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File: 162 KB, 1024x575, 1426871832846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9592554 No.9592554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at those AF1s

>> No.9592567


>> No.9592579

Is this in Florida?

>> No.9592607

What does this have to do with AF1s?

>> No.9592627
File: 189 KB, 500x300, streetfighterintro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9592633
File: 10 KB, 157x158, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9592637
File: 42 KB, 605x532, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this....is the power...of the white man...

>> No.9592642

>tfw no one in the intro is a character you can use

>> No.9592646

Fuck the AF1's, that white dude know's what he's doing. Look at the way his elbow is bent, he could either could have thrown more force behind that punch or is about to. Guard up with open palms to catch an ungloved punch. Good body torsion too.

his elbow is bent in a way so

>> No.9592650
File: 469 KB, 480x228, Laughing-Thunderbirds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akhsfd hlkasdkhf hlkasd fhdkhkl

>> No.9592663

is there a video of this caucasian sensation?

>> No.9592674
File: 2.49 MB, 1864x2216, Danny_DeVito_by_Gage_Skidmore (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High tier kek

>> No.9592677
File: 141 KB, 363x213, at3BiZf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9592683
File: 40 KB, 640x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9594229

Yup, decently put together fit imo


>> No.9594351

hey what the fuck, guy jumpin in at the end
no fair m8

>> No.9594370

shut the fuck up cracker

>> No.9594389

just poor fighting ethics, 1 v 1 not 1 v 1 + 1

>> No.9594520

fuck off you nigger cunt.

>> No.9594542

what a great thread, i love the racism and i really love the lad posting the epic danny devito meme pictures and my favourite 4chan may may "kek" it makes me LOL every time.

>> No.9594546

tiny dick cracker stay mad

>> No.9594547

Wow they weren't kidding when they said blacks took over pcb.

>> No.9595075

>tfw crept is a nerd loser who plays vidya
you're never gonna make it manlet

>> No.9595099


>> No.9595100 [DELETED] 

thats standard nigger behavior, they're poor fighters for the most part, their muscles are also more water than anything, its the way they evolved. their bones are weak and so are their spirits.

niggers are cowards too, dont let their monkeying around fool you.

>> No.9595103

shut up faggot

>> No.9595109 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 635x325, niggers out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these comments, the world is waking up.this guy is right btw that fucking monkey was trying to position himself to king hit the white guy from the outset, from the looks of it the white guy no only recovered from the cowardly attack but was about to throw the nigger before the video ended.

niggers are weak lads, dont let anyone tell you different.

>> No.9595125
File: 40 KB, 605x279, how oppa sarang my koreaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But your issues with Blacks aren't fueled out of some sense of moral superiority...

you're a typical sadist

focing his sadistic tendencies on others

you cannot sympathize, you can only hate. meaninglessly. what a sad life you must lead. You'll be in your late 40s, alone, chain smoking in some dingy apartment one day. Apathetic and empty.You're sabotaging yourself at this point more than the minorities you claim to loathe with such ardor.

>> No.9595126

what would you do if a black guy made fun of your clothes in public? would you shoot him or what

>> No.9595162 [DELETED] 

why would i sympathise with niggers?

>> No.9595165 [DELETED] 

ignore it, niggers arent worth the time, unless he physically threatened me.

>> No.9595176

sympathize with them because they're human too. they falter, just like you.

what purpose does your intolerance serve? Why go to such lengths to essentially dehumanize and reduce an entire subset of people to an ugly caricature? To make you seem better by comparison? The only one deserving of an objurgation is you.

>> No.9595179


That is the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic. It's exactly like the Street Fighter intro.

>> No.9595184
File: 919 KB, 245x127, i-m out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9595185

most poor people from the hood do that shit

they have no concept of honor and fair fight

they let their emotions just run wild

>> No.9595222

>poor fighters
they are like the top in every fighting sport in almost every weight division except flyweight cuck shit that the spics and crackers do ok in (the can have it lol)

>> No.9595224

get in a fight with a group of pissed ozzy bogans if u want to see real cowardly and shit fighting

>> No.9595229 [DELETED] 

no they arent, you can readily google this. sorry nigger, your race is pathetic.

>> No.9595235

you google it
sorry you are so butt blasted by the truth
almost every sport on earth is dominated by blacks. they are just genetically better at it

>> No.9595242 [DELETED] 
File: 2.50 MB, 354x360, 1417165345281.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



one nigger occupies the top spot

see this is why you dont succeed monkey man, you're dumb.

enjoy the vid btw, nigger :)

>> No.9595253

im not a monkey man. im a human being
it sure is funny making you waste your time googling links for me (im not opening them by the way) tee hee

>> No.9595269 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 416x300, og rapper pride hell ye hella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a human being
funniest post on 4chan dude

not even niggers believe they're human, why would they?

>> No.9595273
File: 116 KB, 500x266, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9595274

Where can I watch the original?

>> No.9595285

hes australian bruv. this turd probably hasnt held a gun in his life

>> No.9595310

im taller and stronger and better looking than you so I guess if I am a monkey it makes u a rat or something, which is what u look like btw , Sicilian ass motherfucker

>> No.9595324

How tall are you

>> No.9595335 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 540x448, lynching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no tears
only bananas now

>> No.9595363

wow i would be scared walking in that crowd, so many blacks

then again, i live in a country with a low black population

>> No.9595641

He's about to get fucked up as well towards the end, though.

>> No.9595650

White guys dominate the heavy weight divisions in most martial arts.

>> No.9595716

>has never seen a nigger fight on youtube

This happens every time.
>white guy and black guy square off
>start fighting
>white guy looks like he'll win
>out of nowhere 3 niggers with baseball bats start beating the white guy.

>> No.9595717

confirmed for never having been in a fight

only the most deluded of man-children believe a fight is about honour its about making sure you and sometimes your friends dont get fucked up and that can mean teaming up and/or fighting dirty

>> No.9595735

>ganging up on some douche bag at PCB surrounded by people just b/c you're afraid to back down in front of some slut

confirmed for nig or spic

>> No.9595742

mixed martial arts contests are rigged. u really think fedor was that good? white people win because the viewers are mostly white.
it might as well be WWE

>> No.9595747
File: 25 KB, 416x300, og rapper pride hell ye hella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers really are stupid arent they?

pic related

a nigger

>> No.9595755
File: 92 KB, 92x447, ghaynegro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9595822

>nigger jumps him after his monkeychum friend gets destroyed
>looks like hes about to get destroyed too anyway

>> No.9595831

Kek isn't a 4chan may may, retard.

>> No.9595834

ok /fa/ so i think we've reached a stage where 80% of the board hates pigfuck, and i feel like the retard is starting to get the idea that he isn't welcome.

how do we further expand our anti pigface effort? invade pugfick threads where the idiot tends to shitpost, and spam and derail them, viciously attack any piggy supporters that post in WAYWT threads with cuck memes and offensive jpegs, anyone you see using the word 'nigger' remind them that they are literally dumber than corn.

any other suggestions welcome.

keep up the good work, lets help one another rid the board of this monkey madness.

>> No.9595845

>4chan meme
how to spot a newfag in 1 easy step

>> No.9595964

You need a couple of racists to keep away plebs and SJW's from further shitting up 4chan. Pigfuck probably stops a good chuck of MFA redditors from lurking the board on a regular basis

>> No.9596045

WBA heavyweight super champion: Wladimir Klitschko
WBA heavyweight world champion Ruslan Chagaev
IBF heavyweight champion: Wladimir Klitschko
WBO heavyweight champion: Wladimir Klitschko

WBC cruiserweight champion: Grigory Drozd
WBA cruiserweight champion: Denis Lebedev
WBO cruiserweight champion: Marco Huck

WBA light heavyweight super champion: Sergey Kovalev
WBA light heavyweight world champion: Jurgen Brahmer
IBF light heavyweight champion: Sergey Kovalev
WBO light heavyweight champion: Sergey Kovalev

All white guys

>> No.9596212

He wasn't referring to a specific case. His point is that if you see your friend getting fucked up to a major degree and looks like he's going to get his face curb stomped into the pavement, you should probably help. If your friend gets knocked out and the guy who knocked him out backs up knowing he did what he had to, you shouldn't jump in.