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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 300x300, so-i-became-feel_fb_307028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9600113 No.9600113 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw never been called good looking

>> No.9600121

b-but y-you could always be called a big guy

>> No.9600122

>tfe always been called ugly.

>> No.9600126

lol i get called good looking A LOT and i aint even all that. may as well kill yourself

>> No.9600129

how old are you? it was like that with me till i was about 18, since then its been all positive

>> No.9600130

See it from the positive side guys!
At least people are honest!
Yes, this is the spirit! Your fat doesn't matter as long as you're strong and buff.
Well, at least they notice you, use your charms to win 'em over!
Negative re-enforcement, creative thinking!
Woah, a tripfag, go die please.

>> No.9600132

I'm a skelly manlet and girls sometimes tell me I'm cute, that's it really although a lot of people compliment my clothes. What matters is what you think, I know it sounds cheesy and clichey but it's true.

>> No.9600487

>tfw asian women call me handsome, white women call me beautiful and black chicks think I'm cute
>tfw first compliment from Chinese people I meet is usually how handsome or fresh looking I am
>tfw still no gf

What is love

>> No.9600491

If people frequently tell me I should model, should I?

and no I'm not posting myself on 4chan

>> No.9600493
File: 101 KB, 600x450, 1421519152640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been called good looking
>never been called ugly

I don't even fucking exist.

>> No.9600496

Sames. I'm surprised when people recognize my face.

>> No.9600499

>tfw being hit on by girls (and sometimes guys) semi-regularly
>still think I'm ugly
This fucking board completely skewed my perspective.

>> No.9600505

>tfw I get called "pretty" a lot, as well as innocent.

>tfw will never be looked at sexually by women my age

>> No.9600507


Don't fucking listen to the aesthetic preferences of boards

/fa/ = anorexic fucks with sickly pale skin
/fit/ = plagued by that high test meme, which is pretty much chubby chasing
/b/ = anything that has tits and is symmetrical looking, actually good looking women are considered ayy lmaos or "too skinny".
/pol/ = blonde, blue eyed women with wide, fat, bony, man faces.

>> No.9600508

20 yr old guy btw

get offers for sex from gay guys almost weekly though

>> No.9600512

Does being called good looking ironically count as being called ugly?

>> No.9600514

Nah man, you've got to capitalise on that shit. If they are miring, they are desiring.

>> No.9600517


>> No.9600535

>18 y/o with curly hair and a young, pale face
>get called cute by women all the time

it's always the 21-25 year old women who are always all over me

>> No.9600537

Better start rimming and pissing on them

>> No.9600567

23-26 yr old is GOAT age for women imo.

>> No.9600575

post pics of your handsome/beautiful/cute face

>> No.9600583

No thnx, I will get slandered by people's personal preferences.

>> No.9600586

Yeah,theyve learned not to have reeking vaginas by then and they haven't got fat yet

>> No.9600589

your first post seemed pretty confident m8. i think youre lying to me and youre actually not that attractive

>> No.9600605
File: 240 KB, 720x960, waifus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am in a fragile state of mind atm.

Well, I was more thinking: they are past being children but still have fun with some maturity and in between looking young and looking like they are starting to wear away.
M8, in this board, the niggers say honkeys look too pale, the honkeys say niggers are too black. Here, these 2 grills like me enuf to touch me so I guess that shows something.

>> No.9600614

>Red pants
Were you at a Christmas party?

>> No.9600615

congrats on your two 6/10 chicks

>> No.9600619

No but I wore them at a New Year's party :D.

They are 7-8/10 bro.

>> No.9600625

yeah sure they are

>> No.9600635

the one on the left is a 7 imo

>> No.9600638
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>> No.9600640

dude look at the boots she wore tho, clearly she THINKS like a 6 at best.

>> No.9600643

okay i'd hit the left one sober and the right one drunk as fuck

>> No.9600645

That's them from their best angle and they're both solid fours. Get over yourself bro.

Also: have you at least had sex with either of them?

>> No.9600648


this thread has promise

>> No.9600652

You two either like ugly women or are just trolling me -.-

Either way my earlier point stood, anything I post will be slandered by "muh preferences".

>> No.9600655


baby einstein yr being too generous she thinks like a 3 and is maybe a 4 on a good day
the one on the right would be lucky to be a two

>> No.9600657

I recommend you delete the pictures, hide the thread and go on with your life thinking they're >7

>> No.9600658

have you at least had sex with either of them?

>> No.9600661

ok after seeing this ill bring the one of the left down to a 5

>> No.9600662

Ok you are retarded and autistic.

>> No.9600664

Nay son. It's kind of funny watching how much all of you care.

>> No.9600667

sorry that you haven't copped standards yet

>> No.9600670
File: 196 KB, 466x346, Frida and some ugly random.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more standards than you ever will pleb.

>> No.9600676

but you somehow think either of those women are above a 4?

>> No.9600677

a confident girl one class over me once told me she likes my shoes
i was like "t-thanks"

>> No.9600678


>> No.9600680

But they are. They look better in the flesh than in a few pictures of course. Bro, why do you care so much about my opinion lol? Don't you have better things to do with your time?

>> No.9600681

>tfw 19 with babby face
girls my age don't want me
mid 20 girls think i'm "little kid cute"
might as well an hero

>> No.9600684

Act like a man and the baby face will work wonders. Women love a manly dude who is cute, young and full of vigour.

>> No.9600688

et tu brute

>> No.9600698

Hahaha I know you. You're pathetic.

>> No.9600700

drop trip faggot

>> No.9600701

Noted. What usually works with older girls for me is to reference Cam'ron's "hey ma"; works nearly every time.
don't understand why
have a few older girls thinking that song is "our song"

>> No.9600705

Bro, it's 3:24 am here and I just finished a delicious meal of chicken. Now quit avoiding the topic you pussy. But I guess you are just another pathetic /fa/ggot who cares too much about what other people think.

No you can't know me. You are a filthy liar.

>> No.9600707

That doesn't work. Older women aren't attracted to you. You probably never go outside. hahaha

>> No.9600709

lol, that means you´re fat

>> No.9600715

>tfw people stop complimenting you after they get to know your shitty atittude

its a bittersweet feel

>> No.9600717

But it has, anon. Your last two sentences are correct, though.

>> No.9600721

arent you a fat mexican

>> No.9600722

yeah, people have said that I'd be much nicer if I weren't such an asshole

>> No.9600736

no one cares actually. and you're pathetic for posting a pic and defending yourself because no one thinks they are above 5/10

>> No.9600740

i´m mexican, not fat

sieg and this (>>9600121) dude are the fat ones in this board, maybe you too

yeah, but it helps with the daddy issues bitches all the time, it gets funny until they grasp on you, theres when you have to unleash your ultimate asshole atittude to get rid of them

>> No.9600742

Yeah he is lmao doesn't even own anything from the brand he jerks off so hard

>> No.9600748

You obviously care too much to shitpost and regurgitate what 5 other people said. Get over it buddy, they are over 5/10 to me.

>> No.9600752

like i said, no one cares

>> No.9600768

You care too much by still responding. You are damn bitchy.

>> No.9600770

Yeah I know that feel man.I had long hair,and a weird taste in clothes and only fat 6/10 metalhead girls would call me "cute".So I said,fuck this,I'll go get a haircut and dress like a normal guy.Few months later I was walking my dog through the park and there was a group of about 5 girls,and after I walked past them they talked to each other about me,called me cute and shit.I've never been happier in my life,and I spent the next hour smiling like a tard.After that I actually started talking to girls,and I would always get compliments from them,and hell my crush of 5 years was interested in me after that,and we kissed and shit,could have fucked her too but I was really dumb that night.Honestly i was never ugly to begin with,and I have good looking parents,I was just a weird fucked up kid.Maybe all you faggots need is a haircut and a shave,that shit worked for me.Life is good

>> No.9600788
File: 1.18 MB, 300x169, 1403312669245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so are you

>> No.9600792

Nah son, I'm triggering the fuck out of you. You /fa/ggots can't sleep at night unless you get the last say. So don't ever go to bed cunt.

>> No.9600793

4 u

>> No.9600801

I am skeptical, pls post face + dick

>> No.9600808
File: 35 KB, 295x300, 1412779312820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't start a war you can't win m8

>> No.9600822

I hope you're not the fag claiming those 5's are 7-8
That's objectively false

>> No.9600828


forget about the girls, your outfit is honestly awful

>> No.9600839

that's me


>> No.9600875

Tfw 8/10 facial aesthetics but its all to waste because I'm 5'7

>> No.9600880

date mixed girls or hispanics

>> No.9600886

Why do you say that? Because its kind of coincidental that hispanic girls are the only ones I really date.

>> No.9600893

they tend to be shorter
the majority of mixed girls i know are short (usually half asian half white)
i'm hispanic and we're all short as hell, but hispanic girls bore me unless they're americanized
tl;dr they're usually shorter

>> No.9601031

Right is 6/10, left is most likely a 7-8/10 with make up and in person. Objectively they drop a point to half a point in comparison to the world but realistically you're doing pretty damn good bro. What people fail to recognize is geographic location these girls coupe possibly be 10/10 based off of where you are or 0/10. Its relative.

>> No.9601060

>been called ugly as fuck
>been called hot as fuck

fuck this gay earth

>> No.9601108

Currently dating 6' model skinny mixed girl
Damn it feels good to be tall

>> No.9601124

isabella or ashley?
yeah biggest downside for me being 5'7" is no qt model gf

>> No.9601137

The person that called you ugly felt threatened
The person who called you hot was being overtly generous

>> No.9602540

quality thread

>> No.9602555

tfw polo model

>> No.9602566

lmao makes sense

>> No.9602598

This guy again, i've seen this picture too many times.. Unconfident fuck

>> No.9602653
File: 25 KB, 750x750, 1405462815810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw granny says I'm handsome

>> No.9602683
File: 8 KB, 233x164, 1426076299427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been called hot by gay guy and had ass slapped by random gays multiple times
>had little interest

>> No.9602693
File: 482 KB, 710x405, SAMEGUY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These women weigh more than you
picture unrelated

>> No.9602694

tfw 7-8/10 girls frequently ask to hook up
tfw when gf
sometimes I feel like i'm going to miss my prime ass getting days just to end up with the relationship ending afterwards anyway

>> No.9602698

>tfw condom broke and was too embarassed to tell the gf

fuck. this happened to me once before and the girl got pregnant

>> No.9602701

make sure your child is /fa/ as fuck
Don't fuck this up anon

>> No.9602710
File: 42 KB, 813x611, 10403582_1079516348741784_8652236370579948843_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often get called cute and even hot sometimes.
I'm sorry, bro.

>> No.9602721

>mom says im good looking
>suggests i try going into a modelling agency
>i laugh and say nono youre just saying that
>cry myself to sleep later
anyone else done this

>> No.9602731

A girl told me and a group of friends that "we weren't cute"
I still think that was her way of saying that she wanted us to run a train on her.

>> No.9602747

I'm just like, too intimidating for girls to approach me.


>> No.9602750

>friends keep telling me I look kinda good
>tfw shy
>tfw nogf
Pretty much my whole life so far.

>> No.9602756

>talking about no job with friends
>girl says ''why don't you be a model''
>not handsome
why is she so mean?

>> No.9602757

she was hitting on you

>> No.9602760

on two occasions 2 qt lesbians
have stated if they were straight they would fug

>> No.9602761

it's probs not that you're not handsome it's that you're not confident

>> No.9602764

i will probably just end up paying for an abortion

>> No.9602771

>walking down street with friend
>two drunk girls walk past
>''average looking fellas, what's up''
>extremely pissed off for the rest of the week

>> No.9602773


>> No.9602793

>older women call me cute
>girls have called me cute/attractive
>girls always looking at me
>/fa/ has said I'm attractive
>can pull off long hair or short hair
>can grow a beard

>I don't talk to people
>have a very obvious angry vibe
>my relaxed face looks like I'd kill someone
>people tell me I have confidence in my demeanor or whatever

oh well

>> No.9602798
File: 55 KB, 489x640, 1424317389941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chubby chasing

Low test detected, absolutely haram

The more /fa/ I got the more cold and aloof people I thought I was, the more /fit/ I get the more people warmly smile and treat me well.

>Recent comments
>Anon you're lucky you're so attractive to say those things
>Anon you have great taste in everything
>Anon your qt gf can sleep on the sofa tonight I'll sleep in your bed
>Anon your qt gf made us promise to not sleep with you if you guys break up

I guess this is making it, why do I feel the same as I always have.

>> No.9602801

>tfw called good looking quite a bit but still no gf

>> No.9602812

lol thinking that following advice from any 4chan board is a smart decision shows how retarded you are

>> No.9602820

Those two self improvement boards have legitimately helped me become a much better human being.

>> No.9602841

fucking shit how sad
i hope that just means going from /pol/ and /b/ and becoming a regularly shitty person

>> No.9602852

>he thinks that going to /pol/ doesn't make you a better person

>> No.9602858

>Low test detected

I always like seeing the rationalization from chubby chasers.

>> No.9602859

I have been a couple times but it's probably people just trying to be nice.
>sitting outside a bar in the smokers area
>a women walking past comes up to me and touches my arm and says "Are you alright?" "You're very good looking."
Not really sure what to make of it.

>> No.9602862

Lol I know you're literally 12 but I've been here for 9 years, long before /pol/ existed and /b/ was still funny.

I've lurked nearly every board, but learning to dress and lift weights has changed my life more than anything else.

Not to say that learning through osmosis the plethora of information available here hasn't helped.

>> No.9602867

>>Anon your qt gf can sleep on the sofa tonight I'll sleep in your bed
>>Anon your qt gf made us promise to not sleep with you if you guys break up
well when dudes say that to you it's a little differnt...

>> No.9602868
File: 379 KB, 1200x748, 1407468944453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you want me to post more.

>> No.9602874
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 1425054674606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's only guys that ask for your number
>girls be like, I know I'll smile coyly at that guy, guys love that shit

>> No.9602875

>tfw gf constantly raves about how all her friends think im attractive
>tfw wasting away my prime in a long term relationship

>> No.9602882
File: 74 KB, 500x750, 1419851861035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9602887

I love when people use literally figuratively.
You seem pretty proud of what 4chan has done for you lol.
That's very pathetic.

>> No.9602890
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1421716384022.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9602896

sometimes you see girls with bootys like that in real life and it's literally life changing every time

>> No.9602898

maybe u dont have a gf cause ur creeps that have shit like this in mass quantities

>> No.9602899
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1423946743523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I honestly believed you were a 12yr old shitposting. Only that could explain the irrational anger.

>> No.9602905

Anger? To read my posts as agressive must mean you're defensive as hell.

>> No.9602909
File: 65 KB, 550x827, 1423946429424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fuccboi I have a gf, I've had lots, girls are easy to get when you're aesthetic and not scared of your sexuality.

So sad what modern feminism has done to our youth.

>> No.9602922

Huck we all know this is you you fool

>> No.9602925
File: 298 KB, 1080x720, 1423177593639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throwing around the words retarded, fucking shit, sad
>I-I wasn't b-being a-aggressive

It's my fault for falling for your bait in the first place.>>9600507

>> No.9602932

>using words
>writing a factual statement
I forgot, 40 year old anon, that tone of voice does in fact travel through screens, and that choice of words is critical on the internet.
also, i'm not >>9600507

>> No.9602944
File: 252 KB, 869x1082, 1406605020187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D-Don't judge m-me for my c-choice of words
>You c-can't even t-tell my tone

>> No.9602951

>i don't know how to argue so i'll just mimic them

>> No.9602984

Lmao, I'm mad ugly and I get called good looking. It's not a thing people say without provocation, you know. Engage in discussion bordering shallow and fish.pic related, feels pretty good.

>> No.9602985

>Defending yourself against obvious trolls and funposters on a Lituanian photography board

>> No.9602992

I wish I had words to say about this image

>> No.9603002
File: 483 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic.not joking

>> No.9603047

>mfw volunteering in hospital because pre-pa
>bringing around ice water to patients
>bring old guy ice water, nurse is inside his room talking to him checking on him
>old guy looks at me and tells nurse "I didn't know they let 12 yr olds work at hospitals"
>she doesn't even laugh she just looks at me with a pained expression
I'm turning 20 in three months

>> No.9603049

>tfw so socially retarded i cant help but feel close to people
>tfw they always leave me because i dont trust them and joke a lot so they cant hurt me
>tfw they call me ugly then they know me more and suddenly im cute then they get crushes on me
>tfw im a lonely lonely man

which way is r9k

>> No.9603057
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1422748891336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working retail
>turning in backroom keys at the end of shift
>older lady asks me name for log
>tell her my name
>"oh so you're the handsome one all the girls talk about"
>mfw they never talk about how handsome I am to my face
>mfw the only ones I'd really even consider doing anything with are managers anyway

Also /fa/ related I guess:
>on a trip for unis debate team
>going out to dinner with team walking to restaurant with 3 qts having bantz
>one says "anon you're so smart and good looking"
>other says "ya and you dress really well too"
>internal spaghetti override activate
>"what can I say, I guess I'm a man who has it all"
>they giggle
>mfw probably could have had a chance with either of them but got blackout drunk and ended up passing out in a friends hotel room floor

>> No.9603060
File: 344 KB, 681x496, 1417268415473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone told me that I have nice veins

I don't know if I should take this as a compliment or not.

>> No.9603073

>asking a trip fag if they have anything better to do

>> No.9603078

my ex called me "hot" but I really don't think I am that

I've definitely been called cute before and it's not uncommon for me to get compliments on my red hair

If you're a non-ugly ginger (like myself) you're someone's "type"

>> No.9603081


>> No.9603091
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>> No.9603100
File: 1.50 MB, 250x161, 1420482556273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nurses at Red Cross tell me that every time I come in

>> No.9603104

I was told I seemed brooding once. Is that a compliment?

>> No.9603105


>> No.9603111

>tfw easy for me to fuck girls but impossible to keep ;-;

I stopped trying a while ago.

>> No.9603113

I didn't think so


>> No.9603153

take one for the team u entitled loser
if everyone in this world was drop dead gorgeous nobody would be
in real life they look disproportionate and malformed
the amount of endocrine disruptors in our environment is causing horrible hyper estrogenized bodies

>> No.9603161
File: 125 KB, 1102x967, 1426495354716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw great looking but never get hit on, told that I'm good looking, or followed back on twitter

I guess theyre just jealous..

>> No.9603168
File: 58 KB, 645x773, 1412366864168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the person you had an almost-thing with stopped texting you
>tfw you realize you're alone again
>only creeps and 5/10s try to approach you now
>tfw tired of life

>> No.9603170

>cardboard cup holders
lmfao was this photo taken in a mcdonalds backroom

>> No.9603175

>not joking
You look like the type of slimy hispanic men that try to pick up random white chicks on public transportation

>> No.9603192


I'm 29 with baby face

If you don't want to settle down you can enjoy fucking 21 year olds when you're pushing 30.

>> No.9603193

>followed back on twitter

i know that feel bro

so many chicks ive wanted to slide into their DMs and im like god damn bitch follow me back ffs

>> No.9603198

actually pretty damn accurate.

>> No.9603199
File: 131 KB, 793x645, 1426557999099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the worst

>tfw qt bitch followed me back recently
>slid in there
>we talked for a bit
>she's ignoring me now

>tfw I'm a boring person with shitty social skills

>> No.9603212
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 1425440336997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast I got dubs

>> No.9603216

Thank you for giving me hope.

>> No.9603220

That's a thing?

>> No.9603238

he looks fine

>> No.9603239

>have long curly hair all throughout high school and only one normal girl thought I was attractive enough to hit on me, literally handholdless virgin all 4 years
>cut hair when I graduate, gradually start dressing better
>get called cute regularly, get openly hit on in public occasionally, get called handsome occasionally
>literally notice girls looking at me in flirtatious ways regularly
>be actively pursued by girls like 2 or 3 times a year

I'm not even hot. Like I consider myself a 7 when I'm doing good so I have no idea how this happened. Maybe I just have a good personality.

>> No.9603265
File: 48 KB, 398x409, sad_dolphin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been called good looking but cripplingly low self-esteem about your looks means that you think they are just being nice

>> No.9603295

having a babyface + premature baldness sucks man. I'm a 6/10 in my prime and I won't even get to bang 20 year olds when i'm 30. Why live? I never had a chance. bye

>> No.9603328
File: 103 KB, 397x463, 1424917722431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be costanza

>> No.9603346

dat filename

>> No.9603351

i'm pretty bad at keeping convos up too, i wish girls would just talk about whatever shit is on their mind and i could just pander and agree with them. would make it so much easier.

>tfw cant even try that because she wont follow me back

and one of them dates a fucking pot dealer who lives with his parents, like come on do you know how much i spend on clothes got dam

>> No.9603355

Left 6. Right 4. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. My opinion is more valid than any of yours.

>> No.9603390

they are both ugly as fuck who cares u virginal number rating ass geek

dont contribute to this community again

>> No.9603427


>> No.9603454

I've been rated anywhere from 8/10 to 10/10 depending on the r8tor.

all I can say OP is, looking generic as fuck, isn't gonna get you that 10/10 the little weirdness, quirks. that's what gets peoples attentions. unless you have the 1.618 of a face. focus on your weirdness/mess ups. its called peacocking. it works for serial killers....

>> No.9603474

wow check it out

nerd tries to fight my ether with internet mee mees

get back to chess club before i beat ur ass geek

>> No.9603477

>mee mees.

its maymay you newfag. lurk moar.

>> No.9603507
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>> No.9603533
File: 45 KB, 345x341, 1427062514862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat, sloppy piece of shit
>tfw have been called good looking so many times it doesn't even matter anymore

>> No.9603542

I feel the same, I think once I got confirmation from everyone around me that I was really good looking I just moved on to the next thing while becoming an aesthetic hobo

>> No.9603570

>tfw as skinny as a teenage girl
>tfw girls call you "pretty"
>tfw gay guys hit on you all the time

Might as well become a trap, girls don't want me, even though I am supposedly quite attractive.

>> No.9603599
File: 52 KB, 435x653, 9155744dee9924b5070ce4c3af6653afbbac058a702dc1338ef3e66a3fa67076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

means you got a nice face

just get big if you want girls to like you

cultivate some mass

>> No.9603638

b-but all of my jeans are sized for a 28" waist

>> No.9603652
File: 629 KB, 575x804, 1328143972006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Always been called pretty and effeminate, after lifting girls openly want to fuck.

Their ovaries react to masculine traits.

>> No.9603672

I know that feel mane

>> No.9603719

I've always wanted to cop a starfleet uniform shirt, could you pull it off if people didn't really notice it?

I take it future-core is already a thing and looks ridiculous?

>> No.9603727
File: 138 KB, 579x570, 1393434840447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have an incredibly acute sense of reading people's thoughts, intentions, and motives which helps save me from becoming a victim, and prevents me from getting fucked over to lied to on a daily basis but people resent you for it, and you therefore are unable to maintain close, meaningful relationships with anybody for an extended period of time.

it may sound pretentious and arrogant as fuck, but anybody else who feels this way can immediately sympathize with me because you know it's both a blessing and a curse

>> No.9603734


>magical mind-reading powers

Enjoy your schizotypy, you fucking headcase. You are not a special snowflake, you're just a pathetic avoidant loser.

>> No.9603739

True, it can be a challenge, but I use it to my advantage? Why don't you?

>> No.9603746

>I've always wanted to cop a starfleet uniform shirt, could you pull it off if people didn't really notice it?

Yeah, because nobody's going to notice.

>> No.9604107

>relaxed face looks like id kill someone
but people call cute and stuff
just look happy and b optimistic a bit more bro
plus, since ur good looking, u cant look that terrifying when calm

>> No.9604117

turn right on google

>> No.9604290
File: 23 KB, 300x279, Super Cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a girl said I look like a manly druid.

>> No.9604409

Okay listen up , the reason they do that is because they want you to make an ass out of yourself while picking them up
Just walk over there and start talking bullshit
At first I thought that you'd have to be suave and good a picking up girls , and guess what ?
You dont , all you have to do is just keep the conversation going and say witty shit

Before I started working in a bar I was really shy.

>> No.9604417

protip : don't drink for confidence , let the girls do the drinking instead
Obviously not daterapey drunk but just enough for you to be able to lead the conversation

>> No.9604433

this sounds like you might need help

>> No.9604449
File: 17 KB, 336x340, 1419439602551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9604459

i have a little bit of this but not as bad as you
im sorry dude

>> No.9604546

Not that kind of wizard m8.

>> No.9604694

What a shitty flat ass

>> No.9604713

Veins are one of the most prominent fetish for women in Japan

>> No.9604729

You spilled spaghetti internally but still delivered that line? Nice cool bro

>> No.9604741

Jesus fucking christ, do you guys have zero fucking confidence? I've seen tons of butt-ugly guys, but because they are confident they walk around with at least 7-8/10 gfs and they are like 3/10 themselves. Look's isnt everything, even though it makes it easier at times.

>> No.9604743
File: 18 KB, 364x350, 1426792254755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endlessly hit on and complimented online
>repulse everyone IRL

I have no fucking clue what I'm doing wrong. I keep hygiene, and don't sound like a complete retard. Fuck, I don't know if I'll ever figure it out.

>> No.9604746

>stopped getting compliments after you turned 18
>tfw you look worse than you did when you were a teenager

>> No.9604747

>tfw been jokingly hitting on Inga Copeland after her gig
I guess I'm making it

>> No.9604751

Every time i chatroulette people tell me i look like Matt Damon or Leonardo Dicaprio, it is rather odd
Never been told i resemble those 2 actors irl.
Can post photos if requested

>> No.9604754

Exactly , some men have shitty mentality , they want to be that " special flower " that girls pick over every other guy.
That's how women should think not men you idiots , if you want her go talk to her , otherwise keep wasting your time trying to get the perfect look that you'll never get.

>> No.9604756

Haven't seen that much egoism inflicted self-delusion in one post for a long time.

>> No.9604776

It's called " Emotional intelligence " - or at least in my language , I've had a book covering that subject completely , some are born good with numbers and calculations , some are born good with emotions.
But no , that doesnt make you a special snowflake or a supernatural faggot , a lot of people have this too and most of women as well

>> No.9604806


>> No.9604812
File: 516 KB, 948x968, InstaSize_2015_2 _ 232489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9604872

>tfw low self esteem and self conscious as fuck
>be me riding the bus
>no one ever sits next to me unless the seat next to me is the very last to get filled
>tfw sometimes even when the bus is filled to the max no one wants to sit next to me

I think I'm ugly as shit or look creepy/psychotic. It feels bad man.

>> No.9604880

u look like neither

post front face pic u aspie

>> No.9604896

Holy shit, shave your sideburns.

>> No.9604899
File: 76 KB, 678x700, Screenshot_2015-03-23-14-56-48_1427115455373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why it is rather odd

>> No.9604904


you are probably just the first person they have seen with an actual haircut. don't worry though, the fuccboi cut will spread through your flyover state like wildfire soon

in other news, what the fuck is going on with this thread? this shit is straight up autistic. success with women has a lot less to do with straight up physical attractiveness and a lot more to do with personal attractiveness. ugly guys that aren't worried about being /fa/ are successful with women because their personality comes through and their autismwear doesn't get in the way.

mixing your fashion interests with your thirst for females is pleb shit, enjoy what you like and find a girl who respects you for it

>> No.9604913

Bullshit. Physical attractiveness is important. If you are good looking you can get away with being a sperg. Ugly nontalkative guys are creeps, attractive nontalkative guys are mysterious, etc. You get the idea.

>> No.9604920

I guess I can see Matt Damon, but not DiCaprio. Also, do you use anything in your hair?

>> No.9604923

>this fucking guy

>> No.9604924

well then you fucking retard how can we answer that if i we no idea what you look like. dont ask stupid questions bro

>> No.9604926

Not in those two pics i didn't, but when i use some i use mroom wax, p nice.

>> No.9604932

Fuck man I know this feel everyday of my life

>> No.9604948

You're a retard who has never left your home then.

>> No.9604952


>> No.9604953

some of you guys are fucking aspies hey. You dont have to be the apex of physical attraction for people to be attracted to you, if yr generally an interesting/intelligent person, confident and not socially retarded you'll get far more attention. just stay chill and play it cool brehs

>> No.9604957


>> No.9604966

>tfw when mixed hispanic/german good looking dude but short as fuck
oh well, at least i got high cheekbones and my brow games on point, still manage to mess around with hella older chixx despite the fact i look 2 years younger than i am. doesnt really make sense considering all their friends/previous bf's look a lot older than me, *shrugs*

>> No.9604967

>used to be hella thirsty liking girls' posts on instagram
>texted with a few regularly, they called me cute, attractive, hot, etc.
>delete all social media
>no more bitches to text


>> No.9604972

Also if you're ugly , dress better , get better haircut , groom yourself , hit the gym.
It's not about how beautiful you look , it's about showing that you can take care of yourself therefore can take care of others.

>> No.9604974

>If you are good looking you can get away with being a sperg.
yes this is true
>Ugly nontalkative guys are creeps
if they're creepy yeah
>attractive nontalkative guys are mysterious
yes, but you have to be very attractive

my point was that being outgoing and personable will get you further (sexually speaking) than being attractive, so there's no reason to give up on the opposite sex just because you aren't god-tier attractive

on the other hand, i am super attractive, and i still don't bother chasing girls because that shit is lame. i keep to myself, i like what i like, and if i meet a girl that interests me i will show her my interest and continue on if it's not returned

>> No.9604981


>tfw when I'm just Hispanic and I look less ugly than the Mexican average.

>> No.9604985

could you post pic? im curious, im actually mixed south american

>> No.9604988

>mfw i'm hispanic and people think i'm armenian

>> No.9604994

Are you finnish?

>> No.9604997

Yes. Why?

>> No.9604999

now that you have left humanity behind. You have to look up Rick, have a threesome with him and his wife for a modeling job.

>> No.9605003


>Grew medium length hair
>Instantly praised for being handsome

>> No.9605042

When i looked at the thumbnail, I thought that was a reflection

>> No.9605310
File: 5 KB, 208x250, 1398283492279s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people call you cute but your self esteem is to low to think they're telling the truth

>> No.9605355
File: 42 KB, 617x335, 1425673695214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my relaxed face looks like I'd kill someone
iktfb just try to smile all time

>> No.9605360
File: 41 KB, 574x574, crying_dean_logo_by_flederhosen-d5vqtjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my therapist compliments my outfit
>tfw not sure if she was just lying to make me feel better about myself

>> No.9605776

>tfw a legit model-tier girl said i was a 4.8/5
>tfw i get compliments from girlfriends and mates alike
>tfw virgin and never been in a relationship
why live, i'm not even that /fa/ yet ;__;

>> No.9605790

How old are you?

>> No.9605808

19 in 3 weeks, lel
and i'm not even kidding
The chick i mentioned first i met on valentine's day. Had some pretty rough but passionate 2 weeks with her, only met her once after that though as she lived 100km away. Shame that we didn't fuck when I visited her, she literally was perfect for my taste.

>> No.9605819
File: 309 KB, 466x472, feelsgoodmane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my tailor thought I was an artist
>i'm an engineer

>> No.9605876

That's not bad. Are you going to uni? At my uni I see everyone from slut to conservative, or rather innocent looking people. Just try to talk people. Based on what you said, you shouldn't have a hard time, unless you're trying to find a meaningful relationship

>> No.9606182

i wasnt drinking for the confidence tho, i was drinking to have a good time. unfortunately i was all hopped up on amphetamines + running on like no sleep over the previous two days so i didnt even feel the alcohol until it was too late :/

i was proud of myself but at the same time did the biggest internal cringe of my fucking life lol

>> No.9606191

>my tailor doesn't think I have autism
>but I do have autism

Nice one.

>> No.9606192


that's the definition of taking a stimulant and drinking. beyond fucked up blackout and only realize the shipping is sinking far too late. people die from this frequently. don't mix adderall and alcohol, trust me.

>> No.9606236

this was like 18ish mo ago and at the time i was also taking daily adderall+ssri's and smoking ~2g of weed a day in addition to getting shitfaced drunk every weekend. the scene in that one bradley cooper adderall movie reminds me so much of what being on adderall and drinking was like it was eerie, you just keep going and going with no idea what happened afterwards

anyway ya im definitely aware was doing all that for about a year straight but im passed all that now.

>> No.9606257
File: 137 KB, 803x688, 1426066865811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here but for trains
if i knew what the problem was then maybe

>> No.9606285
File: 25 KB, 395x273, 1337955211520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt cougar with bangin' body I'm fucking tells me that I'm so handsome and good looking while I'm pounding her brains out

>> No.9606339

Probably because you are autistic

>> No.9606372
File: 111 KB, 446x446, newmrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you renounce all forms of worldly pleasure and embrace the perfection of virginity so that you may better serve God

>> No.9606388

>tfw i dont believe i will every know this feel

>> No.9606442

>tfw naturally effeminate and only guys find me attractive

>> No.9607179
File: 204 KB, 435x428, 1400735913029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u jack off thinking about a actual cougar

>> No.9607354


you're just paranoid dude. theres a lot of good people in your life that probably arent trying to fuck you over.

but its tough to get over being suspicious of other people because theres probably a little bit of projecting going on

laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.

>> No.9607362

bby don't hurt me

>> No.9607384
File: 75 KB, 390x750, 1415556963839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got a letter from the admissions department for the college i want to transfer to saying they need the final grades from my current semester to decide whether or not to admit me.
>Basically saying no you aren't good enough for merit alone, so you are only getting in if you meet the transmission requirement

feels bad man

>> No.9607393

>tfw had a three way with my old manager the other day with my best fried, but she told me I was gorgeous

>> No.9607544
File: 864 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20150210_215136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for post this really late.

>My skin is shit

>> No.9607653

Is this recent? Pls shave and pluck your brows

>> No.9607664

cute boy

>> No.9607704
File: 15 KB, 316x202, 165453658668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realised your parents friends stopped asking how you were or what you were up to because they know

>> No.9607754

No, it have like 3 months, so I already shaved.


>> No.9607836

>people compliment me all the time
>wake up in mornings and look at mirror
>fucking goblin motherfucker uneven skin tone ugly ass


>> No.9607900
File: 14 KB, 245x205, 134576768799894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a rapper wants to take a picture with you last night cause youre cute and posts it on their instagram

>> No.9607927

>tfw spring break was last week
>tfw got a dece haircut
>tfw today this okay-looking girl asked how was my spring break, almost spontaneously
>tfw I've rarely talked with her before, only spouting absolute pseudo-intellectual bullshit when we had to do group work, she and I and like 5 other people
>tfw she isn't really my type yet I'm still very attracted to her
>tfw just got mad when she spoke to me, and just said how I did literally nothing
I think what's happened is "normcore" got too deep into my head, and now I'm trying to be as Average as possible, to the point that I refuse to be attracted to for the reason that it would suggest I am Above Average to someone

>> No.9607946
File: 110 KB, 453x567, 1406086716021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've received a few compliments out of the blue before. Stuff like:

>you have amazing eyebrows
>you have really nice features
>you're attractive in a unique way
>how go you have such nice skin?
>don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're gorgeous

>mfw 4 of the above were said to me by men
>mfw a grill I bang sometimes asked me if I was gay
>mfw I'm a hetero guy

>> No.9607996

pure autism

>> No.9608150


>> No.9609105

Link that shit

>> No.9609150

We can tell our own. Nyt vittu

>> No.9609255

>you're attractive in a unique way

Same thing was said to me, I had no idea what to think about it though.. It's like saying you're fucking weird looking but it's somehow become a good thing for you.

>> No.9609263
File: 163 KB, 1024x768, 1414338538038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw been called that
tfw still nobody wants to get too close to you because they just lie straight into your face when they say shit like that

>> No.9609532

>tfw complimented all the time but always think people are just being nice
i think have some serious confidence issues or something

>> No.9609541

Get called good looking / cute by white girls, handsome / beautiful by asian women and I don't really have much involvement with black girls. I constantly get admiring glances from females, especially ones a few years older, the problem is part autism part im a pretty terrible person, hard life.

>> No.9610108

lmao manlet

>> No.9610121

>Go to hairdressers
>"How was school today?"

>> No.9610137

I dont wanna link it here for obvious reasons but i could send u it. whats your skype or twitter or whatever?

>> No.9610140

My mom does that too :^)

>> No.9610153

You're like 40

>> No.9610158

That happens to me every time I get a facial or my nails done.
>so you're on March break?
No, I haven't been on march break in five years.

>> No.9610179
File: 44 KB, 540x540, 1422973683064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw permanent youth-face
>try to grow a beard to look less young but it always looks gross
>tfw forever stuck answering the door and having people ask if my parents are home

>> No.9610187

I was at Costco in September.
The cashier asked me how high school was going and how many years I had left.
I'm 20.

>> No.9610376

looking good op ;>

>> No.9610414

lol, you're still a child

>> No.9610489

this to some extent but not really
20 isn't exactly old

>> No.9610497

>be me
>roll up into Morrisons
>gotta cop those chicken bites
>girls behind me in queue
>ugly one smiles at me
>look straight past and catch eye of best-looking one
>exchange smile
>ugly girl looks suicidal
>buy my chicken
>go outside
>they are standing a group outside
>walk past
>hear one say 'he's really hot'
>hear them all agreeing
>enjoy my chicken
>feels good man

>> No.9610528

>tfw always get called good looking
>tfw not sure if that girl you have feelings for really likes you for who you are or just because your are good looking

>> No.9610533

Yeah i actually agree with the child statement. I'm not going to act like I'm grown and have my shit together.

>> No.9610539

> be me running today
> overtake qt grill and her mother
> After 3km i turn and tun back home
> meet them Again, this time i see their faces
> both smile at me, grill checks my body out
> feels good

>> No.9610541
File: 21 KB, 460x337, 1343368391664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to hairdresser
>he's chill, very good hairdresser
>talk a bit but he knows im fairly quiet
>he was initially surprised when i said i didnt go clubbing or to parties

>> No.9610935

Never been called handsome/good-looking/cute/attractive by a grill but my (overwhelmingly straight) male friends all say I'm good-looking or handsome and joke about it. They are serious when they say it though, they genuinely believe grills should be throwing their legs open for me. I don't get it. Does it mean I'm androgynous and they're mistaking feminine features for attractiveness in a male?

>> No.9610956

I got called handsome by
my mother
My hairdresses (40 yo woman)
my moms friend
3 girls back when I was 15 yo

>> No.9610976

>fingolians was not a meme

>> No.9612054

>dress like angsty goth ravers
>surprised when people think you look bad

/fa/ everyone

>> No.9612080



>> No.9612090


tryin too hard bruh - tyrone

>> No.9612094


ur a lame

>> No.9612102


why u lying this didnt happen in morrisons all there is in morrisons is old people

>> No.9612114
File: 579 KB, 609x610, 1426286694690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told I look like a model all the time
>tfw actually 7/10 with slight acne that never ends, just tall
>tfw can't seem to get myself under 14%bf

>> No.9612119

For reference I'm a good friend of Frida: both of you are insane creeps. Versace has the upper hand since he's 14 and hasn't posted a picture of himself standing next to women, but then again he is 14 and an idiot, so he probably will as soon as he can.

>> No.9613354
File: 6 KB, 184x184, a7451d65ee3b1fedf853126e1e26a3e7fcb40687_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur cute anon :)
just kill me

>> No.9613467

Underrated comment