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/fa/ - Fashion

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9639144 No.9639144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you sit across from a qt effay asian gril on the train
>immediately tense up, start looking everywhere around her but not at her

why won't nice clothes heal my autism

>> No.9639150

social anxiety
google it

>> No.9639152

>be talking to female friend
>too scared to look at her even though we're bro-tier

>> No.9639171

>That feel when you spend thousands ordering clothes online and leave the house wearing them for the first time
>Still have no confidence

>> No.9639238

Normally people get a little scared around other attractive people. It's just how it works, the only thing is that you have to do is ignore it.

>> No.9639253

>Normally people get a little scared around other attractive people.

Damn, is that why nobody wants to talk to me? :$

>> No.9639262

>just ignore it its all in your head xD
fuck off

>> No.9639265

No, it's because your autism has a 100ft radius

>> No.9639274

/r9k/ detected
its the truth in many circumstances

>> No.9639277

watch that vsauce video on the science of awkwardness. made me feel p good

>> No.9639283

No, it's because you're reclusive and spend all your time shitposting on here.

>> No.9639292

I love how you guys act like you wouldn't all do the same thing

>> No.9639293


>> No.9639310

>Normally people get a little scared around other attractive people.

are you implying i'm attractive?

>> No.9639329

yes, only a minority of people are genuinely ugly, the majority are simply not trying hard enough to unleash their true beauty

>> No.9639461

Just watched this. Made me feel better

>> No.9639492

Learn to be a human, nobody needs to sperg out. Hell! Look up some manprovement videos or books.

>> No.9639508

usually I'm uncomf with a fit I wore for the first time. second time around I'm not anxious and more confident.

>> No.9639512
File: 16 KB, 558x565, Abstract pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she said she was 16 but is actually 18
the lack of constant homework should've been a giveaway

>> No.9639543

i think u have a crush bro

>> No.9639734

>tfw suddenly became (apparently) very attractive about a year ago
>no shortage of female attention, people recognize me when I go out even I don't have a fucking clue who they are
>girls hitting on me when I go out, don't even have to do anything myself
>get laid every now and then without applying any effort (could be a lot more if wasn't a sperg I'm guessing)
>still think of myself as unattractive or downright ugly when I'm left alone for a couple of days
>still hate almost every photo I appear on

I'm convinced that I either live in a fucking fantasy world or that there is a God and he is smiling on me. Either way, I am thankful to whatever divine deity there is for creating this illusion of attractiveness for me.

>> No.9639749

nobody wants to hear about your perfect life

unless you have autism fuck off

>> No.9639808


>tfw extremely low self-esteem
>hate my body (5'4" guy with hair thinning since high school)
>emotionally distressing to look in the mirror
>think I'm a fraud whose only been academically successful through luck since I haven't put any effort into school since freshman year of hs but still manage to get good grades on everything
>spend hours every day thinking about how much i want to kms but afraid that I'll fail and have to live with it until I can try again so I never try in the first place
>thinking about suicide makes me late for class every single day because I pretty much blackout while im thinking about it in the shower every morning
>all my old friends are typical bros but I don't connect with them anymore
>only one friend left really

>strangers and friends of friends always talk to me like I'm just some normal dude
>prof assigns in class assignment to be done alone, pairs, or group of three
>get out paper to do it alone
>qt girl next to me asks me to work with her and her guy friend
>I expect they'll want me to do it for them
>she literally does the entire thing and just lets me put my name on it at the end and the guy makes small talk with me the whole time
>absolutely shocked afterward

>qts make eye contact all the time and sometimes smile but I always look away bc I doubt they actually find a 5'4" guy attractive

>took some adderall earlier to help focus while studying for two exams tomorrow
>still can't study bc I keep thinking about how much I hate myself

>gonna cop some chelseas tonight since I've been looking for the perfect pair that wasn't slp priced for months
>so at least that's going kinda well for me

>> No.9639811


post pics

>> No.9639826
File: 310 KB, 1000x2858, CdWBlIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the interaction go like this image, anon?

>> No.9639836

Does she have small eyes? Does she have a round, bulky or wide face? If yes, like I am assuming, then that's a 4/10 Asian girl and you have nothing to fear.

Quit being an autistic white kid.

>> No.9639848

Nah, majority is fucking ugly as shit to me. I go on /soc/ and give all the fuckers a 4-5/10 average and the ugly, tasteless fucks sperg out on me for being honest.

>> No.9639854

ITT: Does she resemble trunks's girl in any shape or form? If yes then that's a 3/10 and you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.9639868

the way you describe your interactions makes it sound like you have good reason to have better self esteem, you can clearly socialise normally if not better than average

that's what actually matters dude, and nice chelseas of course

don't just hang in there, pull yourself up and put yourself out there

>> No.9640193

just buy more clothes until you're confident

>> No.9640365

I wish this worked

>> No.9640375


>he thinks /soc/ represents a normal sample of the human population

I think it's time to move out of mommy's basement

>> No.9640390
File: 185 KB, 2197x1461, 1404573615014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screencapped as a visual representation of /fa/. When will you /fa/ggots learn clothes isn't the only thing that can get rid of your autism when it comes to girls?

>> No.9640404

>french effay cutie on the train
>only throw glances at her
>she catches my eye
>better not look beta
>staring contest commences
>feel sweat building up on forehead
>"nice shirt anon"
>she gets off the train
A-at least i dress n-n-nice, right guis?

>> No.9640421

>4/10 asian girl
doesn't help when the op is a 2/10 at most himself, with a -13/10 personality

>> No.9640436

tfw the only girls you find attractive are 8/10+ /fa/ qt3.14s and only basic bitches come on to you

>> No.9640501

w2c nice shirt

>> No.9640590

requesting nice shirt inspo

>> No.9640703

>don't just hang in there, pull yourself up and put yourself out there
I don't man I feel like I'm too far gone. I appreciate the kind words though.

>> No.9640714


Get off 4chan, you fucking moron. This is like the worst place for a depressed person to spend their time.

>> No.9640715

it did for me

>> No.9640718

sounds like you're ugly

>> No.9640729

What chelseas are you copping?

>> No.9640762


>> No.9640767

You seem to be focusing on the wrong things man. You need to focus on what you have going for you not the bad things. I envy you for not trying that much in school and still get grades. You will succeed in life, I know you will. Focus on your studies and rewards will come.
I know life can be hard when you're so neurotic and self-conscious, but you need to maybe find a hobby on the side apart from studying to keep your mind off of hating yourself.
You also seem empathetic (which is a good healthy sign), but you care way too much about what other people think of you. You need to somehow train your brain to not view yourself through other people's eyes. This is a problem I struggle with myself, but it's getting better.
You socialize pretty well, which I'm also envious of. There are other things that you can have that could be so much worse than your appearance, which IMO isn't all that bad.

There will always be someone who has it so much worse.
Things will get better. Keep a chin up, anon. I'm rooting for you and hope things will get better, which I'm sure they will.

>> No.9640833

Thanks. I'm just taking it day by day right now

>> No.9641225

these feels threads are always so sad :(

>> No.9641591

is being sad /fa/?

>> No.9641593


>> No.9641604

how old are you

>> No.9641641

i knew a dude exactly like this. he'd cop insane grails all the time and wouldn't go out with friends for months so they'd just accumalate. he'd wear it once and resell it and just go back to wearing uniqlo everything lel

>> No.9641644

it's probably because you're being a massive creep without knowing

>> No.9641668

some people find the 'i clueless that i'm attractive' thing sexy. keep it goin, you'll adjust over time and you're clearly doing something right :)

>> No.9641671

you probably forgot to take your escitalopram and clonazepam that day

>> No.9641676
File: 11 KB, 316x202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt korean grill asks me to be her boyfriend
>april fool's

>> No.9641679

this is me also. How do I stop hating myself and get over my body dysmorphia?

>> No.9641692

therapy is always a solid choice. if you're a uni student look around for on campus mental health help, it's always always free and incredibly helpful.

best of luck, you'll get through this :)

>> No.9641699

But it seems absurd. I am aware I am a good-looking guy, but years of being treated like garbage during schooling, I just can't shake it off that I look like a freak

Therapy would be nice, but again, I just have a fear that the therapist would go "are you fucking kidding me?"

>> No.9641703

>I just have a fear that the therapist would go "are you fucking kidding me?"
I'm a different anon. That's what therapist do, they help you with problems that seem "ridiculous" and are not a problem to most people

>> No.9641713


your problems are shitty, go get laid and while youre laying it into a fresh pussy then you can say "hey i shouldnt be an insecure little bitch because im actually good looking enough to score some pootang"

>> No.9641775

yeah, but I feel like I'm not worth. It's psychological not physical

>> No.9641790

if you can acknowledge that it's psychological, not physical, then you're ready to see a therapist. Explaining it as "Everyone thinks I'm really attractive but I just dont see it lol" obviously makes it seem ridiculous but body dysmorphia is not and you can get help. Just be glad you're not me >>9639808 my problems are physical. Good luck anon

>> No.9641803

Thanks a bunch. And this sounds crude, but please don't off yourself, you're worth more than that

>> No.9641811

it's like we're identical

>> No.9641826

lol, that sounds like some high school bullshit

(oddly enough, I feel like I replied to something like this 1 or 2 years ago....)

>> No.9641831

i have a daunting fear that this will happen to me tomorrow in class.

>> No.9642614

that sucks anon. that's such a shitty, petty "joke"

>> No.9642669

No, it's because you're a huge bitch.

>> No.9642872


>> No.9642893

Iove you :3

>> No.9642935
File: 35 KB, 700x246, 1418596267787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Dugan Ashley accepted my friend request

On the other hand

>gerbil has eye infection
>give him a bath every morning and dab at his eye with a qtip covered in a bit of Neosporin
>kind of don't want him but will keep taking care of him

>> No.9642959

i am asian girl at bus
i love you long time

sucky sucky for free for pleasure

take me on a trip i'd like to go some day

take me to new york i want to see LA

i really want to come kick it with you

you be my american boy american boy

>> No.9643083

>gerbil has eye infection
>jab it's eye with a cocktail stick dipped in hydrochloride acid
>and they say 'nam was a failure

>> No.9643120

the SUPREME gentleman strikes again

>> No.9643125
File: 43 KB, 617x165, 1420852012744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, that ain't awfully effective, friend.