mercedes
>Talking about spending money


>> No.9641441

You're being redundant, that's what wealthcore threads are.

>> No.9641443


SLR Mclaren, probably one of the worst Mercedes ever made

Audemars Piguet watch, can be extremely tacky or extremely nice, depends on your style

>> No.9641466

Yeah, not a big fan of the RO Offshore, I much prefer the normal Royal Oak.

The car looks nice enough, and the guy in the photo is clearly white.

Sorry you cant afford wealthcore.

>> No.9641561

ROO = tacky as fuck.

I swear AP don't make any other watches other than ROs... I really don't get all the popularity. They're acting like Hublot without the heritage.

>> No.9641764
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Are you kidding me? AP has a lot more heritage than Hublot, it has been around for much longer and is much more highly respected.

They do also make other models, but the RO is their trademark, kind of like the Patek Philippe Nautilus.

>> No.9641773
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AP- Founded in 1875, owned by the Audemars, the Piguet and three other families.

Hublot- Founded in 1980, owned by the Louis Vuitton conglomerate.

>> No.9641782

Who gives a shit, audemars are now just associated with terrorist funding arabs and retarded rappers who have fakes. they also look terribly tasteless.

>> No.9641805
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Whatever you say, m8.

>> No.9641882

>hey guys lets jerk off to things that we can never possibly afford and call other people who dislike these threads poorfags

>> No.9641889

That's not really white. I'm from the middle east and exactly the same skin colour as this fellow -- even the thick black arm hair suggests it's likely somebody ethnic. Then again, plenty of olive skinned and black haired folks who are white but I doubt in this case they are.

>> No.9642707


legit question: why do middle eastern people act like this?

>> No.9642710


>hey guys let's play a round of "spot the poorfag"
>whoops game over found him

>> No.9642717

nothing is wealthy about spending $500,000 on a depreciating liability

>> No.9642736

Actually if you can afford it, that is pretty wealthy.

Nobody here is spending that much though, so why bring it up?

>> No.9642909


>> No.9643158

I'm looking for some new mocs, are tod's the way to go?

>> No.9643167
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Yes, Tod's are the best casual drivers.

Ferragamo or Gucci are for more dressy loafers, get horsebits.

>> No.9643187
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don't rich europeans and americans act the same way, though?

>> No.9643206

Oh boy! Do you look stupid.

>> No.9643216

Yes, many rich people do.
Poorbois just like to make fun of the Arabs to try to make themselves superior.

>> No.9643226


It's not really a cultural thing, it's old wealth vs new wealth

Old wealth may live in luxury but they don't flaunt their money or spend frivolously; this is how they can retain and often increase their wealth from one generation to the next

New wealth (or more often, the children of new wealth) typically approach this newfound fortune with a poor person's attitude: "look at all the stuff I can afford now!" Hence the gaudy clothing/cars/watches etc and tasteless financial dick-swinging

>> No.9643227

because rich americans know how to have a good time

>> No.9643274

Ethnic isn't a race.

>> No.9643280

He means swarthy

>> No.9643325

I mean most middle easterners are considered white.

>> No.9643337
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>> No.9643339
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Wealthcore is shit. I have way more respect for rich people who wear exactly what they want to wear than for brokebois wasting their money on versace because they can't understand how to properly coordinate an outfit.

>> No.9643341

I don't and I'm about as white as people come. I look like a nazi officer lol. I usually like them though. I have some lebanese and iranian friends. They're both named muhammed and drive ricers lol.

>> No.9643412

iirc aren't his items, designer though?

>> No.9643454

Levi's and new balance, not sure about sweater

>> No.9643461

They are. But it's still iconic and personal, rather than just "Let me tune the slider on google shopping to $1000+ and maybe girls will touch my penis".

>> No.9643740
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>> No.9643757

Because they're loaded so it's natural for them to be arrogant as fuck about their wealth?

>> No.9643851


>I make fun of anyone who spends more than $10 on an article of clothing to hide my insecurity about not being able to afford quality clothing

>> No.9643928

I think its one of the bestest Mercedeses ever. Such a great car. Looking, riding

mercedes hadnt did anything better for 10 years, sls is a cheap crap

>> No.9643951

no amount of money will fix that bitch wrist

>> No.9643983

Technically its an SLR 722 which is a variant of the SLR faster and different body styling which make it a car more attractive vehicle

>> No.9643995
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I know new money who dress "normal", and I know old money who dress flashy.

There truly isn't a difference between the two, there are rich people who are fashion inclined and others (Steve Jobs) who don't care at all.

Pic related is old money.

Rich people can wear nice stuff if they want to. Not every rich guy buys expensive stuff "just because", often we like the aesthetic.

Feel free to make fun of the plebs who buy stuff just because it is expensive, but this is /fa/ and the thread is for good wealthcore fits.

You couldn't pay me to wear Rick Owens, as I am not a fan of the look, but I really like Thom Browne and wear a lot of his stuff. Both are expensive, but I like the look of one and not the other.

>> No.9644094
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>> No.9644168


>that ugly watch must be good because its expensive!

Mirrin the benz though.

>> No.9644218
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>> No.9644219


I forgot the statistic but, most times, inherited money only lasts a couple of generations. Oil barons have more than they know what to do with, but their oil will be gone in 10 years and their money will be gone in 100. It's going to be like Mad Max over there and they don't understand that they need to invest in something.

>> No.9644227
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>> No.9644599
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>> No.9644664


>why this nigga look like he bout to pull the most fire ass bank robbery of 2015

>> No.9644744
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>> No.9644794
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>> No.9644914

wealthcor fucking blows
but it is fun hanging out in yorkville and smoking and looking at them all.
anyone else do this?
had to drop off some art at heffel the other day and it was all either wealthcore or geobaskets on dudes way older than u guys

>> No.9644924

he's wearing comfortable clothes because he has absolutely nothing to prove to anyone and so can just enjoy not having his feet hurt and enough room for his dick to move around.

>> No.9644973

when wealthcore reaches ultra basic bitch levels.

>> No.9644997
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yeah that is pleb wealthcore

>> No.9645092

Why not? Who's it hurting? That's like asking why people eat ice cream

>> No.9645391

Poorbois just like to be racist on the internet as they have nothing better to do in their lives.

>> No.9645435

Their culture is one of poverty. It's the same reason rappers and athletes buy/do stupid shit with their money. They have absolutely no cultural cues for what to do with their wealth so they spend it on shit like what's in this thread.

>> No.9645444

Good trigger discipline by that one girl. She's alright. Look at that sour cunt on the right though! She needs to GTFO and go on a drug run or something.

>> No.9645451

Gay circus assassin, reporting for duty.

>> No.9645550
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Fucking hell, post good fits for christ sake.
None of this extreme branded stuff, keep the logos to a minimum you showoffs.

>> No.9645783

See >>9643740 again

>> No.9645800


If you're referring to Arabs, it's chiefly in consequence of low breeding and obsession with status, material objects, etc.

From a reproductive standpoint, Arabs do not have much to offer, especially if they wish to miscegenate. They have poor complexions, are shorter than the average male by about 4 inches, and retain body fat more readily due to higher circulating levels of estrogen in their blood. From a psychological standpoint, this makes them closer to women than men.

>> No.9645808
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this just came in yesterday. only 5 in the whole company.


>> No.9645812
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promotional model must have used a different section of the hide. scales are much larger

>> No.9645816


collar is also different, now that I look at it

>> No.9645826

fuck conspicuous consumption

>> No.9645831


I agree we should have sumptuary laws in place to prevent prole drift and retain visible distinction between nobility and serf, but that's inconsistent with capitalism and the free enterprise system

>> No.9645851


>> No.9645928

issey miyake

>> No.9645929


>> No.9646370

>old money

pls go

>> No.9646408

kek, nice fake

>> No.9646476

Because they need to compensate for their ugliness

>> No.9646752

>From a psychological standpoint, this makes them closer to women than men.
is this why the middle east is in a perpetual state of pms?

>> No.9646819

Way too many poorbois here.

Where is everyone going for their Spring break? I am off to Hawaii on Friday.

>> No.9646924

Going to Mexico

>> No.9647113


You're an idiot.

There isn't fair anything that sells for fifty grand

>> No.9647894
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tfw no wealthcore gf

>> No.9647910

tfw no bitchy gf

>> No.9648385

Yeah there is lol

>> No.9648409

>tfw no girlfriend gf

>> No.9648497

>tfw no basic bitch gf

>> No.9648523

>corny fur shit
>le givenchy
and no less than below a Loub box

SLP confirmed for basic bitch staple brand
I bet that bitch even talks with a Vocal fry

>> No.9649206

>imblying you can afford any of that stuff
post fit poorkid

>> No.9649353

wtf is going on with those shoes

>> No.9649557
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Who /casual wealthcore/ here?

Light jacket, cardigan, or sweatshirt
Nice t-shirt
Jeans, chinos or sweatpants
Tod's or sneakers

>> No.9649561
File: 2.40 MB, 1214x1204, 1427907951848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about the most I get dressed up, v comfy.

>> No.9649702

Just look at that fucking dog, it seems more expensive than my whole wardrobe.

>> No.9649738

its just a golden retriever lol

>> No.9649867

I use to like getting dressed up maybe early last year I always dressed up going out wherever I was going. Now though a fucking hanes white tee is so fucking easy to wear. I think it has something to do with me moving though

>always with immediate family wherever we go it's always together
>parents say they are setting some shit up (company) and want me there to oversee since they won't be here forever and to start learning my shit
>get me a house in the middle of nowhere with 10 acres of land
>completely different than what I'm use to
>take me to get a new vehicle since I didn't bring mine from home
>get back to new home, they say bye and leave
>alone with new house and vehicle

I think just the sudden change made me change my clothing style.

>> No.9650844

it's a limited edition.

>> No.9650920

I don't know what sort of weird shitty materialistic life someone should have in order to get into wealthcore.

this is the tackiest, most useless and plebiest of all the styles that I've seen.

Young money can suck my balls. What's the fun of getting everything for granted. Just being born with all the money you can spend, not earning a single thing in your life.

>> No.9650941

poorfag here

I give absolutely 0 fucks about 'earning' money, if I was rich from the get go I would be able to study what I enjoy rather than shitty stuff to get a job so I can afford decent shit in the future. I would be able to live in an area where people aren't getting stabbed every other day. I wouldn't have to work and save 20 years of my life for even the chance at getting a decent sized house in a nice area.

Shit bro, I don't even have it bad in the scheme of things and my main life goal is to make enough money so that when I have kids they don't grow up in the shithole I did and can have a leg-up over the rest of the world

>> No.9651028

looks like his mom couldn't get through to him

>> No.9651086

>alone with new house and vehicle
sounds terrible, how are you holding up?

>tfw not privileged

>> No.9651093

>He cannot tell the difference between pleb dogs and dogs from reputable breeders

>> No.9651113

Well bred dogs aren't that expensive anymore

>> No.9651250

I wasn't saying that to get sympathy. I just don't feel the need to dress up anymore. I've been where I'm at for a good half year now alone and am use to now dressing down for events so when I went back home I was getting concerned looks from family.

>going out to eat with family
>wear what I'm use to wearing now which is a plain white tee, shorts, shoes nothing fancy just general shit
>sister looks at me "What are you wearing, jeez have some class."
>Dad and Mom see me
>Dad "Have some respect and pride in how you look."
>Mom"It's fine let him wear what he likes...but you do look kinda bummy."

>> No.9651274

>tfw rich but dress like the dude during the day

I do dress up a bit to go out, chinos and a thom brown oxford.

>> No.9651310


lmao looks like a crayon

>> No.9651314


pretty much this

>> No.9651334

Whites are best wealthcore. ITALY, LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK.

>> No.9651353

Where part of Mexico? Isn't Mexico a dangerous place?

>> No.9651369

I'm going to Cabo for spring break, it's a beach town for rich white people. Not dangerous at all.

>> No.9651379

That's what they said about Cancun as well. An they found 5 bodies there.

You're fucking retarded to go there. I'd rather go to Maldives.

>> No.9651391
File: 125 KB, 375x156, Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 1.45.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not rich, but I'm going home!

>> No.9651427

Ah, I have a house in Wellington. Very nice.

>> No.9651439

Wellington Nz?

>> No.9651442

why would he have to post a fit? its just the truth, she looks like a basic bitch in a higher tax bracket... at least if she dressed like she had some taste in fashion instead of dick sucking skills and a heir to his daddy boyfriend/rich husband who's 50 years older than her than she wouldn't be such a fucking wealthcore pleb

>> No.9651457

fa talking about cars i'm gonna vomit brb i have cancer time to hide this thread

>> No.9651477


You are fucking retarded if you don't think that they aren't inveswting their money in other areaswwwwwwwwwwwwww.

>> No.9651642

Florida, next to West Palm Beach.

>> No.9651805

pretty much youre retarded.

>> No.9652091

I see you have a mac too, very wealthcore.

>> No.9652675

So much feels

>> No.9652811

You can be wealthcore and have worked for your money you know.

Some of us admittedly have successful parents, but it is very possible to be independently wealthy.

>> No.9652993

It's weird though. I mean honestly anyone can become wealthy or even higher than middle class.

My parents are wealthy but are not pushing me to start taking over since they won't be here forever and I better know how to deal and talk to the bank.

Thing is my uncle has his own successful business and makes pretty good money. He wants his daughter to take over so she went to college to learn about PR and shit. She started tanking the place and became a teacher instead....I asked him if I could take over and he let me and now my immediate family has more money.

It seems that people want to be wealthy but they don't really look for ways to become wealthy.

>> No.9653277

No shit, everyone wants to be rich, most people are lazy.

>> No.9653285

I don't think they are lazy...I mean if someone told you to take over a business but took you as a apprentice so you know what you're doing and the business is flourishing then you know they will pay attention.

I just think people are either ignorant or just blind to opportunities.

>> No.9653423

I wasn't necessarily talking about you, but it is a fact that most people want money without doing anything.

>> No.9653672

who /gucci/ here?

goat brand?

>> No.9654630

Their shoes are great, not a fan of their clothes.

>> No.9654660


>> No.9654812

It's coat looks lighter than gold. It's a more specialized breed if that's the case.