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File: 58 KB, 380x373, stock-illustration-22476995-barber-giving-haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9592487 No.9592487 [Reply] [Original]

How is your job?

I'm a 22y old guy and it's taken me 2 years of majoring in history at university and 1 year of 'higher trade school' programming to realize that I don't like any of this and I just want something chill and manual

Hairdressing is one of the things that look enjoyable, I've never really cared about fashion aside from taking care of myself, but cutting hair to people looks like a relaxing job and I figure it can't be hard, just need lotta practice.

Are there any hairdressers in here? can you give me some advice and tell me how it went for you? how hard was it to find a job? do you have your own saloon or work for someone else?

>> No.9592505

Sorry OP I don't have an answer to your questions but I just want to bump and monitor this thread because I have been feeling the same way lately.

I probably won't go through with it because I live in a *kind of* small town (30k people) and it it's hardly the trendiest of places. Pretty rough people etc. so opening an old school men's grooming barber business doesn't seem to make sense. There are already 2 here and they just do the typical basic £10 walk-in bullshit.
Plus it seems these days in Britain fucking everyone is opening a hair salon, nail studio or whatever.

But anyway, like I said, just bumping this thread out of interest

>> No.9592539

Gotta start somewhere bub.

>> No.9592590

This happened in my town recently, endless barbers. There's been 2 as long as I remember that are popular as hell and new ones comes and go every 6 months or so. Recently a 'Turkish' barber opened. I wasn't sure that was a thing and there aren't that many turks in my town apart from the kebab shop it's next to. Used to be an 'American' nail place ran by possible Vietnamese.

>> No.9592932

OP here, opposite here, I live in a huge city and there's barbers/stylists in every single fucking corner, it makes me wonder how they stay alive. The thing is pakis and chinks are doing shitty cuts for way cheaper than usual and apparently it's making a dent.

>> No.9592949

Do you live in Germany?

>> No.9593017

The place is go to is the second oldest one, 2 Italian brothers in their 40s run in and the next step down from them is 2 other brothers in their 20s from a few towns away, soundest place ever pretty sure it's a front for drug dealing, mysterious men always walking into the back then never leaving and they only accept cash

And OP I went off on a tangent, if you cut hair and cut hair well you'll just be known as a chill guy, everyone's bro, totally different to kids that were like 15 at school that aspired to cut hair got called gay. Now in my early 20's barbers get such respect.


>> No.9593044
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>> No.9593054

gay job
never /fa/
but it's an okay job to have if you just wanna become a wage slave
I'm going to become a guy nurse (muh sides are gone too so don't give me "lols" "lmaos")
basically I be a registered poop cleaner and sheet changer for good 40 years but hey I will make enough money to buy enough drinks to forget I'm a nurse

>> No.9593410
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that honestly made me feel sad and hopeless

personally i was planning on doing something related to tech like game design or coding or something like that, that has decent benefits and will always have work and a good salary,
but ive always been pretty good at drawing and felt like it was one of the few things i was better than most ppl at and i really enjoyed it and all my friends and family said i should be a tattoo artist growing up, but i realized early on that i couldnt be rich and carefree if i did anything to do with art, and considering im not very smart i didnt have alot of options, but recently i decided id try actually being a tattoo artist since
1) you dont have to pay money for school
2) you only apprentice for a yr or 2

one thing i will ALWAYS remember my business teacher in HS told me
>"find something that you love to do and are passionate about, because you dont want to get up every morning for 60yrs hating your life and your job"

ive seen waaaaaay too many ppl that are like that, getting up every morning for their whole lives hating where their life is and their shitty unfullfilling job, then they die and they didnt go after their dreams or do what they were passionate about and honestly enjoyed.
and i think i could wake up in the morning and be pretty happy and fullfilled drawing art on ppl's bodies that will stay with them for their whole lives,and slowly perfecting my craft, and maybe open my own shop as well as travel around the world doing tattoos where i stay,
instead of sitting in a cubicle typing all day workin for that cheque idk..

>ps my mom is also a hairdresser and isnt rich, so if you do it you have to make sure you really enjoy it or else have some investments and maybe learn a craft to make money on the side

>> No.9594770

It's tiresome, stressful, and a lot of work. I'm a full time stylist working in tv/print and behind the chair 3 days a week. If your truly passionate about it then go for it and follow your dreams. But if not then Id consider other jobs.

>> No.9595026

its worth it and will set u up for life

high end salons
fuck barbers

get ur foot in the door and get an apprenticeship dont go to a private institute for it

its hard work u will do long hours

u will work with a lot of women u will think this is a plus at first because more than not u will be working along side of some fine ass fashionable hunnies but as a junior u will take the full force of the workplace bitchstorms and pent up estrogen

male hairstylists are reasonably uncommon and go very far in the industry

>> No.9595429

I imagine working for tv must be really stressful although it probably pays really well, what about in saloons/shops? Is it the same?

Your advice is to strive for high end saloons? What's wrong about barbers?
I'll look into the apprenticeship, my options were trade school or private academies for which I dont have the cash.

>> No.9595508

personal bias nothings wrong with it

metropolitan barber culture leaves a foul taste in my mouth its like reddit meets world but a lot of guys go straight into barbering

however there isnt much money in barbering compared to high end salons
men as clientele are different to women and i wouldn't expect a cornershop barber to open any doors into editorial work and runway styling if that appeals to you

not sure about trade school but private academies are looked down on as a waste of money compared to apprenticeships
it will be hard to get a break without some experience in a salon or knowing someone etc but it is the way to go

>> No.9595875

it'll be a couple of months until I start if I end up going down this path, can you recommend some resources to get a complete beginner on the road and not be absolutely clueless?

>> No.9595885

reddit meets world is killer, i cant stop.

>> No.9596423

Well your prospects on becoming a male nurse is not good seeing that's not even what nurses do. Unless you mean cna, but that's not being a nurse.

>> No.9597588

I guess I'll go talk to my barber but I haven't been there ever since I started cutting my own hair (buzzin it saves money yo)

>> No.9598676

Hairstylists have to go to school and get certified to cut hair right? I feel like a lot of those chain places have the shittiest people who can't cut worth shit.

>> No.9598720

>Are there any hairdressers in here?
I have few connections who are in the business. The field leaves a lot of money, depending on the area where it is located. First start small like most did, make friends it is all about connections. Get a fresh cut, and go to the location you want to work for do not ask for jobs, because they will close the doors at you. Remember friends first, talk to them and be friendly with everyone, one day jump there with your kit and say hey did you know I am also a barber, can you let me work here for some time. gain experience and talk to your clients, they might follow you to wherever you relocate. By the way, practice with your friends before going for real just because you give Josh and dope cut doesn't mean you will do the same to Peter, the last thing you want to do is screw up Tyrone fresh cut.

depends on the type of salon, most of small salons don't require, if you show your skills to the owner you will pretty much get instant hired.

>> No.9598966

>depends on the type of salon, most of small salons don't require, if you show your skills to the owner you will pretty much get instant hired.

the older generations dont always have certs but in this day and age you really do need it

certified or not you are unlikely to get hired on the spot because most salons do not want wages

they will only take you as a contract/renter with an existing clientele

its irrelevant whether you can cut hair or not if you are trying to get an apprenticeship because you wont be going anywhere near a pair of scissors as a junior

be keen, look the part and have some idea how a salon/barber runs

>> No.9601090

you pretty much need a license in my country, apprenticeships aren't a thing here, though you do start as an apprentice once you get your license