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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 381 KB, 2560x1920, goinbald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9632881 No.9632881 [Reply] [Original]

Going bald, should I shave it or stick with a buzz cut?

>> No.9632892

you should lose weight

>> No.9632896

sorry, did i ask if I should lose weight?

>> No.9632900

This is a top post on r/mfa

>> No.9632902

You would know

>> No.9632903

bleach it, it'll look better.
And lose weight

>> No.9632904


>> No.9632907

I asked for help there too

>> No.9632910

what does that mean?

>> No.9632923

you should lose weight

>> No.9632925

You aren't "going bald" you done gone bald son. Shave it and shave your shitty goatee

>> No.9632926

looks like you can still grow the back out though :)

>> No.9632930

well thanks for the help *sarcasm*
guess I'll go back to stuffing dragon dildos up my ass

>> No.9632932

i tried losing weight, it's pretty tough
no, if I had gone bald i wouldn't have any hair left.

>> No.9632933

stop that please

>> No.9632948

Tryeth again, thy hair might groweth back
'R it mightn't

>> No.9633197

You're bald. When you have mpb you're not losing the hair on the sides and the back, just the ones on the top. Thus, you're bald.

Shave it. Or give Finasteride a chance, but it's too late I think.

>> No.9633228


Have more hair on your head but deal with this?

Finasteride may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
inability to have or maintain an erection

decreased sexual desire

problems with ejaculation (including decreased volume of ejaculate)

pain in the testicles


Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately:
changes in the breasts such as increased size, lumps, pain, or nipple discharge




swelling of the lips and face

difficulty breathing or swallowing

>> No.9633232


shave head not goatee
lose weight
buy pale green shirts and beige slacks

>> No.9633244

Shave head you're already bald
Keep the goatee maybe let it grow more freely
Change shirts don't wear those square shirts you look like some dad office worker with no fashion sense
Look for different glasses
Lose weight

You'll look fine anon

>> No.9633332

lose weight fat fuck that's your number one problem

>> No.9633345

shots were fired

>> No.9633715

no you were told

>> No.9633718

i cant see past your fatfuckness so lose weight then come again

>> No.9633719

dont listen to these fucking autistic wiggers, if you lose weight youll look like a cancer victim

>> No.9633730

OP if you actually want to look good (even though im aware OP isnt real) then listen to this honest advice

Lift weights

Head clean shaven or bald patch it doesnt matter

youre old and white, probably somewhat successful, so obviously youre not going to wear "supreme " sk8r boi or nigger clothing ,or clown shoes. Or rick owens muslim head scarf

Put on some muscle, leave the beard if you must. Wear whatever the fuck you want. Older people look good in pretty much anything as long as you stick to basics.

>> No.9634441
File: 31 KB, 350x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave head
Keep goatee
Lose weight
Buy better frames
Buy better clothes

No offence but it shocks me when I see people this old on here. nothing wrong with it, but most people on here are teenage autists

>> No.9634446


>> No.9634457

Get a full beard instead of the goatee and go full shave.

>> No.9634467

Fat, ugly, bald and short.

You're hopeless.

>> No.9634469


>> No.9634476
File: 169 KB, 880x586, 1389897324241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying grown ups dont look better in rick than autistic high schoolers and college freshman

>> No.9634478


>looks good brother!

Fucking reddit

>> No.9634480

You look like the BTK killer.

>> No.9634526

Loose weight. Everyone on reddit will tell you "fat is manly! Be proud!" But dying at 40 of a heart attack is not manly, and it definitely is not fashionable at all.

>> No.9634543

looking good dan

>> No.9634713

It doesn't matter. When you come here, we are going to tell you the truth because nobody else will.

You could look like a fucking God if you lost the weight, lost the dad-core clothes, and went completely bald with a beard.

>> No.9635060

shave it all of, you would be able to pull it off, bald is a choice, balding isn't.

>> No.9635069

And on this day, /fa/ got sorely rused upon by a master ruseman and tactical genius skilled in the art of mass deception. The only thing greater than their shame was their regret at not knowing this stranger's name.

>> No.9635186


>> No.9635900

It was years ago.


>> No.9636720

You should get your pension and retire from fashion, grandpa

>> No.9638831


>> No.9638897

stop being a fat fuck, no-one will respect you whatever hair or clothes you have

>> No.9640158

Realistically, what should I expect if I have the same hairline as this guy in my early 30s and am not married. Dying alone?

>> No.9640190
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