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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.49 MB, 1800x1200, hender scheme bieber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9586120 No.9586120 [Reply] [Original]

Is Hender Scheme dead?

>> No.9586126

nah, he has a stylist with google alerts set to "expensive sneakers"

>> No.9586127

if you think Bieber has a stylist you need to take a second look at the shit he wears

>> No.9586130

there are good stylists and bad stylists

biebers image has been calculated since day one dont kid yourself

>> No.9586140

bieber is a big brand. the way he's been dressing has been a PR disaster for years. if that was a paid stylist they would have been fired by his managers years ago. the only plausible explanation is that, like many other teenage narcissists, he likes buying trendy cool clothing, and isn't very good at pulling it off

>> No.9586145

nevermind, I did some googling. holy shit they suck at their jobs though


>> No.9586162

>like many other teenage narcissists, he likes buying trendy cool clothing, and isn't very good at pulling it off

you've hit the nail on the head anon, but let me correct it by adding that
>he, like other ignorant narcissists, thinks that since something's grossly marked up in order to limit the number of people who can afford it then it must surely be the best thing to flaunt his wealth with

There's plenty examples of that here.

>> No.9586171

in some ways that makes it worse. If Hender Scheme is picking up enough steam to catch on with stylists in Hollywood, that signals the death of their look much sooner

good thing I didn't buy in on this shit back when it was cool and new, because it got old fast

>> No.9586175

all facade and no substance

>> No.9586176

>stylists don't dress every celebrity in rick owens, raf simons
>they must suck at their jobs hurr durr

>> No.9586181

>all my clothes must be obscure and unheard of outside the internet

>> No.9586189
File: 509 KB, 640x960, justin-bieber-1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stylists don't dress this celebrity in rick owens, raf simons
>they must be good at their jobs

>> No.9586193
File: 179 KB, 620x930, m-JUSTIN-620x930c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586198
File: 64 KB, 396x583, Justin-Bieber-Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586202
File: 134 KB, 600x996, ffn_bieber_justin_socks-ove-or-loathe-may-16-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586212
File: 115 KB, 634x1024, justin bieber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586213
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F5ef6fbaae1851864dcc304b991dff538%2Ftumblr_mjsevxshqP1s77ktao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you daft?


"rare", understated clothing communicates subculture membership

ostentatious basic bitch sweatshop crap signifies sheep mentality

you espose thought terminating cliches

so which category do you suppose you belong to?

>> No.9586219

I posted >>9586171 but tbh I don't want to be part of your "subculture" thanks

>> No.9586223

Everyone knows reeeee is a basic bitch who thinks too much of herself.

>> No.9586224
File: 115 KB, 634x1024, justin biebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586228


nothing can redeem that wreck of an outfit

why would anyone even think that repurposing parachutes into pants is a good idea?

>> No.9586231

>subculture membership
special snowflake syndrome

>> No.9586238

one of the most recognizable and successful musicians today

even if you or i don't give a fuck about the kid, there are millions of people who do

i would say he's doing okay

>> No.9586241

>special snowflake syndrome
nice dated meme you dip

>> No.9586244

i mean considering their job is dressing people, is it that terrible that they've heard of some japanese cobblers?

>> No.9586250

if you dress in any variation of pale/vaporwave/lunar/hobo-core clothing you are communicating that you are part of the subculture

>> No.9586266

I don't dress in any of those and I'm not part of your "subculture" nor should anyone want to be

>hey check out my sick palewave fit guys can you tell I'm from 4chan? I sure hope you can tell

most pathetic shit I've heard this week tbh

>> No.9586275

>dumbfuck who doesn't understand subcultures-core

>What is wonderful and empowering for this subculture—its reliance on individuality, on separation from the mass-marketed mainstream—is undercut as entry to the subculture is opened up to more people. Unfortunately, this is the fate of most youth subcultures.

>> No.9586285

I'm not sure if there has ever been a more hateable human being in history.

>> No.9586286
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F52a9432b3d838eae249e5204a4f9a230%2Ftumblr_n9kjveElzv1rmy2mbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's ok. I'm sure they don't want you.

>> No.9586287

it is so fucked up to define your "individuality" as reliant on a fucking group membership

>> No.9586314

but you are being part of a subculture when you decide to dress in a certain style, this is a way "to mount resistance" against the the powerful influential force of the mainstream. Supporting a small designer making unique pieces of clothing is a form of resistance.

Individualism is not defined by isolating yourself from others.

>> No.9586340

>avg height grown men looking down at him disappointed

>> No.9586343

itt ugly people hate on justin bieber.(fit in OP's pic is pretty /fa/)

so much jealousy towards this guy.

>> No.9586348

slick normcore in the background

>> No.9586352

I have no reason to envy him. I'm not even a dude.

Do you?

>> No.9586367

Im not really a JB hater or anything, but I will say his schenanigans that always seem to end up in the public eye never fails to make me roll my eyes. He's a punk with a lot of money nothing more, nothing less. Hating on him is a waste of energy as with hating any celebrity for that matter.

>> No.9586368

complete quote by C. Tidwell:
>What is wonderful and empowering for this subculture—its reliance on individuality, on separation from the mass-marketed mainstream—is undercut as entry to the subculture is opened up to more people. Unfortunately, this is the fate of most youth subcultures. As they gain power, they are taken over and sold off to those who already hold the power, thus stripping the subculture itself of any power for its creators.

>> No.9587753
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, 88hk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters everywhere

>> No.9587990

id on sweater?

>> No.9588334

your whole idea of individualism as a kind of "resistance" against some mystical force called the "mainstream" is so deeply fucked that I don't know what to tell you

being an individual isn't about being part of a "resistance". the whole point of individualism is being able to resist the pressures of being limited by any kind of association. There are many varieties of "subcultures" that put themselves in opposition to the mainstream, but being a part of those subcultures risks limiting yourself in other ways. Being a Marxist may "liberate" you from some class ideologies, but when you're unconscious of the ways in which Marxism is not only a resistance of certain norms, but also an imposer of other ways of thinking, you risk losing an element of intellectual freedom by seeing the one particular form of groupthink as a kind of anti-groupthink resistance.

The mainstream is one culture. Any subculture is going to be another culture. Neither is a friend of individualism. There's nothing wrong with borrowing ideas from pre-existing cultures and subcultures -- nobody can invent for themselves a full and satisfying conception of self out of thin air. But you can diversify your sources. When you borrow your whole style, or any whole ethos, from one "subculture" with which you try to identify, you sacrifice the freedom you could have to mix elements of variegated cultures and subcultures, to resist and question the elements of the subcultures you borrow most from.

On a purely economic level, I can see what you mean about supporting designers who are outside the mainstream. But it doesn't need to be phrased in terms of membership of a "subculture". Supporting a small designer only to "mount resistance" against the mainstream is missing the point; the real point is to support the designer. The mainstream wouldn't seem an evil force if you didn't think that they threatened the designer's existence.

>> No.9588340

Doesn't this just speak to the reason that a stylized subculture isn't an effective form of empowerment in the first place?