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File: 150 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9583758 No.9583758 [Reply] [Original]

Are backpacks for manchildren?

>> No.9583761

They're for putting things in anon

>> No.9583767

What about beyond its mechanical function?

>> No.9583776

what about it?

>> No.9583788

They're for little school kiddies

>> No.9583789

they are not

>> No.9583792

Look at that dumbass

>> No.9583850

what do you use for books/papers/laptop/tablet?

>> No.9583875

prolly a purse

>> No.9583893

A messenger bag.

>> No.9583899

faggot detected

>> No.9583948


engineering student detected

>> No.9583977

>*tips hoodie with jeans*

>> No.9583979

Not comfortable.

>> No.9583983

that's beta af

>> No.9584021
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>not wearing a purse

>> No.9584030
File: 377 KB, 622x476, Your books and laptop will fit in this you faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584084

i really hope you're trolling

>> No.9584562

Those purses make the man look like a gigantic cocksucker faggot

>> No.9584646


[fedora tipping intensifies]

>> No.9584659

I use a backpack almost every day. I cycle everywhere and it holds all my shit.

>> No.9584680

Fuck messenger backs so hard. I wore one once for a year because I got tired of backpacks. Never again.

>if it's heavy it doesn't feel right
>bounces fuck everywhere if you let it swing in the slightest bit
>hits your knee like a medium sized dog is constantly following you everywhere trying to get in front of you
>looks autistic

>> No.9584700
File: 3.12 MB, 2754x1816, 20150306_192551-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat likes his Outdoor x Snoopy backpack

>> No.9584707
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That's really cute anon

>> No.9584718

sub$80 ones are

>> No.9584763

fabric hanbag masterrace reporting in

>> No.9584790

its also meant to fuck with your shoulders

>> No.9584795

kawai as fuck

>> No.9584799


>> No.9584830


>> No.9584853
File: 227 KB, 1000x1000, 1_209105_ZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking about getting jansport right pack but i dont really like the branding (i think u can sew it off easily tho)
is it a good backpack? any other recommendations for simple black backpack for cheap?

>> No.9584908
File: 73 KB, 890x537, man-messenger-bag-mens-satchel-messenger-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


messenger bags or satchels are just so silly to me and it's not even about the stupid "nice manpurse faggot" stigma

they're just not as nearly as comfy, they cause shoulder pain when you're carrying anything substantial and whenever I see a guy with one I can't help but think they're sacrificing practicality in some lame attempt at appearing sophisticated.

>> No.9584909

I have the eastpak padded pakr but they look ugly if its half full, u kinda have to stuff a thick hoodie in it for it look good.

>> No.9584936

>caring this much about branding

Its a backpack...

>> No.9584939

This is a fashion board...

>> No.9584960
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>> No.9584984

I use a messenger. It sucks in a lot of ways, but I can grab stuff out of it without taking it off though and that's pretty nice.

>> No.9585019

its not like its a huge task to swing a backpack off one shoulder and grab what you need and swing it back on

>> No.9585081

lmao why is everyone on effay worried about looking like a child or young or like a manchild, etc etc.

nigga. do you. lmao niggas always worried about what other niggas thinking. backpacks are made to hold your shit. simple. it doesnt make you a child. cmon op

>> No.9585134


I type like you're doing sometimes when I want to appear apathetic but typing with proper grammar and punctuation is just so much easier despite appearing forced.

>> No.9585163

Oh and you only wear clothes to stop you being naked right?

Stop typing like a nigger too

>> No.9585182


Stop being so fucking rude.

>> No.9585189
File: 111 KB, 900x900, classic-hemp-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I think you should drop the messenger and get a sling bag or a single strapped shoulder bag. Comfy as fuck, pic related is what I have

>> No.9585196

>sew it off

>> No.9585207
File: 112 KB, 675x900, holdall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sling bags or duffle bags.

>> No.9585225
File: 179 KB, 600x600, hab060703101_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting sling bags

>> No.9585228

Sowwy :(

Pls be fwend :3

>> No.9585235

i mean remove it

>> No.9585246

what is wrong with backpacks

>> No.9585288

great backpack, I used a razor blade to cut off the stitched logo patch and it was really easy, left no marks or indication that there was once a patch there. I have the dark navy one with the leather bottom, very comfortable and has a good shape to it

>> No.9585311
File: 9 KB, 223x200, 1361577345453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats retarded. Why would you go through so much effort just to have one strap less? If you fill that bag with some semi heavy stuff it will kill your back

>> No.9585324

Valid point, but the one I posted here >>9585189
transfers the weight evenly so it doesnt kill your back. I hate shilling but look up AmeriBag so you see what I mean

>> No.9585354
File: 67 KB, 570x500, Brothers-Bray-Co-Rucksack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of a backpack where the majority are made to look like they are for highschoolers and below, get an adult oriented rucksack

>> No.9585361

That looks like something my grandmother would wear

>> No.9585387
File: 56 KB, 560x546, e68ff707860900cd75bb0837399753a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your grandma sounds cool af, can I have her number?

>> No.9585393


>> No.9585624


It depends on what you're looking for/using it for. If you commute and spend your days out and about via bus, walking, working etc you might want something with more storage and better construction.

If you need a daypack to throw a light change of clothes and a netbook into, jansports are fine.

>> No.9585637

damn i have this exact shirt and backpack and I wore them together during a summer trip and I truly looked like a faggot

>> No.9585647

100%, and manchildren will defend it to the death.

>> No.9585674

This trend of carrying a weekender around with you during your daily life irks me. A duffel bag is really impractical for day to day use. There aren't usually any divided sections so everything's just floating around in there. Carrying a heavy bag around by the handles all day sucks and wearing the shoulder strap just looks silly. Anything a weekender bag has going for it could be done with a backpack or messenger bag. I guess they look cool, but it just comes off as so tryhard to me unless you're actually traveling.

>> No.9585676
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 220738_md[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brëtty gud

>> No.9585698

2001 eurotrash hair

>> No.9585846
File: 32 KB, 629x646, ssssssssure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently use this one for college, always carrying around a load of books so this keeps them from slumping around and crushing anything else I carry in there
Few more pockets than the usual backpack so it's good for when you wanna carry more stuff around
I dunno, for the price tag its pretty worth it for a bag that can carry more than most

>> No.9585930
File: 1.90 MB, 2560x1701, Tim Bihn Synapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about something of better quality?

>> No.9586104


>> No.9586135
File: 25 KB, 262x250, tmp_5020-1424385081655455492802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understood, i just wanted to point out that you are stupid.

>> No.9586141

fuck I love it
more cat pics please

>> No.9586151

Maybe you shouldn't be on a fashion board if you aren't willing to sacrifice a little bit of comfort/practicality for aesthetics.

>> No.9586158

Why? Because of a briefcase? Graduate high school before you voice your shitty opinions.

>> No.9586169

nah bro practicality first

>> No.9586174

what's in the backpack?

>> No.9586178

Not in the world of fashion.

>> No.9586207

Tissue paper to keep the shape
Srry anon I can't think of cool shit for him to walk around with

>> No.9586318

w2c those moc boots?

>> No.9587800

Is that 4 ladies only?

>> No.9587825 [DELETED] 

not when you don't have a car because you live downtown, only carry one if i know i'm gonna be staying somewhere else overnight or know itll be an all day type thing.

>> No.9587829

the only real alternative is satchels/messenger bags which are fucking awful fedora shit at this point

just make sure it's not some herschel "street fashion" shit and you should be good